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Zimbabwe News Official organ of ZANU PF E ditorial 1: ...... 2 E ditorial 2: ...... 3 Letter: Egypt accepts Zimbabwe's complaints about newspaper article ...... 4 National: President salutes defence forces ...... 5 Mayor Urimbo is no more ...... 7 Investors meddling on land issue ...... 9 The new Rural District Councils ...... 10 Binga poised for development ...... 13 Campaign to promote breastfeeding ...... 14 Health for all - pie in the sky ...... 15 The court cases of Mr. Charles Basset ...... 16 Privatisation no cure for socialist economy ...... 17 Government to withdraw licences for grain dealers ...... 17 Government must not import health equipment ...... 17 Removal of surcharges praised ...... 17 Foreign: Indonesia to set up fund for rural poor ...... 18 Parliament to oversee British spy agencies ...... 18 Kodak to cut 10 000 jobs ...... 18 Climbers to get lavatory on Mount Everest ...... 18 Hunger, suffering and death in ...... 19 Africa North-South encounter ...... 21 Mozambique refugees: Returning home at last ...... 22 When two anti-poles drift closer and closer to each other ...... 23 The MMD running into deep waters ...... 24 West fuelling Mideast arms race ...... 25 Britain's health service crumbles ...... 26 Zambia charging prisoners medical fees ...... 26 Chronology of major hijackings ...... 27 Russia steps up privatisation ...... 27 Canada cheating native peoples ...... 28 Buthelezi warns of civil war ...... 28 Drought conditions persist throughout the region ...... 29 Indonesia to set up fund for rural poor ...... 29 Historic breakthrough in the Mid East-Palestinians gains conceded ...... 30 Russian war veterans remember tank battles ...... 31 India designs hand operated weeder ...... 31 In-depth analysis of refugee problem ...... 39 Special Report: Tanzanian political parties in the transition to multi-party democracy ...... 32 Feature: The sad story of neglected heroes acres ...... 34 Talking Point: Why should Boers want a separate state in South Africa ...... 36 Americans kill Britons ...... 36 Africa enters period of rule by millionaires ...... 37 Viewpoint South Africa: Towards a new agenda for international solidarity ...... 40 Moscow's Russian Mafia ...... 43 Crime and punishment ...... 44 Astro-guide by Chiron ...... 45 P oem s ...... 46 0JEM Zimbabwe News is the official Organ of the Zimbabwe African National Union [ZANU PF and is produced on the authority of the Central Committee by the Department of Information and Publicity, Jongwe Printing and Publishing Co., No. 14 Austin Road, Workington, Harare. World Copyright, Central Committee [ZANU PFI. Editorial Council: Cde. N.M. Shamuyarira Cde. C.C. Chimutengwende Cde. C. Ndhlovu Cde. S. Kachingwe Cde. A. Sikhosana Cde. M. Munyati. ZIMBABWE NEWS SEPTEMBER, 1993

Standing firm on the land THE land issue is a subject of much debate and controversy in Zimbabwe today. It is being discussed in Parliament, and in the local and the international media. Foreign governments and foreign ambassadors have expressed their views on the matter. It is therefore necessary to put the record straight. Our people should know what is being said. But, more importantly, they should know what they want for themselves. We should point out that the land belongs to the indigenous people of this country. Those white settlers who colonised Southern Rhodesia at the turn of the century took our land by force, and parcelled it out among themselves. No monies or compensation were ever paid to the chiefs and their people for the loss of their land. But, that fact of colonial conquest was reversed 90 years later when the white settlers were roundly defeated by the ZANLA/ZIPRA guerillas in the 1980s. We could have taken our land back by force, but we did not. Hence, in 1980, the independent government of Zimbabwe, allowed t