Eur Radiol (2004) 14:2206–2211 DOI 10.1007/s00330-004-2340-2 HEAD AND NECK Harriet C. Thoeny Ear pain in patients with oropharynx carcinoma: KarlT.Beer Peter Vock how MRI contributes to the explanation Richard H. Greiner of a prognostic and predictive symptom Received: 22 October 2003 Abstract Reflex otalgia is a predic- glossus muscle, stylopharyngeus Revised: 11 March 2004 tive and prognostic parameter for lo- muscle, hyoglossus muscle and pre- Accepted: 5 April 2004 cal control in patients with orophar- epiglottic space. No difference was Published online: 1 May 2004 ynx carcinoma. Can a morphologic found for the muscles of mastication, © Springer-Verlag 2004 correlate of this important symptom levator and tensor veli palatini mus- be detected by MRI? Thirty-six pa- cles, styloglossus muscle, genioglos- tients were prospectively evaluated sus muscle, intrinsic muscles of the by MRI before radical radiotherapy. tongue, digastric muscles, mucosal Sixteen patients had reflex otalgia; surface of the lateral and posterior 20 did not. The oropharynx and adja- pharyngeal wall, uvula, valleculae, cent regions were analyzed. Alter- parapharyngeal space and larynx. An ation was defined as effacement of alteration of structures innervated by H. C. Thoeny (✉) · P. Vock anatomical structures, signal alter- the glossopharyngeal nerve was vi- Department of Diagnostic Radiology, ation or enhancement after contrast sualized on MRI significantly more Inselspital, χ2 University of Bern, medium administration. The -test often when reflex otalgia was pres- Freiburgstrasse 10, 3010 Bern, Switzerland was used to compare categorical pa- ent. Involvement of structures inner- e-mail:
[email protected], rameters. In patients with reflex vated by other cranial nerves did not
[email protected] otalgia, alteration of the following show the same association with ear Tel.: +41-31-6322939 structures innervated by the glosso- pain.