1 Naturopathic Techniques





PACKING Castor oil Urine Ginger

OTHER TECHNIQUES FOR DETOXIFICATION THROUGH THE SKIN Skin brushing Urine rubs Lymph rubs Linseed oil rubs

DOUCHES Organic Cider Apple Vinegar Urine

ENEMAS Water, , Coffee, Linseed Tea, Linseed Oil, Chamomile Choline Bitartrate, Magnesium Citrate Aloe Vera

HYDROTHERAPY Hot and Cold showers, Epsom Salt baths, Hot Tubs, Urine baths, Sitz baths, Foot baths, Cold wraps or packs, Throat packs, Leg packs, Cold socks or cold water paddling



2 Naturopathic Techniques INTRODUCTION

Naturopathy is a system of therapeutics using natural remedies, diet and a range of techniques which can support the body to detoxify, aiding the natural healing process. As you will find when you come to research , this is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good range and if you know them well you will be able to treat and offer support to most conditions. Naturopathy is not an exact science, techniques which work well for one individual may not be appropriate for someone else. The best way to get to know the techniques is to experiment with them so that you get a feel for their potential – what they can do for you. Naturopathic techniques should be part of a programme, incorporated alongside changes in Nutrition and possibly also lifestyle.

To get some measure of their potential, picture first the route that toxicity takes out from the cell; it moves into lymph; then into blood which is carried to the liver for cleaning, extracting toxins and excreting them into the small intestines via bile; then into large colon and out of the body via the faeces. If the routes of elimination: bowels, lungs, kidneys and skin are not open and well functioning, toxicity can back up into blood or lymph from liver and cause acute symptoms, for example, pain, headaches, spots, colds, swollen glands and irritability. Without the techniques, detoxification can be an uncomfortable process. With techniques it can become manageable, empowering, frequently inspiring and often brings some emotional enlightenment along the way! This booklet will describe the types of techniques available to support detoxification including their uses and contra- indications. Additionally, it also provides instructions as to how the individual techniques are best carried out. By the end of the booklet, you will be able to understand what the naturopathic techniques are and why, when and how to use them.


The types of techniques you will explore in this booklet are intended to support the various organs of elimination during detoxification and it is important to understand the intent behind using them; because our intent or ‘what we intend to create’ has a healing all of its’ own. Information is included on the following range of techniques: . Packing . . Douches . Hydrotherapy . . Skin brushing and rubs

3 Naturopathic Techniques THE PURPOSE OF TECHNIQUES

The Naturopathic techniques each have specific and useful purposes, but they can be used in tandem with each other like an orchestra, for example, it can be useful to follow a castor oil pack with a water flush to ensure that the toxicity shifted from liver cells into bile is then moved out of colon. In essence, techniques are used for the following reasons;

. To create freedom of movement throughout the body fluids, organs and systems so that nutrient absorption and detoxification can occur easily . To aid detoxification making it more comfortable, manageable and expeditious! . For emotional reassurance . To thin the lymph . To re-hydrate the body . To reach and treat the liver . To open the body’s routes of elimination, as follows: Skin – excretes sweat, our largest route of elimination, said by the Chinese to be the ‘third lung’ Bowels – excrete faeces, which should be 75% bile, light, fluffy and easy to pass! Lungs – excrete carbon dioxide and provide the blood with fresh oxygen Kidneys – excrete urine and balance the blood via homeostasis The techniques are enormously helpful in supporting these organs in the never ending and tireless duties they perform!

In practice, I have found the techniques to be readily taken up by my patients because they have an understanding of how the naturopathic techniques fit into a whole integrated programme with the Nutrition and support the elimination that takes place. The enemas, for example, actually improve muscle tone because the bowel is no longer overstretched and crammed with waste and normal efficient peristalsis can start to take place – indeed, Mae West apparently took a water enema every day of her life during adulthood and attributed her youthful looks and sparkling wit to this very practice!!!. Additionally, techniques such as castor oil packing to liver and the coffee enemas improve liver function and therefore bile flow and bowel function improves still further. Where there are any contraindications to the techniques, they are clearly described alongside that particular technique. If there are none stated then as far as we are aware there are none. However, if you experience unusual symptoms following the use of a technique, do seek the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

4 Naturopathic Techniques PACKING

If you research Packing techniques you may come across a whole range from the use of potatoes to cabbage. I am covering some of the key ones that I feel are most useful. The basic concept of packing involves the soaking – usually of a wool or cotton flannel cloth in a substance which will either draw toxicity out through skin or be taken up through skin and encourage elimination to take place internally. As a very general rule, when deciding which to use, think of castor oil for a chronic condition and urine for an acute.

Castor oil packing

This is a technique recommended during the channelling of Edgar Cayce, a psychic medium who, if given the name of a person and their location, was able to say what disorder they were suffering from and then channel recommendations for their healing. Castor oil packing and other remedies suggested by Cayce have been well documented in two books (see suggested reading) written by an American Doctor called William A McGarey who holds the packing in especially great esteem. Castor oil is made from the castor bean plant and its’ Latin name is the Palma Christi which translates to ‘the palm of the Christ’. On a philosophical note, castor oil is considered to be ‘white light’ which contains all the colours of the spectrum. This fits in very well with healing on a vibrational level which offers light and colour to the body resonating with chakra energy. Castor oil is just less than 5% Essential fatty acids (4.2% Linoleic acid and 0.3% Linolenic acid) which will also encourage electron/photon movement to start to take place. Cayce stated once that castor oil affected tissues in a manner to bring the spirit into closer communication with the material body.

