Herefordshire Ornithologital Club


Together with Classified Notes for and Radnorshire

No. 10. Vol. I. Price" • Herefordshire Ornithological Club No. 10



Vice-Presidents P. W. HINDE, M.B.O.U. DR. C. W. ''\TALKER, M.C.

Chairman T. R. AMMONDS

Hon. Secretary and Editor R. H. BAILLIE, M.B.O.U.

Hon. Field Secretary C. J. BRECKNELL

Hon. Treasurer A. G. FYSHE



L. N.'L\l1\. 'rhe CIUtJ shail 1'<: ~alled the Herefordshire Ornithological Club.

2. OBJECTS. The objects of the Club shall be (a) to further the study of birds in the field, and (b) to assist in their preservation.

~. MEMBERSHIP. The Club shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Secretary, a Field Secretary, a Treasurer, an Editor aud Eight Comm­ ittee Members and Ordinary Members. The President and Chairman to retire after serving a term of three years. The Secretaries, the Trea­ surer and the Editor shall be elected annually. The two senior of the eight Ordinary Members of the Committee shall retire annually. The Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annn.ll General Meetiug and shall be eligible for re-election.

4. COC\"DITIONS OF MEMBl\RSHIP. Members shall be required to sup· port and keep. the provisions of the Protection of Birds .-\ct. 1954. Any membel's failing to support and keep this law shall be required to re­ sign. Members may not divulge to unauthorised persons (e.g. known collectors of skins and 101' eggs) infonnation in a manner likely to be detrimental 10 the objects of tbe Club.

5. SUBSCRIPTIONS. (a) Ordinary Members: 18 years of age or over 15s., payable on January 1st or on election to membership. Any additional members of a family after the first, 10s; such members receiving all privileges of full membership. Junior Members (t1l1der 18 but over 112 years of age), 7s. Gd. per annum, payable as above. Corporate Members: Kindred bodies, Schools, etc.: SubscriptJion oue guinea per annum. Honorary Members: As approved by the majority present at the Annual General Meeting. (b) All subscriptious, subsequent to those paid on admission, shall be due on January 1st each year. \Vhere a member has been elected on or after 1st September in any year, there will be no further liability to subscdbe in the year immediately following that of his or her elect'ou. Any Member whose subscription is six months in arrears shall cease to re, ceive the Club's publications and, should the subscription' not be paid by Deoember 31st, his or her name shall be deleted from the l1i·st of Membel'S.

G. M.-\:'\.-\GEMENT. The Secretary shall keep Minutes of the meetings and prepare such literature as shall keep Members informed of the Club's activities.

7. MEETINGS. Meetings shall be held as often as deemed desirable at the discretion of the Officers.

8. REPORT. There shall be an Editorial Committee of ;it least three Mem­ bers including the Secretary, appointed at an ord'inary Committee Meet­ ing. These shall prepare and present an Annual Report and snch special reports as may be decided upon.

9. ALTERATIO." OP RrLES. .-\n alteration of the Rnles may he made nnly if proposed at 011P l11eeting, printed on the agenda for the foiln wil1g llH'cting, antI pa~:secl hy a t\,·o-tl1irds 111al();-'ty q[ thll:T prc-~·:!lt. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB "ON. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT-YEAR TO 31st DECEMBEQ, 1960.

1959 RECEIPTS 1959 PAYMENTS £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18 4 8 To Balance, 1st jan., 1960 ...... --- -- By Balance 1st january, 1960 ... 2 11 10 " Proceeds of Sale of: 37 7 0 Duplicating Notices ...... 20 19 6 2 1 1 Annual Reports ...... 3 10 6 11 16 6 " Printing, Stationery & Bi ilposting ... 11 7 5 10 0 Herefordshire Birds '" ... 8 0 24 3 9 " Postages, Telephones & Cheque Book 15 0 4 15 0 Birds of ,Radnorshire ...... 1 2 4 45 0 0 " Printing Annual Report ...... 36 0 0 1 6 0 " Donations ...... 3 17 10 " Affiliation Subscriptions: 20 0 0 Subscriptions in advance " " ...... 22 7 6 1 0 0 Woolhope Naturalists 96 18 6 1960 ...... 105 12 0 Field Club ... 1 10 0 22 " " 8 6 " Receipts from Meetings ...... 24 3 6 2 0 0 Bri tish Trust for 1 8 6 Interest on £50 Defence Bonds, 5 % 2 10 0 Ornithology ... 2 0 0 2 11 10 " " Balance - Being Excess Expenditure 12 6 Birmingham and West over Income ... .. , ... 11 11 Midland Bird Club 12 6 10 0 British Natural ists' Association ... 10 0 0 0 Counci I for Nature ... 1 0 0 5 12 6 Donation to Kite Fund ... 1 0 0 2 2 4 Presentation to Mrs. Downes --- 39 12 0 " Meeting Expenses, Rentals & Charges 49 4 6 " Balance Carried Forward to 1961, being Subscriptions paid in advance 22 7 6 0 0 Balance Cash in Hand " 166 4 1 164 3 7 --166 4 1 164 3 7 Audited and found correct, A G. FYSHE, C. j. BRECKNELL. Hon. Treasurer. 30/1/61. 24/1/61. 320 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

CAPTAIN HUMPHREY ADAM GILBERT It is with the deepest regret that we r,ecord our loss' by death of Captain H. A. Gilbert, who was unanimously elected Priesident of the HerefordshiJ:1e OrnithologiQal Club at its first general meet­ ing in 19S1. Since that time his interest in, and s:upport for the Club has been unfaili,ng and invaluable. A lifelong naturalist with an unsurpassed knowledge of the ornithology of ­ shire and the W;elsh marches in particular, he will long be remem­ bered for the vehemenoe and originality of his views, and for the inimitable charm with which he expounded them both as a speaker and a writer. Like many other bird-lovers he had collected eggs in his: early days, but in 19321 he flCsigned from the British Oological Society as .a protest against the harm which he felt egg-oollel;:ting was doing to British ornithology-an example which was followed by others. Space wiLl not permit a full record ()if his vari'ed contriibutions to the study and protection of birds. With Colonel Macikworth­ Praed he organised the Orielton decoy as a station fOlr the study of duck-migration. With the late Arthur Brook he travelled far and wide, collecting material for his books: "Secrets of the Eagle and other Rare Birds'," "Secrets of Bird Life," and "vVatchings and Wanderings Among Birds," The official hand-list, "Here­ fordshire Birds," is based on his' intimate knowledge of our county's bird-life. r'dore necently his efforts to help the status of the Kite by importing Aedglings from Spain for liheration in Rad'lorshirf'. have been followed with the greatest interest by the meml:>ers of this Society. These and many other ornithological activities cons:tituted only one facet of his varied interests. He wlas a noted county crick­ eter, and was' twelfth man for .against the Australians in 1909, an authority on salmon fishing and an all-round Inaturalist and sportsman i,n all senses of the word. In all his activiti<2s' he was accompanied and supported by his wife, hprself an e~p('rt ornithologist and a founder member of our' Club. To her and to her family we would offer our deepest sympathy. CAPT. H A. Cl LBERT. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 321

