Bowel Basics Comprehensive Integrative Medical program for Bowel Health

Integrative combines ancient and modern wisdom. Every Ancient and Indigenous Medical system stresses the importance of bowel health with therapeutic strategies to address its problems. At NIHA, our comprehensive program can combine the ancient wisdom of Medicine with/or holistic, modern protocols for bowel restoration. Patient individuality and choices are important to achieve our shared goal – a healthy bowel in a healthy body.. This monograph outlines our comprehensive bowel program with its multiple choices. You and your doctor(s) will implement and monitor the best for you. The bowel is the most important part of any healing and health program.


1. Naturopathic and all Indigenous Medical systems have considered the bowel and its health to be the most important part of their healing strategies. Life and death begins in the bowel – it’s our interface with the world. 2. Dr. Ali, the President of Capital University of Integrative Medicine, considers the bowel- liver- and blood the primary “ecosystem” and the starting place in addressing all health disorders. (We do too!) This is the working philosophy of the faculty and curriculum at CUIM. 3. It has been our experience that 11 out 10 of our patients - whether healthy or not, have some degree of bowel disorder. 4. The bowel is your primary source of toxicity and chronic . Without optimizing bowel function and detoxifying the bowel detoxification of heavy metals, chronic infections and toxic chemicals cannot efficiently proceed. The bowel is the reservoir of chronic infections. 5. The immune system is largely driven by bowel function/dysfunction. Whether you have immune over-reaction (autoimmune syndromes) or under performance (most chronic disorders) – bowel problems are one of the root causes. 6. Bowel health is long term management not a short term fix.

The Bowel is the largest immune organ, and the most important barrier to toxins: immune modulation including allergy treatment and all detoxification is not possible without aggressive bowel therapeutics. Bowel maintenance is a lifelong project.

Dr. Ali’s bowel therapeutics is referred as: weed, seed and feed

Dr. Bland’s same bowel strategies are the 4R’s

1 Remove (the bad bugs, allergenic foods) Replace (the digestive enzymes) Restore (the friendly bacteria) Regenerate/Repair (the bowel mucosa) I. Introduction

What can go wrong with your bowel? What you need to understand about your bowel, to be a participant in your bowel health.

1. Digestion or breaking down the food into digestible components begins with: A. the mouth - mechanical chewing and digestive enzymes of the mouth (saliva); B. the stomach – mixing the food with Hydrochloric Acid and some enzymes (and killing bacteria); C. the upper part of the intestines where the pancreas and liver secrete – the pancreas secretes the majority of the enzymes the gall bladder the bile.

Inadequate chewing, lack or not enough HCl, digestive enzymes and bile salts results in inadequate breakdown (digestion) of food. These problems in the beginning of the GI tract have the following potential consequences in the middle and lower bowel: • Reduced uptake of vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids- the basic building blocks of health, and repair. • Undigested foods support the proliferation (by selectively feeding) of the bad bugs and pathologic critters in the bowel (i.e. Candida, parasites, virus and dysbiotic bacteria). Conversely, the beneficial bacteria will proliferate when foods are fully digested, so feed the bugs you wish to grow in your bowel. • When the terrain and food sources in the bowel favors the bad bugs, fungus overgrowth (Candida) and parasites physically penetrate the GI mucosa causing the well known “”.

2. In the lower bowel, the colon and small intestine, leaky gut barriers and dysbiotic overgrowth of the bugs and their toxic by-products internally poison the body. The liver detoxifies the bowel and blood, the immune system surrounding the bowel is the largest accumulation of immune cells in the body. When the bowel toxic load is too long- too much, the detoxification capacity of the liver and the immune system is stressed or compromised. When the liver can’t clean the bowel toxins adequately, the toxic bowel debris spill into the blood. Now the entire body is affected by the increased level of toxicity - the brain fogs, the hormones and metabolic glands dysfunction, the muscles and joints become sore. In addition, the tissues become more acidic- reducing the oxygen capacity and utilization, causing blood and lymph thickening (coagulopathy), and the immune capacity becomes compromised. Because of these generalized health conditions, (increased toxic load, reduced oxygen utilization, acidosis, coagulopathy, and immune compromise) the chronic infections are able to gain a foot-hold in the blood and the tissues. This condition can be assessed and monitored simply by examining a drop of the peripheral blood under a high resolution microscope. 2 All the above conditions, (i.e. leaky bowel barrier, undigested foods being absorbed, proliferation of toxins and the bad bugs themselves, acidifying and blood and tissues, reducing the oxygen to the tissues, and the thickening/ stagnation of the blood) causes the immune system, part of our defense system, to over-react (allergy or autoimmune) or under-react (chronic disease/ dysfunction/ aging/ / blood vessel disease…)

3. Allergy or hypersensitivity is an exaggerated response to a commonly occurring substance (with a neurological and sometimes an immunological component). Allergies can affect every bodily system and cause or contribute to any symptom. Allergies occur as a protective, programmed stress response from the Psycho-Neuro- Immunological system. Allergies, especially food hypersensitivities need to be identified and controlled, if bowel restoration, healing and symptom reduction is to take place. Some foods like gluten for the celiac disease patient need to be avoided, but most foods can be successfully treated through neurological and immunological reprogramming.

4. Water is the most overlooked and simplest. “I prescribe water therapy for every patient…the most basic reason… is the dilution effect. It carries the excess oxidizing substances as well as the toxic acids into the urine. In the bowel, water in the single most important laxative. In the blood, water is the single most important functional anti-oxidant. Without water none of the anti-oxidant enzyme systems of the blood can function. The same is true for the liver eco-system.” Ali – Water and Chronic Dehydration.

