Academic Staff
ACADEMIC STAFF Professors Emeriti . 2 Faculty of Education . .11 Faculty of Arts and Science. 3 Faculty of Fine Arts. .12 Anthropology . 3 Art . 12 Archaeology - see Geography . 3 Drama . 12 Art - see Faculty of Fine Arts . 3 Music . 12 Biological Sciences . 4 New Media . 13 Chemistry and Biochemistry . 4 Drama - see Faculty of Fine Arts . 5 Faculty of Health Sciences . .14 Economics . 5 Nursing Education in Southwestern Alberta Program. 15 English . 5 Dhillon School of Business . .16 Geography and Environment . 5 History . 6 School of Liberal Education . .18 Indigenous Studies. 6 Library . .18 Kinesiology and Physical Education . 6 Faculty of Education Curriculum Laboratory . 18 Mathematics and Computer Science . 7 Modern Languages . 8 Music - see Faculty of Fine Arts . 8 Neuroscience . 8 Philosophy . 8 Physics and Astronomy. 9 Political Science. 9 Psychology. 9 Religious Studies . 9 Sociology . 10 Women and Gender Studies . 10 Arts and Science Programs. 10 1 Academic Staff 2020/2021 PROFESSORS EMERITI (in accordance with the Emeritus Appointment Policy) AITKEN, Nola Education KULIG, Judith Health Sciences ALLEN, Jeremiah Mervin Economics KWONG, Luke History ALI, M. Keramat Physics LAPADAT, Judith Education ARMS, Robert Louis Psychology and Neuroscience LETKEMANN, Peter Jacob Sociology ARMSTRONG-ESTHER, Christopher Health Sciences LITTLE, Neil G. Kinesiology and Physical Education AUFRECHT, Walter Emanuel Geography LITTLE BEAR, Leroy Native American Studies AXFORD, Herbert Melvin Economics LOEWEN, Arthur Education BAIN, John Biological Sciences LONG, John Anthony Political Science BAKER, William History LOO, Robert Management BALDERSON, Wesley Management MACLACHLAN, Ian Geography BENDER, Christopher Owen Chemistry and Biochemistry MANN, George A. Sociology BLAIR, Dean Music MCCARROLL, Billy Art BOWIE, Garald William Physical Education MCCORMICK, Peter Political Science BUCHIGNANI, Norman L.
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