Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Lao Tze and Confucius’ philosophies infuenced the designs of and Rudy Trisno* and Fermanto Lianto

Abstract Japanese retains the characteristic of appreciating its culture, despite the growing infuence of Western architecture. Based on this issue, it is a very interesting area to study to understand the design concepts behind two masterpieces from the world’s Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando. This study uses a qualitative method by analyzing theories and case studies in the work of the architects Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando. It conducts the fol- lowing detailed analyses; (a) Western architects who infuenced both design concepts; (b) The primary considerations of the two architects in facing the demands of the times. The study concludes that Kisho Kurokawa was infuenced by , while Tadao Ando has been infuenced by and Louis Khan. The primary consideration of Kisho Kurokawa is Hanasuki, while for Tadao Ando it is Shintai. The fndings in this study are that the two architects in the design concept were inspired by Japanese culture, where Japanese culture is infuenced by the philosophy of Lau Tze and Confucius. Keywords: Design concept, Hanasuki, Kisho Kurokawa, Shintai, Tadao Ando

Introduction been used in (Chang 1985). As a Te design of in Japan is strongly designer, it is only natural to pay attention to local cul- infuenced by local indigenous culture, in line with the ture in its genius loci. In some ways, a genius loci exert a development of the level of fnancial and architectural powerful desire to be able to maintain culture (Norberg- technology, which itself is increasingly advanced. Japa- Schulz 1971). nese architectural design follows the advancements of Based on the above issues, this area of research is Western technology, although its architectural character quite interesting to study, especially concerning two and design still pay attention to Japanese culture (Nose Japanese architectural masters, namely Kisho Kurok- 2000). In general, countries with advanced economic awa and Tadao Ando, who already have a reputation at levels tend to follow the development of buildings from the national and international level, and in terms of the Western countries. Tis can lead to a situation whereby role of the design concept in dealing with this issue. Te the identity of the country’s culture is lost, and the cul- research questions explore the following areas; (1) West- ture that emerges may be that of Western countries. ern architects who infuenced both design concepts; Japanese architecture is diferent from other forms of (2) Te primary considerations of the two architects in architecture as it is usually characterized by simplicity dealing with the demands of the times. Tis research is as a symbol of longevity and durability, which has long expected to contribute to the knowledge of architectural theory to increase the scope of architectural theory and

*Correspondence: [email protected] Department of Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jl. S. Parman No. 1, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia

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enhance the ability of practitioners to design designing it. According to Louis Khan, “Monumental- concerning local culture. ity in architecture may be defned as a quality, a spiritual quality inherent in a structure which conveys the feeling Materials and methods of its entirety, that it cannot be added to or changed. We Material feel that quality in the Parthenon, the recognized archi- Te material in this study comprised buildings designed tectural symbol of Greek civilization” (Harrison-Moore by architects Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando. However, and Price 2006). before tracing the works of the two architects, it is neces- sary to link them with the title of the research, namely; Primary considerations in facing the demands of the times Lao Tze and Confucius infuence the design concepts Te primary consideration in the design of Japanese of Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando. A search of the architecture is greatly infuenced by the view of life, prior literature enabled us to determine whether other as found in the philosophy of Lao Tze and Confucius; researchers have studied this area; as such, we searched indeed, this view is a very signifcant infuence. Tus, for previous studies using the keywords Kisho Kurokawa space in Japanese architecture is a combination of