
Many thanks to Karl Heinz Witzko and Frank W. Bartels, who Original German Version helped shape this game region over many years, giving us many Publishing Directors ideas and opportunities, and to Tim Frießinger, Tilo Hörter, Markus Plötz, Michael Mingers Michael Masberg, and Carolina Möbis, for their planning, good ideas, and helpful criticism. Special thanks to Reinhard Kotz for the Andergaster, Marie Editors Mönkemeyer for the loan of the crowned stag, and to Annelie Eevie Demirtel, Nikolai Hoch, Thorsten Most, Dürr, Björn Hinrichs, Norman Kobel, Tjorven Müller, Philipp Timo Roth, Bernd Teichert Neitzel, Fabian Sinnesbichler, Josch K. Zahradnik, and the attentive eyes of Thorsten and Heike Most. Rules Design Thanks also to Thorsten Most, Philipp Neitzel, Bernd Teichert, and Timo Roth for building the Index. Markus Plötz, Alex Spohr, Fabian Talkenberg

Authors English Version Florian Don Schauen, Daniel Simon Richter; with Studio Director additional material by Eevie Demirtel, Alex Spohr Timothy Brown

Copyeditor Managing Editor Eevie Demirtel Kevin MacGregor

Art Director Editor Nadine Schäkel Kevin MacGregor

Cover Illustration Copyeditor Ben Maier Dana Hagengruber

Layout, Composition, and Design Translator Thomas Michalski Daniel Mayer

Layout Design Layout Patric Soeder Ben Acevedo, Emma Beltran

Interior Illustrations and Maps Copyright © 2017 by DAEDALIC Entertainment GmbH, Hannah Böving, Sandra Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. Braun, Steffen Brand, Anja Di Paolo, Tristan Denecke, , AVENTURIA, DERE, MYRANOR, RIESLAND, THARUN, Christof Grobelski, Regina Kallasch, Nele Klumpe, Djamila and UTHURIA are trademarks of Ulisses Spiele. Knopf, Jennifer Lange, Annika Maar, Ben Maier, Julia Metzger, Hannah Möllmann, Nikolai Ostertag, Nathaniel The title and contents of this book are protected under the Park, Luisa Preissler, Diana Rahfoth, Janina Robben, copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this Matthias Rothenaicher, Axel Sauerwald, Nadine Schäkel, publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, Fabian Schempp, Wiebke Scholz, Holger Schulz, Florian mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without prior Sitz, Sebastian Watzlawek, Fabrice Weiss, Rabea Wieneke, written consent by Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. SampleKarin Wittig, Malte Zirbel file With thanks to all who helped create Aventuria.

Sample file Table of Contents The Knightly Tournament 75 Preface 6 Crafts and Technology 82 Introduction 6 Art and Music 83 Chapter 1: The Warring Kingdoms 7 Chapter 4: Trade and Commerce 85 Overview of the Warring Kingdoms 8 Currency and Payment 86 Summary of the Kingdom of Nostria 9 Measurements and Weights 86 The Bombasties of Nostria 9 Trade and Services 87 Summary of the Kingdom of Andergast 10 Law and Order 88 The Baronies of Andergast 11 Price List 88 Legend 11 Taxes and Tolls 90 Media for Playing in the Warring Kingdoms 12 91 Geography 13 Chapter 5: Flora and Fauna Flora and Fauna in the Warring Kingdoms 92 Climate and Weather 14 Bestiary of the Warring Kingdoms 93 The Course of the Year 14 Aurochs 94 The Weather 14 Cave Bear 94 Roads and Paths 14 Crowned Stag 95 Travel by Water 14 Dragonfly, Giant 95 Crossing Rivers 15 Emerald Adder 96 Land Travel 15 Forest Spider 97 Borders 15 Forest Wolf 98 Distances 16 Marwold 99 Chapter 2: Land and People 17 Skull Owl 100 The Lakeland 18 Stag Beetle, Giant 100 The Sevenwind Coast 20 Teshkaler 101 The Ingval Valley 21 Unicorn 101 The Forest Wilderness 23 Herbs of the Warring Kingdoms 102 The Frontiersmen 24 Hollberry 102 The Tommellands 25 Bladegrass 103 Thurania 26 Mibel Reed 103 The Stone Oak Forest 28 Tarnele 103 The Steppes of the East 30 104 Towns and Villages of the Warring Kingdoms 32 Chapter 6: Gods and Demons Religion in the Warring Kingdoms 105 Andergast, Capital of Woodcutters 32 The Twelvegods in Andergast 106 Joborn, the Warring Kingdoms’ Bed of Unrest 38 The Twelvegods in Nostria 107 Nostria, Capital of Fishers 41 Local Saints and Other Mystical Figures 108 Salta and Salterhaven, the Secret Capital of Nostria 45 Faith in Everyday Life 108 Teshkal, Town of Steppe Horses 48 The Opponents 110 Elderdonk: A Typical Village in the Forest Wilderness 51 Churches and Cults 111 Important Locations 52 Nature Religions 112 Isayala the Nymph 54 Important NPCs (Nostria) 55 Chapter 7: Spellcraft and Sorcery 113 Important NPCs (Andergast) 56 Magic and Everyday Life 114 Magical Traditions 115 Chapter 3: Culture and Science 57 The Sumes of Andergast 115 Customs and Traditions 58 The Witches of Nostria 115 Languages and Writing Systems 59 Mada’s Children 116 Idioms and Superstition 61 The Mages of the Warring Kingdoms 116 Measurement of Time and the Course of the Year 62 Ancestor Glyphs 118 Society and Social Classes 63 An Overview of Forms of Address and Titles 68 Chapter 8: Fame and Infamy 120 The Council of Champions 69 Other NPCs 127 Clothes and Garb 70 Sample file130 Combat and Warfare 70 Chapter 9: Myths and History Food and Drink 73 The History of the Warring Kingdoms 131 Games and Sports 74 Recorded History in Nostria and Andergast 131