1960 REPORT Although t'he weather during the breeding season was excel­ lent, 1960 proved td be the wettest yeaT this century, with con­ stant rain from early July onwards, with disastrous flood~ i11l the autumn. Despite the weather many birds of interest were recorded. Those in Herefodshire included ,a, W'hooper Swans~ Quail, Little RiJnged Plolver, Knot> Little Stint, Hoopoe and Wax­ wings. FrOlm Radnorshire Kites, an Os:prey. Black Terns and a pair of Cirl-Buntings were reported. It is sad to repord the death of Captain H. A. Gilbert during­ this past year. He attained distinctioIll in various fields, but he was most wiJde1y knOwn as an ornithologist and we were proud indeed to elect him as our first President. His oIbituary appears on page 320 and hii:3 photo as our Frontispiece. Membership at 211 shows a net increase of 30, which i's satis­ factory. Club outings have been held during the year at Bielvide Reservoir, Staffs. (twice), Severn Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Haugh Wood, Moelynaidd, Castle Morton Common, Abbey 'Cwmhirand Waun Marteg, CoOmbe Wood and Talybont Reser­ voir. One indoor meeting was held at Ross-on-Wye and the rest in Hereford. The high standard of le()tures and films has been maintained and we are grateful to the following for the CQIltribu­ tioo each has made to our progmmme: Mr Robert Gillmol'l, Dr. C. W. 'W.alker, Mr. T. R. A'mmonds, Mr. P. E. Brown of 'the R.S.P.B., Dr. K. Sbiuthall, Mr. F. G. Hollands. F.R.C.S., Mr, P. McDougall, and Captain H. R. H. Vaughan, R.N. retd. PUBLICATIONS. Herefordshire Birds (1954), by Captain H. It. Gilbert and Dr. C. W. WIalker (2/6); and Birds of Radnor­ shire (1955) by G. C. S. Ingram and Col. H. ~M. Salmon (3/6)1' 'are obtainable from me, as are copies of most of the previous: RepOrts. I would like to thank all those who have contributed material for this Report and especially the Editorial Sub-Committee, Messr'S. C. ]. BrockneU, P. W. Hinde, Col. H. Morrev Salmon a.nd Dr. C. W. Walker, for all their hdp'. • This tenth Report will conclude volume one. R.H.B. 322 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960


BUZZARD On March 22nd at Stockbridge Railway bl1idge, near Stoke Edith a Buzzard was seen, in the middle of the road, struggling with a Jackdaw. It li'fted it off the road and was eauying it away but dropped it, probably alarmed by observer, and flew to a nearby post. The Jackdaw managed to flutter away and when the Buzzard returned it failed to find it. (H.G.L-S.).

KESTREL On September 20th at Eastlrampton one, following plough, was seen to be feeding on earth worms and mice. (T.D.A.).

BLACK C ROUSE On October 16th a party of six Blackcock was watched for 11 hours while feeding on stubble and on hawthorn berries. One bird continually displayed and ~theothers about--droqping wings, fanningtJail and showing white feathers to advantage. (T.R.A.).

CUC,KOO At Moelynaidd, during a Club outing on May 8th, some mem­ bers saw a CuckOO! fly up from the grass tOi a post and swallow something, thought to be an egg. At the poiIlit from which it had flown was found a Meadow Pipit's nest oontaining twb pipit's' eggs and one Cuokoo's egg. When re-visited Onl Mlay 21st by R.H.B. a pipit was: flushed off these three eggs. At Upper Bridge Court from May 30th a Cuckoo tried un­ successfully fOlI' three successive days to squeeze herself under the tiles at the end of a barn where there were a House-Sparrow's and a Pied Wagtail's' nest. Three dayS: later she wa.; !being mobbed by small birds as she tried tOi e,nter! an ivied 11Iorn tree. (W.L.S.).

TAWNY OWL When oIbServers were ringing a nestling on May 26th two freshly killed and decapitated young Magpies were found in the nest hole. (R.H.B. am A.H.L.). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 323

SWALLOW For the first time in 25 years a pair built at observer's house at Hoarwithy. For some 10 days the back premises: were examined and eventually a nest was built on an external light immediately over the ba9k door in a covered passageway. Five young were brought up. (W.A.Ei.). This ,note is compaI1able to those of J.L.C. vide pp. 201 and 288.-Ed.

CRE,AT TIT During the last few years these birds' have attacked obser­ ver's milk bottle tops from .autumn to spring. This year the caps were opened regularly until about September, but not again until February 10th, 1961, when intermittent raids' restarted. (R.H.B.).

CARDEN-WARBLER On June 7th, one of a pair which frequented the garden flew into observer's bedroom, where it spent some time examining the curtam frills for insects and pert::hed on the door between whiles. (W.L.S.).

SPOTTEn, FLYCATC'HE'R At Winforton a pair built a /pair of nests siide by side and interwoven, in a shallow slit in a wall which was not deep enough to contai'Ili a normal nest. Three eggs were laid in one nest and two in the other, ~ut were unfortunately destroyed by some pre­ dator. (M.H.-T.). :At Hoarwihy a pair had its nest blown off the ledge of observer's workshop window. A small 8" long slat of wood '"as ,nailed to the ledge and the old nesting material placed neapby. Two days later a new nest Wias made on the slat and three\ young successfully reared. A, second Ipair built against the "'all of the hous'e behind a climbing rose, but this site praved unsatisfactoc"y and another attempt was made on another side of the house '-J.ehirc1 another climbing rose. An old cigar box was then wedged nearby and within three days the birds had moved to it and a family of four was r1aised. The young were fed on a variety of insects, inducl­ ing large flies of the bluebottle type. These were not dismem­ bered, but thrust whole down the chicks' gullets. On one occasion a bird was found tapping agai,nst a window in an attempt to take a large moth. This was caught by observ~r and thflOwn out of the window and was duiy slnapped up by the flycatcher when it had flown half-way across the lawn. (\V.A.E.). 324 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960


(The serial numbers, nomenclature and order used below are those used i'Ili the "Check List of the Birds of Great Britain and Ire­ land," published by the British Ornithologists' Union in 1952. Paragraphs prefixed Hand R refer td Herefordshire and Radnor­ shire respectively).

5. CREAT CRESTED CREBE. H. Shobdon, Jan. 4th, one (A.H.L. and N.W.).Fd~. 8th, 2 (C.W.VV.). 14th. 3 (T.R.A.). April 30th, a pair with nest, 4 egg., (P.R.D. and A.H.L.). June 28th, a pair with one well grown young (J.L.F.). Flintsham, March 2nd/5th, one (G.S.T.D.).

R. Llan Bwch-llyn, two pairs reared 5 young, whilch were last noted on Aug. 16th (R.H.B., J.L.F. and A.J.S.).

9. UTTLE, CRE'BE. H. Hereford Wye, Jan. 10th, 2- Z3rd 4, Feb. 14th and Oct. 1st one (A.J.S.). Tumer's Boat, Feb. 22nd one (A.H.L.), Sept. 25th, one (C.J.B. and A.J.S.). Wigmore, April 10th, 3 (T.R.A.). Vennwood April 20th, sitting on eggs'. This pair probably had three broods (H.T.R.). Pengethley, Ajpril 20th, a nest with 4 eggs (M.W.).

R. HindweIl Pool, Jan. 16th, one (A.H.L.,), Nov. 12th, 2 (J.L.F.). LIyn Hilyn, April 25, a pair (P.R.D. and A.H.L.). May 12th, with nest (H.W.F.), July 28th a pair with four young and another pair (R.H.B., P.R.D. and A H.L.), Aug. 27th and Sept. 10th, 5 birds (J.L.F. and H.T.R.'. Penyclawdd pool, July 6th, a pair with nest of 4 f'ggs (G.C.L.). Llan Bwch-llyn, one (T.F.).