5. Bowel movements, transit time and stools – the signs and symptoms of a healthy bowel: With 90% of the fecal mass being the bacteria, the frequency, color, character and odor of the stools are important signs regarding the bowel health. in any degree is a problem that needs immediate attention. Food needs to be in the bowel for at least 12 hours for proper digestion, but not longer that 24. Healthy elimination parameters are 12 to 18 hours transit time, 1 to 3 times per day (average of two). Chlorella, corn or other stool identification markers can help you determine your transit time, an important sign of health. Vitamin B-5, critical for the adrenal stress, hormones is also critical for peristaltic movement of the bowel. Without ample B-5, this intestinal movement is critically impaired; is it a wonder that prolonged hyper-vigilance and stress causes bowel problems? Healthy stools should be sausage shaped, corn cob size in diameter, defecated with minimal exertion, light brown in color, sinkers with no stench and one should need to uses one wipe with paper (with very little residue). The stool size and shape indicates the health of the colon lumen or the degree of fecal matter impacted on the colon walls. If the stools are thin and like ribbons, the colon wall is likely impacted with dried stagnant (with their growing population of dysbiotic bacteria, parasites and other less-than-optimal critters). If your poop stinks, you have an overgrowth of the bad bugs. If your feces is hard, water is surely one of your issues. If your feces floats, consider fat digestion problems. Your feces should have a healthy coat of mucus secreted by colon,

3 which helps your poop to be evacuated easily well formed and with little tissue soiling. The beneficial bacteria of the gut attach to the GI mucosa affording another layer of GI protection. The bad bugs are usually non-attaching residents of the lumen and GI folds. However when Candida proliferate and the beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus acidolophus primarily in the small intestine, and Bifidobacterum in the ) are not in adequate supply, the fungus not only attach to the Bowel mucosa but penetrate or root as all fungi and molds normally do. Constipation or fecal stagnation favors the proliferation of these bad bugs, as well as undigested foods. In addition, prebiotics or food for these beneficial bacteria is crucial for a healthy bowel. Feed the bugs you want to grow, which is non-digestible plant sugars or Fructooligosaccharides -FOS that pass through the small intestine and ferment in the colon. This increases the fecal mass, lowers the Ph, increases the production of short chain fatty acids, which helps with fatty acid metabolism and detoxification- all good outcomes. Gums and insoluble fiber in fruits and vegetables are full of FOS.

6. The bowel surface (mucosa) is a very active barrier, one cell layer thick continually reshaping and producing new cells while sloughing off the old ones. The amount of surface area of the bowel determines its digestive and nutrient absorption capacity. The larger the bowel surface, the better the bowel function (i.e. absorbing nutrients); therefore the gut has many folds and creases (called villi) to enhance its surface area. The dynamic gut mucosa reacts quickly to adverse conditions by shrinking its surface area (villi) and therefore nutrient absorption. Some of those adverse conditions are: food allergies/ hypersensitivities, bad bug overgrowth, prolonged stress or hyper-vigilance (e.g. excessive cortisol over time shrinks the GI mucosal tissue), under/mal nutrients. Of course these factors must be addressed and controlled in any integrative bowel restoration program. Hypoglycemia, the scourge of modern living (11 out of 10 of our patients seem to lack proper blood sugar regulation), is perpetuated by this lack of digestible surface area. When sugary foods and starches (with a high glycemic index) are eaten blood sugars rise and insulin is produced to move the sugar into the fat cells for storage. Over time this pattern and tissue insensitivity to insulin promotes excessive insulin secretion causing a drop in blood sugar after a meal. The person now feels hungry but that is not the worse. The brain can’t store glucose and needs to maintain constant levels in the blood. When blood levels drop, the brain sounds the stress alarm producing cortisol, the stress hormone that raises the blood sugar. The up-and-down rollercoaster of blood- sugar, perpetuates the state of hyper-vigilance with its devastating, generalized health consequences. Important for our discussion is the shrinking of the intestinal surface area, with less absorption surface and less ability to absorb nutrients including the sugars from the food. This condition reduces the time the gut can absorb the sugar from the meal, thus making worse the hypoglycemic condition. Your solutions are: A. Control/ eliminate sugar and starched (the No Grain or Adkins diets), which is all foods that have high glycemic indexes or digest into sugar rapidly;

4 B. Eliminate the cravings through reprogramming with psychological [tapping] - EFT); C. At bed time, protein snack to give you longer absorption of blood sugar from your gut and thus reduce your reliance on insulin and the blood sugar rollercoaster; the integrative medical stress and hormonal rehabilitation program; D. Rebuild your intestine surface with herbs and nutrition; E. Eliminate food allergies which cause inflammation and shrinking of the intestinal mucosa.

7. Reduce the bad bugs, eat the good bugs. The gut is a constant battle for growth and proliferation between the good and bad bugs. For a healthy bowel you must eat and supplement the beneficial bacteria, preferably the human strains, because the human lactic commensals attach best to the human bowel mucosa. After good bowel bacteria restoration, continued bowel maintenance for life is critical. Every indigenous culture eats lacto fermented foods that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Oral antibiotics are the scourge of the bowel. They kill the good bugs, selectively promoting the growth of the bad ones, which are also antibiotic resistant. A one week course of any antibiotic will change the gut ecology for 9 months (if it ever recovers). Antibiotics have certainly saved many lives, but the over use and gut problems that have resulted are a major cause of our current chronic health problems. Furthermore, antimicrobial resistance is spreading to all known antibiotics, which means that within a couple years medicine will have no effective antibiotics against common infections and the mortality rates from infectious diseases are likely to climb to the rates they were in the 30’s. The gut is the reservoir of all chronic infections in the body. No chronic can be adequately controlled without bowel restoration and reducing the bodily burden in the bowel. This includes Lyme, amoeba, parasites, virus, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and other bacteria. Controlling the bad bugs in the gut may require herbal and/ or drug antimicrobials. Candida overgrowth is probably the most common gut dys-biosis, but by no means the only bad bug in the gut, for parasites, dysbiotic bacteria and virus are also in need of control. Anti-fungal/microbial/parasite medications have their place and sometimes need to be used in an integrative medical bowel program (i.e. Nystatin, Sporonox, Flaggyl, Bitricide …). However, the plant antimicrobials are most helpful for long term bowel dysbiosis control. All drug antimicrobials have side effects and should be used only when needed for short periods. Garlic, oregano, cinnamon, and olive leaf are a few of the potent plant antimicrobials that have been used for thousands of years to control the bowel microflora. Routine use of garlic and the others is very effective and critical to ingest on a regular basis. Food passes fairly rapidly through the small intestines therefore the microbes need to attach themselves to the mucosa to survive. However, in the large bowel, the fecal mass tends to stagnate and often cakes to the large bowel wall. This obviously promotes the growth of the parasites, dysbiotic bacteria, Candida and other undesirable microbes. Washing the bowel or colon has been used by Indigenous medicine for thousands of years. Water often treated with ozone, is gently flushed 5 into the colon which expands and loosens the fecal mass. The caked and dry feces is removed along with the bad bugs, reducing the toxic load on the liver, oxygenating the bowel and liver, enhancing detox- all good stuff. Other beneficial therapeutic effects are the release of emotions and other areas of chronic pain and dysfunction, for the colon is reflexively attached to other parts of the body. Coffee are very healthful and a major part of most Integrative Health bowel and detoxification programs. The coffee stimulates the liver to produce 1000 fold amounts of glutathione, one of your bodies most important detox molecules. The Germans have been using activated air and energized gases in the colon for 50 years with exceptional results. The activated air in the low concentration generated by the special machine cleans and sanitizes the dysbiotic microbes very effectively as well as oxygenates the liver and enhances detox. Colon hydrotherapy and activated air therapy are very effective when used together (in our Rejuvenation and Detoxification Center). These can also be purchased for home units. Cleaning the bowel is the key to health.

