A. Delany 452 A.L.G.W. 107 Abramovitch, H. 358,454 Acadia Coal Company 171 Achtemiychuk, S. 411 Adam, Archbishop 238,239 Adelbau
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INDEX A. Delany 452 Althousc, Dr. J.G. 257 A.L.G.W. 107 Altzev, Leonid 256 Abramovitch, H. 358,454 American Communist Political Acadia Coal Company 171 Association 371 Achtemiychuk, S. 411 American Council for African Adam, Archbishop 238,239 Affairs 256 Adelbaum, Sam 357, 358 American Council for Soviet Aguirre, Anselme (Olarte) 310 Relations 253 Aid to Russia fund 75 American Federation of Labor 79, Aid to Russia rally 253 103,106,109,111,195,269, Aizner, Annie 358, 359 270,271,299,301,408,409, Albania 318, 353 445,448,449,450,463,482 Alberta 55, 82, 154, 155, 156, 157, American Legion 202 215,238 American Slovak League in the Alberta L.P.P. leader United States 380 MacPherson, James A. 162 American-Hungarian Democratic Alberta Progressive 277 Council 478 Aldadanov, Ludmmilla 239 American-Russian Institute 256 Alexievich, John 410,411 American-Russian Mutual Aid Alexievich, Nicholas 410 Association 239 Alexis, Archbishop - Patriarch of Les Amicales Feminines 85 Moscow 481 Anderson, J.J. 346 All India Trades Union Congress Anderson, Lawrence 334 271 Andrusishen, Dr. 118 All Russian Sobor 480 Anglo-Irish Treaty 119 All Union Central Council of Anthony, Bishop 238 Trade Unions 470 anti-Semitism 150, 222,261 All-Slav Committee 130 Antoniuk, N. 411 Allan shaft 171 Arcand, Adrien 145,430 Alter, M. 358 Archambault, Rev. Father Papin 83 Alter, Victor 103, 104, 105,107 Arland, William 339 INDEX 487 Army of the Irish Republic 119 Bailey, Sam 337 Arnold. General 194 Bains. Kuldeep Singh 304 Amott, Thomas 346 Balogh,Jozsef477,478 Arseneault, Father Simon 62 Banque Canadienne Nationale Asbestonos Corporation Limited Canadian National Bank 58 436 Barmine, Alexander 196 Ashworth, Mrs. E. 159,161 Bamstead, Miss E. 277 Association of Canadian Citizens Baron, Sgt. Ann 303 of Russian Origin 252 Bass, Louis 151 Association of German Speaking Bassman, L. 413,414 Workers 137,138 Batalla 308 Association to Aid Poland and the Beaudet, Raphael 86 Allies 56,75, 259 Beaudette, Raphael 152 Atherton, Honourable Ray 257 Beauhamois, Quebec 60 Atkinson, J.E. 256 Beaulieu, Camille 152 Atlantic Charter 68,139,192,275, Beck Government 106 279 Beck, Colonel 259 Atlantic declaration 180 Beda, Mrs. 478 Aumais, Elzcar 59 Begella 478 Australia 28,46, 164 Belfer.J.261.356,358 Australian League for Peace and Belgian Communists 320 Democracy 28 Bell, Bud Lander 249. 302 Australian Youth Council 28 Bell. Harry 348 Austrian Battalion in the United Ben-Zevi 358 States Army 123 Benes 321 Austrians 122 Benes, President Edouard 380,381 Axis 139,145,153,155 Benesh319 Axle Hammer Department of Tren Bengough, Percy 222,244,245, ton Steel Works 174 408.443.482 Aylward, Robert 337 Benjamin, Metropoliten 226,238, B.C. Loggers' Association 108 257,258,480,481 B.C. Seamen's Union 209.210, Bennett, A.B. 356 211 Bennett, R.B. 351 B.C. Union News 195 Berekali 477 B.C. Woodworkers' Union 170 Berger, A. 358 B.C.l.C.A. 107 Beriin, Boris 239, 257 B.U.K. 117,118 Berling, General 317 Bab, 0.411 Beullac, Pierre 59 Badoglio, General 279 Beveridgeplan 126 Bagrianoff 318 Bick, Rabbi Abraham 358 Bailey, Max 356, 357 Bidderman, Dave 357 Bailey, R. 358 Bidderman, Minqie 357 488 WAR SERIES: PART II Bidderman, Morris 260, 356, 357, Brenko, P. (chairman) 242 358.413,454 Bresko, N. 358 Bilecky, Andrew 338, 362 Bridgetown, N.S. 484 Binder, Harry 337 Brisson.K.C, Mr. 60,61 Bishop, Charles 28 Britain 168.215, 314 Bittner, Professor G. 238 British Army 119 Black Front 90,91, 92 Briüsh Columbia 45,47.49,77, Blackman, A. 358 79.107,110,135,137,169, Blackwell, Leslie - Ontario 193,471 attorney-general 464,465,466 British Commonwealth of Nations Blairmore, Alberta 65 29,322 Biais, Sarto 151 British Communism 31 bloc populaire 132, 151.335,381 British Empire 28, 142 Le Bloc Populaire Canadien 61 British Government 120,427,428 Blois. Mrs. Edna C. 262, 359 British Labour Party 29, 76, 103, Bloom, B. 358 355,400 Bloom, H. 357 British North America Act 157, Blumenfeld, Hans 258 396 Bodi, Jozsef477 British passport 416 Boeing Aircraft plant in British Trade Union Congress 32 Vancouver 109 Brizard. Napoleon 150. 152 Bogaard, George 210 Broadbent. Mrs. H. 159.161 Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders Brockie. J.A. 257 Union of Canada 77, 194, 234 Brockington. Leonard N. 256 Boilermakers Local 194 Brockville. Ontario 41 Boilermakers Union 47,48,49. Brodie, Fred 175 50.51,78,79. 136,235 Brookes. Oscar 349 Boitik, V. (secretary) 242 Brothan413 Bolf, Stanko 433 Brotherhood of Ukrainian Bolshevist 314 Catholics 67.117 Bond, George F. 456 Browder. Earl 132.204, 353, 371, Bordeaux Jail 87 372,373.374.375, 389, 390, Boucher, Miss Julia 231 391,392.393.425 Boucher, Mr. 83 Browder, William Z. 377, 378 Bourassa. Henri 84, 85 Brown 452 Bourgel. Jean 229, 232 Brown, John 338 Bowmanville, Ontario 71, 124 Brownlow, G. 161 Boyer, Raymond 456 Brozovic, Franca 433 Bracken, John 206, 228, 322, 325, Büchner, Johannes 398 365 Buck, Tim 26,27, 32. 33, 34, 37, Brannigan, Tom 221 52,55,96,97,99, 100, 101, Brazil 66 130,131, 132, 136, 149, 150, INDEX 489 153. 159,204,221,230,231. C.C.L. Political Action Committee 234,277,319,320,321.324, 220 325, 334, 335,336, 338, 339, C.F.L. 79 340,343,351,352.354.356. C.I.O. "News" 195 360.361.362,364.367,376, C.L.T.W.C. 55 377.379,389.390.391,392. C.M.&S.Co. 110 393.394,396,398,406,446, C.Y.C. 289 453,458.469,474,475 Cahier du Communisme 372 Buckley, John W. 258 Cahloult 85, 86 Budai 477 Cairo 455 Budnitzky.L. 358,414 Calder. R.L. 106 Buhay, Betty 277 Calgary Stampede 216 Buhay, Michael 150, 151.152, Calgary, Alberta 41,45, 216 232,263.279, 323 Cal well, R.G. 159,161 Bukovina213 Cameron, Rev. Alex 121, 142 Bulgaria 318,366 Camp Atterbury 195 Bulgarians 225 Campbell. A.C. 325,334, 349 Buller, Annie 359 Campbell, Clark 346 Burman, Irving 220 Campbell, Coray 452 Buroff318 Campbell, W.R. 441 Burrard Drydock Company 235 Camps 144 Burt. George - UAW Director Canada 47 330.331.342.397.423,424, Canada Packers 437 442,443,446,463.466 Canada Russia Society 252 Burton. Richard 345 Canada's Armed Forces 240 Bushaykin. A. 357 Canadian Aid to Russia Fund 46, C.A.S.F. (Canadian Amateur 56 Sports Federation) 177, 184 Canadian Aircraft Lodges 219 C.C.F. 27,46.48. 