Castor oil packing is cleansing to the whole intestinal tract and by nature of the closeness of the intestinal lumen to the blood and lymphatic network – it also cleanses these vital body fluids. Castor oil’s fatty acid content is nearly ninety percent Ricinoleic acid which produces catharsis or ‘a purging’ of the small intestines. It also enhances the elimination of toxic substances from the cells local to where the castor oil is applied, most often the cells of the liver. Edgar Cayce named at least thirty different physiological functions that were improved by the topical application of the castor oil mostly by the use of the packs – some examples of these can be found overleaf;

5 Naturopathic Techniques

Castor oil packing;- . Increases and balances eliminations . Stimulates the liver & gall bladder and reduces nausea . Dissolves and removes adhesions and lesions . Relieves pain . Releases colon impaction . Increases lymphatic circulation, thereby enhancing the immune system . Improves intestinal assimilation . Reduces inflammation and flatulence . Increases relaxation . Coordinates liver-kidney function . Stimulates organs and glands

Liver Packs - To use a castor oil pack, you will need a wool or cotton flannel cloth of about ten inches (25cm) width and twelve to fourteen inches (30 – 35cm) length after it is folded. Launder the cloth and rinse thoroughly to remove detergent traces. When dry, fold in two (or four if big enough) and drizzle castor oil over the cloth. It needs to be wet but not dripping with oil. Place the castor oil pack over the liver – this is located on the right side, under the right breast and underneath the right side of the ribcage. If you wish you can place clear plastic over this to prevent leakage. Place a big old towel over this and then a hot water bottle on top of that to warm the oil and assist it to be taken up by the skin. Leave the pack on for a period of one to one and a half hours while relaxing. Castor oil packing is very reassuring and soothing. Psychologically, when castor oil packs are used to pack the liver, from where we manifest our anger, we are also supporting that emotion, and helping to release it from the body.

Often the pack can be secured around the body and can be slept in overnight if desired. Ideally, a castor oil pack would be followed by a water enema to ensure that what has been released by the process is exited from the body. In situations of low energy, for example, M.E. it may be appropriate to reduce the length of time spent packing at first as it may create too much elimination. You could start by just packing for 15 minutes and then increase by 15 minute intervals over time. Use the pack on 30-40 occasions before discarding or attempting to launder! Keep it in a plastic bag or container in the fridge or in a cool dark place. The rancidity of castor oil is quite low, so it does not go off easily.

6 Naturopathic Techniques

Castor oil packs are particularly useful for use on sore or inflamed joints or the back (try gardening in a castor oil pack as a preventative to backache), for pain in the gynaecological area due to menstruation or during a bout of cystitis and also as ‘head packs’. Always pack the liver at the same time to support elimination.

Head packs are useful in depression, ME as well as unblocking mucous during a cold. To do a head pack, massage the oil into the scalp and then tug the hair - first forwards and then backwards to assist the oil in dropping through the pores. Wear an old woolly hat or an old towel over the head and relax. Castor oil can be warmed and dropped into the ear to assist a blocked ear.

Contraindications . Do not use the castor oil pack in pregnancy unless under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

Key Point Castor oil packing can be incorporated into a weekly programme in combination with the water flush enemas. You might try packing for three consecutive evenings in a week, taking a water flush the morning after each pack.

Urine packs

Urine packs assist elimination of sodium through the skin probably by virtue of being high potassium (the kidneys excrete potassium in favour of sodium) which will attract sodium to itself. Additionally, the urea in urine is the most incredible and efficient moisturiser as it increases the water binding capacity of the skin by opening skin layers for hydrogen bonding (please refer to your chemistry lectures to understand this process), which then attracts moisture to dry skin cells. Urine can be applied to various skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, athletes foot, ringworm etc. but also have other useful and specific uses. A urine pack applied to the kidneys can be supportive when you are feeling fearful or anxious or a urinary condition such as cystitis. A urine pack applied to the lungs will support grief and depression but is also useful for shifting lung and bronchial congestion during colds and coughs. Urine packs are supportive on an emotional level as well as physical, partly because physical congestion contributes to the holding on to or letting go of emotion but partly also because urine is your body fluid, it matches your vibrational resonance perfectly. They say that Urine therapy is ‘Isopathic’, which means that it treats ‘same with same’, as opposed to which treats ‘like with like’ – urine is ‘your story’.

7 Naturopathic Techniques

Urine packs are useful for other acute situations like toothache or a sore throat. Eye inflammations such as conjunctivitis can be supported by fresh drops of urine into the eyes. Ear can also be assisted by drops of fresh urine into the ears. Fresh urine is literally that – very recently passed from the body! Urine starts to age and concentrate as more time passes since it left the body but if referring to old urine, I would usually think of 3 days old and upwards!

