etnice' .Lite-ratni-e YOnrig 20. NationalCounOir of k.:Tea-Ch,.eisiOt!..,"EfigliS, rba.u.a ,PC(B. DIkTE . NOTE. :PbemS: an dA.1 iliStratiOns::re'mo'ved:, . due -1- . , . -AV4ILABLE,EROM.: : ......... Councir!ipf- irea'6,h-ec,rs of EngXish, 11 1.1Kenyon Or12011 T1).inOis 61801 29722,-.46.95 , . , member,$17,....'9nion-meink,)?.41,. MF-$0.83 'Annotated BibliogiaphieS; .*,nildregSBcOks;. .*ChildrenS 'Llterkture;.: Concept Forthation; Early chiAdhoop.;,Edqcation; Elementary EducatiOn; *Langua.ge*- Development ;.,*Liteiature iippretiation;.:Oral.'peading; Po6.try; Self:ConCept; 'Stereotypes; Teaching ,1 4Methods.._ 93StRACT This cpliection of articles about childrenr,S '111-etrature contains the following articles: "Books' in 'the Life of, the Young Child" ancl "Traditional Literature: Children' s Legacy" by Beznice E. Cullin,an, "'Encouraging 'Language Growth" by John Warren Stewii, "Promoting Langnage and Concept Development" by. Doroth,S. Strickland, RFostering.,Understan,ding of Selfc and Others" and, "Avoiding Sex' and -Race',Stereotypes' in Children' s Books" by Curo,lyn Carmichael, "Presenting Poetry" by June Byers,- "Reading Li.teraAure Aloud" by'Rudine Sims, -"Strategies for Presenting Literature'', by' Sandiza Stroner Sivulich, "Audio-Visual Mateviars" by Joan 'Glazer, and "Responses to Literature" by JeStie A. Roderick. An annotated, - bibliography of 100 best books for children is included.(LL) 9 ,. ********************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal' unpublishe'd * * 'materials not available from other sources. ERIC, makes every effort lc * to oViain the, best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility 'are often encOuntere3 and this affects the quality * *. of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes ava,ilable t. * Wia the ERIC DocUment Reproduction, Service (BDRS) .EDRS- is not * * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS 6re the Vst that- can be made from the ,original. * ********************************************************4c*********** ./S U.1..lit.64M.IAINT 0.44 ::.:11110,UtA11044.-WILOAR iinerr1uTko,0 ocip:iikAENV."7-MAS 8E EXACLY AS RgOE!VE0 FROM ue..00410.N OR.ORGMOZATIONpRiGIN: J4TIoIt = poir;ir OF,viEW oirpPINIONs STAUD:Do :NOT ..NECEs.swLy.*EPRE-- . SENIF06414.-NAT,IoNAL INsioru,TE toui) PowioNOR pcmLicii! . 4 ! 3 Bernice E. Cullinan and- Carolyn W Carmichael,editors _ . E.> 44... / V t- ;. 1, (.... V , y I , .. n , PERMISSION To REPROOUCE THIS COPY .4. RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY . National Council of 4 ri) , ---.4 National Council of Teachers of English __. Teachrs ox English T TO ERIC AND., aRGANIZATIONS 'OPERATING 1111 Kenyon Rdad, Urban'a, Illinois 61801 UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NATIONAL IN STITUTE OF EDUC'ATION - FURTHER REPRO- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM RE 4 OURSPE RmIsSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER (:, . -V) I 4,- ) 2 (----' :ForJoithzñ, NCTE Editorial Board: Charkes R. Cooper, Evelyn M..Copeland, Do Frank Zidonis, Robert F. Hogan,ex officio,Pant O'Dea,,exofficio Consultant readers: Charlotte S. Huck, Eileen Tway. 'Staff eclitor: William Ellet Book design: Ronald W. Sterkel NCTE stock number: 29722 01977 hy the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved. Printed in the-. United States of America. t Distributed jointly by-the National Council clf Teachers of English, Urbana, Illinoia, and the Ainerican Library AssociatiOn, Chicago, Illinois. Library of Congress Catalogingin ?ublication Data Main entry under -title: 4. Literature arid young children, Includes index. 1:Books and reading for-children. I. Cullinan, Bernice E. II. Carmichael, Carolyn W. III. National Council of Teachers Of English. Z1037.A1L56 '028.5 77-4870 ISBN 0-8141-292-2 3 Bernice E. Cul linan,shair. New York UnivePsity, New York, New York Carolyn W. Carmichael, associate chair Kean College, Union, New Je.rsey.. ,June Byers _Oakland Unified SchoolDistrict, Oakland, California Joari Glazer , Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Mand ..Susan Hirschman Greenwillow Eboks, New York, New .Yo;k Sara Lundsteeci 4 4,7-Universitk of Cqhfornia,. Irvine, California Ellen RaskirP . Author, illustrator, New'York, New York lessie A. FLocleriCk .thtiversitil Of Maryla ,College Park, Matyland e Rudine Sims Ukiversity of MassaIresetts, Amherst, MassachUsetts Sandra. Stroper Sivilih Mercykurst College Erie, Pennsylvania John 'Warren SteWig University of Wiscipsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dorothy S. Strickland Kean College, UniOn, New Jersey PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I ILLUSTRATIONS .e':. Bernice BOOKS1 THE LIFE OF THE YOUNG CHILD John WurrenSawig, ENI OURAGiNG LANGUAGE GROWTH 17 Derothy S. Strickland PROMOTING .ANG-U GE AND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT 39 Carolyn W. Carmichael FOSTERING.UND RSTANDING OF SELF ANT) OTHERS59 Junc.BYers PRESENTING POETRY 73 Bernice E Cullinan TRADITIONAL LITERATURE: CHILDREN'g.LEGACY 85 Carolyn W. Carmichael AVOIDING SEX AND RACE STEREOTYPES IN CHILDREN'S:BOOKS99 TRATRGIgS FOR P 2\e\'isie 4,;.1.3oderick 11SPONSES:,TvIITERA;FURE142 , 100..BEST BOOKS AND AUITIORS FOFt YOUNG ci-TILDREN,155 irEXES 175 .