Table of contents

A message from the Chair of the Conference ...... 3

About 2Day Ambassador History. Mission & Community Objectives ...... 8

Mentors Honoris Causa ...... 10

A Few Testimonials ...... 12

Attending Schools 5th Edition 2016 ...... 26

Program ...... 27

Key-note speakers ...... 37

Moderators ...... 76


Dear friends and partners, distinguished guests and speakers, dear students, teachers and members of the 2Day Ambassador Organizing Committee,

It is both a great pleasure and highest satisfaction to salute this 5th edition of the 2Day Ambassador Conference at Lauder, which also serves as a remarkable opportunity to celebrate a decade of exclusive academic partnership between our Foundation and Educational Complex and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy and The Raphael Recanati International School-Israel.

Our 2Day Ambassador International Conference is the only place where the junior and senior high school students from tens of schools across Romania, Europe and Israel, have had the unique opportunity to explore the fascinating world of diplomacy, to learn and to debate topics of utmost interest on the national and international scene, side by side with the highest-level diplomats, politicians, experts and academic personalities from Romania and abroad.

I am proud and excited to have seen over 1,200 attending pupils along these five years of conference. As part of the public service programs initiated by our foundation and school, this Conference stands first in a long line to serve the entire community and to ensure a quality public service in the pre- university education, by giving access to elite educational events and programs to all the pupils.

As our Laude- unique in pre-university academics: accredited studies in Diplomacy, International Relations, Business, Media, Communication, Negotiation, Debate, and Public Speaking, they are aware as well, of their privilege and duty to share their experiences, knowledge and ideas, with their peers in Romania, as well as abroad.

And here we are now, proud hosts of the fifth generation of students from Romania and Israel, attending another edition of the Conference that is dedicated to topics of current concern for all our countries today: the immigrations crisis, the NATO presence and their strategies for the EU, or the impact of the international conflicts on certain social and gender segments of population, and other related topics, equally interesting and of utmost interest.

We are all living in extraordinary times. But you, the youngest of us, you are the first generation exposed from such early ages, to unprecedented and most disruptive times of human history. But we must stand united against the tragic destructuralization of the human and moral and educational values, against


war and terrorism. I would underline the decisive role that your generation has in taking the responsibility to ensure a better and a safer world. It is not an easy task, you have to struggle and never give up on you

young and old, rich and poor, understand how important it is to take this responsibility in earnest.

Your generation has a challenging and essential mission for the future of the entire mankind. To this end, more than ever, the human values and lessons of history must be always remembered and passed on to the next generations.

Thank you, esteemed Mrs. Ruta Zandman, for being the tireless and devoted wife of the late Dr. Felix Zandman. Thank you for your continuous and passionate efforts to keep alive y story, values and lessons, in the memory of the young generations around the world. Thank you for attending this Conference.

We are privileged by your presence among the students from Romania, for the second time in the last been translated for the first time in Romanian-the ninth language of this book.

Zandman family, on the occasion of the taking by Romania of the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The tra without the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the IHRA, the Romanian Embassies to Berlin and to Paris, and the Jewish Communities Feedration of Romania alongside the Hasefer Publishing House and Mr. Alexandru Marinescu. To all of them, thank you on behalf of these wonderful representatives of the future generation, who are with us today.

I am confident in the future of this Conference and I am proud to see that every year the participation is stronger and the event is already well established and holds a prestigious support and reputation. I have taken a look at the panels and open discussion topics that you are going to discuss, and I wish you to take part in fruitful debates.

Dear delegate students, welcome to our Conference that is dedicated to you and it is built around the idea that many of you will become leaders in, and for your country. But in order to become a good leader, you have to work hard from an early age, and you have to learn from the leaders of the present.

Dear delegate students, I hope you feel as enthusiastic as I do about the massive support you enjoy from the present leaders in diplomacy, international affairs, executive administration and academics. So many of them are here with you today, willing to pass on their messages, experience and knowledge to you:  Our main educational partner for the last decade, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister Lazar COMANESCU  The Romanian Parliament-Deputy Chamber President Valeriu ZGONEA


 The Vice-Prime minister Vasile DANCU  The Ministry of National Education Minister Adrian CURAJ  The Ministry of European Funds- Minister Aura RADUCU  The Ministry of Justice-Minister Raluca Alexandra PRUNA  The Jewish Communities Federation Romania President Aurel VAINER, MP.  The Embassy of the State of Israel and Her Excellency, Mrs. Tamar SAMASH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary  Ambassador Mihnea CONSTANTINESCU, Acting Chair, International Holocaust Rememberance Alliance,  Mr. Liviu DRAGNEA, M.P.  the Romanian Diplomatic Institute and his General Director Dan PETRE.

On behalf of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania, of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, as well as of the 270 students here, let me thank you for your time and consideration for this educational endeavor dedicated to the young generation.

None of the activities and educational value of this program would have been possible without the support and extraordinary benevolence of the 21 Embassies and their Ambassadors, who joined our Conference this year and offered our students in diplomacy, international affairs, business and communication, the opportunity to have one-day diplomatic internship, as well as to have first-hand discussions with the ambassadors and with the diplomatic staff. On behalf of our Foundation and Educational Complex, as well as on behalf of the attending students, I present my cordial salute and expression of gratitude to the embassies as well as to the ambassadors of the Argentine Republic, Republic of Austria, Chile, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, State of Israel, Republic of Italy, Japan, Republic of Madagascar, United Mexican States, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of , Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Turkey, United States of America, Vatican City.

I would like to add special thanks fo

 State of Israel and H.E. Ambassadress Tamar SAMASH,  Republic of Italy and H.E. Ambassador Diego BRASIOLI,  Republic of Slovenia and H.E. Ambassador Mihael ZUPANCIC,  Republic of Austria and H.E. Ambassador Mr Gerhard REIWEGER  Chile and MR Guzman Rodrigo BARROS  United Mexican States and Mr. Alfonso NIETO, Deputy Chief of Mission,  Republic of Poland and Mr. Arkadiusz MICHONSKI, Minister Counselor & , Deputy Chief of Mission,  Russian Federation and Mr. Alexey SAMSONOV, First Secretary, and  Hungary and Mrs. Katalin Kissné HLATKI, Counsellor


Nonetheless, I would like to express our highest appreciation and to address a warm welcome to our partners, key-note speakers and moderators:

From the State of Israel, on behalf of the prestigious Interdisciplinary Centre of Hertzliyiah, to the three outstanding ladies working in diplomacy, academics and pre-university education:  Lesley G. TERRIS, Assistant Professor, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya, Academic Director, International Program, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya  Michal COTLER-WUNSH, LL.M., Director of International External Relations, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya  Adi FRIEDLAND, Head of the Diplomacy Department Hatichon Hachadash School Hertzliyah, Israel

From Romania, to the other three brilliant ladies working in high end administration and education, and serving the works of this Conference in a perfect counter-party:  Mrs. Ligia DECA, State Advisor to the President of Romania  Professor DHC Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU, Member of Romanian Chamber of Deputies Commission for Education, Science, Youth & Sport  Maria VOICA, Projects Coordinator Project Development and Implementation International Organization for Migration (IOM)

And last, but not least, our highest appreciation and thanks go to the distinguished gentlemen saved our young, talented and inquisitive students in their agenda:  Dan GRIGORESCU, Deputy Director, Directorate of Security Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Andrei TARNEA, executive director, Aspen Institute Romania  Radu MAGDIN - CEO / BRAND AMBASSADOR SMARTLINK COMMUNICATIONS SRL, Bucharest, Vicepresident, STRATEGIKON (International Security, European Union Affairs & Good Governance).  Dr. Iulian FOTA National Intelligence Academy.

To our own student delegates and to the ones coming from other 22 schools: 1. 2. 3. "CEZAR BOLLIAC" Junior High School 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Junior High School No 20 9. Junior High School No 52 10. Junior High School No 56 11. Junior High School No 81 6

12. Junior High School No 84 13. Junior High School No 86 14. Junior High School No 92 15. Junior High School No 112 16. Junior High School No 149 17. Junior High School No 193 18. Junior High School No 195 19. 20. "NICOLAE LABIS" Junior High School 21. 22. HATICHON HACHADASH SCHOOL, Hertzliyah, Israel 23. The LAUDER-REUT Educational Complex, thank you and I look forward to hearing the outcomes of your discussions soon.

I am happy to see how this Conference has become an event that already serves as an intense, enriching experience, and equally as a networking platform for the passionate and the talented, who become more equipped for success in a career like international affairs and diplomacy. I wish you the very best of luck as you tackle some of the most complex challenges the world faces. I welcome you all and wish you success in being 2Day (Today) Ambassadors!

Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis Chair of the Conference


2Day Ambassador The Annual Lauder International Conference on Diplomacy and Global Affairs for High Schools

History Since the year 2006, The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania has been running a successful early education program consisting in a 3-year course in diplomacy and international affairs, for the students of the Lauder-Reut high school. The program is part of a larger interdisciplinary platform, which includes early studies in business and financial education, communication, media &PR, debate and public speaking, science & math.

Why a business, media and diplomacy high school? Because we think that an inter-disciplinary early education in such fields has become a must today and can be successful even in high school. We believe our students should be offered this opportunity, of learning how to be a career diplomat, a professional advocate, business man, entrepreneur or communicator to their community and country. an internationally prominent community leader and philanthropist, a diplomat, businessman and entrepreneur, though educated to be a high class communicator and spokesman.

Mission & objectives. 2Day Ambassador An Educational Service to the Community and to the Future of the Country The 2Day Ambassador Conference is part of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex inter-disciplinary program of early education in business, media, diplomacy but most important, it is Lauder- the country-be them diplomats, politicians, scholars, businesspersons or other professionals in related fields.

As the only Romanian high-school with a formal curricular area dedicated to diplomacy and international affairs, the Lauder-Reut High-School takes pride in having established a tradition of annual events of national and international reach, in which students from Romania and abroad have the opportunity to interact with each other, as well as meet high-level diplomats, policy experts and cultural personalities.

the Lauder International Conference on Diplomacy & Global Affairs for High Schools.

As The Lauder-Reut High School students enjoy an exclusive educational offer that is unique in pre-university academics: accredited studies in Diplomacy, International Relations, Business, Media, Communication, Negotiation, Debate, and Public Speaking, they want to share their experiences, knowledge and ideas, with their peers in Romania, as well as abroad. Our Lauder-Reut students follow these studies during 3 of the 4 high school years, all thanks


to the exclusive academic partnerships that the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation has concluded with prestigious Romanian and foreign universities, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, the Raphael Recanati International School and the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy in Israel, the Lauder Business School of Vienna, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, the Cannes Lions Office Romania, the University of Bucharest, The Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, the Romanian Association for Debate, Public Speaking and Rethorics.

This is why the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation and the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex world of diplomacy and international affairs, had to be shared with students from around the country and abroad. Right from its start, the Lauder Conference has enjoyed a large support from the Romanian central and local authorities (the Presidential Administration, Ministries, Romanian Intelligence, the City Hall), whose highest level representatives have served the event, alongside with the chiefs of over 35 foreign diplomatic missions in Romania.

and this process can and should start in high school. up after Lauder Reut school decided on the introduction of diplomacy and international relations courses for high school students, eight years ago. It was a courageous decision taken by Lauder Reut, who embarked on this venture, on «unchartered waters», offering their students a unique educational program: accredited studies in Diplomacy, International Relations, Business, Media, Communication, Negotiation Debate and Public Speaking. I am very proud to say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately recognized the importance of such a program and offered its partnership to Lauder Reut, a partnership that has grown and developed continuously over these (Professor Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the opening ceremony of the 3rd Edition of the 2Day Ambassador Conference, 2014)


Mentors Honoris Causa 2006-2014

In Recognition of the Special Contribution to the Early Studies Program of Diplomacy & International Affairs

Bogdan AURESCU, PhD, Minister of Foreign Affairs Romania Avigdor LIEBERMAN, Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Israel Madicke NIANG, Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Senegal Ambassador Mihnea CONSTANTINESCU, State Advisor to the PM Cristian DIACONESCU, Presidential Adviser, President of the Senate, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minsiter of Justice Fota IULIAN, Presidential Adviser, Head of the National Security Department Ambassador Dan BEN ELIEZER State of Israel Ambassador Czech Republic Ambassador Werner Hans LAUK Federal Republic of Germany Ambassador Mathijs VAN BONZEL Kingdom of the Netherlans Ambassador Michael SCHWARTZINGER Republic of Austria Ambassador Diego BRASIOLI Italian Republic Ambassador Claudio Perez PALADINO Republic of Argentina Ambassador Marek SZIGYIEL Republic of Poland Ambassador Gerard CORR Irish Republic Ambassador Theodor PALEOLOGU Chargee faires Venita SMITH Republic of South Africa Chargee faires Luis Tejero GONZALES Spain Chargee aires Duane BUTCHER United States of America Deputy Chief of Misssion David COSTELLO Ireland Deputy Head of Mission Czech Republic Deputy Head of Mission Jürgen HEISSEL Austria Deputy Chief of Mission Hersel AREZOO State of Israel First Secretary Joseph KARL Germany David MORRIS, Political Counsellor, USA Embassy Jonathan DAVIS IDC Herzliyah, Israel Dr. Assaf MOGHADAM, Senior Lecturer, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Senior Researcher, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya Dr. Jonathan FINE, Undergraduate Advisor Lauder Government School Raphael Recanati International School, Fellow Researcher International Institute For Counter-Terrorism Sarit BEN SHABBAT, B.A Lauder School of Government, Strategy and Diplomacy, M.A. History of Middle East and Africa , Tel Aviv University Moshe ALEXENBERG, M.A. Summa cum laude Diplomacy and Conflict Studies (GPA 95.5), Valedictorian Lauder School of Government, Member of student delegation to NATO Headquarters, Brussels


Mentors Honoris Causa 2015

In Recognition of the Special Contribution to the Early Studies Program of Diplomacy & International Affairs

, State Secretary, Minister of Foreign Affairs Romania Ambassador Gerhard REIWEGER Austria Ambassador Maria CUEVAS BERNALES Chile Ambassador Vladimír VÁLKY Czech Republic Ambassador Francois SAINT PAUL France Ambassador Paul BRUMMEL United Kingdom Ambassador Agustín Gutiérrez CANET Mexico Ambassador Tove Bruvik WESTBERG Norway Chargé d Dean THOMPSON United States of America Apostolic Nuncio Francisco-Javier LOZANO Vatican City Dan PETRE, General Director, the Romanian Diplomatic Institute Ely KARMON, PhD, Senior Research Scholar, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and the Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS,), IDC Hertzlyiah, Israel Nir TORDJMAN, Researcher & Communication Manager, International Institute for Counter- Terrorism (ICT) IDC Hertzlyiah, Israel David , alumni of Lauder-Reut Educational Complex and now head of the 2nd undergraduate year at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Hertzlyiah, Israel Dr. Radu , Associate Professor at Bucharest University, founder and mentor, 8 years of service as first teacher of diplomacy and int'l relations at Lauder-Reut high school Vasile IUGA, Managing Partner of PwC for South-Eastern Europe (SEE) and Country Managing Partner of PwC Romania NICOLESCU, former Minister of Energy, senior consultant Deloitte, Chair European Agency for Energy Regulation Bogdan PRISECARU, adviser, Romanian Intelligence Service; RANGU, Director Financial Supervision Authority; President of Insurance Management Institute; SNSPA Lector, Co-Founder CIO COUNCIL Romania; Dr. Liviu , Executive President EURISC Foundation (European Institute for Risk, Security and Communication Management)



Opening Speech by Mr. Valeriu Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies, on the 3rd Anniversary of 2Day Ambassador

6 martie 2014

Voastre, domnilor ambasadori, Dragi elevi,


- ntru


De la pri - - politicii.


2Day Ambassador Testimonials redire context.

-i spunem clasic - politicii externe sau în controlul ei. sunt de ani buni membru al Comisiei parlamentare pentru Afaceri Europene, iar în ultima

forma într-

-i implica direct în luarea deciziilor. Iar Parlamentul, care

Valeriu Zgonea


2Day Ambassador Testimonials

Opening Address by Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the 3rd Anniversary of 2Day Ambassador

Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Dear students and teachers, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with particular pleasure and great joy that I take part in the opening of the 3rd edition of the Lauder International Conference on and Global Affairs for High Schools I would like to congratulate the organizers and especially Mrs. Tova Ben Nun Cherbis, President of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania, for putting together such an interesting program dedicated to the young generation and for gathering so many distinguished officials, foreign diplomats, experts and opinion leaders. As one who has participated at the previous editions of this conference, I am very glad to see that every year the participation is stronger and the event is already well established and prestigious. I have taken a look at the activities you the students have had during these past two days and I must say that I think it was an enriching experience complex and interesting - showing you, in practice, a glimpse of what diplomacy means. The activities programmed for today come to complete this experience. I have to admit that I rarely have the occasion of addressing pre-university students and this makes the occasion even more special. I attach special significance to my academic activity I teach international law at the University because it means passing the knowledge on to the younger generation and having the opportunity to interact with the fresh minds of my students, getting a feeling of the being here today bears the same great importance of valuing education. As I represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of course we especially value the concept of early education in diplomacy and international affairs and we are thankful that the Lauder Foundation has implemented this vision in the Romanian high schools. The idea of organizing such a conference as this one came as a natural follow up after Lauder Reut School decided on the introduction of diplomacy and international relations courses for high school students, eight years ago. It was a courageous decision taken by Lauder Reut, educational program: accredited studies in Diplomacy, International Relations, Business, Media, Communication, Negotiation Debate and Public Speaking. I am very proud to say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately recognized the importance of such a


2Day Ambassador Testimonials program and offered its partnership to Lauder Reut, a partnership that has grown and developed continuously over these eight years. I want to share with you a small detail from my personal experience ever since I was a young child, I was fascinated by history, diplomatic conferences, negotiations and the way diplomats can influence historic events to the benefit of their country. This eventually led to choosing a diplomatic career. That is why I also personally think that introducing a diplomacy and international affairs program to high school students is very opportune as it is a moment when the young minds start to process historic knowledge through their own personal rational grid. I also strongly believe that this program represents a great opportunity for the students to enter the fascinating world of diplomacy and international relations and I hope that some of them will decide to pursue a career in this field, serving their country as diplomats in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this respect, I am happy to see the outreach made by Lauder Reut to other schools in Bucharest, which led to more than 150 students, from 20 schools attending this event. And because this conference is conceived as a learning experience for you, please allow me to briefly share with you one quick thought about the lessons learned during my diplomatic activity so far. When we talk about a successful diplomatic endeavor, there are three essential elements to take into consideration: the instruments at your disposal, the projects which need to be realized and the people which implement the projects, working efficiently with the mentioned instruments. For Romania, the means which enhance the efficiency of our diplomatic action are, in my opinion: the adherence to international organizations and the use of these organisms, the instrument of the strategic partnership with other countries and the use of international law and international standards. I am sure that during your working sessions today you will observe some of these principles. Ladies and Gentlemen, Before coming to an end, I would also like to commend the positive response given by so many diplomatic missions to the initiative of the Lauder Foundation. By opening their doors to young Romanian students, these Embassies are directly contributing to the attractiveness of the program. The students have the possibility to see for themselves how an Embassy works, what are the activities and priorities, while learning more about the history, political and economic realities of that specific country. Furthermore, the presence of 13 Ambassadors and Deputy Heads of Missions with us, today, is very important for the success of this conference and, at the same time, it provides a rare opportunity for our young participants to listen to and interact with them. I have also noticed the participation of an Israeli high school at the conference. The people- to-people exchanges, especially at a young age, are very important, and we, at the MFA, support such exchanges, as an important part of the development of bilateral relations. Particularly with Israel, we do have an extensive network of student exchanges, either through direct school-to-school contacts, or under the aegis of the numerous sister-cities partnerships


2Day Ambassador Testimonials that exists between Romania and Israel. Therefore, I salute the presence of Israeli high school students today and I encourage Lauder Reut to continue these exchanges, by taking Romanian students to Israel and inviting their Israeli colleagues in Romania, as an important tool to foster better understanding and friendship. highly appreciates this project, as it promotes diplomatic competencies in a professional way. I think that it is of great importance that a new generation of diplomats is educated and ready and this process can and should start in high school. I wish you every success for this conference, I hope that a growing number of brilliant high school students will be attracted to diplomacy through this initiative and I assure you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to be a partner in years to come for this very important endeavor.

Thank you very much, Bogdan Aurescu


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials


2Day Ambassador Testimonials

Dear Ms Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis,

I am writing in connection with your invitation to the 2Day Ambassador - the Lauder Conference on Diplomacy and International Affairs. The Embassy of Japan will be happy to receive the visit of your students on 28th or 29th March at a time to be set at a later date, function of your agenda and the agenda of the diplomat who will receive the students. This is Mr Ryohei TOBIBAYASHI, 1st Secretary, the head of the political section.

