Example of Good Practice

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu , Stabsstelle Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung

Network and Economy

1. The situation of Life Long Learning (LLL) in the University of Kiel

Continuing education is an investment in future. Qualified people give impulse to innovation, progress and economic growth. The Stabsstelle for continuing education is the gateway between scientific cognition and the demand of practical experience. Since 1996 the Stabsstelle is main provider of continuing education at the University of Kiel.

We have got an offer of a variety of courses and programs for qualified employees and executives in economy. Our spectrum of courses comprehends for instance , life science, food technology, multimedia, organizational development. Our offer is also addressed to the intern employees of the university. The main focus is therefore put on courses for example financial administration, human resource management, didactics for university lecturer.

The career center is the main contact point for students and alumni. In close collaboration with employers we create courses and workshops including for example the topics job application, job interview or pay negotiations. Since 1999 our job fair “contacts” takes place once in a year. Every second Thursday in May students and potential employer got the possibility to get to know each other. With about 40 exhibitors and more than 6000 registered visitors each year the “contacts” is the biggest job fair in northern organized by a university itself.

2. Area of professionalization

In general the area of professionalization is based on skills and competences in different areas as abilities of scientific working and soft skills.

The following Good Practice Example will show an example of this kind of transfer.

3. The project “Netzwerk Hochschule und Wirtschaft”

This project is initiated by the Stabsstelle for continuing education and is financially supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). The intention of this venture is advancement of a job oriented program of continuing education by a network of university, economy and other local contractor of continuing education. Furthermore it is the target to buildup an internal and external network to increase publicity and to improve the infrastructure. The ESF project started in 2002 and consists of the two scopes “Fachwissenschaftliche Fortbildungen” and “Career Center”. In 2005 the project got an extension until June 2008.

In 2004 we founded an advisory committee to deliberate on new programs and ideas. The members are representatives of the economy, the university, the policy and other provider of continuing education. We would like to turn the attention to another small project called “WissenschaftsCoaching” which is resulted from the “Fachwissenschaftliche Fortbildungen”.

4. How does this project work?

Employees get support for the individual adoption of essential know-how. They were assisted by a professor or a tutor the so called “WissenschaftsCoach”. The Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel disposes of 8 faculties with more than 1000 academics. There areas of expertise are law, , social sciences, medical science, engineering, nutrition science, philosophy, , and . Current knowledge of the accordant specialist area can be putted contemporary into practice. By the method of a one-on-one-interview the “WissenschaftsCoach” supports the patron in acquiring concrete know-how. Or he offers professional assistance to train in a totally new material. One advantage is saving time when looking for adequate literature as well as for preparing and using the latest cognitions.

In short - you ask and the coach answers. The patron has to arrange the content, location and durance with the “WissenschaftsCoach”. At last they conclude a contract to assure the expectations and performances.

5. Evaluation and Consequences

After the coaching both parties to a contract can check up if the agreed performances are adduced. This helps to improve future coaching and also helps the coaches improving their methodology and contents they offer.

Concerning the probably most interesting question whether our “WissenschaftsCoachings” helps our participants to acquire new specific knowledge for their professional life, we received the result that the coachings were seen as very supportive. In comparison to standard courses and seminars the “WissenschaftsCoaching” deals with the individual problems of the patron. The coach is more able to respond to the participant than in courses with several people who have different problems. The project “WissenschaftsCoaching” is not only a continuing education offer. Furthermore it is also an aspect of marketing for the university. It shows the enormous spectrum of research and teaching and it is another way of getting in touch with economy. Remember it is not only the appointment of the university to research and teach but also to educate the alumni.