The Organ Spiel

Newsletter for the Sierra Chapter of the American Society

Silent Movie From 1928 September 2009 Guest artist Friday,

Sept 18 Chris Elliott

California Auto Museum will accompany (Formerly the Towe) the Silent Film.

Christian Elliott is one of today’s 8:00 PM prominent concert organists. Equally at home performing literature of the church or theatre, he is also sought af- About the Film ter as a scorer of silent films. The great and underrated A native of Santa Ana, Christian Marion Davies shows her stuff in graduated with honors from Vanguard this late (1928) silent comedy University of Southern that also showcases the wonder- (formerly Southern California Col- ful William Haines. Davies plays a hick from Georgia who crashes Hol- lege), Costa Mesa. While still a stu- lywood with help from Haines. They appear in cheap comedies until dent, he held church organ positions in Marion is "discovered" and becomes a big dramatic star. A great lam- several prominent southern California churches. For nine years he was a poon on Hollywood and its pretensions. Davies & Haines are a wonder- guest artist for the summer noon organ ful team (too bad they never made a talkie together) and the guest shots recitals at the Crystal Cathedral where from the likes of Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, William S. Hart, he also played weddings and coached John Gilbert, Elinor Glyn, and Marion Davies (you have to see it) are a with Frederick Swann. Other organ hoot. A must for any instructors included Charles Shaffer serious film buff or for and, after moving to the anyone interested in Bay Area in 1988, celebrated organist the still-maligned and composer Richard Purvis. Marion Davies! (Above, courtesy of Edward Lorusso) Page 2 California Auto Museum Special Concert

Bob Heil Bob Heil, young theatre organ protege of Stan Kann, began his musical career as Stan's substi- Sunday, tute organist at the St. Louis Fox Sept 27th Theatre in 1955. Bob also played

the organ at Ruggeri's restau-

rant before its console 2200 Front St was sold to Dale Mendenhall

and later moved to the Towe

Auto Museum.

2:00 PM In making the announcement of the upcoming concert, Bob says that he has always loved the rich, pretty sounds of the Wurlitzer. Now, he is looking forward to sharing the experi- ence with both his friends and his theater organ fans in the Sacramento area.

This will be Bob's third appearance at the Museum. His previous concerts in 2005 and 2007 received rave reviews.

Heil is the owner of , Ltd. in Fairview Heights, , the largest privately held manu- facturer of microphones and audio products in the world. Heil has designed sound systems for leading entertainment groups such as , , , Z.Z. Top, Jeff Beck, Dolly Parton, and the Billy Graham Crusade.

As an author of five books, Bob is in constant demand to teach audio technologies at various shows and conventions.

Bob lives with his wife, Sarah, in Belleville, Illinois. When he is not playing his Allen LL-324Q organ at home, or talking to his amateur radio friends, he can be found enjoying some of his classic car collection, mainly 50's Thunderbirds.

Chapter Officers

President Treasurer/Web Master Board Member Membership 1st term expires Dec 2009 1st term expires Dec 2009 1st term expires Dec 2010 Terry Clifton Carol Zerbo Dave Sauer Robert Barrett, MD 916/863-6344 916/624-9182 916/925-7440 916/962-1988 [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Newsletter Editors Board Member Vice President Publicity/Program Director Sherry & Terry Clifton 2nd term expires Dec 2010 1st term expires Dec 2010 Craig Peterson 916/863-6344 916/682-9699 Marian Galbraith Randy Warwick [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] 916/722-0411 661/392-0269 E-Mail: [email protected] Historian Board Member Organ Practice Coordinator Barbara Harris 1st term expires Dec 2009 Irene Wilper Secretary 916/332-2837 Jim Leach 916/967/5386 1st term expires Dec 2010 916/797-9125 [email protected] Terry Clifton Music Library E-Mail: [email protected] 916/863-6344 Alice Kutzer Organ Technician E-mail: 916/687-7542 Board Member [email protected] Dave Moreno 1st term expires Dec 2009 916/484-7356 Recording Library Craig Peterson [email protected] Beverly Harris 916/682-9699 916/332-2837 E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 3

President’s perspective—Carol Zerbo

Hi all, we are most fortunate to have in are now busy at their As we trundle into Fall, I our collection, as are Pete and respective computers must say August was anything Dianne for continuing to host cataloging the music but a quiet transition. Four these picnics. books so Cathy Peterson, Craig's events in one month has to be a Ron Bingaman's get to- sister-in-law, can input the infor- first. Starting with open console gether was a hoot! NorCal in- mation in our new library com- at Fair Oaks, then Pete vited us Sierra members to share puter. This is a huge undertak- McCluer's picnic, then Ron Bin- in the fun, and fun it was. Kudos ing and my little column is not gaman's picnic, then the board to Kevin King and Neal Wood big enough to adequately express meeting at Joyce Clifford"s -- for getting Ron's GW4 into high my gratitude to Jim, Cathy, who said the organ world is quality mode. Lot's of people Bob Suffel, Gary French and winding down? took advantage of the open con- Jeanne Paquette for volunteer- For those who missed sole invitation and the adventur- ing their time and patience to get Greg De Santis at McCluer's, ous among us toured Ron's 10+ this done. webmaster Dave Sauer has put a acres, slip-sliding down the hill Sierra Chapter is blessed few songs from Greg's concert to see Ron's hydro- electric setup with so many members who are on our site. Thanks very much, (very cool, very eco-minded), active participants. Yes, I would Dave. Hopefully, we will be feed llamas and hiking back up say the theatre organ world is far hearing a lot more from Greg in the hill. Whew - I slept well that from winding down. the future. Quite a few folks night. Thanks for your hospital- were brave enough to follow ity, Ron and Gay. Hope to see y'all at the movie, Greg's performance at the open I'm writing this before console portion of the picnic. I having our board meeting at admire you all! Joyce's beautiful home in Gran- None of this would have ite Bay the next day. One item Carol Z happened if it weren't for the on the agenda is our music li- many hours Dave Moreno spent brary. Since Jim Leach is recov- getting Pete's Wurlitzer concert ering from surgery, I offered to ready. David, you are a gem update y'all. Three volunteers


Renewing at the Benefactor Level: Tom Norvell Renewing at the Contributing Level: Dick & Erma May Hulbert David & Linda Dewey

First Class Postage Stamp

P.O. Box 2017 Fair Oaks, California 95628

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SIERRA CHAPTER EVENT CALIFORNIA AUTO MUSEUM NOR-CAL TOS EVENT California Auto Museum EVENT Berkeley Community Theatre 2200 Front Street 2200 Front Street Sunday Sept 20—2:30PM

Chris Elliott John Giacchi Bob Heil

Silent Movie (Details on Page 2) $15/General Admission

Stockton Fox Event Sunday Sept 27th Show People (1928) Bob Hope Theatre 2:00 PM Friday Sept 18th 242 E. Main Stockton, CA 8:00 PM $8/Adults $10/General Friday Sept 11 - 6:30PM $7/Seniors Blazing Saddles $8/Members $4/Students $5/Students Featuring Tom Thompson On $20/Family the Mighty Morton The Chapter was organized in 1968 as a not-for-profit corporation under the statutes of the State of Cali- fornia and is recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. It was organized for the purpose of preservation and promotion of the Theatre Pipe Organ and its music. Membership in the local Chapter also encour- ages membership in the National Organization, American Theatre Organ Society (ATOS.)