January, 2008

Department of Anthropology Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Married, no children e-mail:[email protected]


B.A. (Anthropology), Harvard College (cum laude), 1961 Ph.D. (Anthropology), University of California, Berkeley, 1965


1981-present: Professor of Anthropology, Brown University (Chair, 1985-86, 1999-2002)

1971-present: Research Associate in Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York

1971-81: Associate Professor of Anthropology (promoted to Professor in 1975), University of Hawaii, Honolulu

1965-71: Assistant Curator of North American Archaeology (promoted to Associate Curator in 1970), American Museum of Natural History, New York

1995-present: Honorary Museum Associate, Western Australian Museum, Perth


1961-67: U.S. Army Reserve (Honorable Discharge, October 1967)


1964-65: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

1966-67: Social Science Research Council Fellowship

1969-70: Voss Fund for Anthropological Research Grant (American Museum of Natural History)

1973-76: National Science Foundation Research Grant BNS73-09088-AO2

1975-76: National Endowment for the Arts exhibit development grant for the Wattis Hall of Man, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco

1977: Australian National University Visiting Fellowship (3 months)

1977-78: Visiting Fellowship, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University

1981-82: National Science Foundation Research Grant BNS80-23300

1984-85: Finnish Ministry of Education Post-doctoral Specialist Award (to assist field research in Finland)

1984-85: S & H Foundation Lectureship Grant for series, "Toward an Archaeology of Contemporary America," Brown University

1985: Research contract with Government of American Samoa for archaeological survey of Tutuila Island

1985-88: Earthwatch research grant for nautical archaeology in

1991-92: Earthwatch research grant for excavations at Fort Cunningham, Bermuda

1993: National Science Foundation and National Endowment for the Humanities Curricular Development Grant for a University Course in Science and the Humanities ("Recovering the Past: The Nature of Historical Science")

1989-96: Research grants and in-kind support from National Park Service for underwater archaeology in the Dry Tortugas National Park, FL.

1999-2000: Earthwatch research grant for nautical archaeology in Bermuda


Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Member, Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

Member, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra

Member, Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology (AIMA)

Member, federal Disaster Mortuary Operations Recovery Team (DMORT)

Member, Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists (NEAFS)


1968: Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College, City University of New York

1971: Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, The New School for Social Research, New York

1988: Visiting Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Helsinki, Finland (January-May)


1969-76: Member, Scientific Grants and Awards Committee, Explorers Club, New York

1971-81: Assistant Editor, Asian Perspectives, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

1974-80: Chairman, Graduate Field of Study, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

2 1974-81: Member, Faculty Senate, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

1974-77: Member, Committee on Ethics, American Anthropological Association (Chair, 1976-77)

1977-81: Member, Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, Honolulu

1977-81: Member, Nominations Committee (Section H), American Association for the Advancement of Science (Chair, 1979-81)

1981-85: Chair, Section H (Anthropology), American Association for the Advancement of Science

1985-86: Acting Chairman, Department of Anthropology, Brown University

1985-95: Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Field Archaeology

1988-91: Member, National Panel for NSF Graduate Fellowship Program, and National Panel on NSF Faculty Awards for Women

1988-91: Member, Graduate Council, Brown University

1990-92: Vice-Chair, Curriculum Coordinating Committee, Brown University

1992: Member, National Panel for National Endowment for the Humanities Research Awards in New World Archaeology

1995-99: Member, Committee on Awards and Benefits (and Task Force on University Benefits); 1997-99: Chair, Committee on Awards and Benefits.

1997-present: Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Fennoscandia Archaeologia (Turku, Finland).

1999-2001: Member, Board of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology

2002-03: Scientific Advisor to AustraliaQuest, an educational program produced by the National Center for Science Literacy, Education and Technology, at the American Museum of Natural History, NY.

2001-present: Director and Team Leader, Forensic Archaeology Recovery (FAR)


1975-76: Consultant for planning anthropological exhibits in Wattis Hall of Man, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, (Hall opened July 2, 1976).

1982-84 Consultant for Tolowa Indians, Northwestern California, in preparing bibliography and research on petition for tribal status. Also consultant to Northcoast Native American Film Project.

1984; 2000: Consultant for revisions to anthropological exhibits in the Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Cultures, American Museum of Natural History, New York

1985-86: Consultant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the U.S.S. Monitor archaeological project

1985-86: Consultant to the Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas, for exhibit, "Rock Art of the South Texas Archaic," and book, Ancient Texans.