Thank you for your kind invitation and we are truly looking forward to receiving the students of your school.

Best wishes, Alina Popescu Assistant Political Section Embassy of Japan in Romania

4-8, Nicolae Titulescu Avenue America House, East Wing, 8th Floor Code 011141, District 1 Bucharest Phone number: 021-319.18.90/91 Fax number: 021-319.18.98 E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mr Taut,

I will gladly receive you and your students on 29 th March at 10.00 am at our Consulate on Polona Street no 89.

Best regards Serge Rameau Honorary Consul General of Madagascar in Romania

-- CONSULAT GENERAL DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE MADAGASCAR EN ROUMANIE Adresse Chancellerie: 89, rue Polona Secteur 1, Bucarest Tél.: +40 21 210 52 72 Fax: +40 21 210 58 48 Courriel: [email protected] Web: www.madagascar.ro


2Day Ambassador Testimonials

Buna ziua, doamna director Carmen Bejinaru,

Multumesc frumos pentru titluri si onoruri care mi le acordati, dar nu cred ca le merit, cel putin unele. De aceea va propun pentru simplificarea comunicarii sa va limiitati doar la numele meu mic - Alexey. Multumesc in avans. In ceea ce priveste evenimentul ca atare, as vrea sa va multumesc pentru atentia pe care o acordati tarii mele. Dupa parerea mea, subiectele care propuneti ca punctele de reper sunt destul de complicate si nu sunt sigur ca putem sa le acoperim in totaliate intr-o singura discutie. Intrebarile por aparea si mai tarziu. De aceea as propun sa le vad pe studenti in cursul lunii (nu obligatoriu pe 28-29 martie) ca sa avem timp sa potolim interesul posibil (sper ca sa aiba loc). Va stau la dispozitia ca ca sa stabilim ziua si ora mai exacta. Cu stima,

-- Prim secretar Ambasadei Federatiei Ruse Samsonov Alexey

Semper fidelis Contra spem spero!

Respected Mrs. Ben Nun-Cherbis,

As we have discussed telephinocially, I am hereby confirming the participation of our Embassy at this year's edition of your lovely project. Regarding the pupils' visit at our Embassy, please take into account we will be closed on Easter Monday, 28th of March. We will be delighted to receive them on Tuesday, 29th though. Ambassador Zupančič is honoured to participate and provide a short presentation of the mission and vocation of a diplomat to your pupils.

I remain at your kind disposal for all the technical and logisitcal details regarding this event.

With consideration, Rok Hajnšek

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Bukarešti Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bucharest

Str. Teheran 25, Sector 1 T: (+4) 021 300 27 80 | M: (+4) 0723 570 232 http://bukaresta.veleposlanistvo.si/


2Day Ambassador Testimonials

Hello Tova,

Hope you are doing well. We are looking forward to hosting students from the Lauder School later this month. Lili Stoian from the Information Resource Center will coordinate this part of the program as she has done in the past.

It is my understanding that Ambassador Klemm has declined since he will be out of town at that time. We will identify someone from the US Embassy to attend the Parliament event. I recall that Bruce Kleiner, Public Affairs Officer was there last year as the US Embassy representative.

Please remain in contact with my office which includes Lili Stoian and Georgiana Smaranda since we are coordinating the Lauder event.

Marjorie A. Stern Cultural Affairs Officer U.S. Embassy, Bucharest Romania

Dear Mrs. Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis,

First of all, please accept a good thought and warm wishes to you for a joyful spring!

Then, I’m happy to say that we are again looking forward to the Lauder School students’ visit, this year on March 28 at 10:00. Public Affairs Counselor Ronald Hawkins and Political Attaché Matthew Jones will address the students on the topics of their interest.

Sincerely yours,



Attending Schools 5th Edition 2016

Romania-Bucharest 1. 2. 3. "CEZAR BOLLIAC" Junior High School 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Junior High School No 20 9. Junior High School No 52 10. Junior High School No 56 11. Junior High School No 81 12. Junior High School No 84 13. Junior High School No 86 14. Junior High School No 92 15. Junior High School No 112 16. Junior High School No 149 17. Junior High School No 193 18. Junior High School No 195 19. 20. "NICOLAE LABIS" Junior High School 21. nior High School 22. The LAUDER-REUT Educational Complex

Israel Hertzliyah





28TH of MARCH 2016 ACTIVITY: One Day Diplomatic Internship

OBJECTIVES: Introducing the students to the daily activities of a diplomatic mission, so that they form an impression about the problems, challenges, and satisfactions of the diplomatic profession. Students will prepare beforehand for the visit by studying the defining historical and cultural landmarks of the countries, and they will also be familiar with its contemporary political, economic, and diplomatic priorities, in 2 main directions:  The migration crisis in Europe  The expansion of terrorism in Europe & worldwide PARTICIPANTS: The students of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex following the accredited courses in diplomacy and international relations

LOCATIONS: I. The Embassies of 1. Argentine Republic 11. Republic of Madagascar 2. Republic of Austria 12. United Mexican States 3. Chile 13. Kingdom of the Netherlands 4. Republic of Cyprus 14. Republic of Poland 5. Czech Republic 15. Portugal 6. Federal Republic of Germany 16. Russian Federation 7. Hungary 17. Slovak Republic 8. State of Israel 18. Republic of Slovenia 9. Republic of Italy 19. Republic of Turkey 10. Japan 20. United States of America and 21. The Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See

II. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs III. The Romanian Diplomatic Institute


The Lauder-Reut High School

Coordinating No. Embassy Students Visiting hours teacher 1. Argentine Vlad Lică (key-note speaker), Ioana March 29, 10:00 Oana ROGOZ Republic Boureanu, Iulian Ivănescu, Eva Negoiţă 2. Republic of Silvia Schechter (key-note speaker), Călin March 29, 10:00 Liana IONESCU Austria Botoroaga, Dimitrie Dinculescu, Maria Sima 3. Chile Mihnea Macovei (key-note speaker), March 29, 11:30 Alice CONSTANTIN Victor Antipa, Cezara Giugula 4. Republic of Beatrice Horvath (key-note speaker), March 29, 10:00 Diana GOMBOS Cyprus Tudor Halac, Louis Negoiţă

5. Czech Republic Ilinca Manolache (key-note speaker), Ana March 29, 10:00 Irina ROTH Atanasiu, Alessandra Voicu GHEORGHE

6. Federal Diana Cojocaru (key-note speaker), Ines March 29, 10:00 Lucretia Republic of Brătaşanu, Vlad Grădişteanu, GABROVEANU Germany Domnica Predescu

7. Hungary Călin Simescu (key-note speaker), Mara March 29, 10:00 Codrin TĂUT Dimciu, Daniel Ştefan, Alice Toader

8. State of Israel Robert Ştefan (key-note speaker), Bianca March 29, 10:00 Atalia WEISSMAN Gheorghiu, Abraham Tohami Ella STEFANA +10 students from Tichon Hadash Herzliya Virgilius TEODORESCU Adi FRIEDLAND Isabela ROZEN

9. Republic of Sara Crăciun (key-note speaker), Sarah March 29, 11:00 Diana POPESCU Italy Mira Daniel, Teodora Petre, Mihnea Stratulat 10. Japan Mihai Cioroianu (key-note speaker), Orit March 28, 14:00 Anca MANDRU Itzikovich

11. Republic of Ana Petrescu (key-note speaker), Theodor March 28, 10:00 Rodica DOIJA Madagascar Malama, Alexandra Paul-Szel, Armand Tudor 12. United Alexa Dobrin (key-note speaker), Luca March 29, 10:00 Diana IONESCU Mexican States Munteanu, Ana Petre, Adrian David Sobolevschi 13. Kingdom of the Dan Arbănaşu (key-note speaker), Elena March 29, 11:00 Mioara STOIAN Netherlands Oancea, Ioana Polivanov


Coordinating No. Embassy Students Visiting hours teacher 14. Republic of Andrada Pantelimon (key-note speaker), March 29, 10:00 Stephen Poland Andrei Albu, Andrei Chirnogeanu, Nicoleta HALLSTROM Trandaş 15. Portugal Victor Vescu (key-note speaker), Dan March 29, 11:00 Laurențiu Ciorăscu, Ioana Pavelescu LAMBRINOC

16. Russian Alexandra Dumitraşc (key-note speaker), March 29, 11:00 Victor DIACICOV Federation Daria Militaru, Christian Râmniceanu

17. Slovak Irina Manolescu (key-note speaker), Horia March 29, 10:30 Andrada Republic Dragoescu, Andrei Pintea HRISTACHE

18. Republic of Alexandru Olteanu (key-note speaker), March 29, 10:00 Marilena VÎLCIU Slovenia Mădălina Milinschi, Cristian Roşca

19. Republic of Bogdan Udroiu (key-note speaker), March 29, 10:00 Claudia Turkey Lixandru Alexandru, Irina Damian MOLDOVEANU

20 United States Niculae Andrei (key-note speaker), Dana March 28, 10:00 Morgan BECKETT of America Comişelu, Theodor Drăghici, Ioana Mogoş

21. The Apostolic Anghel Ciprian (key-note speaker), Maria March 29, 10:00 Cristina Nunciature of Dumitraşcu, Mihai Firez, Ruxandra Pelin PAUNESCU the Holy See

22. Romanian Andrei Frăsineanu (key-note speaker), March 29, 10:00 Diana Diplomatic Dana Comişelu, Theodor Drăghici, GHERASIMIUC Institute (IDR) Cristina Roşca


29TH of MARCH 2016

TIMEFRAME: 15:00 - 20:00 LOCATION: the Marriott Hotel PARTICIPANTS: 270 students from the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex 21 public high schools in Bucharest the Hatichon Hachadash School Hertzliyah, Israel HOST: Tova BEN NUN CHERBIS, CHAIR of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex

15:00-15:45 Registration

15:45-16:00 Welcome; rules of procedure Mock multilateral diplomatic session The session will be sustained by the Lauder-Reut High School students, based on their 2-days internships at the foreign embassies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Institute. They will present the position of the countries whose diplomatic mission they visited, as well as of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania.