4 The Early Days (until about 900 b.FB) 133 Augmenter of Power 148 The Settlement (from 873 b.FB) 134 Servant of Sumu 148 Independence (from 854 b.FB) 134 Background for PCs from the Warring Kingdoms 149 Two Millennia of Enmity (800 b.FB to Today) 134 Background Events 150 The Present (1036 FB to the present) 138 New Weapons and Armor 152 What Does My Character Know Close Combat Weapons 152 About the Warring Kingdoms? 139 Ranged Weapons 152 Living History 140 Armor 154 Personality Traits 154 Chapter 10: Heroes from New Special Abilities 156 the Warring Kingdoms 141 General Special Abilities 156 Mundane Professions 142 General Magical Special Abilities 156 Bowyer 142 Dagger Rituals 158 Dike Builder 142 Cantrips 159 Lumberjack 143 Special Abilities Summary 160 Knights of the Warring Kingdoms 144 New Spells 161 Magical Professions 144 Rituals 168 Gray Mage from the Combat Seminar of Andergast 144 Ancestor Glyphs 171 White Mage of the Academy of Light and Darkness in Nostria 145 Chapter 11: Mysteries and Arcana 173 Owl Witch 146 Index 190 Serpent Witch 147

Rules and Charts Maps Distances and Travel Times 16 Overview 8 Courses of the Year and Holidays 63 Political Map 11 Tournament Competitions 78 Regions of the Warring Kingdoms 13 Price List 88 City Maps Rulers of the Warring Kingdoms 131 Andergast 33 Wars between Nostria and Andergast 132 Joborn 39 Historical Chronology for the Warring Kingdoms 132 Nostria 43 Weapons and Armor 152 Salta and Salterhaven 47 Special Abilities 160 Teshkal 50 Generic NPCs 185 Elderdonk 53