two and Tadao Ando. From the keyword “Kisho Kurokawa,” Lao Tze and Confucius’ philosophies, and this is an we identifed that the concepts of Metabolism and Sym- essential infuence on the cultural-religious Japanese biosis are found in the urban and building context. Te society (Chang 1985; Barrie 1996). Te inclusion of nat- keyword “Tadao Ando” generated results linked to the ural elements following the philosophical views of Lao geometric shape of buildings, exposed concrete, natu- Tze in the book Tao Te Ching teaches the concept of Yin ral enrichment, and ideas related to natural elements. Yang, which is a balance between two diferent binary Te details of the search for prior studies are shown in opposites such as day and night, light with dark, outside Table 1. and inside, and other elements that are the opposite of Based on Table 1, the research discussing the architects each other (Chang 1988; Handoyo 2007; Ven 1987; Bar- Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando is associated with the rie 1996). In the context of a building and garden, “Te infuence of the philosophy of Lao Tze and Confucius, building and the garden surroundings attempted to re- which nobody has discussed. Terefore, this research create this ideal, which refected the harmony and bal- aims to fll a gap that has never been studied so that the ance of the universe” (Bring and Wayembergh 1981). state of the art and the fndings obtained by this study From this Lao Tze philosophy combined with Confu- have novelty value. cius’ philosophy, Confucius teaches personal morality to humans, so that the merging of these two philosophies Theoretical greatly infuences the cultural-religious Japanese society Western architects who infuenced to be able to survive, despite the strength exerted by the Te role of the idol architect has infuenced the work of entry of Western culture into Japan. Since the entry of Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando so that their work pro- Western culture on July 8, 1853, by the American Com- vides an advantage for them in the form of an architect’s modore Matthew Perry who frst came to Japan. So that insight to produce his architectural designs (Johnson Japan has modern commercial relations with America, 1994). Along with the architect’s experience, the design which at its peak in 1868 Japan carried out a Meiji resto- results change based on his experience as an architect ration to modernize Japan (USA 2018). practitioner; for example, this can be seen in the work Te geometric shapes and solid structures had a sig- of Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier, where the design of the nifcant infuence on Le Corbusier in the thought and building was infuenced by the architect who designed design of the building. Tis indicates that Le Corbusier the Parthenon temple building. Te Parthenon is geomet- uses basic and geometric shapes as functional philoso- ric with Doric columns and inspired Villa Savoye in such phies of buildings. Tese basic and geometric shapes a way that the latter appears to be foating. Tis “foating” are also widely used in the contemporary architecture of building is supported by a column structure referred to as Japan (Chang 1985; Meyhofer 1994). Te use of primary pilotis by the architect Le Corbusier (Trisno et al. 2019). and geometric shapes is a designation of natural form Te relationship between architectural theory and his- following the view of Lao Tze, such that the concept of tory is thus very close, with each infuencing the other in architect Le Corbusier can be accepted by Japanese soci- terms of architecture (Johnson 1994). It can therefore be ety. Te Yin Yang concept of Lao Tze reveals the dark said that if an architect is idolized earlier in the course of and light used by Yoshinobu Ashihara to express sacred his track record, then this, of course, can afect the design buildings (Ashihara 1970). In a church, natural light on work. Tis can be seen in Villa Savoye as the work of Le the altar is an expression of a sacred building, yet besides Corbusier, who was infuenced by the Parthenon when that, the natural light in a church symbolizes holy light Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 3 of 11 and Nam 2011 ) and Nam 2011 ) 2019 ) neering (Le 2011 ) neering (Le and Nam 2009 ) (Tyurin 2018 ) et al. al. 2012 ) et al. EMARA Indonesian (Hassan 2017 ) EMARA Journal of Architecture Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Perencanaan (Setyowati 2016 ) Sipil Dan Perencanaan Teknik Jurnal Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Farhady (Farhady and Building Engineering Journal Architecture of Asian Philosophy East and West (Baek 2008 ) West East and Philosophy Architectural Research Quarterly Research Architectural (Baek 2004 ) Journal of the Society Historians of Architectural (Treib 2009 ) Architectural Research Quarterly Research Architectural (Veal 2002 ) Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Farhady (Farhady and Building Engineering Journal Architecture of Asian al. 2011 ) (Xue Journal et al. The of Architecture IOP Conference Series, Journal of Physics (Trisno Series, Journal of Physics and Lianto IOP Conference - and Civil Engi Technology on ElectricInternational Conference Planning Perspectives (Shelekpayev 2019 ) Perspectives Planning Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Farhady (Farhady and Building Engineering Journal Architecture of Asian Scientifc Journal: Academia, Architecture, and Construction Scientifc Journal: Architecture, Academia, Source Territorio (Desogus 2015 ) Territorio Journal for Architectural Research (Sinclair Enquiry: Research Architectural Journal ARCC for The - - applications Tadao Ando Tadao residential and religious buildings according to common to buildings according and religious residential dichotomy the conventional challenging spatial themes, and the sacred between the profane tions, and exposed concrete that characterize Tadao Ando’s Ando’s Tadao that characterize and exposed concrete tions, work architecture. In the Chapel on Mount Rokko, Tadao Ando InTadao the Chapel on Mount Rokko,architecture. articulate traditions to uses original various phe temporal nomena density, directionally, opening, and nature) by forming a forming by and nature) opening, directionally, density, and & form and form (form on the site spatial relationship context) the impact in China with the concept of Symbiosis and Gray conditions in two diferent between ofce buildings and green open space between ofce buildings and green planning new town of Astana, Kazakhstan of Astana, new town sis, and In-betweensis, and the metabolism of Kisho Kurokawa, which is the basic of Astana concept behind the development concept of Metabolism and Symbiosis function fexibility, and aesthetic fexibility function fexibility, Discusses the geometrical concepts in Ando’s work Discusses the geometrical concepts in Ando’s This research combines theory, design methods, and design and design methods, design combines theory, research This Discusses typology as a threshold in Ando’s pluralistic works in Ando’s Discusses typology as a threshold as a body in the design work of study discusses Shintai as a body in the design This characteristic of Ando’s architecture is the treatment of is the treatment architecture characteristicThe of Ando’s Attention is paid to the geometric shapes, light–dark the geometric is paid to shapes, composi - Attention The expression of time is pervasive expression and The in Japanese culture Discusses the typology threshold of a factor in threshold (joint, of a factorDiscusses the typology in threshold threshold The global infuence of architecture not only in Japan but also global infuence of architecture The Discusses the concept of Kisho Kurokawa’s symbiosis design symbiosis design Discusses the concept of Kisho Kurokawa’s Discussing the concept of symbiosis associated with urbanDiscussing the concept of symbiosis associated Discusses Kisho Kurokawa’s concept of the design city concept of the design in the Discusses Kisho Kurokawa’s Discussing building with the concepts of Metabolism, Symbio This articleThis philosophical ideas about symbiosis formulates Description Reread the Kisho Kurokawa project in Bay with the Bay Tokyo the KishoReread Kurokawa in project Discusses Kisho Kurokawa’s projects using new technology, using new projects technology, Discusses Kisho Kurokawa’s - Century st 21 Appropriateness: Conceiving, Crafting & Conceiving, Appropriateness: + The research examined using the keywords Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando Tadao examined using the keywords Kisho Kurokawa research The and works ency”: Kitarō Nishida’s Notion of Shintai and Its Infuenceency”: on Kitarō Nishida’s Art 1) (Part and Architecture Constructing an Architecture of the ­ Constructing an Architecture Space (RTH) RW at Housing Complex (Neighborhood- Coun Jakarta,cils) Pluit, Indonesia fnal philosophy in China fnal philosophy post-Soviet Astana, 1995–2000 Astana, post-Soviet Kisho Kurokawa the City of Astana in the Context of Kisho Kurokawa Town Town