
Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan,vol.51(ll),p. 559-613 2000 ,

:Notes an且Comments

Da流abase of’the 我mmonoidsinJa腿n 一stratigralphic dlistribution and bib且iogra]phy一

Seiichi TosHIMITsul and Hiromichi HIRANo2

Seiichi TosHIMITsu and Hiromichi HIRANo(2000)Database of the Cretaceous ammonoids in Japan -stratigraphic distribution and bibliography一.Bκ1乙 G60乙 Sπ鰍ゆ硯v・1.51(ll),P.559-613,1 fig,19 tables.

Abstract:A database with a bibliography on the Japanese Cretaceous ammonoids has been made by the survey of various literature(Tables2-19).This database consists of a list of species,based on higher taxonomy of Wright8砲乙(1996),with their stratigraphic distribution data and a bibliog- raphy on them.As a result,it clarified that790species are detected from the Japanese Cretaceous deposits,and the species-diversity of the Cretaceous ammonoids in Japan changed cyclically, although the diversity of ammonoids in・the is much lower than the .Diversity changes are controlled by environmental changes,and therefore this database will be useful not only for stratigraphical and biochronological studies but also for paleoenviron- mental study of the Cretaceous Period.

genera and65subgenera were recognised in Arke11α α乙(1967),while684genera and l53subgenera were 1. Introduction recognized in Wright6厩孟(1996). Ammonoids are one of the most common fossil On the other hand,Matsumoto (1942e,1943, in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras.A 1954a)1isted many ammonoid species,obtained from great many species of ammonoids have been reported Japanese Cretaceous deposits, by :regional groups. until now,and it is said that the mmber of described Recently,Tanabeαα乙(2000)made a database of the ammonoid species in the world is greater than5,000, Cretaceous ammonoid specimens (about l500 in- or more than IO,000.Moreover,many unknown species dividuals,including about200type specimens)from will be found from now onward.Ammonoids are Japan and Sakhalin housed in the University Museum we11-known to be useful for biostratigraphical zona- of the University of Tokyo.However,a catalogue of tion and correlation,because of theiHemarkable evolu. all Japanese Cretaceous ammonoids was not made until tion and wide distribution.Besides,they are known to now.Therefore,we have surveyed records of all have been influenced by environmental changes,for Cretaceous ammonoid species from Japan from litera- which the term bioseismometer was intruduced by ture in geology,stratigraphy and paleontology。As a House(1989).We can expect to clarify the Cretaceous result,we made a list comprising about800am. environmental changes recorded in Japan and the monoid species with data of their stratigraphic distribu. Northwestem Pacific through the study of am- tions(Tables2-19). monoids(Hirano8オα乙,1999,2000). A catalogue containing all Paleozoic and Mesozoic 2. Database of the Japanese Cret&ceous ammonoid genera of the world,with their diagnosis, amm㎝oiαS was written by Arke11αα乙(1957).However,there This database is made up of a list of all Japanese is no catalogue containing all ammonoid species of the Cretaceous ammonoid species with their stratigraphic Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the world.After Arke11α distribution data(Tables2-19)and a bibliography on α乙 (1957),many new genera were added through them.We follow Wright6オα乙(1996)for higher many studies on ammonoids.Wrightαα乙(1996) taxonomy in this(1atabase.Stratigraphic subdivision of revised only the Cretaceous ammonoid genera.As far the Japanese Cretaceous System is based on Matsu- as the Cretaceous ammonoids are concemed,466 moto(1978c)and Matsumoto6渉α乙(1982)for the Lower Cretaceous,and Toshimitsuαα乙(1995a,b)

Geological Museum,GSJ Department of Earth Sciences,School of Education, Keywords:database,, Cretaceous, Japan, Waseda University,Tokyo,169-8050Japan stratigraphic disnribution,bibliography

一559一 Bκllεオ初げオhεGεoZog歪oαl S銘7η鯉げ」αメ》αη,Vb乙 51, !〉α11, 2000 for the Upper Cretaceous.However,the subdivisions α脚no歪pointed out by Matsumoto (1980), of the Lower ,Upper Aptian and upper part of ‘‘y罐oッα耀068郷乞5h乞乏α測α!’by Maeda(1993),and Lower Campanian Substages are modified in this Po4y少砂oん06εrα5 メ》5εz6409αz61扉n麗ηz by Okamoto and paper..For example,K3al and K3a20f the Lower Shibata (1997).However,we treated the related Aptian are united into one substage(K3al-2) (Fig. species to them as independent species in this da.tabase。 1),because・fthedifficulty・fbi・stratigraphically There is also a problem on sexual dimorphism be- higher resolution on this substage at the present.As tween the following two genera, M18肱舵5 and a result,the Japanese Cretaceous are subdivided into /1nα〆》α6hツ4Z56z6~ discussed by Cobban and Kenne(iy 31substagesinthispaper(Fig。1). (1993).We treated these two genera as indep6ndent Our term“species”mean not only paleontologically from each other in this paper.On the other hand, described ones but also undescribed ones such as the biostratigrαphic problem w&s recently pointed out ‘‘sp.nov.” and “aff.”.Both are reported in geology, by Naruse 6オα乙 (2000)。They reported that G側4 stratigraphy and paleontology journals and re1αted ぴ66rα5 hα刀zαn8ゑα6n36 and 。翫6hこy4乞56z45 ノγ6∬μ05μ5, magazines.Among these species,some species have whose ranges were previously regarded as late problems related to taxonomy and biostratigraphy。 Mαastrichtian,are early species based The taxonomic problem is of synonyms on Sオol舵勉宛 on the stratigraphical study of the Cretaceous of South

」&panese Stages&Substages sc田e

u. l l l l l l : : : : Up. K6b2 iii l : : : : L 1 : 1 : : Maastrichtian u. l l l l : Low。 K6b1 1 : 1 : 1 : : : : L : : : : : ;=…脳二…iii l : u. l l l K6a4 I l Up。 1 : : 『 1 : l L K6a3 I I : Campanian : : u。 K6a1-2iii ・欄培 1 1 1 ! 1 : Low. 1 : ==i=iGi=i=≡ : L K5b2 : の38題。δお鼠P .,;3:鵬:i Santor直an K5b! 9.==…=…:i;i :=i=…c…;…=… Up K5a2 ≡………ili…i…… …………………………… i Coniacian Mid。 …無……≡… ・掘:…:… 融1:1=1 K5a1 : 1『 Low. =:…:…‘…=…=≡ : 1 礁韓:OAE3 繍…= 1……i…嫁 ii…iil…1…1… Up K4』b3 Mid。 K4b2 ……i…iii…i…i ・紳…=…=… ::…=1‘1:…=1 LDW。 K4b1 騰 ……………臨 : : l : : u. K4a6 l 『 1 噸韓:OAE2 蕪華 Up. M. K4a5 : 1 : : L K4a4 : ; Mi(L K4a3 ii轟垂i 難ilil [ : u. …liiiiiiiii K4a2 -=:’=1===== 1 : Low, 1 K4a1 』.::≡‘…=…:… .::…=…=…:…: 蕪錨i : L I I l Up。 K3b3 1…………i…………… 隅… 灘箋 一・雨:噸嚇:OAEld i Mid. 1 : : : 畢08題ohQお30■ K3b2 鴫ll l l l 鴫ρAElc …iiiiliiiii I : : : Low. K3b1 磯: : : : 1 :磯:OAElb ==i=i‘i:i=i : : : Up K3a3-5ili 1 Aptian : : l l l Low. K3a1-2iii : : : 1 囎: : : : 囎:OAEla Up. …罫 i : : : K2b : : : i…i…ili…i…i : : : : Low。 : : : : ::1:::〕 K2a : : : 1 : : : : : : : Valan●nlan Klb : : : : Bcrriasian Kla : 、 1 1 1 0 20 40 60 80 100

number ofspecies

Fig,1.Changes of number of ammonoid species during the Cretaceous in Japan,Subdivision of substages are modified from Matsumoto(1978c),Matsumotoαα孟(1982)and Toshimitsu6厩乙(1995a,b).

一560一 D伽伽6げオh6伽鰭・%5㈱脚n・跳乞n鋤齪(乃5h伽オ5観n4H加n・)

Sakhalin by Maeda8厩乙(1995:0ral presentation). A.K,Moore,R.C.,Schindewolf,0.H.,Sy1. Moreover,the lower biostratigraphic resolution of the vester-Bradley,P.C.and Wright,C.W.(1957) Lower Cretaceous System in Japan is another prob- 丁紹αオ魏 on 乞n泥π66昭オ8勿160n6010gy,」%π五. 1em.Future studies are required to solve these prob. Mollz6s6α 4r G砂hαloρ04¢∠肋z刀zono弼6α GeoL lems. Soc。America,Inc.&Univ.Kansas,490p. This database can clarify the diversity of the Cobban,W.A.and Kemedy,W.J.(1993)The Japanese Cretaceous ammonoids,which consist of four UpPer Cretaceous dimorphic pachydiscid am- suborders,that is,Phyllocemtina,,Am- moniteハ46n%撚in the Westem Interior of the monitina and Ancyloceratina.The total number of United States.U S G80乙S祝澱,P7犀拓ρ., species is790(Table l).As preliminarily mentioned no。1533,1.14,14 pls. byHiran・6厩乙(1999,2000),speciesdiversity Hirano,H.,Toshimitsu,S.,Matsumoto,T。and (=number of species)of the Japanese Cretaceous am, Takahashi,K.(1999)Bioevents and paleoen- monoids is higher in the Lower Barremian,Upper Ap. vironmental changes in Mid-Cretaceous。Eo∬痂 tian to Lower Albian,Upper Albian to Lowermost 侮1α6・nよS・‘」砂αnク,no.66,47-49.[in ,Middle to Upper Turonian,Middle Jαpanese] Coniancian and Santonian Substages (Fig. 1). Hirano,H.,Toshimitsu,S.,Matsumoto,T.and Contrastly,the minima occur in the Lower Aptian, Takahashi,K.(2000) Changes in Cret&ceous Middle Albian,Upper Cenomanian,and Lower ammonoid diversity and marine environments of Coniacian Substages.As suggested by・Hirano66α乙 the Japanese Islands.Zn Okada,H.and Mateer, (1999,2000),the timing of these declines in species N.J.,eds.,α6嬬60%56π吻on耀n劣∫n∠45毎 diversity are comparatively harmonious with those of Developments in P&1eontology and Stratig- the Cretaceous Anoxic Events(OAE),except for the raphy,no.17,Elsevier,Amsterdam,145.154. Upper Albian Substage at the time of OAEld.Thus, Maeda,H.,Shigeta,Y.,Okamoto,T.,Hasegawa,T., this database could be the useful source of informa. Kase,T.,Futakami,M.and Uemura.,K. tion to analyse the environmental changes an(玉 res- (1995)Stratigraphy and fossil assemblages of ponse of the ammonoids. the Upper Cretaceous in the Makarov area, Sakhalin.ノ16鉱 1995/17zn。ハ48ε凌 ん伽80nム Soo Acknowle通gements:We express our sincere thanks J4ノ》αn,no.92,ll9.[in Japanese] to Emeritus Professor Tatsuro Matsumoto of Kyushu Tanabe,K.,Ito,Y.,Moriya,K.and Sasaki,T.’ University for his valuable suggestions and com- (2000) Database of Cretaceous ammonite ments.We wish to thank Dr.Fumihisa Kawabe of specimens registered in the Dep&rtment of His- W&seda University,and Dr.Satoshi Nakae and Mr. torical Geology and Paleontology of the Univer- Naotomo Kaneko of the Geological Survey of Japan sity of Tokyo. Un蝕ハ4徽,Uη加.To勿o, for their improvements of the manuscript. ハ44診67ぎαl R4》欧,no.37,509 p. Wright,C。W.,Callomon,J.H.and Howarth,M. K,(1996)丁名磁58・n伽6π66磁6刎6・n診・み References 081y, んπ L. ルfollz6soα イ(て7r6τ乞56ψ. Vbh6nz6 4’ (except for the literatures listed in the bibliography) C麟α680%5∠4郷隅ono認6砿 Geo1.Soc.America, Arke11,W.」.,Fumish,W.M,Kumme1,B.,Miller, Inc,&Univ.Kansas,362p.

Table1 Composition of the Japanese Cretaceous ammonoids.


genUS 6 19 163 93 (281)

species 24 7! 450 245 (790)

一561一 B%ll6だnρプォh6G60乙ogZoαl S%プηのρプ血ραn,Vb乙 51, 2〉α11, 2000

Table2 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution.


Suboτder 旧o, System 器骨 Supelfamily ぢ鼎o Stage Family Substage Sub£amily Japanesescale Genus s ec星es author Referen㏄s* Remarks PHYLLOCERATmA PHYLK)CERATACEAE PHYLLOCERATDAE PHYLLO(コERATmAE ’ap X Pa直schice!as onicum (Matsumolo)

Par!schi㏄fas sp・ X Phy11・㏄τasσ{yp・phy11・㏄一as) velledae (Michelin) X PhyII・。e!asσ{yp・phy11・㏄ras) yeharai (Nakai&Maおum・t・) Phyl1・oerasσ{yp・phy11・㏄聡s) X aff・yeharai (Nakai&Matsum・t・) Futakami(1996) o㏄uπen㏄froma£allingrock X Phy11・㏄ms(Hyp・phyl1・㏄ras) c£onoe皿se (Sta皿・n) horセon undecided X Phy11・oerasσ{yp・phy11・㏄ms) 誼。onoense (Stant・n) Shimizu(1931),ObataetaL(1975)

Phyllocerasσ{ypophy11・㏄ras) sp・

Phy11・oerasα{yp・phyll・㏄ras)(?) sp・

Phyll・ceτasσ{yp・phy11・㏄【as) n・sp・ Matsum・t・&Harada(1964) X Phy1L・㏄ras(Ne・phy11・㏄ras) aff.b屹onatus (Pe四inquiδre) HashimotoetaL(1965) ho!セon undecided X PhyU・㏄ras(Ne・phy11・㏄ms) seresltense (Pervinquiδre) X Phy重10㏄ras斜eophyllo㏄ras) 一amosum (Meek) X Phy11・㏄ras斜e・phy11・。ems) aff,ramosum (Meek) Matsumoto&Miyauchi(1984) X Phy11・㏄ms(Ne・phy11・oeras) 岨.subramosum (Spath) Matsum・t・&Obata(1956) horizonandlocahtyun㎞own X Phy11・㏄fas(Ne・phy皿・ceras) subramosum (Spath) X Phylloceras(NeophyI置・ceras) comp「essum (Matsumol・) horizonandloα曲yu血㎞own X Phy11・ceras(Ne・phyl1・ceras) C£surya (Forbes) X Phy1100ems(Ne・phynoceras) nera (Forbes) X Phylloceras(Ne・phy亜置ooeras) hetonaiense (Matsum・t・) X Phyllooeras(Ne・phyIlooeras) 誼.mikobokense (Collignon) M・r・zumi(1985)

Phyllo㏄ras(Ne・phy11・ceras) sp・

Phy11・㏄ras(Ne・phy11・㏄一as)(?) sp・

X Phy11・㏄rasωeophy11・㏄∫as) 臨(?)sp・ NishidaetaL(1993b) X Phy置lo㏄τas 証f.infUndibu置um (dOfbigny) Obata et a1〈1976),Matsukawa(1977,1983) X Phyllopachy㏄τas ezoe皿se (Y・koyama) X Phy亘10pachyceras folbesianum (dlOrbigny)

Phyl正opachyceras sp・

Phyllopachy㏄ras(?) sp・ CALLIPHYLLOCERATmAE X Calliphyil・㏄ras(?) sp・

Calliphy量10㏄ras sp・ X Holcophylloceras caucasica (Sayn)

Holcophylloce【as sp・

X Ptychophylloceras sp・ LYrOCERATmA LYTOCERATACEAE LYrOCERATIDAE LYrOCERATmAE X Lyto㏄fas beHiseptalum (Anthula) X Lyto㏄ras cf.tfaski Anderson Lyto㏄1as sp・ horセon undedded

Lyto㏄ras(?) sp・ hoπセon undecided X Ammonoceratites ezoensis (Yabe) X Amm・n・ceratites(Ammonoceratites) crenocosta加S ぴhiteaves) hoτセon un㎞own X Amm・m㏄τatites(Ammonocelatites) mahadeva (Stoliczka)

Ammonoceてatites sp・ X Aτ9・nauti㏄ras(?) sp。nov・? Futa㎞mi(1996)

歯9・nauti㏄皿S(?) sp・

X PicteUa sp・

Picletia(?) sp・ horセon undecided

X Protetτagonites sp・ TETRAGONπACEAE GAUDRYCERATH)AE X Eogaudryceras aff,aurarium (Anderson) Shigeta(1993) hOfセon undecided Eogaudry㏄ras sp・

Eogaudτyceτas(?) sp・ X Eotetτagonites aketoensis Obata&Futa㎞mi

Eotetfagonites sp・ X Anagaudry㏄ras sacya (Fo!bes) holizonundecided(pa鷲ly) Anagaudryceras ㎡f・sacya (Forbes) Obata&Muram・t・(1966a) X Amgaudryceras 誼。whitneyi (Gabb) Matsum・t・(1995),Futakami(1996) X Anagaudryceras madmspatanum (Stoliczka) X Anagaudry㏄ras howalthi Matsumoto X Anagaudry㏄fas 1imatum (Yabe) X Anagaudry㏄τas yokoyamai (Yabe) X Anagaudry㏄ras yamashitai (Yabe)

*:Referen㏄s afe shown only for unestablished species,such as『冒sp。no肌”and”aff.1『

一562一 D伽伽6げ診h6α伽66・%5α〃襯・n・跳乞nゆαn(τ・5h捌魏αn4研rαn・)


㎞weτCreta㏄ous UpperCreta㏄ous Ber. VaL Hau, Ba-re血an Aptian Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian L⊃w。 Up。 ㎞w. Up・ Low. Mid. Up・ Lower Mid. Upper Low, Mid. Up. Low.Mid. Up, Lower Upper bwer Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 肱 -a2 -a5 -a2

⑭ @ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭

麟 ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ @ ⑨ ⑲ @

一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一 ⑭ ㊥ ⑭

』㊥ ⑲ ⑱ @ ㊥ ⑳ ⑱ ㊧ ⑭ ⑫

⑱ 動 ㊥ @ ⑭ ㊨ ㊥ ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ㊨ 働 @ ? ㊥ ? ? ⑨ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊨ ⑫ ⑭ ⑭ 魯 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑱ ㊨ ㊥

⑳ ⑱ ㊥ ㊨ ㊥ ⑱ ⑳ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥

㊥ ㊥ ㊨ ㊥ @ 麟

㊥ ⑭

⑱ 一e一 一e一 一e一

一e一 一e一 一e一 ㊥ ㊥ @ ? ㊨ @ ㊥ ⑭

⑫ ⑳

一e一 一e一 一e一

⑱ ㈱

一e一 一e一

㊥ ⑳ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ⑱

一e一 一e一 ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ⑱ ㊨ ⑳ ㊥ ⑱ @ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ? ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑫ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥

LEGENDl ⑲l o㏄urren㏄of ident面ed speciesl ?;queslionab置e o㏄urrence ofthe noted species; 一e一:precise盟y ho血on un㎞own but possible o㏄urrence aτound hefe.

一563一 B%llα1nρプォh6G60乙og2041Sz6プワ6ッげ」αραn,Vb乙 5ヱ, 2〉α1ヱ, 2000

Table3 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Suborder 旧08閏冒O o婁牙o Syslem Supe血mily Stage Family Substage Subfamily Japanesescale Genus s ecies author Referen㏄S* Remarks X Anagaudfy㏄ras ㎡f,mikobokensis Collignon Matsum・t・etal〈1980c) X Amgaudfy㏄τas politissimum (Kossmat) X A皿gaudry㏄ras nanum Matsumoto X Anagaudry㏄ras matsumotoi Morozumi X Anagaudryceras tetragonum Matsumoto&Kanie

Anagaudryceras sp・

Anagaudryceras(?) sp・

Anagaudτyoeras sp・a Hashim・t・etaL(1965) Anagaudτy㏄ras sp・b Hashim・t・etaL(1965) X Miogaud!y㏄ras yokoii Matsumoto X Miogaud!y㏄ras sp・nov・(?) Nishida et aL(1993b),Matsumoto(1995)

Miogaudfyce1as sp・ X Gaudry㏄ras mite Hauer X Gaudry㏄罫as subGostatum Matsumoto X Gaud!yceras stefaninii Venzo

Gaudry㏄!as ㎡f.stefaninii Venzo Shigeta(1993)

X Gaudryceπas sp・mv・(?) Matsum・t・(1995) X Gaudry㏄ras denseplicatum (Jimbo) Gaudry㏄ras aff,denseplicatum (Jimb・) TambeetaL(1977,1978) X Gaudry㏄ras inteπmedium Yabe X Gaudryceras tenuiliratum Yabe Gaudry㏄ras 誼.tenuiliratum Yabe Matsumoto&Ka賃o(1984) X Gaudry㏄ras striatum (Jimbo) Gaudry㏄ras striatumpaucistriatum Matsumoto MS(nom。nudウ?;Matsumoto(1941,1995) Gaudfy㏄τas aff.striatum (Jimb・) Matsumoto&KaUo(1984),Mofozumi(1985) X Gaudry㏄ras crassicostatum (Jimbo) X Gaudry㏄ras vellustum Matsumoto X Gaudryceras mamiyai Matsumoto&Miyauchi X Gaudry㏄ras 屹umiense Matsumoto&Moτozumi X Gaudτy㏄ras hamanakaense Malsumoto&Yoshida referNa皿seetaL(2000) X Gaudryceras tombetsense Ma重sumoto

Gaudrycems sp・

Gaudry㏄ras(?) sp・ h・rizonundecided(pa貢1y) X Veπtebdtes kayei (Forbes) X Vertebrites 誼。kayei (Forbes) Matsum・to(1995) Vertebrites sp・ horセonand星ocalityun㎞own X Zeiandites inflatus Matsumoto Ze夏andites aff.inflatus Matsumoto Hifan・etaL(1977) X Ze置andites odiensis (Kossmat) Zelandites 証f.odiensis (Kossmat) TsushimaetaL(1958),IgietaL(1958)

X Ze監andites euτopae Wright&Kennedy X Ze且andites mihoensis Matsumoto horセon un(1ecided X Zelandites kawa皿oi (Jimbo) ’ap X Zelandiles o血cus Matsumoto X Zelandites va皿n丑 (Foτbes)

Zelandites sp・

Zelandites(?) sp・ X Kossmatella(Mu甲hyelia) enigma Matsumo重o,Mulamoto&Takahashi

Kossmatella sp・ horセon unknown TETRAGONITE)AE TETRAGON皿mAE X Tetτagonites c£kitchini (斑enke1)

Nishida et aL(1996,1997,1998b),Kawabe et aL(1996),Obata et aL(1981), Tetragonites aff,kitchini (Klenke1) X Obata&Futakami(1975) X Tetragonites c£kiliani Jaoob X Tetragonites aff.kiliani Jacob Has1頭motoetaL(1965) X Tetrago1通les 91abms (Jimbo) X Tetrago1埴tes eplgonus (Kossmat) X Tetragonites superstes vanHoepen X Tetlagonites popetensis Yabe τefeτNaruseeta1・(2000) X Tetragonites c£subtimotheanus Wiedmam X Tetragonites c£timotheanus (MayOf) X Tetragonites minimUS Shigeta X Tetπag・niles terminUS Shigeta Telragonites sp・nov・ Hirano etaL(1977)

Tet-agonites sp・

Telrag・・htes(?) sp・ X Saghalinites teshioensis Matsumoto X Saghalinites mpe「us (Hoepe① ho血on undecided

Saghalinites sp・

Saghalinites(?) sp・ X Pseudophymtes indm (Forbes) X Pseudophyllites C£teres (vanH・epen)

一564一 D伽6α56げオh6α蹴8・%5㈱解・n・雌乞nJ蜘n(乃5h枷蜘伽4研mn・)


LowerCreta㏄ous UpperCreta㏄ous Ber. VaL Hau, Bafremian Apt五an Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian Low・Up・ ㎞W. Up・ Low. Mid. Up・ Lower Mid. Upper Low. Mid。 Up。 Low.Mid. Up・ Lower Upper Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 1く5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 臨 -a2 -a5 -a2 @ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

⑳ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ @ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑳ ㊥ @ ⑳ ㊥ ㊨ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ⑭

⑭ ⑳ ㊥ ㊥

爾 ㊥ 麟 麟 麟 ⑭ 麟 ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ 爾 ㊥

⑱ ⑭ ㊥

? ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑱ @ ⑲ ⑯ @ ⑱ ⑭ ? ⑭ ⑲ ⑳ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑳ ㊨ ㊨ ⑱ ⑱ ㊥ ⑮ ㊥ ? ? ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑳ ⑭ 醗 ⑱ ⑭ ? ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ ⑧ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ @

一e一 一e一 一e一 ⑭ ⑬ ⑭ 翻

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ⑭ @ ⑭

? 一e一 一e一 一e一

㊥ ⑭ 鱈 ⑭ ㊥ 総 ⑭ ⑲ ⑭ ⑱

㊥ ㊥

⑲ ㊥ 翻 ㊨

⑭ ⑭ ⑳ ⑭ @ ⑲ ⑱ ㊥ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ @

⑭ ㊥ @ 一e一 一e一 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

⑲ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊨ ⑭ ⑬ ⑭

? 一e一 一e一 一e一 ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

一565一 Bκll8〃nρブォh6G160♂og16α13%7η受yρプ」αραn,▽~)孟 5ノ, ハ沼α11, 2000

Table4 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Suboτder System 旧o器題暑 Supe慮amily Stage Family Substage 房 Subfamiiy Japaneses㎝置e Genus s ecies author References* Remalks

Pseudophyllites sp・

Pseudophyllites(?) sp・ X Paralaube亘ella kawakitana Matsumoto X Palalaube茸e置1a aff.kawakitana Ma重sumoto Obata&Futakami(1975),Futakami(1996) X Pa向aube茸eHa zセoh Matsumoto,Yokoi&Kawashita

Pa向aubeれella sp・

Parajaube感ella(?) sp・ X Takahashia eureka Ma重sumoto GABBIOCERATmAE X Gabbioceras yezoense Shigeta X Gabbio㏄las mikasaense Shigeta X Gabbio㏄ras miche亘ianum (dOrbigny)


Ao・ne㏄ras(?) sp・

X Acone㏄ras sp・ B慨Yn『mAE X B・ris函ako㏄ras(?) sp・ PERISPHINCrACEAE PQLY盟YO旺n辱皿)AE SIMBIRSK∬mAE somewhatquestionable X Simbirskites(Milanowskia) sp・ 00STERELLDAE somewhatquestionable X Pseudosterella sp・ OLCOSTEPHANDAE spn¶ICERATmAE X Spiti㏄τas(Spiti㏄ras) 砿binodiger Uhlig s・mewhatquestionable X Aspid・stephanus(?) sp・ OLCOSTEPHANmAE X 〇五〇〇stephanus(Neoastieria) cado㏄roides (Karakasche)

01costephanus sp・ Sato(1958),Ta訟hashi(1973)

01costephanus(s・1〕 sp・ olc・stephanid HOLCODISCDAE

Holc・discus(?) sp・

X Holcodiscus sp・ X Parasaynoceτas sp・ NEOCOMITDAE BERRIASELLmAE X c£berthei Toucas Berriasella n・v,sp,ex・gLB・be曲ei Toucas Sat・(1958) s・mewhatquesti・mble X Be1【iasella 誼・patula Sc㎞eid Noda(1972) s・mewhatquestionable Berriasella sp・Bl?gr・up・fB・privasensis(Plctet)] Takahashi(1973) s・mewhatquestionable

Berriasella sp・ somewhatquestionable

X Substeuero㏄τas? sp・ somewhatquest童o皿ble X Protacanthodiscus akiyamai (Sat・) somewhatquesti・nable X Pmtacanthodiscus 誼.maIbosi (Pictet) Ta㎞hashi(1973) somewhatquesti・nable NBOCOM皿mAE somewhatquestionable X Thurmanniceτas isO㎞sense (Kobayashi&Fukada) Thu-man血ce!as sp・ somewhat吼uesti・mble somewhat吼uestionabie X sp・ X Pafaldlianella umazawensis Sato somewhat questionable X Sarasinella 証f。hyatti (Stant・n) Ta訟㎞shi(1967MSinOnuki・1969) so:newhat叫uesti・nabIe X ? sp・ X Lissonia sp・A Obataetai・(1975) Lissonia sp.B ObataetaL(1975) ENDEMOCERATINAE Takahashi(1967MS,inOnuki・1969) X Lytioo㏄ras sp・ X Bopoldia(?) sp・ X SuboosteτeUa(?) sp・ Neocomitidaege臨etsp・indet・A ObataetaL(1975) Neooomitidaege几e重sp,indet・B ObataetaL(1975) DESMOCERATACEAE DESMOCERATDAE BARREM皿mAE X Baπemites(Barfemites) strettostoma (Uhlig) X Baτremites(Bar-emites) d団ciiis (d’0πbigny) X Barremites(Barremites) otsukai (Yabe&Shim伽) Barπemites(Barrem重tes) sp・

