Dr Michael Hirt Page: 1 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Intestinal Health ...... 2

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 2 The Center for Integrative Medicine




A natural source of butyrate, a molecule that is necessary for intestinal health and healing.


Important for patients with leaky gut and food intolerances Supports patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gas, , Great for patients needing improved regularity Promotes a healthy inflammatory response in the intestines Supports healthy gut flora and biome Targets patients looking for overall health enhancements by improving crosstalk between the gut and your brain, skin, kidney and lungs. Important support for maintaining a healthy immune system and for patients with autoimmune diseases, like , Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, colitis, Crohn’s disease Good for patients with neuro-degenerative disorders (like Parkinson’s, MS, dementia) and psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression) Designed for patients needing to rebuild or improve their gut microbiome.

HOW IT... Read More Price: CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 3 The Center for Integrative Medicine



A blend of organic herbs for patient with gas, bloating, and weak digestion


Important for patients with IBS symptoms including gas, bloating and nausea. Great for patients with poor motility, like gastroparesis Targets patients with nausea, , , and acid reflux Fast acting, non-drug formula Safe and organic herbal blend


Herbal bitters are a classic remedy for patients wanting healthy digestion. The Bitter Truth contains some twenty herbs known by traditional herbalists to support healthy gut functioning.

When taken before meals, the Bitter Truth works to stimulate a healthy cascade of intestinal functions that promote good digestion and intestinal motility. These herbs are known to assist digestion by triggering all of the enzymes and motions that make up healthy gut function.

When this calvacade of intestinal processes is not triggered as... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 4 The Center for Integrative Medicine


For Healthy Weight WHAT IT IS:

A probiotic that supports Healthy Weight Management and reduction in Body Fat Mass


Great for patients looking to help cut calorie intake Important for patients wanting to reduce Body Fat Mass Targets patients wanting to support healthy weight management Promotes Gut Barrier Function for 'Leaky Gut' support

HOW IT HELPS: A healthy gut does not just feel good, but science is proving that it is necessary for overall health and wellness. When your gut is working as designed, it is filled with some six pounds of beneficial bacteria.

There are more bacteria in your gut than there are cells in your body.

But antibiotic prescriptions and antibiotics in our food supply both drastically reduce the number and healthy nature of your gut bacterial balance. This can leave you and your gut in an unhealthy state.

Turns out, you need these healthy gut... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 5 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Mudslide Moving Past Constipation WHAT IT IS: • A natural blend of mineral, fruit, and herbal extracts for GI health WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with constipation • Targets patients who need support for digestion and elimination • Supports patients who need enhanced GI motility and stool bulk • Great for patients needing detoxification assistance • All-natural, drug-free relief HOW IT HELPS: Good health begins in the gut, and GI regularity is vital to maintaining wellbeing. Regular colon eliminations should occur two to three times daily, not a few times weekly. If something comes in the front door, then something needs to leave through the back door. Otherwise, your body is just storing toxic waste. Eventually, some of those toxins will get into your blood stream and will poison your good health. Mudslide combines three classic, time-tested ingredients that are used to maintain GI... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 6 The Center for Integrative Medicine


ProPhage E. coli has met its match! WHAT IT IS: • Gene therapy for healthy intestinal function

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Supports patients with common conditions associated with E.coli: Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), and vaginitis • Important for patients with foodborne illness: sudden , gas and bloating • Good for patients with problems in the small or large intestine • Only kills ‘bad’ bacteria, helps ‘good’ bacteria • Works fast, within hours • Necessary for patients taking antibiotics

HOW IT HELPS: Phages are a type of virus that only attack bacteria, and they are the most abundant organisms on Earth. We are surrounded by phages because they occur naturally in our soil, food, and drinking water. A single drop of seawater can contain millions of phages, while our bodies contain billions of phage... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 7 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Healing as Old as the Hills

WHAT IT IS: • A spore probiotic isolated from soil-based organisms

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients trying to limit the damage of antibiotic therapy • Targets patients with auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, • Great for patients with chronic infections (ie…Lyme and co-infections), biotoxin illness, chronic allergies, sinus disease and asthma • Supports patients with Leaky Gut, Food Intolerances, and SIBO • Promoted for patients with neurological symptoms including brain fog, vision disturbances, nerve pain/numbness/tingling

