SPL Yearbooks North Central 1945
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NORTH CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 1945 Editors. LAUREL NORRIS, JANE SABISTON Adviser: MISS MARY McKENNA dedication TO THE NORTH CENTRAL BOYS IN OUR ARMED SERV- ICES—to those who have given their lives, to those who are now serving on far-flung battle fronts and in camps far from home, and to those boys who soon will enter the service of their country, it is only fitting that we dedicate this 1945 Tamarack. Without their sacrifices and loyalty, our way of life, our schools, and this year book would not be possible. It is our sincere hope and prayer that be- fore the close of another school year, these boys will be reunited with their families and that a lasting peace will have been established—"that these dead shall not have died in vain." Marching along together, Sharing every song and cheer. Marching along together. Whistling 'til the skies are clear. 6wi Se/uUoe Major George Sander looks at the service flag while home on leave in December from the European Theater of Operations. Major Sander wears the presidential unit citation with three oak leaf clusters, and five stars signifying service in Iceland, Greenland, England, North Africa and Italy. He is not only a North Central graduate, January '29, but also a member of the faculty. Nantti G&atnxdi Sesutice Jlanat (lalL The names in the following list, with the exception of the Gold Stars, are supplementary to those published in the 1944 Tamarack. Only the names of those who have been graduated or who attended North Central as their last high school are included. £jLS m GOLD STAR Ailor, Eddie Cramer, Douglas S. Kinzer, Ervin J. Rosenau, Ernest Alfano, Edward J. Crowe, Leroy Edward Klise, Cecil Scott, George Anderson, Ernest H. Damascus, Gust Leonard, Jack R. Scott, Raymond Anderson, Iner W. Davis, Lee A. Little, Robert L. Scriven, Jack Barnhart, Orthor Dicarlo, Joseph J. Littlefield, Joseph Sipple, Floyd Marvin Bryan, Walter T. Duchscher, Edward McKinney, John C. Smolkowski, Walter J. Buckley, Archie M. Ek, Bruce Machan, James A. Somers, William E. Burke, John F. Holland, Patrick Mathes, Robert Lee Spohr, Tommy Carson, Gale E. Holmes, Hugh McLeod, Andrew Stapleton, Robert Chapman, Gordon Hughes, William Miller, Jerry Swanson, Harry Chilberg, Robert L. Jemison, Richard Miller, Maurice L. Upton, Leland B. Connors, Jack Johnson, Don Ohman, Roy Valentine, Leo H. Converse, Robert Jungers, Clifford Pickel, Claire Albert Van Gelder, Donald Corey, Ernest Eugene Keller, Raymond Rogers, Harry Wilmot, Gerald BLUE STAR Aldrich, Harl Defenback, Roy W. Jacobsen, Merill S. Nasato, Fred. Ammerman, Dick Dicker, Norman Jacobsen, Gerald Nygaard, Dick A. Ammerman, Don Dietrich, Thomas Ervin James, Dick Oakes, Fay (Bud) Anderson, Cliff Dill, Francis W. Jarvis, Burton Oatman, George Anderson, Clyde Dirkes, Kenneth Jarvis, Jack D. Paeper, Kenneth Arnold, Joseph William Eaton, Bill Harlow Jensen, Carl Palmer, Jack A. Bayley, Bob Edlund, Vern R. Johnson, James A. Peterson, Eleanor M. Bechman, Bob W. Endahl, Charles A. Johnson, Sydney W. Peterson, Henry Howard Bjorback, Bob Erickson, Leonard Jones, Fred W. Peterson, Wayne Bloom, Harold Ericson, Donald Kane, Robert Philopant, Virgil D. Bloom, Ray