Annual Report English 2015 One Page Final
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Message from Chairperson SUPRO (Campaign for Good Governance) has been striving to promote democracy and good governance as well as supporting democratic transition process since its inception by engaging through its country wide network especially from the grassroots by implementing various Message from Chairperson Message programs and policy advocacy campaigns e.g. good governance; economic justice; PRSP process; budget tracking and analysis; trade justice; tax justice, climate change; IFI policies and debt cancellation etc. SUPRO covers its advocacy and networking programs in 45 Districts out of 64 Districts across Bangladesh. SUPRO has been working on areas of political, economical, social and environmental aspects along with local organizations so that economic and social justice can be established in the state and in the society. SUPRO has been working on Tax Justice Issues across the country since 2013. SUPRO has been able to disseminate Tax Justice Campaign not only in the urban areas but also at the grassroots level. Additionally, SUPRO has been organized mass awareness and campaign program on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and 7th Five Year Plan (2016-2020) at the district and national level which will accelerate the smooth journey of SUPRO in the future. SUPRO has been playing an important role in public policy making in Bangladesh. The organization has been able to change in the areas of public health rights, rights of education, right to information, right to food and collective & holistic areas of gender equality. In this regard, human rights emancipate from poverty, injustice & discrimination of marginalized mustsection get of preference the population. at �irst. I believe, we have to expedite our activities to Thanks to our co-workers who are actively involved in the process of restoring people’s rights. I also thank to SUPRO National Council Members, District Committee Members, and representatives from Civil Society and development activists for their continued support and cooperation. SUPRO is committed to enhance its activities to achieve its goals and objectives for a democratic society. And I hope everybody will continue their support and cooperation Ahmed Swapan Mahmud Chairperson, SUPRO SUSHASHONER JONNY PROCHARAVIZAN—SUPRO Message from General Secretary By the ending of 2015 and starting of 2016 of Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO) has initiated a new beginning. The success rate of SUPRO activities is not less than any yester years. Increasing the activities of SUPRO ultimately enhances the success of SUPRO. The Tax Justice Campaign of SUPRO is still continuing to establish governance in the tax system and formulation of pro-poor tax management. Additionally, SUPRO has been continuing its advocacy campaigns in its 45 working districts areas and national level in the name of performing of the national and international days; e.g. World Health Day, International women’s Day, International Literacy Day, National from General Secretary Message Income Tax Day, International Food Days along with ensuing quality education, women’s empowerment and quality health services for all. The most special aspect of SUPRO activities in the current year has organized 8th Global CRAFT Meeting Bangladesh” has getting enormous kudos at all levels along with the report has also published in Pakistan, whichSenegal has and appreciated Uganda simultaneously. at home and abroad. Additionally, the research �indings on “ Fair Tax Monitoring in SUPRO and Master in Governance Studies (MGS), Department of Political Science, Dhaka University has Bangladesh Perspective. Side by side, SUPRO has also observed the National Taxation Day and Tax Fair jointlyalong with organized NRB and the we seminar believe, on it “Democratic will enhance Resource SUPROs activitiesMobilization, on Taxation Budget Governancein the future. and Tax Justice: Furthermore, SUPRO has also organized consultation meetings on SDG and 7th FYP at 45 districts across Bangladesh with the participation of parliamentary caucus members on Budget, members of the cabinet, journalists, and CSO members and after that the outcome of the meetings has delegated to the UN Summit on SDG held in 25-27 November 2015. SUPROs activities on poverty, inequality and redressing discrimination have been appreciated a lot. SUPRO activities have been able to achieve a level of satisfaction in the area of ensuring people’s participation, increasing accountability at all levels, establishing equality and justice and real democratic practices. Have showing our gratitude and wishes to the donors’ communities and associated institutions along with Oxfam for their continued support in the process of social, economic development & Human Rights also establishing good governance for the overall development Bangladesh. Also have giving thanks to SUPRO Executive Board Members, National Council Members, District President, District Secretary, District Committee Members, SUPRO Secretariat Colleagues, representatives from Civil Society and Development Activists. The campaign on marginalized people’s rights restoration and ensuring indispensible public services along with establishing justice and good governance at all levels brought SUPROs familiarity has been envisaged at national and also in the global level. I believe, our precise thinking, advice and next way forward will enhance our future advance journey. I hope, SUPRO will go ahead taking with her objectives and future journey will also be viable. Md. Arifur Rahman General Secretary, SUPRO ANNUAL REPORT 2015 02 > 03 Message from Treasurer SUPRO has taken massive consultation programs on SDG and 7th Five Year Plan at local and national level in the current year. Within these activities, the prominent one was meeting with parliamentary caucus on budget. Consultation meetings have been conducted in 45 districts, meeting with journalists, and meeting with UN summit on SDG along with SUPROs recommendations and Message from Treasurer Message provided the message from SUPROs point of view. SUPRO has taken several programs on pro-poor Tax Management formulation and budget decentralization in the current year 2015. Among from these activities performed the national income tax day and participation in the tax fair at the national and district level along with government and discussion meeting with the Chairman of National Board of Revenue along with national and district level. That’s why SUPROs Tax related activities have been more familiar to all I differentguess. It willhigh pave level the of�icials way and of VATexpose and the Tax next department step of SUPRO, before I believe.and after the income tax day at the Weto thehave policy pleasant makers, news becausenetwork “formulate members pro-poor and representatives policy and ensuring from publiccivil societiesservices forwith all” anddue “establish justi�iable tax management policy”. SUPRO has been able to focus on these two strategies SUPRO has organized its National Convention this year where SUPRO has expressed her new institutionalsigni�icance. Ithinking hope, we at will local be ableand tonational create alevel. larger It spacewill create on mutual a huge cooperation room for inSUPRO the future. in their forthcoming activities and campaign programs. Because the grassroots voices, their unity and their cooperation is the main of source of SUPROs strength. I am confessing myself wholeheartedly for having support of Oxfam Novib as a part of SUPROs �inancialand respective and strategic all who partner. are attached Along withwith SUPROsthis respective and showing all quarters, my deep respective gratitude government for their of�icials,cooperation policy makers, elected representatives, journalists, associated development organizations SUPRO has been able to express the institutional thinking with a new dimension at local and nationalsubjects level.on donors’ Our works cooperation, have not commerce, been con�ined and agriculturewith only at and local climate and national issues at level regional on policy and relatedinternational issues level. but we have been playing a signi�icant role in the civil society movement and in the Establishing Equity and Equality is the main formula of SUPRO and gradual increasing of peoples’ criticism to move forward of our activities. support is the real de�ining factor of us. That’s we need your extreme support, opinion, thinking and Madhab Chandra Dutta Treasurer, SUPRO SUSHASHONER JONNY PROCHARAVIZAN—SUPRO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO) a network comprised of more than 600 civil society organizations and representations from citizens has been working more than a decade to establish the rights of the marginalized and deprived people’s. SUPRO wants to see a participatory democratic society in congruence with human rights where democracy, equality and justice will be ascertained. In this connection, to reach the grassroots demands at the national and global level and SUPRO has been working for making a bridge between people’s expectations and aspirations & establish solidarity along with ensuring the participation in the process of good governance and development policy in line with motivation, inspiration and organize the grassroots people’s. Budget Advocacy is one the priority area of SUPROs activity campaign to make the budgetary process (as a centre place of development) mass participatory and make the essential service sectors pro-people and pro-poor. SUPRO has been disseminated the outcome of the pre and post budget discussions