SEPTEMBER 2015 Discovery THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF KOCH COMPANIES Re-writing the book on MBM® “Good Profit” photos by
[email protected] Tuesday, Oct. 13, is an important day He also devotes a chapter to each of writes, “is to enable us to make a on Koch Industries’ corporate calendar. the five dimensions of Market-Based greater contribution to our customers, That’s when Charles Koch’s new book — Management®, followed by a chapter with communities, employees, and society his first in eight years — will be released. detailed case studies of MBM in action. as a whole. “Good Profit: How Creating Value for “Good Profit” is much more personal “That same focus will help any company Others Built One of the World’s Most than anything Charles Koch has written create good profit as well.” Successful Companies” is published by before. It includes many observations Penguin Random House, the world’s most about his parents, brothers, business global trade book publisher. partners and wife. But they aren’t the More than 100,000 hardback copies focus of the book. of the book were printed in mid- What he really brings to life is the way September. E-reader and audio book that Market-Based Management has versions will also be available in October. transformed the company’s approach “Good Profit” has already attracted to business in a way that helps people attention from newspapers, blogs and improve their lives. For Koch, that’s the broadcasters. That attention will likely only reason any business should exist. grow as worldwide rights are finalized — although no translations are expected to SPREADING THE NEWS be published before next year.