Early Aptian Ammonites from the Top of the Maiolica and the Anoxic "Selli Level" (Lombardy, Southern Alps)
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Bollcm'no deb Societd Palcontolog'ca Italians 39 (I), 2000 ISSN 0375-7633 29-45 2 pls. Modena, Febbaio 2000 Early Aptian ammonites from the top of the Maiolica and the anoxic "Selli level" (Lombardy, Southern Alps) Giovanni LANDRA Fabrizio CECCA Zdenek VASICEK Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra UPRESA 6019 De artment of Geolo and Mineralogy Universiti di Milano Universite de Provence, Marseille Rining.~niversiry,%strava-~oruba KEY WORDS- Ammonoidea, Syrtematics, Biortratipaphy, Palaeoecology, Cretaceour, Aptian, Northern Italy. ABSTRACT- Thepaper deak with the description o Ea~lyCretaceous ammonitefaunarfrom black shale layers intercalated within thr transition bemeen thcMaiolica limemner and the mark of jheMarne di Bruntino Formation in a quarry nmr Cerana Brianza (Comoprovince, Northern Italyl. For thefirrt time in Italy ammonites have been collected ako in the regionale uivalent ofthe Zivello Selli': companding to the oceanic anowic event OAE la. The ammoniter studied have been mi ed to the Early $tian by meam ofintepated bio- and ma e tormtimaphv... , In ,fact, ammonite biortrati~anhic.. , markerr are scarce in a af$al~editerranean area such ar the Lombard" barin because noltmun~y,raw ,w rht rn~prz11 inJ rI,t;;,r~ a/ ~i?.q'~i~t..w;h D?o>,~ nlidir ,/I.iinn'ne .~b,~vlr.zr (.&z,I Xn~nrrhm a pzlan,nslz~gi,;rlp~,~nrI, z I, t , tno~ro, thr >nt<lrr.rnnrnu,trrr, iwJ n pir<,.i,rh n pc&t. rn~,d~o, ltf>.md som,r o/'rhew L <r? opponutwrr L<prv:<r~rordl,,.~<. In rh. 'III~PIIoid,' ino~r.rpru6.,b/i, ,Id uur r?.l,n t 1,r rtppzrp~rrr,,I rhr a.zm .olh,n,, RLASSUNTO - [Ammaniri dell'Apriano inferiore dal Top della Maiolica e dal "livello Selli" (Lombardia, Al i meridionali)] - Sono &crime le ammoniti del Cretacio Inferioreprermti in black ,haler inte~calatenell' intervallo tramizionale tra la Raiolica e le Marne di Bruntino di una succtssione csporta nella cava di Cerana Brianza (Como). Ammoniti rono state rinuenute anche nell'rquivalente regionale dd "LivrlloSelli", che corn> onde all'evento anorrico oceanico OAE la. In mancanza di marker biortratigaf;ci,the in unhrea meditenanra distale come il bacino Lombarf o rono rcarii a caw;? della stasi evolutiva nella maggioranza deipppi di ammonitiprerenti c della raritd di ra pre sentanti delkzfarni lis Dtrhaye~itidae,ascite a Cesam Brianza, lefaune raccolte rono rtate attribuite all'Aptiano inferior<in bare alle rcaibio: e mgnetostrafigra$che interate. Dalpuxto di II~tapaleoecoPLe loci~io" ad ammarziti sono prevabntementr inratzerizzate dafirme adutzate ad ambienti pelagici coon modo di vita svincolato r find1 marrnr e da forme oppormnirre (Le toceratoidinae). Lbrrociazione indicherebbr che durantr la drporizione del ZiveNo Selli"Ihnorria non doveva ra@ungere lapartr suptriore 2tlla colonna d'acgu. INTRODUCTION Marche region (Bersezio, 1994). In particular, some ammonites were also collected from within the LSE, The Lower Cretaceous pelagic successions wide- the first Italian ammonite record in this layer. spread in both Northern and Central Italy are The aim of this aper is to describe the ammonite remarkably poor in ammonites, a fact that prevented faunas recently colfected in successive layers, along a comprehensive calibration of both the detailed bio- with the previous findings, from Section C of Cecca stratigraphy based on calcareous and siliceous plank- & Landra (1994), despite the poor preservation of ton and m netostrati raphy to ammonite zones and the specimens and the impoverished character of the stage boun. arles On? y recently, some ammonites assemblages. were found in few sections from the Umbria-Marche basin (central Italy) within the Maiolica Formation, THE "LIVELLO SELLI" AND ITS EQUIVALENTS: which allowed us to place some firm ties such as the GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION AND AGE. HauterivianlBarremian boundary falling in magnetic chron CM4 (Cecca et al., 1994a). Some ammonites A prominent black horizon was identified at the were also collected (Cecca & Landra, 1994) from two transition between the Maiolica and "Marne a sections exposed in the quarries of Cesana Brianza, Fucoidi" pelagic formations in the Umbria-Marche north of Milan (Southern Alps, Northern Italy)'. The area (Central Italy) by Wezel (1985) and formalized ammonites indicate a late Barremian and possibxan with the name "Livello Selli" by Coccioni et al. earliest. , - ~~ Aptian age, while few ammonites of eaily (1987) as a regional marker-level. In the type area the Apt~anage were recorded in a third nearby section (= "Livello Selli" consists of laminated black shales rich Section C of Cecca & Landra, 1994). in organic matter, alternated with radiolarian silts. Its The Cesana Brianza sections s an the transition thickness ranges from 1 to 3 m and its carbonate con- between the Maiolica and Marue lI Bruntino forma- tent is dose to 0%. The "Selli Level" has been reco tions, which is