Barremites(Barτemites)(?) sp・

一566一 Dα励α5εのん6α8鰭・%s㈱解・漉4伽鋤αη(乃5ん乞繍照観礁襯・)


加weτCてeta㏄ous Uppe【Cτetaceous Beτ. VaL Hau. Baπemian Aptian Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian Low・Up・ LDW, Up・ Low. Mi(1. Up. Lower Mid. Upper Low. Mid, Up・ Low.Mid. Up・ Lower Upper Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 晒 -a2 -a5 -a2 魯 ⑭ ⑳ ⑱ ㊨ 麟

⑳ 璽 ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥

⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥

⑱ ㊨

㊥ ⑱

⑭ ⑱ ⑱ ㊥

⑱ ⑱ ⑭

㊥ ㊨ ⑲ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ @

⑱ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑫

㊥ @ ㊨ 魑 ㊥

⑲ ⑭ @ ⑭ ㊨ ㊥

一567一 Bz61♂6〃nげ孟h6G:60Zog乞oαl Szびτ6ヒyげ」砂αn,▽b乙 51, ハ入αヱヱ, 2000

Table5 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Subo【de! System 駒o鴇胡 Superfamily Stage ”冒 り ① Family Substage 豊詠 Subfamiiy o Japanese scaie GenUS s ecies autho! References* Remalks X Ba【!emites(Raspaili㏄∫as〉 cassida (RaspaiD

Baπemites(Raspaili㏄ras)(?) sp・ X Barremites(Cassidoi㏄ras) aff.cassidoides (Uhlig) Obala&Ogawa(1976)

Barremites(Cassidoiceras) sp・

X Ba買emites(Reb・ulites)(?) sp・

Ba-remites sp・ POZOSImAE X Vaidedorsella a㎞schaensis (Anthula) X Valdedorseila getulina (Coquand)

Valded・τse置童a(Puezalpella) sp・

Valdedolsella sp・

Valdedorsella(?) sp・ X Pseudohaploceras nipponi㎝m Shimjzu ’ap X Pseudohaploceras onicum Obata&Matsukawa X Pseudohaploceras c£1iptoviense (Zeusc㎞er) horセonundecided

Pseudohaplooeras sp・

Pseudohap1・㏄ras(?) sp・ X Ca皿izo面ce-as(Ca11⑳嬉㏄!as) 証。hoye!i (Koencn) ObataetaL(1975) X Melchioτites yabei (Shimizu)

Melchiorites sp・

Melchi・rites(?) sp・ X P㎎osia c£mayo-ianum (dOrbigny) X Puz・sia(Puz・sia) subcorbaπica Matsumoto X P㎎osia 証f.subcOfbarica Matsumoto Obata&Fロtakami(1975),Futakami(1996) X Puzosia 厳f、provincialis (Par・m&Bonaτe1翌i) Matsumoto&Takahashi(in Matsumoto,1988) X Puzosia aff.mazambica ColHgnon Futa㎞mi(1996) o㏄uττen㏄fromafaIlingrock X Puzosia elegans Matsumoto X Puzosia oπientalis Matsumoto X Puzosia intefmedia Kossmat X P㎎osia c£manasoaensis Collignon X Puzosia ㎞ratai Tokunaga&Shimizu

Puzosla sp・

Puz・sla(?) sp・ X Hypelpuzosia tamon Matsumoto,Kawas匝ta&Takahashi X Hypelpuzosia sp・nov・ Futa㎏mi(1996)

Hypelpuzosia sp・ o㏄UπenCef10ma蚕alling10Ck

X Matsumotocems sp・ X Bhimaites takahashii Matsumoto X Bhimaites? kawai Matsumoto&Egasl丘πa X Mesopuzosia pac番ca MatsumGto X Mesopuzosia takahashii Matsumoto X Mesopuzosia ㎡f.chivensis (AI㎞anguelsky) Matsumoto&Ko㎞bun(in Malsumoto,1988) X Mesopuzosia indopac田ca (Kossmat) X Mes・puzosia yubarensis (Jimbo) Mes・puzosia aff。yuba!ensis (」圭mbo) Matsum・t・&Obata(1956) hoτizonandlocality副mown X Mesopuzosia densicostata Matsumoto

Mesopuzosia sp・

Mes・puzosia(?) sp・ X Pte-opuzosia kawashitai Matsumoto

Pteropuzosia sp・ X Pachydesmoceπas denisonianum (Sto匡i曲) Pachydesmoceπas aff,denisonianum Stoliczka) Hashim・toetaL(1965) Pachydesmo㏄ras sp4de面s・nianus一£oml Hashim・t・etaL(1965) Matsum・t・etaL(inMatsumoto, aff.kossmati Matsumoto ho-iz・nundecided(pa亘ly) X Pachydesmo㏄ras 1988),NishidaetaL(1996・1997) X Pachydesmoceras kossmati Matsumoto X Pachydesmo㏄πas pachydiscoide Matsumoto X Pachydesmo㏄1as mihoense (Matsum・to) Pachydesmo㏄τas aff.mihoense (Matsumoto) Matsumoto(198翫)

Pachydesmo㏄ras sp・

Pachydesmo㏄1as(?) sp・ X Epipuzosia maya Matsu皿oto&Kawashita X Jimboiceras P丘anu置at面orme (Jimbo) Jimboiceras sp・

Jimb・i㏄ras(?) sp・ X Austini㏄fas austeni (Shalpe) X AUSしini㏄【as niPP・nicum (Matsumot・) Austini㏄ras sp・ X Grandidieli㏄ras nagaoi Matsumoto&Sa正to X 踏tchinites即e・puzosia) ishikawal (Jimbo) referMaed段(1993) X 幽chinites(Neopuzosia) haboroensis Matsumoto&Inoma τefeτMaeda(1993) o㏄u-ren㏄flomafaHingrockl re蚕el 璋tchinitesαe・puz・sia) 証f.habOfoensis Matsumoto&Inoma ObataetaL(1978) Maeda(1993)

一568一 D伽伽8げオh8C厩α68・κ5α勉脚n・泌2nゆαn(τ・3ん翻醜αn4研r伽。)


Lowe1C!etaceous UpPeπCreta㏄ous Ber. Va1. Barremian Aptian Albian Hau. Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San。 Campanian Maasstrichtian L⊃w, Up. M孟d. Low・Up・ Low. Mid. Up・ Lowe! Uppef Low. Mid。 Up、 Low.Mid. Up. bwer Uppe! Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb 漁 K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 -a2 ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ㊨ ㊥ ⑭

⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱

㊥ ⑫ ㊧ ⑯ ⑱ ⑯

一e一 一e一

㊥ ㊥ ⑳ 爾 ⑱ ⑳ ⑲ ⑭ ● ㊤ ㊥ ⑭

⑱ ⑱ ⑫

● ⑱ ㊥ 鯵 ㊥ ㊧ ● ㊥ ⑱ @ @ ㊧ ⑳ ● ⑱ ㊥

一e一 一e一 一e一

㊥ ⑪ @

㊥ ⑳ ⑱ ⑳ ㊥ ㊨ ㊧ ㊥ ⑭ ㊧ ⑭ @ ⑱ ㊧ ⑬ ⑪ @ ● ㊥ ●

㊥ 働 ⑱ ② ⑫ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ @ ◎ @ ② ⑭ ⑭ ㊧ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥

⑳ 一e一 一e一 一e一

⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ㊨ ㊥ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ 醗 ⑭ ⑳ ㊨ ㊥ ⑭ @ ⑭ ? @ ⑭ ④ ⑱ ⑳ ㊥

㊨ ㊧ ? ㊥ 働 @

㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑳ ⑧ ㊨

一569一 Bz6116あnげオh6σ60Zog歪oαl Szびτ61yげ」ψ6zn,Vb乙 51, 2〉α11, 2000

Table6 List of ammonoid species and their stratigmphic distribution(continued)


Subordeτ 旧o$図 System Supelfamily Stage 一冒 O o Family Substage 当翻 Subfamily u JapaneSescale Genus s ecies author References* Remarks X Kitchi血les eopuzosia japonicus Spath fefe!Maeda1993

Kitchi血les斜e・puz・sla) sp・ BEUDANTICERATmAE X Uhlige匡置a matsushimensis (S雌miZU) Uhlige1重a(?) sp・ hO彪on unkmwn DESMOCERATmAE X Desmoceras(D㏄moceras) 1atidoτsatum (Micheiin) X Desm・oeras(D㏄m・oeras) 1atid・rsa血mcomplamtum Jacob X Desm・ceras(Desm・㏄ras) aff・1atid・rsatumcomplam加m Jacob Futa㎏mi(1996) X D㏄m・㏄・as(D㏄m・ceras) kossmati Malsumoto X Desm・㏄ras(D㏄m・㏄ras) 証f.kossmati Matsumolo Hayakawa&Nishino(1999)

Desmo㏄rasのesmo㏄ras) sp・ X Desmo㏄ras(Pseudouhlige星la) dawsoni Whiteaves X Desmo㏄ras(Pseudouhlige璽ia) dawsoni shiko㎞ense (Yabe&Shimizu) X Desm・ceras(Pseud・uhligella) c£vetUS MUlphy&Rodda X Desmo㏄ras(Pseudouhligella) japoni㎝m Yabe X Desmo㏄ras(Pseudouhligella) ezoanum Matsumoto X Desmo㏄1as(Pseud・u1Uigella(?)) poτonaicum Yabe

Desmo㏄ms(Pseudouhlige監1a) sp・

Desmo㏄ras sp・[simi匡art・D・daws・nishik・㎞ense】 NishidaetaL(1993a)

Desmo㏄【as sp・

Desmo㏄ras(s・1ウ sp・

Desmo㏄τas? sp・ X Microdesmo㏄ras tetragonaum Matsumoto&Muramoto X Tragodesmo㏄roides subcostatus Matsumoto 雌。Tragodesmoceroides subcostams Matsumoto Nis面aeta1・(1997) o㏄uπencefromafallingτock X Tragodesmo㏄roides matsumo重oi Hirano,Okamo重o&Hattori X Tlagodesmo㏄roides sp・A SekineetaL(1985) Tmgodesmo㏄roides sp・

Trag・desm・㏄roides(?) sp・ X Damesiles 1alicarinatUS Saito&Matsumoto X Damesites ainuanUS Matsumoto X Damesites 誼.a量nuanUS Matsumoto TanabeetaL(1977) X Damesites damesi (Jimbo) X Damesites damesi intermedius Matsumoto X Damesites 誼.damesi intermedius Matsumoto SekineetaL(1985) X Damesites semicostams Matsumoto X Damesites sugata (F・τbes) X Damesites 証f。sugata (Forbes) Matsumoto&Obata(1956),Obata et a1.(1973) X Damesites hetonaiensis Matsumoto X Damesites sp・B Sekineetal・(1985)

Damesites sp・ X Desmophy旺ites diphyll・ides (FOfbes)

Desmophy11ites sp・ HAUERICERATmAE X Hauericeras(Gardeniceras) angustum Yabe Haueri㏄ras(?) 溢f,angustum Yabe Matsum・1・&Y・shima鱈u(1982) X Haued㏄τas(Gard瓠㏄πas) c£τembda (Forbes)

Haueri㏄!as sp・

Haueri㏄fas(?) sp・ Desmocefatidaegen,etsp。indeL SILEsπE)AE X Silesites 慮.seranonお (dOrbigny) Obata&Ogawa(1976)

Silesites(?) sp・ X Miyakoceras tanohatense Obata X Miyakoceras a:㏄,tanohatense Obata Obata(1967b) X Miyakoce!as hayamii Obata

Miyako㏄ras(?) sp・

Silesitidaege几etsp,indet, KOSSMATICERATDAE MARSHALL置mAB X Hulenites 証f.alaskana (lmlay) Matsumoto&Haτada(1964),Obata&Futakami(1975) X Huleniles 臨spρ)岨・H・τeesidei (Anderson) Matsumoto(1978b) borizonundecided

Hulenites sp・

Hulenites(?) sp・ X Marsha11iles cumshewaensis (Whiteaves) Obalaeta1<1981),Ma!sumoto& Marshallites ㎡f.cumshewaensis (Whiteaves) o㏄urrencefτomafallingfock X Inoma(i皿Matsumoto・1991b) X Marshallites kossmati Matsumoto&Inoma X Maτshamtes 証f,hashimotoi (Matsum・t・&Inoma) NishidaetaL(1997) X Malshamtes oomp『essus Matsumoto X Marshamtes 0100stephanoides Matsumoto X Marshamles aff。oicostephanoides Matsumoto NishidaetaL(1997)

一570一 D磁6α5εげ疏εC㈱66・%5α蹴・π・協痂」α卿(τ・5配磁5婦雇研ブα吻


加weτC!eta㏄Gus UpperCretaceous Aptian Ber. Va1. Hau。 BaHemian Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San, campanian Maasstrichtian LρW, Up・ Low・Up・ Low. Mid. Up, Lβwer Mid, Uppe! L⊃W. Mid。 Up・ Low。Mid. Up・ Lower Upper Loweτ Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb 曲 K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 1く4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 -a2

㊨ ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭

一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一

⑭ ⑭ @

⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ? ㊥ @ ⑭ ㊥

㊥ @ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑱ 翻 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑯ 麟 ⑳ @ ⑭ ㊥ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥

⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭

噂e一 一e一 一e一 ⑭ 爾 ⑭

翻 ⑲ ㊥

一e一 一e一 一e一

⑱ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ?

⑭ ⑱ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭ 爾 ⑭ ⑲

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㈱ ㊥ ⑯ ⑭ ⑭

㊥ ⑱ ⑳ ㊥ ⑱ ? ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ 爾 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑲ ⑯ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ 魑

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑳ ⑱ ⑱

㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ 醗 ㊥ ㊥ ⑭

一e一 一e一

@ ⑭ ⑱ 爾 ⑭

㊥ ⑭

⑳ ⑱ ⑭ ? ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ @

一571一 Bκll6扉nげオh6G6010g∫oαl Sz67τ6ッ{ゾJi妙αn,Vb乙 5ヱ, ハ乙α1ノ, 2000

Table7 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Subαder 旧o器山4 System Supeぜamily Stage ’目 P o Family Substaσe 当翻 o Subfamily o Japanesescale Genus s ecies author Referenoes* Remarks X Malshallites hendeτsoni Matsumoto&Takahashi X Marshallhes aff.hendeτsoni MatsumotG&Takah且shi Matsumoto&Inoma(inMatsumoto,1991b),Nishida el a1〈1997) X Malshallites virgatoides Matsumoto&Takahashi X Marshalliles involutus Matsumoto&Saito X Marshallites rotundatus Matsumoto&Takahashi X Marshalllles miyakoensis Obata&Futakami X Ma-s㎞11ites(?) n・sp・ N治hidaetaL(1997)

Ma-shallites sp・

Marshalites? sp・ X Yeharaites canadensis (McLeam) X Yeharaites kobayashii Matsumoto&Takahashi X Yehamiles kawashitai Matsumoto X Ya㎞shiceras takahashii Malsumoto X Ma㏄a曲yites mikasaensis Malsumoto,Takahashi&Sanada Matsumot・&Takahashi(in X Ma㏄a直hyites ㎡f,mikasaensis Matsumoto7Takahashi&Sanada o㏄urrencefてomafallingrock Matsumoto,1991b) X Protokossmati㏄ras mdagascariense Collignon X Protokossmati㏄ras yezoense Matsumoto&Takahashi X Holcodiscoides aquaτIUS Matsumoto&Takahashi X Holcodiscoides pussilus Matsumoto&Takahashi

Holcodiscoides sp・ X Eogumarites uniCUS (Yabe) X Eogunmrites pentagonus Malsumoto&Takahashi X Eogunnarites sanadai Matsumoto&Takahashi X Eogunnarites hashimotoi Matsumoto&Imma o㏄uπen㏄fromafa11ingπock X Eogunnarites tanakai Hayakawa

Eogu㎜arites sp・

Eogu㎜ar三tes(?) sp・ ho血on undecided X Sou㎜aites alaskaensis (Matsumoto) X Sounnaites hok㎞lidoensis Matsumoto&Inoma X Sounnaites 証f.ho㎞i(loensis Matsumoto&Inoma Matsumoto&Inoma(in Matsumoto,1991b),Nishida et al〈1996) S・u㎜ites(?) sp・Ouvenile) X Mi㎞saites orbicularis Matsumoto X Eomadras正tes nipponica Matsumoto X Eomadrasites aff。nipPonica Matsumoto NishidaetaL(1996) o㏄u∬encefroma£alling rock X Eomadmsites subnipPoni㎝s Matsumoto X EomadrasiIes τobustus Matsumoto&Takahashi

Eomadrasites(?) sp・ o㏄ufren㏄from a£alling fock

●ap X We醍manites ・nicus Matsumolo,Takahashi&Sanada Ma路hallitimege几etsp・indet・,no肌(?) Matsumoto(1955a) KOSSMATICERATmAE X Kossmati㏄ras pachystoma (Kossmat) o㏄購encef!omafalling rock ’ap X Kossmati㏄fas onicum Matsumolo X KossmatiGeras sp。β証Kjap・面cum Matsumoto MatsumotoetaL(1957) X Kossmaticeras lheobaidianum (Stoliczka) X Kossmati㏄ras ㎡f.theobaldianum (Stoliczka) TanabeetaL(1977) o㏄uπen㏄fromafalhngrock X Kossmati㏄1as flexuosum Matsumoto Kossmati㏄ras sp・γ Matsum・t・etaL(1957)

Kossmati㏄1as sp・

Kossmati㏄ras(?) sp・ hoπセon unknown X Yokoyamaoceras omatum Malsumoto X Yokoyamaoceras minimum Matsumoto Yokoyamao㏄ras aff,minimum Matsumoto Obata&Futakami(1977) X Yokoyamao㏄ras kotoi (Jimbo) referMaeda(1993) X Yokoyamao㏄ras ’imboi Matsumoto re蜀erMaeda(1993) X Yokoyamaoceras mysticum Matsumoto X Yokoyamaoceras yokoii Matsumoto Yokoyamao㏄!as aff,yokoii Matsumoto Matsumoto(1991b) Yokoyamaoceras sp・a Hashim・t・etaL(1965) Yokoyamao㏄ras sp・b Hashim・t・etaL(1965) Yokoyamao㏄fas sp・ X Mao!ites sp・ X Pseudokossmaticeras yagii Matsumoto o㏄uπenoefromafallingrock CLEOMCERATn⊃AE X 珍conleites 直econtei (Andefson) o㏄urτen㏄fromafallingrock X Bτeweπi㏄fas enorme Matsumoto PAα{YDISCDAE X Tongobory㏄ras kawashitai Matsumoto X Tongobory㏄ms satoi Matsumoto o㏄uπencefromafallingrock Lewesi㏄ras(?)orTongoboryGeπas(?) sp・Guve血置e) X Nowakites mikasaensis Matsumoto X Nowakites yubarensis Matsumoto X Canado㏄ras yokoyamai (Jimbo)

一572一 Dα診α6α56げオん6σ紹如060z65αηzη30no乞45歪n Jと4》αn (7b5hズηz露5z64n4研名αnρ)


LowerCreta㏄ous UpperCreta㏄ous Barremian Aptian Ber. Va1. Hau, Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian Up。 Up。 bw,Up。 Low. Low. Mid。 Lower Mid. Upper Low. Mid. Up・ Low.Mid. Up・ Lower Upper Lower Uppe! K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb 肋 K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 -a2 ㊥ ㊥ @ ㊥ ⑭ ⑫ 幡 ⑭ ㊥

⑱ 翻 ㊥ ⑭ ? ⑱ ㊥ ⑲ ⑭ ㊥

一e一 一e一

@ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

⑭ ⑱ ⑳ ㊥ ⑳ ⑲ ⑭ ⑫ ⑱

魑 ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑳ ㊥

一e一 一e一 一e一

㊥ ㊥

鯉 ⑭ ㊨

一e一 一e一 一e一

締 ? ⑭ ⑭

㊥ ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ⑫ @

爾 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ 働 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑱ ㊥ ㊨ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥

一e一 一e一

一e一 ”e一

⑱ ⑱

一e一 一e一 一e一 一er 一e一 一e一 一e一

一e一 一e一 一e一 禽

㊥ ⑱ ⑭

一ep 一e一 一e一

⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

一573一 B%ll6あnρプォh6G6010g乞侃15zぴη釧ρプJlαψαn,Vb乙 51, ハ汚α11, 2000

Table8 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)

List ofammonoidspecies-7一

Subo-deτ 旧o器国冒O o2静o System Supe癒amily Stage Fa㎡1y Substage Sub蚕amily Japanesesca置e Genus s ecies author Referen㏄s* Remarks X Canadoceras kossmati Matsumoto X Canado㏄ras multicostatum Matsumoto X Canado㏄τas mysticum Matsumoto X Canado㏄てas comp「essum Matsumoto X Canado㏄ras minimum Matsumoto&Miyauchi X Canado㏄ras tanii Matsumoto&Moτozumi X Canado㏄ras C£oottreaui Comgnon horizonu血㎞pwn

Canadoceras sp・ X Teshioites ryugasensis Matsumoto X Teshioites teshioensis Matsumoto Teshi・ites(?) sp・ horセon undecided X Patagiosites 1aevis Morozumi

Patagiosites(?) sp・

X Menuites dl.menu (Fo・bes) localityun㎞own ’ap X Menuites onicus Matsumoto X Menuites pusillus Matsumoto X Menuites 証f.sturi (Redtenbacher) Matsumoto(1955b) X Menuites sanadai Matsumoto

Menultes sp・

Menuites(?〉 sp・ ho!izonundecided X Anapachydiscus sutneri (Yokoyama) X Anapachydiscus de㏄anensis yeZOenSiS Malsumoto Anapachydiscus 誼・de㏄anensis yezoensis Matsumoto Futakami(1986a) horセon undecided X Anapachydiscus c£de㏄anensis (Stoliczka) X Anapachydiscus斜eopachydiscus) ぬsclGos蝋US (Yabe) X Anapachydiscus(Ne・pachydiscus) 証f,fascicos!alus (Yabe) Toshimitsu(1988) X Ampachydiscus(Ne・pachydiscus) naumami (Y・k・yama) X Ampachydiscus(?) subtililobatus (Jimbo)

Anapachydiscus sp・

Anapachydiscus(?) sp・ horizon undecided

X Pseudomenuites sp・ X Eupachydiscus keramasatoshii Matsumoto X Eupachydiscus ha【adai (Jimbo) X Eupachydiscus eshioe皿sis (Jimbo)

Eupachydiscus sp・ X Urakawites rotalimldes (Yabe) X Urakawites aff.binodotus (Whiteaves) Matsum・t・(1955b) X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) aw司iensis Morozumi X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) 誼・awaliensis Moτozumi M・r・zumi(1985) X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) kobayashii (Shimizu) X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) exce豆SUS Matsumoto X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) f1eXUOSUS Matsumoto referNaruseetaL(2000) X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) a任,烈eXUOSUS Matsumoto Matsumoto et a1く1979),Matsumoto&Mofozumi(1980) X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) hidakaensis Malsumoto&Kanie X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) subcompressum Matsumoto X Pachydiscus(Pachydiscus) 誼・subcompressus Matsumoto Morozumi(1985) X Pachydiscus soyaensis Ma鱈umoto&Miyauchi X Pachydiscus sahekii Matsumoto&Miyauchi X Pachydiscus preegeれoni Co匡lignon X Pachydiscus c£suciaensis (Meek) X Pachydiscus c£buckhami Usher horセonundecided X Pachydiscus(Neodesm・ceras) gracilis Matsumoto ’ap X Pachydiscus(Neodesmo㏄ras) onicus Matsumoto Pachydiscus(Ne・desmo㏄皿s) sp・Guvenile) X 砿Pachydiscus ootacodensis (Stolicz㎏)

Pachydiscus sp・

Pachydiscus(?) sp・ MUNIERICERATE)AE X Muniericeras(?) sp・ PULCHELLIACEAE PULCHELLIDAE X Nicklesia(?) sp・ X Pulchellia ish}doensis Yabe&Shim伽 X Pulche1里ia compressissima (d『0-bigny) X Pulchelliaσ{einzia) c五provincialis (d’Orbigny) horizonundecided Pulchellia(Pulchellia) sp・

Pulchellia sp・

Pulchellia(?) sp・ HOPL『ACEAE HOPL皿DAE ANAHOPUTmAE horizonundecided X Anah・Plites(?) sp・

一574一 芭8 ぺo℃図 中 @ 目.雪三.目渥認曙Σ あ1 φ ⑳ ⑱ ⑳ ⑳ ㊥ ◎ ⑭

あ1 あ1 お3β 一8霞 G・ ㊨ 鯵 ひ・ ⑱ ⑱ @

占1 @ φ ⑭

寸邸o図 あ1 お畠畠⇒ @ φ ㊧ ㊥ 醗 醗 φ

唱笛’日鑑暮ωQ 馴ら8属 あ1 あ1 @ @ ⑫ ⑱ ⑭ @ ㊥

3 需唱 占『 お33 ㊥ @ ⑭ @ ⑭ ⑭ @ ⑳ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ 曾 ⑭ 鵬 φ ㊨ ⑳ § 逞1 s塗

雨 ひ・ @ ⑭ ⑳ ひ・ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ 目重 ‘雨の 61 ミ ⑭ 留 ㊥ 醗 ⑱ φ ⑭ ㊨ ㊥ 曽 認設 讐。8馨6お&D氏o あ『 § φ @ ㊨ 養 唱.曽呂’ヨoQ .§ 虐Σ蓉3 庸§ ⑭ 餐 § 吟ρ寸図 ) 或⇒ 目に眉9β↑ § 頂Σ Nのマ図 -卜-ぎ署名滋2三亀島咽一毒の

奪 ま3 一ρ寸図

.ミ o專図 養 曽 δ お儀畠⇒鴇葭 ゆ § 唱“■ヨ雨…i9δ寸專図 1 ミ ミ 魅 漠Σ劇り專図 偽 § o N專図 題 お33 穏 庸彦 δ 6⇒ 29 φ ミ 虐Σ 雪9 精 胃馨〜 中 b ぎ3 お霞 麩 φ 曽 義⇒ 心 目聲㊧盤鴇 電 旨08ε田Qお孕Q日91 § ぎβ 一 N僑 吋 q 霞1

…… 4Pぎβ φ 藝 鯉 ㊨ ⑭ φ ⑲ ⑭ ㊨ ρq

5国頃 § 濤> 自鵠

sの 謡図 Bμll8海n (ゾオん8 G80Zogfoαl Sκ7η《ソげJl砂6zn, Vbム 51, !〉α11 2000 ,

Table9 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Subolder 旧o器図 System Superfamily Stage 臼鐸 O o Fami正y Substage 婁駐 o Subfamily Japanesescale Genus s ecles author Refefen㏄s* Remarks HOPL皿mAE X HopE置tes[o-Epileymeτiellal sp・ hoPlitid gen.etsp。indet ¥、、. SCHLOENBACHIDAE X Schloenbachia sp・ PLACENTICERATIDAE X Metap重a㏄ntioeras subtilistriatum (Jimb・) X HoPlitopia㏄nt量ceπas mo両u Matsumoto X HOPlitOP盈acentioeras 釦gen Matsumoto ?ENGONOCERATDAE X PIati㎞emiceτas caseyi Matsumoto X Engonoceras aff・stoHeyi (Boe㎞) Tashiro et a1.(1980a),Tana㎞et aL(1984) Eng・n・㏄ras(?) sp・young HoPlita㏄aege几etsp,indeL ACANTHOCERATACEAE H3YMERIEU■DAE ?Proleymeriella sp・ Obata&Matsumot・(1977) mt血llyiden面ed X Epileymeriella aff.hitzeli (Jacob) Matsum・toetaL(1980b) BRANCOCERATDAE BRへNCO(コERATmAE X Hysteroceras orbignyi (Spath) X Hystero㏄ras subbinum Spath X Hystero㏄ras cfl bucklandi (Spath) X Hystero㏄ras aff.ca!inatum Spath Tashiτ・etaL(1980a) Hystero㏄ras sp・A Tashir・eta1・(1980a) Hystero㏄ras sp,B Tas1雌roetaL(1980a)