27. CANNET. H. Kington, on Sept. 20th a second year bird was found in the Arrow near Downfield, by Mr. Sankey, from where it was collected, in a very weak condition, by observer. The birkl was fed on strips o£ raw cod, on which it flourished and regained condition rapidly. It was taken down to Aberyswyth on 26th, where it was' released. It swam out to sea and was last seen ,,,ith other Gannets circling over it (J.M.B.). HEREFORDSHIRE OR:\ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 325

28. CORMORANT. H. Turner's Boat, maxima noted on roost tree 15 on Feb. 21st. (C.W.W.) and 17 on April 1sit. (J.L.F.). , singles on the Teme OIn Jan. 17th (J.L.F.) and 31st (G.C.L.) and ~t. 14th (A.A.W.B.). R. One flew off northwards from Uyn Twyn On June 11th (J.L.F.).

30. HERON. H. Berrington, May 18th, 58 nests (R.H.B. and G.S.T.D.) R. Abbeycwmhir. April 20th, no birds seen, but foresters said a few ,present earlier in year (A.St.G.W.). By May 15th there were] two nests in 1artches containing 2J and 3 eggs-one nest failed and oine may have su~oeeded (T.R.A.).

45. MALLARD. H. Largest numbers: Leintwardine c. 75 on Jan. 17th (J.L.F.) and c. 25 at Turner's Boat Feb. 22nd (A.H.L.). R. Hindwell c. 40 on Feb. 14th (G.S.T.D.). Llan Bwch­ llyn, 18 on Au·g. 25th (T.F.) 3Jnd 77', with a Teal on Rhulen Mawn Pitts on Sept. 3rd (R.H.B. ,and A.H.L.). A pair bred again at Uyn Hilyn, seen with about 8 YO"ll~ on May 21st (J.L.F.).

46. TEAL. H. Leintwardine, Jan. 17th, c. 70 (J.L.F.) W3;:: the only large number recorded.

50. WICEON. H. On the flooded Lugg meadows c. 300 wene seen at Sutton and at Shelwick on Feb. 6th and 7th (C.W.W.). About 100 on 21st near the Worcester road (C.J.B.). At Leintwardine c. 130 on Jan. 17th (J.L.F.), •several hundred' on Feb. 13th (A.A.\i\T.B. and M.B.). Maxima elsewhere were c. 60 at Turner's Boat on April 1st (J.L.F.) and c. 50 at Letton on March 20th (A.H.L.). In the autumn 350/400 were present on floods' at Ti'duor' on Dec. 10th (K.A.M.).

52. PINTAiliL. H. In the Shelwick area, a male and la female on Feb. 15th,S on 17th and 2 on 20th (C.W.W.); 2 mal'es and a female on 21st (C.J.B.), and a bird on April 2:nd (C.W.W.).

53. SHOVELER. H. Byton, Feb. 21st, a pair (T.R.A.) and on 28th (R.H.B. and D.Ai.H.). Dec. 17th, 2 males (K.A.M). Shelwick Feb. 21st, a female (C.J.B.). Alpril 326 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

2nd 4 cf cf and 3 ~ ~ (G.W.W'.). Shobdon April 30th, a pair (P.R.D. and A.H.L.). R. Llyn Hilyn, June 26th, a male in partial eclipse (J.L.F.).

56. TUFTED DUCK. H. Shobdolll, Feb. 8th, 2 (C.W.W.), l'4th 5 (T.R.A.), April 30th, 2 pairs (R.H.B., P.R.D. and A.H.L.), Oct. 16th 5 (LM. and A.J.S.). R. Hindwell, Jan. 9th-March 6th; average of 20 observ:a­ tions just GIVer 6 birds (G.S.T.D., J.L.F. and A.H.L.). Autumn: Sejpt. 25th, one, rising to maximum of 12 on Dec. 2,9th (A.H.L.). Uyn Bwch-llyn, Jan 10th. 4 (J.L.F.). June 11th, 2 males (R.H.B.). Aug. 11th, 3 (R.H.B.:),1'6th, 10 (A.J.S.). and 2,sth, 6 of each sex (T.F.), Dec. 18th,12 (J.L.F.).

57. POCHARD. H. Lugwardine, Jan 10th, 4 (J.L.F.). Shobdon, Feb. 14th, 3 (T.R.A.), Dec. 26th, one (J.L.F. and H.T.R.). Flintsham, Feb. 16th, a pair (R.H.B.). R. Hindwell. Jan. 25th, and 29th, 2 males {R.H.B.,). and (A.H.L.). Feb. 6th, a male and a female (J.L.F.). 7th, a male and 2 females (A.H.L.). Marreh 6th, a female (A.H.L.). Autumn, Oct. 9th, 4 rising to maximum of 16 on Dec. 29th (A.H.L.). Llan Biwch-lIyn,, 2 and Dee 18th, 3 (J.L.F.). Caban Coch Reservoir, May 1st, 3 (Cardiff Nats.).

60. COLDEN-EYE. H. Two on Flintsham Pool on Fell>. 14th (G.S.T.D.) and 8 (1 cf) at Turner's Boat on March 6th (C.W.W.). R. Caban eoch Res., May 1st, 2 (CardilI Nats.,) ,and 4 on Nov. 13th (J.L.F.).

70. COOSANDER,. H. Turner's Boat, Jan. 6th, 2 cf cf and one ~ ; Feb. 22:nd, 1 cf and 2 ~ ~ j March 20th, 4 cf cf (A.H.L.). Feb. 21st, 4, and Matth 6th 1 0"" and 4 ~ ~ (C.W.W.). Six red-heads present in the morning (A.H.L.) and afternoon of Aug. 21st (R.H.B.). When canoes passed them they merely dived and I1e-,appeared when canoes had departed. Mordiford, May 22nd, a pricked male seen at Lugg Mouth (K.A.M.). R. Feb. 27th, 4 males and a female scattered over top three reservoirs in Elan Valley (R.S.T.). Uan Bwch-lIyn. Dec. 18th, 9, 0"" 0"" and 2 ~ ~ (J.I..F.!.

73. SHELD·DUCK. H. Tidnor, Nov. 19th, 4 (C.W'.\V.). HEREFORDSHIKE OK:\lTHOLOGICAL CLl:B REPORT, 1800 327

76. WHITE-FRONTED, COOSE. H. Hereford, Jan. 5th, 11 mse from a field >:l.nd flew low S.W. i'n full cry. Breast mal'ks .seen (A.].S.). 6th, :Turner's Boat, 7 watched feed­ ing on south bank of Wye (P.R.D. and A.H.L.). 14th, Hereford, 7 pas:sed over low enough to make put breast markings,--going N.W. (A.].S.), 28th, Hereford, low fly­ ing birds well hear'd ,at 6.10 p.m. (A.].S.). Feb. 7th, 17 on floods at! Shelwick and 7 t!here on 20th (C.W.W.). March 10th, Kimgsthorne, 180 + travelling south (T.F.). The following records refer> to unidentified wild geese:­ Lyonshall, Jan. 12th, 20 flew atW.15 (per B.M.T.R.) and 20 more at noon, Feb. 8th, 20 at 9.1'5 p.m., 11th, 20 + mid-day, 22nd, 27 and, a few minutes later, 30 around 8.05 a.m. (G.S.T.D.). All birds over Lyonshall were flying northwards. Feb. 21st, la flock of 54 flying fairly low and S.E. over Wellington made a oreaking call-lll:ot honking (J.V.). Shobdon, Feb. 18th and 20th, .50 + and 4() + fly­ ing north (G.T.M.). Dec. 28th, 80 + flying south! (T.R.A.). Leintwardine, Dec. 5th, a si'ogle bird flew high overhead down Teme (A.A.vV.B.).