16:00-17:30 erban PITIC. Moderators:  Dr. Codrin TAUT, teacher of Professor University of Bucharest  erban PITIC, ESL winner SOAS IV Debate Competition, London 2013, Semi-finalist & 5th best Speaker Vienna IV, 2013, Finalist World Universities Debate Championship 2013, Berlin

17:30-18:15 Buffet dinner DEBATE SESSION: Europe Has To Gain or To Lose From The Current Wave of Immigrants and Refugees from The Arab World? Debaters: 1. erban PITIC, Head of Debating and Public Speaking Department for the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, Coach of the Romanian National Team for the World Schools Debating Championship 18:20-20:00 2. David MOSCOVICI, Professional Debate and Public Speaking Trainer, Finalist World Universities Debating Tournament 2009 3. Nae SOVAIALA, Junior High Teacher of Public Speaking at the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, Professional Debate and Public Speaking Trainer 4. , Assistant Coach for the Romanian National Team, Finalist Oxford IV


30TH of MARCH 2016

LOCATION: The Romanian Parliament Deputies Chamber Duca Hall PARTICIPANTS: 270 students from the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex 21 public high schools in Bucharest Hatichon Hachadash School- Hertzliyah, Israel 08.00-08:30 Registration; Chocolate & cake 08:30-08:45 Rules of procedure Book Launching : Never the Last Journey By Dr. Felix Zandman - Princeps Edition in Romanian Master of Ceremony: Mr. Ion IONITA,  introducing Ambassador Mihnea CONSTANTINESCU, Acting Chair, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Ambassador Mihnea CONSTANTINESCU delivers the opening message o The author is a Holocaust survivor and an internationally prominent personality in the fields of technology/ engineering, the founder president of the Vishay Intertechnology multinational company. o The launch of the book is occasioned by the taking over by Romania, of the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in January 2016, a moment which will be marked by a series of cultural events both in Romania and other European 09:00-10:30 Countries.

Messages: 1. Valeriu ZGONEA, President Chamber of Deputies 2. Lazar COMANESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs 3. Tamar SAMASH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel 4. Mrs. Ruta ZANDMAN, wife to the late Dr. Felix Zandman 5. Dr. Aurel VAINER, MP, President of the Jewish Federation Communities Romania 6. Tova BEN NUN-CHERBIS, President- the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex

  A message from Mrs. Ruta Zandman


Opening the works of the 2Day Ambassador Conference Opening address: 1. Vasile DANCU, Vice-PM 2. Adrian CURAJ, Minister of Education 3. Dan PETRE, General Director, Romanian Diplomatic Institute 4. Dr. Radu DUDAU, Associate Professor Bucharest University, 10:30-10:40 Mentor Honoris Causa The Business, Media & Diplomacy Department Lauder-Reut High School 5. Tova BEN NUN-CHERBIS, Chair the 2Day Ambassador Conference Awarding ceremony: The first three public speakers and their 19 fellows chosen from among the Lauder-Reut High School students Master of Ceremony: Alexandru CUMPANASU Open discussion: Ladies in Diplomacy, Education and High End Administration 1. H.E. Mrs. Tamar SAMASH, Ambassador of the State of Israel 2. Ligia DECA, State Advisor to the President of Romania 3. Professor DHC Sanda- Maria ARDELEANU, Member of 10:40-11:05 Romanian Chamber of Deputies-Commission for Education, Science, Youth & Sport 4. Adi FRIEDLAND, Head of the Diplomacy Department Hatichon Hachadash School Hertzliyah, Israel Master of Ceremony: Alexandru CUMPANASU 11:05-11:20 Soft drinks & snack Panel discussion Current Challenges in Europe Key-note speakers: 1. H.E. Mrs. Tamar SAMASH, Ambassador of the State of Israel 2. H.E. Mr. Diego BRASIOLI, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy 3. H.E. Mr. Mihael ZUPANCIC, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia 4. H.E. Mr Gerhard REIWEGER, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria 5. Guzman Rodrigo BARROS 11:20-12:05 6. Alfonso NIETO, DCM, Embassy of the United Mexican States 7. Mr. Arkadiusz MICHONSKI, Minister Counselor & DCM, Embassy of Republic of Poland 8. Mr. Alexey SAMSONOV, First Secretary, Embassy of the Russian Federation 9. Mrs. Katalin Kissné HLATKI, Counsellor, Embassy of Hungary 10. Dr. Iulian FOTA, National Intelligence Academy 11. Maria VOICA, Projects Coordinator Project Development and Implementation International Organization for Migration (IOM) Moderator: Dan PETRE, General Director, Romanian Diplomatic Institute


12.05-12:15 Q& A session

Group pictures with the diplomatic corps and students of the Lauder-Reut 12:15-12.30 Educational Complex

12:30-13:15 Lunch

Introducing the Interdisciplinary Centre (IDC) of Hertzlyah, Israel: Key note speakers:  Lesley G. TERRIS, PhD Assistant Professor, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya, Academic 13.15-13.35 Director, International Program, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya  Michal COTLER-WUNSH, LL.M., PhD Director of International External Relations, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya Open Discussion

Key-note speakers: 13:35:14:00  Michal COTLER-WUNSH, LL.M., PhD Director of International External Relations, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya Moderator: Alexandru CUMPANASU

14:00-14:10 Q& A session

Open discussion "The Role of the Mediator in Resolving Intractable International Conflicts" Key-note speakers:  Lesley G. TERRIS, PhD Assistant Professor, Lauder School of 14:10-14:35 Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya, Academic Director, International Program, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya Moderator: Alexandru CUMPANASU

14.35-14:45 Q& A session

14:45-15:00 Soft drinks & snacks

15:00-15:50 Short tour of the Parliament Palace


NATO Policy/Strategies in the EU Key-note speakers: 1. Dan GRIGORESCU, Deputy Director, Directorate of Security Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Dr. Iulian FOTA, National Intelligence Academy 15:50-16:30 3. Andrei TARNEA, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Romania 4. Radu MAGDIN, CEO / BRAND AMBASSADOR SMARTLINK COMMUNICATIONS SRL, Bucharest, Vicepresident, STRATEGIKON (International Security, European Union Affairs & Good Governance) Moderator:

16:30-16:40 Q & A session

Closing Ceremony 16:45-17:30 A Message to the Future Leaders of Romania addressed by Liviu DRAGNEA, MP Chamber of Deputies



Monday, 28th of March, 2016 09:50 Landing Pickup from the airport and drive to the school. 11:30 Welcome reception + Refreshments 11:45 Joint sport activities in the school 13:00 Lunch Jewish Community Assistance Maximilian Popper 14:00 Guided tour on foot in the Jewish Quarter 15:30 Pickup by the hosting families to their residencies and spending free time. 20.00 Festive dinner for teachers Hanul Berarilor, 2 Poenaru Bordea Tuesday, 29th of March, 2016 8.20 School Tour 9.30 Departure for Israeli Embassy ID Compulsory 10:00 Visiting the Israeli Embassy in Bucharest 11:30 Visiting the CEC Palace 12:10 Lunch Jewish Community Str. Maximilian Popper 13.00 Departure for Cotroceni Palace 13:30 Visiting Cotroceni Palace 14:30 Departure for the Marriott Hotel Compulsory dress code:  Navy blue suit, white shirt, black tie boys  Navy blue skirt, white shirt girls 15:00 20:00 residencies Wednesday, 30th of March, 2016 7.30 Arriving at school 7.45 Departure for the Romanian Parliament ID Compulsory Compulsory dress code:  Navy blue suit, white shirt, black tie boys  Navy blue skirt, white shirt girls 08:30 17:30 Estimated ending of activity, transportation to the Lipscani quarter, free tour at the old quarter 20:00 Pickup by the hosting families to their residencies Thursday, 31st of March, 2016 08:20- Attending classes with hosting pupils Morgan Beckett, Roxana Diaconu 10.10 10:10 Light refreshments 10:45 Joint Historical learning activities in the sport hall Diana Gherasimiuc 11:30 Joint Arts learning activities in the sport hall - Marius Fratila 13:00 Lunch Jewish Community Str. Maximilian Popper


14:30 Visit at the Village/Science Museum (depending on the weather) 16:00 Visit at the Herastrau Park (depending on the weather) 17:00 Visit at the Baneasa Mall, GRAND COMBO games center 18:00 Dinner at Baneasa Mall, GRAND COMBO games center 20:00 End of activity and pickup by the hosting families Starbucks Baneasa Mall Friday, 1st of April, 2016 07:00 Arriving at school 07:30 Departure from the school to a weekend trip 09:00 Visit at the Slanic Prahova Salt Mine 11:00 Departure towards Brasov 13:30 Lunch at the Brasov Synagogue and hosting held by the Jewish community 14:30 Visit in Synagogue 15:30 Tour at the Brasov Old Quarter 17:30 Departure from Brasov to Cristian 18:30 Hotel check-in at Cristian 19:00 Shabat Dinner 20:00- Social activity Fun with Marius Dragus 22:00 Saturday, 2nd of April, 2016 08:45 Breakfast 09:30 Departure for Bran 10:00 Visit at the Bran Castle 11:30 Departure for Sinaia 13:00 Lunch at the Sinaia Hotel 14:30- Visit at the Peles Castle in Sinaia and the surrounding gardens 16:30 17:00 Visit at downtown Sinaia, the Old Casino Garden 18:00 Driving back to Bucharest 20:30- Free time at the Baneasa Mall for shopping and dinning 22:00 22:30 Parents pick up the romanian students Starbucks Baneasa Mall 22:30 Leaving for the airport.