Hysterocefas sp・

Hysteτo㏄ras(?) sp・

X Neokentroceras sp・ MOJSISOVICZmAE

Oxytropido㏄ras sp・

Oxytr・pidoceras(Adkinsites) sp・ X Oxytr・pidooeras(s・sウ aff・r・Bsyanum (d,Orbigny) Obata&Muram・t・(1966a) X Oxytfopidoceras(Manuani㏄τas) 証.elaboratum Young Futakami(1982) X Dipoloceras pseudaon Spath X Dipoloceras C五stdgiIis (Hoepen) X Dipoloce!as ㎡f.cristatum (Deluc) Futa㎞mi(1996) X Dipoloceras 証f.bauchardianum d’Obigny) Futa㎞mi(1982) X Dip・100eras(Dip1・㏄ras) cLfredeficksburgense Scott X Dipolooeras(DipIasio㏄ras) sp・nov・(?) Matsumoto&Obala(1982a) X Dip・1・㏄ras(Diplasi・㏄τas) tosaense Matsumoto&Hirata

Dipolo㏄ras? sp・ Mojs鱈ovicziimegen etsp。indet. horizon undecided MORTONICERATmAE X M・質・niceπas(Mo亘・価ce!as) IostYatum (S・we・by) X Mo孟・ni㏄πas(Mo丘oni㏄τas) c£geometτicum Spath X M・灯・ni㏄ras(Mo亘oni㏄ras) c£sto墨iczkai (Spath) X Moロ・ni㏄ras(Mo践o血㏄ras) aff.inflatum (S・werby) ObataetaL(1981) X Mo直oni㏄ras(M・鷲onioe・as) c£minor Spath X M・質・ni㏄ras(Mo質・血oeπas) c£pri㏄i (Spath) M・丘・ni㏄τ圏(M・亘・ni㏄r麗) a㏄、血ulemm (A皿derson) Obata&Matsum・t・(1977)

M・丘・ni㏄τas(M・質・ni㏄ras) sp・ X M・丘・血oeras(Deirad・㏄ms) 証f.va血o(losum σ{oepen) Nishidaetal〈1996,1997) X M・鷲・血oeras(Deirad・㏄ras) 証f.balmatianum (Pictet) Obata&Futa㎏mi(1975,1977) X M・丘・ni㏄ras(Dei-ad・㏄ras) devonense Spath X M・丘・血ceras(Deirad・㏄ras) 証f.albense Spath Obata&Futakami(1975,1977) X Mo亘onicefas(Deiπado㏄ras) bispinosum (Spath) X M・虞・ni㏄fas(Deirad・。eras) 証f。besaklei Co1置ignon Obata&Matsumoto(1977),Matsumoto et a1〈1991)

Mo亘oni㏄ms(Deimd・ceras) sp・ X M・丘・niceras(Duranovarites) c£subquadratum (Spath)

M・質・nioeras(Duran・varites) sp・ X Mor【oni㏄τas dl.kiliani (Lasswitz) Moltoni㏄ras sp・[similarto Cantab・subsimpiex or C・mino-1 Matsum・t・etai<1991)

M・嬬・ni㏄1as(s・1) sp・

Mortoni㏄1as sp・ Mortoni㏄ratinae gen.etsp,indet. o㏄u∬e皿㏄flomafamngrock

Go・dha夏lites(?) sp・

X Neohalpocefas(?) sp・ X Prohystero㏄ras(Goodhaliites) 証f.candolhnum (Pictet) Obataeta1・(1981) Prohysleτo㏄τas sp。indet。 X Cantabrigites imaii (Yabe&Shimizu) X Cantabτigites subsimplex Spath

Cantabrigites sp・

一576一 Dα励α56げオh6α蹴66・%5伽脚n・酪歪n吻αn(乃5h乞吻魏αn4研名8nρ)


Lower Creta㏄ous Upper Cfeta㏄ous Ber. Aptian VaL Hau. Baπemian Albian Cenoma【盛an Tu!onian Coniacian San, Campanian Maasstrichtian Low・Up, Low, Up・ Low. Mid. Up, Lower Mid. Uppef Low, Mid. Up・ Low.Mid. Up, Lowe1 Upper Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 Kla K6a1 Klb 幽 K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 -a2

⑭ ㊥

⑭ ⑱ ⑱

@ ③ @ ⑭

④ ⑱

一e一 一e一 一e一

一e一 一e一 一e一

⑤ ㊤ ㊦ ⑤

⑱ ㊥ ⑧ ⑭

⑰ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥ ㊧ ⑫ @

一e一 一e一 一e噂 一e一 一e一 一e一

⑭ 爾 ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ 麟 鐙 愈 ⑭ ⑱ @ ⑳ @ ㊥ ㊥ ⑳ 留 ⑭ ⑭ ⑲

一e噂 一e一

⑱ @ ㊧

⑳ 鯉 留 ⑱

一577一 B㍑ll6あnげ孟h6G8010g乞oαl Sz6プ汐《yρプ」αραn,Vb乙 51, ハ汚o。11, 2000

Table lO List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Subo!der System 廟o,鴇図冒O o当翻o Supe血mily Stage Family Substage Subfamily Japanesescale Genus secies author Refere蝕ces* Remarks X Algeri㏄ras proratum (Coquand) X Euhystπichooeras nicaisei (C・quand) Euhystrichoceras sp・ o㏄urτen㏄丘omafal豆ingτock一 LYELLICERATE)AE LYELLICERATINAE

X Pr・lye11i㏄ras? sp・ X Lyelliceras c£1yelli (dOrbigny) Lyelliceras sp・ o㏄u【【en㏄fτomafa11ing【Qck STOHCZKAlmAE X Neophlycticeras 証f・spathi Breistπoffer Obata&Futa㎞mi(1975,1977) X Neophlyctioeras 証f。blancheti (Pictet&Campiche) NishidaetaL(1997)

Ne・phlyctioe!as(?) sp・

X St・1icz㎏ia(St・1iczkaia) ㎡f。dispar (dOrbigny) ObataetaL(1981) X St・1icz血ia(St・1i伽ia) cfclavigera Neumayr o㏄urren㏄加mafa亘1ingfock X St・hcz畑ia(St・1icz㎞ia) aff・tetragona Neumayr Matsumoto&lnoma(1975) o㏄urren㏄flomafamngτock X St・1icz畑ia(St・1iczゆia) yezoana Matsumoto&lnoma o㏄ur-en㏄fromafaHingτock X Stoliczkaia(Stoliczkaia) dorsetensis Neumayr X Stoliczkaia(bmnaye服a) amami Matsumoto&Inoma refbrMa捻um・t・(1980) X Stoliczゆia(hmnayella) sanctaecatherlnae Wright&Kennedy X Stoliczkaia(bmmyeila) C£juigneti Wright&Kemedy X St・1i昭ka重a(Lamnaye皿a) aff.concinna (Chihac) Nishidaeta1・(1996) X St・1i伽ia(Shuma血aia) hashimotoi Matsumoto&lnoma X Stolicz血ia(Shuma血aia) asiatica Matsumoto&lnoma

Stoliczゆia(Shumarinaia) sp・

’ap X Stoliczkaia onica (Matsumolo) re勘Matsumoto(1980) Slolkz監aia SPP・

Stolicz血ia(?) sp・ Lye皿iceτatid?indeL horセonun㎞own FLICKIIDAE SALAZICERATmAE X Ne・sayno㏄ras(?) sp・ hoτizonundecided FHCKlmAE X Ficheuria pussilia Matsumoto&homa FORBESICERATDAE X Forbesi㏄fas 1argi11ie茸ianum (dOrbigny) X Foτbesi㏄ras mikasaensis Matsumoto X Folbesi㏄ras c£obtectum (Sha・pe) X Forbesi㏄ras beaumontianum (dDrbigny)

Foπbesicems sp・ ACANTHOCERATIDAE MANTELLICERATmAE 置ap X Mantelli㏄【as onicum Matsumoto,Muramoto&Takahashi X Mantelliceras aff、japonicum Matsumoto,Muramoto&Takahashi Matsumoto&Takahashi(1992) X Mantelli㏄ras dl.couloni (d’Orblgny) X Mantelliceras cantianum Spath X Mante皿i㏄fas saxbii (S㎞rpe) X Mante豆li㏄ras brazoense B6se MantelliGeras sp・A Obata&Mumm・t・(1966a) Mantelli㏄ras sp,A曜 Obata&Muπam・t・(1966a) Mantelli㏄ras sp・B Obata&Muram・t・(1966a) Mantelli㏄ras sp、BI Obala&Mumm・t・(1966a) Mantelli㏄てas sp.C Obata&Muram・t・(1966a) Mantellice-as sp.Cl Obata&Mu皿m・t・(1966a) Mantelli㏄ras sp・(gr・upofM・saxbii) Nishidaeta1・(1996) Mantelliceτas sp.・fma而mpmylgf・up Hashimotoeta置・(1965) X Mantelliceras(?) 皿gaoi Matsumoto7Saito&Fukada ho血onundecided

Mantellice!as sp・

Mante皿㏄τas(?) sp・ ho血onundecided

”Submantelliceπas” sp・ NishidaetaL(1997) c£”Ammonites aumalense” Coquand NishidaetaL(1997) X UtatUfi㏄1as cf,diSQoidale X Utaturi㏄ras vicinale (Stohczka) X Utaturi㏄ras n・sp・ NishidaetaL(1996) Utaturice-as sp・ X Glays・血tes woold愈ge重 Young X Graysonites a(lkinsi Young X Graysonites aff,adkinsi Young Matsumoto&ln・ma(1975) X Graysonites cf』ountaini Young

Gτayso血tes sp・

Graysonites(?) sp。indet。

Gmys・nites(?) sp,indet,β Ma鱈umoto(1960) X Shalpeiceτas mexicanum (B6se) X Sharpei㏄ras moαしmbiquense (Cho価at)

一578一 加励α56げ診h6α8競6・%5α彫解・n・銚Znゆ磁(乃5h翻魏αn4研名㈱)


Lower Cτeta㏄ous Upper C!eta㏄ous Be1. Va1, Hau. Baτremian Aptian Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian Low・Up。 Low. Up・ Low. Mid, Up・ 加wer Mid。 Upper Low. Mid. Up・ Low.Mid. Up・ Lower Upper Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb ゆ K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 一a2 ⑭ ㊥ ㊥

一e一 一e一

⑭ 齢

麟 ㊥ ㊥ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ? 魯 ⑭ ⑱ ⑱ ⑭ 爾 ⑭ @ ㊥ ⑭ ⑯ 薗

一e一 re一 一e一

㊥ ㊥ 麟 ⑳ ⑭ @

㊥ 鐙 ⑭ 鯉

@ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑯ ⑳ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭

一e一 一e一

一e一 一e一

麟 ㊥ ⑳ @ ⑭ ㊥ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥ ⑳

一579一 Bκllεだ冗qプ診んεGεolog∫6αl Sz6プ刃εッ(ゾゐψαn,▽b乙 51, 2〉α11ラ 2000

Table ll List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued).


Subolder System ぢの Supe【臨amily Stage .o純解 Famiiy Substage Subfamily Japanesesca亘e Genus s ecies author Referen㏄s* Remarks X Shalpei㏄ras ki㎞ae Matsumoto&Kawashita X Sharpeiceτas f10【encae Spat虹 X Shalpeiceras kongo Matsumoto,Muramo重o&Takahashi ACANTHOCERATmAE X Acompso㏄ras 1enevieri (Sha・pe) X Acantho㏄ras ood皿gefum C1ick x Acantho㏄ras rhotomagense (B一・ngnia茸) X Acanlho㏄ras (Spath) bOfセonundecided

Acanlho㏄ras sp・ X Cumingtonioeras takahashii (Matsumoto) X Cun!血gtoni㏄ras c£diadema (Spath) X Cuming10ni㏄ras meridionale (Stoliczka) X Cunningloni㏄ras amphibo夏um (Morfow) X Cu㎜ingtoniceτas 延f。inerme (Pe四inqui色re) Ma鱈umotoetaL(1957,1989c) o㏄瞭enceftomafa1Iing1ock X Cu㎜ingtoniceτas cumingtoni (Shalpe) Cu㎜ingtoni㏄τas aff。㎝mingtoni (Shalpe) Matsum・t・&Obata(1982b) X Cumingtoni㏄一as lonsdalei (Adkins) X Cu㎜ingtonicelas aff.10nsdalei (Adkins) Matsumot・etaL(1989c) X Cumingtonice皿s asura (Matsumoto&Muramot・)

Cumingtoni㏄ras sp・

X Protacantho㏄ras sp・ X Sumitomoce!as faustum Malsumoto&Muramoto X Watin・㏄ras(?) sp・ somewhatquesti・mble X Calyo・㏄ras(Calyco㏄τas) c£naviculare (Mante11) X Calyc・ceras(Calyco㏄ras) 証f。naviculare (Mante11) Matsumoto(1975少1982¢)ラMaIsumoto et aL(1991) X Calyc・ceras(Calyco㏄ras) bathyomphalum (Kossmat) X Calyc・㏄ras(Newboldiceras) newboldi (Kossmat) X α}1yc・㏄fas斜ewboldice1as) vergonsense (Colligmn) X CalyooceτasC灯ewboldi㏄ras) asiaticum (Jimbo) X Calyc・ceras(Newboldiceras) Ofient昂1e Matsumoto,Saito&Fukada X Calyco㏄ras(Newb・1di㏄ras) spi皿osum (K・ssmat) X Ca正ycoceras cfl stoliα己kai Collignon X Calyoocelas sp・nov・aff・C・cπassum Thome1 Matsumot・(1975) Calycoceras sp・nov・(?) Matsum・toetaL(1957) horセon unknown

Calycoce-as(Newboldi㏄πas) sp・

Calyco㏄ras sp・

Calyco㏄ras sp,indet・α Matsumot・etaL(1957) Calycoσeras sp.indeLβ Matsu・notoetaiく1957) Calyc・ceτas(?) sp・young X Tunesites(?) sp・young X Eucalycooeras 砿spathi (Co1匠gn・n) Eucalyco㏄ras 証f。spathi (C・11ignon) Matsulnoto(1975),Matsumoto et aL(1991) X Eucalyoo㏄ras pentagonum (Jukes-Br・wne) X Eucalyooceras(?) aff。coiiignoni (Fabτe) Matsum・t・&Kawan・(1975) X Pseudocalyco㏄ras demo皿ense (Moreman) EUOMPHALOCERATINAE X btzeites abeπans (Kossmat) X Euomphaloce!as septemse亘atum (Cragin) X Kamenmo㏄ras turoniense (dDlbigny) X 1くamenmo㏄ras shimizui (Matsum・t・) Kameruno㏄ras sp・ X Pseudaspido㏄τas nexuosum Powe11 X Pseudaspidoceras sorac麺ense Matsumoto&Hashimoto X Pseudaspidoceras regina Matsumoto,珂ishima&Miyauchi Pseudaspido㏄ras 漣f.footeanum

Pseudaspid・㏄τas(?) sp・ (Stoliczka) Matsum・t・eta1・(1978a) horizonandlocalilyun㎞own X Romanicelas sp・nov・ Matsum・t・&Suekane(1987) X Romanicems deverianum (dOrbigny) X Romanicelas Omatissimum (St・1icz㎏) o㏄uττen㏄from a£allingrock X R・mani㏄ras ln・gen・?】 aequicostatum Matsumoto X R・ma価cems(R・mni。e!as) sp・n・v・(?)証・㎏11esi (Z剛o1ka) Matsu皿・t・(198箆) Romani㏄!as sp・

R・ma血ce!as(?) sp・ X Neomphaloceras pseudomphalum (Matsumoto) X NeQmphalo㏄1as costa鵬m (Matsum・t・&Kawas姐ta) X Yubariceras cf,kanei (JoneS) ho!セon unknown Yubaricems ㎡f.kanei (Jone勢 Matsumoto&Y・shimatsu(1982) X Yubari㏄ras yubafense Matsumoto,Saito&Fukada X Yubaτ藍鈴ras 証f.adkinsi (JQ螂) Matsu皿・t・etal<1957,1969) X Yubaficeras japo血cum Matsumoto,Saito&Fukada X Yubari㏄【as 証f.laponicum Matsumoto,Saito&Fukada Matsum・t・(1975) X Yubariceras otatumei (Matsum・t・,Sait・&Fukada) X Yubariceras 魚lishimai Matsumoto

一580一 一189一

㊥ ㊥ ⑭

㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭

一〇一 一〇一 一〇一

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑲ ⑭

一〇一 一〇一

⑭ ㊨ ⑯

⑲ ⑳ 鱈 ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥

⑳ ⑭ ㊥ ⑲ ⑭

⑰ 醗 ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑳

⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭

一〇一 一〇一

働 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

隔9一 一〇一

⑱ ⑭

一〇一 一9一 一〇一

⑭ ⑲ ⑭ ⑱ ⑱

! 一a一 一〇一

細 ㊥ ⑭

⑭ ⑭

z2一 ∫2一 ZE一 zqgx Iqgx εロgx εqツx 一qヤx 9εめ1 ∫Bウx ウEセx εEセx IEウヨ 悌gx 一聡gx zq劔 Iq∫xZB∬ IE甥 zqウx ZEラx εq窃zq窃 一qεx qzx qτx BIx εE窃一B田 剛 ユoddn 」0酷α1 玲温α1 ’dn ’dn ’P耳N エoddn 玲ddn OP喜N 温α1 o酷α1 ●P煕 」0品α1 odn ’P駅 ◎踏α1 ’dn ひ温α1 ■dn ●品α1 UEl川91ηss¢ロN u2卿E改Uり ’u聡s u2PE即OD UB四〇m工 犯IUB田ouOD u2IqIV UEpdv UE四〇」犯a 。n2H ◎IBA 。エoa sno9つEloりエoddn snoaつEloり」0触σ1


(0πη郷〃吻n解解戦乙)μ吻μ!騨・%・脇昭握n・∂9即り9解ρ卿9η7ησ Bz611εオ初αヂ診h8G80♂og乞6αl Sz6プη8ッげ」砂ごz循 ▽b孟 51, 1〉α11, 2000

Table12 List of ammonoid species and their strαtigraphic distribution(continued〉


Subo!der System 旧o器図 Supe血mily Stage ㌧冒 O o Fami量y Substage 眉翻 Subfamiiy o Japanesesα11e Genus s ecies author Ref¢一ences* Remarks X Yubari㏄1as sp・nov・(?) Matsum・to(1975) Yuba【i㏄ras sp・ o㏄Uπenceffomafallingrock

Yubari㏄ras(?) sp・ X Obiπa㏄【as omatum Matsumoto X Shupaτocelas abei Matsumoto X Shuparo㏄fas yagii Matsumoto MAMM∬mAE X Met・io・㏄τas(?) sp・young hQ-izonundecided X Mammites aff.nodosoides (Sch1Uteτ) Matsumoto(1991a),Matsumoto eta1.(1991) X Mammites sp。nov,? [d遜erentfrom M aff,nodosoidesI Matsum・to(1991a)

Mammites sp・ VASCOCERATDAE X Vasco㏄ras durandi (「h・mas&Peτon)

Matsumoto(1973),Tanabeeta里く1977),Matstumoto&Mu【amoto(1978), Vasco㏄fas ㎡f,durandi σh・mas&Peπoの X Sekine et aL(1985),Asai&Himno(1990),Nishida et a1,(1996)

Vasco㏄ras sp・ X Neoptychites cepha置olus (C・u質i量1er) X Fagesia thevestensis (Peτ・n) ’ap X Fagesia onica Matumoto&Muramoto X Fagesia spheroida鉦s Pe四inqui己τe X Fagesia dl.rudm (St・1iczka)

Fagesia sp・

Fagesia(?) sp・ PSEUDOTISSOTE)AE HOURCQUINAE X Hou!cquia mirabi1is Collignon X Houπcquia kawashitai Matsumoto&Toshimitsu X Hourcquia ingens Co旺ignon o㏄urfen㏄fromafailingrock X Hourcquia hataii Hashimoto o㏄u∬en㏄ffomafallingrock COUJGNOMCERATE)AE COLLIGNONICERATmAE X Collig皿oni㏄ras sp・nov・(?) MatsumotoetaL(1966) X Colhgnoni㏄1as woollgari (Mante11) X Collignoniceras bravaisia訟um (d-Orbigny)

Col旦ignoniGe伽 sp・

Collign・ni㏄ras(?) sp・ X subp亘・mcyclus minimUS (Hayasaka&Fukada) X subprio皿ocyclus neptuni (Geini吃) Subprionooyclus? sp・A Obata&Futakami(1975) Subprionocyclus? sp・B Obata&Futa㎏mi(1975) Subprionocyclus? sp,C Obata&Futa㎞mi(1975)

Subphonocydus? sp・

Subprionocyclus SPP・ X Lymani㏄ras planu匡atum Matsumoto X Plionocyclus novimexicanUS (Malcow) X P童ionocyclus aberτans Matsumoto X Prionocyclus cobbani Matsumoto X P亘Gnocyclus 瓢sp。aff。P・一eesidei S藍dewel1 M鵠umotoeta1〈1981a)

Prio皿ocyclus sp・ X Prionocyclo㏄ras sigmoidale Matsumoto X P-ionocyclo㏄【as ㎡f。Ient重 (Geτhardt) Matsumoto(1965a),Ma鱈umoto et al、(1981d) X Prionocyclo㏄ras wτighti Matsumoto X Prionocyclo㏄ras matsumotoi Futakami X P【ionocyclo㏄ras obatai Futakami Prionocyclo㏄てas sp・ Collignoni㏄τatidaege血etsp。indet, BARROISICERATINAE 酢ap X Ni㏄foro㏄ras(?) ・而cum Matsumoto Ba∬oisiceras sp・ X Barroisice!as onilahyense Basse X Ba∬oisioeras(Bass・㏄1as) inomatum Matsumoto

Barroisi㏄ras(7) sp・ hOfizonundecided X Reesidkes Iams Matsumoto&Obata

Reesidites sp・

Reesidites(?) sp・ X Forresteria petroooτiensis (Coquand) X Foπestelia harlei (deGrossouvre) X Folresteria 誼,itwebae Hoepen T・shimitsu(1985) X F・πesteria(Folresteria) a且亘uaudi (B・ule,Lem・ine&Th6venin) X Forresteria(F・πesteπia) yezoens三s Matsumoto X F・rresteria(F・Hesteria) muramotoi Matsumoto X F・rresteria(Forτesteria) 誼.muramotoi Matsumoto Telaoka&Oba血(1975)

Folresteria(F・rresteria) sp・

一582一 内討 ω9

内ぎ <塾

頃帥F 臣 9妻qマω騨馨自 ざミRoお冨82ω 葦 .き

ぎ率 1寄 魯鼠昌 m P N 一 b 1寮 oマ 禽 臥巴 & 寄亘零華 禽 ≧ぎ昌 偽 竈誌 ζす 亀 困巳 ¢マ 罫 軸

閤台一 ぎ∈震 9 溶台N §

囚むい Oo目旨帥i s ζす §

内盆轟 ωマ豊函β℃匡o島湾き昌δ昌1一一1臼瓢

…. 国昌 ミ ミi 釜臥q-唱震 爾 §

〆轟”ひ ミ 認 騨 GQ 悶轟ご一冒華 ミ’ ゐ1 ⑭ 鯵 ⑭ ⑫ @ ⑭ @ ㊥ 爾 ㊥ ⑭ 爾 愚 ㊥ 鯵 I 月目……目 溶轟ごN ζす 61 @ ⑫ ㊥ ⑳ ⑭ ㊥ 傷 @ ㊥ @ ⑭ ⑫ ⑭ ⑭ ξ .即昌 寮蕊 q掌 § ㊨ ⑫ ⑱ ⑱ 爾 ⑭ 麟 ㊥ ⑬ ㊥ ㊥ ㊨ @ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ 翻 φ ㊥ 鯵 ⑭ ざ華蜜すq℃℃Roδ冨82口o ( ㊨ ⑭ φ 齢 @ @ φ 霞昌 § oo臣 罫 §’ ⑱ ⑳ ㊥ 醗 φ 留 醗 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊨ φ .四9 履昌 .即P qマ 蕊 ⑭ 鯵 φ 爾 φ 黛 葦一 もo国昌 a 竈誌 蔑 冒≦R 韓 9ξ霞 1象 iii 馬呂 囚ひ巴 ご℃℃R.き 亀


賊ひσ一零ミR ζ国島筥馨

・匿… 囚9N q℃唱Ri 一㌃89一

s田oつOQべqロ lUmzO」ONηOlOUms↓EPV S隅oI画聡 X ヨVMDSIqON阻HdS ・ds (乙)SE」9つ耳luη X 鯉NI.LVHヨDI脳田 av⊂DSlqON宜HdS (乙)SE」9つ耳P町aq 010Ums写2N 田nOiuodB. X ・ds EIIo肥酷EIoq X (EO乙6一)0即ns享明 Iuo算Ed’JJ巳 BIIglI聞sn∀ papPopun uoη」oq 8uno入 X UOU8HIOD llouo四田 so‡誓q四〇N X (qε96一)BIEqoηOl・孤ns1駅 UOU8llIOD 喜1ロO」EddBr∬ 鋤四BAga X (U・U8耳II・D) 1べ㎝εpuoO Jつ SB」9DIUOγOUIqns X (o脚隅畷) 1讐問町 U拙O卿mUOZIエ0“ 騨EUIヨ姻 X 塑0エ8UI凹E皿0導99Ug」」ng90 0喜OUms↓BN I」Olg降四つS JO s9騨EXgloIs9【d X (8unoゆ Slsロoo四S JO s91Iu2xoIo耳99Id X POPPopunuo410q 010UmSIEN 研gugozoべ s9四Ex司o耳s9Id X papPopunロoη」oq (咽田聾sη・qω 町suoq罫{s田BS s9卿2xalo耳seId X (o脚ns1咀〉 sm研02d s9卿2xalOlse【d X (べ1喜E8) 四5鳴s sa卿EXOlo喜sgld X (EP服曙) 四es¢酷剛 s9卿Bxo享Olgald X ・dg (乙)sa↓IUEX9エ

・ds se卿BX9工 (・q昭ゆ SlsuosnヨB田E (鋤脚XOJ)s9即xaエ X 五po㎜o》1η』08u耳DI 脚u8IHoo (sa即EXOJ)s・卿Exaエ X 即n8E」EHηOIOUmSl隅 照㎜べ (鋤脚XOJ)騨uex・エ X 巳86一ン1脚lul彫1n豆 (U」叩o況OUBIa) llOAllo’」葬 (鋤即XOJ)s叩BX・エ X (886一)qnznsη1田珊n豆‘(EO乙6一)・脚ng剛 (馴・即01POU) snsopouonbUゆ◎即 (鋤脚xOJ)so薯脚xoエ (馴02qu91pa琶) snsopougnbUlnb (sa即EXOJ)騨UEX・エ X (886一)Pl㎜脚Im即↓nJ 」O冒Ul田継pauロa】 SlIBηsnE’」葬 乙sO耳U¢xo写E犯d X 8uno入 IspエEII99’P (so馴㈱qBエEd)s9}脚xo享B工昭 X (エgqOEquo‡POH) sq馴8」BUIo即gs (s∂馴BAgqB」2d)s叩exa12」Ed X 010Ums坦W sIsugBS町μ (SO爬xo脚d)so四2x9;E」Ed X POPPopun uo周工oq 010田ns3BN 1010【UBm田 (sa1脚x卿Ed)s叩BX・孕E」Ed X OloumSl2N snssO」du江oo (sa卿BX9即d)SOIμBX・辱E」Ed X (886一)隅1田四s・エ (gq⑳ sII町u91エo含」翼 (覇脚X91E犯d)so事脚X・享EエBd X (gq切 SII叩oμo (s9脚xo即∂s9岬X・19」Bd X (996一)nS脚四soエ ns11u照sOJ, 9SU90Joq閃OJJロ SBJOつOloqEH X nSll田四sO工 OSU90」0“U{ s田ogoエoqEH X 010UmSIB】〈【 sn田卿『㎝ (騨U㈱101N)SOI脚X・享・』d X ・ds (乙sO即X9卿V)s9馴EXOlo』d

