June 20, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1207 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN TRIBUTE TO CORPORAL SHEILA drug-addiction prevention programs, teenage Rock, TX, for his retirement after 50 years in C. MIDDLETON pregnancy prevention programs, and low-in- the community banking profession. Achieving come housing programs. 50 years in the community banking profession HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Mr. Anand is a much sought-after consultant is a rare honor and Dale should be com- because he is very familiar with federal, state OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS mended for having reached this milestone. On and city rules and regulations for funding June 25, 2006, Dale will retire with grateful ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agency financial reporting procedures. He has knowledgment from his communities, cus- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 conducted certified audits including A–133, re- tomers, and friends. He leaves behind a leg- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to viewed and prepared financial statements in- acy of tireless service, active community par- pay tribute to one of our Virgin Islands’ hero- cluding cash flow analysis and other related ticipation, and positive impact on local econo- ines—Corporal Sheila Christina Middleton. statements for various non-profit government mies. Born in Far Rockaway, Queens, she moved funded organizations. As community banks are merged and ac- with her family to St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands A full service accounting professional, Mr. quired at a rapid rate, it is important to note in 1996. Anand has established internal control sys- that there are still bankers who participate fully After graduating the Virgin Islands Police tems including budgetary controls, structural in their communities and strengthen those Academy in 1981 she served the department polices and procedures with respect to the communities by their dedication to service and as a patrol officer for 9 years. That was before cycle of the entity’s activities (external financial goodwill; Dale Alley is such a banker. Commu- she found her true calling—working with the reporting), financial statement captions (cash nity bankers fuel the engine of small busi- children and youth of the Virgin Islands. and cash equivalents, receivables, payables nesses and literally built Texas communities Sheila understood and loved our children, and accrued liabilities), accompanying sys- from the ground up. Dale Alley leaves a dy- and they loved and respected her in return. tems (cash receipts, disbursements, payroll namic blueprint and a commendable legacy Her emphasis in criminal justice was preven- and general ledger) and inventory controls. for those assuming his positions at Union tion, and she knew that effort had to begin as Additionally, Mr. Anand has provided financial State Bank and the other institutions where he early in their lives as possible. and administrative management to the real es- has served. In 1956, a young man nervous with anticipa- She was the D.A.R.E. coordinator for the tate industry; his service to the industry in- tion walked into First State Bank in Denton, territory. She taught the children about the cluded purchase and sales of apartment build- TX, for his first day of employment. He wasn’t negative effects of drugs and alcohol on their ings (residential and commercial), multiple sure where this initial job might take him, but bodies and their lives. She counted among her dwellings, condominiums, and single-family he knew that he wanted to be involved in the greatest rewards the smiles on their faces, residences. banking industry. Now, 50 years later, that after they had completed their courses and In 1968, Mr. Anand graduated with a Bach- same man is putting the finishing touches on marched to receive their certificates at the an- elor of Arts degree in Accounting from Delhi University in India. In 1971, he received Pro- a brilliant career in community banking. nual D.A.R.E. graduations. Dale began his employment with First State Her passion for this work emanated from fessional Accounting and Auditing Training (equivalent P.A.) from the Institute of Char- Bank in Denton, TX, in 1956. During the next her deep religious faith. She was a devout two decades, he worked both as an adminis- member of Speak the Word Ministries from tered Accountants of India. In 1973, he com- pleted an IBM System 360—Programming, trative assistant in the Texas State Banking whose congregation and worship she also re- Department and an executive vice president newed her strength and received guidance. System Design and Analysis Internship Pro- gram at New York University and in the same and loan officer with Farmers State Bank in They and her family were her ‘‘rock.’’ Round Rock. Over the course of his distin- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I had the privi- year he completed an M.B.A.–C.P.A. Program at Long Island University in New York. In guished career, Dale served as president and lege of working with Corporal Middleton. She board chairman of the Hutto State Bank, 1984, Mr. Anand became a New York State was as fine an officer and human being as which he opened in 1986. As president and Licensed Real Estate Broker and Notary Pub- you would ever want to know. board chairman, he achieved his ultimate goal She left us early, but she gave much during lic. Mr. Anand is a member of several profes- of becoming the chief managing officer. her relatively short life. We are grateful for her After the sale of that bank, Dale was ap- sional organizations including: Association of life and service to the Virgin Islands commu- proached by B.M. Beck, president and chair- MBA Executives; National Association of Ac- nity. Our children and our entire community man of Union State Bank, in regards to open- countants; National Society of Public Account- call her blessed. ing a Union State Bank Branch in Round ants; National Society of Tax Professionals; f Rock. Dale accepted the offer and operated a and the American Institute of Professional service-oriented and profitable banking A TRIBUTE TO SUNIL ANAND Bookkeepers. branch. In 2003, Dale accepted the position of Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent executive vice president and chief lending offi- on this body to recognize the accomplish- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS cer for all five Union State Bank locations in ments of Sunil Anand as he offers his talents OF NEW YORK Central Texas. Over the course of his career, and philanthropic services for the betterment Dale consistently emphasized the importance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of our local community. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Mr. Speaker, Sunil Anand’s selfless service of customer service and making his clients has continuously demonstrated a level of altru- feel appreciated. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Dale’s career path has been filled with suc- istic dedication that makes him most worthy of recognition of Sunil Anand, a distinguished cess, but he would tell you his proudest ac- our recognition today. member of the business community. It be- complishments come from the impact he has hooves us to pay tribute to this outstanding f made on his community. In fact, Dale recently leader and I hope my colleagues will join me BANKER ALLEY TO RETIRE AFTER wrote, ‘‘My favorite part of working in the in recognizing his impressive accomplish- 50 YEARS OF SERVICE banking industry for 50 years has been the ments. satisfaction gained from being a community A native of India, Sunil Anand is a success- HON. JOHN R. CARTER banker and experiencing the economic growth ful Certified Public Accountant and entre- OF TEXAS and vitality resulting from the bank’s activi- preneur performing specialty services to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ties.’’ The efforts of Dale and his fellow com- non-profit sector. He has consulted for numer- munity bankers are essential to the success of ous Headstart and day care centers, senior Tuesday, June 20, 2006 communities throughout America. citizen programs, mental health programs, Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to con- Small businesses come to community banks homeless prevention programs, AIDS and gratulate Mr. Dale Alley of Hutto and Round for financial help because they know and trust ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Jun 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.001 E20JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2006 the banker they are working with. In turn, com- had visited Arlington at the age of 12 and in local elections and served as the guardian munity banks realize their success revolves dreamed of somehow honoring fallen soldiers. of good government in the particular interest around the overall growth of the community. Each year since 1993, Mr. Worcester has of the people of the north side of the island. It’s a reciprocal relationship in which the small brought trucks holding over 5,000 Christmas On March 9, 1973, the Tenth Legislature of business and the community bank depend on wreaths to Arlington and has joined with hun- the Virgin Islands approved Resolution 3395 each other for future growth; neither can be dreds of volunteers from all walks of military which renamed the Robert Herrick Elementary successful without the other. Independent and civilian life in placing the wreaths on the School the Joseph Sibilly Elementary School Community Bankers of America, ICBA, Chair- headstones. The wreathlaying event continues in honor of his great community spirit, gen- man Terry Jorde explained the relationship to be one that carries a great message of erous donations, and good deeds.
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