The Library of Congress

In re

Distribution of Digital Audio. Docket No. 15-CRB-0011 DART

Recording Royalty Funds (SRF/CO) 2014

EUGENE CURRY Individual Claimant Response to Objection by Settling Parties and AARC for the remaining 2% OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNERS FUND.

In the settling parties own motion for partial distribution, they agreed that the remaining 2% was more than enough to satisfy the remaining individual claimants. So again AARC was granted the 98%. But now the 2% reaming is being questioned because I am the one who the law was written for to receive distribution from these funds is now again being questioned. AARC has a history of this behavior that always results in them coming back and snatching the remaining 2% over the preceding years. The two people they are now using to object Emmanuel Adeyinka, and Benjamin Bacon already reached an agreement to join their claim into the settling parties. So technically they have no claim as individual, or non-settling. I will enclose to disprove the settling parties accusations of no proof of any sales which again in one of their earlier filings claim through their research "I HAND 0 SALES" according to their expert.

I performed every sound on the songs I will submit. I own the "DIGITAL MUSICIAL EMBODIMENT". This is what sets my rights to the claim from the settling parties, AARC, Linda Bocchi and the remaining non- settling parties. I am therefore requesting that I too should receive a partial distribution under the law which who these royalties were intended for. Thank You!

February 18, 2016.

The Harry Fox Agenc,-, Inc. 'f 40 Wall Street-6th Floor, New York, New York 10005 Run Page : 23

To: TAJAI MUSIC, INC. HFA Publ. I: P86978 Pub. Page: TOP: P86978 Check No. 7474006 $6S. SS Remitted by: M14910 RHAPSODYINTERNATIONAL INC. Grouping Option: Period code: 03-03-lS Mfr/Period Total: SS.13

HFA Song Title Recon Playing Roya 1 ty Amount License or Licensee Catalog# Sales 3rd Party cillation Rate Gross Royalty Song# UPC ISRC j Type ii Time Quantity in S Ref# t5 ~ Code


BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S3A : Portable S3 922448 s: 29 71 .000590 .0419 .04 BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV LD S3A : Portable 922448 5: 29 10 .OOOS90 .0059 .oo BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S4A : Bundled 922448 S: 29 2 .000601 .0012 .00 title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONG CODE: B001S8 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.66 Song Total: 83 Balance: $.04

IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 8811087029 USIMW0121880 CV IS S3A : Pol"tab 1 e 922449 4: 58 25 .OOOS90 .0148 .01 IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 8811087029 USWWW0121880 CV LD S3A : Portable 922449 4: 58 6 .000590 .0035 .00 Album title: GEMS Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONGCODE: 108389 WRITER(S): EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY, WALTER BUNNY SIGLER Pub. Split: 50.00 Song Total: 31 Balance: $.01

OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1130439219 88S6863Sl710 GBVVQ1022871 SR IS S3A :Portable 922450 3: 17 .000236 .0002 .oo Album title: JUST RAGGA VOLUME 1 Artists: CUTTY RANKS OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1164940SOO 5060176801127GBV~08040SR IS S3A :Portable 922450 2:31 .000236 .0002 .00 Album title: THE SOlN> OF SIDRA Artists: THE PROFONIX HFA SONG CODE: OOOS58 WRITER(S): A. FELDER, J. FREEMAN, E. CURRY Pub. Split: 20.00 Song Total: Balance: $.00

SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10112S4S27 88111S672S CV LD S3A :Portable S3 922451 4: 54 108 .000492 .OS31 .OS SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10112S4S27 88111S672S CV IS S3A :Portable 9224Sl 4: 54 21 .000492 .0103 .01 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10112S4S27 881115672S CV IS S4A : Bundled 9224Sl 4:54 2 .OOOSOl .0010 .oo Album title: GREATEST HITS Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC191366S7 CV IS SlA : Rhapsody Sl 922451 4: 53 .000823 .0008 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY {YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS S3A : Portable 9224Sl 4:S3 1,384 .000492 .6809 .68 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LD S3A :Portable 922451 4: S3 597 .000492 .2937 . 29 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO S4A : Bundled 9224Sl 4: 53 170 .000501 .08S2 .08 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS S4A : Bundled 922451 4:53 911 .000501 .4564 .4S SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC191366S7 CV IS S6A : Limited 9224Sl 4: 53 S9 .000253 .0149 .01 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC191366S7 CV LD S6A : l 1m1ted 9224Sl 4: 53 12 .0002S3 .0030 .00 Album title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10203S2436 8811069124 USWMV0121801 CV IS S3A :Portable 922451 4:21 75 .000492 .0369 .03 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10203S2436 8811069124 USWWW0121801 CV LO S3A : Portable 9224Sl 4:21 35 .000492 .0172 .01 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USWMV0121801 CV IS S4A : Bundl ed 54 922451 4:21 25 .000501 .0125 .01 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USWJIW0121801 CV LO S4A : Bundled 922451 4: 21 2 .OOOSOl .0010 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10203S2436 8811069124 USMIW0121801 CV IS S6A : L 1m1ted S6 9224Sl 4:21 .000253 .0005 .00 Album title: LIVEI Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SOflKi CODE: 500441 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNYSIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.67 Song Total: 3,404 Balance: $1.62 The Barry Fox Agency, Inc. · 40 Wall Street-6th Floor, New York, New York 10005 Run Page : 24

