n a a y 1 C o o l. MICHIGAN N o m a n . and cloudy with high today of 54 and law tonight la the 3 f s. ruleth safely but he that STATE Chance of frost tonight. Sunny itwUUpilyalid- a* . , . • U ^ fV E R S iT Y MEWS tom orrow . 10c East Lansing, Michigan October 4,1668 Vol. 61 Number 55 n u TO TWIST ARMS’ V ' acquires Martin 404 LeMaÿ urges greater for air fleet MSU’s mini-fleet of airplanes, consist­ ing of one DC-3 that seats 24, was increas­ ed by another machine through the Board pressure in Vietnam of Trustees’ acceptance of a $75,000 Martin 404 in their Finance Committee meeting in joining him in getting this country shocked at the way LeMay talked about Sept. 20. PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Former Air Force back on the right track." the use of nuclear weapons. The acceptance of the aircraft was one Chief of Staff Curtis E. LeMay joined Wallace has stressed in his speeches of several items of business considered by George C. Wallace as his vice presiden­ See related story, page 3 that, should peace negotiations fail, he the trustees in the closed session that tial candidate Thursday and urged more would seek to end the Vietnam war “mil­ had allowed Philip J. May, Vice Presi­ itarily and with convention weapons.” military pressure on North Vietnam. “It would be disasterous if anyone who dent for Business and Finance, to return Flying from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis Attacking what he said was an Amer­ spoke as Gen. LeMay did this morning after his sabbatical leave. with LeMay accompanying him, Wallace ican policy of “no will to win,” the should come into a position of high re­ Like the DC-3, the Martin 404 is as­ famous flying general of World War II said he was convinceM*he and his ran- sponsibility,” Humphrey said. signed to the state of Michigan’s Dept, of said he, too, would rather talk than fight. ing mate saw eye to eye on the issue of Wallace, introducing the stocky, hard- Aeronautics, which maintains and sched­ But, he said, “When you get in it, get nuclear weapons. driving father of the Strategic Air Com­ ules the use of it. University officials will in it with both feet, and get it over “Gen. LeMay has told me privately,” mand, said he had always admired Le- contract for and finance use of the planes with as soon as you can. ” Wallace said in an interview, “that he is May’s blunt language. for university activities, such as athletic “I think there are many cases when it against all war. He said to me, ‘We “In Gen. LeMay we have a man who, LeMay gets nod team trips. would be most efficient to use nuclear can’t have a third world war; a third through close personal contact, has a work­ The plane, a gift from the Whirlpool weapons,” said LeMay, described by a world war would destroy civilization.” And Third Party Candidate George Wallace announces the choice of re­ ing knowledge of the aims, the goals Corp. of Benton Harbor, has a capacity military biographer as the “architect of he said the best way to prevent it is to tired Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay as his vice presidential run­ and the capabilities of our nation's ene­ of 40 seats, according to Merrill R. Pier­ systematic destruction” for his bomb­ be strong militarily. ning mate. UPI Telephoto mies as well as her friends,” Wallace son, assistant Treasurer. ing raids on Germany. Pierson said the plane, still in Benton said. “I don’t think it would be necessary “I might add here that he, unlike some Harbor, will be moved to the Capitol in Vietnam. I’ve always said that,” he of our so-called high level diplomats, City airport in Lansing “soon.” went on. “But I don’t think they are recognizes the difference between the tw o.’ Other items considered by the truste#s going to negotiate at Paris until we twist LeMay, without the cigar he usually included: their arm a little more.” has clamped in his teeth, said, “Some Faculty committee okays -Approval of a recommendation by Pro­ Campaigning in Welch. W. Va., Vice of my friends are surprised at my being vost Dr. Howard Neville for suggesting a President Hubert Humphrey said he was here today. I am somewhat surprised niy- new system of awards for excellence in teaching by graduate assistants. They self.” Reading slowly from a prepared text, will be called the MSU Teacher-Scholar the 61-year-old LeMay said he declined the recommendation on ruling awards. Tigers win first time Wallace asked him to be the -Considered several items related to the No. 2 man on the American Independent University’s investment portfolio, purchase By MARILYN PATTERSON Party ticket. for avoiding and coping with emergency “The resolution is “a breach of faith of property, The Detroit Tigers, paced by the pitch­ State News Staff Writer But after thinking about it, he sa*d, situations of student disturbances on with