3 1989-1995: Consultant to National Park Service on submerged cultural resources of the Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida


1966: Archaeology of the Point St. George Site and Tolowa Prehistory. University of California Publications in Anthropology, vol. 4, 141 pp.

1969: Yiwara: Foragers of the Australian Desert. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, and William Collins, Ltd., London and Sydney. Second edition published in 1971. Chapter 5 reprinted in Ritual, Play and Performance, edited by R. Schechner and M. Schuman, Seabury Press, New York, 1976.

1973: Man's Many Ways: A Natural History Reader in Anthropology, edited and with preface and introductions by R. A. Gould. Harper and Row, New York. Revised edition published in 1977.

1977: Puntutjarpa Rockshelter and the Australian Desert Culture. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 54, part 1, 189 pp.

1978: Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology, edited by R. A. Gould, University of New Mexico Press.

1980: Living Archaeology. Cambridge University Press.

1981: Modern Material Culture: The Archaeology of Us, edited by R.A. Gould and M. B. Schiffer, Academic Press, New York.

1983: Shipwreck Anthropology, edited by R. A. Gould, University of New Mexico Press.

1984: Toward an Ethnoarchaeology of Modern America, edited by R. A. Gould. Research Papers in Anthropology, No. 4, Brown University, Providence.

1990: Recovering the Past. University of New Mexico Press.

2000: Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, Cambridge University Press.

2007: Disaster Archaeology. University of Utah Press.


1963: "Aboriginal California Burial and Cremation Practices", Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, no. 60, pp. 149-168. Also reprinted in Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, edited by David Hurst Thomas, Garland Publishing, 1991.

*1964: (Jack Brown and R. A. Gould) "Column Chromatography and the Possibility of Carbon-Lens Migration", American Antiquity, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 387-389.

1964: "Exploitative Economics and Culture Change in Central California", Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, no. 62, pp. 123-163.

1964: (R.A. Gould and Theodore Paul Furukawa) "Aspects of Ceremonial Life among the Indian Shakers of Smith River, California", Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 31, pp. 51-67.

*1966: "The Wealth Quest among the Tolowa Indians of Northwestern California", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 110, no. 1, pp.67-89.

4 *1966: "Indian and White Versions of 'The Burnt Ranch Massacre'," Journal of Folklore Institute, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 30-42.

1966: "Some Stone Artifacts of the Wongkonguru of South ", American Museum Novitates, no. 2249, pp. 1-9.

1967: "Notes on Hunting, Butchering, and Sharing of Game among the Ngatatjara and Their Neighbors in the West Australian Desert", Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 36, pp. 41-66.

1968: "Chipping Stones in the Outback", Natural History, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 42-49. Reprinted in The Evolution of Human Adaptations, edited by J. Poggie, G. Pelto, and P. Pelto. Macmillan, New York, 1976, pp. 143-151.

1968: "Masculinity and Mutilation in a Primitive Society", Medical Opinion and Review, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 58-75.

1968: (R.A. Gould and E. B. Gould) "Kunturu: An Aboriginal Sacred Site on Lake Moore, ", American Museum Novitates, no. 2327, pp. 1-17.

*1968: "Living Archaeology: The Ngatatjara of Western Australia", Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 101-122.

*1968: "Seagoing Canoes among the Indians of Northwestern California", Ethnohistory, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 11-42.

1968: "Archaeology of the Mayan Caves, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala", Explorers Journal, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 164-167.

*1968: " Preliminary Report on Excavations of Puntutjarpa Rockshelter, near the Warburton Ranges, Western Australia", Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 161-185.

1969: (R. A. Gould and E. B. Gould) "Songs of the Western Desert Aborigines", Asch Mankind Series Recording AHM 4210 (45 min., 31 sec.) with 5 pp. accompanying notes.

*1969: "Subsistence Behavior among the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia", Oceania, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 253-274.

*1969: "Puntutjarpa Rockshelter: A Reply to Messrs. Glover and Lampert, Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 220-237.

1969 "Una Aproximacion Etnografíca para la Clasifícacion de Instrumentos de Piedra", in "Mesa Rodonda de Ciencias Prehistoricas y Antropologicas, Vol. 2", Publicaciones del Instituto Riva-Aguero, No. 58B, Peru, pp. 66-72.

1970 "Spears and Spear-Throwers of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia", American Museum Novitates, no. 2403, pp. 1-42.

1970 "Journey to Pulykara", Natural History, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. 56-67. Also reprinted in Aborigines, Race and Racism, edited by Humphrey McQueen, Penguin Books, Ltd.

