
! (770)605-9786 City of Spring Hill Weeks 5-8 Workout Program

Monday: Take care of your body. It’s the only one you have to live in. *If you wear a fitness tracker move 10,000 steps daily. That’s the equivalent of 5 miles*

At : The holidays are fast approaching! Don’t let this get in the way of your health. Drinking water throughout the day can help curb cravings and keep you feeling full longer. Commit to drinking one gallon per day and divide it up to drink 20 oz. every 1.5-2 hours.

At the /Home: *For distance measurement you can run .25 miles on a treadmill or think of running the length of 4 football fields* Other suggestions: map out a mile route with your car or download an app that tracks the distance you run!

1 Round 100 Walking Lunges (100 per each leg) 25 Jumps 100 Bodyweight Goblet Squats (WEIGHTED SQUATS FOR ADVANCED) 50 Jumping Jacks (STAR JUMPS FOR ADVANCED) 100 Push Ups (Drop to knees when needed) 25 Burpees 100 Toe Touches (HOLD WEIGHT FOR ADVANCED)


Exercise Tip: For a goblet squat, the feet are just slightly hip-width apart. Just like a regular squat, for a goblet squat you want to pretend you are sitting back in a chair and don’t let your knees pass over your front toes. Hold a weight or weighed object (gallon of water, textbook, etc.) in front of you chest or let weight hang between your legs.

For toe touches, make sure you are using your abs to lift your shoulders off the ground.

Tuesday: If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change your.

At the Office: Don’t be tempted by holiday treats around the office. Snack on raw vegetables like celery, carrots, or snap peas and raw nuts which will satisfy your need to snack but won’t ruin your entire diet.

At the Gym/Home: Cardio: Find a hill or a road with an incline or use a treadmill (if not available, just use sidewalk or flat surface)

Sprint on Incline: 60 second sprint uphill, 30 second recovery (10 ROUNDS) *if using treadmill, use incline level of 5-6 or 7-8 for advanced

50 Bicycle crunches (50 each side, 100 total) 50 V Sit-ups 60 Second


Exercise Tip: To modify the V Sit-Up place hands on the ground for more support. When performing a plank it is important to keep the tight so as not to put pressure on the lower back.

! ! ! Regular Plank Modified Plank on Knees Modified Plank on Hands

Wednesday: You can either have excuses or results- but not both.

At the Office: Make it a priority to pack your lunch! Not only does it save you but it allows you to stay on track with a healthy diet without being tempted to get food elsewhere. If you bring your own healthy lunch you have no excuse but to eat it.

At the Gym/Home: Supersets: Perform each pair of 3 times before moving on to the next pair

20 Push-Ups (Forward lunge on right leg, return to start position. Walk hands out to a push-up position and push up. Walk hands back in and return to standing position. Repeat on left leg.) 20 Burpees (Or modified burpees without push-up)

Sprint .25 Miles (Think the length of 4 football fields)

25 Tricep Dips (On chair or bench. ADVANCED PUT WEIGHT IN LAP OR LIFT ONE LEG OFF THE GROUND) 25 Mountain Climbers (25 each leg, 50 total)

Sprint .25 Miles

25 Squats Holding Weight or Weighted Object (Gallon of water, textbook, etc.) 25 Frog Jumps

2 Mile Run for Time (OR if access to stairs or bleachers run up and down the stairs for 15 minutes. A stair stepper at the gym is an option as well.)

Exercise Tip: For the lung push-up, lunge forward with one leg and return to center. Don’t let the knee that’s lunging extend over the toe. Walk hands out to a plank and push-up. Walk hands back in to feet and stand to return to start position. !

For frog jumps, the goal is to jump as long as you can. Use your legs to power the jump so you get more distance and get your heart rate up.

Thursday: The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.

At the Office: Try replacing your chair with a stability ball. This will cause you to think about activating your core and having good posture throughout your day.

At the Gym/Home: Cardio - Jog/Run for 7 minutes, Walk/Recover for 1 minute, Sprint/Run for 2 minutes. (10 minutes total) Repeat 4-5 times

Ab Superset: Repeat this pair of exercises 4 times

25 Leg Raises 1 minute Superman

Exercise Tip: When performing leg raises, lay on back with feet straight up in the air, keep the core tight and lower the legs to about 6 inches above the ground and lift legs back up to starting point. Place hands under low back for extra support. ADVANCED HOLD ARMS UP IN THE AIR WITH A WEIGHT AND HOLD WEIGHT WHILE YOU LIFT AND LOWER LEGS)

When performing superman, lay on your stomach and lift shoulders, arms, and legs off the ground at the same time. This strengthens your core and lower back.


Friday: A 1 hour workout is 4% of your day.

At the Office: Move more! Make sure you are getting up to walk around every 15 minutes. Don’t sit too long at your desk!

At the Gym/Home:

Pyramid Sets- Perform 10 reps of each exercise, then 9 reps of each, then 8 reps of each, then 7 reps, etc. until you are performing each exercise with 1 rep each. The fewer reps of each exercise the faster you should move from one exercise to the next.

Pyramids for Time: Push-Ups (Drop to knees when needed) Bicycle Crunches ( on each side per count) Jump Squats Plank Walks (Drop to knees when needed; repeat all reps on same arm before going to the other arm) Forward Alternating Lunges (Count each leg per rep)

3 Mile Walk/Run for Time

(Keep Track of time on Pyramid and beat time every week)

Exercise Tip: Plank on hands and walk hands down to elbows and walk arms back up to return to start position. Repeat all reps on same arm before moving to the next arm.

Make sure even when doing a jump squat to have good form while getting the heart-rate up. Use arms to help lift yourself off the ground.


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