Sample file

5 Preface How Is This Book Organized? You hold in your hands the first regional sourcebook For consistency, this book’s structure parallels that of the for The Dark Eye RPG. It explores the setting in depth and Aventuria Almanac and contains the same chapters and shows you why the so called Warring Kingdoms of Nostria sections to help you find your way around. The book’s and Andergast are more than just two enemy realms that narrower scope frees us to explore topics in greater detail. constantly strive to force each other to their knees. Where Do I Begin? The history of these kingdoms is shaped by constant enmity, Why, start at the beginning, of course. Each chapter in this which is why nearly every other region in Aventuria has sourcebook begins with the big picture, and, then, goes heard about them. Others may view their inhabitants into detail. If you are already familiar with the setting, use as backwards and cantankerous, but these kingdoms are the Table of Contents and the Index to find what you need. among the oldest on the continent, and their citizens refuse to shed their ancient traditions. While the many wars have GM Information created poverty, they have also given rise to inventive Chapter 11: Mysteries and Arcana describes many problem solving. Heroes in the Warring Kingdoms must secrets about important NPCs, events, and the deal with many challenges. Secrets from past ages wait world. These secrets are marked with a symbol that we call to be discovered in the wilderness of the Andergastan the GM Mask. GMs should have no trouble finding their forest or the swamps of the Nostrian Lake Districts, and way around and following the trail of secrets using these opportunities abound to explore primeval wilderness, go symbols. To protect players from spoilers, entries from on a knight’s quest, uncover stories of ancient cults and this chapter do not appear in the Index. local nature religions, discover powerful magic, or deal with the influence of witches and sumes (druids). What Does My Character Know? This book is intended mainly for players, as most May you have many exciting adventures in the Warring Aventurians do not possess the knowledge collected in this Kingdoms! book. Even scholars and well traveled adventurers learn only a few of these facts, rumors, and backgrounds over Daniel Simon Richter, on a rainy day in March in the Ruhr Valley the course of their lives. But heroes from these regions should at least have a fundamental grasp of their home regions. We suggest discussing each hero’s knowledge of a Introduction particular region, trying to find consensus between players The Warring Kingdoms welcome you! and GM. The section, What Does My Character Know about the Warring Kingdoms?, on page 139, is a good place to start. You know the rules for The Dark Eye, and you have read the Aventuria Almanac to get a better picture of the setting. This Can I Start Playing Right Away? regional sourcebook takes a closer look at two kingdoms If you wish, choose a character archetype from the Core and their many regions, stories, places, and names, giving Rules and jump right in. Alternatively, you may create your you a wealth of background to spark fantastic adventures. own heroes and backgrounds using the new professions, skills, special abilities, spells, and more found in Chapter 10: The Warring Kingdoms is written for GMs and players alike. Heroes from the Warring Kingdoms. Feel free to modify With the exception of Chapter 11: Mysteries and Arcana, existing heroes by purchasing the new abilities and skills players may read this book without spoiling their fun. presented in this book.

For bonus content, including additional professions tailored to the Warring Kingdoms, please visit the following link: Sample filedownloads

6 Introduction Chapter 1: The Warring Kingdoms

“Even though we didn’t start the war, we will fight, again and again, until we win. Many claim that the war was started by the creatures that live here, or even by the land itself, but I don’t accept that. Why look for a supernatural cause when I can see the very real enemy standing right over there? Those wicked cowards attacked us first. What kind of people think that plundering their neighbors’ land is a good idea? Who would attack the defenseless? Those grasping wastrels, that’s who! Only they would stoop so low! But they didn’t reckon with us.

We will not yield, and we will reclaim what those miserable warmongers took from us! Our lord marches us to war with righteous fury. The feud between our peoples is eternal, but right is on our side! What cowards we would be if we let that scum go unpunished! I fear that there will never be peace.

Right is on our side. We are the shield that protects our land, and we stand ready. When our knight calls, we will take up arms and join the battle. If we don’t take a stand, our children will suffer just as we suffered. This war must end. We must defeat the enemy. Then, and only then, will peace reign. True peace. The peace of the just winner, as the gods demand. This is the only way.” ( 175) —Often overheard from combative peasants and free citizens alike of both Warring Kingdoms of their enemies, whomever they may be.

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7 Overview of the Warring Kingdoms The kingdoms of Nostria and Andergast, with their The old enmity and constant threats made the Warring respective capitals of the same name, lie north of the Kingdoms’ inhabitants a sullen and withdrawn people, Middenrealm principality of Albernia and southeast skeptical of new ideas. This means both kingdoms adhere of Thorwal and the Orclands. The strife between the to the notion that only traditions and feudalism are reliable two realms has lasted two millennia, which is why all of and useful for survival. As such, Aventurians consider Aventuria knows them as the Warring Kingdoms. both regions to be especially backward, particularly in comparison to the Middenrealm or the Horasian . Perhaps each kingdom’s rigidly feudal society shaped their In Andergast, people even think that women are inferior to conflict, or perhaps it was the the difficult terrain and men in many ways.This belief irritates much of Aventuria, isolatyion that they shared. The dense, primeval area known which typically holds that women are equal to men in as the Forest Wilderness, which separates the Warring all pursuits. Kingdoms, is home to many wild creatures that make human settlement difficult. Deep within the Forest Wilderness lies Several things dominate the setting of the Warring Kingdoms: the river Ornib, the Warring Kingdom’s true border (at least The eternal strife between Andergastans and Nostrians; according to their original maps), but neither kingdom the omnipresent danger of skirmishes and outright war; recognizes it as such. Villages and small fiefdoms often get the extremely conservative nobles; the inhabitants’ deep occupied by enemy forces and change affiliation from one mistrust of strangers and new ideas; and presiding over it realm to the other with alarming regularity. all, the primeval nature of the Forest Wilderness, with its many mysterious creatures and ruins. Rigorous feudalism, Nostria must also periodically fend off Thorwalers, daring tradition-loving knights, general backwardness, and and bold seafarers who repeatedly attack villages and ancient nature religions are keywords you can use to sometimes try to conquer land near the coast. Wild and characterize the region, create adventures, or develop a war hungry often attack forested Andergast, which background for the heroes. lies inland. They plunder and pillage but usually move on quickly.

