INSIDER VOL. 16, NO. 3 “The Voice of the NYC Transportation Industry.” MARCH 2015

Letters Start on Page 2 • EDITORIAL Insider News By David Pollack Page 5 • Updated Relief Stands Hijacking Democracy Page 6 • (Tolls On All Bridges) Taxi Attorney Are you ready to pay $5.50 to cross the 59th replenish a credit card. Even IF they have a credit By Michael Spevack Street Bridge driving an empty cab twice card that hasn’t been maxed-out or charged off Page 7 a day? How about taking that $10.00 they do not have the disposable income • fare into downtown Brooklyn only to to store a few hundred bucks that EZ-Pass Puzzles come back over the Brooklyn Bridge, holds. (That is another editorial). One Page 7 and 21 , Bridge or Williamsburg City Councilman even had the balls to • Bridge and pay another $5.50? The state that only rich people own cars! Hey Press Conferences MTA already taxes our fares, yet the Councilman, I drive a used cab that has Page 13 Congestion Pricing proposal now has a 350,000 miles on it, and it is not because • softer name: Fair Pricing: What a crock I am nostalgic. I did notice you drive a Transportation Technology of sheep. (Brainwashing: Fair Fair Fair) 2014 Japanese car though. Issues In London Baaaah! This plan, whatever you choose This gross toll ripoff is just another at- tempt at money using the the tentacles(and By Matthew Daus to call it, is nothing less than a ploy by MTA supporters that hurts the hardest testicles I might add) of the MTA, by Page 15 working New Yorkers. wrapping them around the policies of a growing • Many politicians throughout the state are un- list of politicians and around their souls. One does Commissioner’s Corner der the cloaked control of the MTA but have no not have to be a politician to make a case for Fair By Meera Joshi idea why so many New Yorkers, even their own Fair Fair Pricing: Hear that Gridlock Sam? I’ll Page 17 constituents, use the cash lanes at the Triboro call it Sad Sad Sad Pricing. It is possible that this • Bridge (oops RFK). Here is breaking news for is yet another attempt by Bloomberg supporters Quotable Quotes those dummies: It is because MANY New Yorkers pushing for a leftover policy behind the $cenes Page 17 live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to (Continued on Page 4) • Red Light and Speed Cameras Oh, The Horror Who is This ‘UBER Guy’? Starts on Page 18 By Larry Fisher, Loan Department Supervisor By Abe Mittleman • MELROSE Credit Union How many times have you heard a politician make Current Madellion Agents Do you remember the a promise when running for offi ce only to abandon Starts on Page 19 scene in the fi lm, “Apoc- the promise after the votes are in and victory is • alypse Now,” when the achieved? If only we could pick these promises apart Economy main character, Captain before the election, certainly the results of elections Willard, approaches the would be different! Page 27 island commanded by Michael Alegretti, is a politician. Having lost his • renegade Colonel Kurtz? 2010 bid for the Republican seat in New York’s 13th Hotel Listing The foggy, surreal sen- Congressional District, Mr. Alegretti was available Page 28 and 30 sibility is heightened and hired by UBER in January of 2015 to be their • by the visage of decapi- ‘Director of Public Policy for New York. Events and More tated heads strewn along On February 12 at a public hearing of the TLC, Starts on Page 29 the shore. Sometimes I industry representatives were invited to give their • wonder if this is the world view of those longing to opinions of how FHV Apps should be regulated. Insider Directory dominate the globe, like ISIS, Al Qaeda, or Uber. There were some very sincere and dedicated industry Page 32 The absolute medieval barbarism of ISIS has been representatives in attendance who gave very educated • on display for some time now. They are so evil that input with their testimony. They had very thoughtful Embassy Listing even a nation that counts itself as our enemy, Iran, and honest opinions of how to structure the rules so Starts on Page 33 is working to help rid the region of ISIS insurgency that this segment of the industry would be within • in Iraq and Syria. What would the globe look like if the guidelines of licensed FHV service. Around The World ISIS or Al Qaeda were successful in their quest for Then, there was Michael Alegretti. He was rep- Page 46 (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) PAGE 2 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 JULY 2010 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 1 LETTERS INSIDER Yellow Drivers Leave ago. My husband worked hard. We paid our mort- Publisher & gage, we put our kids through college and we For Uber lived like human being. now the promise the city Editor-in-Chief Dear Mr. Pollack, made to us has been broken. gypsies, uber cars, Do you want to know the real reason yellow green cabs etc . are working the street. Where is David Pollack drivers leave for UBER. It is because of the police the promise the city made to us when we invested harassment done to yellow cab drivers. UBER in the city?.where is the protection? we help the drivers never get stopped and yellow cab drivers, MTA (50c) we help disabled (30C). Who is help- even the best ones, get stopped often. The longer ing US? my husband is working very long hours. we work, the better the chances of getting a police we don’t see him anymore. we ‘re strugling to summons, and usually for nothing. And the TLC make ends meet. points are unjust also. A passenger asked me to Please ask the commissioner what she is going look up an address on my iphone because her to do? I heard her saying on your show in the past battery was dead. I handed her the phone and she she is hiring new inspectors. Where are they? Columnists found the address. When she handed me back the I leave you with this: my grandfather used to phone, i looked at the address and made it bigger say. While the doctors trying to figure the cure, Matthew Daus, Esq. at a red light. A TLC inspector was next to me The patient die !. Tony Falese and gave me a summons for using my cell phone Thank You, while driving. I only had it my hand. At court I Concerned Wife Larry Fisher told the truth and was found guilty. God bless you Hweida for what you do for the taxi drivers but the TLC Ira Goldstein, Esq. has to lower their points. Issac Helping The Industry Bob Mackle, Esq. Dear Taxi Dave, Abe Mittleman Continue your great advocacy for our industry. You Still Problem Bus Lane, are and have been a pivotal voice for the industry. Alan Plafker Stay warm my friend. Pick Up And Drop Off Artie C Michael Spevack, Esq. Dear Taxi Dave, Chip Stern I got ticket for dropping off Passenger in bus lane on between 2nd and 3rd Ave last Uber Mark Twain week. Dear Taxi Dave, All the buses now have video cameras video- We prevent Uber from surge pricing because taping taxis and car services. We get tickets by most people use Uber when they can’t find a yel- Layout & Graphics mail for $95! low cab. So, it’s in the public interest to keep the Also I got a ticket picking up a Passnger at 404 medallion strong and add more medallions. Dragonfl y Graphics LLC East . The Passenger seated herself in Michael Simon my car, and as we start driving, 2 police cars and 4 officers jumped out of their cars, kicked out my Passenger and gave me tickets for No Parking, More Cars Taxi Insider Parking was only for trucks loading and unload- Dear Taxi Dave, ing. Cost? $115! There is no limit to the number of black cars 14 Alexander Drive The commissioner of TLC lie when she said we crowding the Manhattan streets. How are yellow Washingtonville, NY 10992 stop or don’t give tickets for pick up and drop off. cabs supposed to provide proper service when the It’s not fair and honest. This harassment needs TLC keep adding more cars? Phone: (718) 706-TAXI(8294) to stop. We enjoyed that week when all police of- Attusa ficers did not give any tickets because they were — mad at DeBlsio the mayor. That’s was the best Protect Medallions E-mail:[email protected] week: no crime no accident Dear Taxi Dave, Please no name Let me get this straight. The city auctions Copyright © 2015 by TAXI INSIDER. All Because the NYPD & TLC will be coming after medallions and lets UBER cars come into the rights reserved. Neither this newspaper nor me for complaining industry. Every time they add one more UBER any part therof may be reproduced, copied, Thank you. car, they are taking one yellow cab off the road. or transmitted in any form, electronic or Peace and love, They can buy a Mercedes versus the NV-200 I mechanical including photocopying, mi- Avner must buy. There is a limit on (the number of) yel- crofi lming, recording or by any information lows but no limit on them. This means the TLC retrieving system without the express written TLC COmMISSIONER is definitely destroying our business. I know you permission of the publishers. The copyright Dear Taxi Dave, thanked the Chairwoman for all she has done for is extended to the design and text created I heard that the TLC commissioner will be on the yellow cabs on your radio show, but what are for advertisements. This publication will your show. If you could bring up these matters to they really doing to help us? Basically, they stole not be responsible for errors in advertise- her that would be great. Why does TLC sell the our business after the last auction. If they don’t ment beyond the cost of the space occupied medallion and not protect their owners? I work protect the medallions, then the medallion won’t by the error. Bylined articles represent the on E84 and lexington, countless times I’ve been be worth anything. sole opinion of the writer and are not neces- asked to be picked up on the street by UBER cars, Vito sarily in accordance with the views of TAXI green taxis, or gypsy cars, which is not only illegal INSIDER. but dangerous. Jobs In Jeopardy This Publication reserves the right to Thank You, Dear Taxi Dave, limit or refuse advertising it deems objec- Lorraine 20-30 year experienced drivers are being put tionable. in jeopardy of losing their jobs. In the past 35 TAXI INSIDER is published monthly at years I never got a speeding ticket but I just got a a subscription rate of $48.00 per year. TLC Commissioner Hi Taxi Dave, speeding ticket in the transverse for doing 35mph. My husband bought his medallion many years (Continued on Page 4) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 3

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139-30 Queens Blvd., INSURANCE Briarwood, NY 11435 Phone: (718) 523-1300 Fax: (718) 526-1205 A Melrose Credit Union Service Organization PAGE 4 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Newark Taxi Driver Hailed As Hero For Preventing Scam LETTERS

(Continued from Page 2) It was from the TLC. I am not against enforcing have the money. All these extra uber cars are fill- against reckless driving, but I was coming through ing every avenue and street. Get these cars out of the park while a Lincoln was tailgating me, one Manhattan please. inch from my rear bumper. When I got to the other Harry D side, bam! They should be more understanding and go after the reckless-fast drivers. The past year I have seen a change to maybe one out of ten nutty Winter Foul Up drivers. Before Vision Zero I would see 4 out of 10 Dear Taxi Dave, nutty drivers and that is a good thing. What sucks The city has done a horrible job cleaning up is we don’t want to end up on public assistance. I the streets in the 5 boros. I see the plow and salt Jaouad Ezzaher was recently honored by Attorney trucks, but they aren’t applying salt. The roads General Matt Denn for stopping a senior citizen from see yellow cabs every day getting tickets, no one being scammed. else, just yellows, and drivers at my garage tell me are impassable. I feel like the Sanitation Dept It’s an all-too-familiar story: A senior citizen they get 3 at a time from NYPD. Someone needs is striking against the city and Mayor. So I have gets a call from someone claiming to be from a to tell the NYPD not to target yellow cabs. decided not to work on this snow day March 5th. government agency and is scammed into giving Alex The roads are treacherous. the caller a significant amount of money. The city takes money from us to pay for sala- However, thanks to a Newark-based cab driver, Driver’s and Traffi c ries and improvements that aren’t being applied. this particular story has a happier ending. Dear Taxi Dave, Surcharges after surcharges...for what??? When Jaouad Ezzaher, who drives for the FEZ taxi As a career taxi driver I just wanted to let the are things going to improve Dave? I’m trying to company, was honored last week by Attorney Gen- world know that during rush hour, passengers pay cope with all this and just drive. I guess it could be eral Matt Denn for his actions to prevent an 85-year- an extra $5 per fare because of traffic. worse, but it would be fair to see improvements. old man from losing money to a scammer. The driver loses too and the pollution has to All drivers work so hard to make a living , just to “Mr. Ezzaher is a hero,” Denn said in a prepared be bad with all cars crawling. You can’t move in make a small profit. I guess Bloomberg will be statement. “He could have just gone about his busi- NYC especially during rush hour. This was done number 2 on the Forbes wealthiest list before I ness, done his job and moved on. But instead, he on purpose by Mayor Bloomberg because he felt can make a good decent living. The rich get richer went the extra mile to protect one of Delaware’s if he caused more traffic and congestion, the city and middle class eliminated. most valuable resources…a senior citizen.” could charge more for congestion pricing and To be continued..... Taxi Solomon Ezzaher, 31, said the incident began when he crime. Hijacking Democracy got a call from someone with a foreign accent – Ezzaher has been driving a cab for two years to (Continued from Page 1) presumably the scammer – who ordered a taxi pay for his tuition to the University of Delaware, pick-up for the elderly man at his house. where he is studying computer engineering. He that was already voted down. This, is nothing less The victim asked to be dropped off at a bank said that he doesn’t think he did anything out the than an attempt to hijack true democracy. First on Kirkwood Highway, and Ezzaher noticed he ordinary. Bloomberg & the MTA used the NYCDOT to was on the phone during the whole ride. “The way he looked, anyone would have done cause congestion using those phony left turn lanes, “He was very frustrated and very scared,” Ez- it,” he said. bike lanes, and pedestrian malls. zaher said. Reprinted with permission from The Newark- And, Senator Avella is absolutely right when he At one point, the man mentioned he was talk- Post. says, “These new tolls are nothing less than a tax, ing to the IRS. destined to be increased in the future.” I agree with “As soon as he said that, it clicked,” Ezzaher the Senator. When the MTA cries for more money said. “The IRS is official. They don’t call you on in the future, what do you really think is going to the phone and request a taxi for you.” happen to these tolls? His suspicions raised, the cab driver struck up Let’s not forget that the MTA currently has a $15 a conversation with the man. BILLION shortfall on future projects, they call it a “My intuition was I wanted to warn him,” he Capital Plan. I believe this shortfall to be caused by said. decades of mismanagement including nepotism. “I The victim said the “IRS agent” told him his have a great idea, pass the buck onto the public!” assets were frozen and instructed him to take the (Look at any of your monthly bills energy or phone money to a nearby pharmacy parking lot, where bills and you will fi nd an MTA tax. Selling a house? an agent would meet him. 1.74% is an MTA tax.) The middle calss, the up- “I said, ‘Don’t do it. It’s a scam,’” Ezzaher per middle class and the lower claqss of residents recalled. “I saw the relief on his face.” deserve free transportation into every Borough. So He then drove the man to the Delaware State let’s keep the bridges free. After all: “You can’t fool Police barracks at Prices Corner to report the a Corleone.” Third $ term $ anyone? TAXI DAVE’S RADIO SHOW WOR-710AM 8:00 – 9:00 PM EVERY SUNDAY! MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 5 Insider News TLC's March 5th Public Hearing: facets of an applicant’s history and background when determining if an applicant is fi t to hold a license. New Rule Changes Coming! Currently, TLC does not accept a driver’s license application for two years Double-Shifting Requirement from any person found driving for-hire without a TLC license or from any TLC proposes repealing the double-shifting requirement that now applies previously-licensed driver who has committed six or more violations of TLC to vehicles operating on certain taxicab medallions. Currently, vehicles oper- rules. TLC proposes removing these limitations to permit a case-by-case review ated in Fleets and Minifl eets are required under TLC rules to be driven at least of an applicant’s fi tness for licensure. TLC does not want to delay the licensure of two nine-hour shifts each day, including holidays and weekends. The ability of applicants who, although they were previously caught driving illegally for-hire, fl eets and minifl eets to lease their medallions for two shifts per day depends on now wish to provide safe and licensed service. Similarly, TLC does not want demand from drivers, and sometimes it is not possible for a Fleet or Minifl eet to to delay the licensure of applicants who violated TLC rules six times without lease all of its medallions for two shifts every day. Other non-use rules prevent considering the specifi c rules violated as well as the time within which these medallion owners from keeping their medallions out of service for an extended violations occurred. period of time, and TLC believes these are suffi cient to ensure that taxis are suf- In addition, TLC currently does not allow a driver to reapply for a license for fi ciently available. Furthermore, Fleet and Minifl eet operators have an economic one year after a prior application was denied because the applicant was found incentive to lease their medallions for as many shifts as possible, and removing not fi t to hold a license. This period is measured from the date on which TLC the double-shifting requirement enables them to use their business judgment to denied the prior application. TLC proposes that this one-year period be counted determine the optimal number of shifts for this purpose. from the date on which the applicant previously applied for a new license. Renewal Extensions Finally, TLC currently does not accept license applications for three years TLC proposes increasing the amount of time a driver can postpone an expiration from drivers whose TLC licenses were revoked, including those revoked under date on a current license. Currently, TLC allows a one-time extension of 31 days the Critical Driver or Persistent Violator programs. This allows a driver, in the to taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle drivers who request additional time to complete case of a prior Critical Driver or Persistent Violator revocation, to demonstrate the renewal process. TLC proposes extending the time granted for an extension a safe record of driving over a three-year period prior to being permitted to to 60 days to allow more time for licensees who may be out of the country and provide for-hire service again. The three-year period currently begins when the miss the opportunity to extend an expiration date. Increasing the extension time TLC license is revoked by the Commission. Since a TLC drivers license cannot will help prevent many drivers from having to reapply as new licensees. be revoked under the Critical Driver or Persistent Violator programs until after Yellow Taxi Vehicle Retirement Schedules the driver is convicted of the underlying summonses, there can be a delay in time In 1996, the Commission introduced retirement schedules for all taxicabs to between when the underlying violations occurred and when the driver’s TLC improve the quality of vehicles on the road. At that time, taxis were failing 71 license is revoked. TLC recognizes that a driver with no further traffi c violations percent of their tri-annual inspections.1 The oldest taxicab vehicles on the road following the last violation triggering the revocation may be able to demonstrate in 1996 were more than ten years old. Retirement requirements were established three years of safe driving before the period, as currently measured, expires. according to the operation schedule of each medallion type; vehicles operated Therefore, TLC proposes that drivers who can demonstrate three years of safe on fl eet medallions without long-term drivers were limited to three years in driving following the last violation triggering the revocation and prior to the end service, and medallions with long-term drivers (i.e., drivers who own or lease a of the ban, may apply for a new license before the ban is lifted. medallion, are named on the rate card, and drive the taxicab at least 160 hours per month) were limited to fi ve years. Industry Notice #15-08 These three- and fi ve-year retirement schedules could be lengthened through Important Notice about Improvement retirement extensions offered for vehicles using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and for minivans, incentivizing the adoption of certain vehicles through retire- Surcharge, Payment Process for ment extensions. This continued when the Council passed Local Law 52 of 2006, amending the New York City Administrative Code to extend Street Hail Livery, Permit Owners and retirement periods for wheelchair-accessible taxis and for hybridelectric and Medallion Owners and Agents other clean-air taxis. On January 1, 2015, a $0.30 per trip Improvement Surcharge went into ef- Today, the retirement schedules for some taxis allow twice as much time on fect and taxicabs and Street Hail Liveries (SHLs) were automatically updated to the road as others, even though in many cases the vehicles travel a comparable charge the new rate for all hailed trips. This surcharge will help fund an increase distance each year. Vehicles with different retirement schedules fail their inspec- in the number of wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) on the road to assist in tions at about the same rate. For both Minifl eet and Independent Medallions, the achieving the City’s goal of a 50% wheelchair accessible taxi fl eet by the year inspection failure rate remains steady at about 30 percent after the second year 2020. Medallion owners/agents and SHL permit owners are responsible for send- of service, a complete reversal from the passing rate of 29 percent in 1995. ing the surcharges to the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) These high rates of success at TLC safety and emissions inspections suggest each quarter which will be placed into a Vehicle Fund and a Driver Fund. The that most vehicles remain in good condition for many years of service. Because TLC will then issue payments to WAV owners and drivers starting in 2016. vehicles perform better today, regardless of the length of time they are permitted Payment for the fi rst quarter of 2015 is due by May 1, 2015. Failure to submit to operate, than when retirement schedules were introduced, TLC proposes a your payment by that date may result in the issuance of a summons which could uniform retirement schedule of seven years for all vehicles which are Hacked- result in fi nes and/or possible suspension of your license until compliance. up after April 20, 2015. This change will allow owners to keep vehicles on the Each SHL permit owner, medallion owner, and/or medallion agent will receive road for their full useful lives and correspondingly reduce vehicle expenses, a quarterly statement from their TPEP or LPEP provider. The TLC will provide one of the larger expenses of taxicab operation. Accompanying this change, further guidance in an upcoming Industry Notice on how to access statements TLC proposes removing all retirement extensions for vehicles Hacked-up after through TPEP and LPEP Provider web portals. For the fi rst quarter the surcharges the same date, except the hardship extension provided in §67-19(a) of the TLC will be due on May 1, 2015 and will follow the timeline below: rules, so that all vehicles will retire after seven years. 2 All vehicles Hacked-up • April 5, 2015 – 5th day after quarter end. Improvement Surcharge state- before April 20, 2015, will remain subject to the retirement schedule assigned ments will be available on the TPEP and LPEP Provider web portals. Do not to them at Hack-up. access the statements before April 5th to ensure that all trips are included in the Bans on Driver Applicants statement. Under current driver rules a number of specifi c incidents trigger automatic • April 5 – April 20, 2015 – Challenge Period starts. Owners and agents will denial of a license application for a certain number of years. These limitations be able to review their Improvement Surcharge statements and raise any discrep- currently apply to all applicants for medallion, for-hire, paratransit, and com- ancies to their TPEP or LPEP Providers during the 15-day Challenge Period. muter van driver licenses. They were established in 2011 to clearly articulate • April 20, 2015 – Challenge Period ends. Amounts due are fi nalized. minimum lengths of time between an incident which TLC determined causes • May 1, 2015 – Payment is due to the TLC. Payments may only be made an applicant to be unfi t for licensure and the time at which the applicant may using the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission’s License Applications, Renewals be eligible to apply for a license. The purpose of these minimum standards was & Summonses (LARS) system which can be found at: to avoid repeated submission of applications and application fees by applicants Subsequent quarters will follow the same timeline. Improvement Surcharge who were clearly not fi t for licensure. TLC has recently undertaken a review of statements will be available on the 5th of the month following the quarter’s end. the limitations and the related time periods associated with each type of incident The 15-day Challenge Period for the quarter will end on the 20th of that month, and is proposing changes to some of the limitation criteria. In line with the traf- and payments will be due to the TLC on the fi rst day of the subsequent month. fi c safety goals of Vision Zero, TLC will continue to take into consideration all (Continued on Page 22) PAGE 6 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015

TAXI AND FOR-HIRE VEHICLE Uber’s Driver Data Breach RELIEF STANDS Hidden For Five Months DOT is not responsible regulating taxis. Taxis are regulated by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. DOT does regulate taxi relief stands Taxi relief stands allow drivers to park their vehicles for up to one hour. This affords drivers the opportunity to leave their vehicles and take care of personal needs. Taxi relief stands should not be confused with taxi stands, which are locations where drivers can wait, in their cars, to pick up passengers. The type column indicates if the relief stand is for taxis alone, or both taxis and For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs). Staten Island currently has no relief stands. BRONX TYPE LOCATION CROSS STREET Taxi Jerome Ave. (E. Side) Eliot Pl. & E. 170th St. Taxi Metropolitan Ave. (N. Side) Purdy St. & Red Oak Dr.

