
.Lite-ratni-e YOnrig 20. NationalCounOir of k.:Tea-Ch,.eisiOt!..,"EfigliS, rba.u.a ,PC(B. DIkTE .

NOTE. :PbemS: an dA.1 iliStratiOns::re'mo'ved:, . . . due -1- . , . . -AV4ILABLE,EROM.: : ...... Councir!ipf- irea'6,h-ec,rs of EngXish, 11 1.1Kenyon Or12011 T1).inOis 61801 29722,-.46.95 , . , member,$17,....'9nion-meink,)?.41,. MF-$0.83 'Annotated BibliogiaphieS; .*,nildregSBcOks;. .*ChildrenS 'Llterkture;.: Concept Forthation; Early chiAdhoop.;,Edqcation; Elementary EducatiOn; **- Development ;.,*Liteiature iippretiation;.:Oral.'peading; Po6.try; Self:ConCept; 'Stereotypes; Teaching ,1 4Methods.._ 93StRACT This cpliection of articles about childrenr,S '111-etrature contains the following articles: "Books' in 'the Life of, the Young Child" ancl "Traditional Literature: Children' s Legacy" by Beznice E. Cullin,an, "'Encouraging 'Language Growth" by Warren Stewii, "Promoting Langnage and Concept Development" by. Doroth,S. Strickland, RFostering.,Understan,ding of Selfc and Others" and, "Avoiding Sex' and -Race',Stereotypes' in Children' s Books" by Curo,lyn Carmichael, "Presenting Poetry" by June Byers,- "Reading Li.teraAure Aloud" by'Rudine Sims, -"Strategies for Presenting Literature'', by' Sandiza Stroner Sivulich, "Audio-Visual Mateviars" by Joan 'Glazer, and "Responses to Literature" by JeStie A. Roderick. An annotated, - bibliography of 100 best books for children is included.(LL)


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3 Bernice E. Cullinan and- W Carmichael,editors

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NCTE Editorial Board: Charkes R. Cooper, Evelyn M..Copeland, Do Frank Zidonis, Robert F. Hogan,ex officio,Pant O'Dea,,exofficio Consultant readers: Charlotte S. Huck, Eileen Tway. 'Staff eclitor: William Ellet Book design: Ronald W. Sterkel

NCTE stock number: 29722

01977 hy the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved. Printed in the-. United States of America. t Distributed jointly by-the National Council clf Teachers of English, Urbana, Illinoia, and the Ainerican Library AssociatiOn, Chicago, Illinois.

Library of Congress Catalogingin ?ublication Data

Main entry under -title: 4. Literature arid young children,

Includes index. 1:Books and reading for-children. I. Cullinan, Bernice E. II. Carmichael, Carolyn W. III. National Council of Teachers Of English. Z1037.A1L56 '028.5 77-4870 ISBN 0-8141-292-2

3 Bernice E. Cul linan,shair. UnivePsity, New York,