HOW IT HELPS: Scientists have identified more than 2,500 different types of organisms living in our gut. Collectively these ‘good’ bugs contribute to our overall health. From our daily food that we inadvertently share with them, these bacteria can manufacture health-sustaining vitamins and proteins. The healthy bacteria in... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 8 The Center for Integrative Medicine

MIMOSA PUDICA Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 9 The Center for Integrative Medicine


FORTITUDE Maximum Strength G.I. Protection WHAT IT IS: • Super concentrated immune-boosting proteins to enhance gut health

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with acute and chronic gut diseases and infections, including C. diff, E. coli • Supports patients with gastroenteritis, IBS, SIBO, Leaky Gut, colitis, and auto-immune diseases • Fast acting, all-natural and extremely well tolerated • Targets patients with gut toxicity and bacterial overgrowth • Great for patients with stomach and intestinal inflammation • Good for patients needing to reduce bad gut bacteria, yeast, and toxins • Free of dairy, gluten, corn, yeast and artificial colors and flavors

HOW IT HELPS: Doctors now know that a healthy body starts with a healthy gut. But keeping your intestines healthy is very hard given our constant exposure to unhealthy bacteria, allergens and dietary toxins like pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals.

Collectively these bad bugs and... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 10 The Center for Integrative Medicine


FILL ‘ER UP A Modern Twist on an Ancient Root WHAT IT IS: • A medical-grade fiber supplement for health and wellness WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients trying to lose weight • Supports patients wanting to control satiety – the feeling of fullness when eating • Good for patients with Diabetes and Insulin Resistance • Targets patients with high cholesterol • Great for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Nourishes the good gut bacteria HOW IT HELPS: Soluble fiber is naturally found in a healthy, balanced diet. By using medicinal doses of soluble fiber, patients can experience benefits in addition to those of regular exercise and a good diet. There are many fiber supplements to choose from, but most of them don’t really work to visibly change your health, inside and out. The health effects of konjac root (a traditional source of soluble fiber) are supported by dozens of scientific... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 11 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Essentia-HP For stomach pain and related infections WHAT IT IS: • A blend of herbs and nutrients for patients looking for antimicrobial and restorative properties WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with Helicobacter pylori infection • Quick release capsule ensures each dose stays where it is needed most: your stomach • Targets patients with occasional heartburn, reflux and gastritis • Good for healthy stomach function • All natural, non-GMO HOW IT HELPS: Nobody likes a stomachache. If your stomach hurts because of food poisoning, Helicobacter pylori infection, or irritation from drugs you’ve taken, then Essentia-HP can provide the needed support to get you feeling back on track. Essentia-HP is a dual-action formula that provides both natural antibiotics and soothing herbs. This two-in-one blend insures that you will have the correct support when you most need it. The traditional remedies... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 12 The Center for Integrative Medicine


DoGood Nature’s gift for amazing gastrointestinal health WHAT IT IS: • A synergistic formula of healing herbs for optimal intestinal health and function

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with acute stomach pain, diarrhea, Leaky Gut, chronic gut inflammation/infections, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis • Targets patients who need intestinal rejuvenation • Great for patients wanting healthy bowel regularity and function • Supports patients with intestinal gas, bloating, and discomfort • Good for patients with ulcers and inflammation • The first step for patients with any and all AutoImmune Disorders • All natural, non-GMO formula

HOW IT HELPS: Your gut comprises some 32 feet of twists and turns, tubes and channels. It is an incredible feat of biomedical engineering. When it works, it is a miracle in motion.

But when something goes wrong, help can... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 13 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Truglyde 3.0Truly Activated BerberineWHAT IT IS:• A super-absorbable, highly activated form of berberineWHY YOU NEED IT:• Important for patients with abnormal blood sugar, Insulin Resistance and Diabetes• Supports patients concerned about aggressive and recurrent cancer• Good for patients with high cholesterol and triglycerides• Great for patients with gout and elevated uric acid levels• Targets patients with intestinal parasites and ‘bad’ bacteria including E. coli, Giardia, Entamoeba histolytica, Candida, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Clostridium, Shigella, and Cryptococcus• Clinically proven, all natural, and without the side effects of prescription drugsHOW IT HELPS:Derived from Berberis aristata, Truglyde contains berberine, a powerful nutraceutical that has been proven safe and effective in clinical research trials. Berberine supplements have been shown to be as effective as the prescription drug,... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 14 The Center for Integrative Medicine