If you want to try a urine pack then soak cotton flannel or gauze in fresh or old urine that you have warmed by standing the container in a sink or bowl of hot water. Place the pack over the affected areas. Cover the urine pack with light clear plastic if desired and then an old towel and secure in place. Try to keep the pack on as long as possible, especially for severe conditions.

Ginger Packs

These can be used on the kidneys to warm them and assist their function; the purpose of a ginger pack is to strongly increase blood circulation and movement of body fluids at a place where stagnation exists. The stagnation usually manifests itself in the form of pain, inflammation, swelling or stiffness. They are useful for conditions such as cystitis or kidney stones. Firstly, the strong continuous heat penetrates further into the body assisting solid organs like the kidneys by dilating blood vessels to activate the movement of stagnant fluids helping to melt, soften or break up accumulated mucous, fatty and mineral deposits. Secondly, ginger is used because it penetrates easily into the body, helping to increase local blood circulation by opening the blood vessels and dispersing stored fat and mucous.

. To make a ginger pack, grate about 4-5 ozs of fresh root ginger (or use a good tablespoon of ginger powder if you do not have fresh available) and if possible, place into a little muslin cloth/bag or an old white cotton sock either of which you can tie at the top, leaving room for the water to circulate through the ginger. Place this into 1 litre of boiling water. Bring back to the boil then turn to a simmer for about 15 minutes. When prepared, soak the middle part of a cotton flannel cloth in the ginger water so that you can wring it out with the dry ends and apply it as hot as possible to the kidney area. Cover this with a two or three towels and keep wrapped up warm.

8 Naturopathic Techniques

Refresh the pack in the hot ginger water at regular intervals (approx every 5 minutes), or as soon as it no longer feels warming to the area. It is important that it is applied to the body as warm as can possibly be tolerated, but not so that you burn the skin! You should keep applying fresh compresses until the flesh shows a lasting deep red colour, this should take 20 to 30 minutes. It may be helpful to be able to lie down and allow someone else to do the packs for you. If you need to continue with treatment on days following you should prepare fresh ginger water (however, old ginger water may be used in a bath or footbath at night to help sleep or perhaps for a revitalising body rub in the morning).

Contraindications . Do not use on babies or very old people . Do not use in pregnancy . Do not use with appendicitis or pneumonia . Do not use where there is high fever

Quick Test on Packing What physiological effects does the castor oil have on the liver? How would you support anxiety and fear using a pack? What is the purpose of a ginger pack?


Skin brushing

Skin eliminates about 10% of our metabolic waste, which is why the Chinese call it the third lung.

In order to understand why skin brushing is so helpful its useful to understand a bit about the physiology of the skin. Sebum is an oily secretion produced by sebacious glands, tiny ducts adjacent to hair follicles. Sebum is secreted into the follicle, from which it spreads over the hair and skin. The main role of sebum is to waterproof the skin and hair. Sweat is a salty, watery solution produced by sweat glands, numerous microscopic channels opening onto the skin surface. As sebum and sweat mix up on the skin surface, they form a protective layer often referred to as the acid mantle. Acid mantle has a particular level of acidity characterized by pH from about 4 to 5.5.

It is this stale acid mantle that is particularly helped, as skin brushing clears it, allowing fresh elimination to take place from the body and ensuring that pores do not become blocked. The lymphatic system does not have a pump like the blood has the heart so skin brushing helps stimulate lymph to dump toxins through skin. It moves both lymph and blood back to heart. Additionally, skin brushing encourages cell renewal by sloughing off all the dead outer skin cells and improves surface skin circulation. Dry skin brushing is said to be more cleansing than using soap & water! Skin needs to breathe and Lindlahr (Natural Therapeutics) suggests that skin brushing should be done with the window open to allow this. As skin is extremely absorbent, like a large sponge, care also needs to be taken in what is put on skin. For example, anti-perspirants clog up the lymph under the arm, and allow the introduction of heavy metals like aluminium into the body.

If you fancy incorporating skin brushing into your daily routine then you will need a natural non-synthetic bristle brush. It is helpful if it has a long detachable handle so you can reach your back! Always brush from the feet and down from the neck towards the heart, not away from it. Start at the soles of the feet, then brush in small strokes up the feet, ankles, calves, thighs, buttocks. Then brush up the front and back of the torso as far as the heart. Work up the hands and arms and then down the neck, chest and upper back to the heart. Avoid brushing the face as the skin is too sensitive and only brush gently over the breasts.

Task Dry skin brushing could be incorporated into a daily routine. It is lovely to follow up with your normal shower and then finish with the hot/cold shower hydrotherapy technique mentioned further on in the booklet. Both will stimulate movement of lymph and blood.

10 Naturopathic Techniques Urine Rubs

Urine rubs are of generally beneficial as they open the skin as a route of elimination, taking the pressure off liver and kidneys and encouraging freedom of movement within the body fluids. If you are drinking urine, the rubs should always be used in conjunction with that, although the rubs can be done in isolation without drinking urine. Like the packs, urine rubs are supportive in situations where there are skin conditions, as they encourage all of the skin to be used for elimination rather than just the area that is afflicted. Urine rubs are used to draw toxicity through skin as well as tonifying it (due to the urea content). Once again, as urine is high in potassium it probably has an effect on electro magnetic energy – the rubs are certainly invigorating and relaxing. Usually, 3 - 10 day old urine would be used. Care should be taken if skin is sore or damaged, in this instance, rub around the area with old urine but also try packing that section with fresh urine.