characterized by the presence of an nized in other areas such as the Belluno Basin (norti: organic-rick black layer, identified as e uivalent of eastern Italy) in the Cismon section (Weissert,l989; the anoxic "Livello Selli" (= LSE) of t'2 e Umbria- Herbert, 1992; Erba & Larson, 1998), the Lombardy 30 G. LANDRA, F CECCA, Z VASICEK Text-fig. 1 - Location ma of the study area an8region- a1 geolo ical setting (above). batted: Qua- ternary sediments of ,the Po Plain; ruled: predominantly igneo- us and metamorphic rocks; plain (in the middle part of the sketch): Permian and Mesozoic sediments; dashed line: approxi- mate limit of Meso- zoic palaeogeo raphic wnes (Trenro flateau and Lombardy Basin). Below, topo ra hic map showing tte Lca- tion of the quarry; the asterisk indicates the studied section. basin at Cesana (Bersezio, 1994), and the Vocontian Bermuda basin, and Ocean Drilling Program Site Basin (southern France), where it was named "Niveau 641 - Galicia Bank), in Southern Atlantic (DSDP Go uel" (Brkhkret, 1988). Sites 364 - Angola basin and 511 - FalMand %he "Livello Selli", with similar lithological fea- Plateau), and in Indian Ocean (ODP Site 738 - tures (Corg- and radiolarian-rich laminated horizon) Exmouth Plateau). occurs in the same stratigraphic position also in the Although most of the localities mentioned above Pacific Ocean (Sliter, 1989) where it was recovered in belong to the Tethyan and oceanic tropical domains, the DSDP (Deep Sea Drillin Project) Sites 463 in analogy with the Austral ocean an equivalent of (Mid Pacific Mountain), 167 ?Magellan Rise), 305 this event seems to be present in the Boreal realm. (Shatsky Rise), and 317 (Manihiki Plateau). Or anic Jenkyns (1980) reported some discontinuous bitumi- rich layers, also called "black shales", are pecu Flar of- nous shales from the Lower Aptian of the North Sea the oceanic domain in mid-Cretaceous reen house" (data from Anderton et aL, 1979) and the Lower time; they occur as discrete layers an'i record the Aptian "Fischschiefer" from the Lower Saxony epeir- Oceanic Anoxic Events (Oms), the oldest of which ic sea (Germany) was suggested to be coeval and was indicated as OAEla by Arthur et al. (1990) and equivalent of the OAEla (Thurow & Mutterlose, coincides with the Selli Level. Bralower et al. (1994) 1993; Bersezio, 1994). The latter correlation, bowev- demonstrated that OAEla is present also in Northern er, is disputed by Kemper (1995), who on the basis of Atlantic (DSDP Sites 402 - Bay of Biscay, 417 - the data from Wiechendorf 1/86 borehole, suggested 4 APTLANAMMONITES FROM MIOLICA RND "SELL1LEVEL" 3 1 a brief heterochrony between the "Fischschiefer" and "Fischschiefer"inW~echendorf1/86 borehole (Cepek, the "Livello Selli", the latter having its time-equiva- 1995), and at the base of the DufreuoyiuJirrcata Zone lent in a higher horizon of the same borehole. (= Tropaeum bowerbanki/Dufenoyia spp. in Moullade The correlation between OAEla and the "Livello et al., 1998) from La Btdoule (SE France). Selli" is supported by bio- and magneto-stratigra hic According to Mutterlose (1992) and Keupp & data. The 'Livello Selli" from the Gorgo a Cer! ara Mutterlose (1994), the "Fischschiefer"~ans the inter- section (Umbria-Marche basin) (Lowrie et aL, 1980; val from the upper part of the Des k' ayesztes forbesi Lowrie & Alvarez, 1984; Channell et al., 1995), or Zone to the lower part of the Deshayesites deshayesi the "Selli equivalent" from the Cismon section and Zone and it is sandwiched by the FOs of the calcare- APTICORE (Belluno Basin, Venetian Southern ous nannofossil Fkzbellites oblongus and Rbagodiscus Alps) (Channell et al., 1995; Erba & Larson, 1998), angustus below and Eprolithus varolii and E. floralis and in the Cesana Brianza section (Lombardy Basin)) above. The FO of R. angustus is recorded at the (Channell et aL, 1995) as well as OAEla equivalents boundary between the D. weissi and D. deshayesi from the Pacific DSDP Sites 167 and 463 (Sliter, Zones at La BCdoule (Moullade etaL, 1988). 1989), all fall in the lower part of the Long All the data point to a late Early Aptian age for the Cretaceous Normal. "Livello Selli" and all the events related to OAEla. In terms of calcareous nannofossil biostratigra hy, (Text-fig. 2) all the "Livello Selli" and Selli equivalents from alf the localities mentioned above, then including the Pacific, DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDIED SECTION Atlantic and Indian oceans, fall in the upper part of the Chiartozygzu litteranus Zone, whose base is better The ammonites were collected from Section C of identified by the first appearance (FO) of Ruciuolithw Cecca & Landra (1994), located in the eastern part of irregularis, and just prior to the FO of Eprolithusflo- the Cesana Brianza quarry (Text-fig. I), that corre- ralis (see Erba, 1996 for a synthesis) (Text-fig. 2). sponds to the succession studied by Bersezio (1993, Concerning planktonic foraminifera1 biostratigra- 1994) and to the section named "Alpetto" by phy, the OAEla and the Selli Levels at the same local- Channell et aL (1995).