Commission Agenda Features Planning for National Forum

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Commission Agenda Features Planning for National Forum Commission agenda features planning for National Forum The NCAA Presidents Commis- Planning for the remainder of the The Commission’s Divisions I, II sion will concentrate on planning National Forum, which was and III subcommittees all will dis- for the remainder of its National launched at the special June Con- cuss the Forum plans from their Forum during its September 29-30 vention, began with the formation own division perspectives during meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel this summer of the Commission’s those subcommittees’meetings dur- in Kansas City, Missouri. Ad Hoc Committee on the National ing the afternoon September 29. The fall meeting is the first for the Forum, chaired by the President Sliger then will prcscnt his commit- Commission since the special Con- Bernard F. Sliger of Florida State tee’s report to the full Commission vention that it called in June of this University. the next day. year. “This meeting should be a That committee met August I in Included in the considerations of significant one for the Commission, Atlanta and will conduct a telephone Sligcr’s committee and the Com- as it not only reviews the initial confcrcncc today (September 21) to tnission will be a proposal by the planning for the National Forum, continue its work. It then will meet American Institutes for Research to but also begins to chart its future at noon Scptcmhcr 29, just before conduct the studies attendant to the course in the aftermath of the special the C‘ommission meeting begins. to National Forum, as approved by Convention,” Commission Chair complete it5 first report to the full the d&gates to the June Convcn- John H. Slaughter said. Commission. SW Commission. puge 2 Some freshmen welcomed to school with packages from NCAA sponsors Wendy Brown, /en, of Southem California, raises teammate Yvette Bates’ arm to signify her victory in the biple jump at 45 feet, 3 Incoming freshmen are being departments at the participating Each school is encouraged to inches in the Division I Women’s Indoor Eack Championships last greeted at more than 100 NCAA schools find that the packs provide include its own promotional mate- season, a scene that could be repeated in 1998, since both are member institutions with packages a strong communications link,” said rials in the packs, including sched- ules, bumper stickers, introductory juniors. Brown set a record in the event, but Bates broke it 10 stocked with personal-care pro- Host’s Ralph McBarron, project lcttcrs and decals. minutes later with her winning effort. ducts, a drug- and alcohol-education coordinator. “If a student doesn’t booklet, and other useful materials, support athletics as a freshman, he In return for placing the packs in all courtesy of the Association and probably won’t later on, even as an the hands of freshmen, the partici- local athletics departments. alumnus.” See Some, puge 2 Championships dates, The Campus Welcome Packs were made possible by NCAA cor- porate sponsors and other major Eligibility appeals published 1A/WI QR7-RRVW sites set for manufacturers, who provided Beginning with this issue(pages 6 ing aware of previous decisions. It is Regional action in Division III will crown the last champion of enough product samplesand printed and 7), The NCAA News will regu- hoped that through understanding field hockey will kick off the Asso- 1987-88 June 11. That final game materials to produce 400,000 of the larly publish decisons made by the precedents set in earlier cases,insti- ciation’s 1987-88championships sea- will be televised live by CBS Sports. packages. Coordinated by Host NCAA Eligibility Committee con- tutions will be able better to under- son, in which 76 NCAA champion- Following is a complete list of Communications, the project is de- cerning eligibility appeals on behalf stand decisions reached through the ships are scheduled in 2 I sports. dates and sites for 1987-88 NCAA signed to spark interest in athletics of student-athletes. It is anticipated eligibility process,” said Olav B. There currently are 11 National championships. Previews of each among freshmen while offering the that the committee’s decisions will Kollevoll, director of athletics at Collegiate Championships for which tournament, scores from and pair- manufacturers a means of introduc- be published in the News monthly. Lafayette College. Kollevoll’s term all divisions are eligible-four for ings for intermediate rounds of com- ing their products and services. “The committee recognizes the as chair of the Eligibility Committee men, five for women, and two men’s See Championships, page 14 “We’re hoping that the athletics importance of the membership be- expired September 1 after six years and women’s events. There are 22 of service. National Collegiate Division I Cham- Appeals decisions are divided pionships (13 men’s, nine