82. CANAD'A COOSE. H. Brampton Bryan. During the early spring these birds were seen in fair numbel"s. On March 17th, 18 spent most of the day feeding on edge of observer's pooJ at The Oxford Farm. On other days in March up to 9 were seen. During early September a flock of 40/50 arrived in the ar'ea and used to flyover Brampton Bryan between 7.15 and 9.30 a.m., returning from 50 p.m. onwards. Their feeding grounds were not known (P.].). On a pool in this area 2 adults: with 5 juveniles amd 6 othe. adults were noted (T.R.A.). Kington, Sept. 18h, 11 birds seen to flyover town fl'om east to west and then tunn north­ ",ards over Bradnor Hill (F.S.B.). All these records are most unusual (Ed.).

84. MUTE SW'AiN. R. Hindwdl, maximum in Autumn: act. 11th, 11 (A.H.L.).

85. WHOOPER-SWAN. H. At Cholstrev on Feb. 13th, 2 swans, about the size of Mutes, ,vere o~ flood water near the main road. Yellow bill patches seen, but birds I'Ose and flew eastwards when observer had approached to within some 70 yards of them. \Vhooping calls given on wing. From size and call thought to ae Whooper rather than Bewick's (P.M.E.). 328 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

91. BUZZARD. H. lVlany members have commented on the rapid decrease of this species, especially south of a line from, say, to Kington. M.W. writes that during 1969 this bird could be seellli daily in the Ross area, but this: year he only ;saw one bird, On Nov. 6th, and found one shot at Riggs Wood, near Hoarwithy. From Hoarwithy itself W.A.E. r€!ports none seen iln the area £or two years, though up to 8 in the air< at once could be seen formerly. At Raven's Causeway, H.T.R. saw one to four birds on seven out od' 14 visits: last y,ear but only one in 15 visits there this year. T.F. is convinced of a serious decrease in the Kingthorne area where a few years ago several could be Jeen or heard at any time. On one estate a Head-Keeper told him that he had seen a Buzzard taking young chickens and from then on he destroyed everyone he could. The conclusions to be draWil1J from various sources of information seems to be that the birds are being shot out almost wherever game: is pre­ served and even pest-officers on For'estry Commission land have been reported as shooting birds off their nests. Just how destructive Buzzards really are to chickens and game we do ,not know, and no doubt individual Buzzad<; da dam­ age, but one cannot help thinking that the average Buzzard is no mOire harmful than other birds, much in the same way as the average tiger is not a man-killer nor all elephants 'rogues.' Han individual bird is a known 'killer' then it should be destroyed, but we strongly deprecate the whole­ sale slaughter of this very fine and typical Herefordshire bird. R. J .G.G. writes that ill1J the Abbeycwmhir area Buzzards seem to thrive on mice and voles and are never' shot or molested. No reports have been received s'ugges'ting any diminution of this bird in Radnorshire.

93. SPARROW-HAWK. Not many reports and those mostly from the HerefordsjRads. border.

95. KIT'E. R. Singles from west of County on March 19th (E.G.), 23rd (per G.C.L.); June 1st (R.H.B. and C.G.G. B.); 30th (J.D.R.V.); Aug. 6th (R.H.Br.).

HARRIER? sp. H. Jan. 16th, Coldboroug-h 'Wood, a female flew act'oss observer-rump not seen (T.F.). About mid-July a Harrier was observed soaring over Hereford Sewage Works, but it was too high to enable observer to identify species (C.W.W.). Oct. 9th, Kingtrm, one seen flying westwards over the town (F.S.B.L 17th, a female ,t Biarton, Dnwyn (T.A.E.). HEREFORDSHIRE OR:"ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 329

R. June 4th, Nantymynach, a female seen at 7.30 p.m. (M.H.). Note: Above are flying records. The summer birds almost certainly MOllitagu's and the remainder almost certainly Hen-Harriers.

103. OSPREY. R. Uyn Hilyn, Oct. 13th, one came in from a south easterly direction and flew close to the pool, whi~h contains no fish, and departed north we:;terly (H.G.L-S. and D.M.L-S.). (P.H.L. reported one present at Crickhowell, Brecks., from Sept. IS/Oct. 6th, some 25 miles south of Uyn HiJ)'llli, which may also have been at Talybont Res. on Sept. 3rd.­ Ed.).

104. HOBBY. H. Present in usual area in north of County June 2nd (R.H.B.) and July 9th (J.L.F.). Reported to have nested in another' favoured area (T.F.).

105. PE'RE,CRINE FALCON. H. Kingsthorne, Aug. 14th, a tiered seen to chase a blaek~ird into a yew in observ'er's garden. The blackbird escaped in the tree (T.F.). R. May 16th, one in Rhayader distri9t (A.St.G.W.). 28th, one in the Vmn Valley (P.W.H.). Aug. 22nd. Llyn Hilyn, one flew in from 'South and away westwards (P.R.D.).

107. MERLI'N. R. April 27th, 2 seen near Presteigme (:A.F.M.). May 14th, Vron, one seen to make repeated attacks', at great speed, on a party of 3 Ravens which managed to jink aside to avoid being struck (R.H.B. and D.A.H.). 15th, Elrun Valley, one of a pair seen to bring a small bird to its mate. They were thought to be nesting in one of two old crows' nests nearby (C.S.M. and A.St.G.W.). One at Claerwen (].L.F. and J.V.F.). 17th, one in St Harmon's area (A.St.G.W.). 28th, Vron, a pair ,appeared to be nesting (P.W.H.). Aug. 16th, LIan Bwch-llyn, a female seen (A.J.S.).

110. KESTREL. H. and R. Fairly common.

Ill. RED CROUS,E. R. \;videly neported with maximum of c. 25 on Glascwm Hill on September 3rd (R.H.B. and A.H.L.). 330 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, UHiO

113. BLACK CROUSE. R. Pantydwr, Ajpril 3rd, a pair (per T.R.A.). May 22nd, one greyhen t1ushed (D.G.). June 26th, single males put up on ~ occasions at Club outing-­ not less than 3 bir'c1s involved. Oct. 16th, 6 males on ground and 4 + I' greyhens seen on witng (T.R.A.).

115. RED·LEC.CED PARTRIDCE. H. March 5th, a pair near Hereford (K.A.M.), 21st Larport, near Hereford, a pair (C.J.B.), 23rd Easthampton, a pair (T.R.A.), 31st Caij>lar, one (J.L.F.), July 26th, Ledicot, one (H.T.R.), Oct. 23t1d, Pl1eston Marsh stu:bbles. Some 8/9 birds seen amongst several Partridge !XJlVeys (A.J.S.). Well estab­ lished Vennwood and Wellington districts (H.T.R.) and Brockhampton area (T.F.).

116. PARTR,IDCE. H. Oct.2I3rd, Preston Marsh, some 40 birds seen 0111 nearby stubbles, of which 8 or 9 were Red­ legS (A.J.S.). Nov. 6th, Hurley Gate, 3 coveys flushed containing 12, 12 and 18 birds (P.McD.). Thanks, to ,two consecutive good breeding seasons now much more numer­ ous in: Wellington area (H.T.R.). Certainly hatched well this year and increased. Coveys of 12/1'4 birds common. Think rough grassfields favoured, possibly due to earlly ploughing of stubbles, as some birds' crops examined con­ tained grass and rush seed-not corn (T.F.). R. March 12th, a pair at Hendre Einon (D.A.H.). May 15th, a pair seen at 1500' east of Penygareg Res. (C.M.D.V-L.).

