June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1207 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN TRIBUTE TO CORPORAL SHEILA drug-addiction prevention programs, teenage Rock, TX, for his retirement after 50 years in C. MIDDLETON pregnancy prevention programs, and low-in- the community banking profession. Achieving come housing programs. 50 years in the community banking profession HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Mr. Anand is a much sought-after consultant is a rare honor and Dale should be com- because he is very familiar with federal, state OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS mended for having reached this milestone. On and city rules and regulations for funding June 25, 2006, Dale will retire with grateful ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agency financial reporting procedures. He has knowledgment from his communities, cus- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 conducted certified audits including A–133, re- tomers, and friends. He leaves behind a leg- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to viewed and prepared financial statements in- acy of tireless service, active community par- pay tribute to one of our Virgin Islands’ hero- cluding cash flow analysis and other related ticipation, and positive impact on local econo- ines—Corporal Sheila Christina Middleton. statements for various non-profit government mies. Born in Far Rockaway, Queens, she moved funded organizations. As community banks are merged and ac- with her family to St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands A full service accounting professional, Mr. quired at a rapid rate, it is important to note in 1996. Anand has established internal control sys- that there are still bankers who participate fully After graduating the Virgin Islands Police tems including budgetary controls, structural in their communities and strengthen those Academy in 1981 she served the department polices and procedures with respect to the communities by their dedication to service and as a patrol officer for 9 years. That was before cycle of the entity’s activities (external financial goodwill; Dale Alley is such a banker. Commu- she found her true calling—working with the reporting), financial statement captions (cash nity bankers fuel the engine of small busi- children and youth of the Virgin Islands. and cash equivalents, receivables, payables nesses and literally built communities Sheila understood and loved our children, and accrued liabilities), accompanying sys- from the ground up. Dale Alley leaves a dy- and they loved and respected her in return. tems (cash receipts, disbursements, payroll namic blueprint and a commendable legacy Her emphasis in criminal justice was preven- and general ledger) and inventory controls. for those assuming his positions at Union tion, and she knew that effort had to begin as Additionally, Mr. Anand has provided financial State Bank and the other institutions where he early in their lives as possible. and administrative management to the real es- has served. In 1956, a young man nervous with anticipa- She was the D.A.R.E. coordinator for the tate industry; his service to the industry in- tion walked into First State Bank in Denton, territory. She taught the children about the cluded purchase and sales of apartment build- TX, for his first day of employment. He wasn’t negative effects of drugs and alcohol on their ings (residential and commercial), multiple sure where this initial job might take him, but bodies and their lives. She counted among her dwellings, condominiums, and single-family he knew that he wanted to be involved in the greatest rewards the smiles on their faces, residences. banking industry. Now, 50 years later, that after they had completed their courses and In 1968, Mr. Anand graduated with a Bach- same man is putting the finishing touches on marched to receive their certificates at the an- elor of Arts degree in Accounting from Delhi University in . In 1971, he received Pro- a brilliant career in community banking. nual D.A.R.E. graduations. Dale began his employment with First State Her passion for this work emanated from fessional Accounting and Auditing Training (equivalent P.A.) from the Institute of Char- Bank in Denton, TX, in 1956. During the next her deep religious faith. She was a devout two decades, he worked both as an adminis- member of Speak the Word Ministries from tered Accountants of India. In 1973, he com- pleted an IBM System 360—Programming, trative assistant in the Texas State Banking whose congregation and worship she also re- Department and an executive vice president newed her strength and received guidance. System Design and Analysis Internship Pro- gram at New York University and in the same and loan officer with Farmers State Bank in They and her family were her ‘‘rock.’’ Round Rock. Over the course of his distin- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I had the privi- year he completed an M.B.A.–C.P.A. Program at Long Island University in New York. In guished career, Dale served as president and lege of working with Corporal Middleton. She board chairman of the Hutto State Bank, 1984, Mr. Anand became a New York State was as fine an officer and human being as which he opened in 1986. As president and Licensed Real Estate Broker and Notary Pub- you would ever want to know. board chairman, he achieved his ultimate goal She left us early, but she gave much during lic. Mr. Anand is a member of several profes- of becoming the chief managing officer. her relatively short life. We are grateful for her After the sale of that bank, Dale was ap- sional organizations including: Association of life and service to the Virgin Islands commu- proached by B.M. Beck, president and chair- MBA Executives; National Association of Ac- nity. Our children and our entire community man of Union State Bank, in regards to open- countants; National Society of Public Account- call her blessed. ing a Union State Bank Branch in Round ants; National Society of Tax Professionals; f Rock. Dale accepted the offer and operated a and the American Institute of Professional service-oriented and profitable banking A TRIBUTE TO SUNIL ANAND Bookkeepers. branch. In 2003, Dale accepted the position of Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent executive vice president and chief lending offi- on this body to recognize the accomplish- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS cer for all five Union State Bank locations in ments of Sunil Anand as he offers his talents OF NEW YORK Central Texas. Over the course of his career, and philanthropic services for the betterment Dale consistently emphasized the importance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of our local community. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Mr. Speaker, Sunil Anand’s selfless service of customer service and making his clients has continuously demonstrated a level of altru- feel appreciated. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Dale’s career path has been filled with suc- istic dedication that makes him most worthy of recognition of Sunil Anand, a distinguished cess, but he would tell you his proudest ac- our recognition today. member of the business community. It be- complishments come from the impact he has hooves us to pay tribute to this outstanding f made on his community. In fact, Dale recently leader and I hope my colleagues will join me BANKER ALLEY TO RETIRE AFTER wrote, ‘‘My favorite part of working in the in recognizing his impressive accomplish- 50 YEARS OF SERVICE banking industry for 50 years has been the ments. satisfaction gained from being a community A native of India, Sunil Anand is a success- HON. JOHN R. CARTER banker and experiencing the economic growth ful Certified Public Accountant and entre- OF TEXAS and vitality resulting from the bank’s activi- preneur performing specialty services to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ties.’’ The efforts of Dale and his fellow com- non-profit sector. He has consulted for numer- munity bankers are essential to the success of ous Headstart and day care centers, senior Tuesday, June 20, 2006 communities throughout America. citizen programs, mental health programs, Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to con- Small businesses come to community banks homeless prevention programs, AIDS and gratulate Mr. Dale Alley of Hutto and Round for financial help because they know and trust

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.001 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 the banker they are working with. In turn, com- had visited Arlington at the age of 12 and in local elections and served as the guardian munity banks realize their success revolves dreamed of somehow honoring fallen soldiers. of good government in the particular interest around the overall growth of the community. Each year since 1993, Mr. Worcester has of the people of the north side of the island. It’s a reciprocal relationship in which the small brought trucks holding over 5,000 Christmas On March 9, 1973, the Tenth Legislature of business and the community bank depend on wreaths to Arlington and has joined with hun- the Virgin Islands approved Resolution 3395 each other for future growth; neither can be dreds of volunteers from all walks of military which renamed the Robert Herrick Elementary successful without the other. Independent and civilian life in placing the wreaths on the School the Joseph Sibilly Elementary School Community Bankers of America, ICBA, Chair- headstones. The wreathlaying event continues in honor of his great community spirit, gen- man Terry Jorde explained the relationship to be one that carries a great message of erous donations, and good deeds. well when he said, ‘‘Each of our nearly 5,000 thanks and gratitude to those who gave their A devout Roman Catholic, his religious be- bank members is a shining example of how lives as well as a reminder to their families liefs were reflected in his daily life. In recogni- community banks are still joined at the hip to during the holidays that they will never be for- tion of his humanitarian spirit, The Virgin Is- our communities.’’ gotten. lands Daily News on his passing wrote, ‘‘Jo- In addition to his many work contributions Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the U.S. Con- seph Sibilly was in a sense an Old Testament and other honors, Dale was responsible for gress, I would like to offer my sincere thanks man, a patriarch with vision and strength and establishing the Hutto Chamber of Commerce to a man who truly understands the nature of generosity. He left for all of us a valuable leg- and also served on the Hutto School Board for giving and works to continually commemorate acy, the knowledge that ultimately a man many years. Having had the opportunity to wit- the giving of the ultimate sacrifice—life—in serves himself best when he serves others’’. ness firsthand his contributions to the Hutto order to achieve freedom. Jean Joseph Sibilly’s generosity, consid- and Round Rock communities, I am certain f erateness, wisdom, foresight, pride in and love his impact will continue to be felt after his re- for his fellow man deserve our recognition tirement. IN HONOR OF JEAN JOSEPH honor today. SIBILLY 1889–1997 Mr. Speaker, on behalf of myself, my con- f stituents, Union State Bank, and the commu- nities of Round Rock, Hutto, Georgetown, HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN A TRIBUTE TO SANG SU YI Florence, Liberty Hill, and Killeen, I would like OF VIRGIN ISLANDS to thank Dale for 50 years of distinguished IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS service to the banking industry and the com- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 OF NEW YORK munities throughout Central Texas. Although IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, each his daily presence at Union State Bank will be Tuesday, June 20, 2006 sorely missed, I look forward to his continued year in mid-July, the French Community on St. contributions to the banking industry. I thank Thomas, in my District, observes French Herit- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Dale for his service and friendship, and wish age Week, commemorating the storming of recognition of Sang Su Yi, a distinguished him the utmost happiness and success in all the Bastille on July 14, 1789 which marked member of the business and civic commu- of his future endeavors. the beginning of the French Revolution, with a nities. It behooves us to pay tribute to this out- week of French flavored activities. standing leader and I hope my colleagues will f This year, the French Heritage Week Com- join me in recognizing his impressive accom- PERSONAL EXPLANATION mittee is posthumously honoring Jean Joseph plishments. Sibilly, patriarch of the French community of Sang Su Yi was born in Kobe, in HON. DAVID G. REICHERT Estate Elizabeth on St. Thomas. 1933 and returned to right after I ask my colleagues to join me today to World War II in 1946. During the Korean Civil OF WASHINGTON honor and acknowledge the innumerable con- War, he served at the supply base in the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributions this great visionary made to the Vir- Marine Corps Headquarters Division. At the Tuesday, June 20, 2006 gin Islands in general and his community in end of the Korean Civil War, Sang Su Yi re- Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, on June 19, particular. turned to high school. 2006, I missed the following rollcall votes due Jean Joseph Sibilly was born on the French Sang Su Yi started his career as a reporter to my flight being delayed: rollcall vote No. Caribbean island of St. Barthelemy on January after receiving his bachelor’s degree at the 289, final passage of H.R. 5540 and rollcall 5, 1889, but grew up and received his edu- University of Han Yang. In 1963, he also vote No. 290, final passage of H.R. 5504. cation on the island of Guadeloupe. Trained in served in seventh division of the U.S. Infantry Had I been present, I would have voted agriculture and animal husbandry, he emi- in Korea. In 1973, when he was offered a job ‘‘yes’’ to rollcall vote No. 289 and ‘‘yes’’ to roll- grated to St. Thomas in 1912 and established from the Carnival Cruise Line in Miami, FL, call vote No. 290. residence on the north side of the island, an Sang Su Yi decided to enter the new world of f area predominantly occupied by other French the of America. In 1976, he immigrants. came to New York City and started his small IN RECOGNITION OF MR. MERRILL At age 23, this agricultural entrepreneur pur- business. In 1984, Sang Su Yi’s wife and chil- WORCESTER FOR HIS GENEROUS chased Estate Elizabeth and a few years later dren immigrated from Seoul, Korea and joined HOLIDAY CONTRIBUTIONS TO another 268 acres with 12 other north side him in New York City. Since coming to New ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEME- families in nearby Estate Lerkenlund to be York City, Sang Su Yi has enhanced his spir- TERY used for farming. This area has had a long itual life. He attends Full Gospel New York legacy as until recently the French north side Church and has served in various positions. HON. JEFF MILLER farmers were still the primary source for fresh He completed the Bible College with his wife OF FLORIDA produce. and he is serving the Lord as a deacon in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He was a self taught skilled engineer and church. Currently, Sang Su Yi is the president builder credited for planning and supervising of the World Mission of Korean Folk Praise. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 the road system on the north side of St. His Folk Praise team, which includes his wife, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is a Thomas, the construction of numerous homes traveled to many countries to help mission- great honor for me to rise today to extend my and public buildings, and was legendary for aries to build schools and hospitals in Central congratulations to Mr. Merrill Worcester, an his ability to draw a straight line without the and South America. American who believes in paying homage to aid of conventional instruments. Additionally, Sang Su Yi is the chairperson the memory of veterans who gave all in the Above all else, he was a humanitarian and of the board of trustees of the Korean Tradi- name of freedom. community leader. His generosity is exempli- tional Music Institute of New York. The Korean As the owner of the Worcester Wreath fied by the large tracks of land he donated to Traditional Music team has performed more Company of Harrington, Maine, Mr. Worcester the Catholic Church and the local government. than 1,800 times over last 20 years. They oversees the workings of his holiday decora- The community’s Catholic Church, Our Lady have performed in Washington, DC, Long Is- tion company. Thirteen years ago, he could of Perpetual Help, and adjacent cemetery, as land University, Lincoln Center, at the U.N., think of nothing better to do with his surplus of well an elementary school, were made pos- World Hunger events, museums, local over 4,000 Christmas wreaths than bring them sible through his philanthropy. Not a politician schools, nursing homes, prisons, and almost to Arlington National Cemetery. Mr. Worcester or elected official, he was however influential every parade and major event in New York

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.004 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1209 and New Jersey. Sang Su Yi has received nu- onstrates and the strong support he enjoys. live in poverty, unable to support their family. merous awards including from the chairperson Lieutenant General Metz is the pride of the Last week, Democrats were successful in in- of the New York Korean Association, the United States Army and will be dearly missed serting a minimum wage increase into the president of the Long Island Korean Associa- at Fort Hood. Labor-H-H-S appropriations bill. But now the tion, a mayor from City, a couple f Republican leadership is stalling a floor vote. of outstanding performance awards from It is time for real action to move hard working Seoul Korea and a leadership award from Full PERSONAL EXPLANATION Americans out of poverty. Seven million Amer- Gospel New York Church. icans deserve a raise today. Sang Su Yi, his wife and his praise team HON. DAVID G. REICHERT f stand ready to travel beyond the United States OF WASHINGTON TRIBUTE TO RAYMOND REINICK to support the missionaries around the world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wherever help and encouragement are need- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 ed. HON. BOB BEAUPREZ Sang Su Yi has been married for 48 years; Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, on June 16, OF COLORADO he and his wife have four children and nine 2006, I missed the following rollcall vote: roll- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grandchildren. call vote No. 288, Final Passage of H. Res. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent 861. on this body to recognize the accomplish- Had I been present, I would have voted Mr. BEAUPREZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ments of Sang Su Yi, as he offers his talents ‘‘yes’’ to rollcall vote No. 288. to honor the memory of a remarkable gen- and services for the betterment of our local f tleman from my district. Raymond Reinick was and global communities. born in Kersey, CO in 1924. Growing up on Mr. Speaker, Sang Su Yi’s selfless service PERSONAL EXPLANATION his family’s farm, he learned the value of hard has continuously demonstrated a level of altru- work and developed a strong sense of pride in istic dedication that makes him most worthy of HON. JEFF MILLER his country. our recognition today. OF FLORIDA Raymond answered the call to duty when f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America entered WWII, joining the Navy and serving in the Pacific Theater aboard the USS Tuesday, June 20, 2006 LTG METZ TO GIVE UP COMMAND Fond Du Lac as a Signalman Second Class. OF III CORPS Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I would Having received the WWII Victory Medal, the like to offer a personal explanation of the rea- Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the Phil- HON. JOHN R. CARTER son I missed roll call Votes Nos. 289–291 on ippine Liberation Medal, Raymond was honor- OF TEXAS June 19, 2006. These were suspension votes ably discharged from the Navy and returned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on H.R. 5540, H.R. 5504, and H. Res. 826. home to work on the family farm. Due to plane delays, my travel to Washington, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Not long after Raymond returned from the DC was not completed until following the con- war, he married Bernadette and began a fam- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, in May 2006 clusion of votes this evening. ily. Raymond worked as a stationary engineer LTG Thomas F. Metz relinquished command I respectfully request that it be entered into for Union Pacific Railroad for almost 40 years, of the III U.S. Corps in Fort Hood, TX. This the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD that if present, I supporting his wife and four children. successful and decorated general has had an would have voted rollcall vote No. 289, the Raymond passed away in 2003 and was illustrious career and will be missed at Fort ‘‘Sergeant Jacob Dan Dones Post Office Des- buried at Fort Logan National Cemetery along Hood. ignation Act,’’ ‘‘yea’’; rollcall vote No. 290, the side his comrades from the war. After his graduation from the United States ‘‘Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Building Designa- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to stand before Military Academy at West Point, he was com- tion Act,’’ ‘‘yea’’; and rollcall vote No. 291 Ex- this body of Congress and recognize Ray- missioned as a second lieutenant in the infan- pressing the sense of the House of Rep- mond Reinick’s loyal service to our grateful try. His career has taken him to locations resentatives that a National Youth Sports Nation. throughout the world including Germany, Italy, Week should be established,’’ ‘‘yea.’’ f and Iraq, with such varied positions as assist- f ant professor at West Point and Combined PERSONAL EXPLANATION Joint Task Force 7 commander in Operation RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE (RE- Iraqi Freedom. PUBLICANS STALL BILL THAT WOULD BOOST SALARIES) HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER He assumed the post at Fort Hood in Feb- OF TEXAS ruary 2003. Since then, he deployed the III IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps to Iraq in January 2004 and was com- HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE Tuesday, June 20, 2006 manding the Multi-National Corps—Iraq until OF TEXAS May 2006. He will now continue to serve our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, due to of- country at Fort Monroe as U.S. Army Training ficial business, I missed rollcall votes 290 and Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Doctrine commanding general. 291 on Monday, June 19, 2006. Had I been In his career, Lieutenant General Metz has Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on both been awarded the Defense Distinguished workers across this country are increasingly votes. Rollcall vote 290 was a vote to pass Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, being asked to do more with less. As prices H.R. 5504, legislation to designate a post of- Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters, rise on housing, health care, energy and edu- fice in Mission, Kansas for Larry Winn, Jr. Meritorious Service Medal with three Oak Leaf cation, the millions of Americans who work full Rollcall vote 291 was a vote to pass H. Res. Clusters, Army Commendation Medal with two time and make minimum wage are slipping 826, a resolution expressing support for the Oak Leaf Clusters, Good Conduct Medal, Na- farther and farther into poverty. creation of a National Youth Sports Week. tional Defense Service Medal with two Service The minimum wage in this country has not f Stars, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service been raised since 1997 and is now at its low- Ribbon with Numeral 3, Expert Infantry Badge, est level in 50 years when adjusted for infla- THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION Senior Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, and tion. Making only $5.15 an hour, a full-time Belgium Brevet ‘‘A’’ Commando. minimum wage employee will earn only HON. FRANK R. WOLF He and his wife, Pam, have been and re- $10,700 annually. This is far from enough to OF VIRGINIA main good friends of mine and my wife, Erika. make ends meet—especially for the 75 per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pam has been an active part of the commu- cent who are responsible at least half of their nity of Fort Hood and the families on base will family’s income. Raising children on a middle- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 not soon forget them. class income is hard enough—imagine trying Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I had the honor to visit Lieutenant General to do it on one-third of that amount. bring the attention of the House to an article Metz and the Fort Hood soldiers under his Mr. Speaker, Democrats believe that the I recently read about Tiger Woods in The Stut- command during a recent trip to Iraq. I saw minimum wage should be a living wage. No tering Foundation’s summer newsletter. I stut- firsthand the powerful leadership he dem- American who works full-time, all year, should tered as a child and I think it’s important for