Espe, Alvin Kaye, Henry M. Phipps, Harve, H. Jr. Bonner, Bob Evans, Jack L. King, Doug Poindexter, Grover E. Bonner, Dick Finch, Tom L. Kirkpatrick, Hugh Porter, Robert Botham, Maurice S. Flory, Neva Klise, Jerry Prague, Chester Bradley, Gordon Force, Carl Lindberg, Harold B. Quackenbush, Harley Bruno, Bob J. Froistad, Richard D. Lonza, R. T. Raymond, John Buchanan, Otis Jr. Gates, David W. Lorch, Daniel J. Read, Merrill A. Burgen, Colin C. Gates, George D. Lundberg, Al Reberg, Arnold Burger, Walter Gerlach, Ernest E. Lundberg, James E. Richardson, Dale Owen Carter, Marion Jean Goldsmith, Melvin H. Lynch, Wesley Ryder, John Carr, Marvin Goodwin, Richard W. McCallum, Noble Jack Staeheli, Glenn Cave, Jack Gookstetter, Jay McCallum, Charles E. Stephenson, Lewis Cowing, Robert K. Gordon, James F. McCormick, Howard L. Story, Claire Coburn, William P. Gorman, Joseph R. (Bob) McGee, Robert L. Stratton, Orin Cochran, Dean Greco, Frank MacGregor, Wayne Stromme, Bill Cody, Paul Edmund Hadford, Melvin M. Mandick, Mile M. Swett, Donald Colburn, Bert Haffner, Loren E. Mastro, Lewis Symbol, Kenneth Conner, Wayne Hamer, Charles L. Mauk, Bob Taitch, Marvin Connors, Wilson Harris, Elmer Maylott, Asa Orville Thomason, Donald Coolbaugh, Wesley L. Harris, Joe Meadow, Jack Thornberg, Earl N. Corder, Dick Hauschild, Oliver L. Miesner, Bill Tibbett, Larry Corey, Jack W. Hawes, Dee Merritt, Vivian Toeter, Joe Cosby, Art R. Haworth, Don Miles, Floyd Tollefson, Charles Courtright, Maurice Henderson, Forrest Miller, Darrold N. Trusty, Ellsworth Cozzetto, Albert Henry, John Daniel Morris, Mani'ord Valient, William Crandall, Dan Hellmer, Hugh Morse, Vernon D. Vander Meer, Dalmer Craddick, Roy L. Hooke, Ralph E. Morrison, Marvin L. Van Gelder, Don. J. Crampton, G. Harris Holmes, Basil D. Murbach, Earl W. Verge, Del C. Crisp, Lorraine Howard, James A. Murbach, Vernon L. Watkins, Jack B. Curtiss, Bill Hubble, James T. Murphy, Arvid Weston, Lee Damascus, Jim Hutchings, Karl Murphy, Juanita Wilson, Bernard Davis, Garth L. Irby, Ray Murray, Seymour J. Woods, Donald Day, Bob Isitt, Richard Myhre, Claude D. Woods, Jack ONE HUNDRED YEARS after Columbus discovered America, Robert Gray sighted the shores of Washington. Since then, the lumbering industry has been of prime importance in the growth of the state. In the present war, wood is being used directly or indirectly in the con- struction of almost every machine. The Mosquito bombers are made of ply wood. The famed P-T boats are also constructed of wood, and it takes tons and tons of paper for the blueprints of our mighty planes and battleships. In the post war era, trees will play an all-important role. New plastics have been developed from wood and the list of wood products is steadily growing. The mighty forests, the thousands of square miles of virgin timber have built the state of Washington and will continue to contribute to a great North- west after the war. For this reason we have chosen the tree as a fitting symbol for this fourth war-time Tamarack. SOUTH ENTRANCE ten North Central, North Central, Oh, deep from thy rugged walls, 'Tis a solemn spirit Calls thy children true. eleven Administration 15 Classes 17 Activities 55 Productions 73 School Life 85 Athletics 93 Left to right: Mrs. Effie Olson, attendance