し861)・凹OIu周E事n旺 (咽皿四sηgqω 耳μoロOJJ日 (so即ex9燭v)so卿日XOloエd (呵田lqsηoqω 耳μou (s3即囎卿V)SOIPBXgl・」d X (986一)隅μ四soエ (岡田川sη9“ω 要¢魚咽q。」葬 (s・即xo脚V)sa即Bxo纂・1d (岡咽sη・qEゆ 喜E酷岡『耳 (s9脚X・即V)鰍甲Exolo』d X 010Ums享EN 喜咽田qsμUBluoq (SO筆甲2×91・エd)S∂脚XOlOエd X dnO」OBUIl瞬ngq即o』」‘[画u川Sl孕u2‡uoqぐd)’d=乙] (・エAn・ss・・DgP) pUEluoq tP (so1即XgP」d)so1脚X910紐 POPPopmuo叩oq (η鰯q) 馴EUEId (職脚X・写O」《)so1即xa10」d X 鯉NI皿N∀xa工 oq巳入 umJEJ 駝工ODIJOF{lnED X 0專OUmSIEW 田nsOPOUlq S田9Dμ頭iqSI X (o專oum町明) a2P聡酷 (S郡9つ喜nlnz)s田9つμO」Od X @qo即o写pou) 田npI、oodo耳d堕 (SEエ3つ1叩z)s田9つ翼o縄 X (o写oums↓明) Il』0田o (seloOlnlnz)馴go甲O」9d X (o車o田隅明) sna‡OJd (s田GつlnInz)s聡工oつ四〇』Od X U飢0呵un uO4エOU 岡u照sηoq2入 lE酢畷四甲 (SBエ9つ甲o・Od)SE」9つ四〇19d X (・喜oumg1咀) 1町四B (SBユaつ甲・・Od)SB」9つ甲019d X 耳00』8UIIIεJEUIOエ」OOUOI」mつ0 (旦q琶D〉 osugUI馴oγJD (む凹9つ即・」Od)田」9D四〇」・d X 況oo』宕uHIEJ2ulo導9つuolmつつo (q∫96τ)・脚ns剛 (馴OEquglPOH) 18即9・ZO-dO∬e(乙)・AOU’ds (SE瑚UOlad)SB」0つIu・・9d X POPP9りunuo410q (P-86一)・IE1・・;・ums享¢N uodgOHU2A 皿n郡ooべIBId’卿 (S田oつPOI3のSBm即O」Gd X PgPPopunuoηloq OlO田BmNη0写omnSlBN gsロo肥q㎜⊆ (SE周UOlad)se闘u・・Od X 0孕0田EmNηoP田nS囮N 田n‡BI (se19σ四〇エ9d)saooμ・」・d X a∀M、LV琶aDINOヨHd nSIμ川SO.Lη010Ums事EN Umss∂ld田oo s田9つ耳s耳0畑qopnOSd X 噸{UFIs 耳OB8eα 駝工goISIO爬qopmSd X 町00」8U聾1卿田OIJOOロO」moOO uo喚110D OSUOEOSUUEUI s郡09罫oqH入 X 噸uI1qsηE8EU呵oエ oIBI9叩o SE」0つpqB入 X POPPgpun uo馴oq ・ds Eμ91sal』〇五 ・ds (s91PII2正DEμalgoエ』Oi ヨ00」8UlI凹E{肛o』Joou9エmつつo 010田μ{SEH 1隅閃 (so耳eIIEH)9μe專s9エエo直 X 町JE田o冠 *soouO玲耳OH 10Ψne saPg s snUOD OIBつsoseUEdEf ベ1∫u町qns o 愚冨 o鋤sqns ベ1興E証 ①o 自,〆 o挽享s ベ1μ甲gdns 臼一〇 噛 田o享sべS エepエoqns


(P・n卿・D)u・pnq耳ηsIP・叩B」8耳Bηs」P甲puBsepedspI・u・田田B」o年sl江 εlelqBJン

0008‘π璽‘τ9矧初御ρ島α耀87吻8・70∂θ∂雛ρ卿371ng 穴討 田鐸

閤ぎ く鎮

国国F 竪 零奎qマ切田お巨 ぎミRoδ富82切 馨 .目

零華 一蚕 >薯奮 N毘 b 」竈 qサ 禽 軌巴 詠 翁三9多 毯 と鼠昌 軸 困話鼠す 駄

寮9 qマ 導 軸

内畠一 冒ξ窪 9 囚むP §

悶台い oo昌o目9 s 蜜す 婁

隣 N轟”轟 ρ2 ω貫豊菌冨℃匡o急

.”昌 ミ ミ 悶台軌q℃憎震 § ミ. 囚台ひ 誘 .象誉&δ昌一NI 騨 ㎝ 課斜げ一 零華 ミ0

月96巳 囚轟げN 家す ξ .国” 内轟げωqマ § ㊨ 『華家すご℃唱Roお雷80房 ( ⑭ 霞匙 § oo昆 、φ 罫 ゐ1 61 61 .帥9 §◎ ㊧ ⑭ ⑱ φ φ ㊨ ⑭ ⑪ 麟 .帥昌 §’ 医母q掌 6鵬 61 ゐ1 ゐ1 占1 防 ⑭ φ ㊥ ⑭ @ ⑭ ㊥ 薗 φ φ φ ㊥ 爾 黛

霞9 の曽P 占1 あ一 ゐ1 黛 @ φ φ ㊥ φ φ ⑭ 萄 ㊤ 働 ⑱ @ ㊥ ⑳ ⑳ ㊨ ⑱ ⑦ ⑳ φ @ ⑭ ⑱ ⑧ 麟 ⑱ ㊥ ⑫ ㊥ ㊧ 麟 @ ㊥ ㊥ φ 宏冨 ミ φ ㊥ ⑱ φ φ φ ⑫ ㊧ ⑫ ⑭ 9巧R 聖 鐙N ド 9暑置 鰯 ㊨ § N診い q唱℃R.き 亀

悶α帥轟 歯

閤9一 冒≦9 竃国島象韓

・盛… 囚ひげNq℃℃Ri Bκllα1nげ診h6G60Zogfoαl Sz67τ8ッげ」6ψαn,Vb乙 51, ノ〉α11, 2000

Table14 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Suborder System 旧o ・困 Supelfamily Stage 図實 O o Family Substage 当房 ⇔ Sub蚕amily JapanesesαIle Genus s ecies author Refe-en㏄S* Remarks ANCYLOCERATmA ANCYLOCERATACEAE BOC日L梱πDAE PROTANCYLOCERATmAE X Lepto㏄ras c£pumilum (Uhlig) ho血on undecided bpto㏄ras sp・ horセon undecided;tentatively identi]巨e〔1 BOCHLAN】TmAE X Bochianites(?) sp・ X Kabylites(?) sp・ B・chianitidaegen。etsp、indet. ANCYLOCERATDAE CRIOCERATπmAE X Cτi・㏄ratkes(Cri・㏄πatites) c£koechlin1 (Astief) X Cri・㏄ratit㏄(Paracri・㏄s) asisticum (Matsumoto)

Cてi・㏄mtites(Parach・㏄s) sp・ horizon undecided X Crioceratites ishiwarai (Yabe&Shimizu) X Crioce!atites yagii (Yabe&Shimizu) horセon un(1ecided Crio㏄τatites SPP・

Cτio㏄ratites(?) sp・ horセon undecided

Cτio㏄πatites(s・1ウ sp・ horizon undecided X Cri・oeτatites(Emericicems) emerici (玩veille) X Cri・oeτatites(Emerici㏄ras) c£hoheneggeri (Uhlig) Crio㏄τatites? sp。indet。 horセon undecided

Cri・cefatites(Cri・ceratites)(?) sp・

Pa-acrioceras sp・

Pa皿criooeras(?) sp・ X Pseudothu-ma血a hanouraensis Shim伽 X Pedio㏄τas stentor Andeπson X Shasticrio㏄ras nipponicum Matsumoto X Shasticτio㏄ras aff。nipPonicum Matsumoto YokomizoetaL(1990) X Shasticrioceras patτicki Murphy X Shasticrlo㏄ras ㎡f.patricki Mulphy ObataetaL(1984) Shasticrioceras sp.A Obata&Ogawa(1976) X Shasticrio㏄τas intefmedium Matsukawa&Obata X Shastlcτio㏄ras c£poniente Anderson horセon undecided

Shasticrio㏄ras sp・

Cfioce!atinaege瓜etsp,indet, ANCYLOCERATmAE X Ancyloceras(Ancylo㏄πas) aff.vandenheckii Astief Noda(1977) X Ancylo㏄ras giganteum Yabe&ShimL皿 X Ancyloceras choshiense Shim血

Ancy直o㏄τas sp・ X Lithancylus[orAncylo㏄ras 誼.attrOX Anderson】 Obata&Ogawa(1976) X Australi㏄ras aff,gigas (Sowerby) ObataetaL(1975,1982) Austτaliceras sp。indet。証f,Aargus Anderson Matsumolo(1947) X Austτaliceτas C£πobustum Whitehouse Matsumoto(1947)

Austτa盟iceτas sp・ X c£drewi Casey X Tropaeum 誼.bowerbanld (Sowe・by) ObataetaL(1975,1982) HELICANCYLmAE X Acrioceτas aff,tabarelli (Astier) Obataetal・(1976) X Acrio㏄1as(?) aff。julive亘ii Sema Obata&Ogawa(1976)

Acrio㏄τas sp・

Ac∫ioceras(?) sp・ X LytOGrio㏄ras(?) 釦rcatum (dOτbigny)

Lytocτioce-as(?) sp・

Lytocrioceτas(?) sp・

Lytoc!io㏄ms(?)orHetero㏄τas(?) sp・

HOPloc1i・㏄ras(?) SPP・ horizonundecided(pa丘1y) X c£HOPlocrio㏄ras 一emondi (Gabb) horセon undecided somewhatquestionable X Hamiticeras sp・

Hamitioeras(?) sp・ somewhat questio皿ble LEprOCERATODmAE X Hamulinites sp・ X Karsteniceras(?) asiaticum (Yabe&Sbmizu) X Kaτstenicems obatai Matsukawa Ancyloceratidaege几etsp・indet・


Ancylo㏄ratidae(?)or Tufri置置tidae(?)gen.et sp。inde転

Ancyloceratidae or Turdlitidae gen,et sp。indet, HETEROCERATDAE X Uhligia sp・ X Hetero㏄ras(Hetero㏄ras) 証f.astieri d『Orbigny Obata&Ogawa(1976)

一586一 一乙89一

㊨ ㊥ ㊥ ⑲ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭

一〇一 一e一

⑭ 一9一 ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑲ ㊥ ⑭

翻 ⑭ ⑲ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ 働 鱒

⑭ ⑲

一〇一 一9一

⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ @ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

一e一 一〇一 一〇一 一〇一

⑭ ㊥

噂9一 一a一

一〇一 一〇一

一〇一 一a一

一9一 一〇一

㈱ ⑭

⑲ ⑭ ⑭

つ一 一9一

r9一 一a一

ZE- ∫B一 ZB- 一qgx 一q∫ヨ z291 一¢∬ εqラx 一qセx ∫eウx 悌セヨ ε2の1 z“gx ウEgxεBgx IBgx z【団 z咄x 9B㌻x 乞Eウx 一Bセx εq窃zq窃 Iqεx qτx qIx E-x εe窃IBεx ㎜ 10ddn JO魚σ1 Joddn 」0酪OFI 。dn ’dn Jgddn OPIN 甲品α1 ’P誓N o温α1 。P耳N 」0品α1 odn ’PIW ◆航明 o(ln 。舳α1 『dn o飢α1 UE四〇μlss2B囚 UE脚伽り ’UES UBPEiuoつ Uセ甲Om工 UEIUBU耳OUOD UBI“1∀ U叩dv u日叫9珊a ’nEH ’IBA ’Joa sm90Elo1D」3ddn snogD脚り」9温α1 一ε1-uOl期耳」ls耳po四d田2i欄S

(0㍑η■賀ア吻n解御戦五)吻4吻即騨・麗・脇脇η∫n・∂ρηアaり∂解ρ卿9卿σ Bz418だnρプォh6G6010g歪6αl Sπ御《yげ」αραn,Vヒ)乙 51, 2〉αズ1, 2000

Table!5 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(contimed)


Subordef System 旧o器図 Supelfamily Stage ’冒 O o Fami塵y Substage 当翻 o Sub£amiiy Japanesescale Genus s ecies author Referen㏄S* R要marks

Hetero㏄ras sp・

Hetero㏄ras(?) sp・

X Heteπo㏄ms(Argvetl豆tes) sp・ Heteπo㏄ratidae ge几etsp,indet。 HAMULmDAE Hamulina? sp。indet。 X Hamuiina aぼ,subaItemata Bresk Obata&Ogawa(1976) X Anahamulim 菰subcyhn面ca (dOlbigny) Anahamulim 証f。subcy置indrlca (dOrbigny) Obata&Qgawa(1976)

Anahamulina sp・

AnahamuIim(?) sp・ 1γrYCHOCERATDAE X Euptycho㏄ms(?) sp・ X Ptycho㏄ras sp・

Ptycho㏄ras(?) sp・ ptycho㏄ratid horizonundecided Rycho㏄ratidaege几etsp,indet。

恥ychocerat丘dae(?)gen・etsp・indeし Rych・㏄ratidaeorAncylo㏄ratidaege几etsp.indet. LABECERべTDAE X Hamitoides sp・ ?MACROSCAPH皿DAE Macroscaphites(?) sp・

X Macroscaphites sp・ Ancylocerata㏄ae or Tufrilita㏄ae gen.nov。(?) Obata&Ogawa(1976) TURRILrTACEAE ANISO(コERATDAE X ?Protaniso㏄τas cf.itemotubeτculatus (Leym・y) X Anisoceras hashimotoi Inoma X A面so㏄ras 砿plicalile (Sowerby) X Aniso㏄一as C£armatum Sowerby X Anis・㏄τas(Anis・cems) pseudoelegans Pictet&Campiche

Anisoce-as sp・ hofizonundecided

Has1オmot・etaL(1965)?・Inoma Anisoceras? sp,A[alliedtoAnisocerasorldiohamites】 o㏄uττencefmmafaHing!ock (1980),NishidaetaL(1996)?

HashimotoetaL(1965)?,In・ma Aniso㏄1as? sp。B[similar to A。exoticum or Pro重anisoc。nodosum splendens ] o㏄urren㏄fromafamngrock X (1980),NishidaetaL(1996)?

A虚so㏄ras? sp・ o㏄ulrencefτoma貫allingrock X Idiohamites c£subspiniger Spath X 正diohamites c£fav血us (Pictet) X Idiohamites mberculatus (S・werby)

Idiohamites sp・

Idiohamites(?) sp・ X Algerites c£P!oratum (C・quand) X AIlocrio㏄【as sp・

All・cri・oeras(?) sp・

aniso㏄ratid horizonundecided

anis・㏄【atid(?) hoτizonundecided HAM∬n:)AE X Hamltes c£duplicatus Pictet&Campiche X Hamites aff。gardneri Spath Obataetalく1981) X Hamites C二tenuiGostatUS Spath X Hamites c£compressus Sowerby horizonundecided Hamites 証f.attenuatus (Sowerby) Yokomizoetal・(1990) X Hamites ㎡f。intermedium (Soweτby) Sl血mizu(1931) somewhatquestionable Hamites sp・

Ham辻es(S司 sp・

Hamites(?) sp・ somewhatquesli・nable X Stomohamites japonicus Inoma Stomohamites sp・

Stomohamites(?) sp・ X Psilohamites sp・ simila・toPsilohamites(?) sp・ NおhidaetaL(1996) X Hemiμycho㏄ras ezoanum Inoma X Metaptychoceras peri・dicum Inoma TURRIL皿DAE X Tuπilit・ides(?) sp・ X Osllingo㏄ras puzos迂bτmis Spath X Ost垂ingo㏄幡 bechii (Sharpe) Ost正ing・㏄ms(?) sp・ hoπizonundecided X Neosqingoceras carcitanense (Sha置pe) X Pseudhelico㏄fas seratocosta加lm C重ark X Pseudhelico㏄∫as aff。spinosum (K・ssmat) Hiran・etaL(1977)

一588一 Dαオα6α58qヂォh6 σ須8厩680z65α刀z万zonoZ45ぎn Jヒzノ》αn (7b5hズηz露5z6αn4研名αn(の


Lowef Creta㏄ous Upper Creta㏄ous Beτ, Aptian VaL Hau。 Baπemian Albian Cemmanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstrichtian Low・Up, Low. Up・ Low。 Mid. Up・ Lower Mid, Upper Low。 Mid. Up, Low,Mid. Up・ L』⊃wer Upper Lower Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb 漁 K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 -a2 -a5 -a2 ⑱ 醗 ⑭ ㊥ ㊥

⑭ ㊥

一e一 一e一

㊥ ⑱ ⑭

鯉 ⑭ ⑱ @ ⑳

一e一 一e一

⑳ ⑲ ⑭

㊥ ㊥ ㊥

⑱ 爾 ㊥ ⑭ ⑭

一e一 一e一 ⑱ ㊥

⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑲ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ㊥

⑭ ㊥ ㊥

一e一 一e一 一e一

一e一 一e一

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊨ 麟 ⑭ ⑲ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭

⑳ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱

⑬ ⑭ ㊥

一589一 βκ1♂6あnげオh6G60Zog露αl Sz6プη61yげJl砂αn,Vb乙 51, ハみα11, 2000

Table l6 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


SuboKler System 恥o器壱 Supe血mily Stage ’自 Family Substage Subfamily 解 Japanesescale GenUS s ecies author Referen㏄S* Remaτks Pseudhelicocelas n・sp・ Matsumoto&Haτada(1964)

Pseudhelicoceτas sp・ X Marie盟1a berge-i (Brongnia亘)

Mariella aff・bergeπi (Br・ngnia丘) Hashimoto eta1<1965),Matsumoto&Nishida(1999),Matsumoto& X Kawashita(1999) X Mariel星a(Mariella) 1ewesiensis (Spath) X Marie11a galleinii (B・ule,Lem・ine&丁晩venin) X Mariella oehlerti (Pewinrui蔦一e) X Mariella dorsetensis (Spath) X Mariella aff,dorsetensis (Spath) NlshidaetaL(1996) X Mariella aff,cantabdgiensis (Jukes-Browne) Na㎞i&Matsumoto(1968) X Mariella(Maτ正eHa) pac迂ica Matsumoto,正noma&Kawashita Ma!iella(Marie皿a) aff・pacifica Matsumoto,Inoma&Kawashita Matsumot・&Nishida(1999) X Mariella miliaris (Pictet&Campiche) X Mariella C£camncoi (B6se) X Mariena(MarieHa) quad!itubelculata (BayIe)

Mariella sp・ X Hypoturrilites gravesianUS (d『Orbigny) X Hypoturrilites komotai (Yabe) Hypoturπilites 証f.komotai (Yabe) Obata&Muram・t・(1966a,b) X Hypo瞭ilites 証f.mantelli (Sha・p) MatsumotoetaL(2000) X Hypo財τilites primus Atabekian

Hypo血rrilites sp・

Hypomπilites(?) sp・ X Mesoturrilites boerssumensis (Sch1Uter) X Mesotulfilites aff.aumalensis (Coquand) Matsumoto(1982¢) X Tuτrnites acutUS Passy X Tuπrilites costatUS Lamarck X TU∬ilites schuchzeriams Bosc Tuてτilites sp・a HashimotoetaL(1965) Tuπrilites sp・b Hashimoto eta置く1965)

Tu一∫ilites? sp・

Turrilites sp・ NOSTOCERATDAE ’ap X Eubostrychoceτas onicum (Yabe) X Eubostrychocems densicostatUS Matsumoto X Eubostrychoceras indopac出cum Matsumoto X Eubostlycho㏄ras muramotoi Matsumoto X Eubostτycho㏄ras woodsi (照tcl並n) X Eub・stτychoceras(?) indicum (Stoliczka) Matsumoto(1957),Matsumoto&Halada(1964),Teraoka&Obata(1975), 証f.in{1icum (St・1iczka) X Eubostrycho㏄ras Futa㎞mi&Miyata(1983) X Eubost!ychoceras dl.saxonicum (Scmter) X Eubostrychoceτas 証f.saxoni㎝m (Sch1“ter) MatsumotoetaL(1981a) X Eubostrychoceras(?) C£elongatum (Wlオteaves) hoτセon undecided X Eubostrycho㏄ras n・sp・ Matsum・t・etaL(1981a) Eubostrycho㏄ras sp・

Eubostlycho㏄ras(?) sp・ X Hoτotateceras tatsuyai Hayakawa X Yezo㏄ras nodosum Matsumoto X Yezo㏄ras miotuberculatum Matsumoto X Bostrycho㏄ras otsukai (Yabe)

Bostrychoceras sp・ X Nostoceras C£stantoni Hy鵠 X Nosto㏄ras hetonaiense Matsumoto Nosto㏄ras sp.Baff.N。hetomiense Matsumoto Matsumoto&Morozumi(1980) X Nosto㏄ras sp。A説N・kemense (Anderso㊤ Matsumoto&Morozumi(1980) Nosto㏄!as(?) sp・A Matsumoto(1980) poodypτeseτvedspecimen Nosto㏄ras(?) sp・B[Didymo㏄ras(?)sp・】 Matsumot・(1980) P・・rlyprese四edspec㎞en

Nosto㏄ras sp・

N・st・㏄ras(?) sp・ hQ血onundecidcd X Didymo㏄ras aw勾iense (Yabe) X Didymo㏄1as nakaminatoense Saito Didymo㏄ras SPP・ X Nipponites mirabihs Yabe X Nipponites ba㏄hus Matsumoto&Muramoto X Nipponites sachalinensis Kawada Nipponites sp・

Nipponites(?) sp・ X Hyphanto㏄fas venusmm (Yabe) X Hyphanto㏄ras oshimai (Yabe) IgietaL(1958),Tsus飯maeta亘・(1958) Hyphanto㏄ras 証.oshimai (Yabe) X Hyphanto㏄las oτientale (Yabe)

一590一 D伽伽6げ疏6α館6・%5伽解・π・添ZnJ卿n(乃5h禰魏4n4研名αn・)


LowerCreta㏄ous UpperCreta㏄ous Bef. Va1. Hau. Barremian Aptian Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San, Campa血an Maasstrichtian Low。Up・ Low, Up・ Low, Mid, Up, L》wer Mid. Upper Low. Mid. Up・ Low.Mid. Up。 Lower Upper Lower Uppeτ K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 ゆ -a2 -a5 -a2 ㊥ ⑭ ㊥

㊨ 鰯 ⑭

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ ㈱ ⑱ ㊥ ⑱ 細 ㊥ ⑭

一e一 一e一

留 翻 ⑱ @ ⑲ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑯ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥ @ ⑭

㊥ @ ? ? ⑱ ⑭ @ ⑱ ㊥ ? ⑲ 鯵 ⑭ ?

働 ㊥

㊥ @ ⑭ ⑱

一e一 一e冒 一e一

㊥ 魑 ⑱ ㊥ ㊨

㊥ @ ⑱ 麟 ㊥ ㊥

? ⑳ ㊥ ⑱ 爾 ⑱

一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一 ⑱ ㊥

㊥ ⑭ ⑭

㊥ ⑭ 塵 ⑭ ㊥ @ 麟 ⑱ ⑭ ⑭

⑲ ㊥ ⑱

一591一 B%ll8だnげ孟h8G80Jo9歪oαl Sκプη《ソげ」1勾りα勉 Vb孟 51, 一No。11, 2000

Table l7 List of ammonoid species and their stratigraphic distribution(continued)


Subolder System 脂o の o胡冒U o眉翻o Supelfamily Stage Family Substage Subfamily Japanese scale Genus s ecies author Ref6ren㏄s* Remarks X Hyphanto㏄fas transitolium Matsumoto X Hypha皿・㏄!as(?〉 hete-omorphum Matsumoto OC㎝πenOefromafallingrOCk

Hyphantoceras sp・

X Ryuella 「yu (Matsum・t・&Mumm・t・) X MUtamoto㏄ras yezoense MatsumGto X Muramoto㏄ras 1axum Matsumo!o X Aino㏄ras kamui Ma重sumoto&Kanie X Ainoceras paucicostanlm Matsumoto X Pravitoceτas sigmoidale Yabe Pmvit・oe-as(?) sp・ hoτ屹on undecided

X Thde皿i㏄ras(?) sp・ Nost・㏄ratinaege几etsp。indet, DIPLOMOCERTIDAE DIPLOMOCERT困AE X Scalaτites scalaris (Yabe) Scalarites ㎡f.scalaτis (Yabe) TanabeetaL(1981) X Scaiarites mihoensis Wright&MaIsumoto X Sca星arites venustUS (Yabe) X Scalarites densicostatus Matsumoto X Scalarites antiqUS (Matsum・to) horizonundecided Scalarites sp・A Matsum・t・etaL(1973) pooflypτeservedspecimen Scalariles sp・B MatsumotoetaL(1973) poorEypreselvedspecimen Scalarites SPP・

Scalarit㏄(?) sp・

Glyptoxo㏄ras c£indicum (F・rbes) hofセon undecided X Glyptoxo㏄τas aff.indicum (F・rbes) Tashir・etaL(1980b) Glyptox・ceras(?) sp。A[similartol『G.皿gatum(Fo-bes)”】 Matsum・t・(1980) horizon undecided G亘yptoxo㏄fas sp,BaffG,indicum (Forbes) Matsumo重o(1980) hoτ屹on undecided X Glyμoxo㏄ras sp・Caff。G・mgatum (Forbes) Matsumoto(1980) horセon undecided

Glyptoxoceras sp・

αyptox・ceras(?) sp・ ho!セon undecided X DipIomo㏄ras notabiie Whiteaves

Diplom・㏄ras(?) sp・ horセon undecided

X ExiIelo㏄ras(?) sp・ X Neocrio㏄ras spingemm (Jimb・) X Ne・c註oceras(?) sanushibensis Wrlght&Matsumolo X Ne・cdo㏄ras(?) undulosum Matsumoto

Neocπi・㏄ras(Schluetella)(?) sp・

Neoαioceras sp・ horセon undecided POLYPrYCHOCERATmAE X Schlueterella kawadai Matsumoto&Miyauchi X Schlueterella sp・ X Kawashitaceras dentatum (Matsumot・&Obata) X Kawashitaceπas obiraense Matsumoto X Pseudoxybeloceτas quadhmdosum (Jimbo) X Pseudoxybeloceras ㎡f。【lneatum (Gabb) Ha玩ori(1965〉 ”Pseudoxybeio㏄!as(?)” 几sp。aff.Hyphanto㏄ras venstum(Yabe) Matsumoto&Ha-ada(1964)

Pseudoxybeloce-as sp・

Pseudoxybelo㏄ras(?) sp・ X Pa-asolenoceras soyaense Matsumoto&Miyauchi X Pa嬢solenoceras omltai Matsumoto X Parasoleno㏄ras periodicum Matsumoto&Miyauchi

Paraso置eno㏄ras sp・ X PolyptychQ㏄1as obstτictum (Jimbo) X Polyptycho㏄raS haradanum (Y・k・yama) πeferokamaoto&shibata(1997) X Polyptycho㏄ras subquadlatum (Yokoyama) !eferO訟maoto&Shibata(1997) X Polyptycho㏄ras pseudogaultinum (Yok・yama) referOkama・t・&S励ata(1997) X Polyptycho㏄τas subundulatum (Yokoyama) referOkama・t・&Shibata(1997) X Polyptychocelas yubaτense (Yabe) X Polyptychoceras subundatum (Yokoyama)

Polyptychoceras sp・

P・lyptychoceras(Subptycho㏄1as) sp・ horセon unkmwn

Polyptychoceras(?) sp・ X Dihamites obimensis Matsumoto X Heleroptychoceras obatai Matsumoto X Ryoptycho㏄las mikasaensis Matsumoto X Ryugasella ryugasensis Wrlght&Matsumoto X Ryugasella n・sp・ Obata&Futa㎏mi(1977)

Ryugasella(?) sp・ o㏄uτ!en㏄fromafaHingrock X S・亘en・㏄fas(S・1eno㏄fas) C二texanum (Shumard) X Solenooeras(Oxybiloceras) aff.humei (D・uvil16) Maおum・t・(1980),M・mzumi(1985) X S・1en・㏄ras(OxybiI・ceras) sp・A誼,S・crassum (Whitfield) Matsumoto&Morozumi(1980) Solen・ceras(S・leno㏄fas) sp.Baff。S汀eesldei Stephenson Matsum・t・&M・τ・zumi(1980)