the City in the Context of Kisho of Astana Kurokawa Implementation Project Planning Tadao Ando’s Architectural Geometry Architectural Design Ando’s Tadao Theory, method, and application of Tadao Ando architecture Ando architecture Tadao and application of method, Theory, Thresholds in the Pluralistic Architecture of Tadao Ando Tadao of Architecture in the Pluralistic Thresholds From the “Topos of Nothingness” to the “Space of Transpar “Space of the to of Nothingness” “Topos the From The sublime and the Azuma House by Tadao Ando Tadao sublime and the AzumaThe House by Tadao Ando: Challenges Faithful to the Basics to Ando: Challenges Faithful Tadao Time in Japanese architecture: tradition and Tadao Ando Tadao tradition and in Japanese architecture: Time Agility, Adaptability Agility, Thresholds in the Pluralistic Architecture of Tadao Ando Tadao of Architecture in the Pluralistic Thresholds The architectural legacies of Kisho architectural The Kurokawa in China Realization of Hybrid Open and Symbiosis in Green Concept Un-built Yi Lanzhai Museum interpretation of Kisho Kurokawa’s of Kisho Lanzhai Museum interpretation Yi Kurokawa’s Un-built Whose master plan? Kisho Kurokawa and ‘capital planning’ in planning’ ‘capital plan? KishoWhose master Kurokawa and Comparison of In-between Concepts by Aldo Van Eyck and Eyck Van Comparison of In-between Aldo by Concepts The Formation of the Artistic-Communication of Formation The Environment Title Rereading of two projects by Kisho Kurokawa for Tokyo Bay Tokyo Kisho of two by projects Rereading Kurokawa for 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 4 9 3 8 2 7 1 6 1 Table No 5 Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 4 of 11

(Trisno and Lianto 2018). Te design of architect Louis must respect heaven and earth to be in harmony with the Khan uses natural light to provide silence in space (Lobell universe, so simplicity is essential moral teaching to do 1979). Khan uses elements of the natural light in the form in everyday life. It can be said that Lau Tzu and Confu- of light and dark in buildings, thereby indicating the cius also infuenced Zen Buddhism because these three infuence of philosophy from Lao Tze so that this concept schools teach balance, morals, and simplicity. Confucius is favored by Japanese society. greatly infuenced Japanese thought because humans, as Carlo Scarpa in design often pays attention to lighting, basic social units, must respect and be in harmony with details, and materials. Scarpa is known as "Frank Lloyd nature (Chong 1996). Wright of Italy", Scarpa’s decorative style has become a From the description above, we want to fnd out model for architects who want to revive simple and beau- whether the works of architect maestro Kisho Kurokawa tiful art and materials in a contemporary style (Beltra- and Tadao Ando use the concept of Zen Buddhism and mini and Zannier 2007). Bruno Taut who follows the fow whether the philosophy of Lau Tze and Confucius under- of ’form follows function’ Bruno Taut revealed that archi- lies their work. tectural elements must function, if they don’t function it doesn’t make sense. From this, it can be ascertained Method that Bruno Taut has many functional thinking interests Te method used is a qualitative analysis of theory and so that he succeeded without causing confict. Bruno case studies in the work of the architects Kisho Kurokawa Taut used pastel colors and loved the beauty of Japanese and Tadao Ando. Te details are as follows: designs (Kisby 2021). Etymologically, the Japanese word ‘Kirei’ is beautiful a. Western architects who infuenced the architects or beautiful, but the meaning of the word beautiful has Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando; a clean meaning (Shiang 2019). Te meaning of clean b. Te primary consideration of the architects Kisho in architectural design is simple with only limited orna- Kurokawa and Tadao Ando in dealing with the mentation. It can thus be said that the beauty instilled demands of the times. by architects derives from its simplicity and attention to detail (Castillo 2004; Garcia and Miralles 2017). Tis can be seen in the simple but beautiful works of Japa- Results and discussion nese architecture. Architect Mies van der Rohe has the Western architects who infuenced slogan “less is more” (Carver 1987; Gomez and Torras Architect Kisho Kurokawa 2003; Mertins 2014; Nose 2000; Smith 2012), which can Kenzo Tange infuenced Kisho Kurokawa with the con- be interpreted as simplicity makes it beautiful. Te slogan cept of metabolism (Yoshie 2005), which can be seen in “less is more” and the philosophy of Lao Tze share a com- the work of the Nakagin Capsule Tower (1972) in Tokyo, monality, which means the Japanese public can accept Japan. Te Nakagin Capsule Tower was envisaged to the style of Mies van der Rohe. Peter Blake wrote that change according to the changing times but due to its “the only trouble with a simple little word like ‘simple’ is status as a protected building it cannot be changed; how- that so many people think it is synonymous with ‘easy.’ In ever, in terms of the metabolism concept, it should be real life, of course, simple often means ‘difcult’ (Blake changed according to the needs of the times (Kurokawa 1958). As stated by Ardian Forty, “‘simple’ must be one of 1994a). Te building was constructed with prefabricated the most overworked words in the architectural vocabu- apartments that were expected to be replaced over time– lary” (Forty 2000). that is, every 25 or 35 years–in response to the times (Lin Simple relates to Buddhism and Confucius. Buddhism 2010), which is following the concept of growing metab- entered Japan in the twelfth century from India through olism (Fig. 1). Figure 1A shows the exterior, Fig. 1B is a China, Japanese Buddhism originating from China is foor plan and section, while Fig. 1C shows a residential known as Zen Buddhism. Along with the entry of Bud- capsule unit that would be replaced by the times. Te dha into Japan also entered the teachings of Confucius concept of metabolism is an organic concept of architec- and Lau Tze. Confucius teaches about morality and the ture that pays attention to Japanese culture (Chang 1985). highest supremacy of T’ien or heaven and Ti or earth. Te balance of heaven and earth is binary opposition, Architect Tadao Ando this binary opposition is the balance of Yin and Yang Le Corbusier, whose work is characterized by square from Lao Tzu. Balance from heaven and earth produces geometric shapes and basic shapes, infuenced the work prosperity to control life (Chang 1985). “Te Confu- of Tadao Ando, while Louis Khan heavily infuenced his cian principle that the family is the basic social unit” inner space by paying attention to natural lighting. Natu- (Kimura 1979). Because the family as a basic social unit ral lighting is in the form of silence and light which unites Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 5 of 11

Fig. 1 Nakagin Capsule Apartment, Tokyo, Japan ( Source: Metabolism in architecture (Kurokawa 1994a)) the measurable and the unmeasurable called to order, Primary of consideration in facing the demands Lau Tzu is called Tao, and Heidegger is called Being, for of the times Heidegger; Being is the ground through which all things Architect Kisho Kurokawa are (Grene 1967). Te infuences on Tadao Ando can be Kisho Kurokawa’s initial designs using the concept seen in his frst project when he designed the Sumiyoshi of design combined with the concept of metabolism House building in 1975 in the shape of a geometric box refected the demand for development in the post-World and using primary forms (Jodidio 2012). War-2 era. Metabolism means there is a movement both In this frst building, Sumiyoshi House, natural ele- vertically and horizontally; indeed, Nakagin Capsule ments such as rain, wind, and natural light are visible Tower refects the concept of metabolism and is famous (Futagawa 1991; Kliczkowski 2003). It is located within as the peak of Kisho Kurokawa’s work. Te concept of a dense series of houses with open-air holes in the mid- metabolism was used by Kenzo Tange for the urban dle of the building (Irving 2016), indicating that Ando, concept during the post-World War-2 era as a stage of besides being infuenced by the architect’s Le Corbusier political and cultural transformation to catch up with and Louis Khan, also incorporated natural elements into the architectural works of the Western world (Yoshie the building (Fig. 2), Te Tadao Ando concept, although 2005). Metabolism also developed prefabricated technol- infuenced by western architects, still considers natural ogy for use in buildings, starting with young architects in elements such as light, rain, and wind. Te natural ele- the 1960s at the World Design conferences in Tokyo and ment is one of the characteristics of Japanese culture peaking in 1970 at the World Exposition. At that and Confucius. Figure 2A displays an open-air space in time, apart from Kenzo Tange (1913–2005), the archi- the middle of the building, Fig. 2B shows the inside of tects who played an active role were the building, from where it is possible to see the outer (1928-), Kisho Kurokawa (1934–2007), Fumiko Maki space as if it had been inserted into the inner space, while (1928-), Masato Otaka (1923-), Noboru Kawazoe (1926-), Fig. 2C is the outside view of the series of buildings. and (1931-) (Lin 2010). Kurokawa had a mindset from Buddhism and tradi- tional Japanese culture (Meyhofer 1994), Kurokawa was Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 6 of 11

Fig. 2 Row House Sumiyoshi, Osaka, Japan ( Source: Tadao Ando: Complete Works 1975–2012 (Jodidio 2012))

infuenced by philosophers Lau Tzu and Confucius, so tends to learn from famous Western architect maestros his work produced a contradiction between Western (Kurokawa 1994b). Tere is a close relationship between cultural philosophy. Tese two philosophers very much symbiosis and the Japanese sukiya style of architecture, change Kurokawa’s mindset. Kisho Kurokawa’s philoso- which is a method that follows history. Sukiya, to obtain phy difered from the Western ideas of determinism and new techniques and materials, needed a new change, and inevitability. His concept of Metabolism is nothing but Kisho Kurokawa referred to this sukiya architecture as a manifestation of a sense of timeliness. In the Nakagin Hanasuki, also known as a symbiosis of past and present. Capsule apartment building, Kisho Kurokawa considers Te beauty of this symbiosis is called Hanasuki. Symbi- that the capsule apartment is not one part, but rather a osis is obtained by showing respect for the sacred zone component that is similar to a living cell, meaning that between diferent cultures, oppositional factors, elemen- it has its life cycle as a unit of space. So, the advantages tal diferences, and extreme dualistic opposition (Kurok- of the Nakagin Capsule apartment in Kisho Kurok- awa 1994b). awa’s work are known among contemporary Japanese An example of a building from Kisho Kurokawa that architects (Kurokawa 1994b). Along with the develop- uses the concept of the symbiosis between history and ment of time with Kisho Kurokawa, he also developed nature is the City Museum of Contemporary and refned, we are developing and refning the con- Art, Hiroshima, Japan, 1984, completed in 1988, located cept of metabolism with the concept of symbiosis. Te on the ridge of a hill and not far from the Aozora library’s philosophy of this symbiosis is also rooted in Buddhist shaft (Fig. 3). philosophical thinking and traditional Japanese culture, Tis museum building is a symbiosis of past-future, infuenced by the philosophy of Lau Tzu and Confucius. natural-architecture, and interior-exterior. Many inter- Tis symbiosis philosophy is concerned with human and mediary zones can be seen in the building, between archi- nature, past and present, parts and whole, art and sci- tecture and nature in the exterior buildings, the central ence, cultural diferences, economics, and present culture plaza, patio, corridor, stone garden, and the stairs carved (Kurokawa 1994b). from stone. Te materials used in the building’s exteriors Kenzo Tange, with the fow of metabolism that is rec- underwent a gradual evolution. From the natural base ognized as Asian culture but there is little infuenced by stones to the fnishing stones, polished stones, ceramics, Western culture, so this encourages Kisho Kurokawa to and aluminum, this marks the change from land to the develop the concept of symbiosis, as Kenzo Tange knows, universe and from the past to the present, all of which are Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 7 of 11

Fig. 3 Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Japan (Source: A https://​www.​hiros​hima-​moca.​jp/​en/​outli​ne/, downloaded on October 21, 2019; B https://​www.​archi​travel.​com/​archi​travel/​build​ing/​hiros​hima-​city-​museum-​of-​conte​mpora​ry-​art/, downloaded on October 21, 2019; C http://​jepang.​pandu​anwis​ata.​id/​2013/​08/​29/​hiros​hima-​city-​museum-​of-​conte​mpora​ry-​art/, downloaded on October 21, 2019; D The Master Architect Series: Kisho Kurokawa, Selected, and Current Works (Dobney 1995))