69, 105, 106, Canadian army 99 107. 108. 131,132, 134, 136. Canadian Broadcasting 137, 143, 149, 155, 157, 162, Corporation 85 166.169,170,193,204,205. Canadian Car and Munitions 37 206. 207,220. 222, 226, 233, Canadian Conunonwealth Youth 235, 276, 278, 279. 288. 292, Movement 288 293,311.321.323.324.331, Canadian Communist 389 342,343,344.351,352.354, Canadian Communists 287, 320, 355,356,362,367,368,381, 399 396,401,403.419,426,430, Canadian Congress of Labor 443 451,472,473,475 Canadian Congress of Labour 48, C.C.F. Leaders 158 49,50,77,79, 166. 167, 170, C.C.F. Political Labour Party 221 171, 172, 173, 193, 194,220, 221,223,233,234,236,258, 490 WAR SERIES: PART n 407,419,420,436,442,451, Canadian Slovak League 380, 381 460,463, 466 Canadian Soviet Friendship Coun TTie Canadian Farmer 118 cil 257 Canadian Federation of Canadian Tribune 36, 55, 107, Democratic Hungarians 476 143,159,162,208,234,244, Canadian Finns 177, 180 311,320.375,376,382,388, Canadian Fish Handlers Union 173 394, 396, 397, 398, 399,426, Canadian Fishermen's Union 173, 444,446,469,470 212 Canadian Ukrainians 188 Canadian Forum 322, 370, 371 Canadian United Hungarian Relief Canadian Friends of Soviet Russia Committee 434 Canadian Branch of the Friends Canadian Youth Commission 288, of Soviet Russia 251 289 Canadian Friends of Yugo-Slavia Canadians For Victory Committee 225 40,41 Canadian General Electric 385 Cape Breton 296 Canadian Institute of Public Capiette, Maurice 152 Opinion 27 Carey, James B. 105 Canadian Jewish Congress 260, Caron, Ruth 302 261 Carpatho-Russian Association in Canadian Jewish Progressive the United States 239 Workers' Movement 453 Carpatho-Russians 58 Canadian Jewish Weekly 107, Carr, Sam 34, 107, 153,205, 233, 244,261,291,293,356,357, 290, 294, 295, 325, 338, 339, 360,375,412,413,414,452, 340, 354, 356, 362, 374, 398 454,479 Carrière, Marc 85, 86, 87 Canadian Jewish Weekly Associa Carrillo, Alejandro 224 tion 244 Carson, Harry 249, 303 Canadian Legion 169, 278 Carter, Margaret 302 Canadian Manufacturers' Associa Cartier C.C.F. Club 106 tion 108,402 Casablanca conference 75 Canadian Maritime Federation 209 Cass-Beggs 141 Canadian Merchant Marine 404 Catholic Church 62 Canadian Merchant Service Guild Catholic Syndicates 61, 83, 84 (A.F.ofL.)209 The Catholic Union of Farmers 85 Canadian News 107 Catholics 113 Canadian Red Cross Society 251, Chalout, Rene 322 305 Chamberlain, W.H. 316 Canadian Seafarers' Union 209 Chamchuk, A. 410 Canadian Seamen's Union 173, Charpentier, Alfred 83 193,209,210,211,212,233, Chartrand, Michel 86. 87 271,408,409,482 Cherrier, Quebec 37 INDEX 491 Chicago Tribune 301 Comintern 333, 354,366, 371 Childress. W.H. 338 Committee of Czechoslovak China 157 Organizations 381 Chitcheff318 Conunittee of Industrial Christian Social Action 468 Organizations 298,299 Chrysler plant 424 Committee to Aid Hungarians at Chrysler Workers 195 Home 387 Church Fellowship League 143 Committee to Honour the Memory Churchill, Prime Minister Winston of Two Labour Leaders 106 74,75,125.142,178,223,363, Committees of Czechoslovak 364,428 Organizations 382 Chutskoff, Vasily 238.239 Communism 84,91, 119 Chyzyk.N.411 Communist 64,65,92, 103.