LESBIANS and SPORTS Esther Rothblom
Published by the Women's Community of San Antonio WoMANSPACE June, 1998 Volume 10 Number 8 P. 0. Box 12327, San Antonio, Texas 78212 PRIDE PICNIC TIMEI .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The 16th Annual San Antonio Pride Picnic will take place this year on Saturday, June 13th at Travis Park! Come one, come all! You know the deal! Beer, music, beer, vendors, beer, food, beer, . beer, beer! Same party, new place! Don't miss it! WomanSJHiu b a mrmber ofthr Eapt'raJWl Network. The work of the E1peranza u based on the belief that al/[orm1 of bigotry and oppr•sslon. withm 011r own community and in the world at large. can only be stopped by addreutng the tnherenr connecllon between them, and by creoong alliances. P&e.K COI&Iider participation as an individUAl or ~roup. Wr'd llkr to ~rl to know you. Call 228-0201 dune Calendar Pot Luck 1998 Wedn esday. June 10- WomanSpace Production, 6 30pm. at Pot luck gatherings are part of our cultural Textures heritage. Check out this opportunity to socialize Saturday June 13- Pride Pi cnic! Sund ay . June 14- Flag Day outside the bars and mark your calendar today! Sund ay, June 21 - Father' s Day For information on the location of the pot lucks, Wedn esday June 24- WomanSpace Folding . 6 30pm. at call the hostess. To become a hostess, call 828- Textures LISA and volunteer. Sund ay . June 28- Potluck I 5-9pm . Call 637-7377 for more info. Pride Picnic Schedule! June 13,~ June 28 5:00-9:00 pm 637-7377 9 oo am - 12:00 noon -- Booth and vendor setup 1o 30 am- 12 00 noon --Marshall at Travis Park for Parade July 19 3:00-7:00 pm 830-216-4312 12:00 noon-- Parade begins-- march to the Alamo and return to (not long distance!) Travis Park 2 00 pm -- Picnic begins August 16 5:00pm 930-2744 2 00 pm - 8 00 pm -- Activities and OJ music 8 00 pm- 10 00 pm --Live entertainment September 20 OPEN 1o oo pm- 11 :00 pm --Conclusion and cleanup Call 828-LISA to volunteer SbQW~,_Exbi.!2lt~,_R~HHI.ings, _ farth~s •.
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