To: TAJAI MUSIC, INC. HFA Puhl. #: P86978 Pub. Page: 2 TOP: P86978 Check No. 7474006 $65. 55 Remitted by: Ml4910 RHAPSODY INTERNATIONAL INC. Grouping Option: Period code: 03-03-15 Mfr/Period Total: $5.13

HFA g Rec on Song Title Licensee Sales ~ft> Playing Roya 1 Amount License or Catalog# 3rd Party ::i.s.ciliation Quantity Rate Gross Royalty ty Song# UPC ISRC j Type Time in$ Ref# ~~ Code

9 MIC~OPENNY ROYALTY SUMMARY S3A :Portable 922447 .04 .04 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTY SUMMARY S6A : Limited 922447 .01 .01 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTY SUMMARY S4A : Bundled 922447 .02 .02 MFA SONG CODE: N/A WRITER(S): N/A Pub. Split: Song Total: Balance: $.07

BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV LO S3A :Portable S3 1956618 5:29 14 .000632 .0088 .00 BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S3A : Portable 1956618 5:29 65 .000632 .0411 .04 BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S4A : Bundled 1956618 5:29 .000666 .0007 .00 Album title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONGCODE: 800158 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSOJRRY Pub. Split: 41.66 Song Total: 80 Balance: $.04

IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 8811087029 USMW«>l21880 CV LO S3A : Portab 1e 1956619 4: 58 10 .000632 .0063 .00 IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 8811087029 USMWI0121880 CV IS S3A : Portable 1956619 4: 58 9 .000632 .0057 .00 Album title: GEMS Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONGCODE: !08389 WRITER(S): EUGENE LAlllBCHOPS CURRY, WALTER BUNNY SIGLER Pub. Split: 50.00 Song Total: 19 Balance: $.00

OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1130439219 885686351710 GBVVQ1022871 SR IS S3A :Portable 1956620 3: 17 .000253 .00 .oo Album title: JUST RAGGAVOLUME l Artists: CUTTY RANKS OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1141185170 8033509659082ITF650900075 SR IS S3A : Portable S3 1956620 5: 24 .000303 .0003 .00 Album title: ESSENTIAL TUNES - PRIVATE DANC Artists: PICS OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1164940500 5060176801127GBVNN0808040 SR IS S:JA : Portable 1956620 2:31 .000253 .0005 .00 Album title: THE S01.N> OF SIDRA Artists: THE PROFONIX HFA SONGCODE: 000558 WRITER(S): A. FELDER, J. FREEMAN, E. CURRY Pub. Split: 20. 00 Song Total: Balance: $.00

SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1011254527 8811156725 CV IS S3A :Portable 1956621 4: 54 2 .000527 .0011 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1011254527 8811156725 CV LO S3A : Portable 1956621 4: 54 55 .000527 .0290 .02 Album title: GREATEST HITS Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS 53A :Portable 1956621 4: 53 1,355 .000527 .7141 • 71 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO 53A : Portab 1 e 1956621 4: 53 634 .000527 • 3341 • 33 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS 54A : Bundled 1956621 4: 53 802 .000555 .4451 .44 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO S4A : Bundled 1956621 4:53 133 .000555 .0738 .07 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 1811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS S6A : Limited S6 1956621 4: 53 27 .000331 .0089 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO S6A : Limited 1956621 4: 53 20 .000331 .0066 .oo Album title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 ~121801 CV IS S3A : Portable 1956621 4:21 60 .000527 .0316 .03 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USWM10121801 CV LO S3A : Portable 1956621 4:21 17 .000527 .0090 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USMWI0121801 CV LO S4A : Bundled S4 1956621 4:21 .000555 .0006 .oo SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USM'M0121801 CV IS S4A : Bundled 1956621 4:21 22 .000555 .0122 .01 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USWWW0121801 CV IS S6A : Limited 1956621 4:21 3 .000331 .0010 .00 Album title: LIVE! Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONG CODE: 500441 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNYSIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.67 Song Total: 3,131 Balance: $1.61 The Harry Fox Agenc)", Inc. 40 Wall Floor, New York, New York 10005 Street-6th Run Page : 25

