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NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 1978 Vol . 6, No . 2 W .E . Keenan, President Joan Mackie, Editor FEBRUARY MEETING HERITAGE DAY, 1978 DATE Monday, February 20, 1978 While Heritage Day, 1978 is officially 8 :00 p .m . being celebrated on Monday, February 20, Heritage Ottawa will hold a ceremony in Sussex Drive, PLACE La Salle Academy, the Mayor's Office on Friday, February Audio-Visual Room . Use the main 17, at which time the Mayor will present entrance on Guigues Avenue . Heritage Ottawa Awards of Recognition to citizens who have made special contri- being Heritage Day, Michael Newton, This butions to the continued preservation N .C .C . researcher, will give an illus- of the heritage of our city. The March trated talk on The Development and Newsletter will report the recipients Growth of Lowertown, 1827 to the Found - of this year's awards . ingof the Capital . Since Mr . Newton has discovered a group of extant build- ings in Lowertown which he dates to pre- 1854, this promises to be an extremely interesting evening . '~~ ff(f ~rall`~/~ LA SALLE ACADEMY, SUSSEX DRIVE HERITAGE OTTAWA, PO. Box 510 , Stn. B, Ottawa , Ontario, KIP 5P6 HERITAGE OTTAWA GALLERY NATIONAL GALLERY LECTURE SERIES "Winter Sports in Ottawa" continues at Under the auspices of the National the Fraser Schoolhouse, 62 John Street . Gallery of Canada, a five-lecture series Open weekends from 1 :00 until 5 :00, the on the architecture of Sandy Hill will be exhibition presents numerous photographs given, in French, by Carol Sheedy . The and artifacts depicting vice-royalty, following topics will be presented at the championship sportspersons and the local Gallery : citizenry enjoying winter sports in Thursday, Feb . 2 Introduction : Con- Ottawa . at 8 p .m . texte historique et social du quartier . Thursday, Feb . 9 Historique des styles MEMBERSHIPS at 8 p .m . architecturaux des maisons de la C8te-de- Attached to this Newsletter is a list of Sable . all Heritage Ottawa's paid-up members . Thursday, Feb . 23 FaKades des maisons de As was reported in the September at 8 p .m . la C3"te-de-Sable au Newsletter , membership cards are not tours des siecles . being distributed this year in an effort to economize on the association's Thursday, Mar . 2 Toits des maisons de at 8 p .m . la C6te-de-Sable, expenditures . If your name does not pignons, cheminees, appear on this list, please renew your lucarnes, girouettes . membership by filling in the attached form and returning it, with the appropri- Thursday, Mar . 9 Les vitraux des ate money, to Heritage Ottawa, Box 510, at 8 p .m . maisons de la C6te-de- Station B, Ottawa, KIP 5P6 Sable . LACAC NOTES - a brief review of LACAC voiced his preference for the alternative activities for the past three months which passes along King Edward Avenue and through an area not considered as a The Cattle Castle, Lansdowne Park heritage district . This route also lies within the expropriation area of the It was recommended that a subcommittee University of Ottawa . be mandated to work with the Lansdowne Development Advisory Committee to report to Council on possible designation and Billings- Estate Other Lansdowne use of the building . Alister M . Ross Associates have been Park buildings will be examined for chosen as Architectural Consultants for value . heritage the restoration of the Billings Estate . At an earlier meeting, the committee Murray Street Synagogue Murals recommended asking the city to isolate The Committee to Save the Murals, con- and protect from vandalism all buildings sisting of representatives from the and effects on the site . It was proposed Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish to send a flyer to all neighbouring homes Community Council and Heritage Ottawa, explaining the value of the Estate and has received a proposal outlining the requesting assistance in keeping it from procedures, schedule and expenditures damage . for the muralls . Machzikei Hadas Syna-, gogue and the Museum of Man have both expressed an interest in obtaining the Heritage De signations murals, and methods of raising funds to The following properties were recommend- carry out the work of removing them are ed for designation as heritage buildings now being discussed . Results are expect- under the provisions of the Ontario ed by the end of January . Heritage Act, 1974 . Valade House at 142 St . Patrick Street ; Donnelly House Regional Transit Development Program at 365 Sussex Drive ; College de Bytown Plans are underway for a new transit (Academie de la Salle) at 373 Sussex route which may affect heritage build- Drive ; 174-175 King Edward Avenue ; and, ings in and around the downtown area of 193-195 Cumberland Street . the city . The Transit Technical Working Committee has made suggestions as to the CKOY Building best route possible with the least threat Application has been made for demolition to heritage properties . For example, of the old house from which CKOY oper- one route under consideration passes 60 ates . Investigation into the feasibility yards to the south