DRAFT LIST Version 5

Palm Springs Airport Demonstration Garden Concept Date Prepared: 12/14/2020 GROWTH BLOOM NO. PHOTO BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SUN H/W WUCOLS THORNS RATE PERIOD Cactus / Succulent

Spine on Late fall 12-15 FT 1 'Blue Flame' Agave Blue Flame Full sun 3-5 FT Med Low Water ends to winter spikes

Only when mature Spine on 8-12 FT 2 Agave victoriae-reginae Queen Victoria Agave Full sun 1-2 FT Slow Low Water (20 leaf ends spikes years), mid summer

5 FT; 10 FT Full sun to part Early 3 Dasylirion longissimum Grass Tree max Med Low Water N/A White shade summer height with age

Late Showy, 2 FT H winter chartreuse 4 Euphorbia rigida Narrow-leaf Spurge Full sun Med Low Water N/A 3-5 FT W and early fades to spring pinkish

3-4 FT Several 5-7 High 5 parviflora 'Yellow' Yellow Full sun height Med Low Water N/A weeks in yellow and width summer spikes

3-4 FT Several 5-7 High 6 Hesperaloe parviflora 'MSWNPERMA' Desert Dusk Red Yucca Full sun height Med Low Water N/A weeks in purple and width summer spikes

10-18 FT Small, Yellow, Very Low 7 Opuntia ficus-indica Thornless Prickly Pear Full sun height Slow bristle-like Spring white, Water and width spines orange

12 FT Very Low Spring to 8 Pachycereus schottii 'Monstrosus' Totem Pole Cactus Full sun max Slow No spines Bright pink Water early fall height

6-8 FT Full sun to part 9 Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' Elephant's Food height Med Low Water N/A N/A N/A shade and width

Spreading Groundcover Plants

Palm Springs Airport - Demonstration Garden Draft Plant List 1/4 PSPW0000-0008 Palm Springs Airport Demonstration Garden Concept Date Prepared: 12/14/2020 GROWTH BLOOM NO. PHOTO BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SUN H/W WUCOLS THORNS FLOWER RATE PERIOD

3 FT

height 10 Baccharis x Starn Thompson Dwarf Coyote Brush Hybrid Full sun Med Mod Water N/A Summer Inconspicuo 4-5 FT us, male width

Blooms hold a 2 FT long time, Yellow, 11 Chrysactinia mexicana Damianita Full sun height Med Low Water N/A peak in showy and width spring and fall

12 IN Late height Yellow, 12 Dalea capitata Golden Dalea Full sun Slow Mod Water N/A spring 3 FT showy and fall width

Early spring, 6-10 IN summer; height bloom Yellow, 13 Gazania rigens 'Sun Gold' Sun Gold Gazania Full sun Med Mod Water N/A 3-4 FT year showy width round in milder climates

1 FT height 14 Portulacaria afra minima Dwarf Elephant Food Full sun Med Low Water N/A N/A N/A 3 FT width

18 IN Blueish, Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington height Late 15 Trailing Rosemary Full sun Med Mod Water N/A can be Carpet' 5 FT winter profuse width

6 IN Rosy height Early 16 Teucrium chamaedrys 'Prostratum' Creeping Germander Full sun Med Mod Water N/A purple, 2-3 FT summer showy width

4-6 IN height 17 Teucrium cossonii Gray Creeping Germander Full sun Med Mod Water N/A 2 FT width

Native / Pollinator Plants

Small, 5 FT Spring bright 18 Buddleja marrubiifolia Wooly Butterfly Bush Full sun height Med Low Water N/A and orange, not and width summer particularly showy

6-10 FT Late Bright red 19 Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise Full sun height Med Low Water Branches spring to orange, and width summer showy

Palm Springs Airport - Demonstration Garden Draft Plant List 2/4 PSPW0000-0008 Palm Springs Airport Demonstration Garden Concept Date Prepared: 12/14/2020 GROWTH BLOOM NO. PHOTO BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SUN H/W WUCOLS THORNS FLOWER RATE PERIOD

5 FT Almost 20 Calliandra californica Red Fairy Duster Full sun height Med Low Water N/A year- Red, showy and width round

4-6 FT Early Yellow, 21 Isomeris arborea Bladderpod Full sun height Med Low Water N/A spring showy and wi