MANHATTAN EAST SIDE ABOVE 23RD STREET Taxis E.77th St.(N. Side) First & Second Aves. Taxis E. 86th St. (N. Side) Henderson Pl. & York Ave. Taxis E. 78th Street (N. Side) Lexington & Third Ave. Taxis E. 78th St. (S. Side) Lexington & Third Ave. Taxis & FHVs E. 29th St. (S. Side) Madison & Fifth Ave. Taxis E. 27th St. (N. Side) Park Ave. S. & Madison Ave. Taxis & FHVs E.28th St. (N. Side) Park Av. S. & Lexington Ave. Taxis & FHVs Madison Ave. (W. Side) E. 26th & 27th St. Taxis E. 26th Street (S. Side) Third & Second Aves.

MANHATTAN WEST SIDE ABOVE 23RD STREET Taxis W. 55th St. (S. Side) Tenth & Eleventh Aves. Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W.Side) W. 55th & 56th Sts. Taxis & FHVs Eighth Ave. (E. Side) W. 52nd & 53rd Sts. Taxis (E. Side) W. 48th & 47th Sts. Taxis Eighth Ave. (W. Side) W. 46th & 47th Sts. Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 39th & 40th Sts. Uber announced last week (Feb. recommend these individuals moni- Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 38th & 39th Sts. 27) that the data of roughly 50,000 tor their credit reports for fraudulent Taxis Broadway (E. Side) W. 43rd & 42nd Sts. drivers may have been impacted in transactions or accounts,” Tassi wrote Taxis Ninth Ave. (E. Side) W. 42nd & 41st Sts. a security breach, but the car-hailing in the post. “We have also filed what Taxis West 39th St. (S. Side) Eighth & Ninth Aves. service company failed to report the is referred to as a ‘John Doe’ lawsuit Taxis Ninth Ave. (E. Side) W. 30th & 29th Sts. information to drivers for five months so that we are able to gather informa- after learning of the incident. tion that may lead to confirmation of MANHATTAN BELOW 23RD STREET In a blog post on Uber’s website the identity of the third party.” Taxis E. 23rd St. First & Second Aves. written by Katherine Tassi, Uber’s But according to some data breach Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 22nd & 23rd Sts. managing counsel of data privacy, experts, Uber’s failure to notify its Taxis Third Ave. (W. Side) E. 14th & 15th Sts. she shared details of the breach. Tassi drivers within two months may been Taxis & FHVs Third Ave. (W. Side) E. 15th & 14th Sts. said Uber’s information database may longer than what state guidelines Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W.13th & 14th Sts. have been compromised on May 13, dictate. According to a report by Taxis Sixth Ave. (W. Side) Thompson & Grand Sts. 2014, by a third-party source, but was The Wall Street Journal, California Taxis & FHVs Canal St. (N. Side) E. Broadway & Essex St. not discovered by the company until (Uber’s home state where 20,000 Taxis Park Row (SE. Side) Ann & Beekman Sts. Sept. 17, 2014. She indicated Uber drivers were impacted) requires Taxis & FHVs Fulton St. (S. Side) Broadway & Church St. “immediately changed the access companies to tell impacted parties Taxis & FHVs South St. (N. Side) Old Slip & Broad St. protocols for the database and began “in the most expedient time possible Taxis & FHVs Water St. (W. Side) Whitehall & Broad Sts. an in-depth investigation,” which is and without unreasonable delay.” Taxis Whitehall St. (W. Side) South & State Sts, how the company learned that 50,000 The report noted that most state driver may have been impacted by the laws have 60 days as a guideline, but BROOKLYN breach. Still, Uber did not notify its the restrictions are often vague. An Taxis N. Sixth St. (N. Side) Berry St. & Wythe Ave. drivers until recently. The files that Uber spokeswoman told WSJ that the Taxis Fourth Ave. (W. Side) Third & Sixth Sts. were accessed contained the name investigation is ongoing and drivers and driver’s license numbers of some were notified as the law requires. QUEENS of the drivers, Tassi said. “I usually expect it’s no more than Taxis & FHVs 43rd Ave. (N. side) 11th & 12th Sts. All drivers have been notified, she 60 days before you start notifying Taxis 44th Rd. (N. Side) 21st & 11th Sts. said, but she noted that there have people,” Brian Finch, a cybersecurity Taxis & FHVs Hunterspoint Ave. 27th & 30th Sts. been no reports of the information and data-breach expert at law firm Taxis 31st St. (W. Side) 34th & 35th Aves. Taxis & FHVs 43rd Ave. 36th & 37th Sts. being used for fraudulent purposes. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman Taxis 34th St. (W. Side) 37th & 38th Aves. Uber is also providing a year mem- in Washington, D.C., told The Wall Taxis Skillman Ave. 37th & 36th Sts. bership to Experian’s ProtectMyID Street Journal. “Unless they were Taxis Queens Blvd. (S. Side) 50th & 51st Sts. Alert. cooperating with law enforcement, Taxis Queens Blvd. 55th & 54th Sts. “To date, we have not received any which is a possibility, it would seem Taxis & FHVs 45th Ave. (S. side) Jackson Ave. & 23rd St. reports of actual misuse of any infor- to be an unusual delay.” Taxis & FHVs Pearson St. (W. Side) Jackson Ave. & dead end mation as a result of this incident, but Reprinted with permission from Taxis 49th St. Newtown Rd & Northern Blvd. we are notifying impacted drivers and By Pymts. Taxis 55th St. Queens Blvd & Roosevelt Ave. Taxis Van Dam St. Queens Blvd & Skillman Ave. Taxis & FHVs 36th St. Skillman & 43rd Aves. NEED AN ACCOUNTANT? Don’t risk a summons trying to fi nd a Relief Stand on the list SEE that the TLC web site provides. Texting or searching on-line while in your cab is against the law. Keep this list in your taxi THE TAXI INSIDER for future use! DIRECTORY ON PAGE 32 MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 7 The Taxi Attorney March Taxi Driver Puzzle Hello everybody, I hope that you are best behavior at all times and if you are working hard and making good money. happy to have a job, even this tough one, Do you know the stories behind each word? This month I want to talk in this economy, then you You would if you listened to Taxi Dave’s Radio about eight topics. will make the yellow cab First, I have moved experience memorable Show, Sunday’s at 8:00 PM on WOR710. Brought my offi ce to 160 E. 56th for your customers in a to you by Melrose Credit Union. You will also Street, Floor 7, New York, good sense and hope- understand the puzzle better if you read our NY 10022. The offi ce fully all the competition is between for yellow cab business, articles. and both legal and illegal will H U S T L E I H Y R M A C on the south side of the cease. Something to think street. My phone number about. I know that police 0 U S E D R L I N C H I L remains 212.754.1011 are targeting yellow cab 3 L N A T S U G P A E M I or 866.LAW.MIKE or drivers but try to remain 866.529.6453. There is diligent and safe as you O E S D X A V H R R E G N a taxi stand on Lexington drive. Easy to say. Tough H L S I R D U L I A J R G Avenue and 56th Street. It is a good idea to do. to call me before you come over to the Sixth, remember to bring me your T O P R I E L A 1 S O E C offi ce. I look forward to seeing you all DMV and TLC tickets. It is important to H T E A V D I N 9 P S B I at my exciting new space at 160 E. 56th fi ght all your DMV (issued by NYPD) Street, 7th Floor, NY NY 10022. and TLC tickets. Be careful. Don’t A S L A E S N D 2 I H M T Second, if you are arrested and you skimp on the lawyer only to lose your T N E W R S D E 5 T B O Y possess a TLC license, it is imperative license later. Please fi ght every yellow that you hire the best criminal attorney or pink ticket you receive from NYPD E A T A D E A R % S L O W that you can afford and maybe one that and every TLC ticket you receive. If you D R N P R I C E G O U G I you cannot afford. I suggest that you are uncertain whether to use an attorney borrow money to pay the attorney. This for a particular ticket, please come see G C O I T Z O N C X A T N is so because TLC will hold your license me and I will tell you, no charge, if the R V A L I E F F I I D S G until the criminal case is fi nished and ticket has points and you do or do not the TLC will take it permanently from need an attorney or representative for E F I L A D E A R W O N R you if the criminal matters is NOT a particular summons. resolved to the TLC’s satisfaction. I Seventh, please take the defensive E N E D D M O N T H L Y O work with a very high quality criminal driver course every 18 months. Do Find the following words/accronyms in the puzzle above attorney who can speed up criminal not wait three years to take the DDC matters and obtains excellent results, class that takes points off of your NYS • PRICE GOUGING • 30 HUSTLERS ARRESTED • so please call me at 212.754.1011 if driver’s license. Please take the course • HUNDREDS SEIZED MONTHLY • you get arrested. every 18 months so if TLC sends you a Third, please listen to the Taxi letter to suspend or revoke your Hack • STOLEN DRIVER DATA • USED TAXIS • Insider radio show on 710 am WOR, or TLC license you will have taken the on Sunday evenings between 8pm and class before you get such TLC letter. • HIGHLANDER • NYC HAILING CITY • 9pm. David Pollack is the host. He is If you take the class after you get the • MEERA JOSHI • APRIL 19 • smart, entertaining, informative and TLC letter, even if otherwise eligible, best of all, knows the truth about what TLC will NOT reduce your points. • 25% TIPS • MEDALLION RENEWAL • is happening in your Industry. So, please Also, there is a persistent violator • POTHOLES • COALITION • TRAFFIC • tune in to listen. course available to reduce TLC points Fourth, all drivers need a will and which are now being combined with • SLOW IN SNOW • important estate documents such as a DMV points and can result in your power of attorney, living will, health losing your TLC license very quickly • BLOOMBERG • GREENFIELD • care proxy, etc. If you own a medallion, (Continued on Page 16) • CAMRY • TAXI • you must have a will; otherwise your family will have trouble with, among others, the TLC, after you die. Also, if you have young children – you need a will. Even if you don’t own a medal- lion, you need to do a will and a power of attorney. . Every driver needs these documents. All matters are confi dential and handled with care. As my ad states, there is a special price for readers of this publication. Please handle these matters appropriately. You can reach me at 212.754.1011 to set up an ap- pointment. Fifth, please remember that you are best ambassador for the yellow cab industry that there is. One down side to driving a yellow is that you are an open target. Anyone at any time can complain against you if you drive a yellow. Your face and name are on display and you are very easy to identify and complain against. Even red light camera tickets and speed camera tickets are more dangerous to yel- low drivers because TLC knows who is driving the cab. But, if you are on your PAGE 8 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Oh, The Horror different than ISIS? Not much, except surge pricing, and price cuts in various into the hands of Uber IPO investors the direct acknowledgement of respon- cities, it is easy to realize that Uber would defi nitely not be in the public’s (Continued from Page 1) sibility for murders and decapitations. will rip off the public, and be unable to interest. And when passengers have to world domination? Clearly, they believe Uber is a direct threat to the livelihoods provide their drivers a livable wage. Go pay hundreds of dollars to entice drivers in a form of Islamic Fundamentalism of thousands of drivers and support on if you don’t believe to take them to the airport, that won’t that declares all non-Muslims to be personnel that have thrived in the taxi me. The site is rife with complaints be in the public interest either. enemies, and therefore ripe for murder. business for generations. Instead of from drivers regarding price cuts, and So now it’s up to the politicians to Clearly, they believe in the subjuga- working with the existing structures many of them won’t log into the Uber step up to the plate and do what’s right tion of women relegating them to an in the industry, they have broken the system unless there is a price surge in for both the riding public and those who uneducated, submissive role with no law, lied to their constituent drivers, effect, basically manipulating the sys- provide those services. It’s up to the rights, civil or otherwise. This funda- gouged their customers, all in the hope tem. The government would be handing politicians in Washington and abroad mentalist worldview is at odds with all of industry domination. At this junc- over control of this public utility to a to do the right thing in terms of dealing progressive cultures and counts on the ture, they claim to have the equivalent group of corporate thugs who are not with ISIS. Ultimately, the politicians apathy of those cultures as ISIS and number of vehicles as the yellow fl eet. responsible to their customers or their will listen to their various constituents Al Qaeda rises in infl uence among the Because it is diffi cult to ascertain what “partners.” The NYC taxi industry, to some extent, so it is incumbent upon desperate and poor in both the Islamic their actual numbers are due to their just in terms of medallion values, is a you to exert as much pressure as possible and non-Islamic nations. As the price lack of transparency in the most highly $13 billion industry based on recent to combat the effects of the billions of of oil declines, this may only fuel the regulated business in America, let’s say values. That would be a lot of wealth dollars being spent by Uber in their desperation and generate into more they are correct. And let’s say that they to disappear, and certainly legal activity own political activities. You must call, Jihadists. attain their goal of industry leader, and would abound in efforts to recover that write, or e-mail. What makes the assent of Uber any destroy the yellow medallion. Between wealth. The movement of that wealth Who, Is This MANHATTAN POLICE PRECINCTS (Continued from Page 1) Precinct Address Direct line 1 Precinct 16 Ericsson Place 1-212-334-0611 Police Precincts resenting UBER in a way that sounded 5 Precinct 19 Elizabeth Street 1-212-334-0711 more like a political campaign than a constructive opinion as the other repre- 6 Precinct 233 West 10 Street 1-212-741-4811 In New York City sentatives at the meeting put forward. 7 Precinct 19 1/2 Pitt Street 1-212-477-7311 Taxi Insider Info Using “Sound Bites” - as politicians 9 Precinct 130321 AvenueEast 5th C Street 1-212-477-7811 often do in campaign speeches - Mr. 10 Precinct 230 West 20th Street 1-212-741-8211 71 Precinct 421 Empire Boulevard 1-718-735-0511 Alegretti addressed the TLC commis- 13 Precinct 230 East 21st Street 1-212-477-7411 72 Precinct 830 4th Avenue 1-718-965-6311 sioners. The following is my analysis Precinct 73 Precinct 1470 East New York Avenue 1-718-495-5411 of the “Sound Bites” he had to offer. MSP 357 West 35th Street 1-212-239-9811 Partnership’ With The TLC 75 Precinct 1000 Sutter Avenue 1-718-827-3511 17 Precinct 167 East 1-212-826-3211 The TLC is a Regulatory Agency 76 Precinct 191 Union Street 1-718-834-3211 Midtown North Precinct of the NYC Government! 77 Precinct 127 Utica Avenue 1-718-735-0611 MNP 306 West 1-212-767-8400 Since when are the regulated part- 78 Precinct 65 6th Avenue 1-718-636-6411 ners with the regulators? 19 Precinct 153 East 67th Street 1-212-452-0600 79 Precinct 263 Tompkins Avenue 1-718-636-6611 UBER Has Brought to NYC ‘A 20 Precinct 120 West 82nd Street 1-212-580-6411 81 Precinct 30 Ralph Avenue 1-718-574-0411 New Standard of Service ?? Precinct 83 Precinct 480 Knickerbocker Avenue 1-718-574-1605 Itemized receipts are not a ‘new 86th St & Transverse Road 1-212-570-4820 84 Precinct 301 Gold Street 1-718-875-6811 standard.’ This has been available to 23 Precinct 162 East 102nd Street 1-212-860-6411 88 Precinct 298 Classon Avenue 1-718-636-6511 all passengers from all segments of 24 Precinct 151 West 100th Street 1-212-678-1811 90 Precinct 211 Union Avenue 1-718-963-5311 the industry - and has been for some 25 Precinct 120 East 119th Street 1-212-860-6511 94 Precinct 100 Meserole Avenue 1-718-383-3879 time. Driver I.D. in advance does not 26 Precinct 520 West 126th Street 1-212-678-1311 tell the passenger anything of the driver’s background. Driver I.D. has 28 Precinct 2271-89 8th Avenue 1-212-678-1611 QUEENS POLICE PRECINCTS 30 Precinct 451 West 151st Street 1-212-690-8811 always been available in all segments Precinct Address Direct line 32 Precinct 250 West 135th Street 1-212-690-6311 of the industry. 100 Precinct 92-24 Rockaway Beach Blvd. 1-718-318-4200 What’s new is that they’ve brought 33 Precinct 2207 Amsterdam Avenue 1-212-927-3200 101 Precinct 16-12 Mott Avenue 1-718-868-3400 “Price Gouging” to new level, amateur 34 Precinct 4295 Broadway 1-212-927-9711 102 Precinct 87-34 118th Street 1-718-805-3200 drivers with questionable vehicles and the biggest group of rules breakers ever BRONX POLICE PRECINCTS 103 Precinct 168-02 P.O. Edwaard Byrne Ave. 1-718-657-8181 104 Precinct 64-02 Catalpa Avenue 1-718-386-3004 to be in this business. Stand out on the Precinct Address Direct line 105 Precinct 92-08 222nd Street 1-718-776-9090 street and see how many of them want 40 Precinct 257 Alexander Avenue 1-718-402-2270 to steal passengers that are “Street 106 Precinct 103-53 101st Street 1-718-845-2211 41 Precinct 1035 Longwood Avenue 1-718-542-4771 Hailing.” Yes, it’s a ‘new standard. 107 Precinct 71-01 Parsons Boulevard 1-718-969-5100 42 Precinct 830 Washington Avenue 1-718-402-3887 A new standard for all the WRONG 108 Precinct 5-47 50th Avenue 1-718-784-5411 43 Precinct 900 Fteley Avenue 1-718-542-0888 reasons! 109 Precinct 37-05 Union Street 1-718-321-2250 44 Precinct 2 East 289th Street 1-718-590-5511 Comprehensive Outer Borough 110 Precinct 94-41 43rd Avenue 1-718-476-9311 45 Precinct 2877 Barkley Avenue 1-718-822-5411 Service 111 Precinct 45-06 215th Street 1-718-279-5200 UBER has successfully halted the 46 Precinct 2120 Ryer Avenue 1-718-220-5211 112 Precinct 68-40 Austin Street 1-718-520-9311 issuance of Street Hail Liveries that 47 Precinct 4111 Laconia Avenue 1-718-920-1211 113 Precinct 167-02 Baisley Boulevard 1-718-712-7733 would have given a secure asset to 48 Precinct 450 Cross Bronx Expressway 1-718-299-3900 114 Precinct 34-16 Astoria Boulevard 1-718-626-9311 the drivers that bought into this new 49 Precinct 2121 Eastchester Road 1-718-918-2000 115 Precinct 92-15 Northern Boulevard 1-718-533-2002 service, along with those who were 50 Precinct 3450 Kingsbridge Avenue 1-718-543-5700 planning to do likewise. 52 Precinct 3016 Webster Avenue 1-718-220-5811 STATEN ISLAND POLICE PRECINCTS Instead, they use amateur drivers with cars that will deprecate while BROOKLYN POLICE PRECINCTS Precinct Address Direct line the UBER company appreciates. This Precinct Address Direct line 120 Precinct 78 Richmond Terrace 1-718-876-8500 leaves their drivers with practically 60 Precinct 2951 West 8th Street 1-718-946-3311 122 Precinct 2320 Hylan Boulevard 1-718-667-2211 nothing! It also gives the riding public 61 Precinct 2575 Coney Island Avenue 1-718-627-6611 123 Precinct 116 Main Street 1-718-948-9311 the opportunity to be subject to their 62 Precinct 1925 Bath Avenue 1-718-236-2611 “Price Gouging” rather than a standard metered rate! 63 Precinct 1844 Brooklyn Avenue 1-718-258-4411 Questions? Comments? We Doubled The Income of The 66 Precinct 5822 16th Avenue 1-718-851-5611 Drivers 67 Precinct 2820 Snyder Avenue 1-718-287-3211 E-Mail Taxi Insider at This is widely disputed! There have 68 Precinct 333 65th Street 1-718-439-4211 been many studies that show this to be 69 Precinct 9720 Foster Avenue 1-718-257-6211 [email protected] false! If any of their drivers are making 70 Precinct 154 Lawrence Avenue 1-718-851-5511 (Continued on Page 16) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 9

Erhan Tuncel ext. 3110 Steven Bulatowicz ext. 3109 PAGE 10 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 NEW YORK STREET HAIL LIVERY . . . RIGHT OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE

Designed specifically to serve the disability community and built from the ground up, the MV-1 is the mobility solution that provides greater accessibility, comfort and unsurpassed durability. The MV-1 passes all FMVSS crash- worthiness tests without exemptions, as required for any new vehicle. • Purpose-built—not a conversion • Reduced maintenance and operating costs SPECIAL SHL PRICE • Increased safety, durability and reliability * • Meets ADA guidelines $39,500 • TLC approved INCLUDES TLC-APPROVED GREEN PAINT • Universal access for up to five passengers, including a wheelchair • Integrated side-entry ramp stores under the floor • Front-row wheelchair seating with Q’Straint securement system • Greater fuel savings with factory-installed CNG option • Produced by Mobility Ventures, a new wholly-owned subsidiary of AM General (877) 681-3678 [email protected]

* Special offer for limited time. See dealer for details. All features subject to change. MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 11 PAGE 12 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 ALL BORO FUNDING, LLC FREEDOM OF FUNDING Take Advantage Of Our Low Interest Rates As Our Customer We’ll Ensure The Best Service

• Competitive Rates • We Can Lend More For Your Medallion • Quick Closings • Second Mortgages Available • Car Loans ALL BORO FUNDING, LLC Freedom of Funding 330 McGuinness Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11222 (718) 349-8448

Tired Of Driving For Someone Else? Change Your Life Now And Let Us Help You Climb The Ladder Of Success In The NYC Taxi Industry.

Prepare Now For The Medallion Auction Next Month And Let Us Prequalify You! Buy A Mini-Fleet Or Buy An Individual Medallion.

Need Help With Paperwork? We Do It For You & With You!

Need A Medallion Loan? We Help You Get It!

Need Insurance? We Get You The Industries Best!