一592一 ゐヒ 61 61 6一 お儀儀⇒N』℃図 q雪2.9蓄認需Σ φ φ φ φ ⑭

61 お孕3 一ρo出 φ 中 φ ひ・ ㊥ ⑱ ⑱ ㊨ ㊥

山『 61 あ1 φ φ 寸8図 占1 あ1 あ1 お篇亀⇒ ⑰ 中 φ ⑭ @

目謂岬目区…iδ馴ら 8図 あ障 あ1 φ 中 ⑲ ㊥ φ @ ㊨ 醗 ⑭ 塵 ㊧ ℃ 輿 あ『 あ1 占1 おきβ一 Nに 雨 ミ 逞1 ⑭ ● ● φ 中 ◎ ⑭ ⑭ @ ⑭ ㊥ ⑱ ⑱ 鰯 ㊧ ⑱ 塁設 雨 中 中 φ φ ㊧ ⑭ ⑭ ⑳ @ @ ⑭ ⑫ φ φ ⑱ 塵

目轟の 一重 ミ ⑳ ㊧ ⑳ @ 鯉 ㊥ ⑭ 留 ⑭ ㊥ ⑱ @ φ φ “・ 唱 の口。8弩6お&⇒慧§ 4⇒ あ1 鳶 ◎ ⑭ ⑭ 違 属頸 ’o雨■霞oQ .§ 醤Σまβ 占5 慧§ ④ 麟 ● ⑭ 餐 自 φ ② ⑱ @ ひ・ 謡D 雪轟 ) ⑭ ㊥ ㊧ ㊤ ㊥ φ ㊤ ㊤ ㊥ ⑪ ⑱ ミii 唱雨oヨe5↑ 虐Σ Nρ寸図 ℃一-ぎ唱誉起一のモQ三量bo咽一軍の ⑰ 曲 ⑳ @ ⑱ ㊧ ㊥ ● ◎ φ ⑤ 齢 ㊥

奪 ぎ3 一ρ寸図 ⑭ ㊥ 鐙 ,ミ 8 中 需毫 1 養 霧 s おq畠⇒ い專図 ゆ § ミ q邸’日国揖2δ鷺諺 1 ミ 曽 虐Σ ぴら雨寸図 偽 醤 0 N專図 8 お葬β ⑤ 樋 一專図 δ 6D 雪§ 遷 望9 柚 ゑΣ 琶 b 還 ぎ3 お§ 訟 鱈 4⇒〔 い 心 彊蛋ぞ 雨 雨 耐 ヨ08εo一Qおβ3毘1 竜 蓉3 FI N“ 帽 q 霞1 壽’召曾お自4Pぎβ 重

5国頃 § 需> a図

“品 函図 B%ll翻のh6σ6・㎏顔IS祝聞げ」ψ硯侃51・Nα11・2000

Tablel8 LiSt。famm。n。idspeciesandtheirstratigraphicdistributi・n(c・ntinued〉

Listofammo皿o正dspecies-17一 System Subordef 嚇o器題躯 Stage Superfamily Substage Family Subfamily Japanesescale Remarks Genus secies author Referen㏄s* SolenO㏄ras sp・ BACULH’IDAE X Lechites c£antanimangaensiS Collignon X Lechites c£gaudini (Pictet&Campic虹e) ㎞chites sp・

Lechites(?) sp・ (Mante亘り x Sciponoce-as baculoides x Sciponoceras kossmati (N・wak) X Sciponocems oτientale Matsumoto&Obata X Sciponoceras intermedium Matsumoto&Obata X Sciponoceras matsumotoi Inoma (Flitsch) X Sciponoceτas bohemicum Sciponoceras sp・

Sciponocelas(?) sp・ X Baculites undulatUS Roman&Mazeran T。㎞皿9公&S歴mizu X Ba㎝lites yokoyamai bailyi WQods X Bacu監ites X Baculites SC血encki Matsumoto X Baculites uedae Matsumoto&Obata X Baculites boulei Collignon Baily Matsumoto&Obata(1963a) o㏄urren㏄fromafallingfock X Baculites n・sp・(?)aff・B・su1αヨtus X Baculites capensis Woods X Baculites ta1】akae Matsumoto&Oba重a X Baculites p血㏄ps Matsumoto&Obata X Baculites an㏄pspacmcus Matsumoto&Obata X Baculites c£subanceps Haughton X Baculites c£sub脇cepspac面cus Matsumoto&Obata Matsumot・&Obata(1963) Baculites ㎡f.hochstc賦eri Liebus Liebus X Bacu璽ites 砿hochsteαed X Baculites τex Andeπson X Baculiles c£kirki Matsumoto X Baculiles Cbo・ens雌yeZOenSiS Matsumot・&Miyauchi X Baculites pseudobaculus Matsumoto&Obata X Baculites inomatUS Meek Matsumot・,Hashimoto&Funlichi Baculites kotanii X Matsum・t・&Miyauchi(1984) X Baculites aff.menabensis Co皿ignon X Baculites c£vagina Foてbes X Baculites τeg正na Obata&Ma総umoto X BaculileS o㏄identalis Meek Bacu匠ites sp・ SCAPHπACEAE SCAPHπDAE OTOSCAPHITINAE Matsumoto&Yokoi X Wortho㏄fas pacmcum Yezoites pueτculus (Jimbo) X Fuata㎏mi(1986a) Yezoltes aff,puer㎝1us (Jimbo) (A“de!aSGn) X Yezoites pe!!ini YeZGites 1damathensis (AndefS・n) X Asai&Hirano(1990) Yezoites aff.klamathensis (Anders・n) X Matsumot・etaL(1981a) Yezoites 岨,perrini (Anderson) Tanabe X Yezoites matsumotoi Yezo量tes sp・ SCAPHπmAE X Eoscaphites sp,Ouve面1e) E・scaphites(?) sp・ (Yabe) X Scaphites Plams Scaphites pseud・equalis Yabe X 臼ap X Scaphites onlcus homa Jimbo X Scaphites y・k・yamai yonekurai Yabe Sc叩hites X Ta皿beetaL(1977),Tambe(197乃) X Scaphites aff.subde匡lcatus Cobban&Gryc Scaphites fbrmOSUS Yabe X Collignon Matsum・t・(1984b) X Scaphites aff.amaud趙ormis Soweτby Tanabe(1977b) X Scaphites aff。obliquus gracilis Yabe X Scap1廿tes(s・1ウ Scaphites sp・ X Choscaphites(?) sp・ X H・pl・scaphites sp・ HGPlos㎝P撞tes(?) sp・

一594一 D伽伽6げ孟h6伽鰭・%5α窺解・n・添ゴnゆαn(乃3h乞癬5観n4盈名αnρ)


LowerCretaceous UpperCreta㏄ous Ber。 VaL Hau. Ba∬emian Ap重量an Albian Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian San. Campanian Maasstfichtian Low・Up。 Low。 Up・ Low, Mid. Up。 Lower Mid. Upper Low. Mid. Up・ Low.Mid, Up・ Lower Upper Lowef Upper K3a1 K3a3 K6a1 Kla Klb K2b K3b1 K3b2 K3b3 K4a1 K4a2 K4a3 K4a4 K4a5 K4a6 K4b1 K4b2 K4b3 K5a1 K5a2 K5b1 K5b2 K6a3 K6a4 K6b1 K6b2 肱 -a2 -a5 -a2

⑭ @ ⑭ ⑱ ⑳ ⑭ 麟

⑳ ⑱ ㊥ ? ⑭ ㈱ ㊥ ⑱ ⑯

⑭ @ ⑭ @ ㊥ ㈱ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ 醗 ⑲ 鯉 ⑭ ⑭ ⑳ ⑭ ⑭

一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一 一e一

⑳ ⑭ ⑱ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑳ ㊥ ⑭ ㈱ ㊥ ⑭ @ ⑭

⑳ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ 働 ㊥

⑭ 一e一 一e一 ㊨ ⑭ ㊥ ㊨ ⑭ ㊥

⑲ ⑭ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑭ ⑱ @ ㊨ @ ⑭ ㊥ 鱒 爾 ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ⑲ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭

㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ㊥ ⑳ ? ㊨ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑫ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑱ ㊨ ⑭ 麟

㊨ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭ ⑳ 麟 ⑱ 爾 ⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ⑭

一595一 Bκll6あnげオh6G8010g乞oαl Sz6プη6ッげ」砂6zn,Vio乙 51, 1〉o.11, 2000

Table19 List of ammonoid specles and their stra廿graphic distribution(continued)


Suborder 旧o器坐冒o αン当駐o System Supelfamily Stage Fami正y Subslage Subfamily Japanesescale Genus s ecies author Referen㏄s* Remarks DOUVILL巳ICERATACEAE DOUVILLEICERATDAE CHELONICERATmAE X C血ei・niceras(Cheloni㏄ras) shimizui Nakai&Hada X Ch巳玉oni㏄・as(Chel幅ce!as) ㎡f.mi並mum Casey Matsum・to&Hhata(1969) X Chel・ni㏄ms(Chebni㏄ras) c£proteus Casey X Chel・ni㏄ras(Chelonicefas) meyendo㎡fi (dOrbygny) X Che1・nice!as(Che1・nice-as) 誼.kilia【且 (Kocnen) Matsumoto&Ta血hashi(1986a) X Cheloni㏄ras(Chelo面ceras) 田f・quad∫arium Casey Matsum・toetaL(1982)

Che1・niceras(Che1・ni㏄ras) sp・

Che1・血ceτas(Che1・血㈱s) sp・[simila!tQC・mi蜘umandC・c・muelianu叫 MatsumGtoeta1〈1982) X Che1・血。eτas(Epiche正・血㏄τas) c£martinoides Casey X Cheloni㏄ras(Epichelo血ceras) 誼。sellidgensevaて,audax Casey Murakami(1996)

Che1・niceτas(Epicheloni㏄ras) sp・

Cheloni㏄ras sp。indeし

Che1・ni㏄ras(?) sp・ X Diadocho㏄ras nodosocosla価Ofme (Shimizu) X Diad・chocer麗(?) 証f.nodosocosta価orme (Shim血・) Oba重a(1975) X Dia〔10choceras ㎡f,caucasiCUS (LUPPウ Ma蜘moto(1978b)

Diadochocems sp・

Dlad・chooeras(?) sp・ Cheionideratidaege鉱etsp・lndet。 DOUVILLBICERATmAE X Eodouvilleiceras matsumotoi Obata X Eodouvillei㏄ras 誼.matsumotoi Obata Obata(1969) X Eodouv皿ei㏄fas ㎞maense Matsumo!o&Tamura

EodouviIleice∫as sp・ X Douvillei㏄ras mammillatum (ScM・theim) X Douvmei㏄ras aff・mammillatumpa・ae・c・x Casey ObataetaL(1973) X Douvil旦ei㏄ras Clementinum (dOrbigny) X Douv皿elceras c£Ieightonense Casey X Douvilleice-as aff。orbignyi 但ya髄) Futakami(1996) X Douvil16i㏄ras sp・nov・? Futakami(1996)

Douvi翌1ei㏄1as sp・ TROCHLEICERATDAE X Pseudoleymede里la ㎞laii Obata X Pseud・1eymedeHa 1亘ranamenslS Obala Pseud・1eymerieIla(?) a㏄.dentatus (Sowerby) Shim血(1931)

Pseud・1eymedeIla sp・ DESHAYESπACEAE DESHAYESπIDAE DESHAYEsrTmAE X Dufrenoyia aff.dufrenoyi (dOrbigny) ObataetaL(1975,1982) X Duffenoyia 訂f。justinae σ{i正1) Matsum・toeta1〈1982)・Tamka(1989) Dufremyia sp・


Colombi㏄陥s(?) sp・ X C・1・mbi㏄ms(?) satowi Shim伽 X Ga!gasicelas sp・ X Acanthohoplites reesidei (Andeτs・n)

AcanthohoPlites sp・ X Nolanicefas yaegashii Shim㎞) X HypacanthOPllles subcomuerianus (ShimizU) X Hypacanthopliles kawakamii Obata&Futa㎞mi X Hypacanth・P猛tes n。sp。?a且H・jao・bi (CoIlet) Matsumoto(1978b〉 horizon undecided

HypacanthoPlites sp・

Hypacanth・Plites(?) sp・ PARAHOPL皿mAE X ParahOP童ites colssus Matsumoto X ParahOPlites aff.vectensis Casey Obata&Malsumoto(1977),Kawakami etaL(1983) Pa!ahOPlites sp・

’ap X Kazanskyella(?) onica Matsumoto X Oshimaceras kanazawai Obata&Fulakami

一596一 一乙69一

㊥ ⑱ ⑭

⑭ 爾

一G一 一e一

⑱ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑭

㊥ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱

⑭ ⑭ ⑭ ⑭

⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ㊥ ⑭ ⑲ ⑭ ⑭ ⑱ ㊥ ㊥

⑭ ⑳ ㊥ ㊥ ⑱ ⑭ ⑭ ㊥ ⑱ ㊥ ⑭ ⑱

麟 ⑭ ⑲ 総 ⑭ ⑭ ㈱

ZB一 9E一 ZE一 乞qgx Iqgヨ 耀gx εEgx zq嘲 一q働ZE∬ 一E嘲 εqセ冴 zqウx一qウx 92ラ冴 92セx セEセヨ εEウヨ ZEウx τ聡セx εqεx z“εx 一qεx qτΣ q-x 町ヨ 一Egx ε2εx 一Eεx 鯛 エoddn Joddn odn ●dn 」9無α1 エo爪α1 ’P耳W o酷α1 PPI囚 o酷σ1 エoddn ●P暇 JO萬α1 ’dn OP耳N ■酷α1 。dn o航α丁 ’dn 。酷α1 UEIUE改U℃ UEpqつ喜ηSSEE囚 pu聡s u2P2四η UE1uOm工 UB{UEU夏ouoD UEIqIV U叩dv ロE四〇」肥9 ’n聡H 甲{にA ’エ99 snoaつElaり』oddn snooつE19り」9触α1


(・πη4Hμη脚解四L)卿吻μ多8μ・%・脇鰯η3n・99ηフaり9解ρ卿9卿σ Bz61♂6あアzげオh66:6010g乞oαl Sz67η6ッげ」4ψαn,Vb乙 51, 2〉o.11, 2000

235-280(includinglOPls.). BibliogT&phy Futakami,M.(1991)Coniacian collignonicera百d am- monites from Hokkaido -stratigraphy and Abe,S.(1966)・41魏げ孟h8/b∬歪房グ8567泥4初孟h8 paleontology of the Cretaceous in the Ishikari /197廊z61オz研α1 ハ4z65εκηz gプォh6 ム8 G名αn4Sh7・歪na province, central Hokkaido, Part 4一. Jo%冗 The Agricultural Museum of the Ise Grand Kα㎜α刀z%鵤G漉%8n Wb規αn奪Unぬ,2,257-275 Shrine,18P.,12Pls.[J] (including2Pls。). Akiba,C.and Omori,T.(1959)A find of C吻6ε規3 Futakami,M.(1992)Dis廿ibution of Turonian co1- from the Rebun Island of Hokkaido and its lignoniceratid ammonites in the Ishikari implication.」ヒ)z6冗 G80ム Soα 」砂αn,65,786.[J] province of central Hokkaido,with speciaI Ando,H.(1990)Stratigraphy and shallow marine reference to the validity of regional correla- sedimentary facies of the Mikasa Fomaion, tions based on the zonal indices. 」ヒ)z6名 Middle Yezo Group(Upper Cretaceous).Jo翫 K4ωα刀z%名αG説%6n Wb勉αn奪Un加.,3,217-232. G60ムSo乙」αραn,96,279-295,Pls.1-4.[J十El [J+E] Ando,H.,Hasegawa,T.and Sano,S. (1994〉 Futakami,M.(1996)∠4吻oπon渉h6∠41伽nα郷一 Cretaceous Yezo Supergroup and Paleogene ηzon露6血z6nαノ㌃o難z 診h8 ・乙oω8プ C名窃α660z65 y診之o coal bearing Ishikari Group.G漉46600ゑプbr G7roz4) αJong オh6 Pヒ)ηz6砿5z6 R∫η67 Zn ハ42ゑα54, g80♂ogぎ66∬6%魏onα994,S砂ρo名oク,no.6,Geo1. Ho為肋錫αMikasa City Museum,51p。(includ. Soc.Japan,73-92.[J] ing23Pls.).[J十E] Ando,H.,Seishi,M.,Oshima,M.and Matsumaru, Futakami,M.and Miyata,Y.(1983)The Upper T.(1995)Fluvia1、shallow marine depositional Turonian ammonite assemblages in the westem systems of the Futaba Group (Upper part of central Hokkaido,with菖pecial reference Cret&ce・us)一dep・siti・nalf&ciesandsequen- to the phyletic interpretation of Turonian co1- ces。んz蹴G60g冗,104,284-303.[J十E] lignoniceratids,あ獄G6・よS・・」砂伽,89,31- Asai,A.and Hirano,H.(1990)Stratigraphy of the 40,pls.1-2.[J十E] Upper Cretaceous in the Obira area, Futakami,M.and Obata,1.(1988)Distribution of northwestem Hokkaido. G説幻%お%一K8競膨, some Turonian and Coniacian collignoniceratid Sohool E4蹴, 肱564α Unね,S6冗 盈oム & ammonites.1n Vンiedmann,J.and Kullmann,J., G60乙,no.39,37-50. eds., C6メ》hαloメ)045 -Pプ638n渉 αn4 Pα5オ. Bando,Y.and Hashimoto,H。(1984)Biostratig- Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,Stut- raphy and ammonite fauna of the Izumi Group tgart,Germany,505.512. (Late Cretaceous)in the Asan Mountains. Futakami,M.and Suzuki,T,(1988)Texanitine am- M6呪.死c E4磁,Kα9α泌αUn飽,μπ34,ll- monites.1πthe Corporation of Education and 39 (including8pls.).[」十E] Culture of Iwaki City,ed。,Rψoπ5げ5%7沙6ヒyげ Fukada,A.,Ishii,J.,Ichikawa,T.and Saraki,S. 81α5ηzosαz6万4 ∫b∬ぎお 〃z オh6 Z万ηzα之α測α Rガη6ろ (1953)Cretaceous System in the Ikushumbets 1測α庖C勿.The Board of Education of Iwaki Valley,central Hokkaido.Ho勲漉40-Ch乞5h琵5π一 City,10-13,pls.9-10.[J] ybho 6G80よ So乙 Ho為為α244),no.22,1-19.[J] Futakami,M.,Tanabe,K.and Obata,1.(1980) Futakami,M.(1982)Cretaceous stratigraphy and Characteristics of the megafossil assemblages in ammonite assemblages of the Hatonosu area, the Upper Turonian(Cretaceous)on the Pom. central Hokkaido. 」10z6冗 σ60ム Soa Jヒzノ》απ, 88, bets area,Hokkaido.Bπ1乙 K伽々yκ5hπ ハ4雄 101-120,pls.1-2.[J十E] 2Vα蹴Hz3ゑ,no.2,1-13,pl.1.[J十E] Futakami,M.(1986a)Stratigraphy and paleontol- Futakami,M.,Kawakami,T.and Obata,1。(1987〉 ogy of the Cretaceous in the Ishikari province, Santonian texanitine ammonites from the Kuji central Pa.rt l. Hokkaido, Strαtigraphy of the Group,Northeast Japan. Bz61孟 1ωαオ8 P名4 Cretaceous in the southern areas. Bz61ム 2▽α孟n. ハ4z6&,no.5,103-112,Pls.1-3. S6五Mκ&,S6飢C, 7b勿・,12,7-34,Pls.1-2. Futakami,M.,Obata,1.,Matsukawa,M.,Taketani, Futakami,M.(1986b) Stratigraphy an(l paleonto1一 Y.,Ito,M.,Saiki,K.and Nagata,H.(1995) ogy of the Cretaceous in the Ishikari province, S疏αオ歪gr8ノ》hツ 4n4 メ)α1α60n診olo8:y (~プ ォh6 乙φノ)67 central Hokkaido,Part2.Stratigraphy of the C名窃α660z65 αlon9 診h6 Poηz66孟5z∫ Rぎ刀6プ Zn Ho為一 Cretaceous in the northern areas. Bz61よ .〈碗6n. 肋認o,」妙αn.ルπ1’乙φ卿7】陀之o Gブo%クThe S6云ハ4礁,S砿C,7b勿o,12,91-120. Ishikari River local head office, Hokkaido Futakami,M.(1990)Turonian collignoniceratid am- Development Bureau.,67p.(including7pls.). monites from Hokkaido,Japan -stratigraphy [Jl and paleontology of the Cretaceous in the Futakami,M.,Obata,1.,Matsukawa,M.,Taketani, Ishikari province,central Hokkaido,Part3一. Y.,Ito,M。,Saiki,K.,Nagata,H.and Hasegawa, Jo礁 καωα糀雄α Gα為麗n Wb糀α嬬 Uη加.,1, T.(1998)S孟7α孟乞g7砂hly伽4ρ‘zlαεo窺oJog:yげ孟h,ε

一598一 D磁傭6げオh6伽鰭・%5α規解・n・諮乞n鋤研(乃5h乞吻魏伽4H磁n・)

、乙o測67 C7rαα660z65 αlong6h6 R)〃z66オ5z6R歪η87Zn ammonite fauna from Nakagawa,Hokkaido. Ho為為αZ40, 読4〉αn. んπ 2一ハ4ヒz歪n ノ)απ げ オh8 B%1ム翫肋9冴別αM蹴,!▽疏研5よ,2,1-40 M嘱4」8】陀之o G70吻一.The Ishikari River local (including l2Pls.)。[J十El head office,Hokkaido Development Bureau, Hayakawa,H.,:Kano,M.and Katano,S.(1999) 69P。[J] Cαn畝6プ嘱g舵5吻碗(Yabe and Shimizu)from Hanai,T.,Obata,1.and Hayami,1.(1968)Notes the Upper Albian of Torii-sawa,Mikasa,Hok. on the Cretaceous Miyako Group.M翻.1耽n。 kaido.B祝1乙M伽sααむハ4礁,ノ〉雄研鉱,no. S6五ハ4z舐,7b々yo,no.1,20-28,Pls.1-4.[J十E] 3,31-35. Hasegawa,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1993)Stratig- Hayami,1.and Maeda,H.(1983)Pioneer works on raphic relationship between the occurrences of the Ammonoidea from Japan by Matajiro ln・68規窺%5(Pl鰐687㈱%5)ブ砂・n加5and Yokoyama,Kotora Jimbo and Hisakatsu Yabe. p1&nktonic microfossils in the Azumi region of A g痂4α0擁εUπ加εr3勿M%5ε%解,漉εUn加傑 Hobetsu town,Hokkiado,Japan.召%1乙Ho68孟5% 5ぎ々ソ (~プ7℃為ツo,75-87.[J] ハ4%乱,no.9,21-28,pls.1.2.[J十E] Hayasaka,1. (1955) On & gigantic ammonite. Hashimoto,W.(1973) Ho%κg%宛 h漉磁 N伽規IS6魏66αn4M%56祝郷,22,36-38.[J] Hashimoto,a new species of ammonite from the Hayasaka,1.and Fukada,A。(1951)On the on- Upper Cretaceous System’of the Abeshinai togeny of Bα俘o魏68規3規Zn伽謝z Yabe from the region,Teshio province,Hokkaido,Japan。S砿 Upper Ammonite bed in Hokkaido.Jo砿施‘ R6μ Toho為κ Uπ薇,2n4S8飢,勘80 %乙,no. S砿,Ho妓α認o Un1凱,S8冗イ,7,324-330,pIs.1- 6,315-318,p1.35. 2. Hasihmoto,W.,Nagao,S.and Kanno,S.(1965) Hirano,H.(1975)Ontogenetic study of Cretaceous E勾り1αnα孟oπyオεzオρプ診h8980♂09乞6α1ηzαノ)げJlα〆》αn。 Gακ6耽y66鵤3 オ8冗痂1ケ厩%刀z, ハ48ηz, ,翫6, S6歪, ヱ’50,000,So偬5hlnα∠ Hokkaido Development 瓦yπ5hκUn蝕,S6冗D,22,165-192,Pls.24-26. Agency,1-92。[J十E] Hirano,H.(1978)Phenotypic substitution of Gα%4 Hattori,Y.(1965)A find of ammonites from the ぴ66観5(a Cretaceous ammonite〉.7地nふ乃oc Chikubetsu Colliery in Hokkaido.Jioz6飢 Gεoム ん1α80n孟. So6. no, 235-258」砂αn, N.S., 109, , S・‘」砂αn,71,149-151.[J] pls.33.35. Hayakaw&,H.(1997a) Eog%nnα沈ε5雄nα勉ぎsp. Hiran・,H.(1982) Cretaceous biostratigraphy and nov. from the Lower Cenomanian of ammonites in Hokkaido,Japan.P700 G80孟 Shumarinai,Hokkaido.B%1乙ハ4Z勉sαC勿ハ4礁, ∠4∬OG,U.Kl., 93 213-223. , Nα蹴S砿,no.1,19-22. Hirano,H(1983) Biostratigraphy and intemational Hayakawa, H. (1997b〉 ハπ40廻y68乙066規5 gπα4 correlation of the Upper Cretaceous off.shore 7初0405π勉(Jimbo) from the Himenoura facies in the northern Pacific. J・獄G6・9飢,93, Group, Kugu-shima Island, Kyushu. B%1ム 63-66.[J] ハ4漉α5α C琵yハ4z鳳,Nα診飢 S6乞,no.1,23-25.[J十 Hirano,H. (1986) Cenomanian and Turonian E] bios廿atigraphy of the off-shore facies of the Hayakawa,H.(1997c)∠46αn診ho66耀5プ説ε56名oωn62 northern Pacific -an example of the Oyubari (Spath,1926),donated to Mikasa City Museum. area, central Hokkaido, Japan一. Bz61乙 S6孟 & .翫1乙ハ4歪為α5αC勿.Mぬ,翫砿S6∠,no.1,29- Eηg.R6&加わ.,%564α,UnZu,no.ll3,6-20. 30.[J十E] Hirano,H.(1988)Evoluitonary mode of some late Hayakawa,H.(1998a)Albian ammonites from Pon- Cretaceous ammonites in offshore waters.Zn betsu,Hokkaido,Japan.Bz61乙ハ4漉αsαC酸yハ4z鳳, Wiedmam,J.and Kullmam,J.,eds.,G砂hα妙045 Nα畝S6∠,no.2,35-40.[J十E] 一餌856nオα厩勿鉱 Schweizerbart》sche Ver- Hayakawa,H.(1998b)Keeled heteromorph am- 1agsbuchhandlung,Stuttgart,Germany,513-523. monite,飾ro嬬668郷厩魏ツ漉gen.et sp.nov. Hirano, H. (1993) Phyletic evolution of des. from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, moceratine ammonoid through the Cenomanian- β%1ムMZ肋sα 〈嘘冗S6歪.no. Japan。 α之y M礁, , Turonian oceanic anoxic event.1n House,M. 2 41-45. R,ed。,Tゐ6∠4規刀zono弼6α’6nτケonηz6nち66010gy , H&yakawa,H. (1998c) Heteromorph ammonites αn46η・1襯・π鰐6hαng8,ClarendonPress,Ox- from the Albian of Yubari,Hokkaido.B%1ム ford,267-284、 ハ4伽3αC勿M礁,翫疏 S6乞,no。2,51-54.[J+ Hirano,H. (1995) Correlation of the Cenomanian/ E] Turonian boundary between Japan and Westem Hayakαwa,H.(1999〉Occurrence of∠4勉刀zonoo8規オ漉5 Interior of the United States in relation with 6206n56(Yabe)from the Albian of Nakagawa, oceanic &noxic events.」10z6冗 G60乙 So乙’」4Pαn, Hokkaido.B%1乙撫ゑα9α測α.M礁,1▽砒茄5ゑ, 101 13.18. シ 2,41-44。[J十El Hirano,H.and Asai,A.(1987)Biostratigraphy and Hayakawa,H.and Nishino,T.(1999)Cenomanian correlation of the Cenomanian and Turonian of

一599一 βκll8だnρプ孟h6G6010g廊αl Sz67η受yρプ」αραn,Vb乙 51, !〉α11, 2000

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一600一 P伽伽8げ孟h6C燃c6・%5α解解・π・添初鋤απ(乃5んゴ朧5観n4H癩η・)