8. Biofilms are very important to understand and treat especially in patients with chronic infections. Biofilms form around blood vessels, fascial planes, and the bowel wall. The biofilm in the gut is especially important because it is estimated that 99% of the Lyme and other pathogen living in your bodies thrive in the bowel biofilm, safe from the immune system. • A healthy biofilm (of healthy bacteria and their substrate home) assures the proper transport and absorption of nutrients and a well functioning immune and nervous system in the bowel. Healthy bowel bacteria and their secretion products adhere to the gut wall, providing nutrition and maintaining the healthy bowel exchange. , • Fungus, bad bacteria, viruses, and their secretion products create an indestructible pathogenic biofilm. The parasites will burrow and hide behind the biofilm. All patients with chronic infections and chronic disease have a bowel biofilm, which should be treated. • “It persists, acts as a culture medium and training school for pathogenic microbes, blocks absorption of critical , protects parasites, yeasts and bacteria form the reach of he host’s patrolling white cells and is a major cause of chronic illness.” Klinghardt • Bowel biofilm is caused by: o Repeated use of antibiotics that kill off the good bacteria, and help the bad bugs to selectively proliferate o Supplements of high density nutrients (vitamins and minerals), feed the pathogenic biofilm allowing them to grow thicker. This is a little understood problem, but a reason why supplementation therapy may initially work but as time goes on more supplements are required to get the biological effect. ƒ Especially problematic is stearate and titanium dioxide

9. Luminal nutrition – feeding the enterocytes (bowel cells): The mucosal lining of the GI tract is the only tissue in the body with two sources of nutrition. The rest of the body uses the blood as the source of nutrition. The GI uses blood and luminal

6 nutrition. The mucosal lining uses glucose from the blood as well as glutamine, butyrate and aspartate from the gut lumen. In fact 60-70% of the energy of the small intestine comes from glutamine and 60% of the energy of the large intestine comes from butyrate. Butyrate is a short chained fatty acid (SCFA) and 10 % of the energy used by our entire body is in the form of SCFA – used primarily by the liver cells for detoxification and metabolic glands for hormone synthesis. Butyrate and other SCFA are synthesized in the colon by the beneficial flora and are produced from indigestible starches like muesli, oatmeal and FOS. Glutamine for the small intestine and butyrate for the large intestine are critical for repair of the gut mucosa and restoration of the tight junctions of the gut cells (due to leaky gut, irritable bowel, Crones and all other bowel disorders). and mucous formation are also critical for bowel mucosa restoration.

10. Integrative Medicine not only treats the bowel with foods and biochemical therapeutics (listed above) but recognizes that the bowel is regulated by the functional nervous system (Autonomic Nervous System). Therapy directed at normalizing neurological regulation can be very beneficial to any bowel program. Acupuncture, ETPS (electrical acupuncture), , Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), microcurrent, neural therapy and psycho-emotional therapy are therapeutics used in our office to supply Regulation (or information) therapy to re-regulate the bowel into proper function. Some can be taught and used at home. A comprehensive Integrative Medical bowel program can also assess and treat stress, unresolved psycho-emotional conflicts from past traumas, family system dysfunction and other higher regulatory conflicts, which may be affecting adversely the bowel. (SEE Patient Orientation III for more details). Controlling cravings is very important in any bowel program. Often it is the bad bugs that have more control than we are comfortable to admit. Craving control through Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) is a successful part of our therapy. (See No Grain Diet – Dr. Mercola).

II. The Bowel restoration Program: Review of general strategies

A. Do you have a problem in the upper GI and digestion? 1. Chewing and swallowing problems? • Dentistry – not able to chew food properly? • Habits – gulps food, doesn’t chew due to habits • TMJ/ CMD – jaw stress causes neurological stress (ANS) affecting swallowing and digestion – because it is all on the same neurological circuit. 2. Stomach, pancreas and gall bladder (liver) • Replace: HCl, pancreatic enzymes, bile salts 7 • Remove: i. avoid allergic foods ii. allergy elimination therapeutics; iii. Celiac and biochemical sensitivity to gluten and casein (wheat and milk) – may need to avoid; iv. Chronic infections – H pylori, virus…; Food with a fast (juice) to give bowel time to heal • Repair: i. Stress reduction, ii. Herbal healers: aloe liquid, iii. Liver support: drainage formulas of herbs and homeopathics; liver flushes iv. Nutrition for damaged mucosa and enzyme production: 1. amino acids 2. simple foods easy to digest to increase nutrition and reduce digestive load – juicing program B. Problem in the lower bowel- Small and large intestine? • Repair and remove - See above • Remove accumulated debris/ toxins: o flush with / colonics; o Antimicrobial foods, herbs and sometimes drugs • Must treat constipation or increased bowel transit time aggressively: colonics, enema, nutrition and herbs; Regulation therapy - acupuncture, LLLT, homeopathy, ETPS • Bowel repair- nutrition and herbs. • Remove the bugs: Parasite program, specific bacteria, virus, Lyme, Candida …. • Replace friendly bacteria - oral supplementation, fermented and cultured foods; feed friendly bugs, starve bad ones

III. Evaluation and monitoring bowel problems:

1. History of your bowel issues is always the starting point and gold standard in any evaluation and part of our routine health history. It needs to be emphasized that bowel dysfunction is so common and the signs of a bowel problem for many are long term and sometimes thought to be “normal for me”. 2. Understanding stool and bowel health as discussed in this monograph is the best patient guide. Constipation, foul stools, poor transit time, thin “ribbony” stools, undigested foods are some of the less than desirable signs that the bowel has problems. 3. Biochemical Lab tests: can be performed to identify bowel problems: 1. urine organic acids 2. stool analysis 3. liver function tests, leaky gut tests 8 4. LEAP test for 150 of the most common allergic foods 5. Biofeedback, functional analysis tests will also illuminate bowel problems. Some of those tests are: Meridian stress testing (MST), NES, Autonomic Response Testing (ART), Computerized Reflex Thermography (CRT), . 6. The bowel is part of the bowel-liver-blood ecosystem. Observing the peripheral blood under high resolution microscopy can identify bowel dysfunction and then monitor results very effectively.

