16 THE JEWISH LEADER, DECEMBER 18, 2015 ’s role in climate change 201 ,"--")'035)&*/26*4*5*7& By Times Of Israel Staff and Agencies Sponsored by Jewish Federation • Ahavath Achim • Ahavath Chesed • Beth El • Beth JacobtBnai Israel • B’nai Shalom • Brothers of Joseph • Emanu-El Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Sunday, hailed the Schedule 8IBU1JDUVSF%P:PV8BOUUP-FBWF How to Register climate change accord reached Saturday in Paris as “an impor- Week 1 SUNDAY, JAN.  • 2:00-4:00 pm "TFTTJPOXPSLTIPQEFWPUFEUPFYQMPSJOH 1st hour – Sign up for ONE Enrichment tant agreement,” vowing that Israel would do its part to help halt Walk-in registration 1:30-2:00 pm BOJOUFSOBMTOBQTIPUUIBUDBOTQFBLWPMVNFT UPZPVBOEZPVSMPWFEPOFTBCPVUZPVS DPVSTFGPSXFFLT global warming. Week 2 SUNDAY, JAN. 1 • 2:00-4:00 pm Week 3 SUNDAY, JAN.  • 2:00-4:00 pm BDRVJSFEWBMVFTBOEXJTEPN During the four weeks of the Institute, you Speaking at the weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said Is- Weeks 1-3 consist of a 1-hour Enrichment 5BVHIUCZ3BCCJ4DPUU4BVMTPO will attend the four sessions of the Enrichment Course you selected. (You may switch to course from 2-; a snack break, and at :15 the ;JPOJTN5IFWBSJPVTTUSFBNTBOEIPXUIFZ rael has an interest, like other countries, in slowing down global another Enrichment Course after the first week Community Forum where everyone comes GMPXFEBOEBSFTUJMMGMPXJOH warming if not halting it altogether. together to hear a special guest speaker if space permits.) Following a 15-minute break 5BVHIUCZ%BOJFM3PCJOTPOBOE+FSSZ'JTDIFS Week 4 SUNDAY, JAN.  • 2:00-4:30 pm after class, we will gather for a Community “We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions on behalf of future Forum and listen to different guest speakers. generations,” said Netanyahu. “This is a complex international This nal session consists of the 1-hour En- 'BTDJOBUJOH'BDUT&YQMPSJOHUIF.ZUITBOE richment course from 2-3, and concludes with a .ZTUFSJFTPG+VEBJTN mission. It is built on the premise that large and small countries 5BVHIUCZ3BCCJ"WSPIPN4UFSOCFSH On January  the afternoon begins at 2:00 Seudat Siyum – closing meal at 3:0 pm pm with your hour one course. The afternoon will conclude with a Seudat Siyum, a festive alike will not deviate from it. This demands international disci- Community Forums (2nd hour) pline, which is not easy, but for the good of humanity, I hope that LocationAll sessions will be held at meal, beginning at 30 pm. Temple Emanu-El, 29 Dayton Rd., Waterford Community Forums bring everyone together it will be found.” to hear a guest speaker. Topics for the 201 The fee for the ENTIRE Institute, which Environmental Protection Minister Avi Gabbay () said Enrichment Courses (1st hour) Community Forums include: in-cludes the concluding meal, is $2 pp 8FFL)PXXJMMZPVSGBNJMZDIPPTFXIFO 5PBUUFOEPOFPSNPSF$PNNVOJUZ a budget of about $200 million has been devoted to meet climate 'VMMDPVSTFEFTDSJQUJPOTCFHJOPOQBHF ZPVDBOOPUDIPPTFGPSZPVSTFMG 'PSVNT UIFGFFJTQFS'PSVN targets. He said Israel would move toward renewable energy PSDIFDLPOMJOFBU+'&$$0. 'BDJMJUBUFECZ.BUUIFX4DIVMNBO Make checks payable to JFEC. Return by Thursday, January  to address on sources, cleaner technology and more public transport. 4JQPSFJ)B:PN"5SFBTVSZPG 8FFL8IBUBCPVU.Fo8IBUBCPVU6T  registration tear-off. 'PSUIPTFVOBCMFUP $POUFNQPSBSZ+FXJTI4UPSJFT 5JQUPFJOHUISPVHIUIF.JOFGJFMETPG$BSF SFHJTUFSBIFBEPGUJNF UIFSFXJMMCFPOTJUF “We have a lot of steps to do and we are doing it now,” Gabbay 'BDJMJUBUFECZ3BCCJ4DPUU4BVMTPO said. 5BVHIUCZ3BCCJT"MUFSBOE4BGNBO SFHJTUSBUJPOBUQNQSJPSUPDMBTTFTPO 8FFL*NQPSUBOU'JOBODJBM "DDPVOUJOH +BOContact the Federation with Israel as a small country is not among the world’s heaviest -FUT(FU4FSJPVT"CPVU&TUIFS BOE-FHBM4UFQT: