Paco visits Canada and the USA: Paco arrives in

Introduction In this topic we are learning about modal verbs, their form and the different meanings they can express. Then we are studying defining relative clauses and, finally, we are going to have a look at reported speech, at this stage, orders and statements. It may seem a dense topic, but don't worry! As usual, in topic 1, the main objective is to be able to identify and recognize all these forms, and in subsequent topics you will learn more about them. Let's begin!

Further knowledge

Remember, once again, when you need to know the pronunciation of any word or you would like to practise some English words or phrases, write them under our robot Mike and he will be delighted to help you.

Self-Assessment activity

Watch this introductory video to Toronto and then decide if the statements below are true or false. 1. According to the images, Toronto is multicultural.

Verdadero Falso

2. 5.5 million people live in Toronto.

Verdadero Falso

3. There isn't any cultural life in Toronto.

Verdadero Falso

4. There is universal Health Care.

Verdadero Falso

5. Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

Verdadero Falso

Let's look at the topic in detail! Map 1. Paco can communicate in Canada

Reading activity

Paco has arrived in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada and the second largest city of the province of Ontario. He's very excited about visiting a new country. Canada is the second largest country in the world. It consists of 10 provinces and three territories as you can see in the map. There are two official languages in this country, English and French, so Paco can communicate with Canadian people without any problem.

By E Pluribus Anthony , C. Commons

The existence of these two official languages dates back to the 15th century, when both British and French expeditions explored this land and settled along the Atlantic coast. Today it is officially a bilingual country, which means both languages have equal status in government and administration. For example, all laws must be enacted in English and French. However, this does not mean people in the country can speak both languages. In fact, 67.5% of the population speak only English and 13.3% speak only French. And Quebec is the only province where the official language is only French. The most populated areas of Canada are in the south, where Paco is going to stay at the beginning. Then he might go up to the north and visit the province of in real life. He has seen them many times in films... This makes him think he should buy some warmer clothes. It must be freezing in the Arctic!

What modal verbs can you find in the text?

Self-Assessment activity

Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Ontario is the capital city of Canada.

Verdadero Falso

2. Canada is the second biggest country in the world.

Verdadero Falso

3. Alaska is part of Canada.

Verdadero Falso 4. Most people can speak English in Canada. By drurydrama (Len Radin) , C. Commons Verdadero Falso

5. All provinces in Canada are officially bilingual.

Verdadero Falso

6. Most Canadian people live in the north.

Verdadero Falso

Study these examples taken from the reading text: Paco can communicate with Canadian people without any problem. All laws must be enacted in English and French.

Paco might go up to the north and visit Nunavut. Paco could meet some Inuit people there. 1- What form of the verb comes after modal verbs? 2- Can modal verbs act as main verbs? 3- What is the negative form of can, must, might, could and should ?

Further knowledge

Have a look at this website in order to learn the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of modal verbs.

Self-Assessment activity

Transform these sentences into negative and interrogative ones:

1. Laws must be enacted in English and French.




2. He should buy warmer clothes.




Let's learn more about modal verbs in the next section! 1.1. Paco might visit the north

Let's study the examples of modal verbs we have seen in the previous section: 1. It consists of 10 provinces and three territories as you can see in the map. 2. There are two official languages in this country, English and French, so Paco can communicate with Canadian people without any problem. 3. For example, all laws must be enacted in English and French 4. However, this does not mean people in the country can speak both languages. 5. Then he might go up to the north and visit the province of Nunavut. 6. Paco could meet some Inuit people there. 7. This makes him think he should buy some warmer clothes. 8. It must be freezing in the Arctic! By robynejay , C. Commons

Which meanings do these modal verbs convey? Choose from: ability, possibility, obligation, deduction, prohibition or advice.

As we have just seen, a modal verb can express different meanings and different modal verbs can convey the same meaning: MUST All laws must be enacted in English and French. (obligation) It must be freezing in the Arctic! (deduction) POSSIBILITY Paco might visit the province of Nunavut. What do these sentences express? 1. You mustn't smoke in this room. 2. I may go out with him. 3. May I open the door? 4. You ought to study more.