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.009 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 kids to know that they can overcome this com- TRIBUTE TO FRANK AND MARY’S DECLARING THAT THE UNITED plex disorder. Tiger Woods is an excellent ex- SUB SHOP STATES WILL PREVAIL IN THE ample of the many people who have led suc- GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR cessful productive lives despite struggling with stuttering as a child. HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO SPEECH OF TIGER WINS AT GOLF—AND STUTTERING OF CONNECTICUT HON. RUSS CARNAHAN OF MISSOURI Top-ranked golfer Tiger Woods tells CBS’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 60 Minutes that it takes hard work and a competitive spirit to overcome childhood Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Friday, June 16, 2006 stuttering. Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker after 22 years ‘‘The words got lost, you know, somewhere to pledge my unwavering support of our between the brain and the mouth. And it was of service and smiles, Frank and Mary’s Sub troops, and of our efforts to fight terrorism very difficult, but I fought through it. I went Shop—a popular eatery in my childhood around the world. to a school to try and get over that, and I neighborhood of Wooster Square—has closed However, I rise in strong opposition to the just would work my tail off,’’ Woods told the its doors. A family owned and operated busi- Bush administration’s handling of the war and news program in April. ness opened by my dear friends Frank and reconstruction in Iraq, as well as the Repub- ‘‘The parallels between speech performance Mary Florenzano, Frank and Mary’s fast be- lican controlled Congress’s inadequate over- and sports performance are striking,’’ said came a local landmark and a must stop for sight of the administration’s policies. Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering The International Relations Committee, on Foundation, ‘‘and Tiger Woods is the latest New Haven visitors. which I sit, has held only two hearings this example of how the many hours of practice The dream of Frank Florenzano, Frank and and hard work to win in sports are no dif- year regarding Iraq—a woefully insufficient ferent from those long hours spent in ther- Mary’s has been located at the end of Woos- number. apy for stuttering.’’ ter Street, New Haven’s most predominant The committee and this Congress should be NBA Hall of Famer and sports commen- Italian-American neighborhood for over two functioning more like the bipartisan Truman tator Bill Walton dealt with stuttering just decades. One of Wooster Street’s greatest at- Commission did in the 1940s—a pro-troop, like he did basketball. ‘‘I thought about the tractions to residents and visitors alike are the pro-taxpayer, pro-American committee that fundamentals of the game and how to start numerous Italian-American restaurants that conducted serious and meaningful oversight to with the basics like the ability to mechani- line the street. From Sally’s and Pepe’s pizza ensure that our troops were supported and our cally duplicate moves on a basketball court. houses, to Libby’s Ice Cream and Consiglio’s, tax dollars used wisely. And then I just applied that to speaking.’’ That commission focused on two things: to Tre Scalini and Frank and Mary’s, Wooster Chicago Bulls’ legend Bob Love notes that first, prewar and ongoing day-to-day oper- ‘‘countless hours of work taught me to man- Street is home to the very best of Italian cui- ations of World War II ‘‘with a view toward ex- age moments of difficult speech.’’ sine. Open daily from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., posing deficiencies so that corrective action In a recent interview, Denver Nuggets’ star Frank and Mary’s always had a steady stream could be applied’’; second, it focused on post- Kenyon Martin said of his stuttering, ‘‘How of customers—many times with lines out the war activities, including investigations of ex- I got through it was just by working hard at doors and onto the sidewalk. One of its most cess profits, fraud, mismanagement, and inef- it.’’ famous customers was lifestyle icon Martha ficiencies. U.S. Open golf champion Ken Venturi adds, Stewart whose order of eggplant with grilled It is irresponsible for this Congress to not in- ‘‘I have had to work through the years to vestigate the President’s lack of an exit strat- overcome stuttering and to speak more eas- onions, peppers, and mushrooms became one of the most popular menu items. Known for its egy, and the fraud, waste, and abuse of U.S. ily and fluently.’’ Venturi compares moving tax dollars. smoothly through speech to moving grace- variety of hot and cold subs made fresh fully through a golf stroke. Mr. Speaker, it is not only our constitutional daily—especially the steak and cheese, egg- obligation to provide real and meaningful over- ‘‘Tiger Woods is the perfect role model for plant and grilled veggies, and meatball—Frank sight into the Bush administration’s policies in all school-age children who struggle with and Mary’s quickly became a New Haven in- Iraq, it is our patriotic duty to question the this complex disorder,’’ said Fraser. The stitution, leaving an indelible mark on our com- Foundation offers free resources at President’s mishandling of this war and recon- www.stutteringhelp.org where Tiger joins a munity which will always be remembered by struction. long list of celebrities who stutter. friends and customers. f I am also pleased to have this opportunity to RECOGNITION OF JOE GESSLER f extend a special note of thanks to Mary AND HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO Florenzano and her family for their many PERSONAL EXPLANATION AMERICA’S NATIONAL DEFENSE years of special friendship to myself and my family. Frank and Mary’s has been one of my HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER HON. JERRY MORAN mother, Luisa’s, favorite lunch spots for many OF MARYLAND years and, like so many others in this Italian- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF KANSAS American neighborhood, she will be sure to Tuesday, June 20, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reminisce about the great food, conversation, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, the and atmosphere that Frank and Mary’s always Tuesday, June 20, 2006 strength of America is found in the commit- offered. ment of the service men and women defend- Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, on Frank and Mary’s was more than a great ing our liberties, and the lifelong dedication of June 19, 2006, I was unavoidably detained sub shop; it was the dream of Frank American engineers and scientists developing because of travel delays and missed the fol- Florenzano and represented the very spirit of the technologies upon which these brave war- lowing rollcall votes: the American dream. Together, the riors depend. Today I have the opportunity to 1. Rollcall vote No. 289: the Sergeant Jacob Florenzanos made that dream a reality. recognize Joe Gessler, one of these unsung Dan Dones Post Office Designation Act; Owned and operated by the Florenzano family engineers, who at the age of 82, is finally tak- 2. Rollcall vote No. 290: the Larry Winn, Jr., since its opening, Mary, her daughter Lori, and ing a well deserved retirement as America’s Post Office Designation Act; and niece Nicole have worked hard to keep oldest active thermal battery engineer. For over half a century, Joe Gessler has Frank’s dream alive since his passing in 2003. 3. Rollcall vote No. 291: Expressing the quietly made a profound contribution to our sense of the House of Representatives that a Though this local treasure will be missed, it is nation’s defense through development of the National Youth Sports Week should be estab- with my heart-felt congratulations that I rise battery technology that has become an essen- lished. today to extend my very best wishes to Mary tial component in a vast array of modem de- Had I been present I would have voted Florenzano and her family for many more fense systems. Receiving his bachelors de- ‘‘yea’’ to rollcall vote No. 289, ‘‘yea’’ to rollcall years of health and happiness. I have no gree in chemistry and math from Loyola Col- vote No. 290, and ‘‘yea’’ to rollcall vote No. doubt that they will enjoy great success no lege in 1945 and his masters in chemical engi- 291. matter what their future endeavors may be. neering from Johns Hopkins, Joe immediately

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.016 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1211 entered the thermal battery business at its in- TRIBUTE TO KERRY DUMBAUGH a great example of how individuals in our fancy, joining Catalyst Research, a division of communities can make a difference in the Mine Safety Appliances (MSA), in 1948. HON. PHIL ENGLISH lives of others. Catalyst Research had just been challenged OF PENNSYLVANIA I commend Gloria Garner for all that she by the National Bureau of Standards to de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has done for the men, women, and children of velop a battery that could sit inertly on a shelf Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Knoxville. I wish her all the best in her future for years, and when needed, be instanta- life, and am hopeful that others will stand in to neously turned on without requiring any me- Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, follow in her path. chanical activation. Thermal batteries were the I rise today to recognize Kerry Dumbaugh for I would also like to include in the RECORD a answer. Joe was part of the team that in the becoming the Butler Distinguished Graduate June 16, 2006 article in the Knoxville News- early 1950’s provided the first thermal bat- for 2006. Having demonstrated a great degree Sentinel about Gloria’s retirement and career teries for the U.S. Navy. Over the next dec- of ability and knowledge in her field, it is my for all of my colleagues, constituents and ade, Joe helped refine this technology for use hope that she will continue to share this and readers of the record, so that they can more by our other services. In 1964, Joe went to the grow in prosperity. fully understand her dedication. Graduating from Butler High School located U.K. to start up a new MSA thermal battery HEART OF THE URBAN LEAGUE; GLORIA GAR- in Pennsylvania’s third Congressional District factory in Scotland meeting the needs of our NER RETIRES AFTER 38 YEARS WITH KNOX- NATO allies. in 1970, Dumbaugh started out at Eastman VILLE AFFILIATE Joe Gessler’s contribution goes beyond en- School of Music as a piano performance (By Chandra Harris) major. Although she had been a piano student gineering; he has been both a teacher and A walking encyclopedia chock-full of mentor. As the production and engineering since she was 7 years old, she soon discov- Knoxville Area Urban League facts, Gloria manager at Catalyst Research, Joe had a di- ered that this was not the course she wished Garner is clearing out her bookshelves. rect and future impact on his current em- to pursue. She decided to transfer to Retiring after 38 years with the league, ployer, Saft America. Three of the engineers Wittenberg University to study music, yet after Garner doesn’t need a book to recount the he trained met him for lunch one day to an- meeting an enthusiastic professor, she was history of the league because she is the his- convinced to add Eastern Asian Studies to her tory of the league. nounce they had decided to go out on their The vice president of community affairs own and form KDI Score Thermal Batteries, ‘‘repertoire.’’ After her time there, she attended the University of Pennsylvania, where she has held every position there is and was at which was eventually acquired by Saft. the league since starting there months after Joe himself joined Saft in 1983 where he earned her master’s in Chinese Studies and its inception in 1968. shared his expertise until his ‘‘first’’ retirement International Relations. Thus began her polit- A handful of moves for the Urban League in 1990. But retirement for Joe Gessler meant ical career. Working as a legislative cor- came before settling at East Fifth Avenue. he only worked 40 hours a week as a ‘‘part- respondent, assistant, and director for various But Garner was never moved to leave. time’’ employee. In the 16 years since then, United States Congressmen, she enjoyed her And four presidents came and went. Garner Joe was instrumental in ramping up Saft’s bat- experience, yet felt that there was more. stepped in as interim director while the search was on for the next president. tery production for Operation Desert Storm When a position at the Congressional Re- search Service, CRS, opened, Dumbaugh When money was tight and staff was short, and applying his vast knowledge of battery Garner’s smile and tenacity remained stead- technology and production to help grow Saft seized the opportunity. She went on to earn a fast through 40-plus-hour weeks. America’s Cockeysville facility to where it is master’s in National Security Studies from the She held onto the words of the national today, the largest supplier of advanced lithium U.S. National War College. Utilizing her knowl- president from 1961–1971, Whitney M. Young, ion battery systems to America’s Armed edge about Eastern , with the CRS, she Jr.: ‘‘Every man is our brother, and every Forces. provides information and analysis about the man’s burden our own.’’ Whatever the challenge, at an age when developments in Hong Kong, , and ‘‘Where poverty exists, all are poorer. Where hate flourishes, all are corrupted. most men are content playing golf or sitting in China to U.S. Congressmen. She analyzes the political, military, economic, and security de- Where injustice reigns, all are unequal.’’ a club house, Joe Gessler puts in a full 40 Garner said she stood in then and will con- hours every week generating amazing results velopments as well as the implications of U.S. tinue to stand in to bridge the gap of social with the same positive ‘‘can do’’ attitude he foreign policy. She has authored over 100 arti- and economic development in minority com- had on the day he graduated college. cles; and since 1992, she has moderated the munities. Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join with me today China Forum, a public policy TV program Even as she is dusting off her desk and in recognizing Joe Gessler for over 58 years about China. packing up, she is still telling strangers and of dedication and contributions to the defense The Distinguished Graduate award is given friends alike that they need to join the of the United States through superior tech- to a Butler graduate each year. Kerry Knoxville affiliate of the National Urban Dumbaugh will be the 27th recipient and the League. nology, and congratulates him on his retire- ‘‘Once an Urban Leaguer, always an Urban ment as America’s oldest thermal battery engi- 5th woman to receive it. She is a model of ex- Leaguer,’’ she said during a celebratory re- neer. cellence in academia and politics, as well as ception in her honor Thursday night at the f for women. Her intelligence has served to aid University Club. in furthering American policy abroad. Due to While she may no longer have an office to PERSONAL EXPLANATION her many accomplishments, Dumbaugh de- call her own come next Thursday, her offi- serves commendation. cial last day, Garner said, ‘‘I will still be HON. DENNIS MOORE Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will join around helping wherever I can.’’ OF KANSAS with me in congratulating Kerry Dumbaugh ‘‘When you have a passion for what you do, you want to work hard.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and her family on her receiving the Butler Dis- The on-time Head Start teacher who Tuesday, June 20, 2006 tinguished Graduate Award for 2006 and in dreamt of becoming a nurse or joining the wishing her continued success in all her en- Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, due to military still found a way to help people. deavors. a combination of mechanical problems suf- ‘‘There are people in jobs today that I had f a hand in, and that’s a good feeling,’’ Garner fered by US Airways and inclement weather in said. the Washington, DC, area, I arrived at the A TRIBUTE TO GLORIA GARNER ‘‘The Urban League is my family and I was Capitol yesterday later than I anticipated. For busy helping people,’’ said the mother of five this reason, I missed the following three re- HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. adult children when asked why her tenure corded votes on June 19: OF TENNESSEE was such a long one. Without her insight through the years, 1. H.R. 5540—Sergeant Jacob Dan Dones IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Post Office Designation Act—had I been there wouldn’t have been a foundation of the present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’; Tuesday, June 20, 2006 league, Ernest Fulton and Douglas Upton 2. H.R. 5504—Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to said. Building Designation Act—had I been present, pay tribute to Gloria Garner, a 38-year veteran Fulton and Upton both worked with Gar- ner in the early days of the league. I would have voted ‘‘aye’’; and of the Knoxville Area Urban League. Her ef- ‘‘She has a way with people,’’ Upton said. 3. H. Res. 826—Expressing the sense of forts will be long remembered and continually ‘‘She connects with people.’’ the House of Representatives that a National missed. And that was apparent Thursday night as Youth Sports Week should be established— Gloria spent her 38 years of service with the dozens, including Knoxville Mayor Bill had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ goal of helping others help themselves. She is Haslam and Vice Mayor and former Urban

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.021 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 League President Mark Brown, offered en- CONGRATULATING EAST HIGH PERSONAL EXPLANATION couragement and shed a few tears. SCHOOL ON PLACING THIRD AT ‘‘We can’t fill her shoes,’’ said Phyllis NATIONAL COMPETITION ON THE Nichols, league president and CEO. CONSTITUTION HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK Life after checking into the Urban League OF NORTH CAROLINA some mornings at 7 for Garner will be filled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with lunch dates, ‘‘some good movies and re- HON. MARK UDALL Tuesday, June 20, 2006 laxing travels,’’ she said. OF COLORADO Grandson Kody Wills summed it up: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to ‘‘That’s my granny and she’s a star.’’ participate in the following votes due to a de- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 layed flight. If I had been present, I would f have voted as follows on June 19, 2006: Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I am Rollcall vote 289, on motion to suspend the IN RECOGNITION OF THE OUT- pleased to announce that East High School rules and pass H.R. 5540—to designate the STANDING PUBLIC SERVICE OF from Denver, CO, placed third in the national facility of the United States Postal Service lo- JOSEPH VALENZANO, JR. finals competition of ‘‘We the People: The Cit- cated at 217 Southeast 2nd Street in Dimmitt, izen and the Constitution.’’ From April 29 to Texas, as the ‘‘Sergeant Jacob Dan Dones May 1, 2006, approximately 1,200 students Post Office’’, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ HON. SCOTT GARRETT from across the country participated in the 19th annual We the People competition—the Rollcall vote 290, on motion to suspend the OF NEW JERSEY rules and pass H.R. 5504—to designate the most extensive educational program in the facility of the United States Postal Service lo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country developed specifically to educate cated at 6029 Broadmoor Street in Mission, young people about the U.S. Constitution and Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Kansas, as the ‘‘Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Bill of Rights. The We the People program is Building’’, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, administered by the Center for Civic Education I rise to recognize Joseph Valenzano’s tre- and funded by the U.S. Department of Edu- Rollcall vote 291, on motion to suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 826—Expressing mendous commitment to public service and cation by act of Congress. the sense of the House of Representatives his outstanding contributions on behalf of the The We the People national finals are a 3- that a National Youth Sports Week should be disability community. Later this week, Joe, day academic competition that simulates a established, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ who is a constituent of New Jersey’s Fifth Dis- congressional hearing in which the students trict, will be honored for his work in Chester, ‘‘testify’’ before a panel of judges on constitu- f NJ, by the International Brain Research Foun- tional topics. Students demonstrate their dation. knowledge and understanding of constitutional TRIBUTE TO MR. MARTY BERGER Joe Valenzano has spent more than 30 principles as they evaluate, take, and defend years in publishing and communications, most positions on relevant historical and contem- porary issues. HON. ROBERT A. BRADY recently as president, CEO, publisher, and OF PENNSYLVANIA editor in chief of EP Global Communications, In Colorado, I have made a priority of dis- Inc., which publishes Exceptional Parent Mag- patching my staff to serve as ‘‘judges’’ in com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES petitions at all levels within my district and azine. This publication provides both practical Tuesday, June 20, 2006 advice and emotional support to the parents of throughout the State. Through them I can at- children and adults with disabilities and special test to the skill, intellect and diligence that Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I health needs. The magazine provides a forum characterize the East High School team. Con- rise to honor the life and contributions of Mr. gratulations to the members of the East High for parents, health care professionals, and Marty Berger, who died June 18, 2006. School team: Michelle Buchanan, Darien education specialists to work together as a A board member of the Action Alliance of Combs, Lila Creighton, Paula Davis, Joshua community for the betterment of the disability Senior Citizens of Greater Philadelphia and Figueroa, Sophia Galleher, Rose Green, community. president of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Re- Jonathon Hammond, Meghan Harrington, tired Americans, Mr. Berger was a man of ac- Under Joe’s direction and vision, Excep- Kathryn Havranek, Than Hedman, Collin tion. In fact, he was a dynamic 77-year-old tional Parent magazine has been a pivotal Hornsby, Noah Hubbell, Mackenzie Jacobs, man of action who inspired hundreds of labor, player in important discussions, such as use Elizabeth Kochevar, Clay Lemar, Zach Levek, civil rights, women’s rights and senior citizen of restraints and aversive punishments, ex- Christopher Linsmayer, Elise Mann, Gabe activists. panded universal newborn screening, the use Mann, Logan McHenry, Tyler McNamara, Because of Mr. Berger’s efforts, senior citi- of people first language among journalists, Sarah McNaughton, Zena Price-Broncucia, zens throughout Philadelphia and across end of life issues, and more. Exceptional Par- Rachel Romer, Claire Sanderson, Cary Sha- Pennsylvania are coming together in increas- ent has led the fight to support the frontline piro, Amy Stanesco, Amy Steinhoff, Alex Ste- ing numbers in a common effort to address workforce of professionals who provide care vens, Zachary Susel, Elizabeth Trower, and their own needs and influence the legislative and assistance to those with special needs Will VanTreuren. I also wish to commend the process to affect social, political and economic and to promote the use of tandem mass spec- teacher of the class, Ms. Edna Sutton, who change. trometry to screen for over 60 inborn metabo- was responsible for preparing the class for the All who knew him are saddened by the lism errors in newborns. And Exceptional Par- national finals