women’s), into two types to assist in their 19 National Collegiate Division II understanding. One category in- Championships (11 men’s, eight cludes all appeals except those in- women’s) and 24 National Collegiate volving recruiting violations. The Division III Championships ( I3 other consists of the recruiting vio- men’s, 11 women’s). lations that affect the eligibility of Several men’s tournaments will the involved student-athletes mark special anniversaries this sea- through the provisions of NCAA son. Heading that list is the Division Bylaws 5-l-(i) and 5-6-(f). In the I Men’s Basketball Championship, recruiting cases,a critical issue con- which will hold the 50th Final Four cerning restoration of eligibility is at Kansas City’s Kemper Arena whether the institution gained a next April. Other notable events substantial recruiting advantage as include the 10th Division I-AA foot- See Eligihilitv. page 2 ball play-offs, the 65th swimming and diving finals, the 104th tennis championships, and the 35th skiing In the News event (included here as a men’s event since the championships be- Interest grows came coed only a few years ago). College baseball continued to Followers of women’s intercolle- set new highs in terms of attend- giate athletics may call 1987-88 the ance during the 1987 season. “women’s lucky seven” when re- Page 3. viewing the NCAA championships calendar. Of the 28 women’s cham- Hurricane warning University of Miami (Florida) pionships events on the calendar, 22 will mark their seventh anniversary. head football coach Jimmy John- son takes a no-nonsense attitude The others were created more re- NABC visitors cently. toward his players’ performance In addition to kicking off play- Member of the boaniof dimetom of the NationalAssoci&tion of Basketball Coaclres visited on and off the field. Page 5. off competition, Division III field the NCAA oRIces Septembar 14 duting their special meeting in Kansas Ci@ Missouri. Discussing a &stgn to be used in conjunction wi7h the 50th annlvematy of the Foal Fwr Notes, statistics hockey also will crown the first Football notes and statistics are Jud Haathcota @ant&~), y+ State Unlven~& firs vic+pmsl&nt ol,e NABC; NCAA champion of the new year. in all NCAA divisions. @ges 9- The championship game is set for CkwencaE~~&ti’~M), #+SWot+~&h U&s&&ABCaecondvti+~~ 12. November 14. Division I baseball and~.W~&CAA&&tante~ . 2 THE NCAA NEWS/September 21,1987 Legislative Assistance Commission Continuedfrom page I amended. a pending study of Division I-AA 1987 Cdumn No. 32 tion. 0 Review of the Commission’s final-examination calendars as they Bylaw 5-l.(j)-national testing dates role within the NCAA administra- relate to the Division I-AA Football Other topics Championship. Divisions I and II member institutions are reminded that in accordance In addition to the National Forum tive structure. with the provisions of NCAA Bylaw S-14) [effective August 1, 1988, for Division I-A membersof the Com- plans, the full Commission has the l Review of the special June Con- Division II institutions], a student-athlete who initially enrolls in a Division mission will meet separately late in following topics on its agenda: vention. 1 or II member institution and wishes to be eligible for intercollegiate the afternoon September 29 to dis- l Review and possible endorse- cuss the proposed plan to have competition during the freshman year must achieve a minimum SAT or ment of a proposed institutional l Remarks by the Association’s ACT test score along with a minimum grade-point average in a core new executive director, Richard D. Division I-A members vote in Janu- code of responsibility and a student- ary on a resolution regarding interest curriculum of courses.The minimum score on the SAT or ACT examination athlete code of ethics. Schultz, who assumesthat position must be achieved no later than July 1 immediately preceding the October 1. in a Division I-A football cham- .A report from the Special pionship. individual’s first enrollment at a collegiate institution. Further, the NCAA Committee on Deregulation examination must be taken under normal testing conditions on a national Subtommittees The Commission’s Presidential and Rules Simplification on its prog- In their separate sessions, the Nominating Committee also will testing date [i.e., no residual (campus) testing is permitted]. The testing date ress in revising the NCAA Manual. must be a national (as distinguished from regional) testing date. Divisions I, II and 111subcommit- meet during the Kansas City gath- l Discussion of means of streng- Following are the SAT and ACT examination dates scheduled during the tees will deal with certain topics of ering to determine its slate of candi- thening the chief executive officer’s 1987-1988academic year as national testing dates: their own, in addition to their views dates to fill vacancies occurring on role in institutional control of ath- of the National Forum planning.
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