symbiosis (Fig. 3A). In Fig. 3B, we can see the shape of Architect Tadao Ando the building’s roof in the form of a plana roof, which was Tadao Ando is an autodidactic architect who obtained the shape of a roof in the Edo era. Te cut-roof shape, as his architectural knowledge from Japanese traditional shown in Fig. 3B, conveys the meaning of past and pre- culture and undertook rational observations by studying sent symbiosis. Te cutting of the circular roof symbol- the works of famous architects from Europe and Amer- izes the atom that was split during the nuclear bombing ica. He studied the works of world architects such as Le in the city of Hiroshima. Figure 3C refects the symbio- Corbusier, Alvar Alto, and Mies van der Rohe. Ando’s sis of Eastern and Western culture; in Western culture, architectural work pays attention to details and the accu- courtyards tend to be empty, whereas in Eastern culture racy of the details, until when he fnishes his work, which they may contain a statue and water. Tus, it can be con- ensures the high quality of his creation. Te greatness of cluded that the whole museum building uses the concept Tadao Ando in managing space through involving the of symbiosis so that the beauty achieved from the design object and observer optimally, as well as the disclosure of the museum building can be said to be Hanasuki of complex culture, is simple and can also convey the (Fig. 3D). Te Hanasuki concept is an embodiment of the impression of emotional intimacy in his work (Asensio philosophy of Lau Tzu and Confucius. 2003). Tadao Ando’s impression in designing buildings so Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 8 of 11

Fig. 4 Church of the Light, Irabaki, Osaka, Japan ( Source: Tadao Ando: Complete Works 1975–2012 (Jodidio 2012)) Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 9 of 11

that his work is high quality is seen in the following; 1) Included in the case study analysis of Ando’s work is Te impression of exposed concrete material handling as the Church of the Light, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan, which a limit. Trough this material he creates an expression of was built in 1988. When asked about the religious his creation; 2) Te impression of a hard wall can feel soft building, Ando said: “I feel that the goal of most reli- to the touch. Tadao Ando lets in light and the wind and gions is similar, to make men happier and more at ease seeks to remove chaos from the lives of visitors to enable with themselves. I see no contradiction in my designing them to take refuge in a quiet world; 3) Te impression of a Christian Church” (Jodidio 2012). Tadao Ando, in his Tadao Ando’s work is emptiness. Visitors only exist in the design, attempts to combine the past with the present, light and space that surrounds them. Tese three impres- natural atmosphere with an urban environment, even sions of Ando are infuenced by Zen Buddhism and combining the Western and Eastern mindset. Many of traditional Japanese forms of architecture, which are geo- Tadao Ando’s works utilize natural elements such as metric but not always symmetrical, while circular shapes wind, light, air, and the urban environment. and geometric shapes are infuenced by Western culture. Figure 4A shows the exposed concrete geometric As such, there is a similar relationship between Western shapes in Tadao Ando’s work. Geometric composi- culture and Eastern culture (Jodidio 2012). tion with unbalanced shapes is strongly infuenced by Western culture such as Architect Bruno Zevi is the mindset of Eastern culture, which is a character- organic architecture with an architectural design istic feature of Japanese culture. Tis geometric shape approach that is applied partially or as a whole to build- is also in harmony with urban environments that are ing design with the concept being based on natural geometric in shape (Kok 2000). Figure 4B shows the forms or principles (Zevi 1993). in his inside of the church, where, in the space near the altar, design includes organic architecture, this is the same as light in the shape of a cross conveys a sacred spiritual Bruno Zevi and . Kuma said the ideas atmosphere within the room (Glancey 2003). Te inten- embodied in these various projects have a lot in common sity of the light within the shelter of this room gives a with Japanese traditions. Te building design is charac- sacred impression, while in terms of sound, the use of terized by the use of natural light and natural materials exposed concrete material serves as a soundproof bar- (Kuma 2013). Kuma expressed his frustration with the rier capable of excluding outside noise. Figure 4C is the concrete in Japanese buildings. Tadao Ando is aware of room in the church as seen from the altar; this inner such criticism. Because Kuma’s organic architecture cre- space has natural lighting on the ceiling that expresses ates a connection and encounter between humans and a sense of separation between the wall and the ceiling. nature which is a point of warmth (nukumori), it is a Likewise, there are window openings large enough to combination of two qualities that are not in harmony so refect shadows onto the back wall so that the spiritual that a comfortable warmth is unique to Japanese aesthet- atmosphere of sacredness can be expressed. In Fig. 4D ics (Pulvers 2013). Te harmony between humans and we see the shadow of a cross on the foor, which acts nature is a sublimation of Yin and Yang that comes from as a sacred symbol for Christians. Tis illustrates the the philosophy of Lao Tze and Confucius. greatness of Tadao Ando’s work, where attention is paid Concerning the mastery of the material, Tadao Ando to the detail of the expression of the shadow’s shape so said: “Te essential building materials of the twentieth that it can be felt by the user. Tis is what Tadao Ando century are glass, concrete, and metal in my architecture. wishes to express in saying: “Quest for the relationship I seek to transpose Japanese ideas into forms, which can between light and shadow, and also for the need for a be built with these materials” (Jodidio 2012). In addi- shelter of the spirit” (Jodidio 2012). tion to European architects, Louis Khan from America Terefore, Tadao Ando’s works pay attention to ele- also infuenced Tadao Ando; Ando learned the element ments of Japanese culture by focusing on natural ele- of light intake from Khan. Tere is a similarity between ments, geometric shapes, and exposed concrete as his the concepts used by Ando and Khan, wherein Khan hallmark, all of which, as stated by Tadao Ando himself, uses the concept of silence and light and Tadao Ando are an embodiment of the Shintai concept. Te Shintai allows light to enter so that space becomes empty. Shin- concept is an embodiment of the philosophy of Lau Tzu tai revealed by Tadao Ando means the unity of spirit with and Confucius. the body to concretize architecture. Architecture is the art of articulating from the world through abstract geom- etry, whereas concrete is a place, which is meant here as Conclusions a space full of sensationalism; this is what I call Shintai Te conclusions of the analysis from the architectural (Johnson 1994). Terefore, Shintai embodies the achieve- studies of Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando are as ment of Tadao Ando’s work. follows: Trisno and Lianto City Territ Archit (2021) 8:8 Page 10 of 11

a. Te Western architects who infuenced Kisho Kurok- Te fndings in this study cannot be generalized as the awa and Tadao Ando are as follows: analysis examined the works of only two of the world’s master architects. However, in its design, Japanese archi- 1) Zen Buddhism and Japanese culture infuenced tecture has a simple but still beautiful form (kirei), which Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando. Japanese cul- refects that beauty in Japanese etymology has the mean- ture shares similarities with the architect Mies ing beautiful and clean (simple). Terefore, architectural van der Rohe, with the slogan “less is more,” design works are inspired by Japanese culture, which is which means that Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao itself infuenced by the philosophy of Lau Tzu and Con- Ando’s architectural works are simple and beauti- fucius. Kisho Kurokawa and Tadao Ando clearly stated ful, in keeping with Japanese culture. that their design work was inspired by Buddhist philoso- 2) Kenzo Tange infuenced Kisho Kurokawa with the phy and Japanese culture. Future research is expected to concept of metabolism, along with Kisho Kurok- conduct further studies on the reciprocity between East- awa’s experience and time of updating the con- ern and Western architectural cultures. cept of symbiosis that was more suited to Eastern Acknowledgements culture. Whereas Le Corbusier infuenced Tadao The authors would like to thank the editor and reviewers for their valuable Ando’s work with geometric concepts, modifed suggestions. by Japanese culture with asymmetrical geometric Authors’ contributions shapes. Louis Khan also infuenced Tadao Ando The manuscript has been jointly written by the authors in all parts. Both in his design, as shown by him paying attention authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. to the element of light in the designs. So Tadao Funding Ando uses the concept of exposed concrete in No Funding for this research. his design and pays attention to natural elements Availability of data and materials such as light, air, and natural beauty. Not applicable.

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