To do a urine rub - You could stand your pot full of urine in a sink of hot water to warm up whilst you skin brush. Stand/sit in the bath or shower and rub the urine into the scalp, hair, face and neck. Next move down to the feet, legs then body and arms. Rub the urine in until the skin is dry. There will be a gradual absorption of urine nutrients through the skin. You may find that as toxicity is drawn out, temporary rashes or redness may occur.

Lymph Rub

Massage castor oil all over the body and then climb into a warm bath for 20 minutes or so. The warm water encourages the castor oil to be taken up through skin and will thin the lymph. This is a really beneficial technique for helping to stimulate the lymphocytes in the body, and is very relaxing too. In my experience, it is ideal for children when they are overtired or a bit under the weather.

Flax oil (Linseed oil) rub

This is a lovely way to introduce EFA’s via the skin, and is particularly and specifically useful for babies. Mix a tablespoon of flax oil with a tablespoon of hot water and massage into the body. It can also be used by adults who have difficulty breaking down the linseed oil – rub into the thin skin on the inner sides of the thighs and upper arms which are adjacent to the lymph network in the body.

Quick Test on techniques using skin What does the acid mantle consist of? What are the physiological effects of skin brushing? What are the benefits of urine rubs?

11 Naturopathic Techniques


A douche is an injection of fluid into the vagina, using a douche attachment on an enema kit. The douche nozzle is longer than the anal nozzle and should be inserted to a depth of 2 – 3 ins (7 – 8cms) depending on the individual. Douches are useful in situations where the vagina or urinary system are inflamed, such as thrush, cystitis or even skin conditions on the internal mucosa.

Contraindications . Douches are contra indicated in pregnancy.

Organic Cider Apple vinegar douche

Use 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of organic cider apple vinegar in about 2 pints of warm body temperature water. Sit/lay in the bath, stand in a shower or sit on a toilet to use the douche and once inserted allow the fluid to flow in. Stay fairly still for 5 – 20 minutes to allow for any small amounts of fluid to be held in the vagina, and then release before leaving the bath. Cider apple vinegar can be used as it will help to maintain the natural acid pH of the vagina.

Urine douche

This is soothing because of the high urea content and once again because of its ability to attract acidity to itself. Use about ¾ to a pint of fresh urine and make this up to 2 pints of water warmed to body temperature. Sit/lay in the bath or stand in a shower or sit on a toilet to use the douche and once inserted allow the fluid to flow in. Stay fairly still for 5 – 20 minutes to allow for any small amounts of fluid to be held in the vagina, and then release before leaving bath.

12 Naturopathic Techniques ENEMAS

An enema is the introduction of a fluid, for example, water or coffee solution into the large colon via a nozzle which is attached to an enema kit. The kit is simply a receptacle that holds the fluid. There are several types of enema kit available, here are a few examples: . Fountain douche enema kit - has a douche attachment as well as an anal nozzle. Looks a bit like a rubber hot water bottle with a tube but no lid . Bucket kit - literally a small plastic container with a rubber tube leading off and an easy to use valve attachment next to the anal nozzle . Plastic portable flat pack kit - this has a plastic tube and the same plastic valve and nozzle as the bucket kit – handy for holidays

Up to 2 pints of enema fluid will be held in the lowest part of the colon, that is, the sigmoid colon up to the sigmoid flexure. Colonic irrigation, by comparison, uses about 5 gallons of fluid and will reach right around to the hepatic flexure. Enemas are beneficial for a number of reasons; . They may be used for retaining supportive fluids in the bowel (for example, linseed tea for hydration or chamomile tea for relaxation) . They flush waste out and encourage the body to use them as a major route of elimination (70 -75% of waste should be eliminated through the colon) . They aid absorption, via the haemorrhoidal vein, which will carry substances through the circulatory system, in order to reach and treat the liver . Some enemas will also indirectly support other organs, for example, a urine enema is very supportive to the lungs.

Many types of enemas are possible to administer via the kits. Clean, filtered, boiled water can be used, also aloe vera, herbal infusions, apple cider vinegar, organic coffee, linseed oil, linseed tea, urine, Bach flower remedies and other vibrational essences and in some cases dissolved supplements.

Water enemas

The simplest forms of enema to use are water enemas. They are a great help to the detoxification of the body and can contribute to rehydration. The bowel movements which they create encourage the use of the colon as the major route of elimination. Use 1½ to 2 pints of body temperature clean water (test the temperature with your elbow). Set up the enema bag so that the bottom of the bag is about 2 - 3 feet above where you are going to lay. Lubricate the anal area with a little oil or cream. Pour the water into the bag, release a small amount of water to get rid of air bubbles. Make yourself comfortable lying on your back, insert the nozzle into the and allow the water to flow in and retain for 3 to 10 minutes. A water retention enema of ½ pint to a pint might be retained for 15 - 20 minutes to rehydrate. Always clean the nozzle thoroughly.

