Taxing Times WWW.IRSPROB.COM TaxingTaxingTimesTaxiTiing TTimesimes JULY 2021 Read about taxpayers with IRS problems and learn helpful tips on how to end them. 7KHLQƛOXHQWLDOUDSSHUVROGPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQ UHFRUGVZRUOGZLGH Rapper DMX owed the Internal Rev- tember 17, 2020. The debts, for the RANDELL W. MARTIN, CPA enue Service $700,000 in unpaid taxes tax years 2002, 2003 and 2005, totaled P: 214.214.3000 at the time of his death. $663,554.55 F: 214.214.3999 E:
[email protected] Helping Good People with IRS Problems 7KH WD[ GHEW ¿UVW UHSRUWHG E\ 5DGDU DMX started his music career in the VKRZHGWKHSRSXODUDQGLQÀXHQWLDOUDS- early 1990s and his debut album, It’s per, whose real name was Earl Sim- Dark and Hell Is Hot, sold more than IN THIS ISSUE: PRQVZDVLQGHHS¿QDQFLDOWURXEOHLQ 250,000 copies and received critical ac- WKH¿QDO\HDUVRIKLVOLIH claim. Overall, DMX sold more than 74 million records. He also appeared in PPG.G. 7KH,56¿OHGLWVOLHQDJDLQVW'0;DQG several movies, including Belly, Romeo 1 his ex-wife Tashera Simmons on Sep- Must Die and Cradle 2 the Grave. PPG.G. !"# 1 $% PPG.G. &"#'# 2 ()& PPG.G. *#++# 2 ,-&') *) A New York man pleaded guilty to tax W-4 forms to his employers stating that HYDVLRQDGPLWWLQJWRIDLOLQJWR¿OHWD[ he was exempt from taxes. returns. PPG.G. "! * 3 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE According to court records, Jonathan PPG.G. .&) "/0 Botier, 47, of Rochester, New York, RANDELL W. MARTIN, CPA 4 )! worked for medical facilities in the New York City area. While working at these facilities, Botier submitted fraudulent PAGE 1 JULY 2021 TTaxingaxing TTimesimes Taxing Times For the years 2012 through 2018, Botier received total wages of approximately Helping Good People $832,032 and owed the IRS approxi- mately $181,911 in federal income tax- With IRS Problems HV+RZHYHU%RWLHUIDLOHGWR¿OHDIHG- eral income tax return for each of those OFFER IN years and failed to pay the vast majority of federal income taxes he owed.