AloeMend WHAT IT IS: • A premium, concentrated extract of Aloe Vera

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for people with stomach and intestinal irritation and infections • Targets inflamed, internal tissues • Supports patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and SIBO • Good for patients with Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis • Great for patients wanting strong immune support • All-natural, non-GMO

HOW IT HELPS: Aloe Vera has been called Mother Nature’s First Aid plant. People have used Aloe Vera to treat obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, arthritis, stomach ulcers, asthma, radiation damage, fever, skin itching/inflammation, open wounds, epilepsy, acne, high cholesterol, cold/flu relief, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, hemorrhoids, bursitis, vision problems, cancer, burning mouth syndrome, diaper rash, gingivitis, scabies, depression,... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 15 The Center for Integrative Medicine


SOOTHIETurns ‘Tummy Trouble’Into ‘Happy Belly’ timeWHAT IT IS:• A medical grade smoothie for intestinal healthWHY YOU NEED IT:• Important for patients with Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Proctitis• Great for patients with gastritis, food poisoning, and infectious gastroenteritis• Targets patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome• Supports all patients with inflamed and irritated bowel conditions• All natural, non-GMO, gluten free, soy free, dairy free• HypoallergenicHOW IT HELPS:When your intestines are a knotted, hot mess, it is hard to find food that is both healthy and restorative. A nutritional shake would be a quick and easy option, but most shakes are only good for patients who have normal gut function.A SOOTHIE is a medical-grade smoothie that is specifically designed for patients with acute and chronic bowel problems. The SOOTHIE shake is made with hypoallergenic pea and rice proteins, an... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 16 The Center for Integrative Medicine


SOOTHIETurns ‘Tummy Trouble’Into ‘Happy Belly’ timeWHAT IT IS:• A medical grade smoothie for intestinal healthWHY YOU NEED IT:• Important for patients with Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Proctitis• Great for patients with gastritis, food poisoning, and infectious gastroenteritis• Targets patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome• Supports all patients with inflamed and irritated bowel conditions• All natural, non-GMO, gluten free, soy free, dairy free• HypoallergenicHOW IT HELPS:When your intestines are a knotted, hot mess, it is hard to find food that is both healthy and restorative. A nutritional shake would be a quick and easy option, but most shakes are only good for patients who have normal gut function.A SOOTHIE is a medical-grade smoothie that is specifically designed for patients with acute and chronic bowel problems. The SOOTHIE shake is made with hypoallergenic pea and rice proteins, an... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 17 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Dr. Hirt’s Friendlies What’s it like to have one trillion friends?


The most powerful, cost-effective probiotic ever created


Replenishes healthy gut bacteria Important for patients on antibiotic therapy Good for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colitis Targets patients with gas, bloating, cramps, and constipation Addresses issues with food allergies and parasites

HOW IT HELPS: The human colon is supposed to be loaded with more than six pounds of healthy bacteria at all times. These friendly soldiers work with your intestinal system to keep out the bad bugs and parasites that are known to create all kinds of tummy trouble.

However, through prescription antibiotics and the antibiotics that are put into our food supply, the healthy intestinal bacteria are also under attack. Over time, the numbers of these bacteria dwindle, as does their... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 18 The Center for Integrative Medicine


BioCeph 2.0 Mother Nature’s Gift to Patients with Gut Infections WHAT IT IS: • A laboratory tested, high potency broad-spectrum herbal immune system and antimicrobial support

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Loaded with a combination of 8 powerful herbal extracts • Important for patients with gut infections, parasites, and Candida • Great for patients with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth), Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Addresses patients concerns for inflamed and irritated mucous membranes • Supports patients wanting healthy detoxification and immune function • Easy-to-take capsules **Contains walnut. Do not take if allergic to walnuts


BioCeph is a potent broad-spectrum botanical compound designed to support the entire immune system. This carefully crafted formula targets the intestines and supports healthy digestion, as well as systemic immune function.

BioCeph utilizes key... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 19 The Center for Integrative Medicine


PARASPECT Blend of Anti-parasitic Herbs  Natural support for patients with parasites

 Great for patients wanting parasite-free, intestinal health

 Targets patients with intestinal parasites and related symptoms

 Important formula as part of a comprehensive detox program

 Herbal and non-habit forming

When we think of parasites, we think of other people, in other places, far from our homes and busy lives. After all, we mostly eat at home, choose good restaurants, usually wash our hands before eating, and always after using the toilet.