Self-Assessment activity

Which meaning do the following sentences express? 1. They may finish tomorrow.

By meironke , C. Commons

a) ability

b) deduction

c) possibility

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2. It could be a good idea. a) ability

b) deduction

c) possibility

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3. They could swim very well when they were younger.

a) ability

b) deduction

c) possibility

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4. You shouldn't smoke so much.

By Small , C. Commons b) advice

c) obligation

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5. He's seriously overweight. He must go on a diet.

a) obligation

b) deduction

c) advice

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Further knowledge

You can practice some exercises on modal verbs by clicking on the links below:

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Curiosity

Do you know the Queen of Canada? Yes, you do!

It is, in fact, Queen Elisabeth II, the British queen. She is the monarch of many other countries of the Commonwealth (a group of countries which were formerly part of the British Empire). She is the embodiment of the country and officially regarded as the head of state. She represents the country and performs several official duties. However, because she lives in the United Kingdom, many duties are carried out by her representative in Canada, the Governor General.

By NASA/Bill Ingalls ,

public domain

Let's deal with something different now. We are learning about defining relative clauses in the next section. 2. Canada is the country that Paco chose to visit next

Listening activity

As you know, Paco has landed in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. Have a look at this video about the city and listen to the girl.

Listen to it as many times as you need and then answer the true or false questions in the next exercise.

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Listen to the video as many times as you need and then decide if the statements below are true or false.

1. Ottawa is the largest city in Canada.

Verdadero Falso

2. Queen Victoria is the person who chose Ottawa as the capital city of Canada in 1857. Verdadero Falso

4. The high humidity is an issue that irritates people in Ottawa.

Verdadero Falso

5. The Peace Tower is a national symbol which is part of the Parliament Buildings.

Verdadero Falso 6. People can't travel on the Canal.

Verdadero Falso

7. The Dutch Royal Family are the people who sent tulips as a present.

Verdadero Falso

8. Ottawa's Canadian Museum of Civilization is a place which traces over 1000 years of Canadian history.

Verdadero Falso

9. Canada is home to the fourth largest collection of mazes.

Verdadero Falso 10. The biggest problem in Ottawa is deciding what to do.

Verdadero Falso

Now have a look at the sentences used in the true-false activity. Some of these sentences are examples of relative clauses. You can identify them through the relative pronouns who, that or which. What are the sentences containing relative clauses? The man who is in the photo is my brother. The Peace Tower, which is part of the Parliament Buildings, is a national symbol.

1- What is the difference between them? 2- We have seen three different relative pronouns. Which one do we use to talk about people? Which one do we use to talk about things? Which one can we use to talk about both people or things?

Further knowledge

If you want to learn more about relative clauses, have a look at this website .

Self-Assessment activity

Are these defining relative clauses correct (true) or incorrect (false)?

1. The woman which lives next door is very nice.

Verdadero Falso

2. The woman, who lives next door is very nice.

Verdadero Falso

3. The woman who lives next door is very nice.

Verdadero Falso

4. The woman that lives next door is very nice. By ep715 , C. Commons

Verdadero Falso

Let's learn about reported speech in the next section. 3. John said that there were many attractions