Prefectural Museum,Part l.B%1乙伽傭P豚 Maeda,H.(1999) Did ammonoid carcasses surface ハ4礁,no.1,!5-26,Pls.4-5.[J十E] orsink?M翻.σ80乙Soα 詔砂αn,no.54,131一 Kemedy,W.J。and Klinger,H C、(義997)On the 140.[J十E] affinitiesofMα磁9α56α吻3αn4伽磁n5乞5Col- Maeda,H。and Seilacher,A. (1996) Ammonoid 1ignon,1966,and allied Upper Cretaceous taphpnomy.1n Landman, N.,Tanabe,K.and heteromorph ammnoites.且朋.So厩ん4か加n Davis,R.A.,eds., ∠4.η卿zoη024 勿180玩ology, M雛,105,227-247. Topics in Geobiology,13, PlenumPress,New Kemedy,W。J。,Wright,C.W.and Hancock,J.M. York,543-578。 (1980)The European species of the Cretaceous Maeda,S.and Kitamura,T. (1965) On the stratig- &mmonite Ro窺α痂66ブα5with a revision of the raphy and geologic structure of the Tod.ai For. genus.ん伽・吻」・gy,23,325-362. mation in the westem part of the Akaishi Moun- Kemedy,W.J.,Wright,C.W.and Klinger,H.C. tainrange, Central Jεしpan.Jo%冗 σol乙 ノ1君5 S6乞, (1983) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and C配肱U擁蹴,4,323-332.[J十E] Nata1,South Africa,the ammonite subfamily Matsukawa,M.(1977)Cretaceous System in the Barroisiceratinae Basse,1947.z4nn.Soz6オh4弄 eastem part of the Sanchu“Graben”,Kwanto, 沈朋M%5.,90,241-324. Japan.」10z6飢 G60ム So乙 」1αノ》απ,83,115-126,pls. Kitamura,T。,Matsukawa,M.,Obata,1.and Matsu- 1-2.[J十E] moto,T.(1979)Geological age of the Todai Matsukawa,M.(1979)Some problems on the Formation in the Akaishi Mountains,central Cretaceous Shiroi Formation of the Sanchu Japan.M6〃z.瓦伽.S砿ハ4鷹7b勿・,no.12, ‘‘Graben”,Kwanto Maountains,Japan.Jo獄 55-64,P1.7.[J十El G60乙Soo J4ραn,85,1-9,pL l.[J十E] Komatsu,T.(1999)Sedimentology and sequence Matsukawa,M.(1983)Stratigraphy and sedimentray stratigraphy of a tid.e.and wave-dominated coast- environments of the Sanchu Cretaceous,Japan. al succession:the Cretaceous Goshoura Group, M6規.Eh伽6U痂η.,Nα鉱S6∫.,S砿P,9,1-50, Kyushu,southwest Japan.α砿 R6£,20,327- Pls.1-2. 342. Matsukawa,M.(1987)Early shell morphology of Komatsu,T.and Ando,H.(1996)Stratigraphy and Kα彫8n歪68郷 (ancyloceratid)from the Lower sedimentary environment of the Lower Cretaceous Choshi Group,Japan and its sig- Cretaceous Idaira Formation in the westem part nificance to the phylogeny Qf Cretaceous of Shizuoka Prefecture.Jloz蹴 G609π, 105,67- heteromorph ammonites.7地nεProG Pα伽o砿 76.[J十El S・α」ψαn,1〉:.S,no.148,346-359。 Lehmam,U.,Tanabe,K.,Kanie,Y.and Fukuda, Matsukawa,M.(1988)Barremian ammonites from Y.(1980)Uber den KieferapParat der the Ishido Formation,Japan-supplements and Lytoceratacea(Ammonoidea).勲伽n直Z,54, faunalanalysis一.7地n乱乃・cん1召6・n麦S・c 319-329. J砂伽,2〉。S.,no。149,396-416. Maeda,H.(1986〉Str.,a丘graphy and fossil mollus. Matsukawa,M.and Eto,F.(1987)Stratigraphy and can fauna of the UpPer Cretaceous System in sedimentary environment of the Lower the Bibai area,Hokkaido,north Japan.Joz蹴 Cretaceous System in the Katsuuragawa basin, G60ムSoc Jαραn,92,135-153,pL l。[」十E] southwest Japan -comparison of the two Maeda,H.(1987a)A new late Albian ammonite Cretaceous subbelts in the Chichibu Belt一. assemblage from the Hibihara Formation, し710%飢 G80乙 Soo Jψαn,93,491-511,pls.1-2。[J Monobe area,Kochi,Southwest Japan.M翻. +E] 恥c S6乞.,Ko6h乞Un初.,S8飢E,8,71-81,pl.1。 Matsukawa,M.and Obata,1。(1988) Aoαnオんoho少一 Maeda,H。(1987b)Taphonomy of ammonites from 1舵5 名召65弼εぎ (Anderson) from the Lower the Cretaceous Yezo Group in the Tappu Cretaceous Sebayashi Formation, Japan. Bz61乙 area,northwestem Hokkaido,Japan. 71rα瓜 ノ〉α診n.S砿ハ4礁,710勿o,36冗C,14, 79-86, 乃・乙ん伽・舷So・」妙αn,2〉。S.,no.148,285- Matsukawa,M.and Obata,1,(1993) The am. 305. monites (ニァゼoα3名αオ∫孟ε5 価礁ガ・66ブ砺)and Sh僻 Maeda,H.(1990)Sheltered preservation:a peculiar 批吻66規5from the Barremian of Southwest mode of ammonite occurrence in the Cretaceous Japan. Pα血ε07πolo9ツ, 36, 249-266 (including3 Yez・Gr・up・IH・kkaid・・n・rthJapan五6彦h畝 Pls.). 24,69-82. も Matsumoto,T.(1936a)Preliminary notes on the Maeda,H.(1993)Dimorphism of Late Cretaceous so-called Rzrαメ》α6hごy4雰6z63 69餌・n2(F・rbes) false-puzosiine ammonites, y罐oツ4窺α066名43 from Japan。」4〆》αn.」10z6冗 G60ム Gε・9冗,13,259一 Wright and Matsumoto,1954and1▽60卿20吻 267,pls.30.31。 Matsumoto,1954.丁名伽£Pro乙彪1α60肱Soo Matsumoto,T.(1936b)Geology of the Onogawa J4勿n,亙.S.,no。169,97-128. Basin,Kyushu.Joz礁Gεo乙Soc J砂απ,43,758一

一601一 Bκllα乞nげ孟h6G60イogZoαl Sz6プη《yρプJlαρ6zn,Vb乙 51, 1〉α11, 2000

786.[J] by Matsumoto,T.:Selected Cretaceous leading Matsumoto,T.(1937)Geology of the Gosyonoura ammonites in Hokkaido and Saghalien.Japan Island,Amakusa.Jo砿 G60乙So‘」砂αn,44, Soc.Pro臼m.Sci.,Tokyo,324p.,pls.1-36. 594-596.[J] Matsumoto,T.(1954b)Family Puzosiidae from Hok. Matsumoto,T.(1938a)Geological study of the kaido and Saghalien.ハ46ηz. 施α S砿,κyz65hκ Gosyonoura Island,Amakusa,with special Un蝕,S6飢D,5,69-118,pIs.9-23. refernce to the Cretaceous stratigraphy.Joκ飢 Matsumoto,T。(1955a)Family Kossmaticeratidae G80乙Soo Jαραn,45,1-46.[J十E] from Hokkaido and Saghalien.」砂αn。Jo砿 Matsumoto,T.(1938b)Z81αn読総 a genus of G60ム G609飢,26,ll5-164,Pls.8-10. Cretaceous ammonite. 」4メ》αn. Joz6冗 G60ム Matsumoto,T.(1955b)The bituberculate Pachydis. G609冗,15,137-148,P1.14. cids from Hokkaido and.Saghalien_M翻.勲c Matsumoto,T.(1941)A study of the relationship S砿,瓦y螂hκUn薇,S6冗P,5,153.184,pls。31. between different species,with special reference 37. to the problem on the range of a fossil species. Matsumoto,T.(1956) Further notes on the 」・砿G6・乙S・・」砂αn,48,19-37。[J]. kossmaticeratids from Hokkaido.」砂αn.Jio蹴 Matsumoto,T.(1942a)A note on the Japanese G60ム G8097=,27,123-187,Pls.14-16. Cretaceous ammonites belonging to the sub- Matsumoto,T,(!957)A Turonian jD8勉醜65from family Desmoceratinae. Pプoα 盈ρ. ∠46α4. Hokkaido, Japan. 7㌃αn乱 PプoG んZα60nゑ Soc τo勿o,18,24-29. J4ノ》αn,1〉.S.,no.27,86-88,PL l5. Matsumoto,T.(1942b)A note on the Japanese am- Matsumoto,T. (1959a) Zonation of the UpPer monites belonging to the Gaudryceratid&e. Cretaceous in Japan. ハ4i6ηz. ル‘ S6孟,・尺yz65hz6 Pプ・‘1吻.,A6α471・為ツ・,18,666-670. Un加.,S砿 五)955.93. ラ ラ Matsumoto,T.(1942c)A note on the J&panese am- Matsumoto,T. (1959b) Zoning of the Upper monoids species belonging to the Tet. Cretaceous in Japan and adj&cent areas with ragoniti(iae. P7roc 1ηzρ. 且6α4. 7b々yo, 18, 671- special reference to world.wide correlation. 673. Co9冗G60乙 1n欝n.XX Sε∬歪on,M8漉60,ヱ956, Matsumoto,T.(1942d)A short note on the Japanese あnクo吻規461C麟α6ぎ60,347-381。 Cretaceous Phylloceratidae. jPブo乙 1勉ρ. /1αz4. Matsumoto,T.(1960〉Gブαッ50n撚(Cretaceous am- τo妙o,18,674-676. monites) from Kyushu. M翻. 血o S6乞, Matsumoto,T. (1942e) Fundamentals in the κy%5h%Un乞凱,S6冗1),10,41-58,pls.6-8。 Cretaceous stratigraphy of Japan,Part I.M6刀z. Matsumoto,T.(1965a)A monograph of the Co1- 丑zα S砿,κyκ5hκ1規ρ.Un薇,S6冗 D,1,130- 1ignoniceratidae from Hokkaido,Part I。M翻. 280,pls.1-20. 丑zo SoZ.,瓦y%5h%Un薇,S飢1).,16,1-80,pls. Matsumoto,T. (1943) Fundamentals in the 1.18. Cretaceous stratigraphy of J’apan,Parts II&III. Matsumoto,T.(1965b)A monograph of the Col- M6規.施c S6Z.,1く膨5h祝1解ρ.Un歪u,S6冗D,2, 1ignoniceratidae from Hokkaido,Part II,ハ4i翻。 98-237. 丑zG S砿,長y%3h% Uη彪,S6飢 1),16,209-243, Matsumoto,T.(1947a)The geologic research of the pls。36-43. Aritagawa Valley,Wakayama Prefectureτa Matsumoto,T.(1967)Evolution of the Nos. contribution to the tectonic history of the toceratidae (Cretaceous heteromorph &m- outer.zone of South.west Japan.S砿 Rψム monoids).M翻。1㌦乙S6∠,絢κ3h%Un歪繊,S6飢 1)ψムG60乙,κyκ5h房Un乞獣,2,!.12.[」十E] 1),18,331-347,pls.18-19。 Matsumoto,T.(1947b)On some interesting am- Matsumoto,T.(1969)A monograph of the Collig- monites from the Paleocretaceous of Yuasa noniceratidae from Hokkaido,Part III.ハ4翻. district, Southwest Japan。 S6歪. Rψム 1)砂ム Rzo S6盛,Kly麗5hκ Un乞凱,S6飢 五).,19,297-330, G80孟,長y%5hκUnZ玖,2,13.19.[」十E] pls.39.45. Matgumoto,T.(1947c)A note on the Japanese Matsumoto,T.(1970a)A monograph of the Co1- Pachydiscinae.S砿R碗D8μG8・ム,絢κ5加 lignoniceratidae from Hokkaido,Part IV..M翻. Un薇,2,34-46.[」十E] 乃α S砿,Kly%5hμ Un薇,S砿 五).,20,225-304, Matsumoto,T.(1951)A note on-the Pachydis. pls.30-47.

a Cretaceous 7}αn5. Clnae, ammonlte-group・ Matsumoto,T.(1970b)Uncommon keeled am- P700 ル1α8・nオS・‘」α勿n,2〉.S.,no.1,19-26。 monites from the Upper Cretaceous of Hok- Matsumoto,T. (1953) The ontogeny of Mεオ砂一 kaido and Saghalien.ハ46〃z.勲α S砿,Kとyz65h% 16z66n〃667・α5 5κ伽1魏吻砺解 (Jimbo). 」α勿n. Un蝕,S6飢D,20,305.317,pls.48-49. Joκ飢G601. G609名,23,139-150,P1.13. Matsumoto,T.(1971)A monograph of the Collig- Matsumoto,T. (compiled)(1954a)Th6C魏α660π5 noniceratidae from Hokkaido,Part V.」Ml翻. 妥y5オ8規歪ηオh6」砂αn656Z3伽n4£,with apPendix 血乙 S砿,κyκ5hπ Un乞蹴,S6飢 1),21,129.162,

一602一 Dα励α58げ伽Cプε鰭・%5㈱珈η・泌ガnゆ醗(τ・5ん伽伽翻4H擁η・)

pls.21-24。 Soα Jl砂αn,5♪ε乙 Pα〆〉.,no.27,5-32,pls。1-9. Matsumoto,T.(1973)Vascoceratid ammonites from Matsumoto,T.(!984e)A gigandc parahoplitid am- the Turonian of Hokkaido. T7αア35. Proc. monite from northem Hokkaido.R砂ム Gεo乙 勲Zα60n左 Soo J4ノ)αn,1〉.S.,no.89,27-41,P1.8。 Sκ7蹴 Hφゑゑα140,55,21-28,Pls.1-2. Matsumoto,T。(1975)Additional acanthoceratids Matsumoto,T.(1984f)Some gaudryceratid am- from Hokkaido.M翻.勲乙S6∠,K画3h%U勉跣, monites from the Campanian and Maastrich- S6冗 1),22,99、163,pls.ll、23. tian of Hokkaido,Part I.S6乞 R6ノ)ゑ y6ゐosz6ゑα Matsumoto,T.(1977a)Some heteromorph am- C疲yハ4κ乱,no.32,1-10,pls.1-5. monites from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido. Matsumoto,T. (1985) Restudy of C万066郷 ハ46刀z.施o S6云,κyμ5h%Un薇,S6飢D,23,303- s勿n乞961一κ窺 Jimbo, a Cretaceous ammonite 366,pls.43-61. species.P猶・aJ砂αn/1・α4.,S6たB,61,56-59。 Matsumoto,T.(1977b)Zonal correlation of the Matsumoto,T.(1987a)Notes on Foプわ65プ667α5(Am- UpPer Cretaceous in Japan.ん1α60nゑ Soa monoidea) from Hokkai(io. Trαn5. Pヂo乙 J妙αn,助6‘んρ.,no.21,63-74. 翫1α8・nム8・cJ砂伽,N.S,no.145,16-31. Matsumoto,T。(1978a)A record of N60塑ッ6h舵5 Matsumoto,T.(1987b)Note onぬohッ46吻06徽5, from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido.R868窺Rε5. a Cretaceous ammonite genus。P70c J砂伽 G60ム,j[)81h乞,4,196-207. ∠46α4.,S8πB,63,5-8. Matsumoto,T.(1978b)On the Late Dr.Shingo Matsumoto,T。(compiled)(1988)A monograph of Yehara’s collection of fossil Cephalopoda.Jioz6冗 the Puzosiidae (Ammonoidじa) from the G609飢,87,82・89.[J十El Cretaceous of Hokkaido.ん1α80nゑ Soc J4ノ)6zn, Matsumoto,T.(1978c)Japan and adjoining areas. 助6αんρ.,no.30,1-179. Moulade, Naim, M., Matsumoto,T.(1989)A gigantic ammonite from 1n M.and A.E. eds つ Th6 Pんα冗6ro之o廊g6010gy げオh6 測0714,2, Th6 Hobetsu,Hokkaido.Bκ1乙 Ho6α5κ ハ4z65.,no.5, M650之oガ6,∠4,Elsevier,Amsterdam,79-144. 1-ll,pls.1-2. Matsumoto,T.(1979)Notes on L8測65歪667α5 and Matsumoto,T.(1990a)A kossmaticeratid am. .〈流oω漉漉5(pachydiscid ammonites)from the monite from Noborikawa, Hokkaido, with Cretaceous of Hokkiado. 丁名αη& P706. ル伽60n孟. remarks on relevant taxa,Bκ1乙πoわ6魏M祝5. ) Soα」砂αn,1〉.S.,no.ll3,30-44,pls。4-7. no,6,1.14,p1.1. Matsumoto,T.(1980) from the Matsumoto,T.(1990b)An interesting pachydiscid Shimanto Belt of Kochi Prefecture (Shikoku). ammonite from Hokkaido,with remarks on 1ηTaira,A.and Tashiro,M.eds., Gεologyαn4 relevant taxa. T7ηη5. Pプoo. Pα1α80n孟. So6. ρα160nオologly ρプ 渉h6 ShZ万zαπオo B61診 -58」86渉64 」砂αn,瓦.S.,no.156,618-630. ρ妙ε∬初ん・η・7・ヅ脅厩痂・Kα伽一。 Rinya一 Matsumoto,T.(1991a)On some acanthoceratid am. Kosai-Kai Press,Kochi,283-298,Pls.45-49 [」 monites from the Turonian of Hokkaido. +El lT名伽£Pプo‘ん伽onオ.Soα」砂αn,1〉.S,no. Matsumoto,T.(1982a)Note on HOφ1勿殉66n一・ 164,910-927. 眈徽5fromHokkaido.Pブ・・」砂αn∠46α4., S砿 Matsumoto,T.(compiled) (1991b) The mid- B,58,249-252. Cretaceous ammonites of the family Matsumoto,T.(1982b) Astratigraphicalrestudyat Kossmaticeratidae from Rz伽on6.So6. Japan. the type locality of ハ48オαノ》砺66nだ68名α5 5め一 」砂αn,勘6Gんφ., no.33,1-143,pls。!-31. 磁吻αオ灘(Jimbo)(Cretaceous ammonite)。 Matsumoto,T.(1995) Notesongaudryceratidam- 乃・‘」砂αn∠46磁,S飢B,58,253-255. monites from Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Matsumoto, T. (1982c) UpPer Cretaceous am- 盈Zα60砿So‘ 」砂απ,5♪60 んρ.,no.35,1-152. monites from the Monobe area,Shikoku. Matsumoto,T. and Egashira,N. (1997)An interest- 勲1α80n孟. S・cJ砂αn, 5♪8乙 助.,no.25,31-52, mg mid-Cretaceous ammnoite from Hokkido. pls。1-7. Pα180舷R85.,1, l50_152. Matsumoto, T.(1984a)A new tetragOnitid am- Matsumoto,T. and Harada,M.(1964) Cretaceous monite from Hokkaido. Proc. 」砂伽且cα4.,S6飢 stratigraphy of the Yubari Dome, Hokkaido. B,60,33-35. ハ4碗.死αS6五, κyκ5hκ Un彪,S8冗 P,15,79一 Matsumoto,T.(1984b)The so-called Turonian- ll5,pls、9-ll. Coniacian boundary in Japan. B%1ム G60乙 Soo Matsumoto,T.and Haraguchi, Y.(1978)Anew jD6n〃zα漉,33,171-181. texanitine ammonite from Hokkaido Tプαn3. Matsumoto,T.(1984c)An aberrant ammonite genus jPro乙盈彪60nオ. ’s・・訊砂αn, 2〉。S.,no.llq,306一 from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido.Pブoo血卿n 318,p1.42. ∠40誠.,S8飢B,60,341-344, Matsumoto,T. and Hashimoto,W.(1953)A find of Matsumoto,T。(1984d)Ammonites from the Upper B6κぬ吻4006名α5from Hokkaido,Japan.Tプαn£ Campanian of the Teshio Mountains.ん1α60鉱 P700 勲1α80nム So‘」1αメ〉αη,.〈π.S.,no.12,97-!02,

一603一 B配llαZnげオh6G60Zog廊αl Sz67η受yげ」の勉n,Vb乙 51, 2〉o.1!, 2000

pL lO. Part3.ん160鉱R6£,4,33-38. Matsumoto,T.and Hirano,H.(1976)Color pat. Matsumoto,T。and Maeda,Y.(1951)On a fossil tems in some Cret&ceous ammonites from Hok一 ammonite belonging to the genusル6hッ諮6π5 ’kaido. 7㌃αn8 Pアroa ル彪60πよ So‘ 」4〆》αn,1〉.S., from the island of Awaji.ハ4Zn8観13召裾G60み no.IO2,334-342,p1.35. 08y,4,67-70,P1.5.[」] Matsumoto,T.and Hirata,M.(1969)A new am. Matsumoto,T.and Miyauchi,T.(1984)Some Cam. monite from the Shimantogawa Group of panian ammonites from the Soya area. Shikoku. 7テαn乱 P70a ん血60/zよ Soc Jlαノ》αη,.八天. 勲1α60nゑSooあ勿n,助60ん♪.,no.27,33-76, S.,no。76,177-184,P1.20. Pls.10-31. Matsumoto,T.and Inoma,A.(1975) Mid- Matsumoto,T.and Miyauchi, T.(1986) Further Cretaceousαmmonites from the Shumarinai- notes on 勲ヂαsol6noα3ヂα5 (heteromorph am- Soeushinai area,Hokkaido,Part l..M翻.1㌦‘ monoid)from Hokkaido. S6公R碗y凍o勲α S6公,κ膨5h%Un薇,S6飢五),23,263-293,pls。38- C疲y Mz舐,no.34,7-16,P1. 1. 42. Matsumoto,T.&nd Morozumi, Y。 (!980) Late Matsumoto,T.and Inoma,A.(1991〉Descriptions Cretaceous ammonites from the Izumi Moun- of the species from the Shumarinai-Soeushinai tains, Southwest Jεしpan. B%1乙05α肋ハ4礁, area of Hokkaido(Mid-Cretaceous ammonites 1〉α厩盈5ム,no. 33,1-31,pls。 1-16. from the Shumarinai.Soeushinai area,Hok. Matsumoto,T.and Morozumi, Y.(1988)A kaid・,PartIII).駕αε・nよS・‘ゆαn,勘6・ sphenodiscid ammonite acquired rarely from the んρ。,no.33,103-122, Cretaceous of Japan。 7㌃α7z5. Proa ん彪80nよ T.and A. The firstMatsumoto, Inoma, (1999) So乙」4ノ》αn,ノ〉.S,no.150,465-475。 record of M650伽所1舵5(Ammonoidea)from Matsumoto,T.and Murakami,K.(1991)Descrip- Hokkaido. ん160nムR6&,3,36-40. tion of a Mαだhαll舵5species from the Tomochi Matsumoto,T. andKanie,Y.(1967)窺n・6徽5,a Formation in Southwest Japan.Rz伽60砿Soo new heteromorph ammonoid genus from the J‘脚n,5♪εoんρ.,no.33,129-131。 Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido.M8窺.1勉a Matsumoto,T.&nd Muramoto,K.(1978)Further S砿, 絢κ5hμ Un乞鉱,S飢Z),18,349-359,pls.20一 notes on vascoceratid ammonites from Hok. 21. kaido. Tブαn5.P名oo.%16z60n孟.Soα J砂αn, N.S., Matsumoto,T and Kanie,Y.(1979)Two omate no.109,280-292,P1.39. ammonites from the Urakaw&Cretδceous area, Matsumoto,T.and Muramoto,T. (1967) Two Hokkaido.S6孟 R4)ム yと漉05z漉α Cぎ々y M%£,no. interesting heteromorph ammonoids from Hok. 26,13-20,P1.5. kaido.ハ4吻z.苑乙 S砿,κy%5h% Un加.,S砿 1), Matsumoto,T.and Kanie,Y.(1982〉On three 18,361-366,pls.22-24. Cretaceous keeled ammonites from the Urakawa Matsumoto,T.and Nihongi,M.(1979)An interest- area,Hokkaido.S砿R砂ムy罐05醜αC勿ハ4礁, ing mode of occurrence of∫吻P砂6h・68燃 no.29,9-22,Pls.1-2. (Cretaceous heteromorph ammonoid). 乃oo Matsumoto,T.and Katto,」.(1984)Again on some J砂伽A6α4.,S飢B,55,ll5-ll9. cephδ10pods and inoceramids from the Upper Matsumoto,T。and Nishida,T.(1999)Locality guide Cretaceous of the Monobe area,Shikoku..Rε& for selected Cretaceous fossils of the Soeushinai Rψム,Ko6h乞U勉凱,瓦α畝So乞,32,199-210,pls. area.ん」60nゑR6£,3,ll6-120. 1-6.[J十E] Matsumoto,T.and Noda,M.(1966)Notes on∠4〃z一 Matsumoto,T.and Kawano,T.(1975)A find of 規on舵5 6昭槻魏αn%3 d》Orbigny from the B6協・6吻6068郷fromHokkaido.丁観n£Pプ・‘ Cretaceous of France. 7㌃αn5.Pプ06. 盈血60n診. 拓1α60nム Soo J4ノ》αn,2〉.S.,no.97,7-21,P1.1。 So‘ 」砂απ,〈匹.S.,no.64,359-365,P1.40. Matsumoto,T.and Kawashita,Y.(1995)A new Matsumoto,T。and Obata,1.(1955)Some Upper ammonite species of S加η勉68規5 from the Cretaceous desmoceratids from Hokkaido and 0yubari area.Joκ飢 施o E4z6‘,Sα9α Uπ初.,42, Saghalien.ハ46規.施‘S6Z.,瓦y%5hπ Un乞蹴,S6名 186-187,p1.5. 1),5,ll9.151,pls.24-30. Matsumoto,T.and Kawashita,Y.(1998) Two am一 Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(1956)On some monite species of the genus Shαη勉66郷from Cretaceous fossils collected by Mr.T.Kubo the Cretaceous of Hokkaido. 勲180n渉 R65.2 along the River Ikushunbetsu, Hokkaido, , , 89.95. Eαπh S618n66αn4ハ4z658z6ηz5,23,108-ll2,pls.1- Matsumoto,T.and Kawashita,Y.(1999) The tur- 2.[J] rilitid ammonoid .M副8114 from Hokkaido一 Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(1963a〉A monog- P&rt2.拓乙60アz孟.R63.3162-172. raph of the Baculitidae from Japan.M翻.1㌦乙 り ン Matsumoto,T.and Kijima,T.(2000) The tur一 S6乞,κy麗5hκUnZ泓,S6先一D,13,1.ll6,pls.1-27. rilitid ammonoid ハ4ζzプ記llαfrom.Hokkaido一 Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(1963b).B8灘h泌

一604一 Dζz乱z66z58げ6h6σ紹孟α660z656z刀zηzono145勿z Jとψ6zπ (7b5h1刀z露5z6αn4五灘πzno)

