Aim High! Air Force WOD

This WOD is for time. At 3,2,1, Go and at the top of every minute complete 4 burpees then continue working. If the minute beeps in the middle of a rep, complete the rep then do the burpees. Modify the burpee to an up-down if needed. Move through the in order.

Load the to 95lbs for males and 65lbs for females, If you want more of a challenge use 115 for males, 85 for females. If you do not have equipment, choose an object that will be challenging for you to move through the reps. Modify movements as needed.

For the Team Challenge, one partner works at a time for the barbell work. *Both partners complete the burpees together.

KB= , DB=Dumbbells, BP=Backpack.

Contact ​[email protected]​ with any questions or for modifications.

With Without Barbells Team Challenge (2ppl)

4 Burpees every minute 4 Burpees every minute 4 Burpees every minute*

20 Thrusters 20 KB/DB/BP Swing to overhead 40 Thrusters

20 Sumo High pulls 20 KB/DB/BP Sumo Deadlift High pulls 40 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

20 Push Jerks 20 KB/DB/BP Shoulder to overhead 40 Push Jerks

20 Overhead Squats 20 KB/DB/BP Overhead 40 Overhead Squats

20 Front Squats 20 KB/DB/BP Goblet Squats 40 Front Squats

Semper Paratus! Coast Guard WOD

Coastie or not, complete this WOD and check-in to today’s Battle of the Branches WOD event to score 5 points for your branch!

For this workout, your goal is to accumulate as many repetitions as possible for each . Pace yourself and set a goal to hit the same rep count each time. If you start too fast, you will burn out.

Repeat each set the number of times indicated at the top. No rest between exercises, your rest is built in at the end of each set. Modify the movements as needed. You can perform different variations of push-ups and sit-ups for each set if desired. Record your total reps for each exercise and post your score to our event on the app, bonus for sweaty pictures!

Set 1 (2x) Set 2 (3x) Set 3 (4x)

1 min Air Squat 30 sec Air Squat 15 sec Air Squat

1 min Push up 30 sec Push up 15 sec Push up

1 min Sit up 30 sec Sit up 15 sec Sit up

1 min Rest 30 sec Rest 15 sec rest

Fair Winds! Navy WOD

This WOD is 5 rounds for time. At 3,2,1, “Go!” , cash in with a 1013 meter or run/walk/ruck. Once finished, complete 5 rounds of the farmers carry ( for no equipment), flutter kicks, hand-release push-ups and bear crawl. After 5 rounds, cash out with the 1775 meter row or run/walk/ruck. Move through the exercises in order.

The suggested weight for the farmer’s carry is 70/54 and scaled at 54/36 for male/female. Modify weights as needed.

For the Team Challenge, one partner works at a time. *Both partners complete the row, can work at the same time. Eagle Up!

KB= Kettlebell

Contact ​[email protected]​ with any questions or for modifications.

With equipment Without equipment Team Challenge (2ppl)

Cash in 1013 m Row Cash in 1013 m Run/Walk/Ruck Cash in 1013m Row*

25 m KB Farmers Carry 50 sec Plank 50 m KB Farmers Carry

10 4-count Flutter Kicks 10 4-count Flutter Kicks 20 4-count Flutter Kicks

10 Hand Release Push Up 10 Hand Release Push Up 20 Hand Release Push Up

25 m Bear Crawl 25 m Bear Crawl 50 m Bear Crawl

Cash-out 1775 m Row Cash-out 1775 m Run/Wal/Ruck Cash-out 1775 m Row*

Army Strong! Run

Can you best Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston's 2.45 mile run time? He threw down a challenge for the Army’s 245th birthday - a 2.45 mile run at maximum pace! Knock out the run and check-in to score 5 points for your branch today!

Semper Fi! Marine Corps WOD

This WOD is 1 round for time. This workout is designed to honor the Marine Corps, be challenging and fun! All movements are done in a 4 count manner. See below for movement descriptions and modify movements and reps as needed. If you are feeling gung-ho, complete as many rounds as the years that you served as a Marine!

11 Wide Push-ups 10 Donkey Kicks (each side) 11 Dive Bomber Push-ups 10 Dirty Dogs (each side) 11 Side Crunches 10 Back Extensions 75 Side Straddle Hops 11 Push-ups 10 Crunches 11 Side Leg Raises (each side) 10 Diamond Push-ups 11 Adductions (each side) 10 Lunges (each side) 75 Steam Engines 2.45 Mile Run/Walk/Ruck/Row

Pushups. ​Starting position is lying on your stomach with hands shoulder width apart, toes on the ground, and elbows, back, and knees straight. On the first and third count, lower the chest to the ground; bend the elbows to at least 90 degrees. On the second and fourth count, extend the arms back to the starting position. This exercise conditions the chest, primarily in the anterior shoulder region, and secondarily, the .