13 Naturopathic Techniques

Reflecting on the Five Elements when working with the colon, you may notice the connection in Metal element between colon, lungs, skin and mind, and a reduction in any sensations of pressure that may have built up due to toxicity. For example, breathing may be deeper and easier, skin clearer or your thinking may have greater clarity after doing an enema because you have ‘treated’ the colon.

Variations on Water Enemas

Triple Flush - This is perfect for colds and for other mucousy conditions where the lymph is congested and stuck. The sequence is to do three water flushes one after the other – flush, release, flush, release, flush, retain ten minutes, release. Repeat this sequence twice leaving 12 hours between each one, for example: Monday morning – triple flush, Monday evening – triple flush, Tuesday morning – triple flush; or an evening – morning – evening combination. This will thin the lymph and body fluids via the huge network of lymph and blood that surrounds the bowel and can make an acute situation far more comfortable.

Half pint water retentions - These are supportive in instances where actually drinking water makes the person nauseous, for example, during pregnancy. Alternatively, they are useful when drinking water might create so much movement, for example, when the body is in a highly dehydrated state, that it might bring on the symptoms of headache or migraine that you are trying to overcome.

The half pint retentions could be done three or four times a day. Simply pop a half pint of blood temperature water into the enema kit, let it run into the colon, then leave it there to be absorbed by the body. The body absorbs twice as much rectally than it does when taken orally.

Key Point It is helpful to do a water flush in order to clear the bowel before a retention enema – this will make the fluid to be retained easier to hold.

Bach Flower Remedies and other vibrational essences

Any of the Bach Flower Remedies can be placed in a water retention enema. For example, you might use Mimulus if you were struggling with a known fear or Larch for a lack of confidence. Pop a couple of drops into 1 ½ to 2 pints of body temperature water and retain for 15 – 20 minutes as above. These are very soothing and supportive.

14 Naturopathic Techniques Coffee Retention Enemas

For those of you who are a theorist amongst us, the science behind coffee enemas is coming up, and those of you who are activists just skip ahead a few paragraphs to the how-to-do section. The coffee enema has a very specific purpose - to lower serum toxins. Coffee enemas have an effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope. The palmitic acid that coffee contains promotes the activity of glutathione S-transferase and other ligands to levels which are many times higher than normal activity. It is this enzyme group that is responsible for the combining of free radicals which the gall bladder then releases. (The robbing of electrons by free radicals can disrupt normal cellular processes and cause cellular damage - oxidative stress).

Enzyme systems in the liver and small intestine are responsible for the conversion and neutralisation of the most common tissue toxins, poly- amines, ammonia, toxin-bound nitrogen and free radicals all of which can cause cell and membrane damage. These protective liver and gut enzyme systems are probably aided enormously by coffee enemas. Caffeine enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.

The introduction of 1 litre of coffee solution into the colon will dilute portal blood and subsequently the bile. Theophylline and Theobromine which are major constituents of coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The palmitic acid in coffee enhances glutathione S-transferase which is responsible for the removal of many toxic radicals from serum. Because they are retained for 15 minutes, and because all the blood in the body passes through the liver every 3 minutes, coffee enemas are like a form of dialysis of the blood across the gut wall.

How to do a coffee enema - Place one heaped dessertspoon of organic ground coffee in a clean pan with a good half pint of filtered water. Bring to the boil and then simmer for about ten minutes. Sieve into a two pint jug and make up to two pints with filtered boiled water. Depending on the amount the individual finds comfortable to retain, it may be easier to start with a pint from that only. Wait until it reaches body temperature before using. Coffee enemas are a strong diuretic and cause a small loss of magnesium and potassium which should be more than compensated for by the combination of nutrition and supplements.

15 Naturopathic Techniques

You might add a teaspoon of potassium salts and or a magnesium citrate capsule to your coffee enema to start with - a useful example of how the nutrition and naturopathy need to work hand in hand. The Gerson therapy, for example, recommends at least three vegetable juices be taken for each coffee enema, but they are taking several of each per day! Alternatively, you may feel the need for a coffee enema if you are taking about 400mg of elemental magnesium each day for six days of the week. Both the potassium and magnesium will encourage the release of sodium from the cell, into lymph, into blood and on up to liver and any liver congestion would show itself as an inability to clean the blood which might manifest as irritability/anger, itchiness, spottiness, boils, headache or migraine, insomnia, joint/muscle pain or even a complete inability to plan. You will come to know how you feel when you need a coffee enema.

Always have a water flush before a coffee enema, this will make it easier to retain as the bowel is clearer. After following the usual steps for a water enema, let the coffee flow in gradually and retain for 15 to 20 minutes. The coffee will be absorbed into the blood via the haemorrhoidal veins on the right hand side of the rectum which connect to the hepatic portal veins and carry blood to the liver. This makes the bile ducts dilate and push out a quantity of toxic bile. Each time you take a coffee enema you are overriding the liver, enabling it to discharge toxicity and make your detoxification process much more comfortable.