(Cretaceous ammonite) from Shikoku.B%1よ プo鋭66名α5 Shimizu, 1932. ハ4翻. 苑c S6乞, ハ碗6n。S6孟 ハ4z孤, 7bゑツo,6,405-410,P1.61. κy郷h房Un2蹴,S砿1),25,229-246,pls.32-35. Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(1981)A new Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1991)A find of heteromorph ammonite from Hokkaido in the a Cenomanian ammonite from Tomiuchi, collection of Yoshitaro Kawashita。βπ1ムN碗n. Hobetsu district, Hokkai(io, Bz61乙 H)66孟3% Sc孟 ハ4尻$, 710為ツo,Sε飢 (二 7,ll5-1!8,pls.1-2. M%5,no.7,1-8,pls.1-2. Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(1982a)An am- Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1992)On a lead. monite rarely found from the Obira area,Hok. ing ammonite speciesん6hツ廊o%3為06αツα5h勿 kaido.Bz611』ノ〉αオπ,S6乞.ハ4z鳳,710為ツo,S8飢 C,8, from the Hobetsu district,Hokkaido.B房1乙 31-36.[」十El Hoわ8孟5z6ハ4’%乱,no.8,1-16,pls.1-3. Matsumoto,T.and Obata,1.(!982b)Some interest. Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1995)Restudy ing acanthocerataceans from Hokkaido.B%1ム of G側4型68郷泥nκ伽規Matsumoto from the ノ〉伽.S砿M礁,7殉・,S6κC,8,67-92(inlud- Hobetsu district, Hokkai(io. Bz61ム 飾6α5z6 ing6Pls.)。 ハ4z鳳,no.ll,1-16,Pls。1-8. Matsumoto,T.and Okada,H.(1978)Evaluation of Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1996)A phyl- molluscan fossils from the Mesozoic of the 10ceratid ammonite species from the Maastrich- Shimanto Belt乃oc J砂4n∠16α4,S6飢B,54, tian of the Hobetsu district Hokkaido. βz61乙 7 325-330. Ho66云5z6 ハ4麗8,no。12,1-8,Pls.1-2. Matsumoto,T.and Saito,R.(1954)A nearly smooth Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu,S.(1998)On some pachydiscid from Hokkaido,Japan.話α勿n. species of Shαη勉66規3(Ammonoidea)from the Jioz6飢 ・G60乙 G6097㌧,24,87・92,Pls。9-ll. Cretaceous of Hokkaido, North Japan. Bz41よ Matsumoto,T。and Saito,R.(1956)A new species G6・乙S%卿。ゆαn,49,621-631(including3 of Dα耀5舵5from the Cenomanian of Hok- Pls.). kaido,Japan.T7朋乱乃o乙%1α80nゑSoo Matsumoto,T。and Uchida,S.(1985)Note on a J砂αn,1〉:.S,no.22,191-194。 species of Ro窺αn166郷from the Cretaceous of Matsumoto,T.and Saito,R.(1987)Little known Hokkaido. BZflム Nα魏. S砿 ハ4π乱, 7b為ツo, S6飢 ammonite G7αn4滅顔66ブα5 from Hokkaido. C,11,1-8,P1.1. 丁規n乱 jRプo‘ R21α60n孟.Soo 血鋼n,亙S,no. Matsumoto,T.and Yokoi,K.(1987)Tiny am- 145, 1-9. monite Wbπho66郷 from Hokkaido.Tr朋3. Matsumoto,T,and Suekane,T. (1987)Some acan. 乃o乙%伽onゑSooJψαn,ノ〉.S.,no.146,42-48. thoceratid ammonites from the Yubari Moun- Matsumoto,T。and Yoshida,S.(1979)A new gaud- tains,Hokkaido-Partl. S6云R碗ybゑ05醜α ryceratid ammonite from eastem Hokkaido. C歪をy ハ4z鳳,no.35,1-14,Pls. 1-4. 丁観n5P7・aん舵・nムS・乙」αραn,1〉.S.,no. Matsumoto,T.and Takahashi, K.(1986a) Am. ll4,65-76,pls.10.ll. monites from.the Doganaro Formation of the Matsumoto,T.and Yoshimatsu,T。 (1982) Shimanto Belt(southem Shikoku).あ蹴G60ム Inoceramids and ammonites from the Terasoma So・」砂αn,88,207-208.[」] Formation of the type.area (Shimanto belt)。 Matsumoto,T.and Takahashi,T.(1986b)A record Fb∬ぎ156配α6・nゑSoα」4ραnク,no.32,1-18,Pls。 of M6nφ舵5(Ammonoidea)from Hokkaido. 1-4.[J十El Pプ・cJ砂αn∠4・磁,S飢B,62,79-82. Matsumoto,T.,Kimura,T.and Katto,」.(1952) Matsumoto,T.and Takahashi,T.(1992)Am- Discovery of Cretaceous ammonites from the un- monites of the genus∠460刀zρ5066ブα5and some divided Mesozoic complex of Shikoku,Japan. other acanthoceratid species from the Ikushun- Mε解.姦G S6乞.,長膨5勧Uη薇,S飢1),3,179- betsu valley, central Hokkaido. Tプαn£ 乃oo 186,p1.13. 勲1α60nゑS・・」砂αn,2〉.S,no.166,ll44-!l56. M&tsumoto,T.,Saito,R.and Fukada,A.(1957) Matsumoto,T.and Tamura,M。(1982)Record of Some acanthoceratids from Hokkaido..M餓. an ammonite from the Shimanto Belt of the 翫乙S62.,κy%3加Un2玖,S6飢D,6,1-45,pls.1- Kumaarea,Kyushu.乃o・ 」砂απ∠46α4.,S6飢 18. B,58,148-15L Matsumoto,T。,Obata,1.,Maeda,S.and Sato,T. Matsumoto,T.and Tashiro,M. (1975)Arecordof (1964) 】勉薇6θ規5 (Cretaceous ammonites) ハ4・吻厩6郷(Cretaceous ammonite) from from Futaba,Northeast Japan.7地n乱 P名o乙 Goshonoura Island, Kyushu. Trαn5. 乃o乙 拓♂α60nゑ Soo Jと4》αn,.八天.S、,no。56, 322-331,p1. んZα80nオ。 S・・」ψαn,2〉.S。,no. 100,230-238,p1. 48. 25. Matsumoto,T.,Ishikawa,H.and Yamakuchi,S. Matsumoto,T.and Toshimitsu, S. (1984) On the (1966)A Mesozoic ammonite from Amami. systematic position of the two ammonite genera Oshima.丁耀n乱 乃oo ん1α60nム Soo Jαρ4n, Hourcquia Collignon, 1965 and 乃6z6406α匹 1〉.S.,no,62,234-241.

一605一 Bκllαどn げ診h6 G6010920αl Sz67η6ツ(ゾ」ヒ4》αn, Vbよ 51, No.11 , 2000

Matsumoto,T.,Kanmera,K.and Sakamoto,H. 3,!-10.[」十El (1968)Notes on two Cretaceous ammonites Matsumoto,T。,Maiya,S,,Inoue,Y.,Noda,M.and from the Tomochi Formation of Kyushu. Kaiho,.K. (1981b) Coordinated mega- and ・」4〆)αn.Jloκ冗 G60孟 G809冗,39,139-148,P1.2. micro-biostratigraphy of the UpPer Cretaceous Matsumoto,T。,Muramoto,T.and Takahashi,T. in the Tombetsu Valley, Hokkaido.Jo砿 (1969) Selected acanthoceratids from Hok. J砂αn.∠4∬oo翫名0∠ 7セ6h.,46,301-313.[」十E] kaido.Mε窺.翫c S6乞.,κyκ5加 Un初.,Sε飢 D, Matsumoto,T., Morozumi, Y., Bando, Y., 19,251-296,pls。25-38. Hashimoto,H. and Matsuoka,A (1981c)Note Matsumoto,T.,Muramoto,T.and Inoma,A. on Pm物オ066昭s 5乞9規o痂16 Yabe (Cretaceous (1972a) Two small desmoceratid ammonites heteromorph ammonite). T規n5.乃06.勲㍍60nオ. from Hokkaido.丁観n5.乃ocん1α60nオ.So乙 S・aJ砂αn,1▽.S,no. 123,168-178,pls.22-26. 」1砂αn,ノ〉1.S.,no.87,377-394,pl.47. Matsumoto,T.Muramoto, K。, Hirano, H.and Matsumoto,T.,Muramoto,T.and Takahashi,T. Takahashi,T.(1981d) Some Coniacian am. (1972b)A new gaudryceratine ammonite from monites from Hokkaido. 7地n5. PアrOO.」P4んτ60nオ. the Cenomanian of Hokkaido.ハ4翻.死c S6乞. So乙」砂αn,1▽.S,no.121, 51.73 pls.6-8. , 》 瓦y配5加Un2肌,S6飢一D,21,207-215,pl.33. Matsumoto,T.,Obata,1., Tashiro, M.,’Ohta,Y., Matsumoto,T., Otsuka, H. and Oki, K. (1973) Tamura,M.,Matsukawa, and M. Tanaka,H. (1982)Correlati・n・f Cretaceous fossils from the Shimanto Belt of marine and non-marlne Kagoshima Prefecture.Jo麗冗 G60乙 So‘ 」αραn, formations in the Cretaceous of Japan。 Eo∬乞奏 79,703-704. [J] ‘Pα1α8・nムSoα」妙αnク,no 31,1-26. [」+E] Matsumoto,T., Kawashita,Y.,Fujishima,Y.and Matsumoto,T.,Miyauchi, T. and Kanie, Y。 Miyauchi,T. (1978a)Mammites and allied am一 (1985a)Some gaudryceratid ammonites from monites from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido and the Campanian and Maastrichtian of Hok. Saghalien.M8刀z.乃G S6乞,κy麗5hκ Uπぬ,S8飢 kaido,PartII.S6∠R6μ y罐os罐α C勿M礁, 1),24,1-24,pls.1-6. no.33,19.36,pls.1.5. Matsumoto,T.,Okada,H.and Sakurai,S.(1978b) Matsumoto,T.,Obata,1. and Hirano,H.(1985b) Record of a Cretaceous ammonite from the Mega-fossil zonation of the Cretaceous System Akaishi Mountains,central Japan.P70乙」砂αn in Japan and Correlation with the standards in ∠46厩.,S砿 B,54,321-324. Westem Europe。M8勉.G80孟 So乙 」4ραn,no, ,Okada,H.,Hirano,H。,Tanabe,K., 26 29-42. [J+E] Matsumoto,T. , Okamura, M.,Takayama,T.,Takayanagi,Y., Matsumoto, T., Obata,.1. and Kawashita, Y. Obata, 1., Noda,M.and Tamura,M.(1978c) (1985c) Notes on some acanthoceratid am- Mid.Cretaceous zonation in Japan./lnn. ハ4κ5. monites from the Oyubari area,Hokkaido. 4’H魏.Nα疏. 翫6,4(f・rl976),n・.33,1-23. B%ll. 〈嘘n. S砿ハ4礁,71・為ツ・,S6飢C,ll,156一 Matsumoto,T.,Kanie,Y.and Yoshida,S.(1979) 182 (including8Pls.)。 Notes on Rz6hツ読56κ5from Hokkaido.M翻. Matsumoto, T.,Morozumi,Y。and Ozawa,T. 翫o.S6ぎ (1986a) Note on an ammonite species of 価) 鞠κ3hκUn薇,S砿D,24,47-73,pls。 8.13. Rz6hly漉5昭5from Awaji Island,southwest Japan. Matsumoto,T.Hashimoto,H.and Furuichi,M. B%1乙0脈αM礁,翫猷猛紘,no.40,1-13,P1. (1980a) An interesting species of Bα6κ1露85 1. (Ammonoidea) from the Cretaceous Izumi Matsumoto,T。,Muramoto,K.,Takahashi,T., Group of Shikoku.Pプoo J砂αn且6α4.,S6飢B, Yamashita,M.and Kawashita,Y.(1986b)On 56 408-413, N6・吻6癩5吻nぢ9徽窺(Jimb・),aspecies・f シ Matsumoto,T.Kanmera,K.and Ohta,Y.(1980b) Cretaceous heteromorph ammonoids. Trαn£ faunule from the Cretaceous Yatsu- P7・・ん1α6・nゑS・・」α勿n,1▽.S。,no。143,463一 shiro Formation(Kyushu)and its implication. 474,pls. 93-94. 丁瓶n乱Pプ・αん1α80nムSo・」沈勿n,N.S,no. Matsumoto, T。,Nemoto,M.and Watanabe,T. ll8,325-338,p1.37. (1989a) On 盈205毎 ゑ躍鷹α乞Tokunaga and Matsumoto,T.,Kinoshita,K.,Inoma,A.,Kido,H., Shimizu, l926,a Cretaceous ammonite species. Nishijima,S.and Kato,S.(1980c) Stratig- Eo∬痂〔拓伽o鉱 So‘」砂副,no.47,25-38.[J raphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Tombe- +E] tsu Valley,Hokkaido.S6孟R6μ,1)ψムG60ム, Matsumoto,T.,Noda,M。and Toshimitsu,S. κy%5hκU初u,13,265-275.[J十E] (1989b)Gigantic ammonite held in the Hobe. Matsumoto,T.,Futakami,M.,Tanabe,K.&nd Obata, tsu Museum 一its record of occurrence and its 1. (1981a) UpPer Turonian ammonite as- stratigraphic posi百on. Bκ1孟 Ho66亦z6 ハ4z舐,no. semblages in the Pombetsu area,central Hok- 5,13-25,pls. 1-2。[」十E] kaido.B%1乙 1<露α々yκ5hz6 ハ4κ£ 1〉α診箔 H歪鉱,no. Matsumoto,T., Suekane,T.and Kawashita,Y。

一606一 加励α56げ診h6σ蔽68・%5α解解・π・跳ZnJ吻n(乃5h禰魏αn4H勉n・)

(1989c)Some acanthoceratid ammonites from 去5α000オ αyめα紘 Hokkaido Development the Yubari Mountains,Hokkaido-Part2.S6盛 ・Agency,121p。,8Pls.[J十E] R6Pゑyb焉・5罐α.CめノM盗,no.37,29-44。 Nakai,1.(1968)Cretace・usstratigraphy・fthe Matsumoto,T。,Nemoto,M.and Suzuki,C. Katsuuragawa Valley of Tokushima Prefecture, (1990a) Gigantic ammonites from the Shikoku.」6z舐 G60ム Soo J4ραn,74,279-293。[J Cretaceous Futaba Group of Fukushima Prefec- +E] ture.7地n£P700ル伽60nゑSoGJ4卿n,1〉.S., Nakai,1.and Hada,S.(1966)Discovery of Aptian no.157,366-381。 ammonites from the Shimanto terrain,westem Matsumoto,T.,Toshimitsu,S.and Kawashita,Y. Shikoku. Tr召n£・P700 勲♂α80n凌 So乙 Jiαραn,1〉。 (1990b)On H側8短687α5de Grossouvre,1894, S.,no.62,242-250,pls.29-30. a Cretaceous ammonite genus.Tブαn3.痔oα Nakai,1.and Matsumoto,T.(1968)On some am. Pα1α8・鉱So・」砂αn,N.S,no.158,439-458. monites from the Cretaceous Fulikawa Forma- Matsumoto,T.,Noda,M.and Maiya,S。(1991〉 tion of Shikoku.」伽先 S6歪.H掬5h伽α Un加. ) Towards an integrated amrロonoid一,inoceramid- S8飢 C,6,1-15,pls,1.3。 an(i foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Nara,C.,Taketani,Y.and Minoura,K.(1994) Cenomanian and Turonian(Cretaceous)in Hok- -Cretaceous stTa.tigraphy in the Kesen- kaido.Joz6飢 G60g飢,100,378-398.[J十E] numa and Karakuwa areas of southem Kitakami Matsumoto,T.,Noda,M.,Kanie,Y.,Yoshikawa, Mountains,Northeast Japan..翫1ム Ez6為配5h歪ηzα Y.,Toshimitsu,S.,Maiya,S.and Hanagata,S. M礁,n・.8,29-63(including3Pls.). [J+E] (1994) Stratigraphy of the Cenomanian- Naruse,H.,Maeda,H.and Shigeta, Y.(2000) Turonian transition in the Hobetsu district, Newly discovered Late Cretaceous molluscan Hokkaido。B%1よHo6ε翻M徽,no.10,1-25, fossils and inferred K/T boun(iary in the pls.1-10.[J十E] Nemuro Group,eastem Hokkaido, northern Matsumoto,T.,Yokoi,K.and Kawashita,Y. Japan.Jo麗飢 G80ム Soα 」4∫》αn, 106, l61-164. [」 (1997)Further notes on the ammonoid genus +E] %吻雌66π611魔ル16・鉱一R6£,1,188・199. Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Kyuma,Y. and Maiya, Matsumoto,T.,Kawabe,F.and Kawashita,Y. S.(1992)Integrated inoceramid-foraminiferal (1998)Two ammonite species ofハ407診on魏規3 biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian and from the Yubari Mountains(Hokkaido)and Turonian(Cretaceous) in the Kotanbetsu Val. their geological implications。拓160nよR6乱,2, ley,Hokkaido.Jo蹴死a配磁, Sα9α U勉獣, 170-182. 39,21.59 (including ll pls.).[J十E] Matsumoto,T.,Kawabe,F.,Kawashita,Y.and Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Maiya,S., Han&gata, Hasegawa,K.(1999a)Notes on an ammonite S.,Yao,A.and Kyuma,Y.(1993a) Integrated species ハ40プォon歪667α5 705オ名α孟z6〃z. Bz61よ ハ4歪ゑα3α mega- and micro-biostratigraphy of the α乏yハ4κ5,no.3,1-16.[J十El Cenomanian Stage in the Oyubari area,Hok- Matsumoto,T.,Inoma,A.and Kawashita,Y. kaido-with special reference to its upper and (1999b)The turrilitid ammonoidハ41α漉llαfrom lower limits一 (Part l).Jio砿乃o E4礁,Sα9α Hokkaido-Part l.ル180nゑR8ふ,3,106-120. Un乞凱,41,ll-57(including ll pls.).lJ十El Matsumoto,T.,Takashima,R.and Hasegawa,K. Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Yao,A.and Maiya,S. (2000) Some turrilitid ammonoids from the (1993b) Towards an integrated mega-micro mid-Cretaceous of the Shuparo Valley,central biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian Hokkai(10.Bz〆ム M漁α5αC琵ツMz鳳,no.4,1-13. (Cretaceous〉sequence in the Kotanbetsu Val- Matsuno,・K.,Tanaka,K.,Mizuno,A.and Ishida, 1ey,Hokkaido,including the C.T boundary M.(1964)Eψ1α臨oぴ孟餌6ゾ渉hεg60Zog加1 problem.Jo鉱勲乙E4磁,Sαgα U勉凱,40,95- 灘ρげ」α卿n.1’5α000,1測α痂灘測砿Hokkaido !27 (including7Pls。).[J十E] Development Agency,168十llp.,ll pls.IJ十El Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Maiya,S.,Hanagata, Morozumi,Y.(1985)Late Cretαceous(Campanian S.,Yao,A.,Uematsu,K。,Kawashita,Y.and and Maastrichtian)ammonites from Awaji Is- Kyuma,Y。(1995)Integrated mega-and micro- 1and, Southwest Japan. B祝1ム 05説α M狐, biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian Stage in the Nα6飢 H露ゑ,no.39,1.58,pls.1-18. Oyubari area,Hokkaido-with special reference Murak&mi,K.(1996)Restudy of the Lower to its upper and lower limits一 (Part2).Jo砿 Cretaceous of the Yatsushiro-Hinagu area, 丑zc Eぬo,Sαgα Un乞蹴,42,179-199 (including Kumamoto-with special refence to biostratig. 5Pls.)。[J十E] raphy of ammonites一.Jo獄κ%窺α解oオo G6036云 Nishida,T。,Matsumoto,T.,Yokoi,K.,Ka加ashita, ∠4550‘,no.113,2-9.[」] Y.,Kyuma,Y.,Egashira,N.,Aizawa,J.,Maiya, Nagao, S., Osanai, H. and Sako, S. (1949) S.,Ikuji,Y.and Yao,A.(1996)Biostr紅tig- Eψ1αnα60ぴ6εz孟ρプオh68160109露α1解のりげJl曜)αn, raphy of the Cretaceous Middle Yezo Group in

一607一 βκll6だnげオh8G6010g乞侃l Sκ7η6ッ(ガ」砂αn,Vb乙 51, ハ汚o.11, 2000

the Soeushinai area of Hokkaido-with special the Miyako Group.Part l.%14640彫1伽from reference to the transitional part from Lower to the Miyako Group.丁昭n£Pナo乙ん1α60nゑSoo UpPer Cretaceous一。Jo獄 1勉o E4πo,Sα9α Jlα〆〉αn,2〉1.S.,no.66,63-72,P1.8. U勉銑,44,65-149(including40pls.).[J十E] Obata,1.(1967b)Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Kawashita,Y., the Miyako Group.Part2.Some silesitids from Egashira,N,,Aizawa,」.and Ikuji,Y.(1997) the Miyako Group.T7媚.P70乙拓1αεo砿Soα Biostratigraphy of the middle part of the 」砂αn,瓦。S,no.67,129・138,P1.ll. Cretaceous Yezo Group in the Soeushinai area Obata,1.(1969)Lower Cretaceous ammonites from of Hokkaido -with special reference to the the Miyako Group.Part3.Some douviL transitonal part from Lower to UpPer leicera行ds from the Miyako Group.丁観n5 Cretaceous:supPlement一.Jo蹴 施G C%1ゑ& P7・‘ル伽80nゑS・・」砂朋,1▽.S.,no。76,165- E4磁,Sαgα Un2凱,1,237-279 (including 15 176,pls.18-19. Pls.).[J十E] Obata,1.(1973)Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.and Inoue,Y.(1998a) the Miyako Group.Part4。伽煽o勿耀漉1♂α Foraminifera from the Cretaceous System in the from the Miyako Group.S砿R瞬 τoho為% Shumarinai valley of Hokkaido.Jo砿 施o U漉蹴,2n4S飢,勘60 ▽∂乙,no.6,309.314,p1. Cκ1よ&E4鷹,Sαgα Unぬ,3,301.331(includ- 34. ing7Pls.).[」十E] Obata,1.(1975)Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Nishida,T.,Matsumoto,T.,Kawashita,Y., the Miyako Group.Part5.P編06hoo8郷from Egashira,N.and Aizawa,J.(1998b)Charac- the Miyako Group.B%1乙翫オn.S砿 .M盗, teristics of the Cretaceous stratigraphy in the 710ゑツo,S6κ Cl1,1-IO,Pls.1-3. Shumarinai valley of Hokkaido. Jloz舐 盈乙 Obata,1.(1977)The Miyakoan(Aptian and A1- C麗1よ&E4鷹,SαgαUn乞玖,2,143-181(includ- bian) on the Pacific cQast of Northeast Jap&n. ing l4pls.).[」十E] 且肌M礁4’窟5ムN臨2靴44(forl976), Noda,M.(1969)Biostratigraphic study of the no.33,7-8. Onogawa Group,Kyushu.S6歪.Rψム 五)ε鉱 Obata, 1. (1988) Cretaceous forma廿ons in north- G80ム,長y%5h祝 Un飽,10,1-!0,pls.!-3.[J十E] east Japan.Eα席h S6乞,42,385-395.[J十E] Noda,M.(1972)Ammonites from the Mesozoic Obata,1.and Futakami,M.(1975)Cretaceous Yamabu Forma丘on, Kyushu. 7地n乱 P70乙 stratigraphy of the Manji area,Hokkaido. ん1α60nム SoG J1αノ》α7z, 亙.S.,no。88,462-471, P1. Bπ1乙瓦伽.S砿ハ4鷹,7b勿・,S6冗C,1,93-llO, 56. Pls.1-2.[J十EI Noda,M.(1974)A new species of lno6醐“zκ3from Obata,1.and Futakami,M。(1977)The Cretaceous the Shimantogawa Group of south Shikoku。 of the Hokkaido. sequence Manji Dome, lT規n5.痔o‘ん1α80nよSoaJψ伽,2〉.S.,no.93, 21 23-30. ん伽o磁SOGJα卿n,勘60∫妙.,no. , 240.248,p1.34. Obata,1.and Futak&mi,M。(1991)A new Mαr. Noda,M.(!977〉A brief note of∠4n釧lo6徽5from shαll舵5species from the Lower Cretaceuos the Haidateyama Formation,Kyushu.7地n乱 Miyako Group in Northeast Japan(Lower P7・乙ん1α60鉱S・cJ砂雌,1▽.S.,no.104,418- Cretaceous ammonites from the Miyako 423,P1.44。 Group,Part7). ル1α60鉱 Soo 血卿π 5♪60 Obata,1.(1959)Cr・issancerelativesurquelques んρ.,no。33,123-128. esp奄ces des .M翻.1㌦‘ So乞, Obata,1.&nd Futakami,M.(1992) Some selected κy%5h%Un1凱,S6飢Z),g,33-45,pls.4.5. ammonites from the Aptian and Albian Miyako Obata,1.(1960)Spirale de quelques ammonites. Group,Japan (Lower Cretaceous ammonites M6呪.施乙S砿,κyπ3hκU邦飽,S6冗一D,9,151- from the Miyakb Group,Part8).Bπ1ム1▽伽. 163,p1.15. S砿M狐,T・為ツ・,S8飢q18,79-99(including6 Ob&ta,1.(1964)N・tes・n・nt・geny・fRε85漁ε5 pls.). 痂n伽礁1b∬ゐ6翫1αεonよS・・」妙刎,no.8, Obata,1.andKanie,Y.(1965)AlistofCretaceous 94-102.[J] fossils from Obira-mura, Hokkaido - Obata,1.(1965a)Ammonite fossils stored in the Cretaceous ammonites2一.Nα顔観l S626n68αn4 Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum-Cretaceous ハ伽6%郷,32,nos.3-4,50-53.[J] ammonites3一.Nα臨規l S漉n68αn4ハ4%56π郷, Obata,1。and Matsukawa,M.(1980)Ontogeny and 32,nos.5-6,79.[J] variation in 伽αoαnオhoプ〉1露ε5 5z6660ブnκ8万αnz63, Obata,1.(1965b)Allometry of R6ε3漉渉65痂n伽%5, a Lower Cretaceous hoplitid ammonite(Lower a Cretaceous ammonite species.丁規n乱 乃o‘ Cretaceous ammonites from the Miyako Group 拓伽60nゑ Soc Jlαノ》αn,.〈疋.S.,no.58,39-63,Pls。4- 6).P名磯∬・7Sα傭・Kαnn・雌窺・吻IVぬ〃z8, 5. Tsukuba,185-211,pls.23-24. Obata,1.(1967a)Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Obata,1.and Matsukawa,M.(1984)A Barremian

一608一 Dα励α56げオh6伽鰭・%5㈱〃z・n・跳初」卿n(乃5伽諮観厩H伽n・)

occurrence of an olcostephanid, a peris- Obata,1.,Futakami,M.,Tanabe,K.,Kawashita, phinctacean ammonite,from the Choshi Group, Y.,Saito,N.and Tanaka,M. (1981) Japan. Bz61乙 Nα孟n. S6云 ハ4z6乱, 710為ッo, S8飢 Cl Cretaceous strata exposed along the Shizunai- 10,169-180(includinglp1.). gawa River,Hokkaido.B%1ムNαオn.S6孟M瓢, Obata,1.and Matsukawa,M.(1988)Some boreal 7b々yo,S6冗 q7,15-26,pls。1-8.[」十E] or subboreal ammonites in the Japanese Bar- Obata,1.,Maiya,S.,Inoue,Y.and M&tsukawa,M. remian.1n Wiedmann,J.and Kullmam,J., (1982) Integrated mega- and micro-fossil e(ls., C6メ》hαlo/)045 一ρプ856nオ αn4 ρα3診. biostratigraphy of the Lower Cret&ceous Choshi Schweizerbart》sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,Stut. Group,Japan.B%1乙 陥6n.S砿 ハ4狐,To々yo, tgart,Germany,469-476. S6πC,8,145-179(including7Pls.). Obata,1.and Matsumoto,T.(1977)Correlation of Obata,1.,Matsukawa,M., Tanaka,K.,Kanai,Y。 the Lower Cretaceous in Japap.So公 R砂ゑ αnd Watanabe,’T. (1984)Cretaceous 一D砂ムG60乙,梅麗3h㍑Un薇,12,165-179.[」十E] cephalopods from the Sanchu area, Japan. Obata,1。and Muramoto,T.(1965)A list of Bπ1よN伽.S砿M雛, τ・勿o,S6冗C,10,9-37 Cretaceous ammonites from Ikushumbets,Hok. (including6Pls.). kaido -Cret&ceous ammonites4一.Nα臨rαl Obata,1.,Kawashita,Y., Maiy&,S、,Taketani,Y., S6歪6η66 αn4 ハ4z656z6ηz3, 32, nos. ll-12, 161-164. Futakami,M. and Suzuki,T.(1989)An Upper [J] Cretaceous plesiosaur (family Elasmosauridae) Obata,1.and Muramoto,T.(1966a)A list of from the Wakkanai area,Hokkaido..B認 Cretaceous ammonites from Ikushumbets,Hok- N漉η.S砿.M盗, τo勿o,S6飢C,15,25-31. kaido -Cretaceous ammonites 5一.Nα魏辺l Obata,1.,Futakami,M. and Suzuki,T.(1991) S‘歪6n・6αn4Mκ58襯5,33,nos.5-6,100-102.[」] Ez6605穿=y6ho66πz5 46n5ぎ605謝襯Matsumoto,a Obata,1.and Muramoto,T.(1966b)A list of large heteromorph ammonite species,from the Cretaceous ammonites from Ikushumbets,Hok- Upper Cretaceous of Wakkanai in Hokkaido. kaido -Cretaceous ammonites 6一.Nα臨規l .M翻.N伽.56歪.M礁,7b妙o,no.24,27-33. S6伽66αn4Mπ58%郷,33,nos.ll-12,201-203. Ohtsuka,Y.(1986)Early shell microstructure of [J] some Mesozoic Ammonoidea:implications for Obata, 1. and Ogawa, Y. (1976) Ammonite higher taxonomy.丁昭n& 乃oo Rz伽onムSoo biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Arida For- J4ノ》αη,1〉.S.,no.141,275.288,pls.45.50. mation,Wakayama Prefecture_B%1乙ハ嘘n.S砿 Okamoto,T.(1984)Theoretical morphology of2〉ψ. ハ4z鳳,7b々yo,S6冗C,2,93-llO,pls.1-4.[J十E] ρon舵5 (a heteromorph ammonoid).Fb53痂 Obata,1.,Maehara,T.and Tsuda,H.(1973) 伽1α8・n直S・cゆ岬,n・.36,37-51(including Cretacaous stratigraphy of the Hidaka area, l p1.).[J十E] Hokkaido. ハ48〃z. N6諾n. S6広 ハ4z65, 7わ々ソo,no. Okamoto,T.(1988a)Analysis of heteromorph am- 6,131-145.[J十E] monoids by differential geometry.Rzlα60舵o伽, Obat&,,1.,Hagiwara,S.and Kamiko,S.(1975) 31,35-52,p1.7. Geological age of the Cret亀ceous Choshi Group. Okamoto,T.(1988b)Changes in life orient&tion and B%1乙翫孟n。S砿M雛,T・勿・,S6冗C,1,17-36, morphological saltation in the heteromorph am- pls.1-5.[」十El monite1〉ψφon舵£ん180扉ologッ,14,272-286. Obata,1.,Matsukawa,M.,Tsuda,H.,Futakami,M。 Okamoto,T.(1989)Comparative morphology of and Ogawa,Y。(1976)Geological age of the .〈吻・n伽andE痂吻6h・・8郷(Cretace・us・ Cretaceous Ishido Formation,Japan. B%1乙 nostoceratids).Tテαη5.P7・αPα1α8・nムS。α 翫肱S砿ハ4鶴,7b蜘,S6飢C,2,121-138. 」砂伽,1〉:.S.,no.154,ll7-139. Obata,1.,Futakami,M.,Kawashita,Y.and Okamoto,T.and Shibata,M.(1997)A cyclic mode Takahashi,T.(1978)Apertural features in some of shell growth and its implications in a Late Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido.Bπ1乙 Cretaceous ammoniteheteromorph Po乏y一 〈碗診n.S6乞 ハ4z鳳, 7bたツo,S6飢 C,4,139-155,Pls. メ》孟ツoho68πz5 ρ36躍08・砿1卿%規 (Yokoyama).