Crunches. ​Starting position is lying on the back with the bent to 90 degrees and the knees bent, feet off the ground. Bend the elbows to 90 degrees and fold across the chest or rib cage. On the first and third count raise the upper torso off the ground touching the thighs with the . On the second and fourth count, return to the starting position. The arms must remain in constant contact with the chest/rib cage when executing the . This should be done in a slow and controlled manner. This exercise conditions the abdominal muscles.

Dirty Dogs. S​ tarting position is on the hands and knees. On the first and third count raise the left leg to the side, while keeping the knee bent. On the second and fourth count return the leg to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the hip abductors.

Wide Pushups. ​Starting position is lying on the stomach with hands beyond shoulder width apart, toes on the ground, and elbows, back, and knees straight. On the first and third count, lower the chest to the ground, bending the elbows to at least 90 degrees. On the second and fourth count, extend the arms back to the starting position. This exercise conditions the chest, primarily in the anterior shoulder region, and secondarily, the triceps. With the wider hand position, the chest muscles increase their workload.

Dive Bomber Push Ups. ​Starting position is lying on the stomach with hands and toes on the ground, and elbows and knees straight. The hands will be slightly beyond shoulder width apart. The hips will be raised up and the shoulders will be behind the hands. On the first count, lower the chest down and forward to the ground, the shoulders will be even with the hands. On the second count, continue forward extending the elbows where now the shoulders are in front of the hands. On the third count, reverse the direction lowering the chest down and back to the ground, the shoulders will be even with hands. On the fourth count, continue back and up to the starting position. This exercise is done in a smooth, continuous motion. This exercise conditions the chest and anterior shoulder primarily, and secondarily, the triceps through a greater range of motion.

Elbow to Knee Crunches. ​Starting position is lying on the back with the right foot flat on the ground and the left foot crossed over the right knee, and the arms crossed over the chest. On the first and third count, raise the upper torso off the ground rotating to the left touching the right elbow to the left thigh. On the second and fourth count, return to the starting position. This exercise should be done in a slow and controlled manner. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the abdominal muscles with more emphasis on the oblique.

Side Crunches. ​Starting position is lying on the left side with the left arm across the chest and right arm along the side of the body. On the first and third count, raise the upper torso and feet off the ground sliding the right hand down the thigh. On the second and fourth count, return to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the abdominal muscles with emphasis on the internal oblique and external oblique.

Prone Flutter Kicks. ​Starting position is lying on the stomach. On the first count raise the left leg off the ground while the right leg remains on the ground . On the second count, lower the left leg to the starting position. On the third count, raise the right leg off the ground while the left leg remains on the ground. On the fourth count, lower the right leg to the starting position. This exercise conditions the muscles that extend the hip and back.

Back Extension. ​Starting position is lying on the stomach with hands behind the head. On the first and third count, raise the upper torso and legs off the ground. On the second and fourth count, lower the upper torso and legs to the starting position. This exercise conditions the muscles that extend the back.

Donkey Kicks. ​Starting position is on the hands and knees. On the first and third count, kick the left leg back and up straightening the knee. On the second and fourth count, bend the knee and hip bringing the left knee into the chest. The back should not hyperextend during this exercise. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the muscles that extend the hip.

Hip Adduction.​ The Starting position is lying on the left side with the right leg bent setting the right foot in front of the left knee. On the first and third count, raise the straight left leg off the ground squeezing the thighs together. On the second and fourth count, lower the left leg to the starting position. The left toes should be pointing straightforward not to the sky. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the muscles on the inner thigh.

Side Leg Raises.​ Starting position is lying on the left side with the left knee bent, the hip vertical and the toes on the right foot pointing forward not to the sky. On the first and third count, raise the right leg approximately 18 inches leading with the heel. The toes will still point forward, not to the sky. On the second and fourth count, lower the right leg to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise conditions the muscles on the side of the hip and thigh.

Steam Engines.​ Starting position is standing with the feet shoulder width apart and hands behind the head. On the first count, touch the right elbow to the left knee by bending and raising the left knee and twisting and bending the upper torso to the left. On the second count, return to the starting position. On the third count, touch the left elbow to the right knee by bending and raising the right knee and twisting and bending the upper torso to the right. On the fourth count, return to the starting position. This exercise should be done in a slow and controlled cadence. This exercise conditions the abdominal muscles, primarily the oblique, and secondarily, the hip and thigh.

Lunges. ​The Starting position is standing with the feet shoulder width apart and hands on the hips. On the first count, touch the right knee to the ground by stepping forward with the left foot and bending both knees. On the second count, return to the starting position. On the third count, touch the left knee to the ground by stepping forward with the right foot and bending both knees. On the fourth count, return to the starting position. Do not bend the forward knee more than 90 degrees. This exercise should be done in a slow and controlled cadence. This exercise conditions the muscles that extend the hip and knee of the forward leg.

Side Straddle Hops.​ Starting position is standing with the feet together and arms at the sides. On the first and third count, jump and land with both feet just beyond shoulder width apart while bringing the hands together overhead. On the second and fourth count, jump back to the starting position. This exercise is done in a smooth, continuous motion. This exercise conditions the upper arm, hip, and thigh.