117. QUAIL.. H. Wlere heard 9alling at two areaS: in N. Herefordshire from May .15th till Aug. 24th. Three were seen Aug. 22nd, thought to be an adult and t\\'"o young, and single b:rds seen Sept. 10th and 18th. It seems pr


120. WA,T'ERoRAiIL. H. Shobdon Decoy Pool area. Jan. 17th, 2 seen tol cross main road (J. Dyke). act. .16th and Dec. 26th, 2 (I.M. and A.J.S.) and one (J.L.F. Wld H.:r.R.) heard calling. Jan. 31st, one seen by a ditch between Dun­ field aJtld Stanne\l' Rocks (A.H.L.). R. Feb. 22nd, one killed by observer's car: some two miles north of Llandrindod Wells on the C'rossgates road (J.E.A.D.).


127. COOT. H. A bird. ringed at Abberton, Essex, on 24.7.57 was recovered near Hereford (1'50 miles west) about the begiIlJ11~ng of Feb., 1959. (British Birds, Vol. 53, p. 477). R. Hindwell Pool, Jan. 2nd, 23 rising to 4{) by Feb. 14th (G.S.T.D.) and dropping to 5 by March 27th (A.H.L.). Autumn, Sept. 24th, 47 rising slowly to 53 on Dec. 4th and down to 40 on 29th (A.H.L.).

131. OYS,TERCATCHER. H. Jan. 31st, one on fringe of Luggi Meadow floods' near Tidnor Mill (C.J.B.).

133. LAPWI NC. H. Oct. 23rd, c. 200 Stoke Edith, c. 50 Sutton and p. 40 Preston Marsh (A.J.S.). R. June 27th, a party of 50 on thej Begwns contained sev­ em! young a 'bit weak in flight (W.L.S.}. July 3rd, a flock of 200 +, old and young, on reclaimed land (T.R.A.). Summer!gil Brook, Nov. 4th aJnd 5th, c. 650; 13th, c. 600, and Dec. 4th, c. 300 (A.H.L.).

134. RINCED' PLOVE:R. H. Aug. 29th, 2 flushed frorn Here­ ford Wye (A.J.S.). R. May 1st, three birds, thought to be on migr'atton, feed­ ing on Elan bed (A-H.).

135. L,ITTLE RilNCEn PLOVER. H. March 31'st and AIPri1 2nd, one on Lugg Meadows (C.W.W.). Second record for County (Ed.).

140. COLDE:N PLOIVER. H. Feb. 18th, Herefor'd, c. 2{) flew low westwards (A.].S.). Feb. 22nd and 25th, Shobdon, 6 and 4O/YJ (G.T.M.). April 14th and 15th, Shobdon Aero­ drome, c. 250 and 330, majority, if not all, altifrons (J.V.). Oct. 30th, one, feeding with Lapwings O'n Lower Lugg 332 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

Meadows (J.L.F.). Nov. 19th, flock of 6, with some Lap­ wings:, near Monnington Court er.F.).

R. Feb. 6th, 8 about a mile north of B~eddfaJ (J.L.F.). March 6th, 9 near Hindwell (A.H.L.). April 2'4th, Llan­ gunllo 40 + (T.R.A.) May 15th, one on high ground west of Penygareg Reservoir' (I.M.V.). Radnor Valley, feeding with Lapwings, Nov. 4th, c. 3, 5th, 7, 13th c. 25, Dec. 4th, c. 300 and 18th, 3 (A.H.L.).

145. COMMON SNIPE. H. Jan. 6th, Turner's Boat, 5 (P.R.D. and A..H.L.). 1'6th, Hampton Bishop, 4 (J.L.F.). Feb. 7th, 8 on Lugg Bank, Tidnor (C.W.W.). 14th, Shob­ don Mar-sh, 50 + (T.R.A.),15th, 8 at The Whittern, Lyons­ hall (G.S.T.D.). Marj::h 20th, Herefor'd Sewage Works, 4 (I.M.). Sept. 10th, 3 at E,aton Bishop (C.J.B.). Dec. 31st, Shobdon Marshes, c. 60 (per H.T.R.).

R. Feb. 14th, Radnor Forest, 2 feeding at 1600' in one foot of snow and severe weather (J.L.F.).

147. dAC'K SNIPE.. H. Single birds seen Jan., 21st, Hampton Bishop (C.W.W.). Maoch 21st and 30th and Oct. 20th, Hereford Wye (A.J.S.). Oct. 29th, Marsh Farm, Bridge Sollars (T.F.).

148. WOODCOCK. H. Jan. 2nd, one each at Dinmore Wood (J.V.) and Vennwood (D.J.R.).March 1st and 2nd, 2 and 1 near Great Leys, Shobdon (G.S.T.D.). April 10th, Haugh Wood, at 6.45 p.m. one in fast pursuit of another at tree top level1with much noisy calling. Roding observed later (A.J.S.); several roding there on May 27th (J.L.F.) and at Crookmullen on 21st (T.R.A.). In June birds observed roding at Mains Wood, Putley (per J.G.M.). Kingsthorne, about July 20th, one killed itself on overhead wires while roding (T.F.). Oct. 30th, one flushed in Haugih Wood (J.L.F.). 30th, 6/8 Hushed in .'.l'Onnington i\Vood (T.F.). Dec. 10th and 11th, singles at nackbury and MeI1bach (C.W.W.). 19th, FoxIey Estate, 8/10 seen-all suspected 0'£ having been !bred locally (T.F.). 31st, Shobdon, 6 killed at local sihoot (per T.R.A.). R. March 11th, one at Llansaintfraed-in-Elvel (D.A.H.). HEREFORDSHIRE OR:-\ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 196() 333

150. CURLEW. H. Jan. 10th, Party of 60/70 seen flying eastwards over Bradnor Hill (F.R.B.). Feb. 2nd, one east of Broadheath, near (G.S.T.D.); 13th, Leintwardine, a flock of c. 35 present. Some birds present all winter (A.AW.B.); 16th one at B,roadward, near Leominster (R.H.B. and GS.T.D.). 20th, Fownhope, heard calling overhead at night (E.M.L.). 21st, one at Tidnor (K.AM.). IMarch 3rd, 3 seen in v,arious places-over­ night weather very rough (G.S.T.D.). 15th, many calls heard over Hereford at 9.45 p.m. and more twenty minutes later (AJ.S.). 20th, c. 20 at Turner's Boat (AH.L.). Last seen at !Wellington on Aug. 4th (H.T.R.) Oct. 2nd, Turner's Boat, one (AH.L.). R. Jan. 7th, 2 called while passing over Hundred House (H.W.F.). Feb. 28th and Mardh 6th, Hindwell, 2 flying north and 6 on meadows (A.R.L.). 11th, a few around Castle Bank, Camnant (D.A.H.).

156. CREEN SAN'DPIPER. H.Feh. 13th, Leintwardine, one on the Teme (AA.W.B. and M.B.). Sept. 10th, Warlow, Eaton Bishop, 3 with 3 Snipe (C.J.B.). R. June 25th, one flushed from a nearby dried-up ford near Pen-y-dawdd (G.C.L.). The other June record is for one seen on 14th, vide Report for 1958, p. 250. (Ed.).