1-3。 」Pal60n玖 Rε5. 1,29-46. ) Obata,1.,Tanabe,K.and Futakami,M.(1979) Onuki,Y. (1969) Geology of the Kitakami Massif, Ontogeny and variation in Sz66メ)万ono釧61z65nゆ Northeast Japan. Con蹴1臨Gεo乙勲160nム, 薦nZ,an Upper Cretaceous collignoniceratid am. 710ho為% Un加.,no 69,1-239(including4Pls.). monite.B%1孟2〉αオn.So盛M盗,7bたyo,S6飢q [J+E] 5,51-88,pls.!-4. Saito,R., Makino,A.and Maeda,H.(1998)First Obata,1.,Tanabe,K.and Fukuda,Y.(1980)The occurrence of Cαn砺068名α繭05槻漉Mat菖umoto ammonite siphmcular wall:its microstructure (Campanian ammonite) from the Oyubari and functional significance. Bz61乙 翫診n. S6∠ areα,cen廿al Hokkaido,Japan.Bκ1乙ハ4歪為α5αC髭ツ ハ4z6乱, 7b々yo,S8飢 C,6,59-72,Pls.1-3。 Mz鳳,Nαオ冗 S6∠,no.2,17-24,P1.1。

一609一 βz∫ll6〃n(ゾ孟h8G60乙ogZ侃l Sz6プτのげJl砂6魏,Vb乙 51, 2〉α11, 2000

Saito,T.(1959)Notes on some Cretaceous fossils Shimizu,S.(1926)Three interesting Cretaceous am- from the Nakaminato Formation,Nakaminato monites recently acquired from Hokkaido and City, Ibaraki Prefecture, J’apan. Part II. Bz61乙 Saghalien.乃roc Zη4》.ノ16α4」ヒψαn,2,547.550. 施〇五ぬ∠47凋16α観庖Unガ肌,ノ%猷S砿,no.9, Shimizu,S.(1931)The marine Lower Cretaceous 79-85,pls.1-2. deposits of Japan,with special reference to the Saito,T.(1962)The Upper Cretaceous System of ammonites-bearing zones.S6乞.Rゆゑ 710ho為μ Ibaraki and Fukushima Prefectures,Japan Z規ρ.Un薇,2厩S6飢,15,1-40,pL l-4. (Part2)。βπ1ム丑z乙∠4酪£S砿,1加観庖Unぬ, Shimizu,S.(1932)On a new type of Senonian am- 〈天αオ冗 S6乞.,no.13,51-87,pls.1-8. monite,B8認06α7ro魏08騰ηα9α02Shimizu gen。 Sasa,Y.(1932)Geology of Kudi District,Iwate, et sp.nov。from Teshio Province,Hokkaido. Prefecture.Jioz6冗 Gθo孟 So‘ Ji砂αn,39,401-430. 」砂朋.」・獄G6・ムG609角,10,1-4,P1.1。 [J] Shimizu,S.(1934)Ammonites.1n Shimizu,S.and Sasa,Y.,Tanaka,K.and Hata,M.(1964) Obata,T.,Cψhα1砂04弘1測αnα窺膏166伽プ8s6万65 E4)Zαnα診oπy孟ε∬オρプ診h6960Jo9廊α1〃zα〆》qプ」4メ)αn. げ960Jogyαn4ρα1α60n渉o♂ogy,Tokyo,137P.[J] 1’5α00α¥めαプ云Hokkaido Development Agen- Shimizu,S.(1935a)Remarks on G側碓y68郷α60伽解 cy,184十14P.[J十E] (♂Orbigny) and Gαz64ηy66瓶5α601〃わ7万z8Fallot Sasai, H。 (1936)The Izumi Sandstone Series in from the Albian of France.Jo翫Shαnghα歪S砿 Awaji Jloz6飢 G80乙 So‘ 」4ノ〉απ,43,590-602,pls. 1n鉱,S6乙双2,155-159. 28-29. [Jl Shimizu, S. (1935b) The Upper Cretaceous Sato,T. (1958) Pr6sence du Berriasien dans la Cephalopoda of Japan,Part l.Jloz6先 Shζznghα乞 stratigraphie du Plateau de Kitakami (Japon S砿1n5オ.,S6α瓦2,159-226. Septentriona1). Bπ1ムSoo960乙盈αn6a,5甑6, Suyari,K,Bando,Y.and Obata,1.(1967) Dis- 8 585.599 ,pl.28. covery of a Cretaceous ammonite from the , Sato,T。 (1961a)La limite Jurassico.Cr6tac6e dans Shimanto terrane of Mugi Town,Tokushima 1a stratigraphie Jαponaise. 」ヒ4》αn. Joz6冗 G60乙 Prefecture,Shikoku.」ヒ)z砿 G60乙 Soo J砂αn,73, G609乳,32,533-541,pl. 12. 535-536.[」] Sato,T. (1961b)Faune Berriasienne et Tithonique Takahashi,H。(1969)Stratigraphy and ammonite supeneure nouvellement d6couverte au Japon。 fauna of the Jurassic System of the southern Jα勿n. Jio%7二 G60孟 G608・7=,32,543-551,pl.13. Kitakami massif,northeast Honshu,Japan.S62. Sato, T. and Tanabe, K. (1998) Cretaceous R砂ゑ7’bhoゑ銘 Unぎ獣,2n4S砿,41,1-93,pls.1- Plesiosaurs ate ammonites. 1〉α臨78 394 19. , , 629-630. Takahashi,H.(1973)The Isokusa Formation and Sekine,H.,Takagi,K.and Hirano,H.(1985) its late Upper Jurassic and early Lower Biostratigraphical study of the Upper Cretaceous Cretaceous ammonite fauna.S6乞R砂孟,7bho為% of the north-east part of the Obira area,Hok. Unぎ肌,2n4S6飢,助6乙 %ム,no。6,319.336,pls。 kaido.1b∬協ζん伽・鉱So‘」砂απク,no。38,1- 36-37. 15.[J十E] Takahashi,T.and Hayakawa,H.(1999)Unknown Shigeta,Y.(1989)Systematics of the ammonite coleoid from the Upper Cretaceous of Tappu, genus T66槻go航65from the UpPer Cretaceous Hokkaido.B%1乙M伽5αC勿M狐,翫蹴S6孟, of Hokkaido. 7地n乱 P700 1%1α60砿 SoG no.3,61-65 (including l p1.).[Jl 訊砂αn,亙.S,no.156,319-342. Takei,K.(1963)Stratigraphy and geological struc- Shigeta,Y.(1992)Arecordof乃6漏oφhζyllZオ65歪n4観 ture of the Cretaceous,System in the eastern (Lytoceratina,Tetragoniditdae)from the Upper part of the Sanchu Graben,Kwanto Mountain- Cretacous of Hokkaido and Sakhalin.7地n£ 1and.Jb獄G6・ムS・乙」砂伽,69,130-146.[J+E] P70αん1α60n孟. So‘」α卿n,2〉:.S.,no 166,ll57一 Takei,K.,Takizawa,F.,Takeuchi,T。and Fujiwara, 1163. H.(1977〉Cretaceous System in the westem Shigeta,Y. (1993) Post-hatching early life history part of the Sanchu Graben,Kanto Mountains. of Cretaceous Ammonoidea.五8オh漉α,26,133一 Joκ飢 G60乙Soc Jαραn,83,95-ll3.[」十E] 145. Takizawa,F.(1970)Ayukawa Formation of the Shigeta, Y. (1996) The genus G訪房066郷 (Am- Ojika Peninsula,Miyagi Prefecture,Northeast monoidea, ) from the Upper Japan.Bz61乙 σ60ム Sz6プ凱 」1砂απ,21,567-578,pl. Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. Bz61∠ ノ〉α渉n. 44. S6Z.M%s. 7b勿o,S6飢q22,1-9. , Tamura,M.,Matsukuma,M.and Matsumbto,T。 Shikama,T.and Tanabe,K.(1970)Late Cretaceous (1974)On the age of the Mifune Group, rudistes from Uwajima,Ehime Prefecture, central Kyushu, Japan. M8〃z. 施乙 E4z60, Shikoku, Japan. S6孟 R4》ゑ ybゑohαηzα 2〉iαオn。 K%勉α窺oオo Un飽,no.23,47.56,p1.1. U勉玖,S8乙2,no。17,49-58,pls.6・7. Tanabe,K.(1972)Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous

一610一 加励α56げオh8伽嬬6・%5α解解・n・銚ぢnJ卿n(乃5h乞傭5初n4H禰n・)

formations in the Uwajima district,Ehime Cretaceous ammonite.P7功ε507S励%70 K4nno Prefecture,Shikoku.Joz6飢 G60孟Soo J4ραn,78, M6刀zo万α1%1μ規4Tsukuba,159.165,pL 20. 177-190. Tanabe,K.,Obatα,1.and Futakami,M. (1981) Tanabe,K.(1975) Functional morphology ofαひ Early shell morphology in some Upper 56砂h舵5 勿6κπ1%3 (Jimbo), an UpPer Cretaceous heteromorph ammonites. T7αn5. Cretaceous ammonite.丑αn5.Pプoα 勲1α60n6. .P70c%1α80nよSoα」砂朋,N.S.,no.124 215. , So乙 」4ノ)αn,2〉1.S.,no.99,109-132,Pls.10-ll. 234,pls.35,38. Tanabe,K.(1977a) Functional evolution of α〇一 Tanabe,K.,Fukuda,Y.and Obata,1.(1982) For. 56砂h舵3勿6κπ1%5(Jimbo)and S6砂h舵3ρ1αn総 mation and fmction of the siphuncle.septal neck (Yabe),UpPer Cretaceous ammonites.M翻. s廿uctures in two Mesozoic ammonites.丁名αn5. 乃o S6宏,κyκ5hκ Un歪蹴,S6飢 jD,23,367-407, Pプoαル1α60nゑSooJ砂αn,N.S.,no.128,433- pls.62-64. 443. Tanabe,K.(1977b)Mid-Cretaceous sc&phitid am- Tanaka,H.(1989)Mesozoic formations and their monites from Hokkaido.ル1α60nムSo‘」妙αn, molluscan famas in the Haidateyama area, 5φ6‘ 勲ノ》.,no.21,ll-22,P1.1. Oita Prefecture,Southwest Japan.Jo獄 S62. Tanabe,K.(1979)Paleoecological analysis of am, H初5h枷αUn乞肌,S8飢C,9,1-45,pls.1.5. monoid assemblages in the Turonian S6砂h舵5 Tanaka,H.,Kozai,T.and Tashiro,M.(1984) facies of Hokkai(io, Japan. んZα60n診ologly, 22, Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in the Monobe 609-930. area,Shikoku.R8乱 R砂ゑ,Kooh乞Unぬ,Nα畝 Tanabe,K.(1983)The jaw apparatuses of Cretaceouミ So乞,32,215-223.[J十E] desmoceratid ammonites.ル1α80nオology,26,677- Tanaka,K. (1960) Cretaceous deposits in the 686. Tomiuchi District,southem central Hokkaido. Tanabe,K (1993〉Variability and mode of evolu. Bz61ム G80乙Sκ7繊」αραn,11,543-554.[J十E] tion of the Middle Cretaceous ammonite Tanaka,K.(1965)Izumi Group in the central part S%妙吻noζy61%5(Ammonitina:Collignoniceratid- of the Izumi momtain range,southwest Japan, ae)from Japan.G80玩05,no.15,347-357. with special reference to its sedimentary facies Tanabe,K.and.Fukuda,Y.(1983)Buccal mass and cyclic sedimentation.Rψゑ G60乙 S雄玖 structure of the Cretaceous ammonite G側4 」αραn,no.212,1-34,pls.1-8.[J十E] 7ッ66名α乱 五αhαZα,16,249-256. Tanaka,K.(1970)Upper Cretaceous turbidite for- Tanabe,K.and Kanie,Y.(1978)Colour markings mation of the Nakaminato area,Ibaraki Prefec- in two species of tetragonitid ammonites from ture,Japan. B%1ム G60乙 Sz6矧.Jlαραn,21, 579- the UpPer Cretaceous of Hokkaido,Japan.S6孟 593.[J十E] R6ゆ凌 y~)ゑ03%ゑα C歪な ハ4z6乱,no.25.,!-6,P1.1. Tanaka,K.(1977)Shimanto Supergroup in the Tanabe,K.and Ohtsuka,Y.(1985)Ammonoid early Sukumo area,southwestem Shikoku.B%1ム internal shell structure:its bearing on early life G60ムS%7凱」4ραπ,28,461-476。[J十E] history.・P励・6乞・1・gy,11,310-322. Tanaka,K.and Teraoka,Y.(1973)Stratigraphy and TanabeゴK.,Hirano,H.,Matsumoto,T.and sedimentation of the UpPer Cretaceous Y。 of the Miyata, (1977)Stratigraphy Upper Himenoura Group in Koshiki.jima,Southwest

Cretaceous deposits in the Obira area, Kyushu, Japan. Bz61乙 G80乙 Sκ7繊 」4ραn, 24, northwestem Hokkaido.S砿R砂ム.D砂よ G60乙, 157-184,pls.15-24.[J十E] κy%5h麗Un乞蹴,12,181-202.[」十E] Tanaka,K.,Matsumoto,T.and Maeda,Y.(1952) Tanabe,K.,Obata,1.and Futakami,M. (1978) The Izumi Group in the southemmost part of Analysis of ammonoid assemblages in the Upper the Island of Awaji.Jo蹴G809・飢,61,67-72.[J Turonian of the Manji area,central Hokkaido。 +E] B%1乙1〉伽.S6乞M雛,710勿o,S8冗C,4,37-62, Tanaka,Y.and Tanimura,H.(1976〉Geological P1.1. study of the Lower Cretaceous Tomochi For- Tanabe,K.,Fukuda,Y。,Kanie,Y.and Lehmann, mation.Jo蹴K%魏α規oオo G6ρ3砿∠4∬o‘,no.53, U.(1980a)Rhyncholites and conchorynchs as 2-10.[」] calcified jaw elements in some Late Cretaceous Tashiro,M.,Kozai,T.,Okamura,M.and Katto,J. ammonites.五αhα毎,13,157-168. (1980a)AbiostratigraphicalstudyoftheLower Tanabe,K.,Fuk皿da,Y.and Obata,1.(1980b)On. Cretaceous fomations of Monobe are&,Kochi togenitic development and functional morpho1. Prefecture,Japan.1n Taira,A.and Tashiro, ogy・in the early growth.stages of three M。,eds.,G8010gyαn4餌伽oオolo8yげオh8 Cretaceous ammonites.B%1乙Nα診n.S6Z.」Mi%3. Sh2ηzαπオo B8魔 一38乙66オ64 メ》αノ〉α6∬ 2n h∂noプ qプ , 7bゑツo,S(9飢 C,6,9-26,Pls.1-5. P74 みブo K4伽一. Rinya-Kosai-Kai Press, Tanabe,K.,Hirano,H.and Kanie,Y.(1980c)The Kochi,71-82,Pls.IO-ll。[J十E] jaw apparatus of S6α1α痂65吻ho8n3Z5,a Late Tashiro,M.,Taira,A.and Matsumoto,T.(1980b)

一611一 Bκll8廊nげオh6G6010g∫6腐l Szびη釧げ」吻う4n,Vb乙 51, Nαヱ1, 2000

Biostratigraphy and depositional facies of the Toshimitsu,S.,Maiya,S.,Inoue,Y。and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary strat& in Takahashi,T. (1998) Integrated megafossi1- Amakus&.Shimojima,Kyushu,westem Japan. foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Santonian to .C磁R6£,1,13-26. lower Campanian (UpPer Cretaceous)succes- Tashiro,M.,Tanaka,H.and Matsuda,T.(1983) sion in northwestem Hokkaido,Japan.C名砿 The stmtigraphy of the Cretaceous System of R6&,19,69-85. Haidate・yama area,Oita Prefecture.R8£R砂ゑ, Tsushima,K.,Tanaka,K.,Matsmo,K。and κ06h乞Un薇,磁グS砿,32,47・54.[」十E] Yamaguchi,S.(1958)E砂1伽α60貿y診6πげ疏ε Tashiro,M.,Yamasaki,K.and Yamasaki,M. g8010g比α1 〃zζ4》 (ゾ Jl6zρ6zn. 1’5α000, 7hρρzム (1993)On some interesting fossil assembl&ge Geol.Surv.Japan,66十8P。[J十E] beds from the Izumi Group at Kagawa Prefec- Ueda,Y.,Matsumoto,T.and Akatsu,K.(1962) ture and its adjacent areas. R6£ Rゆゑ, κ06hl The Cretaceous deposits in the Chikubetsu area, U勉臥,Nα厩S6乞,42,29-38,pls.1-2.[J十E] Hokkaido.S砿 R砂ゑ 1)砂ゑ G60乙, K画3h% Teraoka,Y.(1970)Cretaceous formations in the Un乞凱,6,!5-32.[J十E] Onogawa Basin and its vicinity, Kyushu, Wani,R.and Hirano,H.(1999)UpPer Cretaceous Southwest Japan.R砂ムG60乙S%鰍」砂αn,no. biostratigraphy in the Kotanbetsu are&, 237,1-87,pls.1-18.IJ+E] northwestem Hokkaido.Part2.Local range Teraoka,Y.and Obata,1.(1975)Stratigraphy of chart. Gα為z6ブκオ5z6 K6n々yz6, S6hool E4zκ。, ハ48解. the Upper Cretaceous Uwajim&Group 陥36磁 Uπぬ,S8冗 B201&G60ム,47,7-36.[J 1〉16拡n. S6ゼ. ルf%£, 7b々yo,no.8,5-20,Pls. 1-2.[」 +E] +E] Wani,R.and Hirano,H.(2000)Upper Cretaceous Teraoka,Y., Obata,1.and Mizmo,1。(1980〉 biostratigraphy in the Kotanbetsu area, Stratigraphy of the Shimanto Supergroup in the northwestem Hokkaido.」〔o獄G60ムSo乙」砂αn, Chikanaga area,west Shikoku,with speciaI 106,171-188.[J十E] reference to the Miyakoan and Gyliakian Series. Wright,C.W.and Matsumoto,T.(1954)Some Bz61∠ G60乙 Sz67凱 」4ノ》αn, 31, 307-319, Pls. 1-2. doughtful Cretaceous ammonite genera from [J+El Japan and Saghalien。ハ4θ“z.乃c S6a,Klyz65hz6 Tokunaga,S.and Shimizu,S.(1926)The Cretaceous Un蝕,S砿Z),4,107-134,pls。7-8. formation of Futaba in Iwaki and its fossils. Yabe,H.(1901)Note on three Upper Cretaceous Jo獄 血乙S6云,1勉φ.Un∫蹴 7b々yo,S6‘ 瓦 1, ammonites from Japan,outside of Hokkaido. 183-212,pls.21.27. 」・獄G6・よS・乙7b乃ツo召砂απノ,8,1-4. Toshimitsu,S.(1985)Biostratigraphy and deposi- Yabe,H.(1902)Note on three Upper Cretaceous tional facies of the Cretaceous in the upPer ammonites from Japan,outside of Hokkaido reaches of the Haboro River, Hokki(lo.Joz蹴 (C・ntimed).」・蹴G6・孟S・・T・たッ・σ卿nク,9, G80乙Soo Jαψαn,91,599.618.[」十E] 1-7,P1.1. Toshimitsu,S.(1988)Biostratigraphy of the Upper Yabe,H.(1903)Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the Cretaceous・Santonian Stage in northwestem Hokkaido.Part l.Jb獄 GolよS砿,τ隅ρ。Un乞η。 Hokkaido。M8窺.1㌦乙S砿,κy%5勧Un薇,S6名 丑)ゑツo,18,no.2,1-55,Pls.1-7. D,26,125.192,pls.23-29. Yabe,H.(1904〉Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the Toshimitsu,S。(1995)Letters from the Geological Hokkaido.Part2.Jb蹴 Gol乙S6∠,オ勿。U勉凱 Museum,no.36.A huge ammonite.Ch乞5h乞醜 Toゑツo,20,no.2,1-45,Pls.1-6. ζG6・乙・9)り1〉6駕no。487,67-68.[J] Yabe,H.(1909) Zur Stratigraphie und Palaon. Toshimitsu,S.and Kikawa,E.(1997)Bio・and mag- tologie (ier oberen Kreide von H:okkaido und neto-stratigraphy of the Santonian-Campanian Sachalin.Z6琵5‘h冗 Dεz砿56h.G80乙 Gε381156ん.,no. transition in northwestem Hokkaido,Japan. 61,402-404. .M8勉.Gεo乙So乙」妙躍,no.48,142-151。 Yabe,H。(1910)Die Scaphiten aus der Oberkreide Toshimitsu,S.,Matsumoto,T.,Noda,M.,Nishida, von Hokkaido.B碗飢ル窺on直Gεo乙0膨7飢一Un- T.and Maiya,S,(1995a)Towards an integ- gα7n5z6.465 0プ乞6n孟5,23,159-174,p1.15。 rated mega.,micro-and magneto-stratigraphy of Yabe,H.(1915)Note on some Cretaceous fossils the UpPer Cretaceous in Japan.Jo獄 G80盈 from Anaga on the island of Awaji&nd Toyajo Soc』砂α冗,101,19-29.[J十E] in the province of Kii.S6乞.R砂ム τohoたz61刀zρ. Toshimitsu,S。,Matsumoto,T.,Noda,M.,Nishida, UnZ凱,2n4・S8飢,4,!3-24,pls.1-3. T.and Maiya,S.(1995b)Integr&tion of Yabe, H. (1927) Cretaceous stratigraphy of the mega一,micro-and magneto-stratigraphy of the Japanese Islands. S6乞 R砂よ 7bho為z6 Z万4》。 Upper Cretaceous in Japan.Pro6684ng3げ156h Un飢,2n4S砿,11,27.100,pls.3-9。 lnオ67n副・nα1卵卿05乞%規げKン観9汐00烈〉漉0η一 Yabe,H.and Shimizu,S.(1921)Notes on some αl Un加6r躍y,357-370. Cretaceous ammonites from Japan and Califor一

一612一 D伽6α56げオh6σ勲66・%5α解規・n・銚ZnJ吻n(乃5h乞吻魏αn4H伽n・)

.nia.S砿R砂ゑ7’bho為%1〃ψ.Unぢ繊,2n4S6冗,5, same group in Uwajima (Prov.Iyo)。」砂αn. 53.59,pls.8.9. Jloz4冗 G60孟 G809飢,3,27-39,pls.2-4. Yabe,H.and Shimizu,S.(1923),A note on genus Yehara,S.(1924b)Onthe窃9・廊sandst・ne ハ40吻競8鷹」ψαn.」・獄Gε・乙G8・9冗,2,27- Group in the Katsuragawa basin,containing 30. Ryoseki plants.」硫ραn.Jo礁 G60乙 G80g冗,3, Yabe,H.and Shimizu,S.(1925)Japanese Cretaceous 79.86,pls.18. ammonites belonging to Peroniceratidae,1.S砿 Yokomizo,H,Sato,Y。and Noda,M.(1990) Rゆゑ7’bho為%1窺ク Un飢,2n4S6飢,7,125-138, Lower Cretaceous fossils from the southem part pls.30-33. of Mie-machi,Oita Prefecture(1).R6乱Bπ1乙 Yabe,H.and Shimizu,S.(1926a)A new Lower 丑zo Eぬo,0加UnZ蹴,12,lll.129(including5 Cretaceous ammonite,σ万066郷∫5h伽α磁,from Pls.).[J] Oshima,province of Rikuzen.」砂αn.Jo獄 Yokoyama,M.(1890)Versteinerungen aus der G60ム G609冗,4,85-87,P1.4. japanischen Kreide. ん伽60nオolo9名a♪h乞oα, 35, Yabe,H.and Shimizu,S。(1926b)A study on the 159.202,pls.18-25. genus ‘‘拓πz望りα6hツ4露6z657, Hyatt. Proo 1ηzゑ Zakharov,Y.D.,Boriskina,N.G,,Ignatyev,A.1., ∠46磁」妙αn,2,171-173. Tanabe,K.,Shigeta,Y.,Popov,A.M., Yabe,H.,Nagao,T.and Shimizu,S. (1926) Afanasyeva,T.B.and Maeda,H.(1999) Cretaceous from the Sanchu-Graben in palaeotemperature curve for the Late Cretaceous the Kwanto Mountainland,Japan.S6云R班 of the northwestem circum-Pacific.α6ムR68, 7bho為κ1規ク Un薇,2n4S6飢,9,33-76,pls.12- 20,685-697. 15. Yamagiwa,N.and Saka,Y。(1967)The Mesozoic [」]:in Japanese and Paleozoic in the eastem part of Shima [J十E]:in Japanese with English abstract Peninsula. Gz446 600為 プb7 960109乞0 6灘6z6欝ぢon ‘196Z瓦αgoツの,no。5,Geo1。Soc.Japan,L24. Received July26,2000 [J] Accepted September l4,2000 Yehara,S.(1924a)On the Izumi-Sandstone Group in the Onogawa basin (Prov.Bungo)and the



要 旨

これまで出版されている様々な学術的文献を調査し,日本産白亜紀アンモナイト化石種のデータベース を作成した.本データベースではWrightα磁(1996)の高次分類に従い,各種を配列している.ま た,日本の白亜系をこれまでの研究を基に31の亜階に区分し直し,各種の層序的分布も示した.また,こ のデータベースを作成する際に用いた文献リストも示した.このデータベースの作成により,これまで報 告されている日本産白亜紀アンモナイトの総種数が790種に及ぶこと,各亜階におけるアンモナイトの種 多様性(産出種数)は周期的に変化することが明らかとなった.本データベースは,白亜系の対比のみな らず,白亜紀における海洋古環境変遷の研究に役立つことが期待される.