Book Launching: Never the Last Journey – Princeps Editon in Romanian


Born: May 7, 1928, in , Poland Married, Three Children Citizen: U.S.A. and Israel Childhood Felix Zandman was born in Grodno in the Second Polish Republic (now Belarus) and lived in until the Nazi-Soviet .[2] Following German Operation Barbarossa, in October 1941, at the age of 14 he arrived at the Grodno Ghetto (liquidated by the Nazis at the end of 1942) with parents, sisters, grandparents and many other relatives. He survived thanks to a family of Polish Righteous Jan and Anna Puchalski who hid him and his uncle for 17 months. Their main hiding place was a dugout 170 cm long, 150 cm wide and 120 cm tall. Felix Zandman shared this hideaway with three other Jewish refugees. One of them, his uncle Sender Freydowicz, taught him trigonometry, and advanced mathematics in the long hours of darkness.[3] The advancing Soviet Army liberated them in July 1944. He stayed with other survivors in Poland until he was able to emigrate legally to France in the summer of 1946. Personal Story In April 2008, Felix Zandman attended the , where he shared the story of how he was rescued by Catholic Polish Righteous Among the Nations, Jan and Anna Puchalski, who hid him and his uncle for 17 months. His hiding place was a dugout 170 cm long, 150 cm wide and 120 cm tall that Felix Zandman shared with three other Jewish escapees. Felix Zandman told his story to thousands of young students from around the world who had gathered in Auschwitz-Birkenau to observe Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) Education: High School (Poland) Mechanical Engineering Degree E.N.S.E.M. (University of Nancy, France) Masters Degrees in General Physics and Applied Mechanics (University of Nancy, France) Doctorate, Mechanical Physics (University of Paris, Sorbonne), 1953 Subject of Thesis: Strain Behavior of Plastics Imposed Subject: Crystal Dislocations in Metals Due to Fatigue


Book Launching: Never the Last Journey – Princeps Editon in Romanian

Positions held: Attaché of Research at the French National Center of Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.), France, 1950-1953 Chief of Stress Analysis Laboratory and Chief of Research Section (S.N.E.C.M.A.) (Jet Engine Factory), France, 1953-1955 Lecturer on Stress Analysis at E.N.S.A. (Engineering School of Aeronautics), Part Time Position, France, 1954-1957 Director of Basic Research, Tatnall Measuring Systems Co., a Division of the Budd Company, U.S.A., 1956-1962 Teaching and Lecturing on Stress Analysis at Various Universities (M.I.T., U.C.L.A., Wayne State University), U.S.A., 1958-1966 Founded Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., Malvern, PA, U.S.A., 1962 Chairman and CEO until 2004 Executive Chairman, Chief Technical Officer, and Chief Business Development Officer, Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

Honors:  Order of Merit for Research and Invention, France 1960 Conferred by Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Industry and Commerce  Edward Longstreth Medal Conferred by the Franklin Institute, 1962, U.S.A. Citation: For his development of a photoelastic analysis technique by means of which, for the first time, it has been possible to analyze stresses quantitatively in actual structures for use in machine and structural design and for the development of the theory and instrumentation required  Distinguished Contribution Award Conferred by American Society for Stress Analysis, U.S.A., 1970 Citation: For outstanding original contributions to the technology of experimental mechanics through the development of birefringent coatings  Legion of Honor, the highest French government award, awarded in 1993, France; conferred by the President of France; contribution to science and industry  Best Strategic Investor Award, Israel, 1992; awarded by the Manufacturer's Association of Israel and presented by the President of the State of Israel  Master Entrepreneur Award, U.S.A., 1993  Electronic Industries Alliance 2001 Medal of Honor, U.S.A., awarded in the presence of the President of the United States of America  Lifetime Achievement Award, U.S.A., 2009; awarded by the National Electronic Distributors Association


Book Launching: Never the Last Journey – Princeps Editon in Romanian

Doctor Honoris Causa; 1. Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel 2. Israel Institute of Technology, the Technion, Haifa, Israel 3. Tel Aviv University, Israel 4. University of Nancy, France 5. West Chester University, U.S.A. Product development: Felix Zandman is credited with the following developments used in industry and research: 1. PhotoStress Photoelastic Coating Method of Stress Analysis 2. Foil Resistor Technology Essentially Zero Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 3. Photoclusion Photoplastic Measurement of Bite Conditions (Bio-Mechanics) 4. Special Strain Gages 5. Surface-Mount Power Non Inductive Resistors 6. Thermal Shroud used on guns of Merkava Tanks (First-Hit Accuracy)


Publication of the French Ministry of Air Force, Paris, 1954) . Dally, S. Redner (Iowa University Press, 1977) R. Simon, J. Szwarc (Scitech, Inc., 2001)

Publications: Published many papers in the fields of Photoelasticity, Strain Gages, Moiré, Resistors, and Bio-Mechanics Patents: U.S.A. and abroad 71 patents in the fields of Photoelasticity, Strain Gages, Moiré, Resistors, Potentiometers, and Semiconductors


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration”

Tamar SAMASH (nee Cararivas)

Born December 28th 1951 in Jerusalem Israel; married with two children

Studies 1969: Sorbonne University Paris, French Culture Specialization 1971 1974: Hebrew University Jerusalem, BA Bible studies and French literature 1977: Hebrew University Jerusalem, MA French literature and civilization 1992 1993: Mass media specialization 1993: Managing formation 2012 Present: working on a PhD thesis, Paris VIII University

Professional background 1974 1975: Reporter, French division, Israeli Broadcasting Authority 1975 1977: Cadet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) 1977 1979: Middle East Division, MFA 1979 1981: Cultural and Scientific relations division, MFA 1981 1984: Consul of Israel, Montreal, Canada 1984 1986: First assistant, Cultural and Scientific relations division, MFA 1986 1988: Deputy Director, Training division, MFA 1988 1991: Counsellor, Embassy of Israel in Bucharest, Romania 1991 1994: Deputy Spokesperson, Press division, MFA 1994 1999: Director, International academic relations, MFA 1999 2003: Consul General of Israel, Marseille, France 2003 2004: Director, Political relations with the Vatican, MFA 2005 2007: Spokesperson for foreign media, Press division, MFA 2007 2011: Ambassador of Israel in Belgium and Luxembourg 2012 2015: Ambassador, Northern Europe division, MFA 2015 Present: Ambassador of Israel in Romania 1970 - 1971 Military service, IDF 1994 1999: Special appointment counsellor to the Director General of the MFA on


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration” Ligia DECA

Consilier de Stat -

România ce

-2010), asigurând

nsiliul Europei,

2012 a coordonat Secretariatul Procesului Bologna,

European Higher Education Area (aprilie 2012). În perioada 2012 2015 a fost expert

universitar (2014-2015) pe tema Sisteme de

- Bologna Process i co-autoare a numeroase articole publicate în reviste de prestigiu, face parte din Juriul European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities acordat de Central European University in Education Expert Group SEEG. De-a -a implicat activ în

lier de Stat pe 29 iunie 2015.


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration” Sanda ARDELEANU

3, 720229, Suceava, România Parlamentul României, str. Izvor nr. 2-4, sector 5,

- domeniul FILOLOGIE - Co- Traducerii" Director al Centrului de Cercetare Analiza Discursului Redactor-

Deputat în Parlamentul României Membru în:   Comisia pentru Afaceri Europene (2009 - 2012)  Parlamentul Republicii Moldova  -

 a Francofoniei (din 2014)   -


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration”

Perioada 1990 - 2014 din Suceava, România


Mare", Suceava (1998 - 2004) Coordonator al Programului "Erasmus - Socrates" la Universitatea - 2012) - - 2014)

Perioada 1977 - 1989 Profesor de limba - - - 1990)

- - (1973 - 1977) - 1994)

 ianuarie 2016 -  sept. 2000 - Universitatea din Bristol, Anglia ( în cadrul proiectului TEMPUS)  feb.- martie 1999 - domeniul Sistemului European de Credite transferabile)  sept. 1996 -  noiembrie 1995-noiembrie 1999 - (studii doctorale, coordonator: prof. Anne-Marie Houdebine - Gravaud);  sept. 1995-iulie 1996 - - UREF)  sept. 1980, iulie 1985, mai 1990 -

  2015 - Editoriale pentru Cartea La Francophilophonie roumaine - une réalité à vivre (repères et essais), autori Sanda-  2015 - umoase,


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration”

 2015 - - Dialogului Culturilor-, pentru merite în servirea id Francofoniei (Berna, a 41- -APF)  2015 -

 2014 -

 2008 - Republica Moldova  2007, 2009 - Diploma  2006 -  2006 - Republica Moldova  2005 - Doctor Honoris Causa al Universit  2005 -

 2004 - ului

 2004 -

 2002 -  1999 - Ordinul "Chevalier des Palmes Académiques" al Republicii Franceze;  1997 -  1985-1987 - Suceava

Studii doctorale   10

  M -Pontoise, Nancy, Paris V- - (Abidjan) si Senegal (Dakar)


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration”


Zilele Francofoniei la Suceava

- Neo- -amiezi francofone la Suceava" la Biroul Francez din Casa Prieteniei Suceava niei regiunea Europa, la


Key-note speakers – ”Ladies in Diplomacy, Educatio n and High End Admisnistration” Adi FRIEDLAND

I served as an officer in the IDF Liaison and Foreign Affairs Unit for three years.

In 2004 I began to study Law and International Relations in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Graduated Magna Cum Laude in both degrees.

Worked as a lawyer specializing in civil, commercial and labor law in a law firm in Tel Aviv.

Became a teacher in 2012.

Started teaching in the New Municipal High School in Herzliya as a Bible and Law teacher and as a class mentor. I was also given the opportunity to develop and lead the high school's new Diplomacy and International Relation Excellence Program.

Opened a group of Diplomacy for young students in Smadar Junior High in Herzliya in 2014.

Currently leading the program in both schools, with 50 excellent students in the high school and 40 young diplomats in the junior high.

I am 33, married with three kids and a dog, live in Kfar Ma'as (a Moshav in the center of Israel).


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” S.E. Diego BRASIOLI

È nato a Roma nel 1961 e si è laureato nel 1985 presso

Entrato in carriera diplomatica nel 1986, è stato destinato -1995 presso le Ambasciate

Medio Oriente e Mediterraneo della Direzione Generale per gli Affari Politici della Farnesina.

Tra il 1999 e il 2007 è stato destinato in Libano, presso

stato Console Generale a Los Angeles.

del Ministero degli Esteri responsabile il 2010 e il 2012 è stato Presidente del Comitato Interministeriale per i Diritti Umani.

Romania dal febbraio 2013.


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”


01/10/2010 01/09/2015: Director Departamentului pentru 01/08/2008 30/09/2010: Slovenia lânga UE 01/01/2008 30/06/2008: Consiliului UE) 01/08/2005 31/07/2008: Consilier Slovenia lânga UE 29/04/2003 31/07/2005: Republicii Slovenia lânga UE 19/04/1999 28/04/2003: Consilier juridic, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Republicii Slovenia, , http://www.mzz.gov.si/

Educatie i formare 09/1993 06/1998: , Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 12, Place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris (France)

: :

specializate în drept: - 2000) - - Certificatele de reciprocitate (Pravna Praksa, 2001) - Pravna Praksa, 2003)


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

- - Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Republicii Slovenia, 2013) Seminare T



Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” Ambasador Mag. Gerhard REIWEGER

Din 2014 Ambasador al Republicii Austria în România 2010-2014 Ambasador al Republicii Austriei în Bulgaria 1997-2009 1995-1997

1992-1995 1987-1992 Consilier Diploma Austriei din Washington D.C. 6-12/1986 Stagiu de formare la Ambasada Austriei din Rabat 1985-1987 , Ministerul Federal al Afacerilor Externe Viena, 1979-1983 Profesor la Goethe-Gymnasium din Viena

1983-1985 1972-1978 1971-1972 Serviciul militar 1963-1971 Gimnaziu umanist Admont, Styria/Austria

: , , , ,


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” Alfonso NIETO Deputy Chief of Mission United Mexican States

He was born in 1951, in the state of Durango, Mexico. Studies: - B.Sc. Industrial Engineering (National University UNAM Mexico) 1975. - M.Sc. Operational Research (University of Sussex, UK) 1977. - PhD Economic Science (SGPiS, Warsaw, Poland) 1985. Diplomas in: Political Marketing, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy and International Trade.