(1 114 ( 0 _ Adults re,sponsible for the education of young children differ in their statement Of goals and in the approaches useckoachieve thein, but theyskar9 in.common theresourees With which they apply their differing.methods. One .,resource unequaled in value for accomplishing goals InearlY childhoosl programs is literature. Research evidence shows us that experiences provided thrOugh.'literature add_ measurably to children's store of knowledge, enrich Itheir use 61-language, and inc:rease their, ability to read. KnoWledge gained horn observation Shows us thatchildren wlio experience literature share ,a joy unknowti tothoseWho do not have litcrary experierices.. Literature, then rightlY belongs in early -childhood edu.catiair programs, which have Multiplied as research has made clear.hi*cRitical the learning stages of 'early childhood are to later developinene. Such Programs, include ilay care, head start, home centers', infant and tOddler centers, nursery school, play, groups, hOme-tutoring progralas, kindergartens, ,and various clinic or , -School sponsored parent-child interaction plbgrams. "Literary exPerierices" may unfortunately sound a bit snobbiSh to some, lit there is no other. ,iay to encompass the results that the forms arid use oliterarypaterials can effect: The -real problem here is .the term literature. Books are only a part Of this resource. Literature, in our uriderstariding of the ' term,, also includei thegreat oral tradition hestoiyteller, whose art must' . be shared with the young: Films, recordings slides, televrsiOn, and Other :4 media likeWise are literary materials that can e ch play a role in. the enrich- ment of children'a lives. Thus, whatever oneishes t9 call the resource, it .1 OfferS many choices, and young children Sug1to share in all of them. Since young children are seldom able to read bythemselves, It fs important for 4, adults, to make literature a part of child.ren'S, liveg. While the , primary assuMption offilis book is the value of:literature for the youn g,. it should be noted that slcarilig 'a4bOok with a." child not only enriches that child but. Wt. , , - rewards the adidt. - ,. The=1\i".0,kECommittee on Literary Experiencgs for Presch1 eluTdren is made ti .of specialists in early childhood echrCation: a reading an language arts constritant;E . an author and illustrator of children's books, an editor of children's books, a ,Children's librarian, and, ;or course, teachers In our professional careers we haveseen. the effects oflkood literature on cdren, and in thrs hook we try to share that experience.. ,, .. .. Please note that in the children's book reference-lists and in. the anno -tated, bibliography of 100 best books, foechildren, we have used ihe abbrevia- tion .PB to indicate books also available in paperback. In cases where the hard4ck and paperback publishers are not.the same,. the name of the paper- ). p back ,Aublisher follows the abbreviation. t vii 0 1, -4 7 _ _ ., -The editors and the Conizilittee IfiferullY reprint the following material: Atheneum. - mBarn, Barn, Bam" by Eve Merriam. Cdpyright©1966 by .gve Merriam. Froth Cahrha Litat,Rhyme.,Used bYpermiiSion of Atheneum Publishers and, by permission of Eve Merriam c/o International Creative ManageMent. Thomas Crowell -r "Half Asleep"', by Aileen Fisher fromMy CatHas Eyes of SapOhire Blue, Copyright © 1973 by. Aileen Fisher. Used-by permission -of -Thomas Y. Crowell Company. Farrar, Straus & Giroux 'frog" by Valerie Worth. Reprintedriti the perrnission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.,Irdm Small Poems by ValerieWorth, copyright b1972 by Valerie WOrth. , :The Feminjst .preSs . , . Excerpt from A./rain for Jane by Norma Klein. © 1974, Norina Mein IV and Miriam SChOttland. Reprinted by perthission of ,The Feminist Press;'Box , 334, Old WestbUry, New York.. ', . Harper àRaw ."Spring'from /n the Middle of the Trees by Karla -Kuskin.Copyright .© 1958 by Karla -.Kuskin.ftReprintedy perinission of Harper & Row, Pub- fishers, Inc. Excerpt from Chicken Soup tvitk Riee by Maurice Sendak.Copyright © 1962- by Maurice Sendak. Reprinted by permission otHarper. & Row, Pub- ./ fishers, Inc., and by perinission* William.-CollinsSons & CO. Ltd. "What Is It?" from A Pocketful of Poems by Marfe LiituiseAllen...Text copyright 4© 1957 by Marie Allen Howarth. Reprinted,by permission of Harper & RoW; Publishers, Inc.' Holt, Rinehart. and Winston 'Sunday .Morning Lonely" from Some of the Days ofEverett Anderson
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