Dungarvan Eeader —All Shades — £4.99
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ALICIA'S Test Drive The New STARLET Children's Track Suits — 24 to 28 - £7.99. New! Children's padded Jackets —JRoyaVNavy, Red Grey. 28 to 34 _ £18.99. Children's Padded Anoracks — —24 to 34 — £13.99. Infants' Corduroy Bibs & Brace Dungarvan Eeader —all shades — £4.99. mar and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT ALICIA BROWNE Ladies Fashions, infants & HORNIBROOKS Children's Wear Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork 83. O'Connell Street, Dungarvan of LISMORE : Tel. 058/54147 Vol. 48. No. 2478 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1986 POSTSOLRAOEAAS ANCTSR PRICE 25p (inc. VAT) WEDDING BELLS Waterford Co-Op - Wessanen Joint The I.D.A. and Waterford Oo-op announced on Wednes- day, September 24, that in the biggest capital investment In Venture Agreement Signed the dairy industry for some years, Waterford Co-operative additional employment at the IDA's feasibility study program- ducts including Yop. breakfast and the Dutch company Wes- Kilmeaden factory expected I me. The final decision to pro- yoghurt and other dairy dessert MUCH APPRECIATED sanen are setting up a new the latter having been obliter- to reach 29 by the end of that ceed came recently. products. The company more cheese plant at Kilmeaden, Co. year. The main product will be recently got support from CTT Since they were placed in ated. All had been provided Waterford. The contract be- a semi-hard cheese called Leer- CONTINUING COMMITMENT for entry to the British market position, at the traffic islands at either by the firm of B. Grahlam tween the two companies was dammer which has character- with both Yoplait and Yop. signed recently. The agree*- istics of both emmenthal and Waterford Go-op's continuing Earlier this year Waterford the Square in Dungarvan a or by J. Moir, Park Foundry, ment involves joint venture couple of months ago by the Waterford. gouda. It was initially develop- commitment to diversification Oo-op agreed to market a salad funding, transfer of very ad- ed by Wessanen and is enjoying into branded consumer pro- range produced by a Dutch Urbtm Council the two seats However the most interesting vanced technology and produc- rapidly increasing sales in West ducts for sale on commercial company, Johma. Again, the certainly appear to be very feature of the whole thing is tion of branded cheeses that Germany.in particular. markets Is to be commended. two companies were introduced are already successful sellers in much appreciated. They un- that young David O'Connell's The Co-op plays a leading role by the IDA. The salad range is European markets, A £6.5 mil- The joint venture is one of hi the Irish market for yog- expected to be produced in Ire- doubtedly provide a great van- great-great grand-father, Denis lion investment package has the first diversifications by the hurts, salads and other consu- land when the market has been tage point from which to view McGrath was concerned with been agreed with t'he Industrial dairy industry into continental mer goods which involve both effectively developed. the passing parade and on most the b uilding of the quay and Development Authority, which cheese, as an alternative to pro- Catch and French partnerships arranged the initial introduc- Waterford Co-op is one of Ire- ducing intervention type pro- or special licences. land's largest milk processors days (when it's not raining) they more than likely with the tion of Waterford Co-op and its ducts. The partners were in- have been fully occupied. erection of the bollards in the Dutch partners. In 1974, the Co-op entered a with a 1985 turnover of £208 troduced by the IDA two and a million and employing over half years ago as part of its joint venture with the French late 19th century. The McGrath 1,100. It was Cllr. Billy Cotter's pro- family have always, up to the Production is scheduled to ongoing policy of using its over- company, SODIMA, which led commence early next year with seas offices to introduce Irish to the production of Yoplait Wessanen, based in Amstel- posal to have them put there last generation, been noted as but I must admit that when 1 companies to potential foreign Yoghurt in Ireland. The IDA viein. near Amsterdam, has a building contractors in Dungar- partners for joint ventures or supported the Co—op's diversi- 1985 turnover of £1.25 billion first heard it I felt opposed to van and the late John McGrath licensing agreements. Detailed fication into this area. The rela- and employs 4,000 worldwide in Uhe idea as I thought the fumes of Lisfennel was the Borough