clerk; Mrs. Vera Bayley, bookroom clerk: Miss Helen Huneke, secretary; Walter C. Hawes, Vice Principal. thirteen Front row, left to right: Miss Helen Prince, Miss Frances Theis, Miss Belle Wynne, Miss Catherine Bett Second row. Miss Bessie Graham, Miss Emma Dalquest, F. G. Kennedy, Miss Christine Neuman, Mi: Bertha Boehme. Third row: R. A. Baldwin, Robert F. Barnard, Harold Thompson, P. H. Nygaard. Front row, left to right: Miss Christine McRae, Mi;s Grace Gorton, Miss Nellie Catton, Miss Jeanette Malt- by. Second row: Miss Helen Cleveland, Mrs. Florence Parish, Miss Mary McKenna, Miss Margaret Raw- lings, Miss Mary Evans. Third row: Miss Grace Campbell, Bryson L. Jaynes, J. D. Youngman, George Theodorson, Earl C. Frazier, Miss Emma Clarke. fourteen Front row, left to right: Miss Conah Mae Ellis, Miss Mary Bacon, Miss Isabel McElwee, Miss Helen Huneke, Miss Ethel Ashley. Second row: Miss Zelva Moeser (cadet teacher), Miss Ruth Winkley, Miss Mary Main (cadet teacher). Miss Violet Starkweather, Miss Caroline Riker. Third row: J. O. Griggs, J. Wesley Taylor, A. O. Streiter. Front row, left to right: C. R. Randall, Mrs. Gladys Dunphy, Mrs. Clara Cowley, Miss Neva Wiley, Miss Muriel Allison, C. A. Chandler. Second row: Paul Tobie, C. Olin Rice, L. C. Bradford, Miss Mary Beth Root (cadet teacher), Dale Riggin. Third row: Paul Neuman, Ernest L. Hix, T. O. Ramsey, Don Bonamy, J. W. Williams. fifteen The pictures at the top, direct cen- ter and bottom were taken at the Spokane Teachers' picnic on the North Central playfield last fall. Starting at the top of the page, left to right, are: Miss Conah Mae Ellis, Miss Helen Cleveland, J. D. Youngman, Miss Isa- bel McElwee, Miss Margaret Raw- lings, Miss Wilhelmine Timm, Miss Helen Huneke, Bryson L. Jaynes. Center: Mrs. Gladys Dunphy. Bottom, Front row: Miss Else Pinkham, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Randall Second row: Miss Isabel McElwee, Miss Wilhelmine Timm, Miss Mar- garet Rawlings. Below: Mrs. Hawes, Walter C Hawes, Miss Emma Clarke, Mist Grace Gorton. Far Left, Above: T. O. Ramsey, Mrs. Florence Parish, Mrs. Clan Cowley. Far Left, Below: Miss Mary Mc- Kenna and Miss Mary Bacon admin a little stray dog. sixteen JW% Le// /o right: JOE LEE Kicc President DICK BONNER C/<K5 Orator ROSILEE MASTRO Treasurer DAVE HARRY Secretary BILL EBY President seventeen Axton, Lillian Irene Bailey, Mary Home Ec. Math, Languages, Soc. Studies Big Cousin 2; Library Monitor 3; Pres. Red Cross 4; Red Feathers Slip Collector 3; Locker Monitor 3, 4; Tennis Team 3, 4; Spanish 3; League Honor Roll 3 times; Club 3, 4, Treas. 4; A.S.C. 4; Cen- Red Cross Rep. 4. tral Council 4; Athletic Board 4; Tamarack Sr. Ed. 4; Color Girls 2; League Honor Roll 5 times; Big Cousin 2, 3, 4; Sr. A. Honor Roll. Ballou, William R. Bauer, Hazel Marie Moth, Social Studies Social Studies Trans, from Lynchburg, Virginia. Trans, from Lewis and Clark; League Honor Roll 5 times; Li- A.S.C. 4; Dues Lieut. 4. brary Monitor 1, 2, 3; War Stamp Rep. 4. Beck, George Bloom, Lorraine Machine Drawing Home Ec. Grad. in 3 '2 years; Traffic Squad War Stamp Chm. 4; Big Cousin 4; Commissioner 4; Conduct Board Slip Collector 4; War Stamp Rep. 2, 3, 4. 3, 4; League Rep. 2; Locker Moni- tor 4. Bonner, Richard R. Brewer, Michael J. Math, Mech.