159. COMMON SANDPIPER. H. Jan. 10th and 16th, one Lugwar­ dine and one at HaJIlpton Bislhop (J.L.F.). Turner's Boat, singles, Felb. 21st, 22nd, March 6th and 27th (AH.L. and C.W.W.). April 9th, 2. Aug. 21st, one. Oct. 2nd, 2 (R.H.B. and AH.L.). Shelwick, ,April 24th, one and Aug. 5th 3 (J.L.F.). May 29th, one sitting on three eggs at Buckton (L.S.). Sept. 5th, Backney Ma,rsh, one CM.W.). Singles often seen by Here­ ford Wye between July 10th and early October and last noted on 10th (A.J.S.). Hereford Sewage Works, July 31st-Aug. 5th, 3 (I.iM.), and one Aug. 31st-Sept. 2nd (A.].S.). R. April 10th, between 3 and 6 birds at Milebrook, near Knigh­ ton (T.R.A.). May 1st, one on Summergil brook (A.H.L.). CoX!head Bank, May 8th, 2 pairs and a nest of 4 eggs {Glub out­ ing). 21st, nest intact and empty and no birds seen (R.H.B.). Aug. 16th, one at Uan Bwch-llyn (A.].S.).

161. REDSHANK. H. ,March 25th. one calling and flying west over Dinmore (J.V.). R. March 13th, one on ,flood pool near Four Stones (R.H.B. and A.H.L.). 21st, Moelynaidd, three (].L.F.). April 21~t. Litton Hill, one. and Uyn Hilyn. a pair (A.St.G.W.). This pair 334 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

also seen on ,25th (P.R.D. and AH.L.), and IMay 12th (H.W.F.). May 8th, Moelynaidd, a pair (Club outing). 2ht, Beili-bedrw, one (J.L.F.). The Begwns, June 27th, a bird kept mobbing observers and their dogs and returned to rushy pool after their departure. No attempt made to find nest or young (KM.H. and W.L.S.).

169. KNOT. H. Oct. 19th, Hereford Wye, one, with a Little Stint, found on mudpatch (A.J.S.). Seventh record for County. (Ed.).

171. LITTLE STINT. H. Hereford IWye, Aug. 31st. First observed at 6 p.m. and was traced to Sewage Works where it permitted approach to within 5/6 yards. Shown to LiM. same evening. Not found on Sept. 1st but re-appeared 2nd evening when it was seen by C.J.B. and J-L.F. On Oct. 19th, another was seen by the Wye with a Knot. Plurrnage similar to that of previous bird (AJ.S.).

First and second records for the County. Ed.

178. DUNLIN. R. May 1st, a party of about six birds seen in Elan Valley which allowed very close approach. Trilling song and some display seen (AH.).

198. GREATER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. Aug. 20th, Thornbury, one (D.B.).

199. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. Apart from a flock of 25 seen in the Lower Lugg Valley on Jan. 22nd (C.W.W.) the largest nurnbers were seen during November and early December. On Nov. 13th at Wergins Bridge between 15.30 and 16.30 hours a minimum of 2,100 gulls passed over the Lugg floods travelling south eastwards. Some 90 L. Black-backs were noted but the bulk of the birds were Common with several hundred Black­ headed. On 26th and 27th an attempt was made to assess the IIumber of gulls, particularly Lesser Black-backed, visiting the Wye, Lugg and Frame rivers areas within a few miles of Here­ ford. Several points were visited and a ,fixed station at Tidnor was occupied as this was the main feeding area. The largest nUlIIIbers were obtained on 27th when L.B.B.s 'certainly exceeded J 430, of wihich c. 145 were in one flock at l\fordiford and the re­ mainderat Tidnor. All were counted resting or feeding save for 42 which flew in late from the N.E. The counting and esti­ mating of Black-headed and Common Gulls suggested that c. 800 were in -the area with the former in the majority (A.J-S.). Counts HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 335

of L.B.B.s by two other obseTvers were taken at Tidnor floods on Nov. 22nd. 120 on the ground and many more passing on roosting flight: 300 there on Dec. 7th {C.W.W.). D.B. gives c. 30 circling over Bromyard on March 22nd; c. 20 flying west­ wards over Whitbourne Hall on Nov. 13th and 70 present at Thombury on 15th. Birds attrihutable to the Scandinavian race fuscus were seen as follows: ---

200. HERRING-GULL. H. Nov. 15th, Thornbury, one amongst party Of 70 L.B.B. gulls (D.B.). 27th, Mordiford, one adult (A.J.S.). See 'also chart under 208. (Ed.)

201. COMMON GULL. H. March 24th, c. 50 at Wacton near Breden­ 'bury (D.D.). April 10th, Wellington, last big Hocks seen. Thereafter only small parties or single birds almost always flying north (H.T.R.). 27th, Turner's Boat, one (A.H.L.). July 1st, Kington, 2 flew eastwards over church at 6.45 p.m. (R.H.B.). During November (see under L.B.B. Nov. 13th) numbers at H. Sewage Works decreased :as month progressed dropping to some 200 by 19th (A.J.S.) but by Dec. 7th C.W.W. reported over 3,000 in Lower Lugg Valley.

208. BLACK-HEADED GULL. H. Feb. 22nd,c. 15 at Turner's Boat (A.H.L.). 27th, Birds in breeding plumage at Staplow (J.G.M.). R. IMardh. 6th, c. 30 in Hindwell area (A.H.L.). St. Michael's Pool, March 21st, c. 120 ,(J.L.F.). April 22nd, none (A.St.G.W.). Penyclawdd Pool, AJpril 22nd, c. 140/180 birds (A.St.G.W.). June 25th, c. 250 pairs present and 77 chicks ringed (G.C.L.). Llanwefr Pool, April 22nd, c. 350/400 birds-one nest with three eggs (A.St.G.W.). May 31st, about 60/70 nests with eggs (J.L.F.). Moelynaidd, May 8th, 12 nests with 1/3 eggs and six empty (Club Outing). Rhulen ,Mawn Pits. May 5th, some 30 nests, mostly containing 3 eggs (IW.L.S.). Rhosgoch. April 21st, c. 1,500 birds (P.R.D. and A.H.L.) and c. 500 pairs on June 3rd (J.D.R.V.). A nestling ringed at Rhosgoch on 20.6.56 was found injured at MiIIin. Haverfordwest, Pembs. (75 miles W.S.W.) on 5.7.60 (P.J.c.). 336 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

Culls observed within -} mile radius of Hereford Sewage Works. A monthly Table to show the maximum number recorded during one day.

Month: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

Lsr. Black-Backed 37 cAO c.40 6 ------ ~ ~ Black-Headed". c.250 c.ll0 c.170 3 «: ~ L.B.B. / Hel1l'ing* 1 ~

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Lsr. Black-Backed 5 5 4 5 7 c.33 Herring 1 2 Common 2 17 12 c.50 c.100 c.l60 Black-Headed ... 30 c.50 cAO c.110 c.90 c.370 L.B.B. / Henring* 1 *lst Winter not separated. (A.J.S.).

212. BLACK TERN. R. May 12th, Uyn Hilyn, 4 birds seen by H.W.F. in morning who phoned R.B.B. Still present when lat­ ter left pool at 3.30 p.m.

218. ARCTIC TERN. H. Hereford Wye, Sept. 24tih, a single tern flying down river at Hereford, seen at 25 yards distance, had bill entirely blood red. (A.J.S.).