competition. Also worthy of spe- passing of Mr. Berger. But, I and those he cial recognition are Ms. Jackie Johnson, the ent has worked with the Department of De- worked so hard to empower will continue to State coordinator, and Mr. Loyal Darr, the dis- fense to deliver reliable, accurate information struggle to make a better world for our senior trict coordinator, who are among those re- to more than 150,000 military families around citizens so they can live out their final years sponsible for implementing the We the People with justice and dignity. the globe to help them care for their children program in my district. with special needs and disabilities. More than ever seniors need a powerful I am an unequivocal supporter of the We voice: to demand affordable, quality, and ac- It is the dedication of individuals like Joe the People program. Nothing is more impor- cessible health care for all senior citizens; to Valenzano that gives hope to so many parents tant to a healthy than a civicly edu- protect Social Security, Medicare and Med- when they first embark upon the path of rais- cated and informed citizenry. East High icaid; and to ensure social and economic jus- ing a child with special needs and provides School’s team is a shining example of the tice and full civil rights for our most vulnerable sustenance to those parents who have already bright future of tomorrow’s leaders. Mr. Speak- citizens. Mr. Berger’s passing represents the spent years in loving care of children with spe- er and my colleagues in the House, please loss of a powerful and committed voice, but cial needs. I applaud Joe for his efforts and join me in congratulating these young constitu- his legacy of dedication continues, and it is for join the International Brain Research Founda- tional experts for their outstanding achieve- these reasons that I ask you and my other dis- tion for honoring this lifetime of work. ment. tinguished colleagues rise to honor him.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.025 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1213 INTRODUCTION OF THE SAFE plants are flowering earlier, and birds are mi- From 1990 to 1996, in just 6 years, we CLIMATE ACT grating earlier. These changes are happening ended production of key chemicals destroying across the globe. And with warmer weather the earth’s protective tropospheric ozone layer HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN come bugs that are no longer being killed by and shifted to substitutes. Those chemicals OF CALIFORNIA the winter cold, such as the beetles that are had been widely used throughout the econ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES destroying forests across the Southwest and omy in applications from air conditioning and Alaska. refrigeration to solvents and fire suppression. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 The scientists have long predicted that as In each case, entrenched industries told Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased the oceans warm, rainfall episodes, storms, Congress that changes of these magnitudes today to join 12 of my colleagues in intro- and hurricanes will become more intense. Last would be impossible to achieve without mas- ducing the Safe Climate Act. Global warming year broke hurricane records, and America ex- sive economic dislocation. And in each case, is the greatest environmental challenge of our perienced the devastating results of just a few they were wrong. time, and we have a short window in which to such storms with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We’ve ignored the threat of global warming act to prevent profound changes to the climate The scientists have been proven right about for almost too long, but we still have an oppor- system. Unless we seize the opportunity to act global warming, over and over again, across tunity if we act now. I urge my colleagues to now, our legacy to our children and grand- the planet. We should start listening to them. join me in cosponsoring this critically important children will be an unstable and dangerous Now they are telling us that we have about bill, and I urge the committee of jurisdiction to 10 years to act to avoid being locked into irre- planet. consider it without further delay. We must face versible global warming on a scale that will There are different approaches that can be and overcome the challenge of global warm- transform the planet. The scientists have iden- taken to climate legislation. Some bills seek a ing, and the Safe Climate Act is the way to do tified a global temperature rise of just 3.6 de- symbolic recognition of the problem. Others it. grees Fahrenheit as enough to produce unde- are premised on what may be politically f achievable in the near terms. niably dangerous consequences, such as 20 The Safe Climate Act is drafted on a dif- feet or more of sea level rise, which would TRIBUTE TO SONDRA FROHLICH ferent premise: It reflects what the science flood large parts of Florida and New York City, tells us we need to do to protect our children as well as huge population centers in other countries. And scientists have calculated the HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN and future generations from irreversible and OF CALIFORNIA quantity of atmospheric greenhouse gases catastrophic global warming. The bill has ag- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressive requirements to reduce emissions of that would very likely cause such a tempera- ture rise. The nations of the world must keep Tuesday, June 20, 2006 greenhouse gases. But the reality is, these are greenhouse gases below that level to avoid ir- the reductions that scientists say we need to Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to reversible dangerous global warming. achieve to preserve a safe climate for future pay tribute to Sondra Frohlich, who is cele- The United States emits more greenhouse brating her retirement from her position as ex- generations. gases than any other country in the world— The science clearly tells us what we need to ecutive director of the Sherman Oaks Cham- about 20 percent of the total worldwide. We do—we must reduce emissions of greenhouse ber of Commerce. Sondra has overseen the simply cannot avoid catastrophic global warm- Sherman Oaks Chamber since 1997 and has gases, starting now and continuing over the ing without substantial cuts in U.S. emissions. been an active leader in the community for next few decades. To achieve this, we have to Of course, every nation will have to do its part. over 40 years. grow our economy into a new and cleaner fu- According to the best science, under any plau- Sondra has been a dynamic force on the ture. It’s simply too late for legislative baby sible scenario of future international actions to Sherman Oaks Chamber. During her tenure steps. stabilize the climate, the United States will as executive director, the chamber experi- I have been working to address the threat of eventually need to reduce its emissions by enced a 100-member net increase and ex- global warming for many years. At first, the about 80 percent. scientists’ warnings about global warming Fortunately, we have some time to get panded its involvement in business and com- came like a few early drops of rain. We knew there, as long as we start reducing our total munity improvements. She was one of the that our activities were emitting large quan- emissions now. And that’s what the Safe Cli- founders of the Village at Sherman Oaks Busi- tities of greenhouse gases. And we knew that mate Act does. It caps U.S. emissions in ness Improvement Districts, which has blos- greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat and 2010, and then gradually reduces them by just somed into one of the valley’s most recog- warm the planet. When scientists found stead- 2 percent per year until 2020. This gives us 15 nized destinations for shopping. She was also ily rising quantities of greenhouse gases in the years to deploy the cleaner technologies that the incorporator of the Sherman Oaks Busi- atmosphere, they hypothesized that our activi- we already have but aren’t using much, such ness Improvement District to the State of Cali- ties could warm the planet, with unknown but as hybrid vehicles and wind power. After fornia. potentially troubling consequences. 2020, emissions must fall under the legislation Ms. Frohlich has enjoyed many other ac- Over the years, these scattered warnings by roughly 5 percent per year, as more ad- complishments in her position as executive di- grew to a stream, then to a rushing river of vanced technologies, such as biofuels from rector of the chamber. She was responsible danger signals. Over 10 years ago, the waste materials and capturing carbon dioxide for the expansion of the Sherman Oaks Street science and the threat of global warming were from power plants, become widely available. Fair through her engagement of professional clear. That’s why I introduced the Global Cli- The Safe Climate Act reduces emissions management. She coordinated the chamber mate Protection Act of 1992, which would through a flexible, market-based emissions fight for business tax relief and worker’s com- have frozen U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide trading program, as well as complementary re- pensation reforms. She won national recogni- at 1990 levels. But Congress failed to act. quirements for cleaner cars and more elec- tion for excellence of the chamber’s website. Now the river of warnings has become a tricity from renewable energy and efficiency. Outside of her work with the Sherman Oaks flooding torrent. We can no longer ignore the The Environmental Protection Agency and the Chamber, Ms. Frohlich has been very involved evidence of global warming. We’re now just Department of Energy would oversee these in the larger San Fernando Valley community. starting to experience some results of climate programs nationally, while states would retain A true leader, she has served as president of change. And they are not good. their authority to act on the State level. In ef- the San Fernando Valley Business and Pro- Eight of the ten warmest years on record fect, the Safe Climate Act sets the targets and fessional Association, the Northridge Repub- have occurred in the last decade. As the earth then unleashes market forces and American lican Women’s Club, and twice has led the warms, its ice is melting. From the glaciers in ingenuity to solve the problem. Rotary Club of Studio City-Sherman Oaks. Glacier National Park, to the snows of Kiliman- This sounds ambitious, and it is. But it is She is currently the secretary of the Mid-Val- jaro and the Larson B ice-shelf in Antarctica, also completely doable, once we decide to ley Community Police Council, a support ice that has been here since the last ice age act. Look at what we’ve already achieved. In group to the Van Nuys division of the Los An- is disappearing or already gone. The perma- just over 30 years, from the passage of the geles Police Department, as well as a member frost supporting towns and roads in Alaska is Clean Air Act in 1970 to 2002, we reduced air of the Board of Directors of the Circle of Care melting rapidly, and the summer sea ice in the pollution from automobiles by over 60 percent. Foundation. Arctic Ocean is diminishing each year. These We achieved these reductions even as the Sondra Frohlich is an outstanding commu- are changes we can see with our own eyes. total number of vehicle miles traveled in- nity leader and activist. Her commitment to the The seasons are changing—maple sugar creased by 160 percent and GDP grew by 166 San Fernando Valley is impressive, and her producers in Vermont are tapping trees earlier, percent. leadership is evident. Even with her imminent