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8 Chapter 1: The Warring Kingdoms Important Cities: Nostria (6,000), Salta and Salterhaven What Do We Mean by Setting? (4,000), Lyckmoor (680), Trontsand (650), Oldhagen (540), The setting is the main thematic component Arraned (500) of this regional sourcebook. The heroes act in Population: about 40,000 humans, plus more than 1,000 front of this (usually) consistent backdrop and and a few hundred orcs encounter repeating themes. Adventures in Political Ties: independent kingdom, ruled by Queen this region usually involve one or more of the Yolande II Kasmyrin themes presented in this book, but note that the Form of Government: Monarchy with especially heroes’ experiences in the Warring Kingdoms imaginative terms for nobles (they proudly call themselves need not always deal with the conflict between bombasts and voivods). Nostria and Andergast. An abundance of plot Influential Families: Kasmyrin (royal house), Salis, elements ensures that the heroes can always find Ingvalsrohden, Hyttenhau, Sapstem, Thuranshag, something to do, and neighboring areas exert a Ansfinion strong influence on the region as well. In the case Veneration of Gods: Polytheism with strong connections of the Warring Kingdoms, such influences mainly to the Twelvegods (mainly Efferd, Travia, and Boron); stem from the Principality of Albernia, Thorwal, blends of various gods (syncretism); other gods and nature and the Orclands. spirits are especially popular among the common folk, with witches serving as intermediaries. Trade Goods: Fish (mainly saltarels in various forms), grain, wood, chalk, salt Summary of the Kingdom of Nostria Real-world Inspirations: for the coastal region of Nostria, use Northern , the Netherlands, and parts of the Lower Rhine during the early . Use the “Finally, we have overcome the torpor that held us back conflicts between the Angles and the Saxons in post for so long. Maybe all we needed was a sign from the gods Roman England, or the Hundred Years’ War in England and a great deal of self sacrifice from the brave Nostrians.” and . Use themes and stories from Grimm’s Fairy —Rondriane of Sapstem, Marshal of the Nostrian Tales and Czech fairy tale films, where merciless nobles Defense, modern exploit the common people, and every inch of land must be wrenched from the ocean’s grasp via dikes and other “Inconceivable! These simpletons remain so stubborn, even massive earthworks. when they do ask the witches for advice. These backward Heroes from Nostria: An old-fashioned feudal knight, a bumpkins see things only in terms of black and white, and witty mercenary, a mage from the Nostrian academy, a their endless complaining about the Andergastans, their curious witch from the Tommel Meadows, a daring dike ancestral enemy, is terribly annoying.” builder, or a fearless swamp walker. —Mirhiban al’Orhima, Tulamydian fire mage Nostria in the Game: The conflict with Andergast shapes the land and people just as much as the terrible plague that ravaged the capital a few years ago. The connecting element with Andergast is the Forest Wilderness, in which, Borders: The Sea of Seven according to legend, two animal spirit kings, in the form Winds in the west; Thorwal of a crowned stag and an aurochs, struggle for supremacy. and Andergast to the north The Nostrians are pragmatic and know how to achieve and east; the border runs along much with very little, a side effect of their eternal fight the Ingval to Joborn, follows against the power of Efferd (the sea). the Ornib and meanders from the well of the Nib through the The Bombasties of Nostria Forest Wilderness to Thuran Lake The Royal Land of Nostria (N01) in the south. Nostria extends to Coat of Arms: White stag’s head on black Tommeldomm by the Tommel in the Ruler: Queen Yolande II of Nostria south, and the border with Albernia Important Cities: Nostria, Varnyth, Aspirg runs through the Lakeland to the coast. Geography: Coast with wide areas of mudflats and marshes, The Maritime County of Sevenwind (N02) the swampy Lakeland, the northern Tommellands, Coat of Arms: Silver fishing boat on blue the Samplelower Ingval Valley, the Forest Wilderness, file Ruler: Maritime Count Hupart Hyttenhau of Sevenwind Southern Thurania. Important Settlements: Trontsand