The LHP Newsletter
/LWXUJ\ +\PQRG\ Volume 1, Issue 1, Advent 2004 You may be thinking, “Right. That’s what they Welcome said last time.” “The Common Service (Divine Service I), familiar to all Lutherans, is carried This is the inaugural issue of Liturgy & forward with no great changes…” (LW Hymnody, a publication of the Wyoming Introduction, p. 6.) This time, there are only District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri minimal changes. Synod. TLH page 15 shows up in LSB as Divine Our goal is to Service, Setting Three. The sung portions of + Foster appreciation for the Lutheran the familiar liturgy remain intact, complete with heritage in Christian Worship “Holy Ghost,” “We praise Thee,” “And with thy spirit,” and “Praise be to Thee, O Christ.” The + Advise and counsel congregations Familiar four-part harmony supports the text the way it always has. The only musical change is and pastors in the use of appropriate that the Kyrie and Gloria have been lowered one worship resources and material step to allow for easier singing and an easier key for the organist. + Provide specific helps to ease the transition from The Lutheran Hymnal, Spoken text in Divine Service, Setting Three has Lutheran Worship, and Hymnal been gently updated. For example, “I, a poor, Supplement 98 to the forthcoming miserable sinner, confess unto You all my sins Lutheran Service Book (hereafter LSB), and iniquities with which I have ever offended expected to be released in fall 2006 You and justly deserved Your temporal and eternal punishment…” The LCMS Commission on Worship TLH page 5, “The Order of Morning Service website, Without Communion” is not printed separately has electronic files of LSB material in LSB, to save space.
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