Professional appointments: - Academic work for over 5 years (UNAM, Mexico) 1972- 1975 and 1979-1980. - Advisor for various Mexican ministers and vice ministers in the fields of industrial development, health infrastructure and economic planning, 1985- 1990. - Member of the Mexican foreign service since 1990. He has worked at the Consulate General in Toronto and the Mission to the European Union (Brussels). He has also worked for the Mexican Embassies in Belgium, Canada, USA, Argentina and Panama. Since December 2014 is Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Mexico in Romania. Publications: He has published over 150 articles in Mexican newspapers and magazines, as well as in

Other: He is married and has two daughters and 4 grandchildren (one more is on her way). He enjoys sports activity (jogging, cycling, roller blading, skiing and swimming).


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” Iulian FOTA

Iulian Fota este conferentiar universitar la Academia Nationala de Informatii si - 2014 Iulian Fota a fost consilier

conducere precum director al Co -2009) sau sef al elles, Belgia (2008-2001).

Intre anii 2004 - Comisiei Europene destinat popularizarii principalelor politici europene in noile state membre iar in perioada 2007-2008 a fost membru al Balkan Task Force , grup de evaluare

-director al unui proiect de cercetare din cadrul Programului NATO in consiliul director al CEPA- Center for European Policy Analysis, principalul think tank american dedicat Europei Centrale.In aceasta calitate, in anul 2015, a coordonat raportul unei echipe romano- - Romanian S

Iulian Fota a contribuit la mai multe lucrari colective realizate de: Institutul de studii de aparare si istorie militara,Romania; Academia Nationala de Informatii, Romania; Colegiul NATO de la Roma, Italia; Centrul pentru control democratic al fortelor armate, Elvetia; Centrul pentru studii europene de securitate , Olanda. Deasemenea a publicat numeroase articole pe teme precum securitatea nationala, securitatea internationala, relatii internationale, in ziarele sau revistele Foreign Policy Romania, Adevarul, Dilema Veche,

Invitat in mai multe rinduri de posturi de televiziune ( B1TV, Realitatea TV, Antena 3, TVR Cultural, TVRM ) sau radio ( Radio Romania Actualitati, Radio Mix, RFI, Radio Buzau) pentru a comenta diferite evenimente din zona relatiilor internationale.

In intervalul 1993-1997 a contribuit la infiintarea si afirmarea unor organizatii neguvernamentale precum Fundatia EURISC , Fundatia Colegiului National de Aparare sau Centrul de Studii NATO din cadrul SNSPA.Initiator si co-organizator al unora din primele


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” seminarii si stagii de pregatire pe problematica relatiilor civil-militar, a studiilor de securitate sau a integrarii euro-atlantice.

Decorat cu Steaua Romaniei, in grad de ofiter.Deasemenea decorat cu Ordinul Coroanei, in grad de Mare Ofiter (Belgia), cu Ordinul National pentru Merit, in grad de Comandor (Polonia) si cu Marea Cruce a Ordinului Suveran de Malta.

Ferm convins ca, prin integrarea in NATO si UE, Romania are o imensa sansa de modernizare, pe care nu are voie sa o rateze.


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” Maria Alina VOICA

Ianuarie 2013 prezent: Director programe

  


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

 Gestionarea ciclului de viata contractual cu Agentiile Nationale (angajamente financiare, plati, ordine de debit, acte aditionale, analiza de rapoarte financiare si de activitate);  Reprezentarea DG EAC la reuniuni cu Autoritatile Nationale din Statele Membre si cu reteaua de 40 de Agentii Nationale participante in Programul Lifelong Learning;  

 


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

 Pregatirea si monitorizarea apelurilor pentru propuneri de proiecte;  Organizarea de evenimente de informare si sesiuni de formare pentru publicul tinta specific programului Comenius ;  Redactarea de rapoarte statistice si analize pentru Comisia Europeana, Ministerul Educatiei si Inspectoratele Scolare;  Coordonarea si monitorizarea activitatilor desfasurate in teritoriu de reteaua de inspectori responsabili de cooperarea internationala din Inspectoratele Scolare Judetene;  Monitorizarea angajamentelor bugetare si a absorbtiei fondurilor europene pentru Programul Comenius;  Coordonarea procedurilor de selectie si acordarea a granturilor pentru proiecte si activitati de mobilitate individuala;  Stabilirea obiectivelor anuale ale Departamentului si a indicatorilor de rezultat si performanta;


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

 Initierea si integrarea personalului in cultura organizationala a institutiei in calitate de tutor;  Actualizarea, simplificarea si definirea de noi procese si proceduri interne pe baza standardelor ISO 9001:2000. Rezultate:  In calitate de coordinator Comenius: Am gestionat si monitorizat annual un fondurilor Comenius a atins 98%.  Am coordonat eficient o echipa de sase persoane. Am facilitat initierea si integrarea personalului; m-am implicat in activitatile de evaluare a personalului si am propus activitati de formare pentru a le imbunatati performantele. Ca rezultat, echipa a atins sistematic obiectivele propuse si rezultatele asteptate intr-o ambianta de lucru bazata pe cooperare, incredere si responsabilitate. Departamentul Comenius a devenit astfel o referinta si o sursa de inspiratie pentru alte departamente.


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

  


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

   

  

  


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe” Dan A. PETRE

Director General al Institutului Diplomatic Român [email protected]

2013- Director General, Institutul Diplomatic Român 2012-2013: Secretar de stat pentru Afaceri Globale, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe 2011-2014: Membru în Consiliul Director al

2005-2010: Institutul Diplomatic Român, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, România 2007-2008: Director executiv, Centrul regional -Est 2002-2007:

1996-2000: României 1996: Université Libre de Bruxelles 1996-2007: Lector universit 1995: Visting Research Fellow, University of Sussex, School of European Studies, Marea Britanie 1992-1996: 1991-1992: Cerc 1989:

1988-1989: Olten

Studii 1991: Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris 1990: din Venetia, Italia 1988: Licentiat in specialitatea Istorie- 1984-1988: Facultatea de Istorie

1979-1983: Studii liceale, Liceul de Filologie-


Key-note speakers – ”Current Challenges in Europe”

1996: Atlanticului de Nord, programul NATO TOUR 1995: Invitat al Departamentului de Stat al SUA, Prog 1991-1992: pentru un stagiu de cercetare EHESS, Paris 1990-1991: Bursier al Guvernului Francez 1990: u la Arhivele Statului din Venetia



Key-note speakers – ”Understanding Intersectionality: Humanism, Feminism and BDS” Michal COTLER-WUNSH LL.M.

Profile: An energetic, dynamic and pro-active strategic thinker displaying distinct leadership qualities. A highly versatile and pragmatic leader with excellent oral and written communication skills. Strong inter-personal abilities and a deep awareness of different approaches to communication necessary when operating in different environments and cultures. A proven track record in establishing and maintaining relationships internally and externally to various organizations. Significant experience in developing policy and programming in various senior managerial positions and in diverse areas.

Education: Masters of Law (LL.M.), 2002-2006 Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 1993-1996

Leadership Positions:  Director, Tzav Pius, September 2013-prezent  Co- 2012-2014  Board of Directors, Akiva School, Montreal, Canada 2006-2010  Chair of Recruitment, Jewish Life & Education Committees, Akiva School, Montreal, Canada 2006-2010

Work Experience:

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya July 2013-prezent Director of International External Relations  Avant-garde and creative exposure of IDC Herzliya to international community and raising the profile of excellent academic institution abroad, successfully highlighting the uniqueness of IDC Herzliya and all it represents to the community at large.  Initiation of and conduct of community relations including working with influential figures to promote a positive view IDC Herzliya, working to resolve significant issues or misperceptions and cultivating relationships with supporters to create strong affiliations throughout the world.  Public speaking on various topics relevant to IDC Herzliya specifically and Israel- diaspora relations in general.  Initiating, planning and executing of meaningful policy and programming.  Deeply involved in complex decisions regarding institutional long term strategic planning, decision making junctions and communications.  Commissioner for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at IDC Herzliya.  Legal Advisor to the President of IDC Herzliya.


Key-note speakers – ”Understanding Intersectionality: Humanism, Feminism and BDS”

Tel Aviv University Law School Jan. 2012-June 2013 Director, Public Interest Law Program Tel Aviv, Israel  Challenged and advanced the vision to serve as a bridge between legal practitioners and Academia in creative and beneficial ways.  Envisioned, strategized and initiated various projects and programs for cause-lawyers.  Conducted, penned and published research on various topics, such as paper on "Legal Service for non-for-profit Organizations in Israel".  Initiated, planned and organized comprehensive conferences with relevant partners.

McGill University School of Social Work 2005 Co-lecturer Masters level course, Montreal, Canada  Initiation and development of an integrated course in Conflict Resolution.  Successful delivery of newly developed course to international Masters students.


Key-note speakers – ”The Role of the Mediator in Resolving Intractable International Conflicts” Lesley G. TERRIS

Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya Email: [email protected]

Academic Education 1994 1998 Thesis: -Syrian Conflict. 2008 Ph.D., Dept. of Political Science, Tel Aviv University Dissertation: It Takes Three to Tango: A Rational Approach to International Mediation.