of "Park Hill", the of saving the house has commenced . It Billings Estate . The proposed volume was decided that future applications for of traffic would have a damaging impact demolition of designated buildings will on the rural, tranquil feeling which come to LACAC for review. gives the Estate so much of its charac- ter . Alderman Bedard, Chairman of LACAC, Jennifer Roddick BOOK REVIEWS Shirley Leishman Books, 88 Metcalfe Street, very kindly lent the following books to Heritage Ottawa for review purposes . Members wishing to purchase these books may do so either at Shirley Leishman Books, or at Books Canada in Confederation Square . Lucien Brault and John Leaning . Halter P . Stewart . A Photo-journalist La Salle Academy : New Life for a looks at the Village of Rockcliffe Park . Heritage Building. Ottawa : Information Ottawa : Itialter P, Stewart Consultant Canada, 1976, $5 .95 . (paper) Limited, 1976 . 62 pp ., many illus ., $12 .50 . La Salle Academy : New Life for a Heritage Building contains two inform- "While it is true that there is an exclu- ative and well illustrated articles sivity about the Village of Rockcliffe which deal with the history of the Park, and that it is supported by wealth Academy . The first article, by Lucien as a whole, it would be improper to inter- Brault, reconstructs the environment in pret this as materialism . The residents which the Academy existed from its are, in the main, beyond that . They conception in 1844 to the closing of its have arrived ." So concludes author- doors in 1973 . Brault's reconstruction photographer-publisher Stewart in this contains delightful accounts of daily platitudinous hardbound tribute to life on Sussex Drive compiled from Ottawa's finest residential suburb, mid-19th-century newspapers . The second issued on the fiftieth anniversary of its article, by John Leaning, describes the incorporation . Ile offers a summary his- history of the Academy from the building tory of Ottawa and of Rockcliffe Park, of a hoarding around it in 1973 to its beginning with its origin as the domain conversion into a modern office complex of Duncan MacNab's Rockcliff Manor House . in 1975 . Leaning's admirable account lie introduces its institutions and some contains one questionable comment . Ile illustrious past residents, but satisfies evaluates the alterations of the Academy, our interest in few. Numerous houses are dating to the 1890s and the late 19th recorded in insipidly grey and ill- century architecture in general, as composed photographs, only some of which mediocre . This comment is not supported are identified by address . Stewart's by any examples apart from his reference admiration for the attractive village is to the alterations of the Academy . evident, but his book has been produced Halina Jeletzky with insufficient care to be worthy of its subject . Harold Kalman APPLICATION FOR NIENIBERSHIP HERITAGE OTTAWA, P.O . Box ?10. Station li, Ottawa, Ontario Enclosed please find nn, annual membership icefor the rategurr indicated RATES. (Membership year 1s(. Oct . - 30th Sept.) HOUSEHOLD ME>IBERSHIP S10 .00 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP S 7. ,011 O SENIOR CITIZEN MI:MBERSIIIP S 4 .110 O STUDENT MEMBERSIfill S 4 .11() O PATRONS - DONATIONS OVER S ;0.00 O l pledge iqv support in pre.sen ing the heritage uj the A'ation's Capital. NAME . IELEPHONE . ADDRESS . CITY . POSTAL CODL . PROVINCE . ., . HERITAGE CANADA, the NA I -IONA1 . charitable foundation dedicated to the preservation and conservation of Canada's man-made and natural heritage offers special rates to members of LOCAL heritage groups . 6.e, HERITAGE OTTAWA) JOINh MEMBERSHIP RATES HERITAGE HERITAGE OTTAWA CANADA HOUSEHOLD $l0 + S$ = SIS 0 1 includesissue f INDIVIDUAL + S3 = $10 O quarterly SENIOR CITIZEN S 4 S 4 + S3 - S 7 0 STUDENTS 5 + S3 ° S 7 0 "Heritage Canada" Payment of joint ntemhership fees to your I .OCAI . organisation please HERITAGE OTTAWA, P.O. Box 51(1, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario. C/ffnura HERITAGE OTTAWA is a voluntary community organisation actively working to preserve the visual heritage of the National Capital Region . Our aim is to save those historic properties, early settlement areas, representative streetscapes, and domestic and industrial artifacts which contribute so much in enhancing the quality and unique character of the community . Your support is needed urgently to prevent further destruction of the reminders of our past . YOUR membership means that YOU will demonstrate your concern and have a voice in helping to preserve heritage values in the National Capital Region . HERITAGE OTTAWA est une organisation communautaire benevole qui s'occupe activement de la preservation du patrimoine visuel de la region de la capitale nationale . HERITAGE OTTAWA vise a sauvegarder les biens et les batiments qui ont une valeur historique, les regions de premiere colonisation, les avenues offrant une perspective particuli&re ainsi que les objets d'int6ret domestique et artisanal qui contribuent tellement a rehausser la qualiti; et le caractere exclusif de la eollectivit6 .