1970 Don E. Crabtree and R.A. Gould, "Man's Oldest Craft Recreated", Curator, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 179-198.

*1970 Richard A. Gould, Dorothy A. Koster, and Ann H.L. Sontz, "The Lithic Assemblage of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia", American Antiquity, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 149-169.


1971 "Australia", in "Peoples of the Pacific", edited by Margaret Mead and Preston McClanahan, Natural History, vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 39, 48-49

*1971 "Uses and Effects of Fire among the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia", Mankind, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 14-24.

1971 "The Old Stone Age", in Man, Culture, and Society, edited by Harry L. Shapiro, Oxford University Press, pp. 47-94.

*1971 "The Archaeologist as Ethnographer: A Case from the Western Desert of Australia", World Archaeology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 143-177.

1972 "A Radiocarbon Date from the Point St. George Site, Northwestern California", Contributions to the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, no. 14, pp. 41-44.

1972 R.A. Gould and Jeffrey Quilter, "Flat Adzes: A Class of Flaked Stone Tools from Southwestern Australia", American Museum Novitates, no. 2502, pp. 1-14.

1972 "Progress to Oblivion", The Ecologist, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 17-22.

*1972 Richard A. Gould, Don D. Fowler, and Catherine S. Fowler, "Diggers and Doggers: Parallel Failures in Economic Acculturation", Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 265- 281.

1973 "Australian Archaeology in Ecological and Ethnographic Perspective", Warner Modular Publications, Module 7, pp. 1-33.

1973 "Use-Wear on Western Desert Aborigine Stone Tools: A Reply to Messrs. Hayden and Kamminga", Newsletter of Lithic Technology, vol .2, no. 1-2, pp. 9-13. Reprinted by Bobbs-Merrill.

1974 "Some Current Problems in Ethnoarchaeology", in Ethnoarchaeology,Monography IV, Institute of Archaeology, U.C.L.A.,edited by C.B. Donnan and C.W. Clewlow, Jr., pp. 29-48, reprinted in Experimental Archaeology, edited by D. Ingersoll et. al., Columbia University Press, 1977.

1974 R..A. Gould and Elizabeth B. Gould, "Burial Caves of Eastern Polynesia", Explorers Journal, vol. 52, nos. 3 and 4, pp. 136-141.

*1975 "Ecology and Adaptive Response among the Tolowa Indians of Northwestern California", The Journal of California Anthropology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.148-170. Reprinted in Native Californians: A Theoretical Retrospective, edited by Lowell J. Bean and Thomas C. Blackburn, Ballena Press, 1976.

*1976 "A Case of Heat Treatment of Lithic Materials in Aboriginal Northwestern California", The Journal of California Anthropology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 142-144.

1977 "Numbers, Names, and Nonagnates: Anthropological Problems in Genealogical and Census Data Collecting", Asian and Pacific Census Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 4-6.

1977 "The Archaeologist as Ethnographer", in Horizons of Anthropology, edited by Sol Tax and Leslie G. Freemen, Aldine, Chicago, pp. 151-170.

1977 "Discovering the Australian Desert Culture", Pacific Discovery, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-11.

6 1977 Patrick C. McCoy and R.A. Gould, "Alpine Archaeology in Hawaii", Archaeology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 234-243.

1977 "Ethno-archaeology; Or, Where Do Models Come From?" in Stone Tools as Cultural Markers, edited by R.V.S. Wright, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, pp. 162-8.

1978 "Tolowa", in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8: California, edited by Robert F. Heizer, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., pp. 128-136.

1978 "From to Tucson: New Directions in Ethnoarchaeology", in Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology, edited by R.A. Gould, University of New Mexico Press, pp. 1-10.

1978 "Beyond Analogy in Ethnoarchaeology", in Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology, edited by R.A. Gould, University of New Mexico Press, pp. 249-293.

*1978 "The Anthropology of Human Residues", American Anthropologist, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 815-35.

1978 "James Range East Rockshelter, , Australia: A Summary of the 1973 and 1974 Investigations", Asian Perspectives, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 86-126.

1979 "Exotic Stones and Battered Bones", Archaeology, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 28-37.

1981 "Quatre-vingt Annees d'Ethnoarcheologie", Nouvelles de L'Archeologie, no. 4, pp. 11-16.

1981 "Comparative Ecology of Food-Sharing in Australia and Northwest California", in Omnivorous Primates: Gathering and Hunting in Human Evolution, edited by Robert S.O. Harding and Geza Teleki, Columbia University Pres