Review by Doctors: a specific questioner can be very useful. We have two choices for functional history bowel evaluation: A. The Nutritional Assessment questionnaire (developed by Biotics): this is a comprehensive rating history which can evaluate your symptoms and rate severity in all systems, including the bowel. This questionnaire is available at out office and on our website. It is highly recommended that all NIHA patients take this short but very effective (and free) evaluation; we also can use it for monitoring your outcomes. B. The comprehensive Health appraisal (developed by Metagenics, Dr. Bland).

IV. Therapeutic strategies: Putting the bowel program together: The patient and doctors agrees to:

A. Specific Bowel Dysfunction/ assessment:  Functional history  Biochemical labs: ______ Functional tests: NES, ART, MST, Orian, PBA, iridology Bowel condition/diagnosis:______

B. Orientation and life-style basics 1. Understand bowel and other Integrative Medical programs that apply to your condition:  Heavy metal detox program,  Chronic infections  Allergy program  Cancer program  Chronic pain  Metabolic and hormonal program  and child disorders  Paradigms in Health and Healing; (Integrative Medical manual)  Comprehensive IM Mental Health and Brain Healing monolog  Integrative Medical models monograph; Patient Orientation III  Books: The Body Ecology Diet 2. Refer to Dr. Mines at Detoxification and Rejuvenation Center:  For limited consultation and colonic program  For Primary care


B. At home program of nutrition, diet and life styles 1. Refer to Nutritionist/ Life-style health coach:______ Program: 6 month - Immersion  Individual nutrition classes - Essentials  Back to Basics: food, water, air  Inflammation support diet Patient: Interest level:______Knowledge level:______ Specific diet:  Diet Pharmacy  Diet diary  Food rotation diets for allergy (post LEAP)  Specific metabolic______ Low / glycemic diet - Candida  Food avoidance: wheat, dairy, corn, soy, sugar and all ”white” foods  Elimination and provocation protocol;  The diet that is best for you; Weston Price, genetic, metabolic and/or  The Body Ecology Diet is highly recommended 1. If the inner bodily ecology is not established, detox and rehabilitation is very hard. 2. The principles are very important – for it is established on the bowel health and immune support. 3. The foods that are eaten are the primary source of nutrition, the supplements are only secondary to rebuild the stores and supple for a short time the extras needed to detox and rehabilitate the tissues.  Water- quality water with electrolytes  Organic food

C. Basic supplemental nutrition: If not included in another program  4 Pillars of nutritional supplementation: □ General V&M:______□ Antioxidant formula(s)______□ Essential Fat Acids______□ Probiotics:______ Other:______D. Specific bowel strategies:  treat and remove biofilm (if heavy metals and chronic infections)  rehabilitate the bowel REPLACE digestive enzymes: HCl, pancreatic digestive enzymes, bile  HCl replacement formulas:  Enzy-Gest (HCl, bile, digestive enzymes)  HCl Plus, Hydrozyme, Gastrazyme (Biotics):

10  Pancreatic enzymes replacement:  Wobenzyme, marcrozyme V-Zyme,  Rx: Ultrase  Bile salts:  Beta Plus, Beta-TCP (Biotics)  Rx: Ursa bile o Replace instructions - digestive enzymes: o pancreatic enzymes at the end of the meal (or 20 minutes after), (when the pH of the stomach is less); o HCl in the beginning of the meal if needed o Heal gastric mucosa if needed: □ Aloe juice: ______□ DGL □ Gastric ecology #2: Aloe, licorice root, arginine (heal gastric mucosa):______REMOVE:  REMOVE ALLERGIC FOODS: Assessed after the LEAP test of 150 common foods  Elimination diet – Diet and Life style counselors  Refer for allergy elimination therapy:______ Refer to Dr, Soloman for environmental workup and immunological TX. • Remove – the allergic foods from the diet, which when allergic foods are eaten creates hyper-reaction of the immune system, and inflammation and atrophy of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.  REMOVE BAD BUGS: (bacteria, fungus, parasites):  Bowel biofilm therapy; See below  Freezed dried garlic  Specific bowel infection protocol RX______Bowel: Anti-microbial, fungal, parasite, viral  Rx______ Nystatin powder  Nidrozol (Metronidazole) Plant Antimicrobials (WEED)  Oil of Oregano  Olive leaf extract  ginger oil, wormwood, bayberry, goldenseal, olive leaf, uva ursie, grapefruit seed extract  Black walnut hull tincture, Cloves powder, Wormwood combo capsules (protocol from Hanna Kroeger, Huilda Clark) • Remove – the bad bacteria, fungus, worms, virus: 1. Freezed dried garlic (FDG) is the most potent broad range antimicrobial when it is prepared correctly. In addition, it protects the blood structures from oxidative damage during Heavy metal detox, while supplying bioactive sulfur. Dissolve 2-3 capsules in water to constitute the Allison, which is the antimicrobial component. This is used in the bowel biofilm protocol.

11 2. Freezed dried garlic can be used in the Bowel biofilm protocol. This is the first step in Bowel detox and chronic infection protocol.