To: TAJAI MUSIC, INC. HFA Publ. #: P86978 Pub. Page: TOP: P86978 Check No. 7474006 $65.55 Remitted by: Ml4910 RHAPSODY INTERNATIONAL INC. Grouping Option: Period code: 03-03-15 Mfr/Period Total: $5.13

HFA Recon Song Title S' ~g> License or Licensee Catalog# Sales 3rd Party ciliation Playing Rate Gross Royalty Roya 1ty Amount Song# UPC ISRC Type ::J.s. Time Quantity in$ Ref# ~ ciHl Code

9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTY SUMMARY S6A : Limited 1956617 .02 .02 9 MICRO PEt+IY ROYALTY SUMMARY S3A : Portable 1956617 .OS .05 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTY SUMMARY S4A : Bundled 1956617 .01 .01 HFA SONG CODE: N/A WRITER(S); N/A Pub. Split: Song Total: Balance: $.08

BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS SIA : Rhapsody Sl 2989866 5: 29 .001318 .0013 .oo BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV LD S3A : Portable 2989866 5: 29 20 .000546 .0109 .01

BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S3A : Portable 2989866 5~29 114 .000546 .0622 .06 8URNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8811043926 USMC19136661 CV LO S4A : Bundled 2989866 5: 29 l .000523 .0005 .00 BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1020347704 8111043926 USMC19136661 CV IS S4A : Bundled 2989866 5: 29 .000523 .0005 .00 Album title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SONGCODE: B00158 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.66 Song Total: 137 Balance: $.07

IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 8811087029 USWWW0121880 CV LD S3A ; Portable S3 2989867 4; 58 10 .000546 .0055 .00 IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 1020347894 1811087029 USMIW0121880 CV IS S3A :Portable 2989867 4:58 11 .000546 .0060 .00 Album title: GEMS Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA SQNGCODE: I08389 WRITER(S): EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY, WALTER BUNNY SIGLER Pub. Split: 50.00 Song Total: 21 Balance: $.00

OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1118289399 894231368929 USGZ20600023 SR IS S3A :Portable 2989868 5: 24 .000262 .0003 .00 Album title: OPEN UP YOUR HEART - SINGLE Artists: THERYL OPEN UP YOUR HEART 1136993009 1421597057017ITJ980800011 SR IS S3A : Portable 2989868 7 : 51 .000349 .0003 .00 Album title: LA LECHE COMPILATION Artists: ANDREA CARNELL HFA SONG CODE: 000558 WRITER(S): A. FELDER, J. FREEMAN, E. CURRY Pub. Split: 20.00 Song Total: Balance: s.oo

SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1011254527 8111156725 CV IS S3A :Portable 53 2989869 4: 54 .000455 .0014 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1011254527 8811156725 CV LD S3A :Portable 2989869 4:54 53 .000455 .0241 .02 Album title: GREATEST HITS Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS SlA : Rhapsody Sl 2989869 4: 53 4 .001099 .0044 .00 SOMEBODYlOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS S3A : Portable 2989869 4: 53 1,604 .000455 .7298 • 72 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO S3A : Portable 2989869 4: 53 701 .000455 .3190 .31 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LO S4A : Bundled 2989869 4: 53 112 .000436 .0488 .04 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043&26 USMC19136657 CV IS S4A : Bundled 2989869 4: 53 847 .000436 .3693 .36 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV IS S6A : Limited S6 2989869 4: 53 23 .000342 .0079 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020347699 8811043926 USMC19136657 CV LD S6A : Limited 2919869 4: 53 4 .000342 .0014 .oo Album title: BURNIN' Artists: PATTI LABELLE SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 uswr.wo121801 cv LO 53A :Portable 2989869 4: 21 20 .000455 .0091 .oo SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352-436 8811069124 usrMW0121801 CV IS 53A :Portable 2989869 4: 21 101 .000455 .0460 .04 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USMWI0121801 CV IS S4A : Bundled S4 2989869 4: 21 21 .000436 .0092 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1020352436 8811069124 USlWtW0121801 CV IS S6A : L im1 ted 2989869 4: 21 8 .000342 .0027 .00 Album title: LIVEI Artists: PATTI LABELLE HFA 50/IKi CODE: 500441 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, El.J(;ENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.67 Song Total: 3,501 Balance: $1.49 The Barry Fox Agency, Inc. Run Page : 40 Wall Street-6th Floor, New York, New York 10005 26

To: TAJAI MUSIC, INC. HFA Publ. I: P86978 Pub. Page: 4 TOP: P86978 Check No. 7474006 $65. 55 Remitted by: Ml4910 RHAPSODYINTERNATIONAL INC. Grouping Option: Period code: 03-03-15 Mfr/Period Total: $5.13

