Grand Teton, 106–107 Best Trails, 5–6 Yellowstone, 40–41 Grand Teton, 134–136 Accommodations
13_769827 bindex.qxp 1/10/06 3:01 PM Page 238 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Back Basin Loop (Yellowstone), 53, 83 Access/entry points Backcountry Grand Teton, 106–107 best trails, 5–6 Yellowstone, 40–41 Grand Teton, 134–136 Accommodations. See also Accommo- planning a trip to, 37–39 dations Index Yellowstone, 90–98 best, 7, 8 Bechler Region, 95–96 Cody, 208–210 information, 91 Gardiner, 174–175 maps, 92–93 Grand Teton, 157–161 outfitters, 93 West Yellowstone, 170–172 permits, 23, 28, 92 Yellowstone, 73, 142–150 Shoshone Lake, 93–95 accessible, 34 Slough Creek Trail, 97–98 AdventureBus (Yellowstone), 79 Sportsman Lake Trail, 97 Adventures Beyond Yellowstone, 101 Thorofare area, 96–97 Adventure Sports (Moose), 137, 138, when to go, 92 180 Backcountry Adventure Snowmobile Aerial touring, Jackson, 185 Rental (West Yellowstone), 105 Airports, 29–30 Bakers Hole campground Alaska Basin (Grand Teton), 136 (Yellowstone), 152 Albright Visitor Center (Yellowstone), Bald eagle, 235 41, 50, 58 Ballooning, Jackson, 185 Altitude sickness, 36 Barker-Ewing Float Trips (Grand American dipper, 237 Teton), 140 American white pelicans, 236 Bears (black and grizzly), 16, 86, 88, Amphitheater Lake Trail (Grand 89, 228–230 Teton), 130 encounters with, 36–37 Anemone Geyser (Yellowstone), Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center 75, 89 (West Yellowstone), 169 Angel Terrace (Yellowstone), 58 Beartooth Highway, 23 Antelope Flats Road (Grand Teton), Beaverdam Creek (Yellowstone), 97 120, 136 Beaver Lake Picnic Area Art galleries,
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