Convertible Game Tables and Components Thereof
UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION CONVERTIBLE GAME TABLES AND COMPONENTS THEREOF Report to the President Concerning the Recommendation of a Temporary Exclusion Order in Investigation No. 337-34 Conducted Under the Provisions of Section 337 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended TC Publication 652 Washington, D. C. March 1974 UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS Catherine Bedell, Chairman Joseph 0.. Parker, Vice Chairman Will E. Leonard, Jr. George M. Moore J. Banks Young Italo H. Ablondi Kenneth R. Mason, Secretary to the Commission Address all communications to United States Tariff Commission Washington, D. C. 20436 C 0 NT ENT s· Introduction----------------------------------------------------- 1 Findings and recommendation of the Commission------------------- 4 Statement of Chairman Bedell and Commissioners Leonard, Moore, Young, and Ablondi--------------------------------------------- 6 Dissenting views of Vice Chairman Parker------------------------ 16 Information developed during the preliminary inquiry: Product description------------------------------------------ A-1 Claims of the U.S. patents involved------------------------- A-6 U.S. Design Patent No. D223,539------------------------- A-6 U. S. Patent No. 3,711,099------------------------------- A-6 Complainant's allegations------------------------------------ A-13 Patent infringement------------------------------------- A-13 U. S. Patent D223,539-------------------------------- A-13 U. S. Patent 3,711,099-------------------------------- A-14 0ther unfair
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