the rest of the University com­ -Accepted a report by Jack Breslin, ing and hitting of Mickey Lolich, bombed munity,” T. Clinton Cobb, professor of University Secretary, on the ratification the St. Louis Cardinals 8-1 Thursday to his refusal seemed the same as the Viet­ The Faculty Committee on Student Af­ campus. nam position of some people-presumably The exercise of the suspension powers administration and higher education and of the Union contract for nonacademic even the World Series at one game each. fairs unanimously approved Wednesday employees with changes reported that the doves who don’t want to fight. contained in the Trustees resolution is a faculty committee member, said. Lolich scattered six Cardinal hits night a recommendation that the Board were made after a tenative agreement going the distance and drive in two Tiger Although a lifelong Republican, he said of Trustees repeal its controversial sus­ an “unnecessary abrogation” of due pro­ “You don’t remove the danger of a approved by the Board in July. runs with a single and his first major he rejected both the GOP and the Demo­ cess guaranteed in the Academic Free­ pension rule. disruption by removing someone’s status The major change was the decision to crats because tney offer nothing more The committe will also recommend to dom Report, the faculty committee said league home run. as a student,” Tom Samet, Shaker grant an “agency shop” to the Union. Willie Horton and Norm Cash also had than a continuation of deteriorating moral the Academic Council that it assign the in its statement. Heights, Ohio, junior and student rep­ This requires non-union members to pay solo home runs for Detroit, while Dick values, bad money policy and crime in Faculty Committee on Student Affairs in It is the opinion of the Faculty Com­ resentative to the faculty committee, a “service charge” equal to union dues in McAuliffe contributed a two-run single. the streets. cooperation with Associated Students of mittee on Student Affairs, the statement said, “That (removing the danger) has units with a clear majority of union mem- See page 6 & 7 for further details. ‘I see in Go' W alla».#new, positive MSU (ASMSU) and the administra­ reads, 'L*this resolution would be in­ to be done by civil authorities.” bers action . .” he said. “After adding up all tion to develop. University procedures effective in resolving the kinds of prob­ (please turn to back page) the factors, I decided to dedicate myself lems they believe the Board of Trustees to have had in mind. It would seem to the committee that the resolution contained no example of situations which could hot be better resolved through the structure and processes already contained in the Diehl raps Stevens, Academic Freedom Report.” The recommendations will be pre­ sented to the Academic Council at its first fall term meeting Tuesday after­ calls for due process noon. Stevens, D-Okemos, for appearing at a By JIM SCHAEFER The faculty committee acted on a rally on campus Monday held to discuss State News Staff Writer request by the Steering Committee of the suspension resolution passed Sept. 20 A Republican candidate for the Board the Academic Council that the faculty by the board. of Trustees, David Diehl of Dansville, committee review the suspension rule “If I were a Board member,” Diehl Thursday criticized Board Chairman Don and present its recommendations to the said, “I certainly would not go before the council. students and tell them that it was wrong The suspension rule, which was pass­ I can’t understand asking for a bigger ed by the trustees in their Sept. 20 demonstration.” finance committee meeting, would give Diehl’s remarks were part of the reac­ the president “or his designee” the Protest leader tion of three of the four major candidates power to suspend a student who "con­ running for the two open seats to the stitutes an immediate threat to the nor­ measure adopted by the trustees and “sus­ mal and orderly operation of the Univer­ pended” in effect by President Hannah sity” pending the outcome of judicial leaves court Tuesday night. procedures establiehd^in the Academic “As far as I’m concerned, ” Diehl said, Freedom Report. “this thing probably needed clarification.” The controversy over the rule con­ “But,” he added, “there must be some cerns such suspension being a viola­ at HUAC trial emergency measure if things are very bad tion of a student's rights to due pro­ WASHINGTON (AP) - An antiwar pro­ all of a sudden,” Diehl, currently the cess and the trustees' having by-passed test leader walked out and another witness chairman of the trustees for Lansing Com­ channels provided for in the Academic refused to answer questions on whether he munity College, noted Hannah’s desire for Freedom Report to adopt the resolution.
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