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.030 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 retirement, she will continue to make a dif- that will be hard to fill. That much is obvious. vations entitled: ‘‘It’s Still All About Nothing.’’ ference. Ms. Frohlich may be retiring from the What is also apparent to me and many others Today, in honoring his memory, we under- Chamber of Commerce, but she is not retiring is that he has over these past 30 years set so stand why his life meant everything to so from involvement in the life and growth of the powerful an example that there are many men many people. We know why this wise man, valley. and women in public service today who can fill this advocate of the people, this gentle loving Ms. Frohlich has been a distinguished lead- that role by virtue of Dr. Elster’s example. It is soul will be missed long into the future, not er, and I ask my colleagues to join me in sa- my privilege to share with Dr. Elster the only by those in his large, extended family luting and honoring her for all of her out- thanks of this House on the occasion of this who shared his life, but by everyone whose standing accomplishments. retirement and to offer him and his family our life he ever touched. f best wishes on his life and work to come. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me f in honor and remembrance of my dear friend, IN HONOR OF DR. RICHARD David ‘‘Doovy’’ Kirschenbaum. Please also ELSTER IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF join me as I offer my deepest condolences to DAVID ‘‘DOOVY’’ KIRSCHENBAUM his wife Elise; to his daughters, Amy, Lynn, HON. SAM FARR and Jo; to his son Dan; to the memory of his OF CALIFORNIA HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH daughters, Susan and Gail; to his 22 grand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO children; to his 3 great-grandchildren, and to Tuesday, June 20, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his extended family members and many Tuesday, June 20, 2006 friends. Although he will be greatly missed, his Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- life was lived with great joy and love that he ognize the tremendous public career of Dr. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise in joyful freely extended to his family, friends and to Richard Elster who will retire this year from his remembrance of the life and work of David our community. Doovy’s limitless kindness, post as the Naval Postgraduate School’s pro- ‘‘Doovy’’ Kirschenbaum, an extraordinary man generosity, humor and love consistently vost and academic dean. whose life was dedicated to family, friends and framed his life and embraced the lives of oth- As many of my colleagues know, the Naval community. Mr. Kirschenbaum exemplified the ers, and his spirit live on within the hearts of Postgraduate School, NPS, located in Mon- purest meaning of the word ‘‘father,’’ and his his family and friends, today, and for all time, terey, CA, is this Nation’s premier institution caring, nurturing, dedication and commitment and he will never be forgotten. for graduate level military education and re- to others enriched the lives of countless indi- f search. While its name points to its origins as viduals. a Navy facility, NPS in fact graduates masters Doovy was a successful attorney and a PERSONAL EXPLANATION and Ph.D. candidates from every U.S. military staunch advocate for those who could not de- service and many allied foreign militaries. It fend themselves. He built a large law practice HON. STEPHANIE HERSETH also houses a pioneer program to research with the daily assistance of members of his OF SOUTH DAKOTA and grant masters degrees in homeland secu- family. As his life touched the lives of more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rity. and more individuals, his influence widened. Dr. Elster has been associated with NPS His wisdom and advice was soon sought after Tuesday, June 20, 2006 since 1969, when he joined the faculty as an by officials from every rank and branch of gov- Ms. HERSETH. Mr. Speaker, I regret that I assistant professor. Since then he has at var- ernment. Doovy’s reputation became that of a was unable to participate in votes on the floor ious times served at NPS as an associate pro- kind, wise man, who, with just a twinkling of of the House of Representatives on June 19, fessor, professor, chairman of the Department his eye could provide down-to-earth, practical 2006. I was absent to attend a Veterans’ Af- of Administrative Sciences, dean of instruction, advice. His possessed a philosophic mind, un- fairs Committee hearing in South Dakota. I and finally the provost and academic dean po- derstood deeply the human condition, and al- submit this statement today to establish for the sition from which he is retiring. In the last 10 ways communicated great optimism and love. record how I would have voted had I been years, under Dr. Elster’s tenure in this last po- His commitment to and participation in Cleve- present for these votes. sition, NPS has seen a burst of activity, not land’s Jewish community was central to his On June 19, 2006, the House of Represent- only in the areas mentioned above but in passion for social and economic justice. atives held three votes. many small ways that make it a key compo- Doovy pushed himself in all of his endeav- The first vote was on a motion to suspend nent of our Nation’s security. Under Dr. ors. He was constantly building his physical the rules and agree to the H.R. 5540, to des- Elster’s leadership, much of the academic strength. He was an excellent skier and golfer, ignate the Sergeant Jacob Dan Dones Post work of NPS students and faculty responds di- but a gentle competitor, who understood that Office. Had I been present, I would have voted rectly to real world defense mission needs. It’s life, like sports, was played not just to win but ‘‘yea’’ on that question. a marriage of top notch academics and mili- for the love of the game. His enthusiasm and The second vote was on motion to suspend tary mission that no other institution in the joy for living were contagious. His friendship the rules and agree to the H.R. 5504, to des- U.S., or the world for that matter, can dupli- was consistently sought after by others, as his ignate the Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Building. cate. magnetic character easily drew people to him. Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ Considered on its own, Dr. Elster’s aca- His interest in public service led him to an ap- on that question. demic career sets a remarkable standard of pointment on the Cleveland Port Authority, The third vote was on a motion to suspend achievement. However, interspersed through where he presided over the growth of the the rules and agree to the H. Res. 826, a res- his time at NPS, Dr. Elster served in several great ports along the Great Lakes. His busi- olution expressing the sense of the House of high ranking Pentagon positions. Starting in ness interests also included health care, Representatives that a National Youth Sports 1975 as a special advisor to the Secretary of where he took pride in helping many families Week should be established. Had I been Defense for Manpower and reserve affairs, Dr. extend the quality of life of their loved ones in present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on that Elster also held positions as the Deputy As- superior nursing facilities. question. sistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower, Doovy’s greatest achievement in life was al- f Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy for ways his family. He was a loving father, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Deputy grandfather and great-grandfather, who with TRIBUTE TO ROSITA FERNANDEZ, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Resource his beloved wife Elise, took great pride in the ’S FIRST LADY OF Management and Support. This record of lives, growth and accomplishments of each of SONG service reflects both Dr. Elster’s keen intel- their six children. Together, Doovy and Elise ligence and leadership qualities, but also his built a family and a life of love that touched HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ absolute dedication to public service. The the lives of countless people in numerous and OF TEXAS combination of these qualities and his permanent ways. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achievements in national security manage- When Doovy reached his 70th birthday, ment and in the classroom allow Dr. Elster to hundreds of his friends traveled to Cleveland Tuesday, June 20, 2006 leave more than several lifetimes of achieve- from all around America to celebrate his dia- Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ment upon his retirement. mond year. When they entered the to pay tribute to Rosita Fernandez, a San An- Mr. Speaker, it is easy to say that Dr. Kirschenbaum home, Doovy presented them tonio icon and a giant in Tejano music, In a Elster’s retirement from NPS will leave a void with a small booklet of his philosophical obser- career spanning six decades, she was one of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.033 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1215 the first Latinas to cross over into Anglo Amer- San Antonio suffered a great loss and my CONGRATULATING IMMANUEL ST. ican mainstream media and appeared in tele- thoughts and prayers go out to her husband JOSEPH’S MAYO HEALTH SYS- vision shows, radio broadcasts and major stu- and her family. TEM HOSPITAL dio movies, Rosita performed for Pope John Paul II, Prince Charles and five U.S. Presi- f HON. GIL GUTKNECHT dents including President Carter for his inau- OF MINNESOTA TRIBUTE TO PROJECT GRAD guration. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She introduced Mexican culture to a wider NEWARK Tuesday, June 20, 2006 audience and was an ambassador for Latino cultures. First Lady Lady Bird Johnson named Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today her ‘‘San Antonio’s First Lady of Song,’’ yet in HON. DONALD M. PAYNE to congratulate St. Joseph’s Mayo Health Sys- San Antonio, we knew her as ‘‘Rosita’’ and OF NEW JERSEY tem Hospital of Mankato, Minnesota, on re- were very proud that she represented our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceiving the National Committee for Employer community. Support of the Guard and Reserve’s Above She began singing at the age of 9 shortly Tuesday, June 20, 2006 and Beyond award. after her family made their way from Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- The National Committee for Employer Sup- Monterrey, , to San Antonio. Rosita leagues here in the House of Representatives port of the Guard and Reserve, ESGR, was adapted to each new mode of entertainment. to join me as I rise to acknowledge Project established in 1972 to promote cooperation In the 1920’s, she performed throughout south GRAD Newark as it hosts its sixth annual and understanding between Reserve compo- Texas with her uncles in the ‘‘Trio San scholars celebration on Monday, June 19, nent members and their civilian employers. Miguel.’’ As radio grew more popular, Rosita 2006. Project GRAD has every right to be Their mission is to continuously gain and began broadcasting on a W.O.A.I. program, proud of its accomplishments and a celebra- maintain active support from all public and pri- As W.O.A.I. moved into television, so did tion is indeed in order. vate employers for the men and women of the Rosita as she appeared in the station’s first National Guard and Reserve. Local and na- Project GRAD Newark was established in tional representatives stand ready to help em- broadcast. Thereafter, Rosita performed in a 1998 to provide support and an educationally weekly series. Yet, she made recording the ployers understand Federal laws that affect enriched opportunity for Malcolm X Shabazz the call-up of their employees. The Above and foundation of her career and cut hundreds of High School and eight schools that feed stu- records over the duration of her career. Her Beyond Award recognizes those who have dents to it. The objectives of Project GRAD gone beyond what Federal law requires for recordings will perpetuate her brilliance and be Newark are to raise the level of academic per- a lasting contribution to American culture. supporting activated Guard employees. formance in mathematics and literacy; to have Minnesota businesses that employ Guard Rosita was a pioneer in popularizing a num- students believe in their ability to achieve; to ber of styles including canciones romanticas members are an essential link in family sup- have all students aspire to graduate from high port for deployed service members. The State and the bolero, a hybrid style that fused Afri- school and pursue a college education and to can and Hispanic styles. At a time when the of Minnesota is recognized as a leader among have students strive to receive the $6,000 those employing Guard and Reserve members ranchera style was ascendent, Rosita Project GRAD scholarship. Fortunately for the breathed new life into canciones romanticas, and received the 2004 Secretary of Defense students of Newark, Project GRAD Newark Employer Support Freedom Award. which entailed complex orchestral arrange- expanded to include Central High School and ments. Immanuel St. Joseph’s Mayo Health System its six feeder schools in 2000. Hospital, ISJ–MHS Hospital, one of 475 com- Rosita achieved success on the silver In both instances, the leadership of the panies nominated for the Above and Beyond screen. She appeared opposite John Wayne Newark Public Schools assessed key indica- Award, was nominated by Chief Master Sgt. in ‘‘The Alamo,’’ and played the lead in tors of progress and determined these two Dennis of Mankato, Minnesota. Disney’s 1963 film, ‘‘Sancho, The Homing feeder groups were lowest in the district. I extend my sincere congratulations to Im- Steer,’’ which was based on J. Frank Dobie’s These schools needed the GRAD reform ini- manuel St. Joseph’s Mayo Health System true story. But, at a time, when most Ameri- tiative to support them with research-based Hospital for receiving the Above and Beyond cans did not have first hand experience with programs, services and resources. Award from the National Committee for Em- Latinos, figures like Rosita or Desi Arnaz ployer Support of Guard and Reserve and began to change perceptions and biases Project GRAD Newark is the first expansion commend them for the extraordinary services against our community. Rosita was the con- site for the model that was developed in Hous- provided to those who serve our country. summate cultural ambassador for San Antonio ton, TX, in 1993. With initial support from and Latinos throughout America. Lucent Technologies Foundation and the Ford f Beginning in the 1950’s, Rosita performed Foundation, the Newark Public Schools en- KAREN HOSPITAL at the Arneson River Theater every year dur- tered into partnership and launched Project ing the ‘‘Fiesta Noche del Rio.’’ San Antonio GRAD Newark. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS could look forward to a summer full of their Today, 16 schools serving over 8,500 stu- OF NEW YORK beloved Rosita performing at the beautiful am- dents, 485 teachers and 50 administrators IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phitheater on the Riverwalk in . It was constitute the Project GRAD Newark family. there during the 1968 Hemisfair that Rosita All can share in the joy of the improvements Tuesday, June 20, 2006 performed for 40 ambassadors. She became in each of the schools. On-time graduation Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, a few months so inseparable from that place that San Anto- rates at Central High School have doubled ago, there was an historic moment that was, nio named an adjacent bridge for her and since it became a GRAD school. At Malcolm sadly, underreported by the news media in many said that this bridge symbolized the way X Shabazz, the on-time graduation rate has this county and in much of the rest of the Rosita brought Mexican and American cultures improved by 20 percent compared to the world. It is only recently that I came to learn together. years before it became a GRAD high school. of it and I wish to bring it to the attention of She began a much deserved retirement in This year 109 students, 60 from Malcolm X this House. 1982 that concluded her performing career but Shabazz and 49 from Central, will graduate On March 31, outside of Nairobi, Kenya, began her philanthropic career. Rosita sang with the $6,000 Project GRAD Newark Schol- there was a dedication ceremony for the for numerous causes and charities and ap- arship as they go off to college this fall. At a Karen Hospital, which is the first full-service peared at a wide range of locales to do so. time when the City of Newark is struggling to hospital opened in Kenya since the colonial Among the causes she supported were the reduce crime in the streets and help young era, before that country became an inde- Brooke Army Medical Center’s Burn Unit, the people have hope and focus for a bright fu- pendent state within the community of nations. March of Dimes, and churches. Yet, the cause ture, these students are taking full advantage Karen Hospital is located in the Nairobi sub- she worked hardest to promote was that of of the opportunities Project GRAD Newark urb of Karen, which many will recognize as education. After spending her life bridging cul- provides. Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues the setting for the movie, ‘‘Out of Africa,’’ tures and educating America about Latinos, it join me in congratulating these students on which told the story of author Isak Dinesen, is fitting that she chose to focus her talents on their achievements and all those associated who used the pen name Karen Blixen, and helping others cross the bridge from ignorance with the Project GRAD Newark program in who lived and worked in Kenya and wrote to knowledge. helping to facilitate this significant program. about that country and her love for it.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.038 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 The opening of Karen Hospital has impor- surgery, intensive care, kidney dialysis, once again, thank you for joining us during tant implications for health care in Kenya and Laparoscopic surgery, video Endoscopy and this auspicious occasion. throughout East Africa. This state-of-the-art fa- physiotherapy.... In closing, allow me to quote Our Mentor [A] Hospital is however not made of build- and Teacher Dr. Sam Mwinzi, a renowned cility will provide opportunities for teaching ing and equipment. Our most important re- neurologist who is with us today and had health-care professionals—not just doctors, source is the highly trained and experienced this immortalized in our visitors book when but nurses, administrators, orderlies, and oth- personnel in all departments. Through com- he visited Karen Hospital, ‘‘May the portals ers—who will bring their knowledge and skills petitive selection of the best qualified per- of this magnificent edifice forever remain into cities and villages across the region. sonnel Karen Hospital has been manned by open and overflowing with those that seek When Karen Hospital was opened formally, the best Kenya can offer in all our depart- better health as well as those that have the ments both medical and non-medical. This gift of giving it’’. its chief executive officer, Dr. Betty Gikonyo— includes our permanent staff as well highly who received her medical education in the experienced team of medical consultants United States—made a speech, in the pres- who form the large panel of over 100 admit- f ence of President Mwai Kibaki, that reflected ting doctors of different areas of specializa- PAYING TRIBUTE TO BRYTANI the pride and hard work of bringing this hos- tion. CAIPA pital from a mere conception to a full-fledged Your Excellency Sir, I am happy to inform operating unit serving the people of Kenya. you that we have been able to attend to 634 Mr. Speaker, if there is no objection, I would patients in our Accident and Emergency de- HON. JON C. PORTER partment. Some with major injuries includ- OF NEVADA like to place excerpts of the address by Dr. ing bullet assault cases and road traffic acci- Gikonyo in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Such dents. Additionally we have performed a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a historic occasion deserves to be paid much number of surgeries, endoscopies and cardiac Tuesday, June 20, 2006 more attention than it has so far received. catheterizations and as you have seen a full Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to EXCERPTS FROM A SPEECH BY DR. BETTY wing of inpatients with varying ailments GIKONYO, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, THE ranging from major surgeries to medical honor Brytani Caipa for her efforts to protect KAREN HOSPITAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2006 conditions are recuperating in our Sagana teens on Internet. We have gathered here to celebrate a spe- Ward. This confirms that Kenyans have al- Brytani joined a national effort to protect cial day, which will form a milestone in the ready come to know, trust and use this facil- teens from internet predators by putting to- history of The Karen Hospital. 21 years ago a ity in the last one month. We look forward gether a public service announcement. to a full house in 6 months time. The per- dream was born, nurtured over the years and Brytani’s public service announcement fo- now realized. Over the last 10 years we have formance so far has been very impressive and we are encouraged and grateful for the sup- cused on protecting our First Amendment gone through a process of feasibility studies, rights, while at the same time protecting our consultation, intense planning resulting in a port Kenyans have given this facility at its business plan for the Karen Hospital. The inception.... children. Her hard work paid off, as her public The City of Nairobi has been the hub of search for a financier was not an easy one service announcement placed second nation- specialized medical services for the entire and it took us over 5 years to convince finan- ally in a contest run through the Take Charge country as well as for the Eastern and Cen- cial institutions that a medical business is a Program, and it is currently airing on numer- tral Africa region. Indeed this has been real- viable option. We kept on knocking at their ized in the month of March, as we have ad- ous radio stations. doors. Nevertheless some doors were open. mitted referred patients from Tanzania Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Brytani We received some offers from both regional (Daresalam), DRC Congo, Sudan (Khartoum), Caipa for her efforts to educate teens on Inter- and local banks. In consultation with our fi- and Burundi (Bujumbura). net safety and protect them from Internet nancial advisers opted for a loan in Kenya Referrals from the region not only is testi- Shillings that could finance the two major predators. I wish her the best of luck in her fu- mony to the high standard medical services ture endeavors. components of the project which are includ- available in Kenya but also affords us an op- ing building and acquisition of medical portunity to boost our inflow of foreign cur- equipment. Your Excellency Sir, please, rency to enhance our economic growth. This f allow us to thank the Kenya Commercial is an area that can be expanded further by Bank, for believing in our vision and trust- TRANSPORTATION, TREASURY, the establishment of highly specialized med- HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- ing the business plan of a local investor. ical services in the private sector that would Kenya Commercial Bank took the risk and see greater number of referral from this pop- MENT, THE JUDICIARY, THE DIS- proudly partnered with us in undertaking a ulation of over 100 million that forms the TRICT OF COLUMBIA AND INDE- project of this magnitude. To the KCB Board Eastern Africa community. We at The Karen PENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIA- of Directors and Management Asanteni Hospital has addressed this very specifically TIONS ACT, 2007 Sana. You have worked closely with in the by incorporating in our hospital a cardiology formation of this project to see it conclude program that spans from diagnosis to inter- SPEECH OF successfully. ventional non-evasive procedures and to Medical equipment are an expensive under- heart surgery. We believe that more patients HON. JOHN E. SWEENEY taking and we wish to recognize Philips Med- will be diverted from the exodus that sees OF NEW YORK ical Systems Netherlands and Frescenius patient travel to India, South Africa and Eu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Renal Supplies of Germany who entered into rope to seek some of these specialized serv- equipment financing credit plans to enable ices. As a new centre of medical excellence, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 us to equip the hospital with ultra modem we plan to market our services effer- state of the art equipment in all depart- The House in Committee of the Whole vescently to the region and make Kenya a House on the State of the Union had under ments as Your Excellency has had an oppor- preferred destination for medical serv- consideration the bill (H.R. 5576) making ap- tunity to see. ices.... propriations for the Departments of Trans- This has been achieved through hardwork, This will provide a forum for many to commitment and consistency of purpose by a channel their energies, experiences, re- portation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban team of financial consultants, medical con- sources and to harness these positively to- Development, the Judiciary, District of Co- sultants, hospital engineers and building and wards our mission statement. I believe that lumbia, and independent agencies for the fis- civil engineers and a dedicated contractor many of us are cognizant of the benefits that cal year ending September 30, 2007, and for and sub-contractors. By following the clearly come along with the integrated teaching and other purposes: laid out rules we were able to import clear referral facility globally. Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Chairman, I rise today all equipment in good time for installation. We at The Karen Hospital wish to com- to express my disappointment over the exclu- The hospital building comprises of 4 floors pliment and be active participants in the im- sion of section 206 as well as this amendment each with four wings thoughtfully planned to plementation of the government policy of ensure all services are accessed with min- providing promotive, preventive and cura- from the FY07 TTHUD bill. imum effort and maximum convenience to tive services. We believe there is room for Rep. Tiahrt’s amendment—of which neither our patients and staff.... the private sector to provide specialist ter- provision has any negative impact on or shuts The Karen Hospital is a world class ultra tiary medical institutions to compliment down any current IRS program or service— modern health facility bringing quality those existing in the government and indeed would prevent the IRS from using taxpayer healthcare not only to Kenyans but also to these are not in competition but rather in dollars to develop programs such as return- Eastern and Central Africa but beyond. partnership. More facilities like Karen Hos- free tax filing systems, interactive tax filing The 102 bed hospital serves patients with pital are needed in our countries especially general ailments alongside specialized med- in cities Like Mombasa Kisumu and Eldoret systems and web portals. ical and surgical interventions. It has the and also in the East African cities. These systems would overextend the IRS, newest ultra modern state-of-the art equip- On behalf of the Board of Directors, Man- expanding it beyond and diluting its core mis- ment, cardiac diagnosis, interventions and agement, Staff of The Karen Hospital, may sion of tax collection and regulation. The costs

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.041 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1217 of developing, implementing and maintaining I extend my sincere congratulations to Ar- vada State winner in the 19th annual National them would total billions of dollars. All this is cher Daniels Midland for receiving the Above Peace Essay Contest sponsored by the United even more strikingly troublesome given a re- and Beyond Award from the National Com- States Institute for Peace. cent Wall Street Journal poll that found that mittee for Employer Support of Guard and Re- Approximately 4,000 students from across 70% of Americans don’t want the IRS pre- serve and commend them for the extraor- the United States wrote essays for this year’s paring their taxes anyway. dinary services provided to those who serve topic, ‘‘Controlling the Proliferation of Nuclear I share the sentiments of the American peo- our country. Weapons.’’ This contest challenges students ple. As far as I’m concerned, having the IRS f to consider some of the most pressing issues prepare your taxes is a little like sending your confronting international peace and our coun- dog to the butcher to pick up your order—it THE DEMOCRATIC PACIFIC UNION try’s security. This year’s topic of nuclear pro- doesn’t serve your best interest. liferation could not be more timely, and it is Despite the assurances of Secretary Snow HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS also a challenge that the international commu- and Commissioner Everson, there is currently OF NEW YORK nity will confront for decades to come. Wen’s nothing in statute that stops the IRS from de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES essay, titled ‘‘Nuclear Proliferation: Two Su- veloping and implementing a return-free tax fil- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 perpowers and Iraq,’’ won at the Nevada State ing system. Yet we already have a program in level, earning Wen a $1,000 college scholar- place that serves the purpose of these costly Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on May 14, ship and a chance to compete at the national systems. 2005, the 60th anniversary of the end of World level. It is called the Free File Alliance—of which War II, the Democratic Pacific Union was for- Wen is currently a student at Coronado my home state of New York is a member and mally inaugurated in , Taiwan. Notable High School in Henderson, NV. Her passions it assists people who otherwise cannot afford guests at the ceremony included presidents of include volunteering in the children’s depart- tax preparation or e-filing. The Free File Alli- Taiwan, and Guatemala, as well ment of a local library, graphic design, eating ance is a private sector program, and provides as vice presidents of Taiwan, and foreign cuisine, chemistry, and traveling. With free preparation services to poor and low-in- . The goals of the union are to integrate a myriad of interests, she has aspirations of come families, and since its inception in 2002 resources in the pan-Pacific region for joint pursuing higher education at the Massachu- it has provided 15.3 million free Federal tax development and regional cooperation and to setts Institute of Technology in hopes to train returns. promote democracy, peace and prosperity for her future careers as a linguist, pediatric Now, the Free File Alliance is not a perfect among DPU member . surgeon, and paleontologist. system yet, and it is still in need of additional Since May of 2005, the union has estab- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Wen Hui oversight and reform. However, its existence lished a Secretariat, published its first quar- Tan for being the Nevada State winner of the means that the infrastructure for such systems terly, planned West Pacific regional meetings, 19th annual National Peace Essay Contest is already in place, making the costly develop- formed a Pacific economic advisory group, sponsored by the United States Institute for ment of virtually identical IRS programs un- and initiated the Pacific Congressional Caucus Peace. I commend her success and wish her necessary. project. The project seeks to bring congres- the best of luck at the national competition f sional and parliamentary members of DPU to- and in all of her future endeavors. CONGRATULATING ARCHER gether to promote exchange and cooperation DANIELS MIDLAND among lawmakers throughout DPU member f countries. The Taiwan Chapter of the Pacific Congressional Caucus was inaugurated on TRANSPORTATION, TREASURY, HON. GIL GUTKNECHT May 20, 2006 and convened by the Speaker HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- OF MINNESOTA of Taiwan’s Legislature Yuan. MENT, THE JUDICIARY, THE DIS- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Taiwan Chapter of the Pacific Congres- TRICT OF COLUMBIA AND INDE- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 sional Caucus will sponsor a symposium on PENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIA- Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today congressional reforms this August 12–14 in TIONS ACT, 2007 to congratulate Archer Daniels Midland of Taipei, Taiwan. Legislative members of the Mankato, Minnesota, on receiving the National DPU members states and U.S. Members of SPEECH OF Committee for Employer Support of the Guard Congress are cordially invited to attend this HON. JOHN E. SWEENEY and Reserve’s Above and Beyond award. symposium either as participants or observers. OF NEW YORK The National Committee for Employer Sup- I hope that my colleagues will find time to at- port of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) was tend this very important event in Taipei and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established in 1972 to promote cooperation lend our encouragement and support to the Tuesday, June 13, 2006 and understanding between Reserve compo- Pacific Congressional Caucus. The House in Committee of the Whole nent members and their civilian employers. I salute the Democratic Pacific Union, its House on the State of the Union had under Their mission is to continuously gain and goals, achievements, and initiations which in- consideration the bill (H.R. 5576) making ap- maintain active support from all public and pri- cluded a training program on hazard mitigation propriations for the Departments of Trans- vate employers for the men and women of the on typhoon-related disasters held May 8–12, portation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban National Guard and Reserve. Local and na- 2006 in Taiwan; a 2006 fellowship and schol- Development, the Judiciary, District of Co- tional representatives stand ready to help em- arship program providing funds for students lumbia, and independent agencies for the fis- ployers understand Federal laws that affect from DPU member states to attend univer- cal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes: the call-up of their employees. The Above and sities in Taiwan; invitation of distinguished Beyond award recognizes those who have women from member states to attend meet- Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Chairman, I thank you gone beyond what Federal law requires for ings in Taiwan to identify, and address prob- for your leadership on this bill. I am proud to supporting activated Guard employees. lems women face in the Pacific region; invita- serve as the Vice-Chairman of this Sub- Minnesota businesses that employ Guard tion of political experts to observe elections in committee. I want to echo the words of my members are an essential link in family sup- Taiwan; and establishment of the Pacific Cen- friend, Mr. REHBERG, because Amtrak is an port for deployed service members. The state ter for Disaster Reduction in Taipei. essential service in my Congressional District of Minnesota is recognized as a leader among f and home state of New York. those employing Guard and Reserve members We have had this debate every year, and and received the 2004 Secretary of Defense PAYING TRIBUTE TO WEN HUI we go through this process in each of those Employer Support Freedom Award. TAN years. Last year in particular, we fought pos- Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) was nomi- sibly the toughest battle in years for pas- nated by Sgt. Dave Bonnifield who has been HON. JON C. PORTER senger rail. We were threatened with vetoes, mobilized twice with the Army Guard. ADM OF NEVADA unless some Amtrak reforms were enacted. has been extremely supportive by providing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So what did we do? We enacted reform. One pay differential and continuous support to Sgt. year later, we have seen evidence these re- Bonnifield’s family. Archer Daniels Midland Tuesday, June 20, 2006 forms are working. was one of 475 companies nominated for the Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Yet, here we are today with a proposal to Above and Beyond award. honor Wen Hui Tan for being named the Ne- fund Amtrak at $900 million. This allocation is-

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.045 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 a shutdown number for Amtrak, and it would adopt more efficient accounting procedures. ber 2005 through February 2006, thanks to come at the worst possible time to shut down We also demanded they restructure their din- these reforms. This is better than expected. Amtrak. ing services, which was a big money loser. Amtrak is saving money because of the in- This is because we have seen evidence stitution of these new reform plans that we de- The Department of Transportation Inspector these reforms are working. We required Am- manded of them. To now shut them down trak put in place a new business plan. We re- General just issued a report on Amtrak busi- would go back on our word. They lived up to quired Amtrak to institute new service con- ness practices. According to this April 6th re- their end of the deal, now we must live up to tracts and plans. For instance, they had to port, Amtrak has saved $19 million from Octo- ours.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.049 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS