The Ukrainian Weekly 1967
WORLD CONGRESS TURNS INTO INSPIRING DEMONSTRATION OF UNITY AND STEADFAST DEDICATION TO THE CAUSE OF UKRAINE'S FREEDOM Шl OF SESSIONS CONCLUDES WITH PROCLAMATION OF MANIFESTOS, RESOLUTIONS, MSGR. KUSHNIR ELECTED TO HEAD PERMANENT SECRETARIAT, FREEDOM RALLY IS SUCCESS, THOUSANDS MARCH IN DEMONSTRATIOHS AT ON, SOVIET MISSION, SPEAKERS HAIL INDOMITABLE SPIRIT OF UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. 1003 DELEGATES ATTEND, APPEAL Sessions Conclude Sunday to NEW YORK, N.Y. - Climaxing an eventful week of sessions that were a magnificent manifestation of will and Ukrainians Living Beyond unity, the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, a historic ' first in the life of the Ukrainian community, concluded its The Borders of Ukraine deliberations by establishing Itself as a permanent institution with a Secretariat, and proclaiming steadfast solidarity with ISSUED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FIRST WORLD the desires and aspirations of the struggling Ukrainian na CONGRESS OF FREE UKRAINIANS, HELD Ш NEW tion. YORK CITY, NOVEMBER 16-19,1967 'i, - DEAR COUNTRYMEN: Amid inspiring solemnity politan John Theodorovich, of and with a spirit of unwaver the Ukrainian Orthodox We, the duly elected delegates of the repreaentationa ing determination, the World Church in the USA. Archbi of many countries with a Ukrainian population." announce, Congress, speaking for three shop - Metropolitan Mixim to all Ukrainians living beyond the borders of their.ancestral million Ukrainians in diaspo Hermaniuk of the Ukrainian Homeland, that on the 16th, 17th, 18th and SJHfr days cut ra, pledged unity in its own Catholic Church in Canada. November, 1967, the World Congress of Free UJijrifanans was ranks while calling for a con Archbishop Mstyslav, Archbi neM.fn the City of New York, N.Y., U.S.A'.,f--^йцсЬ estab-, certed effort of global rami shop Michael of the Ukrainian ИайЦ the Secretariat of the World Congress of |^.Ukrain- fications in behalf of U-.
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