WE WILL HELP YOU QUALIFY TO BID FOR ONE OF THE NEW MEDALLIONS THAT ARE GOING TO BE AUCTIONED BY THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Come In Now So You Can Become A Medallion Owner Too! One Stop Auction Shopping For All Your Auction Needs! Mystic Brokerage Inc. 330 McGuiness Blvd. • Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-349-7610 • Fax: 718-349-7615 MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 13 City Hall Press Conference Corizon Press Conference Live Tour Bus Guides By David Pollack By David Pollack

Corizon provides health treatment to incarcerated individuals at Rikers Island. The only problem is that Corizon has been sued 660 times for malpractice in the past fi ve years. Advocates on the steps of city hall on March 3rd including At a Press Conference on the steps of city hall on March 3rd, Manhattan Councilmember Corey Johnson called for the District Attorney and the Depart- Borough President Gale A. Brewer and members of the New York City Council ment of Justice to take action regarding the death of Bradley Ballard, described joined New York City tour guides for a rally supporting live tour bus guides and as an example of failures by medical staff and security personnel. Additionally opposing tour bus operators’ scare tactics. requested is an annual report for the purpose of transparency. In February, the Daily News reported on a leaked internal memorandum from the Gray Line tour bus operator, threatening a “mass layoff” of 150 tour Press Conference City Hall guides on March 11. By David Pollack Joshi Speaks at NY Law School

Council members Helen Rosenthal and Carlos Menchaca held a press conference at city hall in support of Intro 423. Intro 423 requires the city New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission Chair Meera Joshi speaks Friday morning to report the number of city contracts awarded to worker cooperatives. at the New York Law School. Worker cooperatives are owned and managed by their employees, whereby The yellow cab industry is per- One medallion owner, Placida each employee owns an equal share of the business and has an equal voice fectly capable of recovering from a Robinson, questioned Joshi after in the running of the business. Worker cooperatives tend to provide higher 25-percent decline in the value of taxi the speech, accusing former Mayor wages, better hours and more job security. medallions despite the onslaught of Michael Bloomberg of plotting to competition from upstarts like Uber, undermine the industry. Robinson Joshi said. Borough cabs, smartphone to improve their business, and that it’s Taxi & Limousine Commission Chair cited the ’s report- app services like Uber or Lyft, and not an existential threat to well-run Meera Joshi insisted today. ing that Bloomberg LP is a limited a seven-decade high in subway and businesses that can respond to the Speaking at the New York Law partner in the venture capital firm bus ridership all contributed to the competitive demands. School in Tribeca, Joshi said me- Andreessen Horowitz, which backs decline. Robinson wasn’t satisfied with the dallion prices — which peaked at Uber competitor Lyft. “But people still really like to hail answer, saying Joshi misunderstood $1.05 million in 2013 before falling Joshi considered the financial con- a taxi from the street,” she said. “And her concern about the city stacking to $805,000 late last year — were in nection a red herring. “In determining they still do at incredible volumes on the deck. “If they think they’re so an “artificial bubble” created by a how to value an asset, I’m not sure a daily basis. Over 400,000 people cute about speculating on medallion few outsized transactions. A fall off that New York Post headlines are a day.” values, why is she not holding another from the bubble, combined with new probably the best way to make that In general, she said the new auction?” competitors, caused the decline, she decision,” Joshi said, adding: “... competition from all sides of the car Reprinted with permission from acknowledged. ultimately this comes down to: How service industry are forcing operators the New York Business Journal. “Frankly, a lesser market would many passengers are going to get into TH be destroyed,” Joshi said. “The New your car every day? And that’s where UNTIL APRIL 19 York City yellow taxi market instead the focus is, and should be.” has taken a mild dip, and for those In 2014, yellow taxi trips declined HACK UP THESE CARS! segments adapting through improved 5 percent citywide from the prior Many drivers have been asking if they can hack-up Camry’s and Highlanders. driver retention and customer service, year and revenue declined by about 3 Here is your answer: UNTIL APRIL 19TH YOU CAN HACK UP CAMRYS rebounding is extremely doable.” percent, or by about $200,000 a day, AND HIGHLANDERS PERIOD! PAGE 14 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 yp Hereford Insurance Company Established 1982 • Licensed by the New York State Insurance Department 36-01 43rd Avenue, LIC, NY 11101 • Tel: 718-361-9191 • Fax: 718-361-6243 CARBON MONOXIDE DEFENSIVE DRIVING Beware Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Vehicle Motors Give Off Carbon Monoxide Which Is Deadly To Avoid Carbon COURSE SCHEDULE Monoxide: • Do not leave the motor running in a garage. Classes will be offered • Do not leave the motor running and windows closed when you are waiting for the following Saturday: April 25, 2015 a radio call. All Hereford insured will receive the course at no cost: • Do not use the heater or air conditioner in a parked vehicle with the windows Classes will be held in the third floor event room at: closed. HEREFORD INSURANCE COMPANY • Do not leave the vents open when following closely behind another vehicle. 36-01 43RD AVENUE, LIC, NEW YORK 11101 • Do not operate a vehicle with a defective muffl er or exhaust system Our classes are recognized by: • Taxi and Limousine Commission for required license renewals. SAFE DISTANCES • Department of Motor Vehicles for the Point Reduction. • Be sure to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front • Insurance carriers for rate reduction. of you. ALL CLASSES BEGIN AT 9:00A.M., AND END AT 3:00P.M. • You need a safe distance to stop or to take evasive action to avoid a potential Reservations Are Necessary. accident. All drivers must provide proof of Insurance. • Rear-End collisions are commonly caused by drivers tailgating and not allowing the proper distance between the vehicle directly in front. RULES OF THE ROAD • Be sure and increase your following distance on wet and slippery roads. Your highest duty as a motorist is to drive your vehicle carefully and prudently. Your speed and manner of driving must create a safe environment for yourself QUICK TIP OF THE WEEK and other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists. RIGHT-OF-WAY THREE SECOND RULE Where vehicles or pedestrians are likely to meet one another, and there are A good way to measure your safe following distance is to use the “Three Second no signs or signals to regulate traffi c, there are rules that say who must yield Rule.” the right-of-way. These rules tell drivers who goes fi rst and who must wait in Choose an object near the road ahead of you, like a sign or a telephone pole. As the different traffi c situations. vehicle ahead of you passes it, count slowly, One Thousand One, One Thousand Two, The law says who must yield the right-of-way; it does not give any driver the and One Thousand Three. If you reach the selected object before you fi nish counting, right-of-way. You must do everything you can, at all times, to prevent striking you are too close to the vehicle ahead of you. Make an immediate adjustment. a pedestrian or another vehicle, regardless of the circumstances. MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 15 credit card processing machines in quirements, and emphasized the need Transportation Technology Issues in all black cabs. For a world class city, for a clear strategy that will ensure London: Mandating Credit Cards, Reg- with over 16 million visitors every the survival and prosperity of both year, there should be no regulatory services, while guaranteeing safety, ulating Smartphones & Other Reforms tolerance for driver resistance to availability, and accessibility of ser- By Matthew W. Daus, Esq. processing passenger credit cards to vice to passengers. In regard to new The last time I visited the Holy case indefinitely, which means the pay fares. When I was the Commis- transportation technology entrants, Grail of taxicab system in the world – case remains outstanding, and pre- sioner/Chair of the New York City the report, while acknowledging their London, I discussed the many issues cludes TfL from seeking declaration Taxi and Limousine Commission, I immense potential to increase service the city has in common with New York from the High Court. Following the faced the same resistance before we quality and availability, highlighted City (NYC) and the marble of the magistrate court’s adjournment, the prevailed and mandated all taxicabs that they may also cause unbalanced famous Knowledge exami- TfL has requested the LTDA to be equipped with credit card pro- blurring of the lines between taxis and nation for black cab drivers. to withdraw its case, and as cessing units. I told the committee private hire industry, which ultimately Little did I know at the same it stands, the LTDA is yet members that they should mandate may reduce passenger choice. time Uber was casting its net to respond to this request, credit cards in every black cab to Some of the specific recommenda- to take London by storm, which is delaying the process maintain the quality and service tions include; taking advantage of the lack and allowing Uber to expand standards, and to increase passenger • the Mayor of London to publish of clarity of some Transport its service unabated. satisfaction. Once this is done, and a long term strategy that clearly sets for London (TfL) rules and I returned back to London the drivers start increasing their tips out the actions that will improve pas- regulations. I have provided around the time of the strike and earnings, resistance should fade, senger and driver safety, guaranteeing advice to both TfL and the and legal wrangling to testify like it did in NYC. a sufficient number of high quality London Assembly on best before the London Assembly While I was in London, I had a drivers and vehicles across the city, practices and transportation Transport Committee at its chance to meet with the media to and ensuring that all services meet technology issues over the past few request, and discussed various issues discuss various issues I raised at the the highest possible standards for years, and things are now starting to that could help London to maintain committee hearing. The full inter- accessibility; move and change in London. its much celebrated taxi service view can be accessed here http://bit. • TfL to develop a database that Back in 2012, Uber introduced its standard. I was invited by Caroline ly/1rTTwSV. links drivers to vehicle and operator service in London, arming its drivers Pidgeon MBE, the Chairwoman of In December 2014, the Transport information with a tool that will en- with smartphones, to the dismay of the Transport Committee, to address Committee published its report on able passengers to check the status of black cab drivers that spent over 4 the committee on issues, among other the future of taxi and private hire their driver, vehicle or operator; years studding the “Knowledge” to things, the impact of strikes by taxi industry taking into account some of • TfL should produce a signage drive a cab, substituting smartphones drivers and the controversy surround- the issues and guidance I provided on strategy for the licensed taxi and pri- for taximeters. Initially, TfL noted ing TfL’s management of the trade my testimony before the committee. vate hire industries, including plans that “after a careful consideration groups; potential benefits and pitfalls The full report can be accessed here to commence a pilot program for new of the factual and legal position of of new transportation technologies; specialized license plates for black the use of smartphones to receive supply and demand issues of avail- The report called on the Mayor of cabs and private hire vehicles; and fare information, [that they] were ability and accessibility of taxi and London and TfL to maintain the ex- • the Mayor and TfL to introduce not unlawful for the purpose of private hire services across different isting distinction between black cabs options to incentivize the uptake of the private hire legislation”. How- parts of London and at different times and the private hire industry to meet cashless payment options, for both the ever, the industry fought back with of day; and areas of improvement the differing passenger service re- (Continued on Page 17) a strike bringing central London to based on the best regulatory practices a standstill, in part playing right to of other jurisdictions; integrating the hands of Uber, which saw a 400% taxi and private hire services with spike in downloads to its app. TfL other transport options (e.g. Tube and NYS DMV Point System yielded to the appropriate request by bus); the role of pedicabs in transport Speeding (mph over posted limit) the industry, and decided to pursue systems; and the different payment the matter through the courts, and options for taxi and private hire 1to10...3points requested Her Majesty’s High Court services including lessons to learn of Justice in England to once and for from New York City’s installation 11 to 20 . . 4 points all declare the correct interpretation of credit card readers. The webcast 21 to 30 . . 6 points of TfL’s rules regarding the use of of the hearing can be accessed here smartphone apps in Uber vehicles, The committee 31 to 40 . . 8 points and if such apps are the equivalent was tasked with preparing a report of a taximeter. and to publish a recommendation More than 40 . . 11 points The industry trade group, the to the Mayor and TfL to improve Reckless Driving ....5points Licensed Taxi Drivers Association the service quality of both taxis and (LTDA), brought a private criminal private hire services in London, to Failure to stop for a School Bus .5points proceeding at the magistrate’s court further improve its much acclaimed (lower first instance courts) against a “gold standard” service. Following too closely (tailgating) 4 points small number of Uber drivers, alleg- The committee members had Inadequate Brakes ..4points ing breach of the taximeter prohibi- raised many legitimate concerns tion by Uber drivers as a result of their about the advent of transportation (while driving employer's vehicle)2 points use of smartphones in their vehicles to technology companies and their im- determine fares. As such, the LTDA pact on the London black cab industry. Failing to Yield Right-Of-Way...3points derailed the TfL’s application for I indicated to the committee that the Violation Involving Traffic Signal, determination by the High Court as it London black cab service has been the lacks jurisdiction to consider applica- gold standard for many years, and in Stop Sign, or Yield Sign ...3points tions for determinations where there order to maintain this standard, now is ongoing prosecution in the criminal is a good time to take a fresh look Railroad Crossing Violation3 points courts for the same legal issue. The at things. The rules that govern the Improper Passing or Lane Use ..3points LTDA was unwilling to withdraw its industry date back almost 400 years, proceeding fearing if TfL later failed and I applauded the committee and the Leaving scene of an incident involving property to take action, or if the High Court London Assembly’s efforts to take a “Call Sunny& Save Money” failed to hear the application, it would fresh look at the system holistically, damage or injury to an animal .. 3points be “time bared” and it will be unable and to revamp areas of the law that Safety restraint violation involving person to bring the cases back to court. After are outdated to make sure that the reviewing the allegation by the LTDA, industry does not slip and fall behind under 16 .3points the magistrate court concluded that the times. the matter should be considered by I also reiterated to the committee Any other moving violation 2 points the High Court and adjourned the members that London should mandate Note: Speeding when speed not indicated is 3 points PAGE 16 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Who, Is This what the TLC should be promoting !! what is good for the riding public! The will benefi t are the riding public and Pursue ‘Progressive Measures reality is UBER only cares about what’s the hard-working drivers. Fortunately, (Continued from Page 8) This is laughable! If they want to good.... for UBER. Uber must satisfy the TLC is a lot older AND wiser than more money, it’s only during the “Price pursue ‘Progressive Measures’ they will their start up investors who invested UBER and UBER’s ‘Executive of the Gouging” hours. Legislative bills are stop ripping off desperate passengers billions dollars into UBER’s initial suc- Month’ Mr. Alegretti should keep that now before the NYC Council and the and the working poor with their “Dy- cess. The last ones on their list of who in mind! Legislature in Albany to fi nally put an namic Pricing” and start a service for 3 months prior to the drug test and still end to this! Taxi Attorney the poor people in our city. The only fail. Be careful. I don’t know if the test Also, the term “Driver Partners” is (Continued from Page 7) thing that is ‘Progressive’ about UBER is more stringent or what but it appears often used while speaking of the drivers is their desire to progress to power over if you speed or talk on your cell phone to me that a decent number of drivers that work for UBER. ‘Driver Suckers’ the entire industry and the TLC that while driving. Basically, any moving have been failing the drug test. It is would probably be more appropriate!! regulates them! violation now puts you in jeopardy. virtually impossible to defend against While the drivers do all the work and Reform The ‘Broken’ Medallion Call me at 212.754.1011 if you want drug test failure. I am adamantly against take on all the expenses, UBER de- System to discuss your DMV or TLC tickets. the way TLC currently tests for drugs. ducts s a 30% cut of the fare off the This statement is made in reference There are now some instances when it It has nothing to do with regulating the top. They’ve referred to their “Driver to driver income, with a false promise makes sense to take the class more than behavior of drivers when they are on Partners” as the “Other Dude in The of $30 per hour with UBER, and not every 18 months. duty and everything to do with recre- Car” while investing in the development mentioning ALL the driver’s operating Also, please note that I will do an ational activity of drivers. But until the of driver-less cars that would get rid of expenses taken from that fi gure. The excellent job advocating for you at a laws change and TLC rules change. Be their “Driver Partners.” UBER claims medallion system isn’t broken. Medal- fair and reasonable price and I have advised. Do not mess around prior to their drivers can earn a real living. Yes lion drivers make as much money as been doing this business for about 20 your drug test. - but for whom?? UBER drivers and in many cases more. years now and really know what I am Thank you for reading this article. New Model for The Disabled Fleet drivers don’t have the headaches doing. Please call me at 212.754.1011 Call me at 212.754.1011 for all your le- UBER does not have any disabled of car maintenance. Private medallion or 866.LAW.MIKE to discuss your gal needs. Until next month, be well. accessible vehicles. The 50% acces- owners, as there are many, are building DMV or TLC problem. Visit my Mr. Spevack thanks you for reading sible regulation for the fl eet of Yellow wealth with every payment they make website at www.traffi this article which is for entertainment and SHL’s is in the works. The medal- on their investment. UBER drivers have I am here to help you. Take care this purposes only and does not constitute lions that are still on the table to be that opportunity stripped away from month and I wish you the best of luck legal advice. For legal advice, contact auctioned and currently stifl ed by the them with empty false promises. UBER and happiness. Mr. Spevack.http://www.traffi cticket- UBER invasion will add many more drivers have nothing to look forward to Eight, do NOT do drugs before your . accessible vehicles. With the adaptation except extinction! drug test. I have guys coming to me See his advertisement on page 38 of e-hail Apps in the medallion taxis, Mr. Alegretti asks the TLC not to who swear that they smoked pot up to of this issue. total accessibly needs will eventually stifl e progress by regulating how Apps become a reality. UBER should do their are run. Basically what he is saying to part and conform to the regulations for the TLC is don’t run UBER because NEED AN ACCOUNTANT? FHV accessibility. UBER wants to run The TLC and the SEE Dynamic Pricing entire industry. There is nothing ‘dynamic’ about So, the bizarre narrative is - appar- THE TAXI INSIDER DIRECTORY PRICE GOUGING !!! Taking advan- ently - believe in UBER because it is tage of the desperate in need is NOT UBER and not the TLC that knows ON PAGE 32

