The Warring Kingdoms Sourcebook
Credits Many thanks to Karl Heinz Witzko and Frank W. Bartels, who Original German Version helped shape this game region over many years, giving us many Publishing Directors ideas and opportunities, and to Tim Frießinger, Tilo Hörter, Markus Plötz, Michael Mingers Michael Masberg, and Carolina Möbis, for their planning, good ideas, and helpful criticism. Special thanks to Reinhard Kotz for the Andergaster, Marie Editors Mönkemeyer for the loan of the crowned stag, and to Annelie Eevie Demirtel, Nikolai Hoch, Thorsten Most, Dürr, Björn Hinrichs, Norman Kobel, Tjorven Müller, Philipp Timo Roth, Bernd Teichert Neitzel, Fabian Sinnesbichler, Josch K. Zahradnik, and the attentive eyes of Thorsten and Heike Most. Rules Design Thanks also to Thorsten Most, Philipp Neitzel, Bernd Teichert, and Timo Roth for building the Index. Markus Plötz, Alex Spohr, Fabian Talkenberg Authors English Version Florian Don Schauen, Daniel Simon Richter; with Studio Director additional material by Eevie Demirtel, Alex Spohr Timothy Brown Copyeditor Managing Editor Eevie Demirtel Kevin MacGregor Art Director Editor Nadine Schäkel Kevin MacGregor Cover Illustration Copyeditor Ben Maier Dana Hagengruber Layout, Composition, and Design Translator Thomas Michalski Daniel Mayer Layout Design Layout Patric Soeder Ben Acevedo, Emma Beltran Interior Illustrations and Maps Copyright © 2017 by DAEDALIC Entertainment GmbH, Hannah Böving, Sandra Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. Braun, Steffen Brand, Anja Di Paolo, Tristan Denecke, THE DARK EYE, AVENTURIA, DERE, MYRANOR, RIESLAND, THARUN, Christof Grobelski, Regina Kallasch, Nele Klumpe, Djamila and UTHURIA are trademarks of Ulisses Spiele. Knopf, Jennifer Lange, Annika Maar, Ben Maier, Julia Metzger, Hannah Möllmann, Nikolai Ostertag, Nathaniel The title and contents of this book are protected under the Park, Luisa Preissler, Diana Rahfoth, Janina Robben, copyright laws of the United States of America.
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