 REMOVE/ Neurotoxins  Bowel neurotoxin elimination out of the gut with chlorella Alternatives: apple pectin, zeolyte, chitosan, charcoal, clay, cholestyramin  Liver / gall bladder flush:______ Colon hydrotherapy Program  :______• Remove – mercury and other neurotoxins from the gut: chlorella 10-60 tablets/ day (2-7 grams in powder or caps), 2-3 times per day; start slow and build up; chlorella is the primary mercury detox food and used through-out the therapy (many years). 1. Chlorella pyreneidosa – better detox and harder to digest 2. Chlorella vulgaris – better nutrition, less detox, easer to digest  Remove: Colonic hydrotherapy (WEED): □ Colon hydrotherapy at Health spa:# of times, frequency______□ Ozone insufflations: during colonic, separate without colonic; home______□ Colon implantation: at time of colonic, at home tx______□ Home colema: with/ wout ozone water, distilled water, ______□ Home enema program: coffee enema, regular; ______

Bowel Biofilm Therapy: To weaken/ remove the intestinal biofilm 1. NaEDTA ½ -1 tsp (25-50mg/kg/day) 2x per day between meals 2. Lumbrokinase: an enzyme that effectively breaks down the biofilm protective matrix 3. MMS as antimicrobial 4. Chlorella to clean up the bowel wall and detox the neurotoxins of the microbes, whose home is being eliminated 5. Ecklonia Cave:2-4 caps twice daily 6. Others to weaken/ remove the bowel biofilm: charcoal, pectin, clay, fiber To restore the healthy biofilm at the same time: 1. Eat lacto-fermented foods (Body Ecology Diet) 2. Supplement with Beta Glucan probiotics (good bacteria plus their healthy matrix to grow).

12 Biofilm supplements: Ecklonia Cave Extract • Sea based polyphenols 10-1000 times stronger than land based ones (green tea, ). Ocean polyphenols pass blood brain barrier. • Long ½ life 12 hours, land based ones 30 min. • Strong anti-oxidant, lipid and cholesterol lowering • scavenger (from endothelium), which helps in the biofilm removal • Anti-plasmin effect: increase of micro-circulation. • Anti-inflammatory, Inhibition of NF-kB • Supports healthy blood glucose levels, very good for uncontrolled blood sugar • Down regulate of DGAT enzyme (turns food into fat) by 60%: significant in weight loss (for weight loss – 4 caps 2x/day • Pain relieving effect by inhibition of COX enzymes • Inhibition and reversal of beta-amyloid plaque formation (Alzheimer’s) Clinical effects: improves sleep, weight loss, reduced blood pressure, anti-arthritic, significant reduction in Fibromyalgia pain, increase in memory and cognitive function, more potent than Viagra is ED, reversal of arterial plaque and vascular inflammation , anti-aging MMS- Miracle Mineral Solution Protocols • To constitute the MMS o Citric acid; at pharmacy of Whole foods; make a 10% solution with 1 tbsp citric acid to 9 tbsp of water ƒ Sources: Whole foods, o Mix each drop MMS with 5 drops citric acid solution, swirl in large glass with dropper o Wait 3 min then add to water of non-Vit C juice and drink • MMS can be applied straight of diluted to skin, eruptions, cancer, age spots, keratotic lesions, etc. • Start 2 drops MMS twice daily. Increase slowly to 15 drops 3 times/ day • Or maintain on 6 drops twice daily and spike once weekly to 15 drops twice daily exactly one hour apart – after diner; follow protocol with 30-40 drops of Rizols • It is best to use both doses of MMS between dinner and bedtime. Follow with high dose of chlorella (20-30 tabs) and again as close to bedtime as possible with a dose of probiotics. Use probiotics during the day: after breakfast and lunch. • Side effect: die off effects (nausea for a few hours most common). Tends to disappear after the job id finished (days). • MMS works mostly in the blood stream, less effective in deeper tissues. Excellent for Babesia and acute stages of any infection. • Additional antimicrobial strategies,

13 o Biopure rizoles – either 10 rizol-mix of individual rizols) 10-15 drops 3 times per day, Excellent to follow MMS within 10 minutes (will decrease side effects) o Biopure special Lyme herb mix ƒ 2 dropperfuls 4 x per day.

Specific chronic infection strategies (WEED):  MMS, biofilm therapy;

• Worms: • Note: most lab tests are ineffective, must use energetic testing for assessment • Do a therapeutic trial and evaluate the results Notes on therapy: • Sequence treatment after or during Bowel Biofilm Therapy, which disrupts the parasite hiding home and makes the parasites more vulnerable. • Freezed dried garlic is the universal antimicrobial remedy- already introduced in the therapeutic program, but mentioned here for emphasis. 1. 1-2 caps after each meal 1- 3 times/ day; 3 in the therapy intensive stages and 1 during maintenance. 2. Open the capsules in water for 2-4 minutes to reconstitute the allison. • Herbals: Monastery of Herbs – specific for individual microbes. • Alternatives: High sea salt/ protocol 1. kills large parasites by osmotically induced dehydration (osmotic shock). 2. 1.5 grams of sea salt per 20 lbs. of body weight in 4 divided doses per day for 3 weeeks 3. with each dose give 1-4 gms of Vitamin C (dose below bowel tolerance) 4. 3 3-6 week cycles with a 2 week break in-between. Monitor the blood pressure. 5. the weeks off – ½ tsp of sea salt in water, first thing in morning. • Alternative: Rise and Shine • Anti-worm prescriptions: 1. Biltricide: specific detergent to strip the worms of protective layer, then GI enzymes digests the worms. A. 3 tabs/ 3 times per day B. Repeat 14 days later. 2. Vermox: 100mg 2 times / day for 3 days; repeat in 21 days. 3. Albendazole (same family as metronidazole)


: specific for killing microbes and /or sensitizing the immune system to fight the microbes 1. Microcurrent – KLM; inhibits the reproductive cycles of the microbes, entrains the immune system to search and destroy, enhances the immune system, provides lymphatic drainage and support an more 2. Photon-genie 3. Sputnik: get on the internet, used throughout Europe A. Swallow the Sputnik capsule, which sends out an electrical signal which the parasites hate and die. Note that you will not see the parasites in the stool, because they autolysis (digest away), but you will see the eggs. B. If threatened the parasites lay eggs (Lyme goes into a cyst) C. Retrieve (and clean) the sputnik and use 3 times D. Repeat in 2 weeks to kill the egg larva. 4. CD’s with the sound frequencies of the microbes, is played through a walkman or sound system 3 times / week • Giardia/ Amoebas (protozoa) Same as worms: assessment should be Energetic testing because of the multiple false negatives or the labs inability to consistently give accurate stool tests. These microbes can only be detected in fresh stool for 20 minutes, therefore all lab tests are sub-standard. Therefore - ART testing and therapeutic trial. • Freezed dried garlic, Monastery of Herbs and energy medicine modalities - same as above. 1. FDG – 3 caps after each meal • Prescription: 1. Tinidazol (Flaggyl): adult dose is 500 mg 2 times / day for 10 days: therefore adjust the dose accordingly due to body weight, but stay on the high side.