So, how could you have parasites?

Easy. There are thousands of types of parasites which have spent eons of time perfecting their techniques to get into your body and hijack your intestines.

The dictionary defines parasite as “an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 20 The Center for Integrative Medicine


YEAST BEASTWHAT IT IS:• Blend of 11 herbs and spices that target Candida and related yeastWHY YOU NEED IT:• Important for patients with Candida symptoms• Good for patients with abnormal stool testing• Addresses gas and bloating symptoms associated with Candida• Supports patients on anti-Candida programsHOW IT HELPS:Candida albicans and related species of yeast are normally found in and on the bodies of most people. For those with an active and healthy immune system, the growth of Candida is kept in check, and the majority of patients with Candida experience no symptoms.Candida is an opportunistic infection, and this yeast can overgrow and cause symptoms whenever the body weakens, such as: (1) advancing age; (2) use of antibiotics which alters the good- bad bacterial balance; (3) use of chemotherapy; (4) stress/anxiety syndrome; (5) general toxicity; (6) chronic infections.Candida symptoms include:• Stomach pain... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 21 The Center for Integrative Medicine


SUPERCILLUSWHAT IT IS:• The most potent probiotic capsule ever producedWHY YOU NEED IT:• Supports healthy digestion and intestinal integrity• Important for patients during and after antibiotic therapy• Natural boost for strong, healthy immune function• Targets patients with Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Candida• Guaranteed to survive and thrive in your intestinal tractHOW IT HELPS:Supercillus is without question the most potent probiotic capsule available on the market today. With at least 100 billion healthy bacteria per capsule, no other probiotic comes close to the power and potency of Supercillus.The four different bacteria in Supercillus have been studied for their value and importance in human health. These strains have been extensively studied by clinical researchers for their healthful action. Studies have demonstrated that these probiotics can boost your immune system, restore healthy... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 22 The Center for Integrative Medicine


PEPTOCILLIN WHAT IT IS: • Natural antibiotic that targets patients with intestinal pathogens

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with Helicobacter pylori, Candida, and other intestinal infections • When taken with each meal, address concerns of Traveler’s Diarrhea and stomach upset

HOW IT HELPS: Peptocillin is a natural blend of powerful plant extracts that is designed to support normal, healthy intestinal bacterial flora.

The food we eat and the serving ware we use to eat our food are not sterile. For the most part, the bacteria that we inadvertently swallow with our food are either killed by the digestive process or by the 10 trillion healthy bacteria that co-habitate our intestinal tract.

However, on occasion, “bad” bacteria, yeast, or parasites can set up colonies in our gut and cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms (and sometimes dangerous infections), including excessive gas,... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 23 The Center for Integrative Medicine


GASTRO CLEAR WHAT IT IS: • Herbal support for patients with stomach and intestinal distress

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with GERD and heartburn • Targets the symptoms of intestinal gas, bloating, indigestion, and Candida • Helps patients looking to restore healthy gut function • Safe and non-habit forming

HOW IT HELPS: Tummy troubles are a big problem in the U.S., and Americans spend some $25 million dollars on acid blocking and reducing medicines. Poor diet choices, fast food, spicy foods, and food allergies all contribute to our society’s giant case of indigestion.

Avoiding food allergies and eating nourishing foods are the first step toward healing your gut. Just taking acid blockers and keeps you on the illness treadmill indefinitely.

Gastro Clear is a blend of herbs that helps support every inch of your intestinal tract and helps support every step of the... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 24 The Center for Integrative Medicine


DYNAMOVE WHAT IT IS: • Potent herbal formula for patients looking for , parasite cleansing, and daily regularity

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Promotes optimal colon health for patients with chronic constipation and parasites • Supports a thorough colon cleansing • Important for patients needing more aggressive colon regularity • Time-tested formula

HOW IT HELPS: A healthy colon is essential for optimal wellness, and for most of us, our colons are far from healthy. Having only a couple of bowel movements a week is not acceptable and creates toxicity that is not compatible with reliably good health.

Many patients are surprised to learn that even one bowel movement daily is not enough. The foundation for a healthy, happy colon (and a healthy, happy you) begins with two to three bowel movements daily, but that is only the first step.

