Ballet History #1 The Baroque Period

Ballet can trace its roots as far back as the 1300s! European royalty used to perform dances on the ballroom, sometimes wearing elaborate masks or costumes. The technique at this time consisted of stepping from one pose to the other. Gradually, steps became more complex and the role of Dance Master began to emerge.

Contrary to popular belief, ballet as we know it today did not actually begin in France. It can be traced back to Italy! In the mid 1500s, an Italian noblewoman named Catherine De Medici married King Henry II of France. She brought Italian dancing masters from Milan to the French court. She loved dance and art, and in 1581, Italian violinist Balthasar de Beaujoyeux performed the “Ballet Comique de la Reine.” Many consider this to be the world’s first ballet production.

The show was an enormous success, and soon other royal courts were emulating the spectacle. Dancing Masters from France soon replaced the Italian Masters, and ballet took on the French language that we use today.

1. Where did ballet originate? ______

2. When was the first ballet performed? ______

3. What did Catherine De Medici do for ballet? ______


______Catherine De Medici 1518-1589 ______Ballet History #2 The Period

Following the success of Catherine De Medici’s introduction of Italian dancing masters to the French court, ballet took off among the European royalty. By the time King Louis IXV was born in 1638, elaborately costumed dances were being performed in the royal ballrooms and gardens.

King Louis IXV was a passionate and enthusiastic dancer. In 1653, at age 15, he appeared as Apollo in “Le Ballet de la Nuit” (The Ballet of the Night). He has been known as “The Sun King” ever since.

During Louis’ , ballet reached a complexity where it was no longer able to be performed by amateur dancers. In 1661, the Academie Royal de Danse was established in France. Now the ballet masters were able to vigorously train professional dancers, and dance moved from the court ballrooms into the theater. Pierre Beauchamps was ballet master, and he is credited with standardizing the 5 ballet positions of the feet. We still practice and learn them today as set by Beauchamps 350 years ago!

1. What is Pierre Beauchamps credited with standardizing? ______

2. What role was King Louis IXV famous for? ______

3. What happened to ballet during King Louis IXV’s reign? ______



______King Louis XIV of France