• Fungal and yeast (Candida) Fungi and viruses seem to support each other. The bowel is the reservoir of Candida and other fungi. The good beneficial bacteria are seriously disturbed with the use of anti-biotic therapy, and therefore the yeast, which are unaffected by the antibiotics proliferate. In addition, mercury attaches to the cell wall of the Candida, selectively inhibiting further the beneficial bacteria. The Candida from the bowel spills into the blood, enhancing the neuro-toxin levels. All chronic infection (and chronic ill) patients have Candida overgrowth, until proven otherwise. • Bowel therapy: change the milieu of the bowel, the 4R’s, 1. especially re-inoculate the bowel with good bacteria A. Matrix microbes, beta-glucan probiotics

15 2. Remove the mercury and other heavy metals, which selectively inhibit the good bacteria and are bound to the Candida – with large doses of Chlorella; this also binds the neurotoxins released by the killing of he Candida • Don’t feed the yeast – low carbohydrate diet, no simple and high glycemic foods; however the insulin levels are the most important, don’t restrict the if not necessary. Metabolic testing for fast and slow metabolizing is helpful to determining the best diet. Molds and fungi benefit from a high carbohydrate environment, but bacteria benefit from an acidic environment, created by a high protein diet. 1. use Diet therapy software 2. ART to determine best diet. • Herbals to kill the : 1. Freezed dried garlic – very effective 2. Oil of oregano 3. Pare-rizol • Prescription 1. Difluccan (Fluconazole) 100mg 2x/ day 2. Nystatin • Energetic: 1. CD’s, KMT

Other plant antimicrobials (WEED): (freezed dried garlic, cinnamon oil, oregano oil, freezed dried ginger oil, wormwood, bayberry, goldenseal, olive leaf, uva ursie, grapefruit seed extract…)  Bee Propolis therapy: for gastric H pylori, and other infections

 RE-INOCULATE or RESTORE with friendly bacteria: Restore – the healthy bacteria with each meal; the best way to eat live bacteria in food and supplements. For all probiotic supplements the best way to restore their vitality (they are freezed dried – asleep) is to dissolve the organisms in warm water for 10-20 minutes, allowing them to come back to life and drinking them at the end of he meal (so the pH does not kill them). This presents the healthy bacteria with the healthiest options for survival. 3. Beta Glucan – probiotics 4. Matrix Microbes (Biopure) 5. Florastor 6. Lactobacillus crispatus 7. Eat Lacto-fermented foods (see “Basics”, “Body Ecology Diet”); Introduce fermented foods (after allergy has been checked): Kefur, Yogurt, cottage cheese, pickled and fermented vegetables, kim-chi…; these foods are nutritious and may be easier to digest. The lacto-fermenting predigests the foods and add nutrients and probiotics to the food. The synergistic effect of the lacto-fermented foods and the pro-biotic supplements (good bowel bacteria) is very effective for restoring proper bowel ecology. 16 □ HLC Intensive/ High potency/ maintenance/ Neonate______□ HLC Colon Implant:______□ Pre probiotic, Pure FOS, Ca/Mg Butyrate______

 REPAIR: GI mucosa/metallothionine • Rehabilitating the GI mucosa and the immune system that surrounds the gut follows the first 3 basics. • When the other R’s are done, and the inflammation from the allergy and bad bugs are relieved, when the food is being properly digested by the bowel and not available to the bad microbes to eat and flourish, when the mercury is reduced so the good bacteria can grow, the bowel cells can heal and naturally proliferate. The food of the bowel is glutamine, the most abundant amino acid and short chained fatty acids, products of the good bacteria that we are culturing.

GI REPAIR/ REGENERATE - nutrition and herb formulas; FEED- intestinal mucosa and good bacteria: □ Intestinal Complex: (relieve inflammation- mucilage prod., anti- inflammatory,antioxidant)______□ Permea Bowelbility Complex I: (leaky gut, detox; use for 60 days)______□ Permeability Complex II: (long term maintenance after I) □ Butyrate complex: (Colon repair, Fatty Acid metabolism) □ Beta Sitosterol □ FOS: (pre-biotic, non-digestible plant sugars, fermented in colon, favor growth/ dominance of beneficial microflora):______□ Bowel ecology #2: (alfalfa, Pau D’ Arco, Allium, Licorice root) feeds, secretions______□ Bowel ecology #3: (Ca. caprylate, Mg caprylate, grapefruit seed extract, Aloe vera, spirilina (repair, weed)______□ Bowel ecology #4: (grapefruit seed extract, Allium, Pau D’ Arco) (feed, Weeds)______□ Bowel ecology #5: (Par-Quing, Pau D’ Arco, Beet root fiber, Guar Gum) Feed, bulk___ □ Bowel ecology #6: (Echinacea, Golden seal, Astragalus root, Burdock root); repair and immune enhance: ______□ Bowel ecology #7: (Cascara Sagrada, Alfalfa, Beet root, goldenseal) cleanse and feed: □ Bowel ecology #8: Beet root fiber (feed):______□ Bowel ecology #9: Milk thistle, Goldenseal, Tumeric, Jerusalem artichoke: Immune, liver support 17 □ Bowel ecology #10: B-5, folate,B-6 PABA,K, Arginine, histidine, orinthine, aloe vera, licorice, spirulina; Nutricudicals, vitamins, mineral and amino acids, (Feed , repair mucosa) □ Bowel ecology #12: Mg, K, Taurine (minerals):______

Colon cleanse formulas: □ Super Cleanse □ Whole body cleanse detox/ Colon cleanse detox:______□ Bowel ecology #11: Senna, Psyllium, beet root, Glycerin □ Bowel ecology #14: Psyllium, Apple pectin

Constipation and bowel transit: □ B-5: 1000mg time release:______□ Bowel ecology #5: (Par-Quing, Pau D’ Arco, Beet root fiber, Guar Gum)_____ □ Water therapy:______□ Vitamin C Tx.______□ Acu-meridian : Acupuncture/ ETPS/ Neural therapy (regulation Level II therapy):______□ Increase fiber food/ supplement