Please make sure you can rest briefly after a coffee enema as occasionally people feel a little light headed. Occasionally, slight nausea or tingling in the hands and feet may be experienced. Avoid taking a coffee enema if you are very hungry or if it is close to bedtime.

Contraindications . A coffee enema would be contra-indicated with diarrhea and at first with ulcerative colitis.

Linseed tea enema

Place 2 tablespoons of linseeds in a pan with 1 litre of boiling water. Bring back to the boil. Turn off, cover and then leave for 8 - 12 hours. Bring to boil again and simmer for 1 hour. Strain the seeds out while hot.

To use in a retention enema – about ½ pint of tea in 1 ½ pints of warm water, following a water flush. The purpose of a linseed tea enema is to offer reassurance and a strong message of hydration and soothing via the bowel itself, which pass that message on to the liver.

16 Naturopathic Techniques

As a floral symbol, flax has taken on the meaning, “I feel your kindness.” Linseed tea is very soothing and is rich in lignans (phytochemicals) which are said to have anti cancer properties and are beneficial for balancing hormone levels. There is a powerful lignan within the hull called secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG). When the hull is separated, the content of SDG becomes very concentrated. It is the SDG lignan that seems to help balance oestrogen levels in the body. Lignans not only have anti-cancer properties, they have anti- viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

Linseed Oil enema

It is useful to take a water flush first to clear the bowel and aid retention of the oil.

Mix 250 ml of linseed oil with 50ml to 250ml of warm water (depending on your success with retention enemas) and bring this mixture to elbow temperature by standing the jug of oil in a larger container of hot water until it reaches the required temperature. Stir the oil/water mixture well and pour into the enema bag and then lie flat on your back while it runs into the bowel.

The best thing to do in my opinion is to lie flat for at least an hour (Lack of gravity is your friend in these circumstances), although the oil is not usually difficult to hold and can be very peaceful and relaxing as the body experiences the photon/electron exchange that it encourages. After an hour or so, or when you feel ready, release the oil, then follow in the next 24 hours with a water flush or two, sooner if you have to go out as the re-introduction of gravity can lead to an uncontrolled (and inconvenient) release of the oil. Usually, the body is very happy to have the oil and is not in such a great hurry to release it all at once.

The oil encourages liver membranes to open and is a useful medium for the body to dump heavy metals into as well as being supportive in circumstances where there is bowel inflammation. Due to the release it promotes you may feel that you would need a coffee enema the day after to help with the discharge of toxins.

17 Naturopathic Techniques Linseed Oil Implants

After a water flush, use an enema bulb, to implant 15 – 60 mls of the oil into the rectum. Ideally hold for at least 10 – 30 minutes but usually overnight. The enema bulb looks a bit like a turkey baster – do keep the bulb squeezed in while you remove it from the rectum or you will find yourself picking up all the oil plus extras! This is an appropriate way of introducing small amounts of linseed oil into the body when there are indications that a congested liver cannot break it down when taken orally. It is a way of bringing light and colour to the body through the photon/electron movement promoted by the linseed oil which is high in electrons – see Johanna Budwig’s work to understand this process.

Chamomile enemas

Chamomile is naturally anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic and anti septic and is recommended for use in stress, or as a muscle relaxant, with menstrual or abdominal cramps (due mainly to the electrolyte imbalance). It is useful to precede or be added to a coffee enema if there are intestinal spasms. It is also a useful enema to take at bedtime as it can promote sleep. Add 1oz of chamomile flowers to a pan of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then simmer for 10 minutes. Strain, cool and use at body temperature as a retention enema for 5 to 20 minutes, after a water flush.

Choline Bitartrate Retention enema

Choline Bitartrate is a B vitamin supplement that is used in picture of low energy with nausea. Taken in a retention enema it is extremely supportive when there is nausea present as it will gently help to open liver membranes and release congestion. It is also helpful during fasts or during a liver tissue cleanse to encourage the detoxification that is taking place. Take a water flush to clear the colon. Dissolve two flat teaspoons of choline bitartrate powder in 1 ½ pints of body temperature water. Retain this for 20 minutes.

18 Naturopathic Techniques

Magnesium citrate Retention enema

The magnesium retention enema has a very specific usefulness as an excellent muscle relaxant. Stir one to two capsules into a jug of body temperature water, (more will dissolve than would seem from appearances) and retain for 15 – 20 minutes. This is a useful enema to use for muscle aches and cramping, such as with M.E.. Additionally, it can be helpful where there is tension around the occipital area in the neck. The same tension can also precede a migraine. Indeed, it may be helpful to use a magnesium citrate enema in the case of a migraine before a coffee enema.

Aloe Vera enema

This is a helpful retention enema to use in cases where there is severe dehydration or a ‘mucousy’ picture or where there is some inflammation of the bowel. Clear the colon with a water flush. Using a ¼ pint of aloe vera, make this up to a 1 ½ pint of body temperature fluid and take as a 20 minute retention enema.

Quick test on enemas and douches How would you do a water enema? What are the physiological effects of a coffee enema? Which enema would be useful in the case of nausea? What is the purpose of a linseed tea enema? What would help you to retain a retention enema?