235. TURTLE-DOVE. H. May 12th, a pair at Easthampton (T.R.A.), 14th, Shucknall Spout, one (K.A.Il\l.). 18th, Shobdon, one (R.H.B. and G.ST.D.). 26th, Bodenham, one (].L.F.). 27th, Dinmore, one heard and on June 28th, 5 seen in flight (J.V.). 30th, Eardisley, a pair (C.ST.DJ July 4th, Pontrilas, a pair (T.B.R.). 12th, Breinton, one heard (R.H.B.). 23rd, Welling­ ton, one, and 29th, Bodenham, one (H.T.R.). Aug. 26th, Thornbury, one (D.B.). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 19'60 337

227. CUCKOO. H. April 8th, Kington ~G.S.T.D. and AZ.D.), heard next day by several observers. 9th, Bisihopstone (RAIG.). 10th, Checkley(J.V.V.L.). At Ivington a young bird seen daily at end of August QM.B-T.) and one seen at Hereford on 27th (AJ.S.). Last heard June 22nd, Whitbourne (G.S.T.D.) and 23rd, Kington (R.H.B.). R. Last heard on Beacon Hill on July 2nd when bird called on tlhree separate occasions (J.L.F.).

241. BARN-OWL. H. Single birds seen Jan. 1st, Wellington (J.V.). Feb. 18th, Eardisley (R.H.B., G.S.T.D. and AH.L.). iMarch 1st, Wellington (J.V.). 5th, Kington (R.H.B.). April 18th, Adzm­ Bank (H.T.R.). 21st, Canon Pyon (lL.F.). July 30th, Hamp­ ton Bishop (lL.F.). Oct. 1st, near Bishopstone (T.F.). 3rd, Easmampton,a dead juvenile found (T.R.A.). 7th, Flintsham (J.M.B.). Nov. 20th, Frome's Hill (lG.M.). Dec. 10th, Staunton­ on-Arrow (J.M.B.). 31st, Puddleston, Mortimer's Cross and Birley (H.T.R.). At BuTley Gate an unpaired bird roosted for some months in a large wyche elm (P.Mc.D.). Breeding suspec­ ted at Wellington (H.T.R.). R. June 25th, a paiJr witlh a nest containing one egg found in the UangunUo area (G.C.L.).

246. LITTLE OWL. H. Single birds noted March 31st, Caplar and April 25th, Shelwick (J.L.F.). May 21st, near The Beeches, Kington (R.H.B.). June 5th, Perobridge and 25th, Upton Bishop (J.L.F.). July 23rd, Credenhill (LM.). 31st, BuTley Gate (J.LF.). Aug. 26th, Eardis1ey, 2 (P.R.n.). Dec. 25th, Stretton IGrandison (J.L.F.); 29th, Sarnesfield (A.H.L.). Birds present most of year at Burley Gate (P.Mc.D.); Easthampton 3/4 birds (T.R.A). Common at Vennrwood and at Wellington where they hred (H.T.R.). A single bird present most of Sum­ mer at Kingsthorne House (T.F.). R. Jan. 2nd, one near Hindwell pool (A.RL.).


248. LONC-EARED OWL. H. October. At Kinsham three birds were heard calling on the nights of 16th, 17th and 18th (E.L.J.). R. April 19th, Vron, one (P.R.D. and A.H.L.).

249. SHORT-EARED OWL. R. May 1st, nest with 3 eggs in Brondre Hill area (per T.R.A). June 26th, Pantydwr, one put up five times during Club outing. One seen hunting in same area on Oct. 16th (T.R.A.). 338 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT) 1960

252. NIGHTJAR. H. May 27th, one seen on norvh side of Haugh Wood (J.L.F.). About 6 pairs thought to have nested in Cwm Wood, Byton (W.K.). At least one pair present in Mains Wood, Putley during June a.GlM.).

255. SWIFT. H. April 24tJJ., singles at Shelwick Q.L.F.) and Here­ ford (A.J.S.). 25th, Dinmore, 2, and Wellington, 6 a.V.). Shob­ don, 1 (T.R.A). 27th, present at , (J.G.M.) and Brom­ yard (D.B.). August 2nd, Hereford, in late afternoon at least 150 circling high overhead. No large numbers thereafter and scarce after 11th. Last seen were 3 feeding over Wye on Sept. 16th, evening (A.J.S.). Aug. 20th and 23rd, one Bwmyard (D.B.). 25th, one, Kington (W.R.C.). 28th, Leintwardine (AA.W.B.). Sept. 17th, one at Kingsthorne (T.F.). 24th, Wellington, one (J.V.). R. April 25th, Uyn Hilyn, 7 flying from south to north (P.RD. and AH.L.). 26th, Presteigne, 6 (AF.M.).

258. KINGFISHER. H. Single bird Turner's Boat between 6th and Oct. 2nd (AH.L.). Feb. 11th, 2 in chase at Stretton Grandi· son {J.V.V.L.). Singles noted May 21st, Breinton (K.A.M.). June 29tih, near Wergin's Bridge a.L.F.). Aug. 5th, Shelwick a.L.F.); 7th Sutton and 17th, Hereford (AJ.S.). Oct. 14th, one near Bodenham (T.F.). R. HindweU, Nov. 4th, one (AH.L.).

261. HOO'POE. H. One seen on several occasions by Mrs. Jenkins, Ladylift, Almelely, and her neiglhbours during the second week of June ~per C.W.W.).

262. GREEN Woo'DPECKER. H. Particularly common at Raven's Causeway where c. 10 were seen on about one third of the golf course (H.T.R.).


264. LESSER S·POTTED WOODPECKER. H. April 30th, Wellington, one (J.V.). June 19th, Hereford, one in observer's garden where it was also heard on 20th and 21st (W.M.G.). 20th, Kington, one (R.H.B.). Aug. 27th, Raven's Causeway, one (H.T.R.). Nov. 5th, Haugh Wood, a female and another bird seen during Club Outing. Dee. 17th, a female seen near Ledbury (T.F.). One frequently visited observer's garden, at , during the Summer (H.G.L-S.). Seen on several occasions at Venn· wood (H.T.R.). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960 339

271. WOOD-LARK. H. Jan. 23rd, 3 in fields near Brobury (C.W.W.). March 5th, a pair returned to Hall Mote, Woonton (E.H.). April 6vh, one in song at Mortimer's Cross (T.R.A.). Kington, April 14th, a pair near Gilbert Hill (AH.L.). May 6th, one below Park Wood (A.H.L.), and a pair there on 24th (R.H.B.). One in song on Sept. 25th (AH.L.). April 17th, Flintsham, a pair (P.R.D. and A.H.L.). Dec. 28th, a party of 4 at St,aunton­ on-Arrow a.M.B.). Raven's Causeway, none seen on many visits and these birds appear to have deserted this area (H.T.R.). R. :March 12th, 3 near Hendre Einon (D.A.H.). September 11th, a party of 4 flushed off road by Coxhead Bank (R.H.B.).


274. SWALLOW. H. March 31st, Hereford, 2 (C.W.W.) and King ton, 1 (A.H.L.). April 4th, Kington, 1 (J.'M.B.), 6th, Woolhope, 1 (per P.McD.). Last dates: Noted regularly at Hereford until Oct. 12th (AJ.S.). Oct. 14th, Leintwardine (A.AW.B.), 17th, a juvenile at Kingsthome (T.F.). 21st, Kington (A.H.L.). 23rd, 6, with 3 House-Martins, flying around Bromyard Church (P.McD.).