Academic Employment December 2015 Visiting professor for the Israel Institute at Sciences-Po Lille, France 2008 present Assistant Professor, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya 2011 present Academic Director, International Program, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya

Publications Peer-Reviewed Articles Terris, Lesley & Orit Tykocynski, Inaction Inertia in International Negotiations: The Consequences of Missed Opportunities, British Journal of Political Science 2014 (forthcoming, April 2016). Maoz, Zeev, Lesley Terris, Ranan Kuperman, & Ilan Talmud 2007. What Is the Enemy of My Enemy? Causes and Consequences of Imbalanced International Relations, 1816-2001, Journal of Politics, 69(1):100-115. Maoz, Zeev and Lesley Terris 2006. Credibility and Strategy in International Mediation, International Interactions, 32:409-40. Maoz Zeev, Ranan Kuperman, Lesley Terris, Ilan Talmud, October 2006. Structural Equivalence and International Conflict: A Social Network Analysis, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(5): 664-689 Terris, Lesley and Zeev Maoz, September 2005. Rational Mediation: A Theory and a Test, Journal of Peace Research, 42(5): 563-583 Book Chapters Maoz, Zeev and Lesley Terris 2009 (Reprint). Credibility and Strategy in International Relations. In: Bercovitch, Jacob and Scott Gartner (eds.) International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 69-95. Maoz International Conflict, 1816- Applications of Social Network Analysis. Edited by T. N. Friemel. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, pp. 121-152


Key-note speakers – ”The Role of the Mediator in Resolving Intractable International Conflicts”

Maoz, Zeev, Lesley Terris, Ranan Kuperman, and Ilan Talmud 2005. 'International Relations: A Network Approach', in Alex Mintz and Bruce Russett, eds, New Directions for International Relations, Lexington Books.

Other Publications Mintz, Alex, Lesley Terris & Inbal Heckman (eds) 2011. Iran: The Day After; Simulation Insights and Policy Recommendations. IDC Herzliya (Hebrew)

Papers and Abstracts - Proceedings of Conferences Inaction Inertia in International Negotiations: The Consequences of Missed Opportunities (with Orit Tykocinski), American Political Science Association (APSA), August 28-31, 2014 Washington DC. Inaction Inertia in International Negotiations: The Consequences of Missed Opportunities (with Orit Tykocinski), ISA ISSS-ISAC Joint Annual Conference, 4-6 October 2013, George Washington University, Washington DC. To Trust or not to Trust: Negotiator Credibility in International Mediation Processes. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, 8-11 July 2013, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC). Leadership Change and Mediation in Intrastate Conflicts (with Carmela Lutmar). Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, 8-11 July 2013, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC). What do they Want/ R (with Carmela Lutmar). American Political Science Association (APSA), Sept. 1-4 2011,Seattle, Washington. Disputant Credibility in Mediation Processes. First Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), June 16-18, 2011, Dublin How Long will it Last? Peace Agreements and Leadership/Regime Changes (with Carmela Lutmar), International Studies Association (ISA), April 1-4, 2012, San Diego, CA. Disputant Credibility in Mediation Processes. International Studies Association (ISA) Conference, February 17-20, 2010 New Orleans. Leadership Change and Conflict Resolution in Civil War (with Carmela Lutmar). Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September 3-5, 2010, Washington DC. Network Centrality and International Conflict, 1816-2001: Does it Pay to be Important? (with Zeev Maoz, Ranan Kuperman, Ilan Talmud), Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), October 4-6,2006, University of Zurich. Credibility and Strategy in International Mediation (with Z. Maoz), Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September 1-4, 2005, Washington DC, Conflict Versatility and Game Transformation. Seminar of the Decision Making and Economic Psychology Center, March 9, 2005, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva. The Enemy of my Enemy: Is he my Friend (with Zeev Maoz, Ranan Kuperman, Lior Elazar), Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September 1-5, 2004, Chicago.


Key-note speakers – ”The Role of the Mediator in Resolving Intractable International Conflicts”

Structural Equivalence and International Conflict, 1816-2000: A Social Network Analysis of Dyadic Affinities and Conflict (with Zeev Maoz, Ranan Kuperman, Ilan Talmud) APSA Centennial Meeting, August 28-31, 2003, Philadelphia. International Relations: A Network Approach. Israeli Association for International Studies (IAIS), Leonard Davis Institute for international Relations, April 6, 2003, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (with Zeev Maoz), Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), August 29-September 1, 2002, Boston. International Networks and System Stability (with Zeev Maoz and Ranan Kuperman), International Studies Association (ISA), March 24-27, 2002, New Orleans. Rational Mediation: A Theory and a Test (with Zeev Maoz). American Political Science Association (APSA), August 30-September 1, 2001, San Francisco,

Grants, Prizes and Awards March 2002 Dean of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University, scholarship for academic excellence. Oct. 2002 Israel Foundation Trustees, writing scholarship M ay 2003 Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, PhD. research grant Oct. 2011 IDC Research Grant (based on ISF evaluation)

Development Activities Recognizing the educational and research value given in role-play simulations in the class room I have integrated simulations into classes using a computer simulation platform that allows for the conduct of interactive negotiation/mediation simulations over time (in and out of the classroom), while documenting all interactions for educational and research purposes.

Other Relevant Activities 2014 present Steering Committee member of Israeli branch of the International Association for Conflict Management (ICAM). 2013- present Consultant to the IDC President for the Advancement of Women in the Academia (under direction of the Israeli Council for Higher Education, MALAG) 2011 present Academic director of the IDC RRIS program in Government 2010 present Board Member of the Israeli Association for International Studies (IAIS). 2010 present Planning and execution of strategic and negotiation simulations at the Lauder School of Government IDC Herzliya (as part of course on Political and Security Simulations of the Lauder School MA program in Political Marketing) 2008 present Board member, The Israeli Association for International Studies 2009-2011 Academic Advisor, IDC RRIS program in Government 2008-2009 Academic Advisor, Lauder School of Government, Israeli program


Key-note speakers – ”The Role of the Mediator in Resolving Intractable International Conflicts”

Academic events at IDC 2013 Simulation on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations for the Daniel Pearl Journalism Institute at IDC (June 2013). 2011 Organizer and academic chair of The Ninth Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for International Studies, IDC Herzliya (December 2011) 2009 Co-organizer (with Prof. Alex Mintz) of conference: New Directions in International Relations held at IDC (June 2009)

Membership in scientific organizations American Political Science Association European Political Science Association International Society for Political Psychology International Studies Association Israeli Association for International Studies

Ad hoc reviewer for: American Political Science Review Conflict Management and Peace Science International Studies Quarterly International Interactions Journal of Peace Research Journal of Politics

Supervision of Graduate Students Andreas Kreig - MA Thesis 2009 (with Prof. Galia Golan) Raphael Ben Levi MA Thesis 2015 (with Dr. Amnon Cavari) Tali Farkas MA Thesis (in progress)

Courses taught Diplomacy and Negotiations in International Relations (BA) MA Seminar (MA) Conflict analysis (MA) International Mediation (MA) Advanced Research Seminar (MA Thesis Track) Political and Security Simulations (MA)


Key-note speakers – ”NATO Policy/Strategies in the EU”

He is a member of the Aspen Institute Romania and currently serves as the executive director of the Institute. He is a career diplomat having joined the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1998. His diplomatic career includes working in bilateral affairs, serving with the ministry's spokesperson, and as head of the early warning unit in the policy-planning department. He was advisor to the foreign minister between 2002 and 2004. Previously he worked for the Centre for Policy Studies and Comparative Analysis, and co-led a political and social affairs think tank. He also worked in the private sector and the Romanian Senate where he served as an advisor and researcher with the legal affairs committee. During 1996 he was the executive director for a mayoral electoral campaign in Bucharest. He was on foreign posting in Brussels between 2004 and 2010 as director of the Romanian Information Centre in Brussels, and Councilor to the Romanian Embassy. In 2007 he took on the role of director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels and he served as vice president and then president of EUNIC Brussels between 2008 and 2010.

-graduate level education is in political studies at the National School for Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest and in international relations and security studies in Boston at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He has a master in international law from the Fletcher School and additional studies in European policy and policy assessment at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He was an Aspen Italia Junior Fellow.


Key-note speakers – ”NATO Policy/Strategies in the EU” Radu MAGDIN

Executive experience  June 2012 - present CEO / BRAND AMBASSADOR, SMARTLINK COMMUNICATIONS SRL, Bucharest a strategic communications, data visualisation, political campaigns & public affairs consultancy. Clients include:World Economic Forum, World Bank, Yahoo, Allegro, Enel, Abbvie, Huawei, Scl  October 2015 present Vicepresident, STRATEGIKON Bucharest-based English speaking think tank focused on International Security, European Union Affairs & Good Governance. To be launched in autumn 2015  September 2011 - February 2012 Policy Manager, GOOGLE, Brussels lobbying the European Parliament  July 2010 May 2011 Communications Manager, EURACTIV Media Network, Brussels international media relations, media partnerships, communications strategy, brand management  June 2011 Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives at Harvard Law School (Harvard, MIT, Tufts consortium) negotiation strategy and tactics, negotiating international deals

Communications & Campaigning October 2015 PhD student SNSPA (Romanian National School of Political and present Administrative Studies), Bucharest Thesis on coordinator: Ioan Mircea Pascu, MEP, Vicepresident of the European Parliament December 2014 Honorary Advisor to the Romanian PRIME MINISTER foreign June 2015 media and political strategy May 2007 Press Officer, Romanian Social-Democrat Delegation in the July 2010 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Brussels political communications and strategy, media relations, campaigning August 2009 DeXus Change - summer school on discourse and social justice, Aalborg, Denmark Journalism & Analysis February 2015 Visiting Teacher on Political Analysis / Political Leadership at the present Faculty, MA in Political Journalism May 2006 April Editor on EU Affairs, ROMPRES / AGERPRES Romanian 2007 National News Agency Bucharest news and articles on European Union policies July 2008 Foreign Correspondent Training Course, Transitions Online / TOL, Prague


Key-note speakers – ”NATO Policy/Strategies in the EU”

Diplomacy & Advocacy April September advising, 2014 together with other 14 leaders from NATO countries, the Secretary General on the future of the Transatlantic Bond and NATO. Events in Washington DC, Brussels, Cardiff (NATO Summit). The program was run by the Washington-based Atlantic Council of the United States (ACUS). October 2004 Diplomat ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, July 2005 Bucharest. Multilateral diplomacy (regional cooperation) & bilateral relations (Western Balkans) October 2007 Diploma - Academia Diplomatica Europaea international relations June 2008 studies European Institute for International Relations, Brussels 2003-2005, Phillip Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, March April Washington DC October 2000 B.A. in Law, University of Bucharest - thesis on international June 2004 settlement of disputes

European Union Law & Policy October 2004 Master of Arts (MA) in European Union Law thesis on justice and June 2005 home affairs University of Bucharest October 2000 Law Degree ("DEUG en Droit") European Studies June 2002 Faculty of Law of the University of Paris Pantheon I / Sorbonne French-Romanian Legal College of European Studies in Bucharest

Energy Security & Climate Policy July 2011 Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Bankakademie HfB) June 2011 Course on Negotiation techniques for the oil and gas industry, London Energy Institute October 2005 Master of Arts (MA) in Security Studies - thesis on energy security, February 2007 University of Bucharest

Training and motivational speaking I am a trainer and motivational speaker, on issues ranging from communications (political and corporate) to European Union policies and international affairs: • I worked for NAKED PR as a trainer on political communications (Bucharest, 2014); • I often speak at summer schools (ex. UN Summer School 2014 in Bucharest, Model NATO Schools in Montenegro, Romania and Latvia 2014-2015) or University events (invited primarily by ELSA European Law Students Association, 2012-2014) or at political or journalism events; politicians and staff (at international, national and local level) on issues dealing with media relations, personal / party branding, public policy and online communications.