19 Naturopathic Techniques HYDROTHERAPY TECHNIQUES

Hydrotherapy techniques are an activity that you may occasionally like to have supervision, particularly the hot bath techniques. A Bavarian monk, Father Sebastian Kneipp raised awareness of the therapeutic use of water in the 19th century. There are now many dozens of methods of applying hydrotherapy, including baths, saunas, douches, wraps, and packs. We will cover a selection of these important techniques here.

The recuperative and healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical and or thermal effects. It uses the body's reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to the prolonged application of heat, to pressure exerted by the water and to the sensation it gives. The nerves carry impulses felt at the skin deeper into the body, where they are used to stimulate the immune system, influence the production of stress hormones, invigorate the circulation and digestion, encourage blood flow, and lessen pain sensitivity.

Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body as the blood flow and lymph come to the periphery organs which slow down the activity of internal organs. Cold, by contrast, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity because it pushes blood and the lymph that is carried with it deep within. When you submerge yourself in a bath, a pool, or a whirlpool, you experience a kind of weightlessness because your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity. It has a massage- like feeling as the water gently kneads your body. Water, in motion, stimulates touch receptors on the skin, boosting blood circulation and releasing tight muscles.

Hot and Cold showers

Hot and cold showers are of general use in starting to create movement in lymph and blood. The contrast between hot and cold water increases capillary circulation through body tissues, promotes detoxification, and strengthens the immune system. This helps bring nutrients, oxygen and immune cells to damaged and stressed tissues and carries away metabolic waste, inflammatory by-products and other toxic substances. Hot and cold showers also strengthen the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells.

Skin brush and take your normal shower then switch to cold for 30 seconds. Alternate the temperature back to hot for a minute and then cold for 30 seconds again and repeat this cycle once more. Taken on its own the pattern would be: Warm 1 minute; Cold 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times. The heat brings blood to the body carrying lymph along with it

20 Naturopathic Techniques Epsom Salts baths

Epsom Salts are made of the mineral magnesium sulphate. When magnesium sulphate is absorbed through the skin, such as in a bath, it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, and is a natural emollient & exfoliator. Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin, Epsom Salts increases this detoxification by causing you to sweat.

Contraindications . Epsom Salts baths are contra-indicated if you have heart trouble, high blood pressure, or are diabetic or pregnant.

Dissolve a kilogram of Epsom Salts in a warm bath, lay back and relax for 20 minutes. Cool down at the end by turning on the cold tap to lower the water temperature and stay in for a few minutes until you feel that you are cold. Get out of the bath and go straight to bed in cotton nightwear or a cotton sheet so that you can sweat. You may experience raised heart rate along with the sweating which is why the above contra-indications are mentioned. You may like to get up later and clean off in a warm shower and it is important to keep plenty of water on hand that you can sip as required.

Hot tubs

The body protects itself from viruses, bacteria, and other harmful substances through the use of numerous defense systems. One of these is fever. Fever raises the body's temperature above normal in an attempt to destroy invading organisms and sweat impurities out of the system. Fever is a highly effective and natural process for curing disease and restoring health, and has been recognized as such for thousands of years. Hot tubbing is a way of deliberately mimicking fever in order to utilize this natural healing process. Additionally, it will thin the lymph surrounding the cells and help to melt the cholesterol in cell membranes making it easier for toxicity to leave the cell.

A state of hyperthermia exists when the body temperature rises above its normal level of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. An increase in body temperature causes many physiological responses to occur in the body. Hyperthermia takes advantage of the fact that many invading organisms tolerate a narrower temperature range than body tissues and are therefore more susceptible to increases in temperature (they may die from overheating before harm is done to human tissue). Examples are viruses such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), or the microorganisms and bacteria that cause syphilis and gonorrhea.

21 Naturopathic Techniques

Hyperthermia stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and interferon (a protein substance produced by virus-invading cells that prevents reproduction of the virus). Hot tubbing may not be able to kill every invading organism, but they can reduce their numbers to a level the immune system can handle. Hot tubs are also a useful technique in detoxification therapy because they release toxins stored in fat cells.

Contraindications . Hot tubs are contra-indicated if you have heart trouble, high blood pressure, or are diabetic or pregnant.

Soak in as hot a bath as you can bear. Keep the head cool with a wet wrapped towel or cold flannels. Keep track of your temperature as you start and endeavour to raise it to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. It may be that your body temperature is below 98.6 degrees to start with so if it raises a degree or so that is a good start. Try to bear five minutes at the raised temperature and then use the same technique as before to lower body temperature by turning on the cold tap and laying back in the bath until you have cooled down. Alternatively, get out of the bath, dry off quickly and climb into a bed lined with a damp cotton sheet which has been run under a cold water tap and well spun or wrung with a second sheet as an outer dry lining (Sleeping bag sheets are quite useful for this). Prepare to sweat! You may like to get up later and clean off in a warm shower and once again, have water nearby to keep up your hydration. The heat of the hot tub opens out blood capillaries and thins lymph, and the cold to follow then drives the blood and lymph circulation back deep into the organs. The natural latent heat of the body then warms itself back up again bringing toxicity out from the organs deep within, to be released through skin.

Urine Bath

This is another way of drawing toxicity out through skin, less athletic than the rubs but do not underestimate the draw it can have nonetheless! Collect a day’s urine in a bucket, empty it into a warm bath and lay back for a soak for 20-30 minutes. Cool down with a cool shower or by introducing cold water into the bath.

22 Naturopathic Techniques Sitz baths

These are baths of five to six inches in depth which are used to treat conditions affecting hips, abdomen and legs such as arthritic pain, digestive problems like , cystitis, prostate/menstrual problems or poor circulation. The focus is to use the hot and cold water to stimulate movement of blood and lymph and therefore move and stagnation and toxicity from the pelvic area. In an acute situation you may need to repeat this technique at intervals through the day.

Fill the bath with enough warm water to cover the hips & pelvis. You will need a basin or baby bath sitting in the end of the bath full of cold water or a wet cold towel that you can wrap around yourself. Sit in the warm water for five minutes and then alternate to the cold for a minute. Repeat this routine three times.

Contraindications . Sitz baths should be avoided where there are circulatory disorders such as embolism, pulmonary thrombosis and varicose veins

Foot Baths

When there is no or little energy available in the patient for a hot tub, there is no support or supervision available for the person or it would be difficult to predict the response or amount of movement a hot tub would create, a foot bath would probably be more appropriate. Put a dessertspoon of mustard in a bowl of water that is as hot as you can stand comfortably and sit with the feet in the bowl for 10 to 20 minutes.

Cold Packs or Wraps

Old linen tea towels or sheeting, cotton muslin and old soft towels are useful for these techniques. They involve soaking folded strips of linen in cold tap temperature water and then wrapping the folded strip around a part of the body. The coolness of the pack will draw blood flow to that area and away from an area of inflammation. The wet linen needs to be covered with a couple of layers of folded toweling to help the body warm the pack.

23 Naturopathic Techniques Throat packs

These are useful for sore throats or inflammation of the tonsils, glands or throat. You will need to fold a piece of thin linen or muslin into a strip the width of the neck. Soak in cold water and then wring out well. Wrap the wet pack around the throat and neck between two to six times. Cover the wet layer with a dry toweling layer which you could then hold in place with a small wool scarf. Refresh the wet layer each time it becomes warm. A pack used on the throat will cool the circulation in general because of the large arteries in the neck that supply the head and brain.

Leg Packs

These are very useful in the case of fever, headaches or pains in the head such as earache, as they will draw blood away from the head. They are also indicated for local inflammation in the leg, for example, due to rheumatism. Make up two folded linen or cotton packs to fit from below the knees to above the ankles. Rinse this in cold water and wring out well. Wrap each of the calves in a pack firmly and cover this with secure wrappings of toweling. Cover the person and keep them warm. Where there is fever, it may be necessary to use clean materials each time you refresh the pack.

Cold socks or cold water paddling

This technique is a useful one in cases of insomnia or ‘busy brain’ at bedtime. This can also be useful during the menopause to help with night sweats and hot flushes. You can fill the bath with a few inches of cold water and then paddle up and down in it until your feet feel thoroughly cold. Dry feet off quickly and go to bed. Alternatively, you might rinse a pair of cotton socks out in cold water, wring them out thoroughly and put them on. Put a dry pair of socks on over the top of the wet socks and toddle off to bed in them. In both instances, the coolness of the feet will encourage blood circulation down from head and brain which is conducive to sleep.

Quick Test on Hydrotherapy techniques What are the contraindications to the hot tubs and Epsom Salt baths? What are the physiological effects of hot and cold showers? What situations would Sitz baths be useful for?

24 Naturopathic Techniques


This booklet is simply a guide to the techniques, it cannot beat the experience of you going away, trying them for yourself and seeing how they feel to you. Obviously, if you have a chronic condition it may be advisable for you to work with a qualified practitioner, as this booklet can only put the techniques into a general context – it is not written for a specific individual. Give yourself the flexibility to play with what is right for you, for example, you may only be able to work with 1 pint water flushes at first or hold them for a minute. Make the techniques practical and useable for yourself, they should not be an extra stress so create enough time so that they are enjoyable! Once again, they are meant to be a support and part of an ongoing programme to maintain the greater freedom of movement that flows from making Nutritional changes. They can also be used to nurture the body’s response to natural events like the Full and New Moons, Equinoxes, Solstices and Eclipses. Have Fun!

25 Naturopathic Techniques


Remember, this lecture was designed to introduce you to the area of study and as with your previous lectures it is now up to you to research and study it further until you have a full and complete understanding of the topic. You are bound to find plenty of research and debate - so please begin your study with the reading below and expand your investigations to look at all aspects of the issue.


Author Title Pages William a McGarey MD The Oil That Heals P.26 – P.27 P.56 – P.66 William a McGarey MD The Edgar Cayce Remedies P.46 – P.54 Martha M Christy Your Own Perfect P.185 – P.193 Henry Lindlahr MD Natural Therapeutics Vol. 2 P.87 – P.93 Dr Keith Souter Not Just A Room With A Bath P.20 – P.44 Robert Gray Colon Health Handbook Norman W Walker Colon Health P.1 – P.17

Websites - Interesting section on Compresses, Plasters and Packs

26 Naturopathic Techniques