276. HOUSE-MARTIN. H. April 11th, Shobdon (T.R.A.). 12th, Kington ~W.R.C.). 13th, Hereford (AJ.S.). Last dates, Oct. 23rd, Bromyard, 3 (P.McD.). 25th, Kington, 11 (AH.L.). Nov. 6th, 2 flying around Wigmore Chmch Tower (D.K. and J.G.K.). B\t1rley Gate, 5 pairs nested in the sdhool area against 2 pairs last year (P.McD.). Kingsthorne House CoIony 52 nests-an increase of 20 over last year (T.F.).

277. SAND-MARTIN. H. 'March 12th, Leintwardine, one on river and around observer's garden rfor some two hours. Previous earliest date March 22nd some 18/20 years ago (AAW.B. and M.B.). Hereford arrived April 5th and noted daily until Aug. 31st. Last noted Sept. 21st (AJ.S.). July 26th, hundreds seen flocking in spectacular fashion at Ledicot (H.T.R.). During early September a white bird was seen at Hampton Bridge (H.G.L-S). Nov. 1st, Mathon, a party of 7 seen by Mr. Phihp Ballard (per J.G.M.).

279. RAVEN. H. A pair had started building at Kington by Feb. 6th (AH.L.). Raven's Causeway, not more than 2 birds seen together-not noted previously during breeding season (H.T.R.). March 30th, in the Hoarwithy, Riggs Wood and Ballingham area two nests found and two other pairs known to be nesting (M.W.). Kingsthorne, seen and heard on several occasions, generally fly­ ing between Aconbury and the Mynde Deer Park (T.F.). Fox- 340 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

ley area, one Dee. 19th and 2 on 29th er.F.). area at least 4 on Dec. 24th (T.F.). Dinmore, a pair present during lat­ ter half of February (J.V.). A pair near Hereford on Oct. 21st (K.A.M.). R. April 30th, Michaelchurch, a nest of young in Puckmere 'Wood and a party of 16 birds seen rolling and playing over Wern ·W"ood (lW.L.S.). Over 30 birds were seen on Rhayader R.D.C. refuse dump onMav 15th (T.R.A.).


282. ROOK.


284. MAGPIE.

286. JAY.


289. BLUE TIT. H. An adult caught in observers's kitohen at King­ ton on 13.5.59 and released after ringing, was picked up off road in an exhausted state by Miss A. Garfield at Hallwood, near Liverpool 011 20.2.60. After being cared for it was released two days later (R.H.B.).

290. COAL-TIT. H. Oct. 23rd. During a long day at Fishpools Valley a dozen or more birds were seen scattered about area (J.L.F.).

292. MARSH-TIT. H. In normal numbers Kington area (R.H.B.) but declining (?) around Hereford (C.W.W.).

293. WILLOW-TIT. H. Oct. 23rd, Fishpools Valley, a single bird identified by voice (J.L.F.). Hoarwithy, a pair present which visit bird taible (W.A.E.). R. Pentre, Oct 16th, on an alder fringed stream west of Whit­ ton a bird was seen feeding twice on nettles at a range of eight feet. Light patch on closed wing seen. No call (J.L.F.).

294. LONG-TAILED TIT. H. Fownhope. Party of 75 seen at end of October (1.M.). Several observers note as common.



299. WREN. April 11th, a nest found in an old swallow's nest (\V.L.S.).

300. DIPPER.


302. FIELDFARE. H. Adzor B'ank, April 11th, 6 or 7; 16th, 12 flying N.W. and 17th, 10 in a field (H.T.R.). Sept. 19th, first noted Leintwardine (A.A"W.B.). Oct. 16th, Shobdon, 50 flying N.N.W. (1.1\1. and A.JS.).


304. REDWING. Hereford, 2 seen flying south on Oct. 7th. Eve~ing passage first noted on Oct. 10th and on five other occaSlOns during the month. Save on 23rd, all audible movement res­ tricted to ,about 6 calls. A steady passage on 23rd f-TOm 21.00 hours to 23.15 hours averaged around 28 calls per fifteen min­ utes, with only 2 calls betJween 23.15 and 23.30 and none later. Conditions completely overcast, wind N.E. force 2/3; slight rain 22.50 to 23.00 hours (AJS.). Oct. 15th, Kington, several flocks c. 30 flying N.W. in early morning (A.H.L.).

307. RING-OUSEL. H. April 7th, 2 on Hay Bluff (C.W.W.). R. May 6th, Vron, a hen flushed off 4 eggs (A.H.L.). 15th. 2 males on ridge north of Glan Uyn (A.JH. and G.C.L.).

308. BLACKBIRD. H. Feb. 24th, Wellington, a pair building in nest 'box, 2 broods reared (J.V.). Breinton,Oct. 25th, a fresh egg found in leaves recently spread in raspberry bed. A male in good song around 7.30 a.m. on Nov. 25th, 26th and 27th (R.E.H.B.). A bird ringed as an immature at Kington on 9.8.55 was found freshly killed on road there by Miss H. M. Lawrence, of Hereford, on 15.2.60 (R.H.B.).

311. WHEATEAR. H. March 20th, Letton, a male (A.H.L.). 22nd, Bradnor Hill, a male in low sub-song (A.H.L.). 23rd, Lower Lugg Meadows, 2 (C.W.W.) and Shobdon Aerodrome (T.R.A). April 27th, a male seen at Ledbury where rarely seen Q.G.M.). Aug. 2nd. Kingsthorne. one (T.F.). Oct. 7~h. Hereford, one (AJ.S.). 342 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1960

317. STONECHAT. H. Feb. 6th, Shobdon Aerodrome, a pair on wood stack near Woodcemair buildings (R.H.B.). 17th, Burg­ hope, a male by roadside (H.M.S.). 28th, a male at the Tarring­ ton-Little Tarrington turn (J.V.V.L.). 'March 3rd, a male at Storesbrook, near Ledbury (J.G.M.). 4th, a female (?) at Tar­ rington-Little Tarrington tiUrn (J.V.V.L.). Nov. 2nd, Ledbury, a male (J.GiM.). 6th, Rotherwas, one put off a fence post (AJ.S.). Dee. 12th, while watching a male through binocuLars near Dunfield, between Kington and Stanner, observer realised that several more birds were present and, when they flew, coun· ted 16 and thought possibly 20 were there (M.B.T.). R. Jan. 14th, Uyn Hilyn, a male (H.W.F.). May 21st, a pair, seen in Radnor Forest, were thought to have young from their very agitated behaviour (J.L.F. and J.V.F.). June 26th, Panty­ dwr, a male ~.H.!M.). July 3rd, Beili-hedw, a family party of c. 5 seen (T.R.A). Aug. 31st, Bryngwyn, 3 juveniles includ­ a male (R.H.B.). Such numbers have never been recorded by us before and there has been a dearth of summer Herefordshire records since 1947. (Ed.).

318. WHINCHAT. H. Aug. 26th, Thornbury, one-the only bird seen this year (D.B.). June: bred Lugg Meadow (C.IW.W.). R. Pantydwr. Extremely common and many broods of young seen on Club outing on June 26th.

320. REDSTART. H. April 6th, Checkley, a male (P.H.L.) and one at Easthampton (T.R.A). 9th, Turner's Boat, 2 males (A.H.L.). UVh, Adzor Bank, a male (H.T.R.).

322. NICHTINCALE. H. May 14th, Shucknall Spout, one in song (K.A.M.). 27th, present at Checkley and south side of Haugh Wood (J.V.L.). June 20th, Titley, one heard by Mr. D. W. Llewellin and family for an hour or more between 12 an