By Appointment Only

* At Beaver Street ONLY! MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 17 Commissioner’s Corner Quoteable By Meera Joshi Hello everyone… I hope you are much time and how many miles they all keeping warm during this stretch drive each and every day. Passenger of extremely cold weather we’ve been and driver communication is an es- experiencing. sential part of the taxi ride dynamic Quotes I’d now like to update everyone and we believe it is very important for on what has been going since my last passengers to share their priority of “I demand an apology from Council cluding expanding education require- column. safety over speed with their drivers. Member Mark Weprin for his outra- ments to FHV drivers. “ I want to start off by giving everyone One very tangible and compelling way geous comment made last night on “We have over 212 (inspectors) now an update on the Commuter Van decal for a passenger to let their driver know NY1’s Inside City Hall. In arguing his and we are actively recruiting for more pilot program which offi cially launched that safety, not speed, is their priority support of congestion pricing, he stated inspectors. We have a new assistant back in November 2014. The goal of this is for them to tip 25%. By doing this, that the East River bridges are used by commissioner whose focus is solely on pilot program is to create a uniformed passengers can let their driver know ‘rich people’ who can afford to drive. street enforcement, especially against logo for our licensed commuter van that safety is more important to them This statement completely ignores the straight plates. We did seizures on New drivers that allow passengers to easily than speed. small businesses and commuters of all Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.” distinguish a licensed commuter van We know drivers are very sensitive income levels who utilize these bridges “The driverless taxi sounds great from an unlicensed one. The TLC to their customers’ needs and there on a daily basis and for whom added for a sci-fi show or the movies, but I has been continuously working with are times when a passenger will ask a tolls would be a hardship. While I have truly believe it is unrealistic for taxi cab the commuter van industry to increase driver to “step on it.” For all the taxi been opposed to Move NY’s congestion service especially in NY. The relation- the number of licensed vans involved passengers out there reading this, please pricing plan from the start, I fi rmly be- ship between the driver and passenger in the pilot to maximize passengers’ resist that urge! Like I said previously, lieve that no matter the route we take, cannot be replaced. It’s nice to talk awareness of this legal transportation drivers already have a very diffi cult job the legislature must take into consider- about it as an idea, will there ever be option. and when they are also confl icted with ation the middle and low-income New a driverless taxi I highly doubt it and Since the pilot’s launch, the TLC has balancing the requests of their passen- Yorkers who rely on these free bridges I don’t see it in our future.” signed a Memorandum of Understand- gers and their desire and obligation to day in and day out.” Quotes by TLC chairwoman Meera ing (MOU) with 34 licensed commuter follow the law, it can create a stressful Statement by senator tony avella on Joshi on the taxi dave show (every van authorities who affi liate a combined environment for both the driver and council member weprin’s comments on sunday night 8:00 – 9:00 pm) 375 vans. In other words, 72% of the passenger. ny1’s inside city hall. • • • • • licensed commuter van authorities and TLC licensees have a unique and • • • • • “While I understand the need to 70% of the licensed commuter van fl eet powerful ability, though. With over “One thing for sure in the future, identify additional revenue to fund are participants in this pilot. 120,000 licensed drivers and 70,000 there will still be a strong hail market. the MTA capital budget and necessary To raise awareness about the pilot, licensed vehicles, our licensees are in The yellow taxi industry has withstood infrastructure projects, the latest ver- but more specifi cally, licensed com- a position to really set the tone on our all kinds of ups and downs and NYC sion of ‘congestion pricing’ still falls muter van service in general, we have streets by driving the speed limit. If clearly loves its yellow taxis. That will short of being a workable plan. The created an informational palm card that our drivers drive the speed limit, it will never change.” proposal neglects to address two criti- provides some of the most important send a ripple effect to all other drivers “Do you tip for speed or do you tip cal failings. First, the state legislature information for passengers to know who will then also have to drive the for safety? Passengers really need to has yet to develop a ‘locked box’ that about spotting licensed commuter van speed limit. tip for safety. They can’t put the driver cannot be opened. In effect, there is service. Lastly before I sign off this month, in an unsafe situation pressured to go no guarantee that the money raised I want to send thanks to all of the the TLC held a public hearing on fast. Who suffers in that situation? The will go toward MTA capital funding elected offi cials, police precincts, and February 12 to hear testimony from driver does. We want to raise safety or infrastructure projects. Second, local community boards that have industry stakeholders regarding a li- awareness with passengers. Passengers the proposal to place tolls on the East played an enormous role in helping censing structure to address the ways can show that appreciation with a 25% River bridge relies heavily on the com- us spread this information. With their in which for-hire vehicle (FHV) bases or larger tip. TLC drivers are profes- mitment to reduce the tolls on the other help, we have already distributed over use smartphones applications to dis- sional drivers, out of all the drivers in bridges, such as the Whitestone and 3,500 palm cards! patch vehicles. An important role of NYC, professional drivers are clearly Throggs Neck Bridges. However, just In other news, on February 5, the the TLC is to promote innovation, ac- the safest ones.” as in the case of a ‘locked box’, there TLC, in partnership with Cab Riders countability, customer service, safety, “We are still actively enforcing is no guarantee that the reduced tolls United and other devoted industry and consumer protection across all of through seizure and summonses. When on the other bridges would remain as groups launched a “Taxi Drive 25 Day.” our regulated industries. Holding this we see TLC licensed vehicles picking such. Although the Move NY proposal The goal of this outreach campaign was hearing enabled us to better understand up a street hail they get summonsed. is well-intentioned, in the end it is to raise awareness of the 25 mile per how the various dispatching apps oper- When we see straight plates picking nothing more than a sham.” hour speed limit in New York City and ate within New York City and how our up a street hail, they get seized. We are Statement by Senator Tony Avella, to help emphasize an important goal of licensees are using them. seizing hundreds of cars every month. Sponsor of Senate Bill S. 1100 to Ban Vision Zero. We had several volunteers We received a lot of valuable feed- We are at the airports now inside the East River Bridge Tolls, on the Move hitting the streets near the Grand Cen- back from those who attended the hear- terminals working with the Port Author- NY Fair Plan. tral taxi stand who were handing out ing and submitted written comments. ity arresting hustlers. We so far have In 2014, Senator Avella introduced fl iers to passengers in order to spread We are now in the process of digesting done over 30 arrests. It is a tremendous legislation to prohibit New York City the word “tip 25% to drivers who drive all positions that were discussed and deterrent when other hustlers see us from establishing East River tolls. 25mph”. will culminate the information into a arresting.” Senate Bill S.1100 was re-introduced Driving in New York City, profes- fair and effective proposal for a licens- “We are looking at education in- in 2015. sional driver or not, is no easy task. This ing framework. is why our licensees have a particularly That’s all for now. Until next time, ‘Bias At Work’ In Cop Quotas diffi cult job when you consider how stay warm and drive safely! City cops are routinely denied overtime and vacation, demoted to menial posts and ultimately threatened with being fi red for not making quotas, a form the system and move forward Driving On Snow scathing new class-action lawsuit charges. on their own. I believe that the (Continued from Page 15) The lawsuit, set to be fi led Monday in Manhattan Supreme Court, specifi - Mayor and the Assembly will reach a cally addresses minority offi cers being allegedly forced to make at least one taxi and private hire industries. middle ground and that we will soon arrest and issue 20 summonses a month. It remains to be seen how London be looking at many improvements to Reprinted with permission from The New York Post. will move forward on transporta- the system to make it stay at the top tion technology regulatory issues. of the regulatory world. The gold of While movement may be tied-up the London regulatory system may NEED A TOW TRUCK? in the courts right now, the London have some fingerprints and smudges Assembly is determined to move on it right now, but I am confident SEE forward, and technology disruptors that the ongoing conflicts will cause THE TAXI INSIDER DIRECTORY ON are not waiting for the governmental its gold to become shiny and brilliant authorities and are seeking to trans- once again. PAGE 32 PAGE 18 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 RED LIGHT AND SPEED CAMERAS MANHATTAN Broadway @ 169 St. MHB-29 Brklyn S URDWY @ Twr 1 Ave. @ E. 14 St. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel @ West St. MHB-30 @ BRK S URW @ TWR Walk Way 1 Ave. @ 23 St. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Entrance - INACTIVE Montgomergy @ South St. 1 Ave. and 34 St. Brooklyn Bridge - Ped Walk Way Park Ave. @ 23 St. 1 Ave. @ 42 St. Brooklyn Bridge @ Centre St. Park Ave. @ 34 St. 1 Ave. @ 79 St. Canal St. @ Allen St. Park Ave. @ 57 St. 1 Ave. @ 86 St. Canal St. @ Chrystie St. Pearl St. @ Dover 1 Ave. @ 96 St. Central Park S. @ Columbus Cr. Pearl St. @ St. James Pl. 1 Ave. @ 110 St. Church St. @ Vesey QBB LL CM @ W Channel 1 Ave. @ 124 St. Columbus Ave. @ 67 St. QBB NOR @ York Ave. 2 Ave. @ 23 St. Columbus St. @ 65 St. QBB SOR @ 1 Ave. - INACTIVE 2 Ave. @ 36 St.-Midtown Tunnel CPW @ 96 St. QBB UL CM @ Roosevelt - INACTIVE 2 Ave. @ 42 St. Dyer @ 42 St. QBB UL CM @ York Ave. 2 Ave. @ 49 St. E 57 St. @ QBB Queens Mid. Tunl. @ Manhattan Side - INACTIVE 2 Ave. @ 58 St. E 63 St. @ QBB RT. 9A @ N. Moore St. 2 Ave. @ 59 St. (QBB) - INACTIVE East Houston St. @ Ave. B South St. @ Broad St. 2 Ave. @ 110 St. East Houston St. @ Ave. D South St. @ Pike St. 2 Ave. @ 125 St. FDR Dr @ Brooklyn Bridge Exit NB St Nicholas Ave. @ 125 St. 3 Ave. @ 23 St. FDR Dr @ Brooklyn Bridge Exit SB St Nicholas Ave. @ 145 St. 3 Ave. @ 34 St. FDR Dr @ Catherine Street St Nicholas Ave. @ 181 St. - INACTIVE 3 Ave. @ 42 St. FDR @ Grand St. Sutton Pl. @ 58 St. 3 Ave. @ 49 St. FDR @ Jackson St. Triborough Bridges @ Manhattan Bound 3 Ave. @ 57 St. FDR Dr @ Old Slip Union Sq. @ 14 St. 3 Ave. @ 59 St. FDR @ E 6 St. - INACTIVE Varick St. @ Hudson St. 5 Ave. @ 23 St. FDR Dr @ 23 St. Water St. @ John St. 5 Ave. @ 34 St. FDR Dr @ 38 St. WBB-20 @ MidSpan 5 Ave. @ 42 St. FDR @ 48 St. WBB-21 @ SOR Manh Appr 5 Ave. @ 49 St. FDR @ E 53 St. WBB-22 @ S Manh Twr. 5 Ave. @ 57 St. FDR Dr. @ 73 St. WBB-23 @ N Manh Twr. 5 Ave. @ 72 St. FDR Dr. @ 79 St. West Broadway @ West Houston St. - INACTIVE 6 Ave. @ 14 St. FDR Dr. @ 90 St. West Houston @ Hudson St. 6 Ave. @ 23 St. FDR Dr. @ 96 St. West Houston @ Varick St. - INACTIVE 6 Ave. @ 34 St. - INACTIVE FDR Dr. @ 111 St. West St. @ Albany St. - INACTIVE 6 Ave. @ 42 St. FDR @ E 127 St. West St. @ Canal St. 6 Ave. @ 49 St. FDR Dr. @ 135 St. West St. @ Clarkson. - INACTIVE 6 Ave. @ 57 St. FDR Dr. @ 155 St. West St. @ Murray 6 Ave. @ 58 St. Ft Washington Ave. @ 178 St. West St. @ West Houston St. 6 Ave. @ West Houston St. - INACTIVE Ft Washington @ 179 St. West Street @ Intrepid - INACTIVE 7 Ave. @ 23St. Grand St. @ Allen St. - INACTIVE Worth St. @ Bowery 7 Ave. @ 34 St. Grand St. @ Broadway Worth St. @ Lafayette St. 7 Ave. @ 49 St. Grand St. @ Essex St. - INACTIVE Worth St. @ . Broadway 7 Ave. @ 57 St. Greenwich St. @ Morris St. 7 Ave. @ 145 St. Harlem River Dr. (FDR) @ 166 St. BROOKLYN 8 Ave. @ 14 St. Henry Hudson @ South Bound Adams @ Tillary - INACTIVE 8 Ave. @ 23 St. Henry Hudson @ 70 St. Atlantic Ave. @ Boerum St. 8 Ave. @ 34 St. Henry Hudson Pkwy @ 96 St. Atlantic Ave. @ BQE 8 Ave. @ 42 St.. Henry Hudson Pkwy @ 125 St. - INACTIVE Atlantic Ave. @ Vanderbilt Ave. - INACTIVE 8 Ave. @ 49 St Henry Hudson @ 137 St. Belt Pkwy. @ 150th St. - INACTIVE 8 Ave. @ Columbus Cr. South Henry Hudson @ 158 St. Belt Pkwy. @ 158 St. 9 Ave. @ 23 St. Holland Tunnel Belt Pkwy. @ 68 St. 9 Ave. @ 30 St. Houston St. @ Bowery St. Belt Pkwy. @ Bay 8th St. 9 Ave. @ 34 St. Houston St. @ Broadway Belt Pkwy. @ Erskine 9 Ave. @ 37 St. Houston St. @ Christies St. Belt Pkwy. @ Flatbush 9 Ave. @ 42 St. Houston St @ Lafeyette St. Belt Pkwy. @ Ocean Pkwy. 9 Ave. @ 48 St. - INACTIVE Lenox Ave. @ 125 St. - INACTIVE Belt Pkwy. @ Pennsylvania Ave. 9 Ave. @ 49 St. Lenox Ave. @ 135 St. Belt Pkwy. @ Cross Bay Blvd. 9 Ave. @ 57 St. Lexington Ave. @ 23 St. BQE @ Cadman Plz. Ent. 9 Ave. @ 207 St. Lexington Ave. @ 34 St. BQE @ Hamilton Ave B-G Ramp – INACTIVE 11 Ave. @ 34 St. - INACTIVE Lexington Ave. @ 42 St. BQE @ Varick St. – INACTIVE 11 Ave. @ 42 St. - INACTIVE Lexington Ave. @ 49 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. - GCP @ 31st Ave. 12 Ave. @ 14 St. - INACTIVE Lexington Ave. @ 57 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Metropolitan Ave 12 Ave. @ 22 St. - INACTIVE Lexington Ave. @ 72 St. - INACTIVE Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ 31st Ave 12 Ave. @ 34 St. - INACTIVE Madison @ 34 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Adams St 12 Ave. @ 42 St. - INACTIVE Madison @ 42 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Atlantic Ave. 12 Ave. @ 57 St. - INACTIVE Madison @ 49 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Broadway St. Amsterdam @ 60 St. - INACTIVE Madison @ 57 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Congress St. Amsterdam @ 72 St. Madison @ 96 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Furman St. LL. Amsterdam @ 86 St. MHB-17 Manh LRW @ X OVER Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Furman St. UL. Amsterdam @ 125 St. MHB-18 Manh LRW @ EOF X Over Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Hamilton Ave. Amsterdam @ 178 St. MHB-20 Mahn S URW @ Anch - INACTIVE Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Kent Ave. Baxter St. @ Canal St. MHB-21 Manh N URDWY @ Arch Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Lee Ave. Broadway @ Chambers St. MHB-22 Manh N URDWY @ Twr Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Manhattan Ave. Broadway @ 42 St. MHB-23 Manh LRDWY @ Twr Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Middagh St. LL. Broadway @ 46 St. - INACTIVE MHB-24 Manh S URDWY @ Twr Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Middagh St UL. Broadway @ 51 St. MHB-25 Manh S URW @ Twr Walkwy Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Morgan Ave. Broadway @ 96 St. MHB-27 Bklyn N URDWY @ Twr Brooklyn Queens Expy. @ Sackett St. Broadway @ 125 St. - INACTIVE MHB-28 Bklyn LRDW @ Twr (Continued on Page 20) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 19 A0255 A0293 Current Medallion Agents Kim Cab Leasing Corp. NYC Taxi Network Inc. A0002 A0202 3864a Flatlands Avenue 801 Metropolitan Avenue Ann Service Corp All Taxi Management Inc Brooklyn, NY 11234 Brooklyn, NY 11211 142 West 21 Street 41-25 36 Street (718) 252-8300 (718) 388-8800 NY, NY 10011 LIC, NY 11101 (212) 929-3676 (718) 361-0055 A0257 A0301 Argon Management Corp. Napasei Management Corp. A0003 A0204 13-20 Jackson Avenue 607 West 47 Street Cab Management Corp B. Taxi Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10036 27-34 Jackson Avenue 314 West 53 Street (718) 482-0715 (646) 641-8307 LIC, NY 11101 NY, NY 10019 (718) 937-8668 (212) 957-0033 A0259 A0307 Mc Guinness Management Corp Taxifl eet Management LLC A0011 A0206 330 Mc Guinness Boulevard 54-11 Queens Boulevard J & I Maintenance Corp. AJB Taxi Management Inc. Bklyn, NY 11222 Woodside, NY 11377 341 Bergen Street 662 10 Avenue (718) 389-4483 (718) 779-5000 Brooklyn, NY 11217 NY, NY 10036 (718) 858-3502 (212) 956-3177 A0263 A0308 Steinway Express Mgmt. Corp. Taxifl eet Management LLC. A0013 A0213 36-06 Steinway Street 34-14 31 Street Team Systems Corp. J T L Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11106 30-17 40 Avenue 36-16 Skillman Avenue (718) 361-1647 (718) 361-6363 LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 786-0643 (718) 392-7000 A0267 A0312 2000 Management Inc. Gotham Yellow LLC. A0014 A0217 1817 Coney Island Avenue 75 Canal Street West Midtown Operating Corp. Medallion Maintenance Inc. Bklyn, NY 11230 Bronx, NY 10451 42-50 24 Street 11-38 44 Road (718) 336-6565 (718) 993-8100 LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 937-2080 (718) 472-9000 A0272 A0313 Malcolm Management Corp. Northwestern Management Corp. A0015 A0224 374 FourtH Avenue 35-11 43 Avenue 2nd Floor 55 Stan Operating Corp S & R Medallion Corp. Brooklyn, NY 11215 LIC, NY 11101 45-16 Vernon Boulevard 625 West 51 Street (718) 222-4040 (718) 482-8181 LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10019 (718) 786-5811 (212) 957-9200 A0275 A0314 Avenue M Management Corp. L.I.C. Taxi Management Inc. A0017 A0225 1500 Mcdonald Avenue 37-28 30 Street 521 West 21st St Management Corp. Style Management Co. Brooklyn, NY 11230 LIC, NY 11101 415 West 127 Street 514 West 44 Street (718) 627-7097 (718) 361-0063 New York, NY 10027 New York, NY 10036 (212) 665-4900 (212) 279-3166 A0280 A0319 Eddie’s Management Corp. The Bridge Group Of NYC Inc. A0020 A0232 40-08 24 Street 35-11 43 Avenue Downtown Taxi Management LLC Wailing Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 330 Butler Street 31-08 Northern Boulevard (718) 707-0072 (718) 786-6594 Brooklyn, NY 11217 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 435-0660 (718) 472-1800 A0281 A0320 Awesome Management Inc. Executive Owners Holding Corp. A0102 A0234 520 West 44 Street 21-03 44 Avenue Susan Maintenance Corp Woodside Management Inc. New York, NY 10036 LIC, NY 11101 374 4th Avenue 49-13 Roosevelt Avenue (212) 967-7577 (718) 784-9292 Bklyn, NY 11215 Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 222-4040 (718) 899-9369 A0282 A0322 Yellow Cab Sls Jet Managemen Corp. NYC Interboro Management Inc. A0105 A0236 22-05 43 Avenue 36-02 21 Street Utica Taxi Center Inc. D & J Management Of Queens Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11106 465 Utica Avenue 34-14 64 Street (718) 752-9097 (718) 392-0250 Bklyn, NY 11203 Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 774-9767 (718) 458-6609 A0289 A0323 Boulevard Taxi Leasing Inc. Yellow Cab Crescent Mgmt. LLC A0110 A0246 32-56 49 Street 22-05 43 Avenue Winners Garage Inc. 28 Street Management, Inc. LIC, NY 11103 LIC, NY 11101 34-14 64 Street 313 10 Avenue (718) 932-3312 (718) 752-9097 Woodside, NY 11377 NY, NY 10001 (718) 458-7000 (212) 244-6553 A0290 A0324 United Taxi Mgmt. Group, Inc. AstoRia Taxi Leasing Corp. A0113 A0249 43-10 39 Street 32-56 49 Street Checker Management Corp. On Our Way Management Corp. LIC, NY 11104 LIC, NY 11103 22-10 Jackson Avenue 6814 5 Avenue (718) 392-4600 (718) 932-3312 LIC, NY 11101 Bklyn, NY 11220 (718) 361-6300 (718) 833-8125 A0292 A0325 City Transport Mgmt Arthur Cab Leasing Corp. A0201 A0253 54-18 Broadway 25-11 41 Avenue Green Apple Management Corp. Queens Medallion Leasing Inc. Woodside, NY 11377 LIC, NY 11101 34-20 31 Street 21-03 44 Avenue (718) 507-4840 (718) 392-3013 LIC, NY 11106 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 361-5555 (718) 784-9292 (Continued on Page 34) PAGE 20 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Red Light Cameras New Eng Thru @ Bartow QBB UL @ Queens Pier New England Trwy @ East Tremont – INACTIVE QBB Uramp @ 23 St. (Continued from Page 20) Throgs Neck Bridge @ Bronx Bound – INACTIVE Qns Blvd @ 65 Ave. Brooklyn Queens Expy @ Sands St. Triborough Bridge Bronx Bound Qns Blvd @ 65 Pl. Brooklyn Queens Expy @ South 5th St. Whitestone @ Bronx Bound – INACTIVE Qns Blvd @ QnCnt Mall Brooklyn Queens Expy @ State St UL. QUEENS Queens Blvd @ 36 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy @ Union St. Belt Pkwy @ 130 St. Queens Blvd @ 51 St. Brooklyn Queens Expy @ Wythe Ave. Belt Pkwy @ Brookville Blvd. Queens Blvd @ Jackson Ave. BBT @ Brklyn Side – INACTIVE Belt Pkwy @ Springfi eld Blvd. Queens Blvd @ Skillman Cadman Plz. E @ Prospect St. BQE31 - EB at 54th Ave - Ex35 Queens Blvd @ Van Dam Cross Bay Blvd. @ Wildlife Refuge BQE33 WB at 45th St - Ex35 Queens Blvd Mid Span of QBB Cross Bay Blvd. @ 156 Ave. BQE35 EB at 61st St - Ex39 Queens Midtown Tunnel @ Queens Side – INAC- Cross Bay Blvd. @ Rockaway Blvd. BQE39 WB at Broadway - Ex40 TIVE Flatbush Ave. @ Willoughby BQE40 WB at Northern Blvd - Ex41 Queens Plaza N @ Northern Blvd. Flatbush Ave. and 4 Ave. BQE @ Stewart Ave. – INACTIVE Queens Plaza North @ 2811 (Westside) Flatbush Ave. and Atlantic Ave. Clearview @ Northern Blvd. Queens Plz S @ 27 St. Flatbush Ave. @ 6 Ave. Clearview Expy. @ 26th Ave. Rockaway Blvd @ Division St. Gowanus Expwy @ 57 St. Clearview Expy. @ 35 St. Springfi eld Ave @ Jamaica Ave. Gowanus Expwy @ 6 Ave. Cross Bay Blvd. @ 20 Rd. Springfi eld Blvd @ Merrick Blvd. Gowanus Expwy @ 63 St. - INACTIVE Cross Bay Blvd. @ North Channel Bridge Throgs Neck Bridge @ Queens Bound Gowanus Expwy @ 72 St. Cross Island Expy. @ 14 Ave. Triborough Bridge Queens Bound – INACTIVE Gowanus Expwy @ 79 St. Cross Island Pkwy. @ Bayside Marina Union tpke @ Little Neck Pkwy. Gowanus Expwy @ Fort Hamilton Pkwy. Cross Island Pkwy. @ Throgsneck – INACTIVE Van Wyck @ Atlantic – INACTIVE Gowanus Expwy btwn 6 & 7 Ave. Cross Island Pkw.y @ Union Tpke. Van Wyck Expwy @ 101 Ave SB Gowanus Expwy btwn 6 & 7 Ave. CrossBay @ North Bound Van Wyck Expwy @ 101 Ave NB Gowanus Expwy. @ Prospect Interchange CrossBay @ South Bound – INACTIVE Van Wyck Expwy @ 109 Ave. Gowanus Expwy. @ Sackett St. – INACTIVE CVE02 NB at 64th Ave. – INACTIVE Van Wyck Expwy @ 111 Ave. Gowanus Expy. WB @ 36 St. CVE03 SB at 56th Ave. – INACTIVE Van Wyck Expwy @ 133 Ave SB Grand Army Plaza CVE04 SB at 48th Ave. – INACTIVE Van Wyck Expwy @ 67 Rd. Marine Parkway @ North Bound – INACTIVE GCP @ 166 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ 87 Ave. MHB-31 Bklyn N URW @ Anch – INACTIVE GCP @ 214 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ 91 Ave. MHB-33 Bklyn LRW @ Ex Ramp – INACTIVE GCP @ 31 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ Alwick Rd SB Ocean Pkwy. @ Ave. I GCP @ Astoria Blvd @ 49 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ Atlantic Ave. Ocean Pkwy. @ Ave. U GCP Astoria N SR @ 49 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ College Point Blvd. Ocean Pkwy. @ Church Ave. GCP EB @ 126 St. – INACTIVE Van Wyck Expwy @ Foch Blvd. SB Ocean Pkwy. @ Ditmas Ave. GCP EB @ 37 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ GCP/Interchange Prospect Expy. @ 6 Ave. GCP06 WB at 27th Ave – Ex 6 Van Wyck Expwy @ Hillside Ave. Prospect Expy. @ 7 Ave. – INACTIVE GCP07 EB at Ditmars Blvd – Ex 9 Van Wyck Expwy @ Jackie Robinson Pkwy. Prospect Expy. @ 9 Ave. GCP08 EB at Roosevelt Ave – Ex 9 Van Wyck Expwy @ LIE Prospect Expy. @ Caton Ave. - INACTIVE GR Brewer @ Belt Van Wyck Expwy @ Queens Blvd.(entrance ramp) Prospect Expy. @ Fort Hamilton Pkwy. Grand Central Pkwy @ 37 St. Van Wyck Expwy @ Rockaway Blvd. Prospect Pkwy. @ 3 Ave. – INACTIVE Grand Central Pkwy @ 46 St. Van Wyck Expwy Btwn 115 Ave. & 116 Ave. Sands St @ BQE Ent. Grand Central Pkwy @ 72 St. Van Wyck Expy @ S Conduit Ave LL – INACTIVE Sands St @ Brooklyn Bridge Ent. Grand Central Pkwy @ 75 St. VWE01 SB at 134th St - Ex19 – INACTIVE Verrazano-Narrows @ Bklyn. Bound – INACTIVE Grand Central Pkwy E/Connector @ 126 St. VWE08 NB at Foch Blvd - Ex2 WBB-1 @ Bklyn Plaza Hillside Ave @ Little Neck Pkwy. Whitestone @ Queens Bound – INACTIVE WBB-14 @ NIR Bklyn Kent Ave. LIE @ Kissena Blvd. Whitestone Expwy @ 14 Ave (Median) WBB-16 @ SOR Bklyn Kent Ave. LIE @ Marathon Pkwy. Whitestone Expwy @ 25 Rd (Median) WBB-18 @ SOR Cntr Span LIE @ QMT- Pulaski Br. – INACTIVE Whitestone Nof Linden Pl. - INACTIVE WBB-19 @ Bklyn Tower LIE EB @ Pulaski Bridge – INACTIVE Woodhaven Blvd @ Furmanville Ave. WBB-2 @ NOR Bklyn-Driggs LIE @ 163rd St. Woodhaven Blvd @ Jamaica Ave. WBB-4 @ NOR Bklyn-Mid Span LIE @ 172nd St. Woodhaven Blvd @ Myrtle Ave. WBB-6 @ Delancy-Clinton LIE @ 185th St. – INACTIVE Woodhaven Blvd @ Union Tpke. BRONX LIE @ 27th St. STATEN ISLAND BRE04 WB at Bronx Rvr Pkwy Ex51 LIE @ 48 St UL – INACTIVE Gower St WOF Manor Rd Underpass – INAC- BRE05 WB at Castle Hill Ave Ex52 LIE @ 48th St LL – INACTIVE TIVE BRE07 NB at Quincy Ave - Ex7B LIE @ 58th St LL Hylan Blvd @ New Dorp Lane Bronx River Pkwy @ 233 St. LIE @ 75 St. Hylan Blvd @ Seaview Ave. Bruckner Blvd @ Lincoln Ave. LIE @ 84 St. – INACTIVE Korean War Veterans Pkwy @ Tyrellan Ave. Bruckner Expy. @ Bronx River Pkwy. – INAC- LIE @ 99 St. Korean War Vetrans Pkwy @ Bloomingdale Rd. TIVE LIE @ Francis Lewis Blvd. – INACTIVE MLK Jr. Expwy @ Forest Ave. Cross Bronx Expy. @ E of Bronx River Pkwy. – LIE @ Grand Ave. MLK Jr. Expwy @ Walker St. – INACTIVE INACTIVE LIE @ Grand Central Pkwy. MLK Jr. Expwy @ Watchogue Rd. Cross Bronx Expy. @ Randall Ave. – INACTIVE LIE @ Greenpoint Ave. Outerbridge Crossing @ Tyrellan Ave. Fordham Rd @ Hughes Ave. LIE @ Kissena Blvd. SIE @ Clove Rd. Fordham Rd and Grand Concourse LIE @ Lawrence St. SIE @ Richmond Ave. GCP @ LGA 94 St Exit LIE @ ramp to W/B BQE – INACTIVE Staten Island Expwy @ Bradley Ave. Grand Concourse @ 161 St. LIE @ Underhill Ave. – INACTIVE Staten Island Expwy @ Forest Ave. Henry Hudson @ North Bound – INACTIVE LIE btwn 50 St - 58th St. – INACTIVE Staten Island Expwy @ Gower St. – INACTIVE Henry Hudson Pkwy @ 232 St. – INACTIVE Expy ramp to W/B BQE Staten Island Expwy @ Richmond Ave. Hutchinson River Pkwy. @ E. Tremont – INAC- Marine Parkway @ South Bound – INACTIVE Staten Island Expwy @ SIE/MLK Interchange TIVE Northern Blvd @ 106 St. Staten Island Expwy @ Victory Blvd. Hutchinson Rvr. Pkwy. @ Whitestone Br. – INAC- Northern Blvd @ 68 St. – INACTIVE Staten Island Expwy @ W of South Ave. TIVE Northern Blvd @ 97 St. Verrazano-Narrows @ Staten Island Bound – IN- Macombs Dam Bridge Northern Blvd @ GCP ACTIVE Major Deegan @ Triboro Bridge Northern Blvd @ Honeywell Bridge Victory Blvd @ Bay St. Major Deegan Expy @ N of Alex Hamilton Bridge Northern Blvd @ Little Neck Pkwy. Victory Blvd @ Jersey St. Major Deegan Expy @ S of W 167 St. Oceania @ LIE Victory Blvd WOF Campus Dr. – INACTIVE MDE10 NB @ W.175th St - Ex7 CBX – INACTIVE QBB @ Crescent St. West Shore Expwy @ Englewood Ave. NE Thruway @ Conner St. QBB LL CM @ 11 St. (Continued on Page 22) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 21 Feb. Taxi Driver Puzzle Snow Problems Do you know the stories behind each word? You would if you listened to Taxi Dave’s Radio Show, Sunday’s at 8:00 PM on WOR710. Brought to you by Melrose Credit Union. You will also understand the puzzle better if you read our articles. E M L H S U C T I O N E L G E E L O D R P 2 2 3 T B R T Y G W E I G S O N A I A E E R A R V L E A W X S H R N C P E A O V C P I S C B T A P E C C O T A S E R A E B L F Y P R O U O C U C K 2 5 % T I P S O N C S T N E C 0 3 V R O W I A M E N T E 8 A P R I L L R E C A S X I O N O 2 A M I N R E E T X F M U 0 N W A S I R N E A T O H T G H H T E D L E I F N E E R E C N E M E E R G A E S A E L Find the following words/accronyms in the puzzle above •25% TIPS • LEASE AGREEMENTS • • WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE TAXIS • • 80% FEE REDUCTION • SURGE CAP • • COUNCILMAN GREENFIELD • AREN RIEDMAN •PRIVACY PROTOCOLS • YELLOW APP • K A. F ATTORNEYS • 30 CENT SURCHARGE • APRIL 20TH • PRESIDENT ATTORNEY AT LAW IN OFFICE Association of WHO PRACTICE: • SHL METER BRACKET • INCREASE • Motor Vehicle Trial (212) 213-2145 PERSONAL INJURY Attorneys MATRIMONIAL FLUENT IN • RETIREMENT EXTENTION • ALL MOVING VIOLATIONS REAL ESTATE LAW FRENCH • 322 NO WAV • GREEN CAB • ALL MOVING COMMERCIAL THROUGHOUT IMMIGRATION VIOLATIONS DRIVER SAFETY TIPS NEW YORK STATE • Make sure your car is prepared limits are meant for dry roads not for cold temperature and wintery con- roads covered in snow and ice so be Speeding; Red Lights; Traffic Signs ditions like snow and ice. Keep your sure to adjust speed based on road equipment properly maintained and conditions. SUSPENSIONS & WARRANTS LIFTED include a winter survival kit in your • Avoid passing snow plows and vehicle: an ice scraper, snow shovel sand trucks, as the drivers can have CRIMINALLY RELATED MATTERS and sand/salt, battery jumper cables, limited visibility. fl ash light, cell phone and charger, extra • Monitor road and weather condi- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI); clothes/warm winter apparel. tions by checking local news stations • Be sure to clear snow and ice off and weather sites. Reckless Driving; your car- including windows, mirrors, • Avoid traveling during a major lights, hood, roof and trunk. snow storm or blizzard unless abso- Aggravated Unlicensed Operation • Be cautious of black ice and lutely necessary. If you must travel, slippery roads. Remember that speed inform someone of your travel plans. SAFETY HEARINGS TAXI DAVE’S Throughout30 East New33RD Street York State RADIO SHOW 4TH Floor 404New Park York, Avenue NY 10016 South WOR-710AM EMAIL:New [email protected] York, NY 10016 8:00 – 9:00 PM WEBSITE:between www.NewYorkTraffi 28th and 29th Streets — We Accept Credit Cards — (718) 979-5360 EVERY SUNDAY! Fluent in French and Spanish PAGE 22 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Uber to make driverless cars in INSIDER NEWS ‘robot taxi war’ vs. Google (Continued from Page 5) Statements will include detailed payment instructions that will clearly outline In just the next few months, in fact, third-party engineering workstations,” how to make a payment using LARS. The quarterly statements will separately list the taxi industry could be a messy it said. the amounts owed for the Vehicle Fund and the Driver Fund, as well as the total battlefi eld between the hugely popular Meanwhile, a separate report on amount owed to both funds. You will only need to make one payment to cover Uber and—surprised?—Google. Bloomberg said Google is developing the total amount owed for both funds. Please be aware that you will not be able Uber, a taxi-on-demand service, has its own driverless taxis. to pay an amount other than what is listed on your fi nal invoice, nor will you be partnered with Carnegie Mellon Uni- Bloomberg said Google Ventures, able to make any payments outside of the LARS system. No partial payments versity for a robotics research facility in Google’s venture capital arm, invested will be accepted. Also, a new quarter cannot be paid if previous quarters have Pittsburgh to build driverless cars. $258 million in Uber in August 2013 not been paid. To pay you must have a valid checking account, credit card, or “Uber and Carnegie Mellon Uni- but now appears to be developing is debit card, and e-mail address. American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and versity (CMU) are announcing today a own driverless vehicles. Visa are accepted. strategic partnership that includes the It added Uber executives have seen Questions regarding amounts owed should be directed to your TPEP or LPEP creation of the Uber Advanced Tech- screenshots of what seems to be a Provider for resolution during the 15-day Challenge Period so that a new amount nologies Center in Pittsburgh, near the Google ride-sharing app. owed can be provided and a revised statement printed. CMU campus. The center will focus on “Google has made no secret of its the development of key long-term tech- ambitions to revolutionize transporta- nologies that advance Uber’s mission tion with autonomous vehicles. Chief New TLC Rules For of bringing safe, reliable transportation Executive Offi cer Larry Page is said to Owner-Must-Drive Medallions to everyone, everywhere,” it said in a be personally fascinated by the chal- blog post. lenge of making cities operate more No More 180 - 9 Hour Shifts! It said Uber will work with CMU effi ciently. The company recently said Now 900 Hours faculty, staff, and students on campus the driverless car technology in devel- (i) General Rule. [From January 1, 2012, an] An Independent Medallion and at the National Robotics Engineer- opment within its Google X research Owner who acquired the Independent Medallion on or after January 7, 1990 ing Center for research and develop- lab is from two to fi ve years from being must drive his or her Taxicab a minimum of[180 nine-] 900 hours[shifts] each ment, “primarily in the areas of map- ready for widespread use,” Bloomberg calendar year[ for a total operating time of 1,620 hours per year].. ping and vehicle safety and autonomy said. NO MORE $5,000 PENALTY! technology.” Bloomberg noted Uber’s smart- (iii)] An Owner who provides the service required by section 58-20(a)([3]2) TechCrunch cited sources who said phone apps are based on Google by electing to use the Independent Driver Option will pay a penalty each calendar Uber is hiring more than 50 senior Maps - a situation that allows Google year for failing to provide service personally. The penalty the Owner will pay is scientists from Carnegie Mellon as to acquire data about transportation $[5,000] 1,000, unless the Owner is 62 or older at the time of election, in which well as from the National Robotics patterns in cities. case the penalty is $[2,500]500. Engineering Center. An added sign of a potential confl ict HAVE A PAGE FOR INDUSTRY NOTICES: It added its source said most of these between Uber and Google involved USED VEHCILES APPROVED! technologies came through a “massive” Google’s announcement it would start 15-07: On January 29, 2015, the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) ap- military spending push over the past presenting data from third party appli- proved a pilot permitting the use of Used Vehicles in taxicab service. The Pilot of decade and should give CMU millions cations inside Google Now, its service Used Vehicles will allow TLC to determine whether such use will have a positive in IP licensing fees. presenting useful information promi- effect on vehicle owner costs, if the Pilot will provide fl exibility to those vehicle Also, TechCrunch said Uber will nently on Android smartphones. owners looking to transition between the for-hire and taxicab segments, as well develop the core technology, vehicles, “Google said it had struck deals to as if the Pilot will promote the use of the medallion-only lease under the Driver- and associated infrastructure at the draw data from such apps as Pandora, Owned Vehicle (DOV) model without adversely affecting public safety. Pittsburgh facility. AirBnb, Zillow, and the ride-sharing Who Can Participate? “They have already hired a number service Lyft. The company most obvi- Vehicle owners who own a Used Vehicle that meets all requirements listed of employees and made moves to outfi t ously missing from that list? Google’s below: them with software, including a multi- old and possibly former friend, Uber,” • Used Vehicle model must be listed on the current list of approved taxicab hundred-thousand dollar investment in it said. — GMA News vehicles, found here, on the date the Pilot Application and MOU are received by TLC. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! • Vehicles must be no more than two years old. Vehicle age is measured as the years between the current calendar year and the model year designated by the vehicle manufacturer (for example, a 2014 model year vehicle is 1 year old in calendar year 2015). • Vehicles must be previously licensed by TLC as either a taxicab or an FHV. • Vehicles must have passed all prior inspections required by TLC. PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles that do not meet all requirements above will not be accepted in the Pilot Program. Those unsure if a vehicle is eligible to participate in the Pilot Program are encouraged to contact TLC by email at research@tlc. or by telephone at 212-676-1207 prior to purchasing the vehicle. KINDLY PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS

Red Light Cameras (Continued from Page 20) West Shore Expwy @ Fresh Kills Creek West Shore Expwy @ Meredith Blvd. West Shore Expwy @ Victory Blvd. – INACTIVE West Shore Expwy @ Woodrow Rd. West Shore Expy @ Arden Ave. West Shore Expy @ Victory Blvd. WSE @ Arden Ave. WSE03 SB at Bloomingdale Rd-Ex3. WSE04 SB at Rossville Ave - Ex4 – INACTIVE WSE06 NB at Muldoon Ave - Ex5 – INACTIVE MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 23

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         0HWUDQ)XQGLQJ WK'ULYH /RQJ,VODQG&LW\1<  *LQD  ,NH  New York TLC Gets Input on [Author’s Note: As usual, Uber took is that he’d like to see ‘on-demand’ res- the opportunity to pat itself on the back ervations not have the ability to pick up Possible Rules for e-Hail Apps and deliver a public relations pitch that their passengers before a certain time would make for good newspaper copy. period has passed. The chance of the The TLC neither commented on or asked TLC agreeing to this are next to nil.] questions about the assertions made George Laszlo (yours truly) of the since they seemed to be in listening mode Taxi & Limousine Research Center, through much of the hearing. At the end focused on four related points. First, of his speech, Mr. Allegretti sat down that surge pricing should either not be and spent the remaining time primarily allowed or, if they are, that a. specifi c staring at his smartphone.] restrictions be placed on them and b. that Natasha Avanessians, representing their use under certain circumstances the Committe for Taxi Safety, brought be illegal. Second, that FHV Rate Card up the recommendations made by City fi lings rules that are now mandatory be Councilman Kallos at a prior meeting updated to control maximum fare rates. to have the TLC madate the use of an Third, that dispatching of vehicles from open API and make a universal [non- one base of cars from another base be The New York City Taxi & Limou- that base are already suffi cient. exclusive] e-hail app available. She also prohibited if the actual dispatching base sine Commission (TLC) received input [Author’s Note: This is an important asked for a three-minute exclusivity rule is in violation of TLC rules. Fourth, related to e-Hail apps from industry point but one that will most likely be for street-hail yellow cabs in exclusion- that the TLC seriously evaluate the stakeholders at its January 12, 2015 ignored by the TLC. Carmel does have ary zones when passengers using e-hail potential impact of the FHV e-Hail public hearing. Although the TLC had an e-hail app of its own.] apps are in the vicinity. rules on the FHV to SHL (Green Car) already approved such rules for yellow Michael Allegretti, representing [Author’s Note: To date, the sugges- conversion effort. and green cabs, it sought input on a Uber, used the 5 minute time allocated tions made by Mr. Kallos have received [Author’s Note: My comment about similar (if not completely identical) set to him to enumerate the tremendous some praise but the chance that the TLC doing an impact analysis is one example of rules for black car, luxury and livery benefi ts that his company has brought will consider them in their current form where one set of TLC rules may have vehicles. A time-frame for approving to the city over the past four years. is nearly none. The exclusionary zones a negative effect on another set of and implementing such rules was not Among them were 1. job creation for are pickup stands such as Penn Station regulations or programs. In general, announced. roughly 15,000 drivers, 2. increasing and Kennedy Airport.] the TLC tends to regulate each segment While it would take too much space hourly earnings to about $30, and 3. a Michael Simon, a Yellow Cab me- separately and not focus on unintended to recount all of the testimony heard, reduction of discriminatory practices dallion owner, testifi ed that the TLC consequences.] here are the highlights from some of the (e.g. ride refusals to minorities) by must keep the distinction between “on Diana Dellamere, representing comments made during the meeting: drivers. demand” and “pre-arrangement” clear. Lyft, noted that her company operates Avik Kabessa, the head of Carmel Mr. Allegretti made prolifi c use In particular, he asked that the response its e-hail service via a legal black car Limousine Service, noted that the exist- of the terms “partnership” and “col- time for these two levels of service base. She questioned whether a separate ing black car bases are already licensed laboration” in its prior dealings with should not be the same. He suggested licensing system is really needed if the and follow all existing TLC rules. His the TLC and urged the commission to that the TLC implement penalties for base is already in compliance with TLC position is that it should not be necessary adopt the practices that Uber has been early pickups. rules. She emphasized that it should to license an e-hail app used by a base following for the benefi t of drivers and [Author’s Note: My interpretation of be the base that is held responsible for since the existing rules that pertain to the public. ‘early pickups’ as stated by Mr. Simon (Continued on Page 40) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 25

54-11 Queens Blvd. Woodside, NY 11377 718-779-5000 Between 54th Street and 55th Street Two taxi stands available

Free parking lot on the corner of 54th Street and Queens Blvd.

Attention medallion owners; we want to manage your medallion

Over 30 years of experience in the taxi industry Driver owned vehicles No double shifting Honest truthful and respectful Prompt payments We pay all expenses Member of the committee for taxi safety PAGE 26 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Your Medallion Headquarters ! LOMTO Generation Brokerage, Inc. TAXI and BLACK CAR INSURANCE SPECIALISTS ——And Medallion Transfer, Inc. Licensed TLC Broker #R0018 · Insuring the For Hire Industry - Taxi & Black Car · Providing You Service the Way It Should Be - FAST & COURTEOUS · Convenient Mid-Town Location - Hack Stand In Front of Office · Medallion Sales, Leasing, and Financing · Over 25 Years of Industry Experience

435 West 45th Street (Between 9th & 10 th Avenues) New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: 212 582-5721 Fax: 212 582-5722 Lou Bakalar Jon Goldbetter COME VISIT US ! MONTAUKMONTAUK CREDITCREDIT UNION UNION Because We Are The Best ! Free Parking For Our Taxi Borrowers Please Contact Us for ANY of Your Lending Needs ! 111 West 26th Street • Street Level • New York, NY 10001 CALL (212) 989-5200 EXT. 227 OR 226 Lou Jimenez, CEO MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 27 NYC Airport Commute The Worst In The World NYC ECONOMY Even though New York is supposed to be a transit-friendly city, its metro airports were socked in the Global Gateway Alliance survey by cities like At- lanta and Phoenix. The 30 busiest airports around the globe and their mass-transit options were Debt in America looked at by the airport advocacy group. In New York City, the National Debt Clock quietly ticks away. It’s an out- JFK tied with Denver’s airport for last place due to the 47-minute trip it takes door billboard that shows passersby, minute-by-minute, the debt of the federal from Penn Station to get there via the LIRR and Air Train. government — and how much each citizen would owe if they had to pay their LaGuardia and Newark came in second-to-last, tying with airports in Jakarta share. (Right now, your share is around $56,000!) and Istanbul. Debt is a fact of life. You use debt to buy a home, buy a car or fi nance your LaGuardia recently added the Q70 limited service to connect it with subway education. But how much is too much? Look at the infographic below for some riders in Woodside and Jackson Heights. surprising numbers. Spain’s Madrid-Barajas International Airport and the Netherlands’ Amsterdam Airport Schiphol were at the top of the pack. Madrid’s city center was a 16-minute trip from the airport, and Amsterdam’s was 16 minutes and 30 seconds. “The billions being invested in modernizing our airports simply won’t pay off without 21st-century transit access to move passengers to and from these hubs, and that ultimately means a one-seat ride,” said Joe Sitt of the Global Gateway Alliance. Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed last month an Air Train to LaGuardia last month, which would connect it with the crowded 7 train in Queens. Offi cials had eyed connecting the airport with the N train in the past. Vice President Joe Biden said in 2014 that LaGuardia was comparable to “some Third World country.” Reprinted with permission from The New York Post. Taxi prices plunge: Is Uber to Blame? According to fi gures compiled from is not directly tied to the health of the New York Taxi and Limousine Com- greater industry, she said, explaining mission data, the average price of a that the number of green, all-borough medallion has plummeted by nearly a cab rides has skyrocketed at the same quarter of its value since its all-time time that Uber has grown. high in April of 2013. Is Uber crush- The average annual inflation- ing yellow cabs, with Meera Joshi, adjusted price of an independent taxi NYC TLC CEO and chair. medallion had increased 214 percent New York taxi medallion prices are between 2004 and 2012, and actually plummeting as ride sharing takes off increased “exponentially” since taxi in the city, but the head of the Taxi regulation was implemented in 1937, and Limousine Commission insisted according to TLC’s website. that her industry is not in danger of Since the supply of medallions in collapse. New York City is constant, the value After hitting an all-time high of is derived purely from demand. But $1.3 million in April 2013, the price even if competition from ride-sharing of a taxi medallion has fallen by apps is leading to falling prices, Joshi nearly a quarter of its value to roughly said she does not anticipate Uber $840,000, according to New York replacing the conventional taxi. City’s TLC. That drop represents “There is definitely a large hail a major turning point for yellow market,” she said. “Uber is an addition cabs—there had never been a price to the for-hire industry, and clearly decrease before 2013—and the shift a welcome addition because they’re could be tied to the changing nature extremely popular and their customer of transportation in the city. service is well-regarded.” “We’ll see some shifting—I still But Joshi said that the rise of ride- think the core and the majority of sharing services could be an overall people will still choose hand-hailing, boon for New York. but there is a segment of the popula- “The city is better off,” she said of tion that will definitely rely solely the business model employed by Uber on smartphones to get around,” TLC and its peers. “It’s provided a level of Chairwoman and CEO Meera Joshi competition that I think will increase CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” on service for the entire city.” Tuesday. Reprinted with permission from The price of yellow taxi medallions CNBC.

Average Gas Prices As of March 5, 2015 New York Regular Mid Premium Diesel Current $2.675 $2.869 $3.021 $3.585 Joshi says we’re better off with the competition from those illegal apps. Keep drinking the Kool Aid suckers! We might as well have uber’s ceo as assistant Week Ago $2.566 $2.774 $2.962 $3.510 commissioner. Nyc medallion system bankrupt and owners unable to meet Month Ago $2.458 $2.682 $2.830 $3.472 their payments. HEADLINE NEWS- COMING SOON TO A NEWSPAPER IN YOUR AREA. Year Ago $3.796 $3.967 $4.111 $4.561 R. Goolcharran PAGE 28 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015

Carlyle Hotel 1568 Broadway 35 E 76th Street between 47th & 48th Streets TAXI INSIDER between Madison & 5th Avenues Drake Swissotel HOTEL LIST !!! Carnegie Suites Hotel 440 at 56th Street 229 W 58th Street between 7th & 8th Avenues Dream Hotel Dear Readers of TaxiInsider, 210 W 55th Street bet. Drivers always tell me that they cannot know the location of every hotel in Casablanca Hotel 7th & 8th Aves. Manhattan. A lot of work went into the list of Manhattan Hotels below. Drivers, 147 W 43rd Street please send Taxi Insider any corrections or additional hotels not mentioned. between 6th & 7th Avenues Dylan Hotel Also, when you are finished reading this issue of Taxi Insider, do not throw this 52 E 41st Street at Madison Ave. Chambers Hotel newspaper in the garbage, give it to another taxi driver ! Thank you ! 15 W 56th Street Eastgate Tower Suites Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 222 E 39th Street 60 Thompson Street 226 W 54th Street at Broadway Benjamin Hotel between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Between Broome and Spring Streets between 7th & 8th Avenues 125 E at York Avenue Hotel Chandler 12 E 31st Street off 5th Avenue Edison Hotel 70 Park Avenue Amsterdam Inn Hotel Bentley Hotel 228 W at 38th Street 340 Amsterdam Avenue 500 E 62nd Street at York Avenue Chelsea Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues at W 76th St. Best Western Convention Center 222 W 23rd Street 414 Inn Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Elysee Hotel 414 W. 46th Street Arlington Hotel 522 W 38th Street 60 E 54th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues 18 W 25th Street at 5th Avenue between 10th & 11th Avenues Chelsea Lodge Hotel between Park & Madison Avenues 318 W 20th Street Affi nia 50 Suites Avalon Hotel Best Western Hospitality between 8th & 9th Avenues Embassy Suites Hotel 155 E 50th Street at 3rd Avenue 16 E 32nd Street House Hotel 102 North End Ave. between Madison & 5th Avenues 145 E 49th Street Chelsea Savoy Hotel World Financial Center, Manhattan Affi nia Dumont between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 204 W 23rd Street 150 E 24th Street Beacon Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Fairfi eld Inn & Suites Chelsea- between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 2130 Broadway at 75th Street Best Western President Hotel 116 W. 28th St 234 W 48th Street Chelsea Star Hotel (near 6th Ave) Affi nia Manhattan Hotel Bedford Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues 300 W 30th Street at 8th Avenue (formerly the Southgate Tower Hotel) 118 E 40th Street Four Points Manhattan SoHo- 371 Seventh Avenue at 31st Street Best Western Seaport Inn Hotel City Club Hotel 66 Charlton St. Beekman Tower Hotel 33 Peck Slip at Front Street 55 W 44th Street (near Spring St) 3 Mitchell Place 49th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues 59 W 44th Street & 1st Ave. Blakely Hotel Fairfi eld Inn & Suites between 5th & 6th Avenues 136 W 55th Street Clarion Park Ave. Hotel 330 W. 40th St Belleclaire Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 429 Park Avenue South at (near 9th Ave) Allerton Hotel 250 W 77th Street at Broadway 29th Street 302 W 22nd Street Broadway Fairfi eld Inn & Suites Belnord Hotel 1155 Broadway at 27th Street Club Quarters Downtown Hotel 21 W. 37th St Americana Inn Hotel 207 W 87th Street 52 William Street 69 W 38th Street between Amsterdam & Hotel between Pine & Wall Streets 5th Avenue Club Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues West End Aves. 40 W 40th Street 3 W 51st Street at 5th Avenue between 5th & 6th Avenues Club Quarters Midtown Hotel Ameritania Hotel Belvedere Hotel 40 W 45th Street Fitzpatrick Grand Central Hotel 230 W 54th Street at Broadway 319 W 48th Street Carlton New York Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 141 E 44th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues 88 at 29th Street between 3rd & Lexington Aves. Amsterdam Court Hotel Comfort Inn Central Park Hotel 31 W 71st Street Fitzpatrick Manhattan Hotel between 687 Lexington Avenue at 57th St. Central Park West & Columbus Ave. Four Points Sheraton Chelsea Hotel Comfort Inn Manhattan Hotel 160 W. 25th Street 42 W 35th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues between 5th & 6th Avenue Four Points Midtown Times Square Comfort Inn Midtown Hotel 326 W. 40th St (near 9th Ave) 129 W 46th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Four Seasons Hotel 57 E Comfort Inn New York Hotel between Park & Madison Aves. 442 W 36th Street between 10th & Dyer Avenues Flatotel International Hotel 135 W Cosmopolitan Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 125 Chambers Street at W Broadway Franklin Hotel Courtyard Manhattan 5th Avenue 164 E 87th Street 3 E 40th Street between 3rd & Lexington Avenues between Madison & 5th Avenues Gershwin Hotel Courtyard Midtown East Hotel 7 E 27th Street 866 3rd Avenue between Madison & 5th Avenues between 51st & 52nd Streets Giraffe Hotel Courtyard 365 Park Avenue South at 26th Street 114 W 40th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Gramercy Park Hotel 2 Lexington Avenue at 21st Street Crowne Plaza Times Square Hotel 1605 Broadway Hotel between 49th & 50th Streets Park Avenue &

Crowne Plaza UN Hotel Grand Union Hotel 304 E 42nd Street 34 E 32nd Street between 1st & 2nd Avenues between Park & Madison Avenues

DaVinci Hotel (Hampshire Hotel) 244 W 56th Street Quality Times Square Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 157 W 47th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Deauville Hotel 103 E 29th Street Hampton Inn between Park & Lexington Avenues Times Square Hotel 851 8th Avenue at 51st Street Doubletree Times Square Hotel (Continued on Page 30) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 29 EVENTS AND MORE IN THE BIG APPLE Recommendations to passengers always increase the opportunity for a big tip! Here is is a listing that will help keep all taxi drivers in the loop on what's going on NYCNYC in New York City! Mention these events & promotions and watch the tips grow ! The Best Museums In NYC The Museum of the City of New York is located at 1220 5th Ave in East Screw the Smithsonian, the Louvre, collection of modern and contemporary Harlem (212-534-1672, $10 the Prado and the Uffi zi Gallery. The art is nothing to sneeze at. suggested admission. best museums in the world are right And the last-but-not-least of these here in NYC, and there are about a most celebrated New York institutions million of them, boasting everything is the American Museum of Natural from 13th century folk art to curious History, where we presume gigantic sex positions and embalmed baby dinosaurs and the Ghost of Teddy kittens. It’s hard to suss out which of Roosevelt haunt the halls at night. You The Museum of The City of NY these are the best of the best, but we’ve don’t have to like science to appreciate MUSEUM OF THE CITY OF NEW sorted out some of our favorites for these adorable penguins, but this mu- YORK: The MCNY’s been culling art, you. Leave yours—and your preferred seum touches every aspect of biology, photos and objects out of New York’s mummifying techniques—in the com- ecology and geology imaginable, and history since it was housed in Gracie ments, and be sure to check out our you can even take a trip into space at Mansion in the 1920s. And now they’ve list of some of the city’s lesser-known the Hayden Planetarium next door. The Morgan Library & Museum got a collection of about 750,00 artifacts museums, too. The is MORGAN LIBRARY & MUSE- squirreled away in a landmarked man- located at 11 West in Mid- UM: J.P. Morgan may be better known sion at the northern tip of Museum Mile; town West (212- 708-9400, moma. for his fi nancial services empire, but it these include images made by 19th cen- org) $25 admission. The Metropolitan turns out he was a pretty prolifi c art and tury printmaking fi rm Currier and Ives, Museum of Art is located at 1000 5th manuscript collector, too. The Morgan classic Broadway theater scripts, and a Ave at Central Park (212) 535-7710, houses this collection, along with newer 12-room dollhouse that once belonged $25 recommended acquisitions, in its Midtown East space, to socialite Carrie Walter Stettheimer admission. The Whitney Museum of boasting everything from original Sir and features tiny doll-sized artworks by American Art is located at 945 Madison Walter Scott and Charles Dickens man- artists like Marcel Duchamp. MCNY Ave on the Upper East Side (212-570- uscripts, ancient Neo-Babylonian stone unleashes some of its collection through 3600, $20 admission. The cylinder seals, renowned Renaissance The Met ongoing and temporary exhibitions, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is artwork and Einstein’s “Fundamentals THE BIGGIES: MOMA, MET, like “Activist New York”, “City As A located at 1071 5th Ave on the Upper and Methods of the Theory of Relativ- WHITNEY, GUGGENHEIM & Canvas” and the erstwhile “The Greatest East Side (212-423-3500, guggenheim. ity.” Past and present exhibitions have AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATU- Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, org) $22 admission. And the American included a look at The Little Prince RAL HISTORY: These fi ve museums 1811-2011.” Museum of Natural History is located (Continued on Page 42) include four internationally-renowned at 79th Street and Central Park West on art institutions and arguably the best the Upper West Side (212-769-5100, science museum in the world, and $22 suggested admission. though each one warrants its own sprawling encomium, their virtues have been extolled so often we’re clumping them together to save space for some Dragonfl y of the city’s other worthy destinations. Even without a mind-blowing special exhibit, The Met’s permanent collection is worth a fi ve hour visit alone, boast- Graphics llc. ing everything from Greek sculpture to modern Pop art; the Cloisters, which •Design and Print is also under the Met’s jurisdiction, The Frick features some of the most spectacular FRICK COLLECTION: The Met media experts. medieval and religious art in the coun- might have the city’s most famous col- try. MoMA’s (and its Queens satellite lection of art, but the Frick may have •Over 25 years PS1) permanent collection of modern the most elegant. The museum, housed and contemporary art is unparalleled, in the former home of art collector experience in and the special shows that migrate and former Andrew Carnegie partner through its galleries are nothing short Henry Clay Frick, boasts an elegant Graphics. of breathtaking. Past exhibitions have collection of primarily European art, focused on Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, including works by Johannes Vermeer, •Certifi ed Union Vincent Van Gogh and Rene Magritte, Francisco Goya, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Printers. and ne’er forget recent Drudge Siren Rembrandt van Rijn and François blog events like The Clock, Sleeping Boucher. And though the art itself is Tilda and the Rain Room. certainly a draw, it’s the presentation 4 Court Square As for The Whitney, well, that that draws you in here; much of the Long Island City, NY 11101 Upper East Side standby and famed collection on view remains arranged (718) 392-3460 Biennial holder is on its way to a new as it was during Frick’s lifetime, spread Fax (718) 786-5931 out through the mansion’s rooms, halls, home in the Meatpacking District at www.dragonfl vestibules and galleries. Be sure to save the end of the year. But for now, it’s e-mail: dragonfl [email protected] worth stopping by the bizarre Marcel time for a lengthy visit to the museum’s Breuer bunker to see the museum’s mas- spectacular Garden Court, check out sive Jeff Koons retrospective, on view all the amazing clocks, and note that a through October 19th. And then there’s secret bowling alley, billiards room and the Guggenheim, whose Frank Lloyd woodshop lurk beneath all that art. Wright building itself is perhaps more The Frick is located at 1 East 70th famous and beautiful than some of the Street between 5th and Madison Aves artwork inside, though its compelling on the Upper East Side (212-288-0700, $20 admission. PAGE 30 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015

Moderne Hotel 161 Lexington Avenue at 30th Street Stanford Hotel Manhattan Hotel List 243 W 55th Street 43 W 32nd Street between 7th 7 8th Avenues Ramada New Yorker Hotel between 5th Avenue (Continued from Page 28) 481 8th Avenue at 34th Street & Broadway Hampton Inn SoHo between 2nd & 3rd Avenues’ Morgans Hotel Renaissance Hotel Super 8 Times Square Hotel 54 Watts St 237 Madison Avenue 714 7th Avenue at 48th Street 59 W 46th Street (near Varick St) La Quinta Manhattan Hotel between 37th & 38th Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues 17 W 32nd Street Regency Hotel Hayden Hall Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues Morningside Inn Hotel 540 Park Avenue at 61st Street Surrey Suites Hotel 117 West 79th Street 235 W 107th Street 20 E 76th Street Le Parker Meridien Hotel between Amsterdam Ave. & Broadway between Columbus & Amsterdam Aves. Rihga Royal Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenues 118 W 57th Street 151 W 54th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Murray Hill East Suites Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues Thirty Thirty Hotel Helmsley Carlton House Hotel 149 E 39th Street 680 Madison Ave 30 E 30th Street between 3rd & Lexington Avenues Riverside Terrace Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenues between 61st & 62nd Sts. 111 E 56th Street 350 W 88th Street between Lexington & Park Avenues Murray Hill Inn Hotel between West End Ave. & Riverside Drive Time Hotel 143 E 30th Street Helmsley Middletowne Hotel 224 W 49th Street between Lexington & Park Avenues 148 E 48th Street Lowell Hotel Riverside Inn Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Muse Hotel between Lexington & Park Aves. 28 E 63rd Street 319 W 94th Street between Madison & 5th Avenues 130 W 46th Street between West End Ave. & Riverside Drive Travel Inn Hotel between 6th & 7th Aves. Helmsley Park Lane Hotel 515 W 42nd Street Lucerne Hotel 36 Central Park South Riverside Tower Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues 201 W 79th Street at Palace Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 80 Riverside Drive at 81st Street Amsterdam Avenue 455 Madison Avenue TriBeCa Grand Hotel Hotel between 50th & 51st Streets Affi nia Gardens Suite Hotel 2 6th Avenue 19 W 31st Street 501 Lexington Avenue at 47th Street between White & Walker Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues (formerly Lyden Gardens) Newton Hotel 215 E 64th Street 2528 Broadway at 95th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Roger Williams Hotel Trump International Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Time Square 131 Madison Avenue at 31st Street 1 Central Park West Novotel Hotel (formerly the Days Hotel New York) at Madison Hotel 226 W 52nd Street 790 8th Avenue Roosevelt Hotel 21 E 27th Street at Madison Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues between 48th & 49th Streets 45 E 45th Street at Madison Avenue W Court Hotel 130 E 39th Street Manhattan Broadway Hotel Off SoHo Suites Hotel Hilton New York Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues 273 W 38th Street 11 Rivington Street near Christy Street 1335 6th Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues 44 W 44th Street between 53rd & 54th Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues W New York Hotel Hotel Manhattan Seaport Suites Hotel 541 Lexington Avenue at 49th Street 21 E 52nd Street Hilton Times Square Hotel 219 Front Street Salisbury Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenue 234 W 42nd Street between Pine & Wall Streets 123 W 57th Street W Tuscany Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues between 6th & 7th Avenues 120 E 39th Street On the Ave Hotel Mansfi eld Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues 2178 Broadway at 77th Street Holiday Inn 12 W 44th Street San Carlos Hotel Downtown Hotel between 5th & 6t Avenues 150 E 50th Street Waldorf Astoria Hotel 138 Lafayette Street between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 301 Park Avenue 235 W 46th Street between Howard & Canal Streets Marcel Hotel between 49th & 50th Streets 201 E 24th Street at 3rd Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues Shelburne Murray Hill Hotel Holiday Inn Martinique Hotel 303 Lexington Avenue at 37th Street Wales Hotel Maritime Hotel Broadway & W 32nd Street 1295 Madison Avenue 363 W 16th Street at 9th Avenue 870 7th Avenue at 56th Street Sheraton Manhattan Hotel between 92nd & 93rd Streets Holiday Inn Midtown Hotel 790 Seventh Avenue Mark Hotel Park Savoy Hotel 440 W 57th Street between 51st & 52nd Streets Wall Street Inn Hotel 25 E 77th Street 158 E 58th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues 9 South William Street between Madison & 5th Avenues between 6th & 7th Avenues Sheraton New York Hotel between Broad Street & Old Slip Holiday Inn Wall Street Hotel 811 Seventh Avenue Marriott Financial Center Hotel Park South Hotel 15 Gold Street at Platt Street 85 West Street between 52nd & 53rd Streets Warwick Hotel 122 E 28th Street between Albany & Carlisle Streets 65 W 54th Street at 6th Avenue between Lexington & Park Avenues Hotel 17 225 E 17th Street Sheraton Russell Hotel Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Marriott East Side Hotel 45 Park Avenue at 37th Street Washington Jefferson Hotel Peninsula Hotel 525 Lexington Avenue 318 W 51st Street 700 5th Avenue at 55th Street Hotel 31 between 48th & 49th Street Sherry Netherland Hotel between 8th & 9th Avenues 120 E 31st Street 781 5th Avenue at Pennsylvania Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues Marriott Marquis Hotel Washington Square Hotel 401 7th Avenue 1535 Broadway at 44thStreet Shoreham Hotel 103 Waverly Place between 32nd & 33rd Streets Hotel 41 33 W 55th Street at MacDougal Street At Times Square 206 W 41st Street Mayfair Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues Pickwick Arms Hotel Between 7th & 8th Avenues 242 W 49th Street Wellington Hotel 230 E 51st Street between 7th & 8th Avenues Signature Suites 871 7th Avenue at 55th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Hotel 57 Greenwich Village Hotel 130 E 57th Street Mercer Hotel 160 Bleecker Street West End Studios Hotel Pierre Hotel Between Lexington & Park Avenues 99 Prince Street at Mercer Street between Thomson & Sullivan Sts. 850 West End Avenue 2 E 61st Street at 5th Avenue between 101st &102nd Streets Metro Hotel Hudson Hotel Skyline Hotel 45 W 35th Street Plaza Hotel 356 W 58th Street 725 Tenth Avenue at 49th Street Westin NEw York Grand Central between 5th & 6th Avenues 768 5th Avenue at Central Park South Between 8th & 9th Avenues 212 E 42nd Street Sofi tel Hotel Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel Plaza Athenee Hotel between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Inter-Continental Barclay Hotel 45 W 44th Street 569 Lexington Avenue at 51st Street 37 E 64th Street 111 E 48th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues West Park Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues between Madison & 5th Avenues Michelangelo Hotel 308 W 58th Street SoHo Grand Hotel 152 W 51st Street Portland Square Hotel between 8th & 9th Avenues Iroquois Hotel 310 W Broadway between 6th & 7th Avenues 132 W 47th Street 49 W 44th Street between Canal & Grand Streets West Side Inn Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues between 6th & 7th Aves. Milburn Hotel 237 W 107th Street Solita SoHo Hotel 242 W 76th Street Premier Hotel between Amsterdam & West End Aves. Jolly Madison Towers Hotel 159 Grand St between Amsterdam & West End Aves. 133 W 44th Street 22 E 38th Street at Madison Avenue St. Regis Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues Wolcott Hotel Milford Plaza Hotel 2 E 55th Street at 5th Avenue 4 W 31st Street JW Marriott Millennium 270 W 45th Street at 8th Avenue between 5th Avenue & Broadway 160 Central Park South Days Hotel Broadway 215 W 94th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues. Millenium Hilton Hotel between Amsterdam & West End Aves. 55 Church Street Kimberly Suites Hotel between Fulton & Day Streets Internet Link To 145 E 50th Street Radio City Suites Hotel between 3rd & Lexington Avenues Millennium Broadway Hotel 142 W 49th Street 145 W 44th Street btwn. 6th & 7th Aves between 6th & 7th Avenues Renew Hack License Kitano Hotel 66 Park Avenue at 37th Street Millennium UN Plaza Hotel Radisson Lexington Hotel 1 United Nations Plaza 511 Lexington Avenue at 49th Street Korman Communities at 1st Avenue & 44th Street 234 E 46th Street Ramada Inn Eastside Hotel MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 31 THE TAXI DAVE SHOW Brought To You by Melrose Credit Union ATTENTION TAXI DRIVERS! If you missed Taxi Dave’s Radio Shows, You’ve Missed; Congressman Rangel, DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, TLC Chairwoman Meera Joshi, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, City Council Chairman of Transportation Ydonis Rodriguez, City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, ITLA President Mike Fogarty and more. WOR-710AM Sunday 8:00 – 9:00 PM PAGE 32 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015

LICENSED All Taxi Management Chelsea Taxi Brokers LOMTO REPRESENTATIVES 41-25 36th Street 287 10th Avenue Federal Credit Union AND ATTORNEYS Long Island City, NY 11101 NY, NY 50-24 Queens Boulevard Tony Falese, Industry Rep. (718) 361-0055 • TLC#202 (212) 947-9833 Woodside, New York 11377 TIXFIX (212) 695-0601 • TLC#R0004 (212) 947-3380 (718) 361-3081 D&J Management of Queens 34-14 64th Street Jericho Taxi Brokers Montauk Credit Union Michael Spevak, Esq. Woodside, NY 11377 36-16 Skillman Avenue 111 West 26th Street 160 E. 56TH Street • 7TH Floor (718) 458-6609 • TLC#236 Long Island City, NY 11101 (Street Level) New York, NY 10022 (718) 392-7000 • TLC#R0001 New York, NY 10001 (212) 754-1011 Eddie’s Management (212) 989-5200 40-08 24th Street LOMTO Generation Brokerage Melrose Credit Union Karen Friedman, Esq. LIC, NY 11101 435 West 45th Street 139-30 Queens Boulevard 30 East 33rd Street • 4th Floor (718) 707-0072 • TLC#A0280 New York, NY 10036 Briarwood, NY 11435 New York, NY 10016 (212) 582-5721 • TLC#R0018 (718) 658-9800 (212) 213-2145 JTL Management 36-16 Skillman Avenue Mystic Brokerage Inc. Rapid Funding NYCDAC Long Island City, NY 11101 330 McGuinness Blvd. 657 Tenth Avenue 34-11 Queens Blvd. (718) 392-7000 • TLC#213 Brooklyn, NY 11222 NY, NY 10036 Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 349-7610 • TLC#R0050 (212) 977-4083 (718) 729-4700 McGuinness Management 330 McGuinness Blvd. Pearland Transfer Corp. TLC FACILITIES Colette Katz, Esq. Brooklyn, NY 11222 36-01 43rd Avenue TLC Headquarters Law • DMV • Criminal TLC (718) 349-8448 • TLC#A0259 LIC, NY 11101 33 Beaver Street, [email protected] (718) 361-0033 • TLC#R0020 NY, NY 10006 (917) 548-9907 On Our Way Management Corp. (212) 676-10003 6814 5th Avenue Westway Medallion Sales ACCOUNTANTS Brooklyn, NY 11220 657 Tenth Avenue Licensing and Adjudications Bretz & Coven, LLP (718) 833-8125 • TLC# A0249 NY, NY 10036 32-02 Queens Boulevard Bob Mackle (212) 977-4590 • TLC#R0039 LIC, NY 11101 305 Broadway, Suite 100 Queens Medallion Leasing Inc. (212) 852-4636 New York, NY 10007-1109 21-03 44th Avenue Friendly Group Ltd. (212) 267-2555 LIC, NY 11101 287 10th Avenue Uniformed Services Bureau (718) 784-3217 • TLC#253 New York, NY 10001 24-55 BQE West For Medallion Owners (212) 947-9833 Woodside, NY 11377 Action Tax Services S & R Medallion (718) 267-4555 21-03 44th Avenue 625 West 51st Street INSURANCE LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10019 COMPANIES FOR TAXI TECHNOLOGY (718) 932-3737 (212) 957-9200 • TLC# A0224 WORKER’S COMPENSATION: VeriFone Transportation Systems Hereford Insurance Company (d/b/a Taxitronic) TOW TRUCK Taxifl eet Management LLC 36-01 43rd Avenue 37-01 21st Street Mastermind Towing 54-11 Queens Boulevard Long Island City, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11106 24-Hour Towing Service Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 361-9191 (718) 752-1656 Reasonable Rates for TAXIS (718) 779-5000 • TLC#307 Call 718-926-0616 LOANS/FINANCING CMT (888) SEND-1-TOW Taxifl eet Management LLC Action Funding of N.Y. LLC (Creative Mobile Technologies) 34-14 31st Street 21-03 44th Avenue 11-51 47th Avenue BUY A TAXI CAB LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 Long Island City, NY 11101 Koeppel Nissan (718) 361-6363 • TLC#A0308 (718) 784-9292 (718) 349-7700 74-15 Norther Blvd. Flushing, NY 11372 Winners Garage All Boro Funding, LLC PRINT & GRAPHICS (718) 898-7800 34-14 64th Street 330 McGuinness Blvd. SERVICES Woodside, NY 11377 Brooklyn, NY 11222 Dragonfl y Graphics LLC Hudson Toyota (718) 458-7000 • TLC#110 (718) 349-8448 4 Court Square 599 Route 440 2nd Floor Jersey City, NY LICENSED BROKERS TO Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union Long Island City, NY 11101 (877) 422-0289 BUY MEDALLIONS 1750 86th Street (718) 392-7042 Action Medallion Sales LLC Brooklyn, NY 11214 Manhattan Toyota 21-03 44th Avenue (718) 680-2121 645 11th Avenue (corner of 47th St.) Queens, NY New York, NY 10036 (718) 784-9292 • TLC#R0065 (866) 462-3333 Briarwood Transfer Services LLC LEASE A TAXI @Melrose Credit Union Center Yellow Cab SLS JET Management 139-30 queens Blvd. 22-05 43rd Avenue Briarwood, NY 11435 Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 658-9800 ext. 1019 (718) 707-9667 • TLC# A0282 TLC# R0057 MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 33 United Nations Plaza , Suite 601 (1st Finnish Consulate in New York, Consul- Embassies, Consolates and Avenue & 48th Street) ate General of Finland 866 United Nations Phone: (212) 980-3366 / 980-3504/ Plaza Suite 250 Missions in NYC 355-0612 Afghani Consulate in New York, 360 2nd Floor French Consulate in New York, Consul- Lexington Ave 11th Floor 212-972-2276 Phone: (+1) (212) 867-8435 Chinese Consulate in New York, Chi- ate General of France 934 Fifth Avenue Offi ce Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-3pm nese Consulate General 520 12th Ave. General Consulate of Georgia, 144, Belarusian Consulate in New York, Phone: 001-212-2449456 East 44 th St., 5 th Floor Albanian Consulate in New York 156 Consulate General of the Republic of Be- Fifth Avenue, Suite 1210 larus in New York, USA 708 Third Avenue, Comoran Embassy in New York City, German Consulate, United States al Phone: 12122557381 20th Floor Embassy of the Federal and Islamic Re- of the Federal Republic of Germany 871 Phone: (1-212) 682-5392 public of Comoros 420 E. 50th St., United Nations Plaza (1st Avenue between Albanian Consulate in New York, United Phone: 212-972-8010 48th and 49th Street) States Permanent Mission of the Republic Belgian Consulate in New York, Consul- of Albania in UN 320 East 79th Street ate General of Belgium in New York, USA Costa Rican Consulate in New York, Ghanaian Consulate, Ghana Permanent Phone: 1212 2492059 1065 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd fl oo Consulate General of Costa Rica in New Mission to the UN, 19 East 47th Street Phone: (212) 586-5110 York 225 West 34 Street Penn Plaza Build- Phone: 212 832 1300 Embassy of Andorra/Permanent Mis- ing, Suite 1202, sion to the UN, 2 United Nations Plaza, Belgian Consulate in New York, Per- Phone: (212) 509-3066 Greek Consulate Consulate General of 25th fl r Phone: 212-750-8064 manent Mission of Belgium to the United Greece 69 East 79th Stree Nations in New York, United States One Croatian Consulate in New York, Per- (212) 988-5500 Angolan Consulate, Permanent Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza 885 Second manent Mission of the Republic of Croatia Mission of the Republic of Angola to the Avenue, 41st Floor to the United Nations, 820 Second Avenue, Greenlandic Consulate, Royal Danish United Nations 125 E. 73rd Street Phone: Phone: +1/212/378 6300 19th Fl. Consulate General, One Dag Hammarskjold 212 8615656 Phone: 001 212 986 1585 Plaza 885 Second Avenue, 18th Floor Belizean Consulate in New York, Angolan Consulate, Consulate General Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Croatian Consulate in New York, Con- Grenadian, Consulate General of Gre- of Angola 866 United Nations Plaza East Nations 675 Third Avenue, Suite 1911 sulate General of the Republic of Croatia in nada Phone: 212 599- 0301 48th Street, 5th fl oor Phone: (1-212) 986-1240 the United States of America, 369 Lexington Phone: (1 212) 980 9615/16 Avenue Guatemalan Consulate 276 Park Beninese Consulate in New York, Per- Phone: +1 212 599 3066 Avenue Antiguan & Barbudan Consulate in manent Mission of the Republic of Benin to Phone: (212) 686-3837 New York Consulate General of Antigua the United Nations 125 East 38th Street Cuban Consulate in New York, and Barbuda in New York 305 East 47th Phone: (212) 684-1339 Chancellery of the Republic of Cuba to Guyanese Consulate General 370 7th Street, 6th Floor the United Nations 315 Lexington Avenue Avenue 4th Floor Seven Penn Plaza Phone: 212-541-4117 Botswana Consulate in New York, 38th Street Botswana Permanent Mission to the U.N., Phone: 689 7215, 689 9308 Haitian Consulate 271 Madison Argentinian Consulate in New York, Con- New York, 154 East 46th Street Ave. 5th Floor, Between 39th and 40th sulate General of Argentina in New York, Phone: (212) 8892277 Cypriot Consulate in New York, Consul- Streets Phone: 212-697-9767 United States 12 West 56th Street ate General of the Republic of Cyprus 13, Phone: (212) 603-0400 Brazilian Consulate in New York, Brazil- East 40th Street, 5th Floor Phone: + 1 212 Honduran Consulate 144 West 37th ian Consulate General in New York 1185 6866016/17 Street, 3rd Floor Australian Consulate in New York, Avenue of the Americas () Australian Consulate-General 150 East 21st Floor Czech Consulate in New York, Consul- Hungarian Consulate General 223 42nd Street, 34th fl oor Phone: (917) 777-7777 ate General of the Czech Republic 321 East East 52nd Phone: (212) 351 6500 73rd Str., (between 1st and 2nd Avenue). Bruneian Consulate in New York, Brune- Phone: (646)422-3344 Icelandic Consulate General of Ice- Austrian Consulate in New York, Con- ian Permanent Mission in New York, United land 800 3rd Avenue, 36th fl oor Indian sulate General of Austria in New York, United States 771 First Avenue Czech Consulate in New York, Perma- Consulate 3 East 64th Street (Between 5th States 31 East 69th Street Phone: 1 (212) 697 3465 nent Mission of the Czech Republic to the and Madison Avenues) Phone: (+1) (212) 737 64 00 UN 1109-1111 Madison Avenue, (Madison Bulgarian Consulate in New York, Con- and 83rd St.). Indonesian Consulate General 5 East Bahamian Consulate in New York, Con- sulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria, Phone: 646 981 4001 68th Street sul General of the Bahamas in New York New York, USA 121 East 62nd Street City, USA 231-East 46th Street Phone: (212) 935 4646 Danish Consulate in New York, Royal Irish Consulate, Permanent Mission of Phone: (212) 421-6925 Danish Consulate General One Dag Ham- Ireland, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 Cambodian Consulate in New York, Per- marskjold Plaza 885 Second Avenue, 18th Second Avenue, 19th Floor Bahraini Consulate in New York, Per- manent Mission of the Kingdom of Cam- Floor Israeli Consulate General 800 Second manent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain bodia to the United Nations 327 East 58th Phone: +1 (212) 223 4545 Avenue, 13th Floor to the United Nations 866 Second Avenue Street 14th fl oors Dominican Consulate in New York, Con- Italian Consulate General, 690 Park Phone: (212) 223-6200 Canadian Consulate in New York, The sulate General of The Dominican Republic Avenue Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Suite 410, Bangladeshi Consulate in New Nations, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, Phone: (212) 768-2480 Jamaican Consulate-General 767 Third York, Consulate General of Bangladesh Phone: 848 1100 Avenue, 2nd and 3rd Floors in New York, USA 211 East 43rd Street, Ecuadorian Consulate in New York, 800 Suite 50 Canadian Consulate in New York, Second Avenue, Suite 600 Japanese Consulate General 299 Park Phone: (212) 599 6767, (212) 599 Consulate General of Canada 1251 Ave. Avenue 6850 of the Americas Egyptian Consulate in New York, Phone: (212) 596 1628 Consulate of Egypt 1110 Second Avenue, Kazakhstani Consulate General 535 Bangladeshi Consulate in New Suite # 201 Fifth Avenue, 19 Floor York, The Permanent Mission of Bangla- Chilean Consulate in New York, Perma- desh to the United Nations 820 2nd Avenue, nent Mission of Chile to the United Nations Estonian Consulate in New York, Con- Kuwaiti Consulate, Permanent Mis- 4th Floor 885 Second Ave.; 40 fl oor sulate General of Estonia 3 Dag Hammar- sion 321 East 44th Street Phone: 212-867-3434 Phone: (917) 322- 6800 skjold Plaza Suite 6B, 305 East 47th St Kyrgyzstani Consulate, Permanent Barbadian Consulate in New York, Chilean Consulate in New York, Consul- Fijian Consulate in New York, The Per- Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic 866 United Consulate General of Barbados in New ate General of Chile in New York, 866 manent Mission of Fiji to the United Nations Nations Plaza, Suite 477 York, United States 800 Second Avenue, 630 Third Avenue 7th Floor (Continued on Page 34) PAGE 34 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Embassies.... St, Suite 2510 Spanish Consulate of Spain 150 East East, 49th Street 58th St., 30th fl oor (Continued from Page 33) Nicaraguan Consulate General 820 Emirati Consulate, Permanent Mission Lao or Laotian Consulate 317 East, 2nd Avenue, Suite 802 Swazi Consulate, Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates 747 Third 51st Street of the Kingdom of Swaziland 408 East Avenue, 36th Floor Norwegian Consulate, Royal Norwegian 50th Street Latvian Consulate Permanent Mis- Consulate General 825 Third Avenue, 38th British Consulate-General 845 Third sion 333 East 50th Street fl oor Swiss Consulate General of Switzerland Avenue 633 Third Avenue, 30th fl oor Lebanese Consulate General 9 E. Pakistani Consulate General of the Uruguayan Permanent Mission of 76th St. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan Syrian Consulate, Permanent Mission Uruguay 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite House, 12 East 65th Street of the Syrian Arab Republic 820 Second 322 Liberian Consulate General 866 United Avenue, 15th Floor Nations Plaza, Suite 478 Permanent Mission of the Islamic Re- Uruguayan Consulate General of Uru- public of Pakistan 8 East 65th Street Taiwanese Consulate, Taipei Economic guay 420 Madison Ave., 6th fl oor Libyan Consulate, Mission 309 East and Cultural Offi ce (TECO) 90 Park Avenue, 48th Street Paraguayan Consulate General of Para- 31st Floor Uzbekistani Consulate-General of Uz- guay 211 East 43 Street - Suite 2101 bekistan 801 Second Ave, 20th Floor Malawian Consulate Mission 866 United Thai Consulate, The Royal Thai Consul- Nations Plaza, Suite 486 Philippine Consulate General 556 Fifth ate-General 351 East 52nd Street Ni-Vanuatu Consulate, Permanent Mis- Ave. Togolese Consulate, Permanent Mis- sion of Vanuatu 800 East Second Avenue Malaysian Consulate 313 East 43rd sion of Togo 112 East 40st Street, 1st St. Poland - Permanent Mission of Poland Floor Vietnamese Consulate, Permanent 9 East 66th Street Mission of the S.R. of Vietnam 866 United Malian Consulate Permanent Mission Turkish Consulate General of Turkey Nations Plaza, Suite 435 of Mali to the United Nations 111 East Polish Consulate General of the Repub- 821 United Nations Plaza, 7th Fl. 69th Street lic of Poland 233 Madison Avenue Sahrawian, Sahraouian Consulate 300 Turkmen Consulate, Permanent Mis- East 40th Street, #23X Marshallese Consulate Permanent Mis- Portuguese Consulate, Permanent sion of Turkmenistan 866 United Nations sion of the Marshall Islands to the United Mission of Portugal 866 Second Ave, Plaza, #424 Yemeni Consulate, Permanent Mission Nations 800 Second Avenue, 18th Floor 9th fl oor of Yemen 413 East 51st Street Tuvaluan Consulate, Permanent Mission Mauritian Consulate Permanent Mis- Qatari Consulate, Permanent Mission of Tuvalu 800 Second Avenue, #400 B Zambian Consulate, Permanent Mission sion of Mauritius 211 East 43rd Street, of the State of Qatar 809 United Nations of Zambia 237 East 52nd Street 15th Floor Plaza, 4th Floor Ugandan Consulate, Permanent Mis- sion of Uganda 336 East 45th Street Zimbabwean Consulate, Permanent Mexican Consulate 27 East 39th. Russian Consulate, Permanent Mis- Mission of Zimbabwe 128 East 56th Street sion of the Russian Federation 136 East Ukrainian Consulate of Ukraine 240 Street 67 Street Micronesian Consulate Permanent Medallions Mission of the Federated States of Micro- Russian Consulate 9 East 91 Street (Continued from Page 19) nesia to the United Nations 820 Second A0332 Avenue, #17A A0326 Rwandan Consulate, Permanent Mis- Gotham Yellow LLC. Manhattan Checker Mgmt. Corp. sion of Rwanda 124 East 39th Street 528 West 39 Street Monegasque Consulate, Consulate 134-02 33 Avenue New York, NY 10018 General of Monaco... Chancery : 565 Fifth Flushing, NY 11354 Sammarinese Consulate, Permanent (718) 993-8100 (212) 868-0795 Avenue - 23rd Floor Mission of San Marino 327 East 50th Street A0333 Moroccan Consulate, Consulate A0327 P & I Leasing Corp. General of Morocco , White And Blue Group Corp. Sammarinese Consulate, Consulate 558 West 44 Street 24th. fl oor 35-11 43 Avenue General of San Marino 186 Lehrer Avenue, LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10036 Elmont, 11003 (212) 695-1112 Mission Of Morocco To The U.N. 866 (718) 786-6594 Second Avenue 6 Th Floor Senegalese Embassy, Consulate A0329 A0334 General of Senegal, 4 West 125th Street, Yellow Dog Leasing Corp. Mozambican Consulate, Permanent NYC Taxi Group Inc. 2nd fl oor 31-08 Northern Boulevard Mission of Mozambique 420 East 50th 876 Mcdonald Avenue LIC, NY11101 Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 Seychelles Embassy Suite 400, 4th (718) 253-3501 (718) 472-1800 fl oor, 800 Second Avenue Myanmar Consulate, Consulate Gen- A0335 eral of Myanmar 10 East 77th Street A0330 Singaporean Consulate, Permanent Gn Taxi Fleet Corp. Sufi Medallion Inc. Mission of Singapore 231 East 51st 13-11 44 Avenue Nauruan Consulate, Permanent Mission 1500 Mcdonald Avenue Street LIC, NY 11101 of the Republic of Nauru 800 2nd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 627-7097 (718) 392-2230 #400-A Slovak Consulate, Slovak Republic 801 Second Avenue, 12th Floor A0336 Nepalese Consulate, Permanent Mis- A0331 Taxi World Inc. sion of Nepal 820 Second Avenue, 17th F & L Leasing Corp. Slovenian Permanent Mission 600 Third 627 West 51 Street Floor 374 Fourth Avenue Avenue, 24th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11215 New York, NY 10019 (718) 222-4040 (212) 265-4022 (Netherlands) Dutch Consulate General Solomon Islander Consulate, Perma- of Netherlands , 11th nent Mission of Solomon Islands 800 fl oor, Would You Like To Receive...... Second Avenue, Suite 400L • Weekly Traffi c Advisories Permanent Mission of the Kingdom South African Consulate General 333 • Important Messages from The TLC of the Netherlands 235 East 45th Street, East 38th Street • Important Industry Notices 16th Floor E-mail: [email protected] Korean Consulate, Permanent Mission And we will place you on our (New Zealand) Kiwi Consulate, New 335 East 45th Street Zealand Consulate-General 222 East 41st Industy E-Mail List. MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 35



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Be $975.00Your Own Boss! PAGE 40 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 A Five Borough Guide To NYC’s Avenue at the corner of 78th Street in ery era in favor of hoppy IPAs, robust Glendale (718-628-8600,fi nbackbrew- porters, and more complex farmhouse Impressive Craft Beer Scene styles. Astoria brewery SingleCut is Transmitter Brewing: working to reclaim the lager as a craft It’s Beer Week once again; time to their Void of Light stout took home a In their style, with variations ranging from a celebrate all of the delicious craft beers gold medal at the 2014 Great American 6-barrel nanobrewery under the Pulaski fl owery white version, to a hoppy India lovingly made within the fi ve boroughs. Beer Festival. Bridge, Anthony Accardi and Rob Kolb Pale, to sour lagers fl avored with hibiscus With all the beer-related festivities hap- Gun Hill is located at 3227 Laconia are putting out some of the city’s most in- and cherry. Want something a little more pening at local bars and restaurants, we’re Avenue between Burke Avenue and teresting beers. They think of themselves seasonally appropriate? Try the creamy talking a look at some of our favorite Duncan Street in Olinville, The Bronx as a “yeast-forward” brewery. Whereas a More Cowbell! milk stout. breweries currently making us tipsy with (718-881-0010, typical brewery might work with a couple SingleCut is located at 19-33 37th their handcrafted suds. Finback Brewery: Homebrewers strains of yeast, Transmitter has collected Street between 19th and 20th Avenues Gun Hill Brewing Co.: Longtime have the fl exibility to try a lot of styles, a library of a couple dozen, which they’re in Astoria (718-606-0788, singlecutbeer. baseball teammates Dave Lopez and but once they go pro they often settle on using to make funky farmhouse styles. com). Kieran Farrell aren’t brewers, but their a constant collection of beers to produce The available lineup is constantly chang- Other Half Brewing: Since emerg- backgrounds in fi nance and consulting commercially. When Basil Lee and Kevin ing, but past successes have included ing in late 2013, Other Half Brewing has gave them the idea to start a business, and Stafford started Finback Brewery, they Bx2, an imperial stout soured with bret- quickly shot to the top of the city’s beer the duo saw potential in the beer market. didn’t want to stop experimenting. The tanomyces yeast, and HG2, a golden ale scene. Greenpoint Beer Works veteran They hired former Chelsea Brewing brewers put out an ever-changing collec- sweetened with honey. Sam Richardson and his partner Matt Company head brewer Chris Sheehan tion of beers, with an emphasis on dark Transmitter is located at 53-02 11th Monahan have been brewing a variety of and started making beer. The team is styles. Check out their BQE imperial Street under the Pulaski Bridge in Long styles in their space at the southern edge intent on making a very approachable stout, made with local chocolate and Island City (646-378-8529, transmit- of Carroll Gardens, but it’s their IPAs that lineup, with beers like the light, session- coffee from Mast Brothers and Native SingleCut Beersmiths: have put them at the top of lists of new able Gun Hill Gold appealing to even Coffee Roasters, or their woodsy Smoke The craft breweries. Their citrusy Other Half IPA, the most novice drinker. Don’t mistake Detection. beer movement has meant a move away full of Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, and approachable for pedestrian, though— Finback is located at 78-01 77th from the simple lagers of the macrobrew- Simcoe hops, is delicious, but that’s just the beginning. Stop by the tap room to see what else is on on draft or take home a pack of the freshly canned Superfun! APA or Green Diamonds double IPA. Other Half is located at 195 Centre Street between Smith and Court Streets in Carroll Gardens (347-987-3527,

TLC (Continued from Page 24) its actions and not the app that it may be using. She also stated that drivers should not have to be affi liated at all with a base. In regards to pricing, Lyft’s position is that passengers/consumers should make the decision as to what they are willing to pay. [Author’s Note: The distinctions between the Uber and Lyft testimonies were obvious. Whereas Uber essentially delivered a PR pitch, Lyft actually made specifi c recommendations related to the way black, luxury car and livery bases should be regulated. So, on the one hand, Lyft should be commended for being constructive. On the other hand, they and all other e-hail app provid- ers must realize that they also need to compete with Uber on the marketing and PR front.] Robert Angelillo, a lawyer for XYZ 2 Way Radio, reiterated many of the points already made by others. Perhaps most importantly, he used the words “existential threat” to the base system when looking at both the contemplated TLC rules and the invasion of the e-Hail app providers. With the hearing winding down in roughly 2 hours, one can only contemplate the extent to which these comments will be evaluated and the specifi cs of the regulations once drafted. Perhaps a single word in the original hearing announcement indicates the way things are likely to go. That word is “mirrored” when referring to the rules already passed for the yellow and green fl eets. We shall see... George Laszlo, TLRC Executive Director MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 41 March Book Signings Museums along Museum Mile Barney Frank, longtime US Congressman El Museo del Barrio at 104th Street signing copies of Frank Museum of the City of New York at 103rd Street 3/17/15 7:00 PM at Barnes & Noble Jewish Museum at 92nd Street Union Square. New York, NY. Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design at 91st Street National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts at 89th Street Elizabeth Warren, US Senator Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum at 88th Street signing copies A Fighting Chance Metropolitan Museum of Art from 82nd to 86th Streets 3/30/15 7:00 PM at Barnes & Noble Goethe House German Cultural Center at 82nd Street Union Square. New York, NY. Other Museums NYC Pizza The Museum of American Finance, the nation’s only independent public ... Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall Street Hop on the Pizza Bus for African Burial Ground - corners of Duane and Elk Streets an Outer Borough Adventure American Folk Art Museum 45 W. 53rd St. American Museum of Natural History 77th St Central Park West Children’s Museum of the Arts 250 Lafayette St # A, Children’s Museum of the Arts Free Art Island Outpost Program at Governors Island Harbor Defense Museum - 230 Sheridan Loop, Brooklyn Italian American Museum-155 Mulberry St Kehila Kedosha Jania Museum-280 Broome St Luxce Project 53 Stanton St The Morgan Library and Museum-225 Madison Ave. Museum of Chinese In America-211 Centre St Museum of Jewish Heritage- Holocaust Edmond J. Safra Plaza - 36 Battery Place March 8 - Manhattan + Queen(s) Museum at FIT-Seventh Ave. Weeeeeeeeee are the chaaaaampions, my friendssssssss! And we’ll keep on Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 11 W 53rd St biting ‘till the end. Museum of Modern Art Design-81 Spring St # A National Museum of the American Indian March 15 - Manhattan + Brooklyn Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, 1 Bowling Green We’re gonna eat a real Brooklyn pizza. Anybody? New Museum of Contemporary Art-235 Bowery New World Art Ctr-250 Lafayette St # 5 March 22 - Manhattan + Brooklyn + Queens New York City Police Museum-100 Old Slip If you live in Staten Island and we accidentally drive into the Bronx, this Poets House - Ten River Terrace will be a fi ve borough day and you get a prize! Queens Museum of Art-49th Ave. and 111th St.

March 29 - It Don’t Matta Cause It’s SOLD OUT Rubin Museum of Art-150 West 17th Street This tour is going to all 2,000 pizzerias within the fi ve boroughs. If we Skyscraper Museum - 39 Battery Place spend 5 seconds in each place and it takes 5 seconds to get from one place to South Street Seaport Museum - 12 Fulton Street the next, we can just about make it within the 4.5 hours of the tour! The Tenement Museum-108 Orchard St Walking Tours Whitney Museum of American Art-945 Madison Ave Walk the Path of Pizza History Crosstown Pizza Walk - Mon, Fri, Sat @ 11am Save The Dates The history of pizza in NYC as told through three pizzerias in Soho and Richard Nader’s 26th Annual Greenwich Village. Summer Doo Wop Concert Greenwich Village Pizza Walk - Thurs + Sun @ 11:15am Saturday June 6, 2015 7 PM The global history of pizza as told through three pizzerias in Greenwich IZOD Center East Rutherford, NJ Village and Soho. Mary Wilson of the Supremes “Baby Love” “Where Did Our Love Go” “Stop! in the Name of Love” Lower East Side Pizza Walk - Sun @ 4:30pm The Duprees Pizza hot spots in the Lower East Side, including Neapolitan, classic slice, “You Belong To Me” “My Own True Love” “Have You Heard” and thin Sicilian. Mel Carter “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me” “Band Of Gold” NEW Brooklyn Pizza Walk - Sat @ 11:45am “All Of A Sudden My Heart Sings” Brooklyn has loads of great pizza! We’re concentrating on Cobble Hill with Sonny Turner former lead singer of The Platters this brand new tour. “With This Ring” “My Prayer” “Only You” Fred Parris and The Five Satins Private Tours “In The Still Of The Night” “To The Aisle” The Heartbeats Create Your Own “A Thousand Miles Away” “Crazy For You” Willie Winfi eld and The Harptones Custom Pizza Journey “Sunday Kind Of Love” “Life is But A Dream” Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, bachelorette, company outing, school fi eld “The Shrine Of St. Cecilia” trip or the fact that you have a lot of friends with a private pizza adventure! Tommy Mara and The Crests with a tribute to Johnny Maestro BOOKING NOW FOR SUMMER 2015 “Sixteen Candles” “The Angels Listened In” “Cara Mia” • Flexible start times available Special guest • Weekdays and Saturday afternoons Ladd Vance son of Kenny Vance • Tour by bus or on foot Twin Gold will open the show with a salute to • DELUXE option includes wine pairings our veterans and the men and women in the Armed Forces. • All group sizes welcome Gates open at 3:00 PM for Go to the website: Tailgate party, Classic car display javnV3JSyfPk2Oo/viewform Don K Reed’s a cappella stage and autograph session with the artists. To fi ll out the form. Tickets are available through [email protected]. PAGE 42 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 The Best Museums In NYC commissioned subway station, and you crisis. You can marvel at a portion of can peek into a functional control room Keith Haring’s Pop Shop ceiling at (Continued from Page 29) to see the whole system at work. the admissions desk, or snap photos author Antoine Saint-Expurey, J.D. special stuff, though, this second largest The is of the statues of Abraham Lincoln and Salinger’s love letters, and fi rst edition museum in NYC has a massive perma- located at Boerum Place and Schermer- Frederick Douglass perched outside the works by modern masters like William nent collection, with noteworthy works horn Street in Brooklyn Heights, museum’s two entrances. Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Allen including Judy Chicago’s celebrated Brooklyn (718-694-1600, The New York Historical Society Ginsberg; book nerds will also appreci- feminist installation The Dinner Party, mta/museum). $7 admission. is located at 170 Central Park West ate Pierpont Morgan’s sublime library, Gilbert Stuart’s 1796 portrait of George at 77th Street on the Upper West Side which was restored to its 1906 glory a Washington (used on the $1 bill!) and (212-873-3400, few years ago. many, many mummies, which once gave The Morgan is located at 225 an acquaintance of my grandmother’s Madison Ave between 36th and 37th a rash back in the 1940s. Street in Midtown East (212-685-0008, The Brooklyn Museum is located at $18 admission. 200 East Parkway at Washington Ave in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. (718- 638-5000, $12 suggested admission.

New York Historical Society NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCI- ETY: When I was a child, there was an Lower East Side Tenement Museum exhibit in the basement of the New York LOWER EAST SIDE TENEMENT Historical Society dubbed “Kid City,” MUSEUM: This is another one for in which the museum had transformed the time travelers. This 19th century The Queens Museum West 82nd Street and Broadway into a fi ve-story tenement building housed QUEENS MUSEUM: The Queens tot-friendly version of its 1901 self. I around 7,000 immigrants from the Museum never gets enough love, and The Museum of Moving Image spent many hours there commandeering 1860s to the 1930s, and the Tene- that’s a real shame. The four-decade old a turn-of-the-century grocer’s market ment Museum’s restored the rooms art institution is a cultural gem, located THE MUSEUM OF MOVING IM- and forcing other children to make de- to mirror what they looked like from in a pavilion building built specifi cally AGE: You don’t have to be a fi lm buff to liveries to the neighboring horse goods the 1860s to the 1930s. Museum staff for the 1939 World’s Fair and used enjoy MoMI’s expansive special exhibi- store, and though “Kid City” has since provide guided tours of the rooms and briefl y as headquarters for the United tions on, say, The Muppets, or Breaking been replaced with a larger children’s businesses, which include a garment Nations General Assembly. Now, the Bad. But if you do love movies, this exhibition, I like to think it taught me workshop and a German saloon; there Queens Museum harbors a hefty col- Astoria museum is stuffed with all sorts a lot about New York’s history—what are even costumed staff members who lection of fi ne arts, Tiffany glass, and of memorabilia, interactive exhibitions nine-year-old knew Central Park didn’t take on the characters of the building’s collections stemming from the 1939 and and special programming that’ll tickle simply sprout fully-formed out of the former residents. Beyond the Orchard 1964 Worlds Fairs, the latter of which is your inner cinephile. MoMI’s ongoing ground? The NYHS underwent a major Street building, the museum provides currently on view as part of temporary exhibition, “Behind The Screen,” runs renovation a few years ago, and it’s walking tours of the neighborhood to exhibition Behind the Curtain: Collect- through the history of cinema, tackling since returned with some excellent remind you of what the LES was like ing the New York Fairs. everything from the earliest moving programming. before Max Fish moved in (and then But the museum’s best and most picture camera to makeup from Sex And There is, for instance, a show featur- out, and then back in again). famous offering is its Panorama of the The City. They also hold frequent fi lm ing 90 artworks by Madeline creator The Tenement Museum is located City of New York, a 9,335-square-foot screenings—all summer long, they’ve Ludwig Bemelmans; through the end at 103 Orchard Street between Broome model of the city’s fi ve boroughs that been continuously showing fi lms from of the month, the museum is showing and Delancey Streets on the Lower East was originally commissioned by Rob- the 1939 and 1964 Worlds Fairs, and re- work by street style photographer Bill Side (212) 982-8420, ert Moses for the 1964 World’s Fair. cent screening offerings have included Cunningham, and past exhibitions have $25 admission. Though the panorama hasn’t under- The Searchers, 2001: A Space Odyssey included works from the 1913 Armory Reprinted with permission from The gone a full-throttle update since 1992, and the original Godzilla. Stay tuned for Show and a look at the city’s AIDS Gothamist and Rebecca Fishbein. developments like Brooklyn Bridge their upcoming permanent Jim Henson Park and Citi Field have slowly gotten installation, planned for 2015. The 10 Best Art Galleries In NYC added over time thanks to the museum’s The Museum of the Moving Image “Adopt A Building” program, though it is located at 3601 35th Ave in Astoria, New York may have some of the long lines attest. Infi nity seems like seems Williamsburg’s condos have yet Queens (718-777-6888, movingimage. fi nest museums in the world, but not all something of a theme here— Yayoi to receive treatment in miniature. us). $12 admission. of the city’s best art is hidden behind a Kusama’s popular infi nity rooms were The Queens Museum is located at $20 entrance fee. Works by renowned on display here last year, and Doug the New York City Building in Flushing artists and lesser-known locals line Wheeler’s hypnotizing, white-light Meadows Corona Park (718-592-9700, the walls and hang from the ceilings saturated “infi nity environment” took $8 suggested of galleries small and large, and visi- center stage in 2012. The gallery’s also admission. tors can often peruse them for no fee, hosted work by mainstream names often with a glass of wine in hand (if like Jeff Koons and Richard Serra. Up it’s a Thursday or sometimes Friday). next, look for works by Diana Thater, Here are a few of our favorite galleries Mamma Andersson, Al Taylor and Jan New York Transit Museum around town; as always, leave yours in Schoonhoven. NEWYORK TRANSIT MUSEUM: the comments. David Zwirner is located at 525 West Visiting the New York Transit Museum DAVID ZWIRNER GALLERY 19th Street in Chelsea (212-727-2070, is a bit like traveling back in time. They have a second The nation’s only museum dedicated gallery at 537 West 20th Street between to public transportation, the NYTM 10th and 11th Avenue. boasts an astonishing collection of MTA GAGOSIAN GALLERY The Brooklyn Museum memorabilia, not the least of which is BROOKLYN MUSEUM: The its collection of antique subway cars, Brooklyn Museum has really been on a complete with antique ads that predate roll this century with a series of block- Dr. Zizmor. You can also peruse an buster exhibits, including 2008’s stellar extensive collection of subway tokens Takashi Murakami show, 2012’s Keith (ah, memories of watching my bus fare Haring exhibition, last year’s innovative roll under a car...) and fare collectors, German ex-pat David Zwirner opened Jean Paul Gaultier show, “Ai Weiwei: and for the young and young at heart, up his gallery in 1993, relocating According to What?” which is on view there’s a child-sized taxi cab, trolley car from SoHo to Chelsea in 2002. The until August 10th, and a site-specifi c and bus to play on. It’s also noteworthy exhibitions hosted at his current large piece by street artist Swoon. Beyond the that the museum is located inside a de- space are often wildly popular, as the (Continued on Page 44) MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 43 Events For You and Your Passengers in The Big Apple Broadway Shows Off Broadway Shows

A GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO JERSEY BOYS 50 SHADES! THE MUSICAL MONDAY NIGHT MAGIC LOVE AND MURDER August Wilson Theater Elektra Theatre Theatre 80 245 West 52nd Street 673 Eighth Avenue 80 Saint Marks Place 218 West 48th Street KINKY BOOTS APPLICATION PENDING MY BIG GAY ITALIAN FUNERAL AIRLINE HIGHWAY Al Hirshfi eld Theater Downstairs Theatre at St. Luke’s Theatre Samuel J. Friedman Theatre 203 West 45th Street Westside Theatre 308 West 46th Street 261 W. 47th St. LES MISERABLES 407 West 43rd Street MY BIG GAY ALADDIN 249 West 45th Street AVENUE Q ITALIAN WEDDING New World Stages St. Luke’s Theatre 214 West 42nd Street MAMMA MIA 340 West 50th Street 308 West 46th Street Winter Garden Theatre MY SON THE WAITER: BEAUTIFUL 1634 Broadway BETWEEN RIVERSIDE A JEWISH TRAGEDY THE CAROLE KING MUSICAL AND CRAZY Second Stage Theatre Stage 72 at The Triad Theatre MATILDA THE MUSICAL 305 West 43rd Street 158 West 72nd Street 124 West 43rd Street Shubert Theater 225 West 44th Street BLACK ANGELS OVER NAKED BOYS SINGING CABARET TUSKEGEE Kirk Theatre ON THE TOWN Actors Temple Theatre 410 West 42nd Street 254 West 54th Street Lyric Theatre 339 West 47th Street 214 West 43rd Street NATIONAL LAMPOON CHICAGO BLUE MAN GROUP PRESENTS Ambassador Theatre ON THE TWENTIETH Astor Plae Theatre BAYSIDE! THE MUSICAL! 219 West 49th Street CENTURY 424 Lafayette Street Theatre 80 American Airlines Theatre 80 St. Marks Place CONSTELLATIONS 227 West 42nd Street BRIGHT HALF LIFE Samuel J. Friedman Theatre NEVERMORE 261 West 47th Street THE AUDIENCE West 55th Street New World Stages Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre 340 West 50th Street FISH IN THE DARK 236 West 45th Street BROOKLYNITE Vineyard Theatre NEWSical 138 West 48th Street THE BOOK OF MORMON 108 East 15th Street Kirk Theatre Eugene O’Neil Theatre 410 West 42nd Street HEDWIG AND THE 230 West 49th Street CHURCHILL ANGRY INCH New World Stages PERFECT CRIME THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF 340 West 50th Street Snapple Theatre Center 111 West 44th Street THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME 210 West 50th Street CINDERELLA HONEYMOON IN VEGAS 243 West 47th Street The Players Theatre PLACEBO 115 MacDougal Street Playwrights Horizons 256 West 47th Street THE LION KING Mainstage Theatre COUGAAR THE MUSICAL 416 West 42nd Street IF/THEN 200 West 45th Street St. Lukes Theatre 308 West 46th Street POSTERITY Linda Gross Theater 226 West 46th Street THE PHANTOM OF FASHIONS FOR MEN 336 West 20th Street THE OPERA Mint Theater INTO THE WOODS Majestic Theatre 311 W.est43rd Street - 3rd fl . SAM EATON’S Laura Pels Theatre 242 West 45th Street THE QUANTUM EYE 111 West 46th Street GAZILLION BUBBLE SHOW MENTALISM & MAGIC SHOW WICKED New World Stages Theatre 80 IT’S ONLY A PLAY Gershwin Theater 340 West 55th Street 80 St. Marks Place Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre 222 West 51st Street 236 West 45th Street GOING ONCE! LAUGHING SEX TIPS FOR STRAIGHT TWICE!! WOMEN FROM A GAY MAN St. Luke’s Theatre The 777 Theatre 308 West 46th Street 777 Eighth Avenue

HEREAFTER SHUT UP SIT DOWN AND EAT Snapple Theater Center The Players Theatre 210 West 50th Street 115 MacDougal Stret

IT’S JUST SEX SISTAS: THE MUSICAL Actors Temple Theatre St. Lukes Theatre 339 West 47th Street 308 West 46th Street

LIVES OF THE SAINTS STOMP Primary Stages Duke on 42nd Street Orpheum Theatre 229 West 42nd Street 126 Second Avenue (Continued on Page 44) PAGE 44 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 10 Best Galleries they host larger installations and sculp- shuns Americans: native Missourian ture shows. Nick Cave is also represented by Jack (Continued from Page 42) Pierogi is located at 177 North 9th Shainman, and the gallery just wrapped Gagosian’s a major name in the Street between Bedford and Driggs up a spectacular exhibition of his new global gallery scene, with locations in Avenues in Williamsburg, Brooklyn work last month. Up next, the gallery Los Angeles (where the fi rst Gagosian (718-599-2144, will host work by Michigan native gallery opened in 1979), London, They’ve also got a secondary space at Titus Kaphar. Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Athens 191 North 14th Street between Nassau Jack Shainman has two locations and Geneva, in addition to the several and Wythe Avenues in Williamsburg, in Manhattan: 513 West 20th Street famed spaces in New York. All of the Brooklyn. between West Street and 10th Avenue “institution,” a non-profit dedicated city’s galleries have featured works FISHER LANDAU CENTER in Chelsea (212-645-1701, jackshain- to supporting emerging and local art. by the biggest names in modern and FOR ART and at 524 West 24th Street But the gallery’s one of the city’s contemporary art—Julian Schnabel, between 10th and 11th Avenues, also most treasured exhibition spots, dis- Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, Richard in Chelsea (212-337-3372, jackshain- playing works by hundreds of artists, Serra, Cy Twombly, Francis Bacon, including Peter Cook, Yves Klein and etc.—with old masters occasionally on CHEIM & READ David Molander. Right now, visitors display as well. Exhibitions currently can experience Jana Winderen and on display include a show focusing on Marc Fornes’s interactive installa- Pablo Picasso’s photography at the West tion Situation NY, on display through 21st Street gallery and an exhibition December 20th. of Takashi Murakami’s painting and Storefront for Art & Architecture is sculpture on West 24th Street. located at 97 Kenmare Street in Nolita There are a number of Gagosian (212-431-5794, Gallery locations in Manhattan. Visit This LIC gallery, housed in an HONORABLE MENTIONS their website for more information. erstwhile parachute harness factory, of There are so many important gal- LUHRING AUGUSTINE all places, contains hundreds of works belonging to 94-year-old collector Em- leries in this city that we can’t afford ily Fisher Landau. Landau’s got quite This spacious 6,000 square foot all of them individual blurbs. A few an eye for art, having amassed works gallery helmed by John Cheim and we missed include Maccarone, Gal- by the likes of Robert Rauschenberg, Howard Read boasts a heavy-hitting lery Lelong, Paula Cooper, Matthew Ellsworth Kelly and Andy Warhol over list of represented artists, with names Marks, PPOW, Metro Pictures, Lisa the past half-century. You can peruse like Diane Arbus, William Eggleston, Cooley, Miguel Abreu, The Invisible the permanent works in addition to Louise Bourgeois and Joan Mitchell on Dog, Real Fine Arts and the 56 Bogart intermittent temporary exhibitions their list. Upcoming exhibitions include galleries. Note that many galleries, highlighting specifi c pieces from Lan- shows by Danish artist Tal R and Ire- especially those in Chelsea, host dau’s collection. land’s Sean Scully; you can see Louse openings on Thursday nights which Luhring Augustine, founded in The Fisher Landau Center for Art Bourgeois’s fascinating Suspension often feature complimentary wine. Chelsea in 1985, is one of the city’s is located at 38-27 30th Street in Long exhibition through mid-January. most reputable galleries, exhibiting Island City, Queens (718-937-0727, Cheim & Read is located at 547 Off Broadway and representing works by the likes of fl West 25th Street between 10th and 11th (Continued from Page 43) Gerhard Richter, Larry Clark, Pablo SEAN KELLY GALLERY Avenues in Chelsea (212-242-7727, Picasso and David Musgrave. And THE BERENSTAIN BEARS Luhring Augustine was also one of The Marjorie S. Deane Little Theatre ON STELLAR RAYS the fi rst major art galleries to expand 5 West 63rd Street beyond Manhattan’s enclave, making THE EVENTS headlines when it opened a Bushwick New Workshop outpost off the Morgan Ave L stop in 79 E. 4th Street 2012. That location boasts a stellar exhibition space for installations. THE FANTASTICKS Luhring Augustine has two locations Snapple Theater Center in the city: 531 West 24th Street between 210 West 50th Street 10th and 11th Avenues in Chelsea (212- Once a SoHo stalwart, Sean Kelly’s 206,9100, and 23-year-old gallery represents some THE LION at 25 Knickerbocker Avenue between of contemporary art’s biggest names, Culture Project Johnson Avenue and Ingraham Street including Robert Mapplethorpe, Ma- Candice Madey’s LES gallery was Lynn Redgrave Theater in Bushwick, Brooklyn (718-386-276, rina Abramovi and Mariko Mori. The one of the fi rst to hit the Bowery back 45 Bleecker Street gallery relocated to a two-story spot in in 2008, opening just one day before PIEROGI Midtown a few years ago, and continues Lehman Brothers brought the United THE LION, THE WITCH AND to host unconventional exhibitions, with States economy tumbling down. But On THE WARDROBE upcoming shows including work by Stellar Rays, named after a 9th century St. Lukes Theatre Chinese artist Sun Xun. text by Arab philosopher Al-Kindi, is 308 West 46th Street Sean Kelly Gallery is located at 475 a survivor, and continues hawking and Tenth Avenue between 36th and 37th displaying unique works by new and THE NETHER Streets in Midtown West (212-239- emerging artists. Current represented Lucille Lortel Theatre 1181, artists include Zipora Fried, Alix Pearl- 121 Christopher Street JACK SHAINMAN GALLERY stein and JJ PEET; the gallery is about to close a breathtaking exhibition of THE WONDERFUL WIZARD Queens-based artist Tommy Hartung’s OF SONG: THE MUSIC OF work. HAROLD ARLEN This Williamsburg gallery may On Stellar Rays is located at 133 St. Luke’s Theatre most recently be known for providing Orchard Street between Delancey and 308 West 46th Street greater North Brooklyn with a lifetime Rivington Streets on the Lower East supply of rock salt and human hamster Side (212-598-3012, onstellarrays. THE WORLD OF EXTREME wheels. But the 20-year-old space is com). HAPPINESS one of Williamsburg’s pioneering art STOREFRONT FOR New York City Center hubs, boasting both exhibitions and the ART & ARCHITECTURE West 55th Street This DC transplant focuses on in- famed fl at fi les showcasing hundreds Last but not least on this list is the ternational work, with represented art- of works by local artists that are up for Storefront for Art & Architecture, a TWELFTH NIGHT, OR ists including the Ghanian El Anatsui, sale (you can also view them online). 32-year-old triangular slice located WHAT YOU WILL Malian artist Malick Sidibé and the Pierogi’s also opened a second space, in that SoHo/Little Italy no-man’s The Players Theatre Israeli Adi Nes. Not that the gallery The Boiler, on North 14th Street, where land. Storefront’s an all-around art 115 Macdougal Street MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 45

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KOEPPELNISSAN.COM 1-718-898-7800 *Tax & MV Fees are additional Fax (718) 476-8207 NYSDMV7068638. NYSDCA0997779 Lee Komitor PAGE 46 • TAXI INSIDER • MARCH 2015 Walls Of The Murodo Snow Corridor Along The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route taxi news from around the world Bahayi drives a black Corolla; most of Afghanistan her passengers are women, as many men 1st Female refuse to enter her cab. The $10-20 she earns per day is enough to support 15 rela- Taxi Driver tives, and she actively spars with her male Sara Bahayi, 38, is Afghanistan’s fi rst detractors: she recounted an incident to the female taxi driver “in recent memory” she Post in which she “convinced a man—who is revered to be the only female taxi driver believed, like many Afghans, that Islam that is actively working today. prohibits women from driving—that his beliefs were wrong.” Though educated and privileged Afghan women occupy some prominent positions in government, women who are outspoken about liberal personal politics remain relatively hard to come by in poor and rural areas of the country, and that’s where Bahayi is doing the work. Some more facts about Bahayi: she’s single; she started working outside the home in the late ‘90s when her brother- in-law was killed by the Taliban; a male neighbor taught her to drive after Bahayi decided her high school teacher’s salary was insuffi cient; she got her drivers license two years ago in a class of 30 students, all male, only nine of whom passed the test. When driving into Taliban-controlled areas, she sometimes disguises herself as male, and she bought a rifl e (look at this picture!) when she started getting threats to her home. Now, Bahayi wants to break another barrier. She’s negotiating with some men to become partners in a car dealership. She will acquire the dealership license, and they will lease the place. Eventually, she said, she plans to kick her partners out — and replace them with women. It will become, she hopes, Afghanistan’s fi rst female-owned car dealership. USA Houston Texas UBER Gouges Houston A Houston-area woman is outraged after she said the popular car service Uber over-charged her for a ride. Patricia Clark said she and her friends decided to use uber to get to the Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook-Off. According to Clark, the service charged them about $60 for the ride to the event but more than $500 for the ride back to Humble. “Nobody in their right Choose Your Car mind would step into a car knowing that it was going to cost them $500 to go 30 miles,” said Clark. Clark said she fi led a complaint with Uber and a representative emailed her saying in part, “Due to high demand for rides, our fares were increased to ensure we had rides available for those who needed them.” Channel 2 contacted an Uber representative, who said Clark was also charged more for her ride back Defensive Driving Class to Humble because she chose to ride in a more expensive car. The representative said their fares and surge-pricing are Available Free explained to users on the app. MARCH 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 47

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