Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta׳Ol
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Judea and Samaria Research Studies Volume 29, No.2, 2020, pp. *99-*133 DOI: ISSN: 0792-8416 (print); 2617-8737 (online) Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and ol, Area A׳Protohistoric Site of Eshta Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Abstract This paper contains the final report of the salvage excavation conducted in Area A near ol Junction in 2006. Finds dated to the Pottery Neolithic, Early Bronze I, and׳the Eshta Late Roman/Byzantine periods were found in situ in this area. This report presents the stratigraphy, architectural remains found at the site, and material culture: ceramic objects, flint implements and faunal remains found in the process of excavation. ol, Early Bronze I, Pottery Neolithic, Yarmukian׳Keywords: Eshta Dr. Michael Freikman – Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Ariel University; [email protected] Dr. Nimrod Marom – Department of Maritime Civilizations and Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa; [email protected] *99 *100 Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Introduction ol,1 following trial׳Archaeological rescue excavations were conducted at the site of Eshta investigations carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority (Solimany 2009). These were the first to identify remains ,(״Area A״ excavations of squares 1 and 2 (designated ol Junction׳from the Early Bronze Age in situ, approximately 100 m northeast of the Eshta (Fig. 1). Archaeological remains dated to the Early Bronze and Pottery Neolithic periods s excavation area. Therefore, the present׳were later found 20 m southwest of Solimany excavation concentrated on the same area, expanding the earlier efforts towards the southwest (squares 3–5) and retaining the same area designation. ol is situated on a moderate slope׳The prehistoric and protohistoric site of Eshta ol and Nahal Kesalon, at׳facing southeast, adjacent to the junction of Nahal Eshta the base of the hill on which the modern settlement is located (see Fig. 1; cf. Golani and Storchan 2008; 2014). The present excavation area is located on the southeastern fringes of the site, where numerous excavations have been undertaken, most of them due to the widening of Route 38 (Golani 2008; Golani and Storchan 2009; Freikman ,eri and Vardi 2016; Golani and Ben-Ari׳Storchan 2012; Golani, Storchan, Be ;2010 forthcoming). These excavations have revealed the presence of settlement remains from the beginning of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Stratum VI), the Pottery Neolithic (Jericho IX phase, Lodian culture; Stratum V), the Late Chalcolithic (Ghassulian; Stratum IV), Erani C phase; Stratum III) and the Intermediate Bronze Age׳) the Early Bronze IB (Stratum II). 1 The excavations (Permit 311/06, coordinates 2012/6317 NIG) were carried out during August and September 2006 by M. Freikman on behalf of Hebrew Union College at the request of and with funding from Y. Govrin. For a preliminary report, see Freikman 2009. Map prepared by S. Pirsky and J. Rosenberg; drawings: O. Dubovskaya; 3D scan of the pottery: O. Harush and L. Grossman; faunal remains: N. Marom. Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta'ol, Area A *101 Stratigraphy and Architecture Our expedition fully excavated a total area of 75 m² in Area A from the topsoil down to the virgin soil during two short field seasons in August and October 2006 (Fig. 1). The four anthropogenic phases identified are numbered from 1 to 4, with Phase 4 lying directly on the virgin soil. The stratigraphy of the site is disturbed due to the topographic position of the dig area and modern building intrusions. The uppermost phases (Phases 1 and 2) represent topsoil and Roman/Byzantine activity, respectively, while Phase 3 included building remains from the EB period and Phase 4 constituted an anthropogenic layer from the Pottery Neolithic period (Fig. 2). Most of the sediment of Phases 3 and 4, excluding the eroded areas, was fully sifted. Figure 1: Map of location of the site and Area A (after Golani and Storchan 2009; courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority) *102 Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Figure 2: Top plan and section of Area A Phase 4 This phase was well preserved throughout the excavation area. It was found almost undisturbed except in the southern part of the area (square 5), where it had been severely damaged by a modern intrusion. Phase 4 resides directly on top of the sterile sediment and was overlaid by Building A of Phase 3 and a clearly defined layer of fill (L239) between Phases 3 and 4 (Fig. 3). Below Building A and to its east, a total of 9 m2 of this phase was dug down to the sterile alluvial soil, on which the remains of Phase 4 were found. Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta'ol, Area A *103 Figure 3: Superposition of Strata 3 and 4; a thin layer of sediment L239 is visible between them Phase 4 is relatively homogeneous. It consists of a dense layer of intentionally placed natural pebbles (Fig. 4), 30 to 40 cm thick. No remains of walls or other architectural features related to this phase were found within this layer. However, the proportion of stones in the sediment is not the same in the upper and lower portions of the layer. In its upper part, stones make up 35%–45% of the overall volume of extracted sediment, creating what appears to have been relatively well-defined stone paving. In the lower part the stones constitute no more than 10%–12% and do not appear to have been arranged. Similar features were excavated at Abu Ghosh nearby (Farrand 1978; Barzilay 2003), in ol itself׳Areas B9 and B15 at Motsa (Khalaily and Vardi 2019) and in Area H at Eshta (Golani et al. 2016). *104 Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Figure 4: Phase 4 after removal of Phase 3 (northeast is up) An intentionally built feature (L250) was found in the southern part of square 5 under W213 of Phase 3 (Figs. 5–6). This is a shallow, roughly circular depression (15–20 cm deep, diameter of 120 cm) within the upper stone layer that was paved with small, flat stones. A dark substance, which appears to be bitumen, was found coating the stones of this installation (Fig. 7). Another lump of bitumen was found in the fill west of Building A, in a mixed context of Phases 3 and 4. Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta'ol, Area A *105 Figure 5: Pebble layer L247 and installation L250 superimposed by the southern wall of building W213 (north is up) Figure 6: Installation L250 after removal of Phase 3 (northeast is up) *106 Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Figure 7: Asphalt coating of installation L250 The small stone layer found covering most of Area A probably extended beyond the excavation limits. It is comparable in size and composition to a similar feature at Abu Ghosh. Geomorphologic analysis carried out in the field showed that it is likely man-made (Ackermann, pers. comm.). The circular, stone-built feature at L250 was integrated into the pavement and both are anthropogenic. Few diagnostic objects were found in Phase 4. The Phase 3 floor within Building A was cut into the Phase 4 layer; it contains a few decorated sherds that are clearly from the Pottery Neolithic (Yarmukian) period and some flint tools which can also be ascribed to this period (Fig. 16). In addition, a complete Pottery Neolithic vessel in a very poor state of preservation was found on top of the L247 surface, directly under wall W249, thus reinforcing its dating (Figs. 8; 16: 3). Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta'ol, Area A *107 Figure 8: A pottery vessel on the floor (L247) Phase 3 This phase was relatively well preserved in the eastern part of Area A (squares 3 and 5). Most of this phase was heavily eroded, however, in the western part of the area, where only a short fragment of a wall associated with small amount of Early Bronze I pottery (W223), superimposed on a thin layer of debris atop Phase 4, survived (Fig. 9). Figure 9: Fragment of wall W223 (south is up) *108 Michael Freikman and Nimrod Marom Figure 10: Building A – remains of wall W203 (Stratum II) are in the lower right corner (west is up) Figure 11: Building A – layer of pebbles of Stratum IV reused by the builders of Building 239 is visible to the right of the building and inside it (northeast is up) Rescue Excavations at the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Site of Eshta'ol, Area A *109 The main architectural feature associated with Phase 3 is a roughly rectangular building in the eastern part of the area (hereinafter Building A), most of which – with the exception of its southwestern wall – was exposed during the excavation (Figs. 2, 10–11). The extant remains appear to suggest a room measuring 2.5x5–6 m, with an inner area of approximately 12–15 m2. The general alignment of Building A is southwest-northeast. The foundations of the walls (average width 0.5 m) were built of medium-sized fieldstones arranged in two rows (walls W229, W249 and W213); the stones in the outer line of the wall are larger than the inner ones. A significant portion of the outer row is missing, probably stolen during later periods, while most of the smaller inner stones were preserved in situ. In one place close to the northern corner, all the stones are missing to a width of about 60 cm. This gap near the northeastern corner may suggest the location of an entrance to the building.