Liver and gall bladder: □ Liver flush:______□ Sabre Detox Method:______□ Liver support and detoxification: (phase II and I liver support)______□ Liver/ Gall bladder drainage remedies: (Cholonest, Hepatica)______□ Liver Ecology #1: (Dandelion, root, beet root, Black, radish, Goldenseal, Catnip, Methionine, Choline, Inositol:______□ Liver Ecology #2: (Turmeric, Milk thistle, Red clover, ginger, goldenseal, Jerusalem artichoke, Fennel seed:______Regulation therapy: • ETPS, acupuncture, neural therapy: • Traditional Chinese Medicine: • Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT):cravings, beliefs, control

Other reference monographs: □ Patient Orientation II; □ Life Span Nutrition for aging healthfully (Ali) □ The Gastrointestinal Tract a holistic overview (Grazon) □ Parasites – a holistic approach (Grazon); □ Colon Therapy programs (Health and Healing Spa); □ Ayurveda Colon care; □ Basics; □ Colitis- What’s in a name? (Ali); □ The Sabre Science Total Detoxification System; □ Pharmax protocols

18 Know the herbs and the line-up of proven nutriceuticals for the bowel and liver Herbs have been used for thousands of years for bowel health and maintenance. While the following list is not complete, it may help you to understand the herbs and their actions. Understand that herbs and nutrients act slowly (unlike suppressive drugs), helping the bowel to recover and regenerate. In the beginning of bowel treatment, it is not uncommon for the symptom (loose bowel movements, diarrhea, undue bloating or fullness, and cramps) to occur. Be patient this is usually the body detoxing. If it is too severe, reduce the dosing.

(The following taken from and Sabre Science- Dr. Borkin, Pharmax- Dr. Plummer, Dr. Majid Ali)

Artichoke leaf: has been used for centuries for liver issues and has become the universal liver decongestor. Artichoke helps protect the liver and enhance the clearing of its metabolic by-product (detoxification). This is important since the natural liver detox process can initially convert he very item it is trying to clear to an even more toxic form. The liver can become sluggish (congested) without the de-congestional aid of artichoke. Research suggests that the active component, cynarin, is responsible for the liver cell protective effect. Artichoke leaf extract has also been shown to significantly prevent oxidative damage to vital liver cells.

Glutamine: Plays a chief role in ammonia detox as well as helping to maintain the integrity of the mucus of he gastrointestinal tract. Glutamine and aspartamine are the primary fuel for the enterocytes (the cells of the gut), which need nourishment for function and replication. For the gut lining cells are continually replicating, striving to grow in size and number.

Psyllium Seed: One of the highest sources of dietary fiber, it acts like a gentle “scrub brush” in the colon, attaching itself to trapped matter in the bowel. This scrub brush movement in the intestine gently scrubs away and binds the toxins for easy, complete elimination. Psyllium helps modulate glucose and insulin metabolism; helps reduce plasma cholesterol; it is the prefect intestinal cleanser/ GI detoxifier because it produces the benefits associated with soluble fiber in the small intestine but is not well utilized by the colonic flora and so acts also as a fecal bulking agent.

Asparagus Extract: A potent detoxifier that nutritionally supports urinary tract function and detoxification of the kidneys. This is crucial to the detox process of the entire body. Recent studies suggest asparagus plays an important role in promoting the development of white blood cells (necessary for proper immune function).

Garlic: The medicinal properties of fresh garlic have been known for centuries and it has been he mainstay ‘anti-infective’ of numerous civilizations through the ages. The problem that has arisen in presenting garlic as a supplement is the inherent instability of he initial active substance, allicin, which is create when a clove of garlic is crushed Allicin is not found, as such , within the garlic clove. Instead, when the clove is crushed, allicin is formed instantaneously form the interaction of the enzyme called allinase on a precursor of allicin called alliin. Gently freeze-drying high quality garlic will only release

19 the prime active allicin component when ingested and re-hydrated, all of the allicin is released in the Gastro Intestinal tract. Garlic has a remarkable broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against a range of problematic bacteria fungi (including Candida), viruses and protozoa; no effect on the beneficial lactic acid flora of the gastro intestinal and genitourinary tracts; blood purifier and shown to reduce platelet aggregation and beneficial for circulation; garlic is known to help lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase high density lipoproteins (HDL’s); safe with no toxicity fo mammalian tissues.

Cascara Sagrada: Works by stimulating the lining of the upper intestines to promote normal bowel function. It is also recommended as a tonic for the digestive system. It helps to restore tone, detoxify and cleanse the colon.

Ginger root: Helps to detoxify and helps to prevent the gripping abdominal cramping that can occur with the use of some detoxifying herbs. Ginger has been found to support the contractile activity of the gall bladder in the secretion of bile during digestion. Ginger oil soothes the intestinal lining and assists in repairing the normal functioning.

Fennel Seed: an aid to digestion by relaxing muscles in the digestive systems as well as smoothing the muscle lining of the digestive tract to help expel gas; fights internal and external stresses.

Wild yam: has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties due on part to cortisone- like constituents. Wild yam has been used to reduce nausea due to high hormone levels.

Chlorophyllin and parsley leaf: is an antibacterial, arrests growth and development of unfriendly (pathogenic bacteria, rebuilds and bloodstream. Is a superior detox agent, neutralizes toxins in the body, helps purify the liver and improves blood sugar problems.

Calcium EDTA: improves circulation, helps reduce cholesterol, lower insulin requirements in diabetics, to reduce high blood pressure, leg muscle cramps, helps normalize weight, improves psychological and emotional status, impotence, cold extremities warmed, memory and concentration improved and aids improve skin, hair and nails.

Beta Glucans: enhances immune function by boosting natural killer cell activity, modulates cytokines, stimulating interferon production, assists the body’s natural detoxification pathways to dispose of toxins, mutagens, and free radicals, supporting healthy cardiovascular function and lowering levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Peppermint leaf – improves circulation and the production of digestive fluids, All natural peppermint oil relieves headaches, nausea and soothes spastic colon syndrome.

Senne leaf - has been used traditionally as a laxative for centuries. Can act as an anio- inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmotic cathartic; vaso-relaxant and viricidal, Stimulates cellular regeneration, detoxification and cleansing.

Slippery elm bark extract/ marshmallow root – mucilage production: Herbal-derived ‘mucilage’ can be deficient in oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, which absorb 20 moisture in the GI tract and produce a ‘gel-like’ viscous consistency. Muculages are mainly composed of xylans, pentosans and fatty acid esters. In addition, mucilage is not broken down by host enzymes of affected substantially by the gut microflora, and it acts as a lubricating and soothing agent for the mucosal lining.

Chamomile, Marigold and licorice – anti-inflammatory activity: these herbs have been used traditionally for anti-inflammatory and carminative effects. In all cases, the mechanism appears to be the down-regulation of production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids.

Gamma-oryzanol – anti-oxidant: is isolated from rice bran. Has potent anti-oxidant activity. In the GI tract gamma oryzanol has been found to stimulate gastric production and, in addition, the benefits of this substance in he treatment of gastric ulcers are well documented.

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) – stimulate the microbial flora to produce butyric acid, essential for coloncyte (colon cells) integrity. PERMIABILITY

Arginine - supports mucosal cell growth and repairs and stimulates the mucosal production of nitric oxide by mucosal defense cells PERMEABILITY

Vitamin C and E stimulate the mucosal immune system and assist in the repair and growth of the mucosal barrier. PERMIABILITY

Quercitin – has been found to by anti-mutagenic against common dietary mutagens

Zinc – stimulates the mucosal immune system PERMIABILITY

N- Acetyl-Glucocamine (NAG) – forms part of the glycocalyz exudates at he surface of the mucosal barrier. PERMIABILITY

Alfalfa – great healer, laxative, effective in stomach disorders, feeds good bacteria

Pau D’ Arco – feeds good bacteria

Allium – feeds good bacteria

Licorice Root Extract – Intestinal secretion stimulant and laxative; fights internal and external stresses.

Calcium/ Magnesium caprylate – helps cell function, aids immune system, Magnesium is “natures Calcium channel blocker”

Grape seed extract – weeds out yeast and parasites

Aloe vera – natural healer, mild laxative, hemorrhoid aid

Spirulina – protein that weeds out yeast and parasites

21 Par-Quin feeds good bacteria

Beet root fiber – feeds good bacteria, good roughage

Guar gum – decrease fat absorption, laxative

Butyrate – is one of the most important metabolites in the gastro-intestinal tract. Its functions include: major energy source (60%) for the cells of the colon (colonocytes); regulates colonic cell turnover, stimulates apoptosis and orchestrated differentiation of colonic epithelial cells. Butyric acid is produced along with propionic and acetic acids by the large intestinal microflora from the fermentation of complex carbohydrates and soluble fiber. The dependency of butyrate production on the normal gut microflora means that when the flora is imbalanced, depression of butyrate production is often the result. The most common cause of this is the use of broad spectrum antibiotics, which can dramatically decrease the number of butyrate-producing organisms. This can have the effect of starving the colonocyte cells of nutrients and if this happens, they begin to atrophy and wither. This can subsequently results in the tight junction between the colonocytes becoming loose which in turn is a classic example of leaky of permeable gut. The best ways to increase butyrate production in the gut are to increase consumption of soluble fiber such as fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and increase intake of resistant starches, which are a component of most vegetables. In addition, butyrate salts of Calcium and Magnesium which are not absorbed in the small intestine but available for absorption in the large intestine. Butyrate absorbed into the liver is the primary fuel for the liver detoxification (beta-oxidation) in the hepatocyte.


Milk thistle – digestive aid, liver support Jerusalem artichoke – healer and feeds good bacteria Goldenseal – immune modulator, plant antibiotic Turmeric – antioxidant mimic, healerBurdock root – restores membrane and cell tissue functions, intestinal secretion stimulant, laxative

Putting your Bowel Program together Sequencing and synergy of the Bowel program: • Depending upon your desires, life style constraints, sense of urgency, general and bowel condition, level of toxicity, diseases and constitution the suggestions contained in the bowel basics program can be aggressively applied, or gently phased in. • For some of the more brittle or delicate patients, the bowel program is the first detox program to be instituted, followed by other detox programs (i.e. heavy metal, toxic chemical) and regeneration programs. • Usually the active or maintenance bowel program is a part of the Heavy Metal Detox program. • Feedback testing will reveal the individuality of the patient in the synergy, brand types and dosages of bowel products.

22 If this information is not available to you through office testing or self testing, a general rule is the least amount of nutricudicals the better. If you are reacting poorly, reduce the dose, eliminate all but one and add one as tolerated.

First steps for the sensitive patients, or the patient with acute and severe bowel disease (IBD, Crohn’s): I. Integrative Allergy Program: • At NIHA, due to our biofeedback testing we recognize that allergy and environmentally sensitive patients can be sensitive to the foods, herbs and nutrients of the bowel program, general supplementation and the foods that they are eating. Therefore allergy testing and immunological and neurological allergy elimination therapy is often the first step. • Other first steps, which set the basics with minimal stress to the system: o A. Water therapy if expected; o B. Diet – metabolic diet and or eliminating the foods that you are allergic to; o Meditation, emotional freedom therapy, stress reduction II. Next steps: Digestive enzymes Antimicrobials – plant or Rx. Probiotic Basic supplementation Liver support a. Then colon hydrotherapy, ozone insufflations specific chronic infection strategies liver and gallbladder therapy acu-meridian therapy b. GI repair and nutrition

Other patients can start I, II, and III of the bowel program at the same time, followed by IV 30-60 days later.

Bowel conditions and what works: Irritable bowel disease, Colitis (large intestine disorder) and Crohn’s (small intestine) functionally are essentially the same bowel condition and the strategy is often similar: • Always allergy to foods, often molds – Integrated Allergy program, to identify and remove offending foods, eliminate allergic response and reintroduce the foods back into the diet. • Bowel program to remove the dysbiotic microbes (plant antimicrobials, Rx, colonics, ozone insufflations; restore and feed the friendly bacteria; replace digestive enzymes to properly digest and feed the good bugs; regenerate the health of the GI mucosa. • Liver support and flushes

23 • Psycho-emotional/ family systems therapy (PK), stress reduction, meditation, and Emotional Freedom Therapy • Acu-meridian therapy, Neural therapy, or Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Mark McClure, DDS, FAGD, Doctor of Integrative Medicine

National Integrated Health Associates, 5225 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 402, Washington DC, 20015