Like your urine flow, the colon represents an important... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 25 The Center for Integrative Medicine


COLOBRITE WHAT IT IS: • Gentle herbal formula to support healthy colon cleansing and regularity WHY YOU NEED IT: • Promotes optimal colon health • Supports a thorough colon cleansing • Important for patients needing colon regularity • Supports patients looking for healthy weight loss and appetite control • Safe, non-habit forming formula HOW IT HELPS: A healthy colon is essential for optimal wellness, and for most of us, our colons are far from healthy. Your colon health is not assured by having just one bowel movement daily. The foundation for a healthy, happy colon begins with two to three bowel movements daily, but that is only the first step. Like your urine flow, the colon represents an important super-highway of toxin removal. With that kind of heavy traffic, regular attention is necessary to ensure nothing is left behind. ColoBrite has been formulated for a dual purpose: thorough colon... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 26 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Vegetarian Blend of Digestive Enzymes

Support for proper digestion Helps patients with gas and bloating Improves digestion Good for patients with sensitive stomachs Important when eating cooked foods

Gut Check is an extensive blend of vegetarian enzymes to help the stomach digest a large variety of foods. Due to digestive weakness which occurs genetically or over time, many people experience "tummy trouble" because they cannot completely digest certain foods or combination of foods.

Symptoms of poor digestion include abdominal pain after meals, excessive gas, bloated belly, abnormal stools, fatigue, heartburn, and reflux. Gut Check helps patients digest foods more completely to avoid these symptoms. When food is digested properly, the entire intestinal system works as it should and you feel better. Gut Check should be taken by any one not on a purely raw food diet because Gut Check helps the... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 27 The Center for Integrative Medicine


G.I. GEMS To the Rescue of Tummy Troubles WHAT IT IS: • Natural zinc complex

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Relieves the symptoms of upset stomach, bloating, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, belching, and burping • Important for patients looking to protect and soothe irritated stomach and intestinal tissues • Works like an internal “Band-Aid”

The human stomach is constantly under assault from bad food, bad medicines, and bad bacteria. These enemies of good intestinal health affect up to 40% of Americans daily.

Many of the prescription and over-the-counter treatments for stomach upset do not treat the cause of the problem but rather treat the symptoms. By not addressing the cause, these drugs create an imbalance which leads to unwanted side effects.

G.I. GEMS supports patients who want to treat the cause of many intestinal symptoms.

HOW IT HELPS: G.I. GEMS contains a complex of zinc carnosine... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 28 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Bella Belly Support for a happy tummy WHAT IT IS: • An enzyme that supports normal intestinal function • Targets patients with food intolerances • Great for patients needing to reduce the irritation of gut histamine

Why You Need It: • Important for patients with any of these conditions: ** headache, stomach ache, stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, , increased gastric acid secretions, vertigo, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, tearing eyes, asthma, high blood pressure, palpitations, gives, itching, flushing, eczema, and PMS.

Many people know there are certain foods that cause them “tummy trouble.” These are foods that can trigger one or more of the symptoms listed above. Scientists have discovered that many of these symptoms are caused by a histamine reaction that occurs during the digestion of certain foods. Many food intolerances are caused by gut histamine.

Food... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 29 The Center for Integrative Medicine


AYUR-TRIPHALA Move over, Metamucil WHAT IT IS: • A 3,500 year-old formula for support of healthy bowels

WHY YOU NEED IT: • All natural, gentle support for healthy bowel movements • Non-habit forming • Time tested formula

HOW IT HELPS: It is normal and healthy to have a bowel movement daily. Two to three bowel moments would be even better and healthier. If something goes in you (like lunch), then something should come out. Otherwise, you become a waste storage facility. Not good.

My council to patients has always been, “Never let the sun set twice without a bowel movement.” However, any change in diet, schedule or stress level can upset your bowels and make you less regular.

Triphala is an ancient Ayurvedic constipation remedy and contains three fiber-rich fruits which support healthy bowels and healthy cholesterol levels. Can you say, ‘Bonus!’ ?

Ayur-Triphala is a non habit forming... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 30 The Center for Integrative Medicine


ALOE LAX Nature’s Remedy for Constipation

WHAT IT IS: • All-natural support for constipation

WHY YOU NEED IT: • Important for patients with difficulty having regular, daily bowel movements • Great for patients who want reliable, natural support for healthy bowels

HOW IT HELPS: Aloe Vera has long been recognized for its importance in traditional . Many of aloe’s enhancing benefits come from the soothing gel that can easily be expressed from the cut edges of a fresh aloe leaf.