Key-note speakers – ”NATO Policy/Strategies in the EU”

Media coverage OP EDS I am a frequent writer on (national and international) politics, communications, EU affairs, IT and energy in: English, for EurActiv.com and European Business Review; In French Romanian, for Forbes Romania, Hotnews, Ziare.com, Curs de guvernare, Calea Europeana, ZF, Capital, Wall Street, Dilema Veche, Adevarul, Agerpres, Gandul, Evenimentul Zilei. BOOKS - (Romania two articles in the book "Dilemmas of EU communication" (Dan Luca, 2009). I have also written of free speech and communications strategies in collective books to appear in 2015/2016. EXPERT CITATIONS - I am often invited, as an expert, at TV debates or interviews, with DIGI24 TV, B1 TV, Realitatea TV, Antena 3, Romania TV, Money Channel; or on the radio, at Radio France International Romania and the Romanian National Radio (RRA). I have been quoted in the foreign media, as an analyst, by: The Economist, The Financial Times, The Guardian, AFP, AP, La Libre Belgique, XINHUA etc

Awards & membership ● top 20 trendsetters in 2014 ● Energy Institute, London, 2011 - 2012 ● EACD (European Association of Communication Directors), Brussels, 2010 - 2012 ● Vice-president, EU-Romania Club, Brussels, 2008 2009 ● Diploma of honor awarded by the Union of Legal Professionals (Law Practitioners) of Romania, 2004

Foreign languages ● English & French - Fluent ● Spanish & Italian - Good ● Russian & German - Beginner

Additional information ● Social /Organizational skills team worker, quickly adaptable to new situations, very sociable, disciplined ● Computer skills Microsoft Office, iOS ● Driving license category B (car) ● Hobbies swimming, reading, music & dancing, travelling


Debaters erban PITIC

 Head of Debating and Public Speaking at the Lauder- Reut Educational Complex

 Coach of the Romanian National Team for the World Schools Debating Championship

 Award winning high school debate coach.

 Trainer and teacher of debating, argumentation and public speaking for almost a decade.

 Oxford IV and SOAS IV , English as a Second Language Debating Champion

 World Universities Debating Finalist 2013 (Berlin)

 International Debate Adjudicator

 President of one of

Multiple awards and distinctons as a trainer, coach and speaker.


Debaters David MOSCOVICI

 Award winning high school debate coach.

 Master in European Law at the University of Bucharest

 CEU University Pre-Moot Court Competition - Best Oralist

 Balkan Case Challenge Moot Court Competition - Captain of the winning team

 Trainer and teacher of debating, argumentation and public speaking for almost a decade.  Oxford IV English as a Second Language Debating Champion  World Universities Debating Finalist 2007 (Thailand)  International Debate Adjudicator

Multiple awards and distinctons as a trainer, coach and speaker.


Debaters Nae

 Public Speaking Teacher for Middle School at the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex

 Trainer and teacher of debating, argumentation and public speaking for almost a decade.

 International Debate Adjudicator

 National Training Coordinator for the National

orica (ARDOR) and the Romanian Ministry of Education

Co-author of a number of debating and critical thinking Guides and Manuals




 Assistant Coach of the Romanian National Team for the World Schools Debating Championship

 Trainer and teacher of debating, argumentation and public speaking for almost a decade.

 Oxford IV, English as a Second Language Debating Finalist

 Champion of Multimple National University Debating Tournaments

 International Debate Adjudicator

 Trainer for ARGO Academy 2016

 Chief Adjudicator of the National Novice Debating Tournament

 Club Coordinator for over 10 debate clubs


Moderators Ion M.

Born 1963

 Editor-in Chief, Foreign Policy Romania Magazine

 Editor-in Chief, Historia Magazine  Senior-  TV presenter for current affairs programmes and talk- shows with Realitatea TV, TVR  Political and foreign affairs analyst and collaborator of national and local TV and Radio stations

I have been working as journalist since 1990 with the main press companies in Romania: and ProTv.

1986 Graduated of Bucharest University



Born: March 29, 1981

President of Association for Implementing Democracy, a very active Romanian non-governmental, non-profit organization whose mail goal is to contribute to the development of democracy in Romania by promoting democratic values and to support the consolidation of democratic institutions and the development of a new generation of leaders.

As co-founder and President of Association for Implementing Democracy over the last 14 f the Association. He has also developed and coordinated several initiatives and projects in the field of public administration reform, promoting integrity in the public sector, raising transparency of public institutions, social responsibility, promoting education and leadership development. He has participated in the elaboration of several studies and analyses concerning the previously mentioned fields of activity.

He has been a constant presence, in the last 12 years, in various political talk-shows and news programs, from most of TV and radio news channels, providing analysis regarding national and international important events.

Since March, 2015 he performs and moderates the talk show named "Ambasador România". The TV Show is meant to provide the Romanian people an opportunity to discover our acclaimed guests, to learn more about their sending states, to apprehend their expectations international context.



Studii Iunie 2014-Septembrie 2015- - -Filiala

2010 2013 -

2004 2005 - -Bolyai 2000 2004 - Universitatea Babe - Bolyai

(cu Matei Demetrescu), Guvernamen , editura ISBN 978 606 8622 46 0, 128 p. În volume

A , -122. Despre redistribuire , Editura Tact, 2012, pp. 5-17.

Miturile politice in Romania contemporana, Institutul European, 2012, pp 41-62. Articole Conversio ad phantasmata. Gouvernement, sécurité et imagination Symposion, 2 (1)/2015 :19-31.

Studia Europaea, 59 (3)/2014: 173-196. arbu, vice-president


-East European Journal of Political Science, vol. 2, nr. 1, 2014, pp. 367-375 Synergies Roumanie, nr. 2, 2007, pp. 137-142. -Bolyai, Studia Philosophia, nr. 2, 2006, pp.9-23. Synergies Roumanie, nr 1, 2006, pp. 14- 20. - Bolyai», Studia Europea, nr. 1, 2005, pp. 167-185.



Recenzii »! Le populisme saisi par la théorie du discours», in Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 45, nr. 04, Decembrie 2012, pp. 975-977. «La multitude introuvable. Quelques remarques concernant le no -Bolyai», Studia Philosophia, nr 1-2, 2008, pp. 159-161. -constructiviste», Studia -Bolyai», Studia Europea, no 3/2006, pp. 183-186. «Jad Hatem, Eléments de théologie politique», -Bolyai», Studia Philosophica, nr. 2, 2006, pp. 191-195. «Yves-Charles Zarka, Faut-il réviser la loi de 1905?» -Bolyai», Studia Europea, nr. 1, 2006, pp. 327-333 «Michel Foucault - Sécurité, territoire, population» -Bolyai», Studia Europea, nr. 2-3, 2005, pp. 483-488. -Bolyai», Studia Philosophica, nr.2, 2005, pp. 213-215 , Studia -Bolyai», Studia Philosophica, nr.1, 2005, pp.119-123.

, (În)semnele

Linking Past, Present and Future: The 25th Anniversary of Regime Change in Romania and Moldova (1989/1991)-The Society for Romanian Studies,

Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues

Building Consensus: Rhetoric, Democracy, Conflict, Palermo, Italia, 16 aprilie 2015.

Idei -Umane-Zilele -

Inégalités et démocratie, 9 iulie 2013, Paris. - -Bolyai, 11 aprilie 2013, Cluj-Napoca. - idem, 12 aprilie 2013, Cluj- Napoca.



- L'intervention humanitaire. Des principes éthiques -Bolyai, 26 octombrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca. - - Unity and Diversity in Knowledge So - - - Cha(lle)nging Democracy at the Beginning of 21st Century, Facultatea de Studii Europene, Unive -Bolyai, 21 octombrie 2011, Cluj- Napoca.

- What Follows after the Crisis? Approaches to Global Transformations, Central European University, 28 mai 2011, Budapesta.

Ghiman) -Bolyai, 28 ianuarie 2005, Cluj-Napoca.



CHAIR Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis CONFERENCE MANAGER &PR Carmen Bejinaru PRINCIPAL Dan Constantin Sandru DEPUTY PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH Mariana Rosner ECONOMIC DIRECTOR Claudia Weisman

HEAD OF DIPLOMACY & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Associate professor Ruxandra Ivan, PhD Associate professor Codrin Taut, PhD EDUCATIONAL ADVISER Irina Roth-Gheorghe

ATTENDING TEACHERS ISRAELI STUDENTS DELEGATIONS - THE LAUDER-REUT HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATORS: STUDENTS DIPLOMATIC INTERNSHIP - Atalia Weissman Oana Rogoz Argentine Republic Ella Stefana Liana Ionescu Republic of Austria Alice Constantin Chile Virgilius Teodorescu Diana Gombos Republic of Cyprus Irina Roth Gheorghe Czeck Republic Lucretia Gabroveanu Federal Republic of Germany LOGISTIC SUPPORT Hungary Corina Voicu Atalia Weissman Adina Boerescu Ella Stefana Virgilius Teodorescu State of Israel Adi Friedland Isabela Rozen TEHNICAL & IT SUPPORT Diana Popescu Republic of Italy Constantin Ilciov Monica Vitan Italy Claudiu Tamas Anca Mandru Japan

Rodica Doija Republic of Madagascar Diana Ionescu United Mexican States Mioara Stoian Kingdom of the Netherlands DESIGN & LAYOUT Stephen Hallstrom Republic of Poland zvan Bor ea Portugal Victor Diacicov Russian Federation Andrada Hristache Slovak Republic MANAGING EDITOR Marilena Vîlciu Republic of Slovenia Rica Pintilie Claudia Moldoveanu Republic of Turkey

Morgan Beckett United States of America

The Apostolic Nunciature of Cristina Paunescu the Holy See PHOTO & VIDEO Diana Gherasimiuc Romanian Diplomatic Institute Sergiu Iczkovits