CUMILA - Worksheet // Arbeitsblatt // Hoja de trabajo Module 3 – Information Gathering & Opinion Formation Chapter 1.1 – Finding Information On The Internet Lesson 2 – Search Engines Overview

List of search engines

Note: The following list is not exhaustive. It is intended to illustrate that there are other search engines besides Google and Bing which are quite justified.

The top dogs

It is certainly not surprising that search engines are among the most visited websites in the world. Here are the 5 websites with the most hits worldwide in descending order:

Google - Absolute market leader among the search engines and with more than three billion searches the most visited website in the world. But Google is also criticized as a data collector. Likewise, the personalization of the search results carried out by Google is not only positive.

Yahoo has been one of the big players since the 1990s. Yahoo is not a pure , but rather an information portal, which offers further services such as e-mail. For the search engine part of the portal Yahoo uses the offer of Bing.

Bing is the search engine of Microsoft. It offers basically the same functions as Google, but differs from Google in some small details. If you work with Microsoft Office 365, you can even search for documents on your own sharepoint server directly via Bing.

Baidu is a Chinese company. The search engine is market leader in China. works together with Bing to provide the English language search results.

Yandex is one of the largest Internet companies in Europe. The Russian-Dutch company offers Internet services and operates the search engine of the same name. This is the market leader in Russia.

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CUMILA - Worksheet // Arbeitsblatt // Hoja de trabajo Module 3 – Information Gathering & Opinion Formation Chapter 1.1 – Finding Information On The Internet Lesson 2 – Search Engines Overview

Other search engines

Duckduckgo is committed to privacy and does not store any personal data. In addition, the search results filter out pages that contain a lot of advertising. By its own account, DuckDuckGo uses over 400 individual sources for its search results, including Wikipedia, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex. In addition to search, Duchduckgo now also offers a browser plug-in that also blocks website trackers and offers website encryption.

Startpage - The Dutch provider Startpage forwards search queries anonymously to Google and then displays the results. In contrast to Google itself, Startpage does not record the IP addresses of users and does not store any cookies for identification purposes. Startpage finances itself through non-personalised advertising.

Ecosia- GmbH, headquartered in Berlin, donates 80 percent of its surplus income to non-profit nature conservation organizations. Ecosia advertises by planting trees from its income. Ecosia uses the search engine Bing for both search results and ads.

Gexsi - The name stands for Global Exchange for Social Investment. Gexsi anonymously forwards search queries to Bing and places non-personalized ads on its own site. The advertising revenue is invested in social projects.

Note: However, Ecosia and Gexsi only make the money for the good cause if users click on the ads - because only then do the two services generate advertising revenue. The mere use of the services is therefore not enough.

Qwant not only covers classic search results, but also provides search results from social networks. The French company advertises with strict data protection regulations. is financed by advertising revenue.

Swisscows has its servers in Switzerland and does not store any user data. In addition, Swisscows uses a semantic search, in which additional terms are displayed in the right-hand column for a search term, which can be used to refine the search.

MetaGer is a German speaking meta search engine. It does not search itself, but forwards the search query to up to 30 other search engines and collects their results and answers again. No personal data is stored and the IP addresses are also made anonymous.

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CUMILA - Worksheet // Arbeitsblatt // Hoja de trabajo Module 3 – Information Gathering & Opinion Formation Chapter 1.1 – Finding Information On The Internet Lesson 2 – Search Engines Overview

Search engine for children (in Germany)

Blinde Kuh was the first German language search engine for children. It is operated by the non-profit association Blinde Kuh e. V. and has already received several awards. The target group is 8 to 12-year-olds.

FragFINN offers a protected space, especially for children from 6 to 12 years of age. The approximately 5,000 online offerings have been editorially reviewed and "offer children the opportunity to discover the Internet in a safe surfing space, to gain positive first online experiences and to acquire important skills while playing, learning, communicating and getting creative online.“

Helles Köpfchen also relies on high-quality educational and journalistic content, which is researched and compiled by an editorial team. According to her own information, the site is very popular with 8-16 year old girls and boys.

CUMILA - // EN - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. // DE - Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz. // ES - Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.