INDEX to NORTHERN CATHOLIC HISTORY [ISSN 0307-4455] Nos. 1 to 57 1975-2016 Editors: R. Gard, 1975-2005, L. Gooch, 2006-2016 The index is in three parts: 1 Subject index to key words in the titles of articles 2 The names of authors and contributors. 3 The substantive contents of each edition. Ephemeral material is not included. References are to the numbered edition. The index will be up-dated on the Society’s web-site. NORTH EAST CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY Subjects Aelred of Rievaulx, 36, 48 Catholic: choirs, 55; revival, 54 Allanson, Peter A., OSB, 40 Catholic Women's League, 39 Alnwick, St Mary, 17; Jesuits Census of 1851, 7 in, 3, Chadwick, Bp. 46 anti-Catholicism, 51, 55 Chaytor, C., 54 armed forces, 35; chaplains, 56 Cistercians, 14,55 Arundell family, of Wardour, 53 Clavering, Ralph Peter, 1; Beckworth, Priscilla Maria, 28 Sir Robert, 9 Bede, Ven., 32 clergy in 1563, 38 Belgian, priests, 24; colony, 31 Clitherow, St Margaret, 31 Benedictines, 25, 32, 54 coal trade, 15, 16, 22, 43 Berwick on Tweed, 18, 19, 21 Corby castle, 14 Bewcastle, stone cross, 46 Corby, family of Durham, 14; Bewick, John Wm., 24 Bl. Ralph, 41 biblemongers, 43 Coxhoe, 24 bibliographies, 47, 48, 49, 50 Crook Hall, 35 Biddlestone, 27, 38 Croxdale Hall, 33 Birtley, 35; Elizabethville, 31 Cuthbert, St., 11, 12, 25, 26, 38 Biscop, St Benet, 31 CYMS, 26 Blanchland Abbey, 39 Darlington, 4, 39 Bonomi, Joseph, 25 Derwentwaters, family, 56; 3rd earl of, book reviews and notices, 9, 15, 33, 20; countess of, 18 34 44, 48-50 Dilston, 11 Boste, St.
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