Host Institution: Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Erasmus Code: D KIEL01 Website: Founded in 1665, CAU currently has over 20,000 students enrolled, 2,000 of which are foreign students. CAU is the largest oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The is home to the Botanischer Garten der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel, botanical garden and arboretum. The garden contains 14,000 plant species and was originally designed to be a medical garden.

Kiel is situated approximately 56 miles north of . Due to its geographic location in the north of , the southeast of the Jutland peninsula, and the southwestern shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel has become on of the main maritime centres of Germany. Location: By plane : Arriving at Hamburg International Airport you will have to catch the Kielius bus from Terminal 4 to the Kiel main station. The airport shuttle bus leaves Hamburg approx every 1-2 hours. A one-way ticket cost approx. €17. By train : Kiel Hauptbahnhof is connected to the DB rail system with regular services to Hamburg and beyond. By bus: At Kiel main station bus stop you can take the bus No. 61, 62 (to Suchsdorf/Projensdorf), No. 91 (to Friedrichsort), No. 81/81 (to Botanischer Garten/Universitat/Leibnizstr) or you can take a Costs: Housing: (Information taken from CAU website) A small proportion of students can obtain a dormitory room via the International Centre. The dormitories do not belong to the university but to the ‘Studentenwerk’, which is an organization responsible for the catering and the housing of students at CAU. The rent in the different dormitories varies between €180 and €300 per month. Please note that you will have to pay a deposit of €250 in advance. The rental period in the dormitories is usually at least six months. To apply for a dormitory room at the International Centre, it is important to submit your application on time. The application can be downloaded at: Insurance: It is advisable to take out insurance for your stay abroad especially if you are going to be taking laptops with you.

You will need to obtain an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) which has replaced the old E111 form. If you already have an EHIC please ensure that it is valid for the length of your stay. Academic: ECTS Credit ECTS information and frequently asked questions can be found using the following link: system: Term Dates: Contact International Centre Information: Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel 24098 Kiel Germany Tel: +49 431 880 3715 Fax: +49 431 880 1666 Useful Websites: Erasmus website: Tourist information website: