56 THE CALL, SUNDAY, JULY 13, ,1913. Attractions of the Summer Resorts Continue to Lure City Dwellers to Beach and Mountain Places A. Birth. Mr. and Edgar Mrs. E. Mr.;and Mrs. W. S. Hoap. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tryon, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. B. Moore and wife, Mr. » and Mrs. 11. Mrs.» Frank 7 Caldwell and sons, Los An«e- ; Mathcwe*. J.* H.,: and family. '? A. Coulter, James "Jacksou, H. Wood, Chase. rirnancock, Mrs." Bettencourt, Continued From Fage 55 Bar : and. <'urrutherH, .family.'Newbauer and wire. .E. Bradley 7Sargent; E Karstens Mr. and Mrs 7R. E. Loeltner. Mrs. T Mr.-and Roster. Miss Amelia .Quljaaa, Mr. 7 Charles i les; Mrs. Olive Boise, bin.: Mr.J Pelxotto and J ?W. Plant Jr., J. A. McCormick, W. H. G* Mungel. Mr. and Mrs. F., Mr- B. Lock wood. Miss. G. Ennis. Walter Tan- *\u25a0."?-\u25a0 ..-\u25a0-'-.- \u25a07," and Mrs. G. J. : Odtrles, Meid/ortt, Ore:;* w. G. Goertz, and wife, William Chatham and> family, Underhill,7 Mr. and Mrs. W. *H. Sullivan. Mr.* Mr > and Mis. H.A.. and < Frankel. Mr. and K. T. Curtiss, Reed A. Lamar, Miller. \u25a0 * EvMenulngs *-' I>angor. Mr. and Mrs. R. ; Matthias. Mr. baua, Irving Gelker. Herman Hamilton, Albert Shiblay. Alameda?Mr. and Mrs. Krusi. Le Roy Dolan.. Cloquet. < Minn.; Mr. and 7 Mrs. iR. H. and family. Dr.* T. E. Shumate and and Mrs. C. Floodbeiß. Mrs. C.7 Lan-en, Mr.* S. H. Tol- Mrs. Louis 'Levy C T. Sparks. Mrs. P. H. Mr. and Mrs. Child. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dockweller, .1. Krusi Miss Maryly Krusi, Miss iTiseilla Krusi, Ellsworth, : Mrs W. 7T. English,'\u25a0"? Loa family. .-'-7. ."--. .-.-*>;>" and*. Mrs. J. K. Henderson,"- riialmer :Munday,*- Mrs. Emll ,Sbahen, and..and Mrs. W. W. Hicks M. ' Mrs.' Sparks. William Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo ; Aiofele*; Mrs. ? ?? 7 John, and Mr. hurst, Mr.7 and Louis > Wagnery Mr. and L. T. Mr." O'Donnell. Mr. Arthur Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. 17 C. Mills, 7 Mr.- and Honey l'e!dl:UK»n. Sac- Oakland -Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mr. -and: Mrs. E. H. 7 Williams.'"7 Herbert B. Wilkinson. .*;Mr.M \.Mrs. A. Harrington, Mist Springer, Christopher Lorden, Karl Larkina. Xl Paso; Mrs. family, Thomas, Evangelist Mrs D W Wicks,- Mr. and R.H. Werniger. and B. I*. Soul*, ramento: Mr. and Mrs.-.Tom* I-Tlnn,'\u25a0?; H. D.'Gaskill,*Martin Lemcko and' Martin . J. Keating, Miss M. A. places?W. Honolulu; C. Mr. and Mrs. John ale, Miss Dorothy C. E. 7Beard, L. B. Kro- nazel Harrington, 7A. L. ?\u25a0\u25a0Bartan,., Mrs. Other B. Thomas, -Phelps. Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. >' Freeman, Olivia, 7 Minn.; W. 11. Crowell and wife,'" Burt Binder. A. Costello. iMrs. Gus Costello. Mrs. A. J. Costello, Edward Aenaelstein. Mra. r. Mr.G. E.. * * (5. Eichenbofer. irltz Coople, .Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. and w. M. O'Connor and wife. Ross; Miss Gertrude ,. Pinole; Shafran family. 7 Jeffresa, 7 -\u25a0 vaser S A. Burrowers,* C. Ross; Oak -----Mrs F. H. Gray, Miss Barbara Mrs. B. ; 1.7 Friedman.' Los and wife,* S. Qnlttmau and F. Robert: E. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J Hulbec.i. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Unman Dr. Ross; Miss Mary O'Connor. son,' Angeles; 11. W. Frlealeben, Richmond, Cal; 7G. R. Whurden and and Mrs. J. F. Cobb, William L. McGnire and Miss Wllma Helnl'nger. Ernie Holt/. Charles F. : Alfred L. O'Connor. A. Ross, Gray, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coxhead and -> wife. Mr chauffeur. Reltz Ar- ami Mrs. J, E. Young. G, A. lleuer. N. Tuck- Richard O'Connor Jr., Ross, .T. Pollard. Caaad, A. Garrison. Philadelphia; Miss Jeanette7 Gar- Charles Cobb.7* Murphy 7 Cobb,' Richard Cobb, 7F. McGulre,* Mr. and Mrs. 7 a 'Mr.-'r Otto; .Aferbach. Fred Matter. August. m Mangels, Cordelia; Mrs. Clans Mr. and Mrs. ,S. G. Cased, ? Miss Gall ' : Fred H. Draper, Howard Rath,, M. Rockledge, er. E. Amann, Mrs. B. T. CbrissmamMrs. 8. Mr. and Mrs. L. * Chambers, Mr. rison,- Sacramento; Mrs. B. I", tiny. Baerameato; S. Glass :and family, Mrs. A. S. Small and and A. W. Marlon. J. Muling, Kuhear, thur 'Reltz.' .G. Twiggs. Mr. M. Mr. and Mrs. "J. v. and Mrs. :Mrs. 11. - Wllklnron. - \u25a0*-'?'? "- Straut, Dr. W. ANTwiggs. -E.M. Mangels, Cordelia; W. C. Reid, Madera J. Ors Z. -Gostlck, 7 Sacramento;'-. Mr. and "Mrs.* family. H. E. Jack- Heyman Sovert.,l Miss - Walter Roller, Frank. H. \ ami ' " Sager. and wife. M. L. Love. Miss Jeffee, W. -J. Weatley, R Colt two children. I. Love. Brovaser. Mrs. Charles J. Fen- an.l Mrs." Paul Blum. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hammonds. Westley, \u25a0 Hammonds. Palo Alto?Mr. and Mrs. W. Weeks. Miss A. 11. Gould, Seattle; L. N. Gregory, Dlanba; and wife,7 Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitehead, J. A. 7 Oakland?Mrs. M. Swart, Glenn" West, Mrs D. L. Seabolt, Jarlala, Mr. and .Mrs. W. 11. Washington. Stockton: P. Maurice Mc- - Angeles; Ruby - Mrs. Blnga?. Mrs. L.E. Ford, Dr. Gertrude Helen Brlmakell, Mabel de? Calistoga; Alice Weeks, Miss Margaret Weeks. Master P. -B. Hammond, i- Loa I. K. Hancock, Hammersraldt and -. wife,*\u25a0 Miss Forderner,* Martha Clark,* P. J. Howard,- Mr. and Mrs. .F. C. ?Douglas, i;. Haas. Carl Buttgeu- Mahon. Honolulu; William Spiers, L. Riverside, Oil.; Mr. and , Mrs. Louts ;, Harris, George Ilaminorsmidr, S. A. Spain and wife, J. A. Stolp, Miss Carmen: Ernest :C. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. W. Wheeler. 7 , Stolp, 11. R. Cooper. Dr. M K. Gam F. H. Boggs. Lakeport; Mr. and Weeks. Hopperud Margaret Adams, Gertrude Elkeles. Pan- bach, S. G. HoWen. 11. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Tletzen, J. Modesto; Miss Jacob!, Los Angeles; Dr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Kenneth Martin, A. ,» H. Leonore Leopold; Mr. and Mrs.. L. Terkelson. N. ' Miss Seeley, \\ Dr., J. Pierce, Mrs. Hazel lain- Gambctz, Mrs. BE. Mrs. n. C. Boggs Lakeport: 11. G. Tietzen, Misses and Tietzen, IL Kdwln Janus," lx Genevieve Mahony, Mr. and Mrs. David Cronln, M. Wheeler.:, Santa Cruz; Frank Dreyer, Gon- Mr.; Leo H. Stoddard, Tona- Beach, Carleton 1,. Mr. and Mrs. Flans Zemansky,- Mr. C. Barnes. Mr. and 7 :' Coffin, John ramento: and Mrs. Sacramento? L. Tierce. Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Peltou. de Barillas, Miss do Barillas. Miss Anita and Mrs. A. Frederick Johnson, Mrs. shue. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Wagner, Miss Mary Miss M. White, B. F. Jacobs. 7 W. Kelly. W. Nlson. P. L. Mary E. Allen, Pomona; E. May Allis, Pasa- Colman Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Greene, Wagner, Master William J. Wagner Jr., Mr. A. Clark and Miss Isabel Clark. Bert Whitaker. Mr. and Mr«. Alpha Ford, Nor- Alameda?H. P. Schneider. Mrs. H. Schneider. Ryan. S. Scbubel, Dr. Lee Seward, Y. Shlota, dena; Miss Ayer, winters; Nellie T. Arm- p. Atherton, Henry Schneider Jr., Margaret Schneider, Helen R. L. Stephenson Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Black, P. Wagner. Miss F. V. Bufford, Mrs. W. Cal.?Willard Classen. man Ford, Geoffrey Ford. James Hunter, Nor- W. G. Smith. S. H. Stickler, Dr. G. Y. Van- strong. Sacramento; Miss Wanda Baker. Wint- Miss G. A. Springer. 7 Smith, Miss Muriel Smith, Miss Hazel Carpenterla?C. B. Franklin and family..7: Misses Hunter. Miss S. Winter, Mrs. M. Fay, Schneider. Mrs. M. E. Bain, Miss J. Bain, Miss dever. .F. M. Wakefield. Charles and James ers; Miss M. Brock, Winters; Miss Marjorie Mrs. J. C. Whelan, Koster. Marin county Mrs. Bagley and daughter. 7.7 Evelyn Bain. .7 * (Chau) > Other places?Thomas Warton, Pasadena: Mlsi Miss Mabel Koster, Mrs. George Prefontalne, F. R. Koenlg. Wonbey, Henry Warnken, Y. Yamanaka. Brock, Winters; Miss Gladys Ballard. San Berwawee; Harry and Mr. Prefontalne, Napa?Dr. Robertson. Mrs. J. Stoll. J. Stoll. Mrs. Irene Beesey.. Mrs.'; E. W. Champnevi ("luff. Ellen Weber. Frank Miss Jean Miss M. Grahan, Mrs. SHASTA SPRINGS, SHASTA COUNTY NAPA SPRINGS, NAPA COUNTY Agnes Diego; Mrs. Geraldlne M. Reno; Miss and J. Triska. Reno; Edgar Sprogelberg, Joseph Miss Mary- SODA r Miss Grace Kermode, Miss Kermode. Miss Mrs. Franz Colllschown, Mrs. W. Crist. Mrs. F. Dog- Mrs. G. Mary T. Estes. Mrs. Zillanl. San Francisco?Mr., and Mrs. N. Blssinger, San Francisco HodSdoo, Lena Miss Henrietta White, Loa An- M. Cooney. Stockton;' Miss Holllster; jT. E. Oberdorfer, Salt. Lake; R. M. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. , 7 Cullen, Mrs-. A. Mrs. Al Gun- nnn Zlllani, Miss Margaret Kelly Miss Helen White. Janet Farrell. win, Nev.; Katie Cronln. Sacramento: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Well, --\u25a0*-.' --\u25a0 Reno. Beede. Charles Entman, L. W. Beede and G. R. Ross. Miss Agues Kelly. Miss Elizabeth Horn, Forbes. J. Robert J. Heyman, J. H. Spencer and geles. \u25a0:.'\u25a0?\u25a0: marson, Mrs. A. B. C. Kalkhorst, Mrs. George Ida Davidson. San Diego; Miss Flnnell, Chico; Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Harris, Dr. and wife, Roy W. Ambrnst'er, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vallejo?J. .M. Dickey, Mrs. F. M. Dickey. E. Marshall. Antloch: R. M. Jones and John Sell- Liebold, Fiagg, Gleason, Miss Nellie Martin, Miss Annie Fogarty. Mrs. W. Mrs. L. W. Zeile. Enid L. Wan Jose:' Miss A. M. Strom, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Crawford, Louis Orledo. Mr. Cullen, Mrs. S. L. Meininger." Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Meyer. Shlnk, Pearl H. Wolf. Miss a. llappersberger. Francis Dickey. Alice May Dickey. F. E. Dickey. Miss Bennett, Miss Bunker, Miss Alice But- New Sacramento; Tonopah: A. G. Oriedo. T. A. Dickey. Dickey. York city: Miss J. E. Jasper, Mr. W. M. and two chil- Mrs. P. Rodden, Miss Anna Rodden, Miss May Mr. and Mrs. F. Rolandl, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Pickett, Herman Hohn and Mrs. F. E. Helen ler. Phlllls Colllschown. Miss K. Fr.rrell. Edith Miss Kekele, Kealoha," Honolulu; Miss A. It. and Mrs. Richardson Tyson. Mr. and Mrs G. M. Withers, Mrs. E. IX wife, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dlos, Miss A. Hunt- Grant. Ethel Miss Alma S. dren. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gibbons and thret Rodden. PARAISO SPRINGS, MONTEREY COUNTY Groom. 11. Hecht. Killion. Stockton; Miss Umme, Winters; Anne Children. Santa and G. N. Ir- Oakland?Mr. John Forrest, Mr. Ed L. Fallon. Donovan. Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. Maurice Lieb- ington. Mrs. G. C. Sllleman, Mrs. S. Mayrnder. Kennedy, Miss K. McGregor. Miss Flora Levy, Matter, Fresno; Thca Matter, Fresno; Eunice Rosa : Mr. Mrs. . mann,. Henry J. Meyer. Sun Francisco--Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hylajid, vine. Cloverdaie: Dr. W. E. Nichols. Pasadena; San Rafael?Miss Hogan, Miss Helen Healy, Mrs. Sahlein. Miss Helen Bls- Miss J. McAleer. J. Lllienthaul, Emile Catherine Oliver, Miss E. L. Sargent, Miss Mary McLaughlin, Sacramento,; Miss Maddock, singer. Miss Cecilia Donovan, Miss Lucy Frey, Levey. W. W. Thompson and wife, G. D. Ed- Mrs. A. T. Baclgalupl. Mrs. Chleazola, Mrs. Torney. G. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. "Wilson. Alameda: H. L. Miss Lietz. Otto Lictx, alls* Alice Manney, Miss fCanale, Mrs. 7M. Rellly, Miss Angela Mellly, Duarte; Misses H. and M. Maddock. Duarte; R. L. Burlingame; Irene Manney. Miss Velraa Harris. Miss Dorothy Harris. Miss wards, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Austin. F. S. Hurst Oakland, Berkeley and vicinity?L. F. Alder Mason, Tonopah: San Meade. Berkeley: Mrs. Stone. Sylvia Harris, Miss Marlon Subjoin. Miss Eva and William S. S. Cos- Edwin Booth. W. W. Canfleld. O. Clarson. Mr. Mis-- Ada Anna Patrick. R. Wilcox, Red Bluff; Miss M. Roberts, Seattle; Menlo Park?Rev. J. B. Hannlgan. Miss May wife. Canters. Miss and wife. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coates,Mr. and Diego; Florence L. Powell, Summit!, N. J.; Jr., New York; Bannlgnn. Mi« Sahlein, Miss Rose Sahlein. Miss Anita Stern, tentz. Mrs. H. Alrpel and daughter. Miss Ellse and Mrs. J. Lejiormahd, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rosen- Mrs. E. W. Davis, Dr and Mrs. Robert Dunn, 11. P. Talcott and Martin Judge Cecilia Carleton. 1 7 W. Hazel Pritchard. Sacramento; Irene Pritchard, E. Chamberlain, ? Arthur Bachman Jr.. Paul Bissinger, H. R. "Young. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young, I. Lovine and thal. J. L. Thomas. A. M.; Mrs. L. Grau- E. Evans, E. B. Chamberlain and Mr*. San Jose Miss M. Lucy Heney, Miss Kathryn Mrs.: Hilda Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sacramento: Miss Ruth Pyle. Reno. NeV.; Miss Newark Miller, Byrne. Blair. H. Blair. Henley Booth. A. F. Bridge, wife, Sol Getz. and wife. Miss 1.. McCormick, chlld. Rice, Mr. and A. Kut- Hall, Mr. and Mrs. F. W Honlts. Mr. and and Reinhart, Summerville. Nev.; San Antonio: Mr. and Mrs. T. wife, ner, P., Laconl, Bradley, Edna Helen C. J. Crany, Visa Ha?Mrs. J. M Nelson. P. Clay. Wlnfield Dorn, S. G. Flelsham, O. J. Baxter and J. M. Jacobi and wife, M. Mr. Mrs. Kutner Mrs. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Merrill and Miss Goldn Belly. Reno, Nev.: Miss Reid, Berkeley; C. H. Pulse. 11. W. Pulse. Sacramento?Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Brooke Maurice S. Greenberg, Edward Holcomb, Max I. W. Snyder. IL J». Brown. Dr. and Mrs. Me- and nurse. Miss Kutner, Earl Foote, Frank three children. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reid; Mr. Chico: Miss Mabel Sarcombe. Reno. Nev.; C. .B. Stebbins and Fred Candle. Richmond; F. *i Koshland, Walter Levlsoa, Herman Lubkert, quadd. Ed Bendhlem and wife. Joseph Ott, Dieher, Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Spencer, Mr. and Orange, J.; A. Beebe. Vallejo: R. J. Anderson and G. C. and son. ,77 A.7 and Mrs. Victor Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Francis Thompson, South N. Miss Reno; Goetz, Julius Marx, N. H. Nenatadter, L. O. Sampter, Krome, J. Jackens and family. Rosen- Mrs. G. IT. Umbsen. -Mrs. C. J. Klndler. Dr." Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Suhr, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Miss R. Wood, Gold King, J. B. Proctor and 11. Ik EL PAJARO SPRINGS. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY J, Willie Harvey. West Gate; M. Gait; . S. J. Schwabacher, C. A. Weymouth. 7 thal Jr.. Mrs. Heyman, William V. Jacoks, and Mrs. W. L Pond. Joseph Haslam, R. C. Warner. ..ev.; May Oregon. Santa Monica: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Willis. . Miss Zork. San Francisco ?J. E. Llndstrom. F. A. Voor- Oakland. Berkeley and Alameda ? George Bingley and wife, N., Myers, Mr. and Mrs. -, W. J. Olson, Mrs. - Hill. S. 1.. Boston; Mr. and Mrs. O.H. White- L. R. Mr. and Mrs. R. AX. C. E. T. Adams, Edward Dorst, Dr. - Hecbt. M. R. TALLAC bees. Lillian Jordan. Lloyd Nolan. Estelle Friend. Warren Harrold, A. C. Bravton. C. C. Ambruster, Mr. and Mrs. Smith O'Brien, J. D. S. Hopper, H. R. Cooper, L. Heineberg, F. Gambits. 7 Dr. L R. Gambits. .H. Ilardman, head and two boys, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Nolan. Clair Nolan, Mr. and Sirs. J. C. Nolan, Clay, Mrs. Dean, J. K. Hamilton, 11. E. Hol- A. Beogles, Bernlece Tlmrman, I. Katz. Mr. Helneberg. J. P., Shcehan, Master Sheehan, A. W. C. Homer, S. Merrill, Dr. ;W. F. Millhowe, San Francisco ? R. Heyneman and child, IJ. A. Pickett, Portland. Ore. : A. W. Morgen- Mrs. John Wightman. Mr. 3. F. Williams Mr. combe. E. N. Moor, C. K. Okell. Mrs. Stephe- and Mrs. A. .M. Macdonald, R. :J. Huntington Conkler, Mrs. E. Cashamn, Genevieve Cashamn, H. Muller,, M. L. Requa, Sumner Suhr, Dr. W. Herbert Levy and chauffeur, Mrs. Herbert Levy, | stern. H. B. Dingensmuth. S. R. Downing and C. M. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ruff, Mr. son. Mrs. Swayne. Miss Dorothea Friend, Miss and wife. J. Fries and Jr., Mrs. L. M. Elliott, Madeline Cashamn, Jennie iOrothers. Pearl Cro- E. Thompson. Miss Alice Levy, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gump with F. Clarke, West Sacramento: M. K. Eisner, and Mrs. 8. v. Mooney, Karl T. Mooney and Kathryn Bou*field. Miss Elsie Holcombe. Miss Mis- M.,McAleer, Mr. and Mrs. ii. Jacobs, .Ben thers. A. Crocker. Mrs. A. D. Sharon, -Miss Mrs I*. W. Blasall, Mrs. M. H. Durst. Mrs. three children and maid, Louis S. Haas, A. .1. Rochester, N. V.; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Arndt, maid. Frank Watts, Mrs. James Mr. Kelly, Miss Marguerite Roberts, Miss I. Wilson, A. Crahm, Sam Crahm, L. Brunswick and Mayme Williamson, 7 Charles;\u25a0 F. Kane, Humphreys. MeKee, and chauffeur. Mr. and Mrs. S. i*. Hanet and Stanley Arndt, Stockton; R. V. Etch I McCone. C.> Sharon. I. M." Mrs. S. B. Mrs. J. Brandenstein J. F. itzpatrlck. Mr. and Mrs. John B. R. A. Barnett, J. "Breunan, G. Friend. T. jC. wife. Mrs. Edward and daughter. W. H. Crooks 11. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Gelmann, Mrs. Pierce. Mm. V. II Boss 1 and son t Mrs. E. G. Breyer. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Graf, Milton Salz, ellwrger. Reno; Mrs. P. B. Prefumo, San Lula Sheehy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Kelly. Harold Huxley Jr., A. MacDonald. and wife, Mrs. G. D. Smith. E. P. Spangler and L. Sutlch, Miss Sutlch, Ben Sherman, Master Roberts, Mrs. Slas, Mra. J. C. Whelan. Edward Frowenfeld, James H. Schwabacher. Mr. Obispo; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. BuUlne and Mr. and Kelly. ,lan*.e« D, Rodney and wife and two Other places?Dr. 11. O. Anderson, i.« Ange- wife. J. M. Piatt. Miss V. B. Hlrahfield, Mr. Sherman, Miss Sherman, Mrs. Sherman, 7A. E. Alice Conlgan. Miss Doris Durst, Miss Audrey and Mrs. M. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. J. ilirscb. Mrs. C. R. Melander. Salinas: Albert E. Cohen daughters, P. J. Dolph, Mr. and Mrs. Ira les; M. D. Berg, Sallna, Kan.: P. Bcrger, Mr-. Wis.-. Miss Edna Young, Mr. Rodrtck, Mr. and Mrs. Van lerland, Jack - Rhodes, (Jeneve Sidney Fisher, Leon Baumgarten, and Leslie Murray, Stockton; W. J. Clark, Reno; E. and Clark Ahem, Durst, Miss M. Frazer, Miss E. B. Fisher, Bsehman and son, Mr. A. Fal>er, Mr. CaL; Mrs. 0. Bowen, Angeles; 1.. Percy Hughes. - Rookledge, and Mrs. Ontario. C. Los and Mrs. S. Hudson, Miss Helen Lelber, Gas Jack Shea. C. M. Castrueeio. Mr. Helene Huhr. Miss Margaret Warner. ; Ti-even Corry, M. Corry, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. M. D. Holtvllle: Charles H. Ooe, and Mrs. Oscar Morgan. Mr. ; and Mrs H. Miss Bowen. Los Angeles; David Brandt Los 11. Rarlke, Roger and son, W. 11. Dean and Mrs. P. A. Bergerot. Edmond Bergerot. Albee wife, Fairer, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ade, Mrs. L. Ray- Miss Coo. Mrs. J. O. Hickman, Mlsa Hickman Carrol wife, Los ?Morris and Mr. Bromley. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosentttil. William Angeles: Jane Brenner-nan. Bedlaad Cal.; Mr. and wife. E. F.T.iiMoffett 7 and ; J. A: Luelle Bergerot, Eugene Jehly, Mrs. P. Dupuy, and Mrs. 11. M Brooks. 7 Mr. and \u25a0 Mrs. F. S. mond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss B. Coe, Hanford.


.\u25a0 -\u25a0 mi mi. .1 ii. ,i ,i \u25a0\u2666 i \u25a0 ii , \u25a0 ii i i.i i I ii .1 ii ii \u25a0 +\u25a0 4 ;?. , ?? ?? ,'..\u25a0\u25a0...... -. ~ -. I?7-'1 ?7-' m OUT-OF-DOOR LIFE IN CALIFORNIA - '" I -CTgacwaaaawesoar \u25a0 i«w?>»'j»»««>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 »\u25a0«\u25a0 ? \u25a0\u25a0 l mmm3r*m*^m?ems2saa*sm>miosatmßsmtsaunimttHsm*tmtssssW' M&isBfi/iaMi'M> . . <*n? aaataMW _ <.\u25a0?? \u25a0 ?, . RUSSIAN 7 RIVER \u25a0" ''"\u25a0' -\u25a0\u25a0 '"'\u25a0\u25a0' ?s~f> YOSEMITE 7 .... .j __^ Ike " ' "' - .'.'..*" .'.. 1. !\u25a0-'-'..'.-7.'.-"l "* -'"'Lt tahoe" Ihe ' YOSEMITE VALLEY GLEN Emerald Bay A VACATION OROUND RITA Yosemite never its charm through, loses tha changing seasons. Its fascination lingers throogU the Summer months. Its walls and domes ara HU 1 ILL CAMP lust as Impressive. Its woodland and meadow*, its trails by-paths, alluring. 7 Beautifully situated. Moderately equipped tenta and are Just aa Its At Monte Rio, now open. booklet j mountain air and -quiet shades are Just as Illustrated on Boating, fishing, bathing, tramping. restful. rrjuest. WM. C. HEALEY. Monte Rio, Sonoma and cottages. YOSEMITE IS YOSEMITE New management. Address NELSON L. SALTER, county, or Peck-Judah. CS7 Market at. , THE YEAR AROUND. HINSDALE Prop., Emerald Bay P. 0.. Lake Tahoe, Cal., or It grows more popular each year. Thousand* When communicating with this resort, please Peck Judah Co.. 687 Market at.. San Francisco. visit it as a sightseeing trip. Other thouaande A Select mention The San Francisco CalL spend their vacations there and live for weeks grandeurs. \u25a0 ? .7 When communicating with this resort please amid its ' ' ' jmention The San Francisco Call.* \u25a0 7' Yosemite is the Place for Rest and Recreation. Summer Resort Dally outings to points of interest. Jolly times RIVERSIDE around the. evening campflrea. There are hotels "Located at Kidd Creek Station, on the and boarding camps for those who wish, and Northwestern Pacific. A place devoted private camping for those who prefer this way. Ask any Tlcke; Agent for Yo<<*mit« to absolute comfort of guests. TA Ontlnr the Com- LLAC Folder. - YOSEMITE RAILROAD COM- VALLEY ' PANY, Calif. modious camping grounds. Excellent RESORT ?? Merced.. LAKE TAHOE table. Ten minutes' ride to Russian Under new management; *4 mile from Ooerne- W> vllle. on river. Rates $9 to per \u25a0 f '\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0 When communicating with thia resort pleasa River. Rates $10 to $12 per Russian $12 Most scenic resort on Tahoe; .14 small lakes mention The San week. Chil- week. For particulars address EDNA B. open Francisco Call. dren under ten, half rates. DEXTER, Guerneville, Sonoma county. CaL near by; flee livery; automobile road now via Placerville; state road; much the shortest For Information address When communicating with this resort pleaaa Beach at Capitola, Santa Cruz County, Cal. and best route; auto stage now running between mention The San Francisco ,? Tallae and Placervllle' June fishing always beat. MRS. M. J. BEJJEMELIS, Prop. Call. LAWRENCE & COMSTOCK.7 Tallae, CaL V Camp Curry 1287 Howard at., San Francisco, until May 20. MARK - RATES WEST SPRINGS When communicating with resort, pleas* MONDAYS AND After that. Duncan this THURSDAYS Mills. Cal. Trains leave S. P.- twice telly for Santa Rosa,, mention The San Francisco Call. $35,000.00 where auto connects. Round trip $3.75, Includ- Improvements oomploted. When communicating with resort, please ing auto, excellent table, hot mineral Swimming Tank, Dancing this baths, all valley Pavilion. mention The San Francisco Call. kinds of sports, NO MOSQUITOES, tine auto The Is still at its best. roads. M. MULGREW. SANTA ROSA. CAL. NAPA Headquarters: 7. 77 Our "VALLEY Bldg. GLEN ALPINE SPRINGS 272 Moaadnock * Douglas 3852 Wrlien communicating 7with I Moscow Hotel this resort, please 6 mention The San Francisco Call. Lake Tahoe, California After P. M.. Franklin 1767 ON BEAUTIFUL RUSSIAN RIVER THE ST. HELENA Resort Vallejo White Forty Alpine lakes twelve mountain peaks When communicating with this resort; please With its luxuriant grounds and comfortable ac- SEQUOIA Summer Sulphur Springs and mention The San Francisco pavilion. Under new management. I Eight miles rom Refreshing baths; boating in tramping distance. Riding, boating, fishing, Call.- commodations, also fine dance Opens CAMPERS' Napa. *;Daily spring water; *dairy ? and swimming; fresh" May 17. Rates $16 week up. $2.75 per day up; THE PARADISE | mall; : ; fresh milk and poultry; amusements; telephone. Round campfire, dancing. Improved roads. | Special at- -ewood Park, on river? products; fine lakes; splendid table; new dancing trip. S. to to; parties. information at PECK- children half rate. For information see Peck* Russian Boating, ipavilion; per E*' Vallejo, $1. ? Free transportation tention anto . at., NEWTON, bathing, fishing, dancing; tents, cots and stoves i auto service. Rates $10 week. Man. uom 7 Vallejo to springs guests ji'DAH and 9. Information Bureaus or C. M. Judab. 687 Market or write V. S. agement , and CARL TROPP- to 7 stopping a P. manager, Duncan Mills P. 0.. Sonoma Co.. Cal. rented; lots for sale; Trite for circulars. SANITARIUM DR. TROPPMANN I week or more. Bine Rock Water bottled SCARBOROUGH, manager, Glen Alpine, Late MANN. phone Napa, at th* CHARLES A/ McLANE, proprietor and manager. P. O. box 120,7 U-'*-11, Cal. aprlnga. 7 M. MADRID. Prop.. Vallejo.* Cal. Tahoe, Cal. "\u25a0\u25a0- When communicating with this resort pleas* IATRUE HEALTH RESORT When resort pleas* mention The San Francisco Call. 7 When communicating with this resort, pleas* communicating with thia When communicating with thia resort, pleas* When"communicating with this resort, please mention The San Francisco Call. Located 65 miles north of San Francisco on an mention The San Francisco Call. mention The -San Francisco Call. mention The San Francisco Call. eminence overlooking the beautiful valleys below. 7 NORTHERN QL MONTE RIO An Institution equipped with all the great essen- II I Y'Q tial agencies for the restful, care of ' V ''..- 7 \u25a0 I homelike ! OW*U4Uf 1 O SONOMA CO. 'j tired. WILSON'S CATHEDRAL PARK resort on the side sod Visitors welcome.' *.s INN IN £L-^lakl . The well known summer nestled hillside New England ! AT I Hotel , For further Information address Peck-Judah j A delightful homo in the Elevation A. SPRINGS 7 homelike resort. fishing, ' among the Redwoods, overlooking Russian river. Co. mountains. New. Best and good 'Ideal place to spend your summer vacation at and for beautifully Illustrated booklet "C" address I.WJO ;feet. 12 ,miles from 7Napa.. Pure .;air ana SAME hunting, boating, camping,.. mountain climbing; to i \u25a0 MANAGEMENT. 7 '. GEO. SULLY begs announce that he Is still water, fruit, milk,\u25a0\u25a0, cream vegetables, phone. : KLAMATH- very reasonable rates. Call for illustrated booklet THE ST. SAXITAIUUM and dancing; bathing; -camp tires.7 Excellent the SOLE OWNER and PROPRIETOR, and that HELENA gas. $10 to $14 per Cal. Special; round trip*tickets'; by Monticello' Boat, ' table. at the 8. F. Call Information Bureau, or write Napa County. Sanitarium, California ! week.*. Address Atlas. Including IFor further .information 7adress 7 Carl Fluegge, lie conducts the resort on the same popular lines HARRISON, j auto to 'and from the Springs, $3.00; I which has made a success for the past six F. K. Camp Meeker, Cal. by S. V R. Co., $3.30. ? Prop,, Tallae P. 0., Lake Tahoe. Cal., or Peek- It "'-'? When communicating with this :resort, pleas* ; "??"'* For particulars see Judah Co., San Francisco and Los Angeles. HOT yeara. Illustrated booklet on application. When communicating with this resort pleas* mention The San Peck-Judah, or write to FIEGE A- i SPRINGS When communicating with resort, pie-ate mention The San.Francisco j Francisco Call. Napa iSoda Spring*.1 i HENNINGS. When communicating with thia resort, pleas* this | Call. Cal. Tho road:- from Napa EDSON Props. mention The San Francisco Call. are, in flue* , condition for autos. 7When communicating with this resort, please t BROS.. mention Che San Francisco Call. . mention the San F*-auclsco Call. report pleasure SOLID COMFORT RESORT * A for and health, also ideal foa HOTEL CALISTOGA ' hunting and fishing. Is in Siskiyou co EXCELLLENT COOKING Cal.. on highway situatedi "MONTE ROSA" 7 1A beautiful place spend your vacation. " to Klamath Falls and and ferns in per \u25a0 to Scenic Lake via Ager. Crat<*J Clustered among redwoods the PITCH MOUNTAIN $8 week and np. Table supplied with ow» dr. res n rommunlcatlnj* with -'this resort nleas* ( When eommunlcHtlng with this resort please When communicating with this resort, please communicating with Call. assntlon The Pan Francisco CalL mention The San Francisco Call. " , mention The San 7. When this resort,, pleaaa . * Francisco Call. 7 ? ' ? mention . the.- San Francisco 7 Call. * WEEKLY CALL, SI PER YEAR Fill I MDFOLOERSOF AT THF PA.! information bureau,! rUH. IWrUiim'HllUilINFftßMATitlll ABOVE RESORTS 111 Bill. bfLLL MAIN OFFICE, " "\u25a0'-?*\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 CALL\u25a0- ? *'-~.77 BLDG.77-77,.. ? ...-7.-.. j " .\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0.- ?'\u25a0 7 .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0--.-...\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.-'\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.;\u25a0.\u25a0..----- "* \u25a0.-.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0,.-...... ,...... \u25a0 .-\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0-.....,. !-t!SWy2~~~~~&l ? I '" \u25a0 ' -..-"...... 7. . .K.^OU±L..-*^- I /' "