Also important is the latex membrane that holds the gel inside the aloe leaf. This natural membrane has long been prescribed as an herbal because it both stimulates the intestines and encourages more water to enter the intestines.

AloeLax is a natural, concentrated herbal capsule. Most patients expect to pass a stool within ten hours of taking AloeLax.

Usual dosage: Take one to two capsules of AloeLax once or twice daily as needed. Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 31 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Liquid Band Aid

Nourish, protect and sooth intestinal lining Soothing blend of vitamins and herbs Treats gut irritations Helps prevent IBS, ulcers and chronic abdominal pain

Your intestinal is lined with a delicate, velvety surface. This lining can become scratched, bloodied and irritated by common problems such as food poisoning, too much stomach acid, intestinal yeast and bacterial overgrowth, some medications (like aspirin, non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, etc), certain foods and drinks (such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks, sodas, citrus products, pineapple, tomatoes, spicy foods), and stress. Untreated gut irritations can lead to conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, and acute or chronic abdominal pain. When your gut cannot heal itself, nutritional support can provide necessary herbal support so you can be fast on the road to recovery. Tummy Tamer is a... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 32 The Center for Integrative Medicine


SACCHOMYCES 3.0 A Balancing Act Important for patients with gas and bloating

Great for patients with “traveler’s diarrhea”

Can be used concurrently during prescription antibiotic treatment

Targets patients with colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and auto immune conditions

If you are familiar with the concept of releasing Preying mantis into a garden infested with aphids, you will understand the recommendation of taking the supplement Saccharomyces, a beneficial yeast that kills the gas-causing yeast, Candida.

By using Candida’s natural enemy Saccharomyces, you can support a healthy gut biome without any harsh prescription medications.

A healthy gut is one with a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria, and a healthy gut is a necessary part of being a healthy person.

Three days after doing its job, Saccharomyces exits your gut with nary a trace.

Sacchomyces is on my daily supplement regimen, and should be... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 33 The Center for Integrative Medicine


Boost Digestive Power

Reduces intestinal gas

In order to reduce intestinal gas, you will also need to maximally support your digestion which slowly weakens over time. To boost your digestive power and reduce the amount of undigested food that will feed the gut bacteria that make gas, I recommend using Optigest by MyBestHealth, one to two capsules with each meal. Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 34 The Center for Integrative Medicine


NITROBANG Blastoff to Better Health  Supports patients wanting to reduce vascular complications of diabetes

 Great for patients looking to improve lung function

 Targets patients looking to boost blood vessel circulation

 Important for patients wanting to improve mood, mind and memory

 Good for men needing a natural ED solution

NitroBang is formula that is clinically proven to boost blood levels of Nitric Oxide. Nobel-Prize winning research has recently demonstrated the importance of Nitric Oxide in maximizing male erections (like a natural Viagra), improving heart and blood vessel circulation, brain oxygen delivery and improving athletic performance and muscle tone.

The ingredients in NitroBang also support patients looking for a natural path to improved mood, mind, and memory.

Nitric Oxide helps inflamed and damaged intestinal tissue to heal in diseases such as gastritis, colitis,... Read More Price:

CONFIDENTIAL Dr Michael Hirt Page: 35 The Center for Integrative Medicine



WHAT IT ITS: • Specially chelated magnesium for maximum effectiveness

WHY YOU NEED IT: Magnesium helps patients with:

• Fatigue • Fibromyalgia • Muscle spasm • Mood disorders • Insomnia • Asthma • Heart disease • Palpitations • High Blood Pressure • Diabetes • Headaches • Kidney stones • PMS • Pregnancy • Restless Legs • Constipation • Osteoporosis • Substance withdrawl

HOW IT HELPS: It surprises most people that magnesium is more abundant than calcium in the body. Magnesium is essential for life and is involved in over 300 enzyme systems.

Despite the critical importance of magnesium, the diet of most Americans is deficient in magnesium. Magnesium rich foods include whole grains, nuts, legumes, dark green vegetables, fish, and meats. There are also a number of prescription medications that deplete the body of magnesium and these drugs... Read More CONFIDENTIALPrice: