Figuring the Features of the Roman Campagna: Recent Landscape Structural
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ANNALS OF SILVICULTURAL RESEARCH 41 (1), 2017: 20-28 Technical note Figuring the features of the Roman Campagna: recent landscape structural Luca Salvati1*, Lorenza Gasparella2, Michele Munafò3, Raoul Romano4, Anna Barbati2 Received 13/02/2017 - Accepted 18/04/2017 - Published online 25/05/2017 Abstract - This article evaluates the impact of urban expansion on landscape composition and structure of a landscape icon, the Roman Campagna, central Italy, during the last 30 years. Landscape attributes were assessed between 1974, when the distinguish- ing features of Roman Campagna are still widespread, and 2008, following decades of urban decentralization and urban sprawl. Changes in landscape structure were explored by spatial pattern analysis to detect how structural changes in landscape components can modify land structure and landscape profile. Non-parametric correlation statistics and factor analysis showed that the distinctive features of the Roman Campagna landscape are now blurred. A generalized landscape mix was generated by the juxtaposition of different land-use, reflected in a negative relationship between changes in surface area and patchiness found in natural and agri- cultural uses of land. Adaptation measures for preserving peri-urban agriculture in a changing landscape were finally discussed. Keywords - landscape icon; Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis (MSPA); fragmentation; peri-urban agriculture; Roman Campagna Introduction top of the Alban hills, where extensive cropping is spatially mixed with residential urban expansion. The low-lying landscape surrounding Rome Following a homogeneous path of urban decen- (Latium, central Italy) has been shaped by humans tralization and sprawl common to many European for thousands of years, like other areas with ancient cities since the 1980s (Kasanko et al. 2006, Longhi colonization in the northern Mediterranean basin. and Musolesi 2007, Turok and Mykhnenko 2007, The area known as Roman Campagna was used for Schneider and Woodcock 2008, Munafò et al. 2013, agriculture since Roman time and then abandoned Kazemzadeh-Zow et al. 2016), urban areas have during the Middle Ages, due to malaria and water greatly expanded in Rome’s countryside (Fig. 2). shortage for farming needs. The Campagna became The high rate of cropland conversion to urban uses a famous landscape icon in Europe during the 18th is the most visible alteration of fringe landscapes, and 19th centuries and an excursion into the Roman countryside was a must for travellers in the Grand Tour (Fig. 1). The Campagna was reclaimed in the 19th and 20th centuries: efforts to make land more produc- tive marked the beginning of its decline and the loss of agricultural land-use for a large part of the area. Starting with the 1950s, the Rome's expansion took over large parts of the Campagna, all around the city. However, until the 1970s the distinguishing features of Roman Campagna were still widespread: extensive arable land and pastures in lowlands, areas suitable for crops and sheep farming, and Figure 1 - Cole Thomas, Roman Campagna, c. 1843, Wadsworth vineyards laid in a concentric semi-circle to the Athenaeum (photo in public domain). 1 Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria, Centro di ricerca per le foreste e il legno, Arezzo (Italy) 2 University of Tuscia, Dipartimento per l'innovazione nei sistemi Biologici, Agroalimentari e Forestali (UNITUS-DIBAF), Viterbo (Italy) 3 Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Roma (Italy) 4 Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria, Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomiy, Roma (Italy) *[email protected] 10.12899/asr-1349 L. SALVATI, L. GASPARELLA, M. MUNAFÒ, R. ROMANO, A. BARBATI Figuring the features of the Roman Campagna: recent landscape structural extended period of intense urban development (1974-2008). Other studies have approached this issue by landscape-level estimation of percolation and proximity indices (Metzger and Muller 1996; Metzger and Decamps 1997; Pili et al. 2017). We propose, instead, a novel application of the Mor- phological Spatial Pattern Analysis (Soille and Vogt 2009), which is conceived for the diagnosis of the spatial patterns of a given land cover class and the classification of their individual components. We apply MSPA to figure out to what extent observed land cover changes altered the inner structure of the Roman Campagna landscape. Figure 2 - 2012 Roman Campagna ©[Gasparella L.] The specific aims of this paper are therefore (i) resulting in mixed land-use, the unwatched territory to identify the most important landscape transfor- of the so called “edgelands” (Shoard 2002). Land- mations during a period of rapid urbanization, (ii) use spatial polarization, ecosystem deterioration, to quantify changes in the structure of the rural and loss in biodiversity are the main threats for the landscape by using Morphological Spatial Pattern sustainability of rural landscape experiencing urban Analysis and, finally, (iii) to verify spatial segrega- expansion (Cakir et al. 2008, Mavrakis et al. 2015; tion or association patterns between two (or more) Colantoni et al. 2016, Salvati et al. 2017). land-use classes. Results may inform rural policies Paradoxical as it may sound, the ecological and and spatial planning, with the aim to take account of functional-productive values of the countryside specific peri-urban agriculture types when tailoring around towns in Europe are less recognized and environmental and land management incentives. appreciated by an urbanized society, than land- scape amenities provided by a heterogeneous and Materials and Methods complex agricultural land-use (Zasada 2011). In this framework, the alteration of the structure of the Study area traditional agricultural landscape surrounding cities The investigated area covers a regular, squared and, particularly, its interplay with the dynamics of landscape scene of 3,000 km2 in the Nuts-3 district urban development requires specific attention in a of Rome that consists of 50% lowlands, 40% hills, broader academic discourse on landscape transfor- and 10% mountains. This landscape scene includes mations (Salvati et al. 2013, Ferrara et al. 2014, Serra the so-called Roman Campagna district (in Italian, et al. 2015, Smiraglia et al. 2015). "Campagna Romana"), corresponding to the territo- Based on these considerations, the present rial units of Sabatini Mountains (Rome province), study aims at figuring out changes occurred in the Rome Countryside and parts of Tiber Valley and landscape structure of Roman Campagna over an Rome Coastline, as illustrated in Fig. 3 using a Figure 3 - The investigated area. Municipal boundaries (left) and territorial units (right). Annals of Silvicultural Research - 41 (1), 2017: 20-28 21 L. SALVATI, L. GASPARELLA, M. MUNAFÒ, R. ROMANO, A. BARBATI Figuring the features of the Roman Campagna: recent landscape structural specific district code (see also Savo et al. 2012 for a that are relevant to the diagnosis of the structural description of "Agro Romano"). Rome municipality connectivity of land cover classes. The individual occupies the 76% of Roman Campagna. Although classes identified by MSPA are: (i) core areas, (ii) nowadays urban areas cover a significant (and still islets, (iii) perforations, (iv) edges, (v) loops, (vi) increasing) almost 20% of the district land, the land- bridges, and (vii) branches. These categories cover scape matrix still consists of a mosaic of rural land- a wide range of spatial elements mainly used, so use. Rome is, namely, the most densely populated far, to classify and map the structural connectivity and the largest farming municipality of Italy at the of forest habitats (Elbakidze et al. 2011, Saura et al. same time (Salvati 2013). According to earlier stud- 2011) and green infrastructures (Kuttner et al. 2013). ies (see Salvati et al. 2012 and references therein), In order to identify and quantify variations in the compact growth occurred in Rome mainly between spatial pattern of the Roman Campagna landscape the early 1950s and the 1980s while peri-urban devel- between 1974 and 2008, we applied MSPA by means opment was observed only in the following decades of the GUIDOS software ( (Quatrini et al. 2015). In the ‘compact growth’ urban eu/download/software/guidos/, Version 2.3, JRC, wave, population grew in the urban area at a higher Ispra) to the 8 land-use classes mapped in the study rate compared to the peri-urban area (Munafò et al. area: (i) arable land, (ii) heterogeneous agricultural 2010). The difference in population density between areas, (iii) vineyards, (iv) olive groves, (v) pastures, the two areas was high and the ratio between peri- (vi) forests and semi-natural areas, (vii) continuous urban and urban population increased slightly from urban fabric, and (viii) discontinuous urban fabric. 27% to 35% (Savo et al. 2012). During the ‘dispersed Raster binary maps of each land-use class for growth’ wave, population declined in the urban area the years 1974 and 2008 were processed to segment while rose in peri-urban areas at a relatively high each given land use type into the mutually exclu- rate (1.5% per year). sive structural MSPA categories earlier described. MSPA classification routine starts by identifying Land cover maps core areas, based on user-defined rules for criteria Two digital land cover maps (scale 1:25 000) linking connectivity and edge width (Soille and were used as input data sources for this study: (i) Vogt 2009). Connectivity was set for a node pixel the ‘Agricultural and forest map of Rome region’ to its adjacent neighboring pixels by considering produced by the district authority of Rome in 1974 8 neighbors (a pixel border and a pixel corner in (hereafter LCM74) and based on the elementary common). Edge width, that is the thickness of the datasets developed by the Italian Geographical pixels at the boundary of a core area, was set 100 Military (IGM) and (ii) a land cover map derived m large.