Reading activity

Paco has been sightseeing in Ottawa. He went on a walking tour this morning and he learned a lot from the guide about this cosmopolitan city. Ottawa has many impressive places and important landmarks , interesting museums and galleries, festivals, and sports and outdoor activities all the year round. This last event is possible due to the beautiful vast land of the country. The guide was a nice man called John. He told them that there were many attractions for people interested in history, such as the . Other interesting places are the National Gallery, which keeps an important art collection, or the Canadian Museum of Civilization, which explores over 1000 years of Canadian history and presents a traditional aboriginal village and a collection of totem poles . For people interested in the First Nation's culture, By ipodman715 , C. Commons he said that it would be a unique experience, including traditional native cuisine and dance. John also advised them to see the , next to the Parliament, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and definitely worthwhile. People can enjoy the Canal by boat, by car, or maybe cycling. In winter, it is used as a skating rink and it is, in fact, the largest naturally frozen skating rink in the world. The guide also recommended them not to miss the if they were in the city between the 7th and the 24th of May. During these days, thousands of tulips adorn Ottawa and there is music, food and culture representative of many countries from all over the world. He told them that this tradition came from the Netherlands. He said that it had started in 1945, when the Dutch Royal Family sent 100,000 tulip bulbs in gratitude for a favour they received during the Second World War. Finally, there are many sports and outdoor activities depending on the season. Hockey is a traditional winter sport in Ottawa, and other outdoor activities include skiing or skating rinks.

Can you identify examples of reported (indirect) speech in the text? Remember this means reporting what other people said. Focus on statements and commands. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false:

1. People who visit the Canadian Museum of Civilization can experience aboriginal culture.

Verdadero Falso

2. You can skate on the Canal all year round.

Verdadero Falso

3. The Canadian Tulip Festival takes place during the first week of May.

Verdadero Falso

4. This Festival comes from the Netherlands.

Verdadero Falso

By Jason Prini , C. Commons

1- Which of these reported speech examples from the text are statements and which ones are commands? He told them that there were many attractions for people interested in history. He said that it would be a unique experience. John also advised them to see the Rideau Canal. The guide also recommended them not to miss the Canadian Tulip Festival. He told them that this tradition came from the Netherlands. He said that it had started in 1945.


2- What did the guide originally say? He told them that there were many attractions for people interested in history. He said that it would be a unique experience. Self-Assessment activity

Are they examples of direct or indirect (reported) speech? 1- He said we would enjoy our visit.

By Terriko , C. Commons

a) direct

b) indirect

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2. They arrived sooner than we expected.

a) direct

b) indirect

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3. Tell me the news. b) indirect

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4. He kindly asked them to leave the restaurant.

a) direct

b) indirect

Mostrar retroalimentación

Further knowledge

Have a look at these websites to learn more about reported statements or reported commands .

Well done! You will learn more about all this in the following topics! 4. Further practice

Reading activity

Canada can offer a wide range of sports and outdoor activities due to the existence of huge open spaces throughout the country. Such spaces include numerous lakes and rivers which are also used for water sports such as rafting, fishing, ice skating, kayak and so on. is probably the most popular sport in Canada. Canadians refer to it as just hockey. Paco learned a lot about this sport from John, the guide who took them on a tour around Ottawa. For Canadians, hockey is their passion. Modern hockey might have its origins in European sports brought to Canada by immigrants, such as (an Irish sport) and versions of other sports. John told him that the first organized hockey game was played in By Icky Pic , C. Commons Montreal in 1875. Little by little, the game became very popular and was improved with new rules. Finally, the teams which were competing at the time organized a league. Around 1900 there were already women's teams in Canada. The enthusiasm grew very fast and it is still today a very popular sport among women in this country. Hockey has taken part in the Winter Olympic Games since 1924 and Canada won most of the first gold medals. Finally John recommended Paco not to miss a match if he had the opportunity. Good idea!

What modal verbs can you find in the text?

Self-Assessment activity

Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false:

1. The existence of many rivers and lakes in Canada makes water sports very popular.

Verdadero Falso 3. Hockey was played in Europe before it became popular in Canada.

Verdadero Falso

4. Women don't usually play this game.

Verdadero Falso

How can we express the following sentence with a modal verb? Ice hockey is probably the most popular sport in Canada.

Self-Assessment activity

Transform these sentences into negative and interrogative:

1. Canada can offer a wide range of sports and outdoor activities.





2. Modern hockey might have its origins in Europe.





Enviar Identify all the examples of defining relative clauses that you can find in the text.

Identify all the examples of reported speech that you can find in the text.


And that's all! Easy, wasn't it?