HFA Recon Song Title Licensee &> ~w Playing License or Catalog# Sales 3rd Party ciliation Quantity Rate Gross Royalty Roya 1 ty Amount Song# UPC ISRC ~ Type ::i.s. Time in$ Ref# Ill ~~ COde

9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTYSl.MMARY S6A : Limited 2989865 .01 .01 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTYSl.MMARY SlA : Rhapsody 2989865 .01 .01 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTYSl.MMARY S3A :Portable 2989865 .05 .05 9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTYSl.MMARY S4A : Bundled 2989865 .03 .03 HFA SONG CODE: N/A WRITER(S): N/A Pub. Split: Song Total: Balance: S.10

TAJAI MUSIC, INC. Publisher Total: Balance Forward and Other Transactions: 0 Balance: s.oo Physical Product: 0 Balance: s.oo Digital Product: 10, 416 Balance: $5.13 Total: 10,416 Balance: $5.13

Licensee Total: Balance Forward and Other Transactions: 0 Balance: $.00 Physical Product: 0 Balance: $.00 Digital Product: 10, 416 Balance: $5.13 Gross Total: 10,416 Balance: $5.13 Connri ss ion: $.00 Net Ba1 ance: $5.13 The Harry Fox Agencl', Inc. -. 40 Wall Street-6th Floor, New York, New York 10005 Run Page : 4

To: TAJAI NUSIC, INC. HFA Publ. #: P86978 Pub. Page: TOP: P86978 Check No. 7474006 $65. 55 Rem1tted by: 1418306 APPLE, INC Grouping Option: Period code: 03-09-15 Mfr/Period Total: $1.04

HFA Rec::on Song Title Licensee Sales ~w Playing GroH Royalty Royalty Amount License or Catalog# UPC ISRC 3rd Party ::i.s.c::iliation Quantity Rate Song# (Qi Type Time in$ Ref# ~!iiCode


BURNIN' (THE FIRE IS STILL 1502455 USMC19136661 SR Trial 1112276 320 .000097 .0313 .03 HFA SONG CODE: B00158 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, EUGENE LAMBCHOPSCURRY Pub. Split: 41.66 Song Total: 320 Balance: $.03

IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU 8371531 USMC19442664 SR Trial 1112277 105 .000117 .0123 .01


'I,_. Song Total: 105 Balance: s.01

OPEN UP YOUR HEART 8511283 IT J980800011 1112278 10 .000047 .0005 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 3753771 GBSUM>731651 1112278 1 .000047 .00 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 7610499 ITJ980800011 1112278 3 .000047 .0001 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 6407882 USCGt097113 2 SR Trial 1112278 1 .000047 .oo .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 821735 ITJ980800011 SR Trial 1112278 21 .000047 .0010 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 3188385 USCiZ20600023 SR Trial 1112278 1 .000047 .00 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 7958808 CAH250691420 SR Trial 1112278 l .000047 .00 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 6004250 CAH250691420 SR Trial 1112271 1 .000047 .00 .00 OPEN UP YOUR HEART 7326636 US92Ell10089 SR Trial 1112271 7 .000047 .0003 .00 HFA SONG CODE: 000558 WRITER(S): A. FELDER, J. FREEMAN, E. CURRY Pub. Split: 20.-00 Song Total: 46 Balance: s.oo

SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 1112279 1 .000097 .0001 .00 5630462 USllC19136657 SR Mal SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10839807 USMC19136657 I SR Trial 1112279 3 .000097 .0003 .00 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 466179 USMC19136657 SR Trial l 1112279 7,211 .000097 .7130 .71 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 7441287 USMC19136657 SR Trial 1112279 2,277 .000097 .2230 .22 SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 5605202 USMC19239396 SR Trial 1112279 583 .000097 .0571 .OS SOMEBODYLOVES YOU BABY (YOU 10461802 USMC19136657 . __ SR Trial 1112279 2 .000097 .0002 .00 HFA SONGCODE: 500441 WRITER(S): WALTER BUNNY SIGLER, EUGENE LAMBOOPS CURRY"'. - Pub. Split: 41.67 Song Total: 10,147 Balance: S.98

9 MICRO PENNY ROYALTY SlJIMARY ~"WJ~1)ct1Ji'vtl 1112275 .02 .02 HFA SONG CODE: N/A WRITER(S) : N/A Pub. Split: Song Total: Balance: $.02

TAJAI MUSIC, INC. Publisher Total: Balance Forward and Other Transactions: 0 Balance: $.00 Physical Product: 0 Balance: $.00 Digital Product: 10,618 Balance: $1.04 Total: 10,618 Balance: Sl.04

L1censee Total: Balance Forward and Other Transactions: 0 Balance: $.00 Physical Product: 0 Balance: $.00 Digital Product: 10,618 Balance: $1.04 Gross Total: 10,618 Balance: $1.04 Connission: s.oo Net Ba 1 ance: $1.04