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API Documentation Company PUBLIC Document Version: 1.00 – 2019-07-10 API Documentation company. All rights reserved. All rights company. affiliate THE BEST RUN 2019 SAP SE or an SAP SE or an SAP SAP 2019 © Content 1 API Tutorial for Asset Modeling in SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service, cloud edition .........................................................................12 1.1 Introduction................................................................12 1.2 Alerts.....................................................................12 Creating Alerts ...........................................................12 1.3 Alert Types.................................................................13 Viewing Alert Types........................................................ 13 Updating an Alert Type......................................................14 Creating Alert Types........................................................14 Deleting an Alert Type.......................................................15 1.4 Alert Type Group.............................................................15 Viewing Alert Type Groups................................................... 16 Creating Alert Type Groups...................................................16 Editing Alert Type Groups....................................................17 Deleting an Alert Type Group..................................................17 1.5 Announcements.............................................................18 Creating an Announcement...................................................18 Viewing an Announcement...................................................19 Updating an Announcement..................................................20 Viewing the Announcement Count..............................................21 Assigning a Model to an Announcement..........................................21 Deleting an Announcement...................................................22 Viewing All Models Assigned to an Announcement..................................23 Mass Publishing of Announcements............................................ 23 Additional Information......................................................24 1.6 Causes and Effect............................................................27 Creating an Effect......................................................... 27 Viewing an Effect..........................................................28 Updating an Effect.........................................................29 Deleting an Effect......................................................... 29 Viewing the Details of Effect Categories..........................................30 Viewing the Details of Failure Mode Types........................................ 30 Creating a Cause..........................................................31 Viewing All Causes.........................................................32 Deleting Causes.......................................................... 32 Viewing the Details of a Cause.................................................33 API Documentation 2 PUBLIC Content Updating a Cause......................................................... 33 Assigning Failure Modes to a Cause.............................................34 Viewing Details of Patterns...................................................35 Viewing All Effects.........................................................35 Viewing Options.......................................................... 36 1.7 Company Profile.............................................................36 Viewing the Company Profile................................................. 36 Viewing Locations of the Company............................................. 37 Viewing Subsidiaries of the Company........................................... 38 View Users of Logged in Organization........................................... 38 Modify User Name.........................................................39 Create an User........................................................... 39 Delete User..............................................................40 View Organizations Based on Role..............................................40 1.8 Documents.................................................................41 Uploading a Document......................................................41 Downloading a Document....................................................46 Updating Document Properties................................................47 Deleting a Document.......................................................50 Assigning a Model to a Document.............................................. 51 Assigning an Announcement to a Document.......................................51 Assigning Steps to a Document................................................52 Assigning Equipment to a Document............................................53 Assigning a Functional Location to a Document.................................... 53 Assigning an Improvement Case to a Document....................................54 Assigning Spare Part to a Document............................................54 Assigning System to a Document.............................................. 55 Unassigning an Announcement from a Document...................................55 Unassigning Steps from a Document............................................56 Unassigning Equipment from a Document........................................57 Unassigning a Functional Location from a Document.................................57 Unassigning an Improvement Case from a Document................................58 Unassigning a Spare Part from a Document.......................................58 Unassigning a System from a Document.........................................59 Uploading Images Without Phase and Category....................................60 Search for Documents......................................................60 Additional Information......................................................61 1.9 Equipment.................................................................66 Creating an Item of Equipment................................................66 Viewing Items of Equipment Based on the Filter....................................67 Viewing the Equipment Count.................................................68 API Documentation Content PUBLIC 3 Viewing Equipment Header Information..........................................68 Updating Header Information of an Item of Equipment...............................69 Deleting an Item of Equipment................................................ 70 Revising an Item of Equipment................................................70 Publishing an Item of Equipment...............................................71 Updating Lifecycle of an Item of Equipment.......................................72 Viewing Templates Associated with an Equipment...................................73 Modifying the List of Templates Associated with an Equipment..........................73 Viewing Equipment Attribute Values............................................ 74 Updating Equipment Values..................................................75 Viewing Equipment Components...............................................75 Updating Equipment Components..............................................76 Viewing Documents of an Equipment............................................77 Assigning Documents to an Equipment..........................................78 Viewing Equipment Timeline..................................................78 Viewing Instructions of an Equipment........................................... 79 Viewing Spare Parts Assigned to Equipment.......................................79 Viewing Work Orders.......................................................80 Assigning or Unassigning an Equipment Instruction................................. 81 Update Spare Parts of Equipment..............................................81 Creating Future Events Associated with Equipment..................................82 Finding Organizations Relevant to the Equipment...................................83 Viewing Organizations with Specific Role Relevant to the Equipment......................83 Viewing Enumerations for an Item of Equipment....................................84 Viewing Enumeration Values..................................................86 Search of Equipment Based on Attribute Values....................................86 Configure Indicators Assigned to Equipment...................................... 87 View Configuration Details for an Indicator........................................88 Updating Configuration of an Indicator.......................................... 88 Post Values to Indicator Assigned to Equipment....................................89 View Values for an Indicator of an Equipment......................................89 Update Values Already Posted to Indicator........................................90 Delete Indicator Value.......................................................91 Viewing List of Indicator Values for an Equipment and its Associated Model.................91 Reset the Value of Indicators Associated with an Item of Equipment......................92 Creating Work Orders.......................................................93 Updating Work Orders......................................................93 Viewing Work Orders based on Filter Parameter....................................94 Creating Notifications
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