investigation of the project fol- tionship between Waterford Co- the production of consumer from passing diesel trucks and lowed, with support from the op and SODIMA has led to the products, meat and dairy pro- Surveyor of " Dungarvan for launch of a number of new pro- ducts, edible oils and fats. cars would make it a rather many years. TENDERS FOR unhealthy place to loiter. However it seems my feelings It is, of course, another inter- were wrong as the public have esting feature of the story that GLENBEG SCHOOL availed' of the seats on all suit- our present Town Engineer, Mr. able occasions and they appear Tom Mulcahy, is a grandson of The Minister of State at the to be a very much appreciated that John McGrath so he is Department of Education, Mr. amenity at the Square. carrying on in a great family Enda Kenny, T.D.. has inform- ed Mr. Austin Deasy, T.D.. Min- tradition. ister for Agriculture that he A CENTURY OLD BOLLARD has now authorised the invita- TWO THOUSAND EIGHT tion of tenders for the proposed The old iron bollards on HUNDRED YEARS OLD primary school building project Dungarvan Quay are now just at Glenbeg In October, 1936. useless fixtures (more or less) Going through some old files •Notification of his decision will but there was a time when the in the office lately I came across Miss Ann Quealy, O'Cannell Street, Dungarvan and Mr. Tom be conveyed to the school authorities in due course by the town boasted of a large fleet of a letter dated February 24, English, Muine Bheag, Co. Carlow, who were married at the Department of Education. sailing vessels and these bol- 1964 from Mr. John Mills, Church of St. Michael, Ballyduff Upper. (Photo: Rory Wyley) lards were the most important Bromley. Kent, enclosing a fixture along the quay. photostat copy of a paper cut- The bollards are located at ting recently sent to him from intervals' from the bridge down Massachusetts, USA. The cut- as far as the Garda Station and ting was an article by Very in those years when each Rev. Canon P. Power, D.Litt., Collins Sacked By anchored a mooring rope from M.R.I.A., the noted archaeolo- u ship it can easily be visualised gist, who was born at Callag- what a busy place the quay hane, about three miles from was. Waterford City on March 8, 1862 and died on October 16, Now-adays little or no notice 1951 at the age of 89 years. is taken of the bollards nor of The article concerned the Speculation heightened on one for which there was no jus- their association with Dungar- finding of two ancient Bronze Tuesday morning when it em- tification. He had been advised van's great maritime past. In- Age Burial Urns by John Mills, erged that Mr. Collins had can- by on? of the best firms of soli- celled a scheduled visit to citors in the country that his deed it was only when a little Senr., of KiLwatermoy, Tallow 6-year old visitor on holidays Vienna to represent the Gov- Integrity could not be impugned and his two sons one of whom ernment at a meeting of the and that his actions as Minis- in Dungarvan lately who was was the writer of the letter re- Atomic Energy Commission and ter for State were within the reading the figures on one of ferred to above. The discovery it was assumed, rightly as it rules of cabinet procedures and turned out. that his future as a structures. the bollards discovered that was made, it seems, about 1933. they were 1886 — and in fact Junior Minister was in the Whether the article was pub- balance. When he distributed the press exactly one hundred years old release announcing the Cabinet lished in the "Leader" at the —that it was drawn to our According to Mr. Collins lie decision, the Government Press time, I do not know, but as all attention and then we unravel- was telephoned at 10 minutes Secretary. Mr. Peter Prender- that was more than 20 years ago past four on Tuesday afternoon gast, said he was asked to add led the story behind the lot. After days of speculation and as the subject is one ot about his future, Mr. Eddie Col- and told he would be dismissed only that the decision had been If he did not resign from office. taken "with regret." The little boy was David much interest, I think, even if lins was sacked last Tuesday Pictured sampling varieties of cheese which will be produced in Kilmeaden in the new plant O'Connell of Sunbury-On- night (Sept. 23), as Minister for Shortly afterwards he Issued As to why the action had it was published then, it is a statement announcing the been taken, he could make no arc Ptsdraic White, Managing Director, IDA; Peter Br.kker Sehut, Corporate Executive Vice- Thames, Middlesex who was in State at the Department, of In- worth a repeat performance.