Cytogenetic Analysis of the Y Chromosome of Native Brazilian Bovine Breeds: Preliminary Data

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Cytogenetic Analysis of the Y Chromosome of Native Brazilian Bovine Breeds: Preliminary Data CYTOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF THE Y CHROMOSOME OF NATIVE BRAZILIAN BOVINE BREEDS: PRELIMINARY DATA ANÁLISIS DEL CROMOSOMA Y DE RAZAS BOVINAS NATURALIZADAS BRASILEÑAS: DATOS PRELIMINARES Issa, É.C.1, W. Jorge2, A.A. Egito3 and J.R.B. Sereno4 1Escola de Veterinária, UFG. Campus II. C.P. 131. CEP 74001-970. Goiânia, GO. Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2Departamento de Biologia Geral. ICB/UFMG. C.P. 486. CEP 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG. Brasil. 3Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia. C.P. 02372. CEP 70770-900, Brasília, DF. Brasil. 4Embrapa Cerrados. C.P. 08223. CEP 73310-970, Planaltina, DF. Brasil. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS PALABRAS CLAVE ADICIONALES Animal conservation. Animal genetic resources. Conservación animal. Recursos genéticos anima- Bos taurus taurus. Bos taurus indicus. les. Bos taurus taurus. Bos taurus indicus. SUMMARY The present work is a preliminary cytogenetic dos los cariotipos de 29 machos a través de su tipo study carried out on 29 males of the Brazilian morfológico de cromosoma Y, submetacéntrico o breeds Curraleiro, Crioulo Lageano, Junqueira acrocéntrico, tipos estos considerados como and Pantaneiro, available at Embrapa Genetic marcadores para las subespecies taurinas y ce- Resources & Biotechnology, Brasília, DF and buínas, respectivamente. El resultado mostró que, Promissão farm, Poconé, MT. The objective was dentro de los seis sementales Curraleiros evalua- to investigate their Y chromosome morphology, dos, cuatro presentaron Y de cebú (acrocéntrico) whether submetacentric or acrocentric, consi- y dos de taurino (submetacéntrico), sugiriendo dered as markers of the taurine and zebuine contaminación racial por Cebú. Sin embargo, to- subspecies, respectively. The results showed dos los Pantaneiros analizados presentaron ex- that of the six Curraleiro animals analyzed, four clusivamente cromosoma Y de Cebú (acrocén- had an acrocentric and two had a submetacentric trico), mientras que los bovinos Crioulo Lageano Y chromosome, indicating contamination by zebu y Junqueira presentaron sólo Y submetacéntrico, breeds. All Pantaneiro bulls analyzed had confirmando su origen taurino. exclusively zebuine (acrocentric) Y chromosome. On the other hand, the Crioulo Lageano and INTRODUCTION Junqueira bulls had submetacentric Y chromo- somes, indicating their taurine origin. According to Epstein and Mason (1984), all domesticated cattle was originated from RESUMEN Bos primigenius, extinct in Poland in 1627. In Brazil, the native bovine breeds El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un descend from the Iberian animals which estudio preliminar del cariotipo de bovinos de spread all over the country, through random razas brasileñas: Curraleiro, Crioulo Lageano y Junqueira disponibles en la granja Parque perte- crosses and by interaction with the neciente a Embrapa Recursos Genéticos y environment. As in South America there Biotecnología, Brasília, DF y de los Pantaneiros were no animals of the bovine species at the ubicados en el norte del Pantanal, pertenecientes time of discovery, during the long colo- a la finca Promissão, Poconé, MT. Fueron analiza- nization period the cattle needed to produce Recibido: 9-10-06. Aceptado: 1-4-08. Arch. Zootec. 58 (221): 93-101. 2009. ISSA, JORGE, EGITO AND SERENO milk and meat had to be brought from the loss of a single type or breed compromises Iberian Peninsula. It was in the 16th century the access to its genes and unique genetic that bovines first appeared in South America, combinations, which may be useful to coming from Portugal and Spain (Athana- agriculture in the future. ssof, 1946a). Some native Brazilian breeds, although The breeds introduced by the colonizers named differently and living in distinct became adapted to the new environment, regions, present similar phenotypes which forming the large herds named Crioulo raise doubts about their identity as a distinct (Creole), which differentiated into several racial group or native type. It is not known varieties (Britto, 1995). Thus, it is difficult to if these populations are genetically similar precisely state which breed(s) originated or not. Even if they belong to the same the different native breeds. In some cases, breed, they may have accumulated different the information about the original popula- alleles due to genetic drift, as a consequence tions was lost over time. of geographic isolation and adaptation to According to Mariante et al. (1999), in different ecological niches (Egito et al., general these breeds have extremely 2002). valuable characteristics, such as adaptation to inhospitable conditions, including CURRALEIRO parasites and infectious diseases, draught According to Athanassof (1946b), this and poor quantity and quality of food. breed is named Curraleiro in some States, Preservation of the native breeds has also a such as Goiás and Tocantins, and Pé-Duro historical value that is the genetic memory in others, such as Piauí and Maranhão. It is of the animals which helped colonizing the a native bovine breed that has not yet been country. Genetic traces of all these breeds improved, originated from the bovines are still left through their crossbreeds. The introduced in Brazil by the Portuguese and intervention of man in their reproduction Spaniards during the time of colonization. and selection processes did not cause any The Curraleiro breed stems from Bos taurus modification of their potential, besides those ibericus and, given its European origin, it is granted by nature. assumed to belong to the subspecies Bos According to Egito et al. (2002), the taurus taurus (Britto, 1995). search for more productive breeds led, as of Aiming to prevent its extinction, as well the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, to as that of other Brazilian breeds, EMBRAPA the import of breeds considered exotic, has developed a project for their preser- which, although highly productive, had vation, to be carried out by the Centro been selected in regions with a temperate Nacional de Pesquisa de Recursos Genéti- climate. These breeds caused, through cos e Biotecnologia (National Research absorbing crosses, the replacement and Center for Genetic Resources and Biotech- erosion of the local breeds. Although these nology) and by the Centro de Pesquisa local breeds presented lower production Agropecuária do Meio-Norte (Agricultural levels, they stood out for their complete Research Center of the Mid-North) (CPAN). adaptation to the tropics, where they had CPAN maintains a preservation unit for the undergone long-time natural selection. It is Curraleiro cattle at São João do Piauí, PI, in therefore necessary to preserve such ani- the semi-arid zone of the Brazilian Northeast, mal genetic resources, in order to prevent with approximately 300 animals (EMATER). their loss. Genetic diversity within domesti- Tambasco et al. (1985) found both types cated species is reflected by the variety of of Y chromosomes (acrocentric and sub- types and breeds that exist and by the metacentric) in the Curraleiro breed. The variation within each one of them, and the frequency of the acrocentric Y chromosome Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58, núm. 221, p. 94. ANALYSIS OF THE Y CHROMOSOME OF NATIVE BRAZILIAN BOVINE BREEDS was higher than that of the submetacentric survive under conditions of water and food Y chromosome. In 1999, Britto and Mello stress conditions. confirmed this finding. CRIOULO L AGEANO PANTANEIRO These bovines from Southern Brazil Pantaneiro bovine, also named Cuiabano (Lages, State of Santa Catarina) are those or Tucura, descends from the Spanish breeds which keep the greatest resemblance to the introduced in America during the coloni- type of bovine introduced by the conque- zation process of the Plata Basin. According rors, therefore of indisputable Iberian origin. to Mazza et al. (1994), the literature on the This breed has evolved by natural selection phenotypic characteristics of Pantaneiro over four centuries and almost disappeared bovine, from the 16th to the 18th centuries, is as a consequence of indiscriminate crosses. rather scarce. Publications from the 20th When the Catarinense Highland was century portray these animals as short of colonized, the settlers brought the Fran- stature, with short, brown, dark and red- queiro cattle with them that probably mated brown hair. The authors believe that the with the bovines which already existed there, descriptions of the animals of the Pantanal originating the Crioulo Lageano cattle region, made in the 20th century, are not (Spritze et al., 2003). reliable, because in that time the crosses Currently, the population of these with their domestic and even zebuine breeds bovines is reduced to about 500 animals, of were still occurring. Based on morphological which more than 80% belong to a single measurements and weight development of breeder. Research works conducted in the Pantaneiro cattle taken the germoplasma 1980's by Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e bank analysis of the data confirm their Biotecnologia and by the Federal University reduced body size, with average weight at of Santa Catarina, in collaboration with a birth of 24 and 22 kg and, in the adult phase, few private breeders, showed advantages of 375 and 298 kg, for male and females, in exploring these bovines for crosses and respectively. also as a pure breed, under the raising The remaining populations, few and far conditions of the South Brazilian Highland between, of Pantaneiro cattle can be at (Spritze et al., 2003). present in the Northern part of the Pantanal, Tambasco et al. (1985) studied animals in the state of Mato Grosso, in areas where of the Crioulo Lageano breed and found a maximum flooding takes place along the higher frequency of the submetacentric Y Paraguay, Cuiabá, São Lourenço and Bento than of the acrocentric Y chromosome, as Gomes rivers. To the South, the Pantaneiro opposed to the Curraleiro breed. cattle are practically extinct. In this moment have only two populations from these J UNQUEIRA breeds in the Pantanal region. One in the Formed in the State of Minas Gerais, the Northern in Promissão farm, that doing a Junqueira cattle breed is a product of good work the rescue the breeds in this crosses between Caracu and other Brazilian areas and in the South there are a conserva- varieties.
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